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Christoph H. Schwarz – Universität Innsbruck

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Schwarz, M.A.

Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck
Institute for Psychosocial Intervention and Communication Research
Ágnes-Heller-haus, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck

Office 07G040, 7th floor


  • seit 2020: Forschung zu politischer Sozialisation, Mobilisierung und transnationaler Repression im Migrationskontext
  • 2019: Political Socialization Research and the ‘Arab Spring’: In Search for new Paradigms. Research Project as a Visiting Researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
  • 2014-2019: “The Moral Economy of Political Protest in Morocco and Spain. Biographical Patterns, Historical Narratives and Intergenerational Relationships in the Process of ‘Becoming an Activist’“. In the framework of the Research Network ReConfigurations at the CNMS at Marburg University, funded by the BMBF. Author of the ‘Generations’-Chapter in the network’s 2-year-extension-proposal.
  • 2008-2012: Adolescence in a Palestinian Refugee Camp in the West Bank. Funded by the Hans-Böckler-foundation.
Laufende internationale Kooperationen


Adolescence in a Palestinian Refugee Camp. Generational relations, spaces of possibility and the narrative of return. Wiesbaden, Berlin [et al.] 2014: Springer VS (Series Adolescence Research: On the Theory and Empiricism of Youth from a Transdisciplinary Perspective, 3). 488 pp.


Clientelism and Patronage in the Middle East and North Africa: Networks of Dependency. Co-editors: Laura Ruiz de Elvira, Irene Weipert-Fenner. London 2018: Routledge. Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Democratization and Government. 256 pages.

YOUTH. META (Middle East - Topics & Arguments, peer reviewed, open access). Vol. 9/2016. Co-editor: Anika Oettler.

Gewerkschaften im demokratischen Prozess: 10 internationale Beiträge / Trade Unions in the Democratic Process: 10 International Contributions. Co-editors: Wiebke Friedrich, Sebastian Voigt). Düsseldorf 2013: Edition der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Staat und Zivilgesellschaft Vol. 278.

Contributions to peer-reviewed academic journals

Hirak du Rif: marginalisation, memory, movement. In: Les Cahiers d'Études sur le Monde Arabe et la Mediterranée (34/2022). DOI: 10.4000/emam.4484.

Collective memory and intergenerational transmission in social movements: The “grandparents’ movement” iaioflautas, the indignados protests, and the Spanish transition. In Memory Studies 15 (1), 2022, pp. 102-119. DOI: 10.1177/1750698019856058.

Biographical Perspectives on Political Agency and Migration: The Struggle of Workers from the Maghreb against Institutional Discrimination in France’s National Railroad Company SNCF. In: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology. 8 (4), 2021, pp. 470-492, Co-authors: Elise Pape, Moustapha El-Hamdani. DOI: 10.1080/23254823.2021.1960877

Political Socialization and Intergenerational Transmission: Life Stories of Young Social Movement Activists in Morocco. In Journal of North African Studies 26 (1), 2021, pp. 206-230, DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2019.1665277

Political Temporalities of Youth. Editorial. Co-author: Anika Oettler In: META: Middle East - Topics & Arguments, Vol. 9, 2017., pp. 1-9. DOI: 10.17192/meta.2017.9.191

Intergenerational transmission of trajectory experiences. Researching the younger generations’ strategies of reinterpretation. Co-author: Sarra Chaieb. In: Journal of Qualitative Research (ZQF), Special Issue: "Socialization, family and gender in the context of migration", 15th, 1-2/2014, pp. 57-77. DOI: 10.3224/zqf.v14i1-2.21327.

Entangled in the research situation. The method of ethnoanalysis in adolescence research. In: Social Sense, vol. 11, issue 2/2010, pp. 289-318. DOI: 10.1515/sosi-2010-0208

Contributions to other scientific journals

La socialización política transmediterránea: el movimiento Hirak, la diáspora marroquí y Europa como imaginario político, In Quaderns de la Mediterrànea 28-29, 2019, pp. 260-268.

