Three final theses of high school graduates from general and vocational schools in Tyrol and Vorarlberg were awarded. Annette Ostendorf, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, and Janette Walde, Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Economics and Statistics, welcomed the award-winning Matura students and praised the creativity and the level of the submitted works. Silvia Jordan and Andrea Leiter-Scheiring briefly introduced each of the award-winning works before the students themselves gave a short insight into their work.
The works that were rated "very good" covered a wide range of topics. Marketing tools such as packaging or social media, new opportunities for tourism, the development of nutrition and food technology or the current development in real estate prices were discussed by the students in their work. From the final papers submitted, three papers were awarded prizes by reviewers from both faculties. The three theses awarded the Sowi Faculty Award span a wide range geographically (from Kufstein to Lustenau) as well as thematically (development of nutrition and food technology, real estate price development and social media marketing).
The winners of the SOWI Faculty Prizes 2022 are:
1. Prize
lukas Steidl, BG/BRG Sillgasse
Development and Influencing Factors of Property Prices for Condominiums in Innsbruck in the 21st Century
2. Prize
Julia Grander, Alina Hagmann, Katharina Timmerer, Johanna Ullner, HLW FW Kufstein
The development of nutrition and food technology
3. Prize
Marie Nigsch, Gymnasium Lustenau
Social-Media-Marketing on Instagram
Here is a brief summary of the contents of the three award-winning works:
1st prize: lukas Steidl
In his work, lukas Steidl discusses the price development of Innsbruck condominiums in recent years. On the basis of existing literature, factors responsible for the price development are identified, such as population growth, land scarcity, (strategic) housing vacancy, or the increasing attractiveness of housing as an investment object (keyword: concrete gold) especially in times of crisis. Mr. Steidl also analyses which political measures are being taken by the City of Innsbruck and the Province of Tyrol to mitigate price increases in the housing market.
2nd prize: Julia Grander, Alina Hagmann, Katharina Timmerer, Johanna Ullner
The pre-scientific paper jointly prepared by Julia Grander, Alina Hagmann, Katharina Timmerer and Johanna Ullner looks at dietary habits in the late Middle Ages, the post-war period and the present. Also discussed are the opportunities and problems arising from modern food technology with a special focus on dairy farming in the Alpine region. The work is concluded with a practical section that delves into individual aspects. For example, as part of their final project, the award-winning students recreated medieval recipes and organised tastings of products containing alternative protein.
3rd prize: Marie Nigsch
The thesis examines what practices social media marketing and influencer marketing involve and how they work. The work is based on an analysis of existing research on this topic and on interviews and illustrates social media marketing practices with examples. Besides the opportunities of these practices for B2C companies, Ms Nigsch also discusses problematic effects on companies, social media users and influencers.