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Workshop Climate Action – Universität Innsbruck

Climate Action Workshop 2024

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024


SoWi, Universitätsstraße 15, Innsbruck

Please register until 02.06.

Scientific Sessions – Unterrichtsraum 3 (UR3)


Welcome by the Vice Rector for Digitalisation and Sustainability
Mag. Dr. Irene Hänschel-Erhart


Scientific Session 1

Florian Bottner – Department of Public Finance
"Designing revenue recycling to gain democratic support for carbon taxation"

Andreas Mayer – Department of Geography
"Effects of extreme events on land-use-related decisions of farmers in Eastern Austria: the role of learning"

Armando Holzknecht – Department of Banking and Finance
"Risk, Return and ESG Preferences among retail investors"

Raphael Epperson – Department of Public Finance
"Targeted Information and Sustainable Consumption: A Field Experiment"


Coffee break


Scientific Session 2 

Sarah Flecke – Department of Banking and Finance
"Private solutions to public goods problems: A 34-Nations study"

Luisa Lorè – Department of Economics
"A survey experiment on second-hand consumption"

Reingard Spannring – Department of Education
"Participation and Learning in Complex Adaptive Systems"

Katharina Pöll – Department of Public Finance
"Impacts of climate change on summer mountain tourism: A review"

René Schwaiger – Department of Banking and Finance


Coffee break

Public Lecture – SoWi Aula


Gernot Wagner:
"Climate Risks, Uncertainties, and Opportunities"

Climate economist and Senior Lecturer at Columbia Business School

Gernot Wagner

Climate Risks, Uncertainties, and Opportunities

What we know is bad; what we don’t makes climate change potentially much worse still. The many negative climatic tipping points are all too real. So are positive, economic ones pointing in the right direction. The climate race is on, and despite the best attempts by some, there’s no going back. Low-carbon, high-efficiency technologies will only get better and cheaper over time. Oil, coal, and gas, meanwhile, are commodities, whose prices will always fluctuate due to geopolitical vagaries and other factors out of our control. The best medicine for addressing “fossilflation”? Getting off fossil fuels.

In this talk, climate economist Gernot Wagner takes a sober look at both unmitigated climate risks and the trillion-dollar business opportunities of the clean-energy race.

Gernot Wagner is a climate economist and Senior Lecturer at Columbia Business School. He is the author of 6 books, dozens of academic articles, and a globally syndicated columnist and frequent contributor to The New York Times, Washington Post, and elsewhere.



Department of Public Finance
Universität Innsbruck

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Esther Blanco

Universitätsstraße 15
Room w-4.22 / 4th floor
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507-70214

Research Center »Innsbruck Decision Sciences«

Data protection notice

Photographs (or screenshots) and/or films may be taken during this event. By attending the event, you acknowledge that photographs and video footage of you may be used for press coverage and published in various (social) media, publications and on websites of the University of Innsbruck. For further information on data protection, please see our privacy policy at:

We ask you to travel in an environmentally friendly way! By public transport, on foot or by bicycle. There are sufficient bicycle parking spaces available. Information on public transport can be found at

With the support of

SFB F63 Credence Goods, Incentives and Behavior

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