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Roland Stalder - Publications – University of Innsbruck

Roland Stalder - Publications 

Phone: +43 512 507-54604



(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series

(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
  • Stalder, Roland: Associate Editor - European Journal of Mineralogy, 2016-03-01 on-going. (Web link)

  • Stalder, R: Associate Editor - American Mineralogist, 2010-03-08 - 2021-02-28.

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Brunner, A.; Unterberger, S.H.; Auer, H.; Hautz, T.; Schneeberger, S.; Stalder, R.; Badzoka, J.; Kappacher, C.; Huck, C.W.; Pallua, J.D. (2024): Suitability of Fourier transform infrared microscopy for the diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis in human tissue sections.
    In: Journal of Biophotonics  17/6, No. e202300513. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Joachim-Mrosko, B; Konzett, J; Ludwig, T; Griffiths, T; Habler, G; Libowitzky, E; Stalder, R (2024): Al and H incorporation and Al-diffusion in natural rutile and its high-pressure plymorph TiO2(II).
    In: Geological Society Special Publication 537, pp. 123 - 147. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Aulbach, Sonja; Stalder, Roland; Massuyeau, Malcom; Stern, Richard; Ionov, Dimitri; Korsakov, Andrey (2023): Water in Omphacite and Garnet From Pristine Xenolithic
    Eclogite: T-X-fO2 Controls, Retentivity, and Implications for
    Electrical Conductivity and Deep H2O Recycling.
    In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24/12, No. e2023GC011170. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Franke, MG; Schmidt, BC; Stalder, R; Joachim-Mrosko, B (2023): Metamorphic reaction kinetics at anhydrous to water-saturated conditions in the binary MgO-SiO2 system.
    In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178/12, No. 87. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zelger, P.; Brunner, A.; Zelger, B.; Willenbacher, E.; Unterberger, S.; Stalder, R.; Huck, C.W.; Willenbacher, W.; Pallua, J.D. (2023): Deep learning analysis of mid-infrared microscopic imaging data for the diagnosis and classification of human lymphomas.
    In: Journal of Biophotonics , p. e202300015. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Krenn, Kurt; Konzett, Jürgen; Stalder, Roland (2022): Anatectic granitic pegmatites from the Eastern Alps: A case of variable rare metal enrichment during high-grade regional metamorphic. III: Fluid inclusions as potential indicator for anatectic pegmatite parent melt formation.
    In: Canadian Mineralogist 60/1, pp. 155 - 169. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Németh, P.; Töchterle, P.; Dublyansky, Y.; Stalder, R.; Molnár, Z.; Klébert, S.; Spötl, C. (2022): Tracing structural relicts of the ikaite-to-calcite transformation in cryogenic cave glendonite.
    In: American Mineralogist 107/10, pp. 1960 - 1967. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hencz, Matyas; Biro, Tamas; Kovacs, Istvan; Stalder, Roland; Nemeth, Karoly; Szakacs, Alexandru; Palos, Zsofia; Pecskay, Zoltan; Karatson, David (2021): Uniform ’water’ content in quartz phenocrysts from silicic pyroclastic fallout deposits – implications on pre-eruptive conditions.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 33/5, pp. 571 - 589. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Willenbacher, Ella; Brunner, Andrea; Zelger, Bettina; Unterberger, Seraphin H.; Stalder, Roland; Huck, Christian W.; Willenbacher, Wolfgang; Pallua, johannes D. (2021): Application of mid-infrared microscopic imaging for the diagnosis and classification of human lymphomas.
    In: Journal of Biophotonics  14/9, Nr. e202100079. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Potrafke, Alexander; Breiter, Karel; Ludwig, Thomas; Neuser, Rolf Dieter; Stalder, Roland (2020): Variations of OH defects and chemical impurities in natural quartz within igneous bodies.
    In: Physics And Chemistry Of Minerals 47, No. 24. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Frigo, Corinne; Stalder, Roland; Ludwig, Thomas (2019): OH-defects in coesite and stishovite during ultra high-pressure metamorphism of continental crust.
    In: Physics And Chemistry Of Minerals 46/1, pp. 77 - 89. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Jaeger, Dominik; Stalder, Roland; Masago, Hideki; Strasser, Michael (2019): OH defects in quartz as a provenance tool: Application to fluvial and deep marine sediments from SW Japan.
    In: Sedimentary Geology 388, pp. 66 - 80. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Konzett, J; Hauzenberger, C; Krenn, K; Joachim-Mrosko, B; Stalder, R; Gröbner, K; Sieberer, AK; Hoang, N; Khoi, NN (2019): Neogene Metasomatism in the Subcontinental Lithosphere beneath SE Asia — Evidence from Modal and Cryptic Phosphorus Enrichment in Peridotites and Pyroxenites from Southern Laos.
    In: Journal of Petrology 60/12, pp. 2413 - 2448. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Potrafke, Alexander; Stalder, Roland; Schmidt, Burkhard; Ludwig, Thomas (2019): OH defect contents in quartz in a granitic system at 1-5 kbar.
    In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174/12, No. 98. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stalder, Roland; von Eynatten, Hilmar; Costamoling, Julian; Potrafke, Alexander; Dunkl, Istvan; Meinhold, Guido (2019): OH in detrital quartz grains as tool for provenance analysis: Case studies on various settings from Cambrian to Recent.
    In: Sedimentary Geology 389, pp. 121 - 126. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Konzett, J; Hauzenberger, C; Ludwig, T; Stalder, R (2018): Anatectic granitic pegmatites from the eastern alps: a case of variable rare metal enrichment during high-grade regional metamorphism. II: pegmatite staurolite as an indicator of anatectic pegmatite parent melt formation - a field and experimental study.
    In: Canadian Mineralogist 56/4, pp. 603 - 624. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schmädicke, E; Gose, J; Stalder, R (2018): Water in Abyssal Peridotite: Why Are Melt-Depleted Rocks so Water Rich?
    In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19/6, pp. 1824 - 1843. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Biró, Tamas; Kovács, Istvan; Karátson, David; Stalder, Roland; Király, Edit; Falus, György; Fancsik, Tamas; Sándorné, Judit (2017): Evidence for post-depositional diffusional loss of hydrogen in quartz phenocryst fragments within ignimbrites.
    In: American Mineralogist 102/7, pp. 1187 - 1201. (DOI)