Morocco: The Rebellion of the Neglected. In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, June 2018, pp. 29-31.

German Refugee Policy in the Wake of the Syrian Refugee Crisis. In: Les Dossiers de l'IFEA, 2016, pp. 63-67.

The power to make men out of boys. Social psychological reflections on the recruitment propaganda of the "Islamic State". In: Mansfeld, Cornelia (2016): Flight Migration, Democracy. Working Papers from the Protestant University. No. 20, February 2016, pp. 7-22.

Youth, generational tension and masculinity in Islamic State propaganda. In: Free Association. The Unconscious in Organisations and Culture (18), 02/2015. pp. 127- 139.

Trauma and Asylum Law: The Moral Economy of Victim Status and Repressive Seclusion. In: Free Association. The Unconscious in Organisations and Culture (18), 01/2015, pp. 95-99.

The Ethnoanalysis of Adolescence and Institution in the Process of Modernisation. Advancement and exclusion among indigenous students in an Educación Maya boarding school in Guatemala. In: Free Association. The Unconscious in Organisations and Culture (13), 4/2010, pp. 51-78.

Traditionally against machismo? Adolescence, masculinity and modernisation in the context of the Guatemalan civil war. In: iz3w 313, July/August 2009, thematic focus "Gender Roles in War", pp. XIX-XXII

Contributions to anthologies

La PAH y la Cuestión de la Vivienda en las Transiciones a la Vida Adulta en España. In: Gabriele D'Adda, Montserrat Emperador Badimon, Ezequiel Ramón, Eduard Sala and Luis Sanmartín (eds.): La Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca. Una década de lucha por la vivienda digna 2009-2019. Manresa 2022: Bellaterra, 79-96.

The ḥirak of the Rif and the diaspora in Europe: entangled mental spaces. In: R. Ouaissa, F. Pannewick, Ch. Pardey, J. Dihstelhoff: Entanglements of the Maghreb. Cultural and Political Aspects of a Region in Motion. Bielefeld 2021: transcript. p. 81-100

Social Change and Generational Disparity: Education, Violence, and Precariousness in the Life Story of a Young Moroccan Activist. In: Yasmine Berriane, Annuska Derks, Aymon Kreil and Dorothea Lüddeckens (eds.): Methodological approaches to societies in transformation. How to make sense of change. Basingstoke 2021: Palgrave Macmillan (Anthropology, change and development), pp. 115-137.

The Role of Social Movements in the Re-Configuration of Youth Transition Regimes: The Biography of an Unemployed Graduates Activist in Morocco. In: Rachid Ouaissa, Friederike Pannewick and Alena Strohmaier (eds.): Re-Configurations. Contextualising Transformation Processes and Lasting Crises in the Middle East and North Africa. Wiesbaden 2021: Springer VS (Politics and Society of the Middle East), pp. 185-202.

The evaluation of migration policies through the life stories of migrants. The German-French project MIGREVAL. With Ursula Apitzsch, Lena Inowlocki, Janina Glaeser, Darja Klingenberg, Elise Pape. In Nicole Burzan (ed.): Complex Dynamics of Global and Local Developments. Proceedings of the 39th Congress of the German Sociological Association in Göttingen 2018.: DGS Göttingen 2019, pp. 1-11.

Networks of Dependency, a Research Perspective. With Laura Ruiz de Elvira and Irene Weipert-Fenner. In: Ruiz de Elvira, Schwarz, Weipert-Fenner (eds.): Clientelism and Patronage in the Middle East and North Africa. Networks of Dependency. London 2018: Routledge. pp. 1-16

Family and the Future. In: J. Gertel, R. Hexel (Ed.): Coping with Uncertainty: Youth in the Middle East and North Africa. London 2018: Saqi. pp. 115-132. Originally written in English, also available in German and Arabic translations:

Family and Future. In: J Gertel, R. Hexel (Ed.): Between uncertainty and confidence: youth in the Middle East and North Africa. Bonn 2017: Dietz, J H. pp. 141-159.

