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Election package Media - Language - Culture (BA) – Universität Innsbruck

Elective package Media - Language - Culture (BA)

General information on elective packages can be found at here.

Are you interested in media and media communication and would like to acquire additional skills in this area that you may be able to use later in your career? Then the elective package "Media - Language - Culture" could be an interesting offer for you. It offers you a selection of courses that deal with media and media communication from different perspectives and provide you with approaches from the field of linguistics and media studies (e.g. media analysis, media research and media practice on print media, film/television and online media) as well as from the field of cultural and literary studies (e.g. film analysis, comparative media research, gender studies). Depending on your personal interests, you can choose from various elective modules.

It is not necessary to register for the elective package. You can decide for yourself in which semester you start the elective package and in which order you attend the modules.

Elective packages are "minor subjects" amounting to 30 ECTS-Credits, which supplement a degree programme with content from other disciplines/studies that do not originate from your own degree programme.

Completed elective packages are explicitly stated in the final diploma.

For more information on completing the elective package "Media - Language - Culture", please contact Verena Thaler

Courses of the elective package "Media - Language - Culture" in the winter semester 2024/2025: here

Please note: Students of the Bachelor's programmes English and American Studies, German Studies, French, Italian and Spanish choose 5 ECTS-Credits from the elective modules instead of the compulsory module.

1.a. VO Introduction to Media Studies

Media concepts and models of media communication, media system, media reality, media language, media history, media impact, media criticism. (1 semester; 2.5 ECTS)

1.b. VU Introduction to media analysis

Basics of media analysis using the example of print media and/or film and television and/or online media. (1 SSt.; 2.5 ECTS)

Total: 2 semesters; 5 ECTS

Enrolment prerequisite/s: none

Modules totalling 25 ECTS-Credits must be completed from the following elective modules. Please note that courses from your own subject area cannot be selected (see the notes on the individual elective modules).

Attention: Students of the BA programme German Studies cannot choose this elective module.

1.a. VO Media Research

Selected topics of current discussion in media studies, e.g. media systems and their development, media and society, communicator research, media reality, impact research, media and politics, media education, media ethics (2 sem. hrs.; 2 ECTS)

1.b. PS Linguistics of media and communication

Language of the media; media design, media reception and media impact; forms of communication and their change; language criticism and public use of language; understanding and comprehensibility; text and image. (2 semesters; 5 ECTS)

1.c. VU Media Practice

Practical media exercises in the field of print media, film and television, radio or new media; project-related work possible. (2 sem. hrs.; 3 ECTS)

Total: 5 semesters; 10 ECTS

Registration requirements: none

2. specialisation(s) in synchronous and empirical linguistics

In this course, a linguistic sub-area (sociolinguistics, syntax, lexicology, word formation, semantics, pragmatics, text linguistics, applied linguistics, contrastive linguistics, stylistics) is examined in depth (only courses that are listed in the course catalogue for completion as part of the elective package). (2 semesters; 5 ECTS)

Total: 2 semesters; 5 ECTS

Enrolment requirement/s: none

Please note: Students of the BA programmes French, Italian and Spanish cannot choose this elective module.

3rd VU Gender Studies

Analysis of gender constructions, their history, politics and their media design (such as in literature, film or music); introduction to gender theory and thematisation of the question of gender identity within the socio-cultural context; aspects of gender identity in the socio-cultural context (only courses that are listed in the course catalogue for completion as part of the elective package) (2 sem. hrs.; 5 ECTS)

Total: 2 semesters; 5 ECTS

Enrolment requirement/s: none

Please note: Students on the BA Teacher Training Programme in English cannot choose elective module 4a.

4.a. VU Introduction to Media Studies

Teaching basic knowledge of media studies, in particular media history and analysis; students acquire theoretical-analytical as well as productive skills and competences in dealing with culturally significant media of the respective English-speaking cultural areas. (2 semesters; 2.5 ECTS)


A course worth 2.5 ECTS-Credits must be selected from the following courses (only courses listed in the course catalogue for completion as part of the elective package):

PS Critical Area Studies: American Cultures

Examination of cultural structures, institutions and phenomena of American cultural areas; building on the competences acquired in PM 14[1], these are examined in a theory-based manner with regard to their interaction with historical, social, political, aesthetic and gender-specific circumstances, taking into account global interdependencies. (2 SST; 2.5 ECTS)


PS Cultural Studies: American Cultures

Examination of cultural structures, institutions and phenomena
of American cultural spaces; building on the competences acquired in PM 14[2], these are critically discussed in a theory-based manner with regard to their interaction with historical, social, political, aesthetic and gender-specific circumstances. Socio-cultural phenomena and institutions, particularly from the areas of contemporary, everyday and popular culture, are at the centre of the course. (2 SST; 2.5 ECTS)

Total: 4 semesters; 5 ECTS

Enrolment prerequisite/s: none

Please note: Students of the BA programme in Comparative Literature cannot choose this elective module.

5th VO Media Analysis/Media Theory/Intermediality Research

Introduction to basic concepts of media analysis (e.g. dance, music, film analysis); insight into basic texts of media theory and basic texts of comparative intermediality research (literature and other arts/interart studies); overview of various intermedial relations (e.g. literature and music/film/visual arts/photography). (2 sem. hrs.; 5 ECTS)

Total: 2 semesters; 5 ECTS

Enrolment requirement/s: none

Attention: Students of the BA programme Comparative Literature cannot choose this elective module.

6 VO Comparative perspectives on new media

Discussion of and reflection on topics and methodological and theoretical approaches to comparative media research with a particular focus on new media. (2 sem. hrs.; 5 ECTS)

Total: 2 semesters; 5 ECTS

Enrolment requirement/s: none

Please note: Students on the BA programme in Slavic Studies cannot choose this elective module. Students on the BA Teacher Training Programme Russian as a Teaching Subject cannot select module 7b.

7a. VU Media Analysis

Presentation of the current media landscape in Russia/Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe; insights into print media, radio and television as well as new media; clarification of terms and questions of media theory and media analysis; application to selected texts, problem areas and subject areas (media and politics; ideology and propaganda; media forms of production and communication; media aesthetics; media reception; media criticism, etc.) (2 sem. hrs.; 2.5 ECTS)

7b. VU Selected areas of film

Development of methods of film analysis and film theory fundamentals; application to specific films, genres, film actors or film historical tendencies and epochs with special consideration of Russian film. (2 sem. hrs.; 2.5 ECTS)

Total: 4 semesters; 5 ECTS

Enrolment prerequisite/s: none

8 VU Film History and Film Aesthetics

Selected areas of film in Eastern/Central/South Eastern Europe under the aspect of film history and film aesthetics (2 semesters; 5 ECTS)

Total: 2 semesters; 5 ECTS

Enrolment prerequisite/s: none

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