  • Stalder, Roland; Potrafke, Alexander; Billström, Kjell; Skogby, Henrik; Meinhold, Guido; Gögele, Christian; Berberich, Thomas (2017): OH-defects in quartz as monitor for igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary processes.
    In: American Mineralogist 102/9, pp. 1832 - 1842. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weis, Franz; Bellucci, Jeremy; Skogby, Henrik; Stalder, Roland; Nemchin, Alexander; Whitehouse, Martin (2017): Water content in the Martian mantle: A Nakhla perspective.
    In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 212, pp. 84 - 98. (DOI)

  • Frigo, Corinne; Stalder, Roland; Hauzenberger, Christoph (2016): OH defects in quartz in granitic systems doped with spodumene, tourmaline and/or apatite: experimental investigations at 5–20 kbar.
    In: Physics And Chemistry Of Minerals 43/10, pp. 717 - 729. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weis, Franz; Lazor, Peter; Skogby, Henrik; Stalder, Roland; Eriksson, L (2016): Polarized IR and Raman spectra of zoisite: insights into OH-dipole orientation and the luminescence.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 28/3, pp. 537 - 543. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weis, Franz; Stalder, Roland; Skogby, Henrik (2016): Experimental hydration of natural volcanic clinopyroxene phenocrysts under hydrothermal pressures (0.5-3 kbar).
    In: American Mineralogist 101/10, pp. 2233 - 2247. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Baron, M.A; Stalder, R; Konzett, J; Hauzenberger, C.A (2015): OH-point defects in quartz in B- and Li-bearing systems and their application to pegmatites.
    In: Physics And Chemistry Of Minerals 42/1, pp. 53 - 62. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hesse, Kirsten T; Gose, Jürgen; Stalder, Roland; Schmädicke, Esther (2015): Water in orthopyroxene from abyssal spinel peridotites of the East Pacific Rise (ODP Leg 147: Hess Deep).
    In: Lithos 232, pp. 23 - 34. (DOI)

  • Konrad, F; Stalder, R; Tessadri, R (2015): Quantitative phase analysis of lateritic bauxite with NIR-spectroscopy.
    In: MINERALS ENGINEERING 77, pp. 117 - 120. (DOI)