العائلة والمستقبل. في: يورغ جيرتل ورالف هيكسل (تحرير):مأزق الشباب في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. لندون2019 : الساقي. ص. 163-183

'Generation in Waiting' or 'Precarious Generation'? Conceptual Reflections on the Biographical Trajectories of Unemployed Graduates Activists in Morocco: In: Kelly, Peter; Pike, Jo (Ed.): Neo-Liberalism, Austerity and the Moral Economies of Young People's Health and Well-being. London 2017: Palgrave. pp. 313-332

Refugees from Syria as "Guests" in Germany: The Moral Economy of German Refugee Policy in the Dublin-III regime in 2014. In: Ribas-Matéos, Natalia (Ed.): Guests and Aliens: The Transformation of Mobilities post-2011 in the Eastern Mediterranean. Cheltenham 2016: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 105-123

Doing Generation and Performing the Mission. Adolescent Individuation and Intergenerational Transmission in a Refugee Camp in the West Bank. In: Böker, Kathrin; Zölch, Janina (eds.): Intergenerational Qualitative Research. Theoretical and methodological perspectives. Wiesbaden 2016: VS Springer. 173-192 We're Palestinians - we never back down. National Narratives and the Staging of Male Life Concepts in the Research Situation. In: Kerschgens, Anke; Günther, Marga (eds.): Research Situations. Reflexivity in research on intergenerational processes. Opladen 2016: Barbara Budrich Verlag. S. 151-173

UNRWA, the "right of return" and the transnational (re)construction of the Palestinian national narrative. In: Frey, Corinna; Lutz, Ronald: Social Work of the South Vol. 4: Flight and Refugee Camps. Oldenburg 2013: Paulo-Freire-Verlag. S. 147-178

"I have never seen my village, but one day we will return there". Adolescence and Political Socialisation in a Refugee Camp in the West Bank. In: Markus Brunner, Jan Lohl, Rolf Pohl, Marc Schwietring, Sebastian Winter (eds.): Political Psychology Today. Gießen 2012: Psychosozial-Verlag. S. 223-240

Ethnoanalysis and Ethnohermeneutics. Critical Social Research as Reflection of the Research Relationship. In: Freikamp, Ulrike; Leanza, Matthias; Mende, Janne; Müller, Stefan; Ullrich, Peter; Voß, Heinz-Jürgen (eds.): Kritik mit Methode. Research Methods and Social Criticism. Berlin 2008: Karl Dietz. Texts of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Vol. 42. pp. 147-169.


Review by Daniel Bertaux (2018): The Life Narrative. An ethnosociological approach to the analysis of social worlds, social situations and social processes. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers. In: BIOS. Journal of Biographical Research, Oral History and Life Course Analysis. Vol. 33 (1), 2020, pp. 147-151.

Rezension von Koenraad Bogaert: “Globalized Authoritarianism. Megaprojects, Slums, and Class Relations in Urban Morocco". In: META.Middle East - Topics & Arguments 12 (1) 2019, pp. 128-134.


