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16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions – Universität Innsbruck


Friede, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen

GOAL 16 Peace, Justice Strong Institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

SDG 16 intends peaceful and inclusive societies based on respect for human rights, protection of the most vulnerable, the rule of law and good governance at all levels. It also envisions transparent, effective and accountable institutions, which promote non-discriminatory laws and policies, combat corruption, bribery and organised crime and prevent violence, terrorism and crime.

SDG 16 calls for responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making, with an enhanced role of developing countries in institutions of global governance.

Monitoring SDG 16 in an EU context focuses on progress made in ensuring peace and personal security, in promoting access to justice and in increasing trust in EU institutions.

Education for Sustainable Development Goals

Suggestions for the development of specific sustainability competencies from the action-oriented, transformative educational and learning outcome-oriented guide Education for Sustainable Development Goals, UNESCO (2017)

Suggested learning objectives

Cognitive learning objectives

  1. The learner understands concepts of justice, inclusion and peace and their relationship to law.
  2. The learner understands their local and national legislative and governance systems, how they represent them and that they can be abused through corruption.
  3. The learner is able to compare their system of justice with those of other countries.
  4. The learner understands the importance of individuals and groups in upholding justice, inclusion and peace and supporting strong institutions in their country and globally.
  5. The learner understands the importance of the international human rights framework.

Socio-emotional learning objectives

  1. The learner is able to connect with others who can help them in facilitating peace, justice, inclusion and strong institutions in their country.
  2. The learner is able to debate local and global issues of peace, justice, inclusion and strong institutions.
  3. The learner is able to show empathy with and solidarity for those suffering from injustice in their own country as well as in other countries.
  4. The learner is able to reflect on their role in issues of peace, justice, inclusion and strong institutions.
  5. The learner is able to reflect on their own personal belonging to diverse groups (gender, social, economic, political, ethnical, national, ability, sexual orientation etc.) their access to justice and their shared sense of humanity.

Behavioral learning objectives

  1. The learner is able to critically assess issues of peace, justice, inclusion and strong institutions in their region, nationally and globally.
  2. The learner is able to publicly demand and support the development of policies promoting peace, justice, inclusion and strong institutions.
  3. The learner is able to collaborate with groups that are currently experiencing injustice and/or conflicts.
  4. The learner is able to become an agent of change in local decision-making, speaking up against injustice.
  5. The learner is able to contribute to conflict resolution at the local and national level.

Suggested topics

Definitions of justice: retributive and rehabilitative

Crime and punishment, comparing laws and punishments across the globe

Climate Justice Trade

Justice Child labour and exploitation of children

Global treaties and agreements related to war, peace and refugees

Corruption and how to measure it

The illegal weapons trade

Drug abuse and its trade

The international criminal court and its role

Examples of learning approaches and methods

Perform a role-play about different people from around the world who are victims of injustice

Have interfaith dialogues in schools and college campuses about justice and equality

Organize an excursion to a local court or police station

Design a poster “What is fair/just” at school

Debate issues of justice of historical and cultural context, e.g. the disappeared in Argentina, Apartheid in South Africa, etc. and how these justice issues have developed

Celebrate the International Day of Peace (September 21)

Develop an enquiry-based project: “What would a peaceful world look like?”

External Links

Department of Economic and social Affairs, United Nations 

Targets and Indicators of Goal 16



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