  • Longato, S; Wöss, C; Hatzer-Grubwieser, P; Bauer, C; Parson, W; Unterberger, S.H; Kuhn, N; Pemberger, N; Pallua, A.K; Recheis, W; Lackner, R; Stalder, R; Pallua, J.D (2015): Post-mortem interval estimation of human skeletal remains by micro-computed tomography, mid-infrared microscopic imaging and energy dispersive X-ray mapping.
    In: Analytical Methods 7, pp. 2917 - 2927. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schmädicke, Esther; Gose, Jürgen; Reinhardt, Jürgen; Will, Thomas M; Stalder, Roland (2015): Garnet in cratonic and non-cratonic mantle and lower crustal xenoliths from southern Africa: Composition, water incorporation and geodynamic constraints.
    In: PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH 270, pp. 285 - 299. (DOI)

  • Stalder, R; Karimova, A; Konzett, J (2015): OH-defects in multiple-doped orthoenstatite at 4–8 GPa: filling the gap between pure and natural systems.
    In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 169, Art. Nr. 38. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Tappert, MC; Rivard, B; Fulop, A; Rogge, D; Feng, J; Tappert, R; Stalder, R (2015): Characterizing kimberlite dilution by crustal rocks at the snap lake diamond mine (Northwest Territories, Canada) using SWIR (1.90-2.36 µm) and LWIR (8.1-11.1 µm) hyperspectral imagery collected from drill core.
    In: Economic Geology - Bulletin Of The Society Of Economic Geologists 110/6, pp. 1375 - 1387. (DOI)

  • Wöss, C; Drach, M; Villunger, A; Tappert, R; Stalder, R; Pallua, JD (2015): Application of mid-infrared (MIR) microscopy imaging for discrimination between follicular hyperplasia and follicular lymphoma in transgenic mice.
    In: The Analyst 140/18, pp. 6363 - 6372. (DOI)

  • Konzett, J; Krenn, K; Rubatto, D; Hauzenberger, C; Stalder, R (2014): The formation of saline mantle fluids by open-system crystallization of hydrous silicate-rich vein assemblages – Evidence from fluid inclusions and their host phases in MARID xenoliths from the central Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa.
    In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 147, pp. 1 - 25. (DOI)

  • Stalder, R (2014): OH-defect content in detrital quartz grains as an archive for crystallisation conditions.
    In: Sedimentary Geology 307, pp. 1 - 6. (DOI)

  • Fabbrizio, A; Stalder, R; Hametner, K.; Günther, D (2013): Experimental chlorine partitioning between forsterite, enstatite and aqueous fluid at upper mantle conditions.
    In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 121, pp. 684 - 700. (DOI)

  • Fabbrizio, A; Stalder, R; Hametner, K; Günther, D; Marquardt, K (2013): Experimental partitioning of halogens and other trace elements between olivine, pyroxenes, amphibole and aqueous fluid at 2GPa and 900 to 1300°C.
    In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 166/2, pp. 639 - 653. (DOI)

  • Karimova, A; Stalder, R (2013): OH in diopside and enstatite at 6 GPa in the system CaO-MgO-SiO2-H2O.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 25/3, pp. 299 - 305. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stalder, R; Neuser, RD (2013): OH-defects in detrital quartz grains: potential for application as tool for provenance analysis and overview over crustal average.
    In: Sedimentary Geology 294, pp. 118 - 126. (DOI)

  • Prechtel, F.; Stalder, R. (2012): OH-defects in Al- and Cr-doped synthetic enstatites and defect geobarometry on natural orthopyroxenes from the Earth’s mantle.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 24/3, pp. 471 - 481. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schlechter, E.; Stalder, R.; Behrens, H. (2012): Electrical conductivity of H-bearing orthopyroxene single-crystals measured with impedance spectroscopy.
    In: Physics And Chemistry Of Minerals 39/7, pp. 531 - 541. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stalder, R (2012): Comment on “The beginnings of hydrous mantle wedge melting”, CB Till, TL Grove, AC Withers, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, DOI 10.1007/s00410-011-0692-6.
    In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 164/6, pp. 1069 - 1071. (DOI)