  • Public Lecture: The Hirak Movement in the Rif and Moroccan Diaspora in Europe: Entangled Mental Spaces. Lecture at the MECAM (Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb), March 4, 2022, Tunis
  • Public Lecture: The Hirak Protests and the Diaspora: Political Socialization between Morocco, Europe, and the Rif Republic. MENA Forum at the School for International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University New York, November 12, 2019
  • Public Lecture: Becoming an Activist in Morocco: Political Socialization and Intergenerational Trans-mission in the Biographies of Young Protesters. Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 24, 2019
  • Plenary Round Table Contribution: Protests without Politics? Young People’s Perspectives on ‘the Political‘ in North Africa and West Asia (NAWA) since 2011. 30 Years since 1989: The Legacies of Post-Socialism. At ZOIS, the Centre for East European and International Studies. Berlin, June 14-15, 2019
  • Keynote Lecture: Clientelism and Patronage after the 2011 Uprisings. On Networks of Dependency (with Laura Ruiz de Elvira) at the Spring School “Patronage and Clientelism in the Muslim World” of the European Network for Islamic Studies, Granada, Spain, March 18-22, 2019
  • Panel Presentation: Juventud, género y transmisión intergeneracional: Socialización política de activistas feministas del M20F en Marruecos. Ponencia en el 4° Congreso FLACSO (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales), Salamanca, 7 de julio 2017
  • Panel Presentation: Dynamiques intergénérationnelles dans le mouvement 20 Février. Intervention dans le cadre du Deuxième Congrès du GIS Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans, INALCO, Paris, 7 Juillet 2017
  • Lecture Series Presentation: Processus de politisation chez les activistes du mouvement 20 Février à partir d’une perspective d’analyse biographique. Intervention dans le cadre du sémi-naire : Trajectoires du politique. Penser les processus de politisation, dépolitisation et ré-politisation dans les sociétés arabes en conflit. Aix-en-Provence, MMHS, 21 Mars 2017
  • Plenarvortrag: Jugend im Nahen Osten und in Nordafrika. Risiken der Adoleszenz und politischen Sozialisation in Marokko. Konferenz: Adoleszenz in einer Welt der Risiken (Joseph Sandler Psychoanalytic Research Conference), Frankfurt a.M., 3.-5. März 2017
  • Panel Presentation: Youth, Intergenerational Relations and Political Socialisation in Morocco: Pat-terns in the Biographies of Young Political Activists. Panel: The Contemporary Maghreb: Issues and Developments, organized by Nina Studer. African Studies Association UK (ASAUK) Conference, Cambridge, September 7-9, 2016
  • Öffentliche Vorlesung: Männlichkeit und intergenerationelle Beziehungen als Themen der Propa-ganda des ‚Islamischen Staates‘. Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe Flucht – Migration – Demokratie, Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt, 27. Oktober 2015
  • Public Lecture: ”Generations nursed on the Milk of Humiliation“. Masculinity and Generational Narratives in the Propaganda of the Islamic State. Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe „Masculinities“ des Cornelia-Goethe-Centrums für Frauenstudien und die Erforschung der Geschlechterverhältnisse (CGC), Frankfurt/Main, 8. Juli 2015


