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Publications – University of Innsbruck



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Theresia Erhart; Christian Nadegger; Stefan Vergeiner; Christoph Kreutz; Thomas Müller; Bernhard Kräutler
Novel Types of Phyllobilins in a Fern - Molecular Reporters of the Evolution of Chlorophyll Breakdown in the Paleozoic Era
Chem. Eur. J. 2024, e202401288

Karl Gruber, Vanessa Csitkovits, Andrzej Łyskowski, Christoph Kratky and Bernhard Kräutler
Structure-Based Demystification of Radical Catalysis by a Coenzyme B12-dependent Enzyme – Crystallographic Study of Glutamate Mutase with Cofactor Homologues
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 61, e202208295 (2022)

Christoph Kieninger, Klaus Wurst, Maren Podewitz, Maria Stanley, Evelyne Deery, Andrew Lawrence, Klaus R. Liedl, Martin J Warren and Bernhard Kräutler  
Replacement of the Cobalt-Center of Vitamin B12 by Nickel - Nibalamin and Nibyric Acid Prepared from Metal-Free B12-Ligands Hydrogenobalamin and Hydrogenobyric Acid
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 20129 –20136 (2020)

Christoph Kieninger, Evelyne Deery, Andrew D. Lawrence, Maren Podewitz, Klaus Wurst, Emi Nemoto-Smith, Florian J. Widner, Joseph A. Baker, Steffen Jockusch, Christoph R. Kreutz, Klaus R. Liedl, Karl Gruber, Martin J. Warren & Bernhard Kräutler
The Hydrogenobyric Acid Structure Reveals the Corrin Ligand as an Entatic State Module Empowering B12-Cofactors for Catalysis
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 10756-10760 (2019)  

Theresia Erhart, Stefan Vergeiner, Bernhard Kräutler and Thomas Müller
Chlorophyll Breakdown in a Fern – Discovery of Carbon-Skeleton Rearranged Phyllobilin Isomers
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 57, 14937-14941 (2018)

Chengjie Li, Klaus Wurst, Steffen Jockusch, Karl Gruber, 
Maren Podewitz, Klaus R. Liedl, Bernhard Kräutler
Chlorophyll-Derived Yellow Phyllobilins of Higher Plants are Medium-Responsive, 
Chiral Photoswitches

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 15760-15765, (2016)

F. J. Widner, A. D. Lawrence, E. Deery, D. Heldt, S. Frank, 
K. Gruber, K. Wurst, M. J. Warren, B. Kräutler
Total Synthesis, Structure and Biological Activity of Adenosylrhodibalamin - 
the Nonnatural Rhodium Homologue of Coenzyme B12

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 11281-11289, (2016)

B. Kräutler
Breakdown of Chlorophyll in Higher Plants - Phyllobilins as Abundant, Yet Hardly Visible Signs
of Ripening, Senescence and cell Death (Review)

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55, 4882-4907(2016), Angew. Chem., 128, 4964-4990 (2016)

B. Kräutler
Antivitamins B12 - A Structure- and Reactivity-Based Concept
Chem. Eur. J., 21, 11280-11287 (2015)

 M. Ruetz, C. Gherasim, K. Gruber, S. Fedosov, R. Banerjee, B. Kräutler 
Radical Synthesis Opens Access to Organometallic Aryl-Cobaltcorrins: 4-Ethylphenylcobalamin,
a Potential “Antivitamin B12

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 52, 2606-2610 (2013), Angew. Chem., 125, 2668-2672 (2013)

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