  • Stalder, R; Konzett, J (2012): OH-defects in quartz in the system quartz - albite - water and granite - water between 5 and 25 kbar.
    In: Physics And Chemistry Of Minerals 39/10, pp. 817 - 827. (DOI)

  • Stalder, R.; Prechtel, F.; Ludwig, T. (2012): No site-specific infrared absorption coefficients for OH-defects in pure enstatite.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 24/3, pp. 465 - 470. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wiedenbeck, M; Bugoik, R; Duke, M. J. M; Dunai, T; Enzweiler, J; Horan, M; Jochum, K. P; Linge, K; Kosler, J; Merchel, S; Morales, LFG; Nasdala, L; Stalder, R; Sylvester, P; Weis, U; Zoubir, A (2012): GGR Biennial Critical Review: Analytical Developments Since 2010.

  • Gose, J; Schmädicke, E; Stalder, R (2011): Water in mantle orthopyroxene - no visible change in defect water during serpentinization.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 23/4, pp. 529 - 536. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Prechtel, F; Stalder, R (2011): The potential use of OH-defects in enstatite as geobarometer.
    In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162/3, pp. 615 - 623. (DOI)

  • Sundvall, R; Stalder, R (2011): Water in upper mantle pyroxene megacrysts and xenocrysts - a survey study.
    In: American Mineralogist 96/8-9, pp. 1215 - 1227. (DOI) (Web link)

  • NEUMAIR, Stephanie C.; KNYRIM, Johanna S.; OECKLER, Oliver; GLAUM, Robert; KAINDL, Reinhard; STALDER, Roland; HUPPERTZ, Hubert (2010): Intermediate States on the Way to Edge-Sharing BO4 Tetrahedra in M6B22O39•H2O (M = Fe, Co).
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal 16/46, pp. 13659 - 13670. (DOI)

  • Wörle, M; Fischbach, U; Widmer, D; Krumeich, F; Nesper, R; Evers, J; Stalder, R; Ulmer, P (2010): The High-Pressure Phase of MgB2C2.
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 636, pp. 2543 - 2549. (DOI)

  • Purwin, H; Stalder, R; Skogby, H (2009): Hydrogen incorporation in Fe- und Na-doped diopsides.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 21/4, pp. 691 - 704. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stalder, R; Kronz, A; Schmidt, B (2009): Raman spectroscopy of synthetic (Mg, Fe)SiO3 single crystals. An analytical tool for natural orthopyroxenes.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 21/1, pp. 27 - 32.

  • Sundvall, R; Skogby, H; Stalder, R (2009): Dehydration-hydration mechanisms in synthetic Fe-poor diopside.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 21, pp. 17 - 26. (Web link)

  • Sundvall, R; Skogby, H; Stalder, R (2009): Hydrogen diffusion in synthetic Fe-free diopside.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 21, pp. 963 - 970.

  • Stalder, R; Kronz, A; Simon, K (2008): Hydrogen incorporation in enstatite in the system MgO-SiO2-H2O-NaCl.
    In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 156/5, pp. 653 - 659.

Journal Article (Review)
  • Stalder, Roland (2021): OH point defects in quartz – a review.
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy 33, pp. 145 - 163. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pallua, JD; Brunner, A; Zelger, B; Stalder, R; Unterberger, S; Schirmer, M; Tappert, M (2018): Clinical infrared microscopic imaging: An overview.
    In: PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 214/10, pp. 1532 - 1538. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
  • Balic-Zunic, T; Nestola, F; Ballaran, TB; Stalder, R (2015): Crystal structure mechanism of the hydrostatic compression in Mg-rich orthopyroxene.
    In: Acta Crystallographica. Section A: Foundation and Advances 71/Supplement 1, No. MS20-P17. (DOI)

  • Frigo, C; Stalder, R (2015): OH defects in quartz in Li-bearing systems at high pressure.
    In: Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2015, p. 952. (Web link)

  • Mirwald, PW; Paulini, P; Tappert, R; Stalder, R. (2015): Anomalous PVT behaviour of periclase – an ultrasonic and Raman study between -200 and +100°.
    In: Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2015, p. 2145.

