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Publications – University of Innsbruck



  • Convergence of alternating minimisation algorithms for dictionary learning
    S. Ruetz and K. Schnass
    arXiv:2304.01768, 2023. [pdf]

  • Non-asymptotic bounds for inclusion probabilities in rejective sampling
    S. Ruetz and K. Schnass
    arXiv:2212.09391, 2022. [pdf]


  • Dictionary learning - from local towards global and adaptive
    M.C. Pali and K. Schnass
    Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 12(3):1295–1346, 2023. [v1pdf] [v2pdf] [toolbox]

  • Average performance of OMP and Thresholding under dictionary mismatch
    M.C. Pali, S. Ruetz and K. Schnass
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 29:1077–1081, 2022. [pdf]

  • Submatrices with non-uniformly selected random supports and insights into sparse approximation
    S. Ruetz and K. Schnass
    SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), 42(3):1268–1289, 2021. [pdf]

  • Compressed dictionary learning
    K. Schnass and F. Teixeira
    Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 26, Art. Nr. 33, 2020. [pdf] [probox] [toybox]

  • Online and stable learning of analysis operators
    M. Sandbichler and K. Schnass
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67(1):41–53, 2019. [pdf] [toolbox]

  • Average performance of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) for sparse approximation
    K. Schnass
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters (arXiv:1809.06684), 25(12):1865–1869, 2018. [pdf]

  • Fast dictionary learning from incomplete data
    V. Naumova and K. Schnass
    EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2018. [pdf] [toolbox]

  • Convergence radius and sample complexity of ITKM algorithms for dictionary learning
    K. Schnass
    Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 45(1):22–58, 2018. [pdf] [toolbox]

  • Local Identification of Overcomplete Dictionaries
    K. Schnass
    Journal of Machine Learning Research (arXiv:1401.6354), 16(Jun):1211--1242, 2015. [pdf] [toolbox]

  • On the Identifiability of Overcomplete Dictionaries via the Minimisation Principle Underlying K-SVD
    K. Schnass
    Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 37(3):464--491, 2014. [pdf]

  • Learning functions of few arbitrary linear parameters in high dimensions
    M. Fornasier, K. Schnass and J. Vybiral
    Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 12(2):229--262, 2012. [pdf]

  • Classification via incoherent subspaces
    K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    Rejecta Mathematica, 2(1):1--18, 2011. [pdf]

  • Dictionary identification - sparse matrix-factorisation via l1-minimisation
    R. Gribonval and K. Schnass
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56(7):3523--3539, 2010. [pdf]

  • Atoms of all channels, unite! Average case analysis of multi-channel sparse recovery using greedy algorithms
    R. Gribonval, H. Rauhut, K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 14(5):655--687, 2008. [pdf]

  • Compressed sensing and redundant dictionaries
    H. Rauhut, K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 54(5):2210--2219, 2008. [pdf]

  • Dictionary preconditioning for greedy algorithms
    K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 56(5):1994--2002, 2008. [pdf]

  • Average performance analysis for thresholding
    K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 14(11):828--831, 2007. [pdf]


  • A good reason for using OMP: average case results
    K. Schnass
    SPARS19. [extended abstract]

  • The adaptive dictionary learning toolbox
    C. Rusu and K. Schnass
    SPARS19. [extended abstract]

  • Relaxed contractivity conditions for dictionary learning via Iterative Thresholding and K residual Means
    M.C. Pali, K. Schnass and A. Steinicke
    SPARS19. [extended abstract]

  • Sequential learning of analysis operators
    M. Sandbichler and K. Schnass
    SPARS17. [extended abstract]

  • Compressed dictionary learning
    F. Teixeira and K. Schnass
    SPARS17. [extended abstract]

  • Dictionary learning from incomplete data for efficient image restoration
    V. Naumova and K. Schnass
    EUSIPCO17. [pdf] [toolbox]

  • Dictionary identification results for K-SVD with sparsity parameter 1
    K. Schnass
    SampTA13. [pdf]

  • Learning functions of few arbitrary linear parameters in high dimensions
    M. Fornasier, K. Schnass, and J. Vybiral
    SampTA11. [pdf]

  • Compressed learning of high-dimensional sparse functions
    K. Schnass and J. Vybiral
    ICASSP11. [pdf]

  • A union of incoherent spaces model for classification
    K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    ICASSP10. [pdf]

  • Basis identification from random sparse samples
    R. Gribonval and K. Schnass
    SPARS09. [pdf]

  • Dictionary identifiability from few training samples
    R. Gribonval and K. Schnass
    EUSIPCO08. [pdf]

  • Some recovery conditions for basis learning by l_1-minimization
    R. Gribonval and K. Schnass
    ISCCSP08. [pdf]

  • Dictionary learning based dimensionality reduction for classification
    K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    ISCCSP08. [pdf]

  • Multichannel thresholding with sensing dictionaries
    R. Gribonval, B. Mailhe, H. Rauhut, K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    CAMSAP07. [pdf]

  • Average case analysis of multichannel sparse approximations using p- thresholding
    R. Gribonval, B. Mailhe, H. Rauhut, K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    SPIE Optics and Photonics, Wavelets XII, 2007. [pdf]

  • Average case analysis of multichannel thresholding
    R. Gribonval, B. Mailhe, H. Rauhut, K. Schnass and P. Vandergheynst
    ICASSP07. [pdf]


  • Dictionary Learning & Related Topics
    venia docendi, University of Innsbruck, 2018. [outline]

  • Sparsity & Dictionaries - Algorithms & Design
    PhD Thesis n.4349, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, EPFL, 2009.  [pdf]

  • Gabor Multipliers - A Self-Contained Survey
    master's Thesis, University of Vienna, Austria, 2004. [pdf]


  • A Personal Introduction to Theoretical Dictionary Learning
    K. Schnass
    Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten (Bulletin of the Austrian Mathematical Society), 228:5--15, 2015. [pdf]

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