  • Panel Discussion (2 Sessions): Political Socialization in MENA Societies: when and where does “the Political” begin? Co-Organizer: Chiara Diana, Université Libre de Bruxelles. Insaniyyat. Insaniyyat. International Forum for Humanities and Social Sciences. September 20-24, 2022.
  • National Symposium: Refugees, Migrants, Citizens: Political Socialization across Borders. In cooperation with the European Union Center and the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. December 6, 2019; see also: Q&A on the symposium
  • Final Conference of the Research Network ReConfigurations: Reconfigurations and Connectivities of the MENA Region: Contextualizing Upheavals, Transformations, and Lasting Crises. Co-organizers: Andrea Fischer-Tahir, Igor Johannsen, Perrine Lachenal, Rachid Ouaissa, Friederike Pannewick, Steffen Wippel. Philipps-University Marburg, November 14-16, 2019
  • International Panel Discussion: Networks of Dependency: a new perspective on clientelism and patronage in the Middle East and North Africa. PA-095. WOCMES – World Conference of Middle Eastern Studies, Sevilla, Spain, July 16, 2018
  • International Workshop: Representations of Change: Time, Space, and Power in Qualitative Research on the MENA Region and Europe. Co-organizers: Yasmine Berriane, Aymon Kreil, Felix Lang. Philipps-Universität Marburg, February 22-24, 2018
  • International Panel Discussion: Spaces of Youth Political Engagement Six Years after the 2011 Uprisings. Co-organizer: Linda Herrera, Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Conference, Washington, November 18-21, 2017
  • Internal Theory Workshop: Generation as a Concept in Theory and Research. November 10, 2017. Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • International Workshop: Talking ‘bout my Generation: Concepts of Youth and Generation in Research on the MENA region, five years after 2011. Main organizer; co-organizers: Anne-Linda Amira Augustin, Anika Oettler, Helena Nassif, Perrine Lachenal. Marburg, November 30 – December 2, 2016.
  • International Summer Academy: Re-Configuring the (Non)-Political. Performing and Narrating Change and Continuity. Mitarbeit im Organisationskomitee und Wissenschaftlichen Komitee der Sommer-Akademie des Forschungsnetzwerks Re-Konfigurationen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Université Manouba (Tunis) und dem Forum Transregionale Studien / Europe in the Middle East. Tunis, August 28 – September 4, 2016
  • Workshop: Psycho- und Soziodynamik der Studienfachwahl. Co-organizer: Lutz Eichler. 3. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Psychoanalytische Sozialpsychologie, Frankfurt, 11. Dezember 2015
  • International Workshop: Networks of Dependency: Re-configurations of clientelism, patronage, and corruption in the Middle East and North Africa. Co-organizers: Mohamad Farzanegan, Laura Ruiz de Elvira, Irene Weipert-Fenner, Marburg, July 21-22, 2015
  • Konferenz: Generativität in der Krise – Krise der Generativität? 2. Jahreskonferenz der Gesellschaft für Psychoanalytische Sozialpsychologie. Co-organizers: Lutz Eichler, Christine Kirchhoff, Julia König, Tom Uhlig. Frankfurt a.M., 5.-6. Dezember 2014
  • Workshop: Gescheiterte Generativität? Adoleszenztheoretische Zugänge zum Phänomen ‚Islamischer Staat‘ (Interpretationsgruppe zu Propaganda-Videos des IS.). Workshop im Rahmen der 2. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Psychoanalytische Sozialpsychologie. Co-organizer: Lutz Eichler. Frankfurt a.M., 5. Dezember 2014
  • International Panel Discussion: Faces of Uncertain Transitions to Adulthood across Cultures. Half-Day Panel at the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Research Committee on Sociology of Youth, RC34. Co-organizer: Lutz Eichler. Yokohama, Japan, July 15, 2014
  • Internationale Tagung: Gewerkschaften im Demokratischen Prozess / Trade Unions in the Democratic Process, Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Promovierenden der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Co-organizers: Wiebke Friedrich und Sebastian Voigt. Göttingen, 22.-24.11.2011 (siehe Konferenzbericht)

Since 2022
University assistant at the Institute for Psychosocial Intervention and Communication Research at the Faculty of Education, University of Innsbruck

Post-doctoral researcher in the BMBF-funded research project "Resentment as the Affective Basis of Radicalisation" at the Centre for Islamic Theology at the University of Münster

Research assistant at the Institute for Social Research, Frankfurt am Main

Visiting Researcher at the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Scholarship of the DAAD.

2014 - 2019
Post-doctoral researcher in the BMBF-funded research network ReConfigurations at the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Marburg.

2012 - 2014
Coordinator of the DAAD-funded "University Dialogue with the Islamic World" between the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and the Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco; research promoter of the Department 04 Social Work and Health.

2008 - 2012
Hans Böckler Foundation scholarship holder; doctorate on adolescence in Palestinian refugee camps.

2006 - 2007
Teacher of Spanish / Politics and Economics at the Heinrich-von-Kleist-Schule Eschborn (cooperative comprehensive school)

First state examination for teaching Spanish / Politics and Economics at grammar schools

M.A. in Sociology / Education at the Goethe University Frankfurt with a thesis on adolescence in a boarding school of Educación Maya for indigenous youth from small farming families in Guatemala

1999 - 2007
Studies in sociology, ethnology, education, political science, Hispanic studies in Freiburg i.Br. (D), Porto (PT), Frankfurt/Main (D)

1997 - 1999
Internship and community service in Guatemala

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