  • Stalder, Roland (2015): Discrimination of different quartz sources in a Rhine sediment based on IR Spectra.
    In: Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2015, p. 2969. (Web link)

  • Kovacs, I; Udvari, B; Pinter, Z; Hidas, K; Kutassy, L; Falus, G; Lendvay, P; Török, I; Zelei, Z; Francsik, T; Gal, T; Mihaly, J; Nemeth, C; Ingrin, J; Xia, Q; Herman, J; Stalder, R; Perucchi, A; Kamaras, K; Szekrenyes, Z (2014): A protool, a standard and a (PULI) database for quantitative micro-FTIR measurements of water in nominally anhydrous minerals: an update.
    In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 16, No. 14309. (Web link)

  • Stalder, R (2009): Hydrous defects in pyroxenes.
    In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 155, p. 147.

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Diekamp, A; Stalder, R; Konzett, J; Mirwald, PW (2012): Lime Mortar with Natural Hydraulic Components: Characterisation of Reaction Rims with FTIR Imaging in ATR-Mode.
    In: Válek, Jan; Hughes, John J.; Groot, Caspar J.W.P.: Historic Mortars. Characterisation, Assessment and Repair. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer (= RILEM Bookseries, 7)., ISBN 978-94-007-4634-3, pp. 105 - 113. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Review)
  • Klemme, Stephan; Stalder, Roland (2018): Chapter 14: Halogens in the Earth’s Mantle: What We Know and What We Don’t.
    In: Harlov, Daniel; Aranovich, Leonid: The role of halogens in terrestrial and extraterrestrial geochemical processes. Cham: Springer International Publishing., ISBN 978-3-319-61665-0, pp. 847 - 869. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Full Paper)
  • Diekamp, A; Stalder, R; Konzett, J; Mirwald, PW (2010): Lime Mortar with Natural Hydraulic Components - Characterization of Reaction Rims with FTIR-Imaging in ATR-Mode.
    In: Válek, J; Groot, C; Hughes, JJ: Proceedings of the 2nd Historic Mortars Conference HMC2010 and RILEM TC 203-RHM "Repair mortars for historic masonry". 22-24 September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic. Bagneux: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L. (= RILEM Proceedings PRO, 78)., ISBN 978-2-35158-112-4, pp. 111 - 118. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Frigo, C; Stalder, R (2015): OH incorporation in quartz in lithium-bearing systems at high pressure.
    In: Congresso congiunto SIMP-AIV-SoGeI-SGI - Abstracts. Firenze: Università degli Studi di Firenze / Universität Florenz / University of Florence., online. (Web link)

  • Baron, MA; Stalder, R; Konzett, J (2014): Formation conditions of quartz recorded by OH-point defects - experimental and analytical approach.
    In: Abstract Volume of the 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). johannesburg 2014. johannesburg: Geological Society of South Africa.

  • Mirwald, PW; Tappert, R; Stalder, R (2014): Anomalous thermal expansion behaviour of quartz and calcite.
    In: Abstract Volume of the 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). johannesburg 2014. johannesburg: Geological Society of South Africa.

  • Stalder, R (2014): OH-defect content in detrital quartz grains as archive for crystallisation conditions and information source for crustal sampling.
    In: Abstract Volume of the 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). johannesburg 2014. johannesburg: Geological Society of South Africa.

  • Stalder, R; Karimova, A (2014): OH-defects in orthopyroxene in multiple doped systems.
    In: Abstract Volume of the 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). johannesburg 2014. johannesburg: Geological Society of South Africa.

  • Tappert, M.C.; Rivard, B; Rogge, D; Fulop, A; Feng, J; Tappert, R; Stalder, R (2014): The future of automated drill core logging: characterizing kimberlite dilution by crustal material at the Snap Lake diamond mine (NT; Canada) using SWIR (1.90-2.36 my) and LWIR (8.1-11.1 my) hyperspectral imagery.
    In: Abstracts of the 2014 GSA Annual Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia (19–22 October 2014). Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America., No. 211-5. (Web link)

  • Stalder, R (2011): Sichtbarkeit der Mineralogie in unserer Gesellschaft - ein Spiegelbild unseres Schulsystems.
    In: Amthauer, Georg: Joint Meeting DGK, DMG, ÖMG 'Crystals, Minerals and Materials', Salzburg, Austria 2011. Book of Abstracts. Salzburg: Universität Salzburg., p. 30.

  • Diekamp, A; Stalder, R; Konzett, J; Mirwald, P (2010): Lime Mortar with Natural Hydraulic Components - Characterization of Reaction Rims with FTIR-Imaging in ATR-Mode.
    In: Válek, J; Groot, C; Hughes, JJ: Proceedings of the 2nd Historic Mortars Conference HMC2010 and RILEM TC 203-RHM "Repair mortars for historic masonry". 22-24 September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic. Bagneux: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L. (= RILEM Proceedings PRO, 78)., ISBN 978-2-35158-112-4, p. 14.

  • Diekamp, A; Stalder, R; Konzett, R; Mirwald, P (2010): Medieval lime mortar with natural hydraulic components - characterization of reaction rims with FTIR-imaging in ATR-mode.
    In: Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft: From Dust to Dust. 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft. 19.-22. 9. 2010, Münster. Abstracts. Berlin: Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft., p. 286.

  • Schlechter, E; Stalder, R; Behrens, H (2008): Electrical conductivity of synthetic hydrogen- bearing enstatite.
    In: Konzett, J; Tessadri, R; Tropper ,P: 12th International Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-902571-66-3, p. 88.

  • Stalder, R; Kronz, A; Simon, K (2008): Hydrogen incorporation in enstatite in the system MgO-SiO2-H2O-NaCl.
    In: Konzett, J; Tessadri, R; Tropper ,P: 12th International Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-902571-66-3, p. 100.

Peer-reviewed articles (old)

Schmädicke, E., Gose, J., Reinhardt, J., Will, T.M., Stalder, R. (2015) Garnet in cratonic and non-cratonic mantle and lower crustal xenoliths from southern Africa: composition, water incorporation and geodynamic constraints. Precambrian Research 270, 285-299.

Wöss, C., Drach, M., Villunger, A., Tappert, R., Stalder, R., Pallua, J.D. (2015) Application of mid-infrared (MIR) microscopic imaging for discrimination between follicular hyperplasia and follicular lymphoma in transgenic mice. Analyst 140, 6363-6372.

Hesse, K.T., Gose, J., Stalder, R., Schmädicke, E.  (2015) Water in orthopyroxene from abyssal spinel peridotites of the East Pacific Rise (ODP Leg 147: Hess Deep). Lithos 232, 23-34.

Tappert, M.C., Rivard, B., Fulop, A., Rogge, D., Feng, J., Tappert, R., Stalder, R. (2015)    Characterizing kimberlite dilution by crustal rocks at the Snap Lake diamond mine (Northwest Territories, Canada) using SWIR (1.90-2.36 µm) and LWIR (8.1-11.1 µm) hyperspectral imagery collected from drill core. Economic Geology 110, 1375-1387.

Konrad, F., Stalder, R., Tessadri, R. (2015) Quantitative phase analysis of lateritic bauxite with NIR-spectroscopy. Minerals Engineering 77, 117-120.

Stalder, R., Karimova, A., Konzett, J. (2015) OH-defects in multiple-doped orthoenstatite at 4 to 8 GPa: Filling the gap between pure and natural systems. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 169, 38.

Longato, S., Wöss, C., Hatzer-Grubwieser, P., Bauer, C., Parson, W., Unterberger, S.H., Kuhn, N., Pemberger, N., Pallua, A.K., Recheis, W., Lackner, R., Stalder, R., Pallua, J.D. (2015) Post-mortem interval estimation of human skeletal remains by micro-computed tomography, mid-infrared microscopic imaging and energy dispersive X-ray mapping.Analytical Methods 7, 2917-2927.

Baron, M.A., Stalder, R., Konzett, J., Hauzenberger, C.A. (2015) OH-point defects in quartz in B- and Li-bearing systems and their application to pegmatites. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 42, 53–62.

Konzett, J., Krenn, K., Rubatto, D., Hauzenberger, C., Stalder, R. (2014) The formation of saline mantle fluids by open-system crystallization of hydrous silicate-rich vein assemblages – evidence from fluid inclusions and their host phases in MARID xenoliths from the central Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 147, 1–25.

Stalder, R. (2014) OH-defect content in detrital quartz grains as an archive for crystallization conditions. Sedimentary Geology 307, 1–6.

Fabbrizio, A., Stalder, R., Hametner, K., Günther, D. (2013) Experimental Chlorine partitioning between forsterite, enstatite and aqueous fluid at upper mantle conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 121, 684-700.

Fabbrizio, A., Stalder, R., Hametner, K., Günther, D., Marquardt, K. (2013) Experimental   partitioning of halogens and other trace elements between olivine, pyroxenes, amphibole and aqueous fluid at 2 GPa and 900 to 1300°C. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 166, 639-653.

Stalder, R. & Neuser, R.D. (2013) OH-defects in detrital quartz grains: potential for application as tool for provenance analysis and overview over crustal average. Sedimentary Geology 294, 118-126.

Karimova, A. & Stalder, R. (2013) OH in diopside and enstatite at 6 GPa in the system CaO-MgO-SiO2-H2O. European Journal of Mineralogy 25, 299-305.

Wiedenbeck, M., Bugoi, R., Duke, M.J.M., Dunai, T., Enzweiler, J., Horan, M., Jochum, K.P., Linge, K., Košler, J., Merchel, S., Morales, L.F.G., Nasdala, L., Stalder, R., Sylvester, P., Weis, U., Zoubir, A. (2012) GGR Biennial Critical Review: Analytical Developments Since 2010. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 36, 337-398.

Stalder, R. (2012) Comment on “The beginnings of hydrous mantle wedge melting”, CB Till, TL Grove, AC Withers, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 164, 1069-1071.

Stalder, R. & Konzett, J. (2012) OH-defects in quartz in the system quartz – albite – water and granite – water between 5 and 25 kbar. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39, 817-827

Diekamp, A., Stalder, R., Konzett, J., Mirwald, P.W (2012) Lime mortar with natural hydraulic components – characterization of reaction rims with FTIR-imaging in ATR-mode. In Válek, J., Hughes, J.J., Groot, C.W.P. (Eds.): Historic Mortars: Characterisation, Assessment and Repair. RILEM Bookseries, Vol. 7, 464 p.

Schlechter, E., Stalder, R., Behrens, H. (2012) Electrical conductivity of H-bearing orthopyroxene single-crystals measured with impedance spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39, 531-541

Prechtel, F. & Stalder, R. (2012) OH-defects in Al- and Cr-doped synthetic enstatites and defect geobarometry on natural orthopyroxenes from the Earth’s mantle. European Journal of   Mineralogy 24, 471-481

Stalder, R., Prechtel, F., Ludwig, T. (2012) No site specific infrared absorption coefficients for OH-defects in pure enstatite. European Journal of Mineralogy 24, 465-470

Gose, J., Schmädicke, E., Stalder, R. (2011) Water in mantle orthopyroxene – no visible change in defect water during serpentinization. European Journal of Mineralogy 23, 529-536

Prechtel, F. & Stalder, R. (2011) The potential use of OH-defects in enstatite as geobarometer. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162, 615-623

Sundvall, R. & Stalder, R. (2011) Water in upper mantle pyroxene megacrysts and xenocrysts – a survey study. American Mineralogist 96, 1215-1227

Wörle, M., Fischbach, U., Widmer, D., Krumeich, F., Nesper, R., Evers, J., Stalder, R., Ulmer, P.   (2010) The high pressure phase of MgB2C2. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 636, 2543-2549

Neumair, S.C., Knyrim, J.S., Oeckler, O., Glaum, R., Kaindl, R., Stalder, R., Huppertz, H. (2010) Intermediate states on the way to edge-sharing BO4 tetrahedra in M6B22O39 · H2O (M = Fe, Co). Chemistry – a European Journal 16, 13659-13670

Prechtel, F; Stalder, R (2010): FT-IR spectroscopy with a focal plane array detector: A novel tool to moniotor the spatial OH-defect distribution in single crystals applied to synthetic enstatite. Am. Mineral. 95, S. 888–891.

Sundvall, R., Skogby, H., Stalder, R. (2009) Hydrogen diffusion in synthetic Fe-free diopside. European Journal of Mineralogy. DOI: 10.1080/0935-1221/2009/0021-1971.

Purwin, H, Stalder, R., Skogby, H. (2009) Hydrogen incorporation in Fe- and Na-doped diopsides. European Journal of Mineralogy 21, 691-704.

Stalder, R., Kronz, A., Schmidt, B. (2009) Raman spectroscopy of synthetic (Mg,Fe)SiO3 single crystals. An analytical tool for natural orthopyroxenes. European Journal of Mineralogy 21, 27-32.

Sundvall, R., Skogby, H., Stalder, R. (2009) Dehydration-hydration mechanisms in synthetic Fe-poor diopside. European Journal of Mineralogy 21, 17-26.

Stalder, R., Kronz, A., Simon, K. (2008) Hydrogen incorporation in enstatite in the system MgO-SiO2-H2O-NaCl. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology 156, 653-659.

Stalder, R., Purwin, H., Skogby, H. (2007) Influence of Fe on hydrogen diffusivity in orthopyroxene. European Journal of Mineralogy 19, 899-903.

Ludwig, T. & Stalder, R. (2007) A new method to eliminate the influence of in-situ contamination in SIMS analysis of hydrogen. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 22, 1415-1419.

Stalder, R. & Ludwig, T. (2007) OH incorporation in synthetic diopside. European Journal of Mineralogy 19, 373-380.

Stalder, R. & Skogby, H. (2007) Dehydration mechanisms in synthetic Fe-bearing enstatite. European Journal of Mineralogy 19, 201-216.

Stalder, R. & Behrens, H. (2006) D/H exchange in pure and Cr-doped enstatite: implications for hydrogen diffusivity. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 33, 601-611.

Stalder, R., Klemme, S., Ludwig, T., Skogby, H. (2005) Hydrogen incorporation in orthopyroxene: interaction of different trivalent cations. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology 150, 473-485.

Stalder, R. (2004) Influence of Fe, Cr and Al on hydrogen incorporation in orthopyroxene. European Journal of Mineralogy 16, 703-711.

Stalder, R. (2004) Comment on “Composition of aqueous fluid coexisting with mantle minerals at high pressure and its bearing on the differentiation of the Earth’s mantle”, K.Mibe, T.Fujii and A.Yasuda (2002). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 927-928.

Stalder, R. & Skogby, H. (2003) Hydrogen diffusion in natural and synthetic orthopyroxene. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 30, 12-19.

Stalder, R. & Skogby, H. (2002) Hydrogen incorporation in enstatite. European Journal of Mineralogy 14, 1139-1144.

Stalder, R. (2002) Synthesis of enstatite single crystals at high pressure. European Journal of Mineralogy 14, 637-640.

Stalder R, Ulmer P., Günther D. (2002) Fluids in the system forsterite-phlogopite-H2O at 60 kbar. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 82, 15-24.

Ulmer, P. & Stalder, R. (2001) The Mg(Fe)SiO3 orthoenstatite-clinoenstatite transition at high pressures and temperatures determined by Raman-spectroscopy on quenched samples. American Mineralogist 86, 1267-1274.

Stalder, R. & Ulmer, P. (2001) Phase relations of a serpentine composition between 5 and 14 GPa – Significance of Clinohumite and Phase E as water carriers into the transition zone. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 140, 670–679.

Stalder, R., Ulmer, P., Thompson, A.B., Günther, D. (2001) High pressure fluids in the system MgO-SiO2-H2O under upper mantle conditions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 140, 607-618.

Stalder, R., Ulmer, P., Thompson, A.B., Günther, D. (2000) Experimental approach to constrain second critical endpoints in fluid/silicate systems: near solidus fluids and melts in the system albite-H2O. American Mineralogist 85, 68-77.

Stalder, R., Foley, S.F., Brey, G.P., Horn, I. (1998) Mineral-aqueous fluid partitioning of trace elements at 900°C–1200°C and 3.0 to 5.7 GPa: new experimental data for garnet, clinopyroxene and rutile and implications for mantle metasomatism. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62, 1781-1801.

Stalder, R., Foley, S.F., Brey, G.P., Forsythe, L.M., Horn, I. (1997) First results from a new experimental technique to determine fluid/solid trace element partition coefficients using diamond aggregate extraction traps. Neues Jahrbuch Mineralogie Abhandlungen 172, 117-132.

Stalder, R. & Nitsch, K.H. (1997) Phase relations and lattice constants in the MgO-Al2O3-Ga2O3 system at 1550°C. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 80, 258-260.

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