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Other relevant publications of Nicolas Singewald
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SFB-F44 - cell signaling in chronic CNS disorders

Other relevant publications of Nicolas Singewald

2013 |2012 |2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 1999


Holmes A, Singewald N.
Individual differences in recovery from traumatic fear.
Trends Neurosci. 2013 ;36(1):23-31.

Ebner K, Muigg P, Singewald N.
Inhibitory function of the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to an emotional stressor but not immune challenge.
J Neuroendocrinol. 2013 ;25(1):48-55


Franklin M, Bermudez I, Hlavacova N, Babic S, Murck H, Schmuckermair C, Singewald N, Gaburro S, Jezova D.
Aldosterone increases earlier than corticosterone in new animal models of depression: is this an early marker?
J Psychiatr Res. 2012 ;46(11):1394-7.

Sartori SB, Whittle N, Hetzenauer A,Singewald N.
Magnesium deficiency induces anxiety and HPA axis dysregulation: modulation by therapeutic drug treatment.
Neuropharmacology. 2012: 62(1):304-12.

Yen YC, Mauch CP, Dahlhoff M, Micale V, Bunck M, Sartori SB, Singewald N, Landgraf R, Wotjak CT.
Increased levels of conditioned fear and avoidance behavior coincide with changes in phosphorylation of the protein kinase B (AKT) within the amygdala in a mouse model of extremes in trait anxiety.
Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2012;98(1):56-65

Franklin M, Bermudez I, Mruck H, Singewald N, Gaburro S.
Sub-chronic dietary tryptophan depletion--an animal model of depression with improved face and good construct validity.
J Psychiatr Res. 2012 ;46(2):239-47.


Sartori SB, Landgraf R, Singewald N.
The clinical implications of mouse models of enhanced anxiety.
Future Neurol. 2011 Jul 1;6(4):531-571.

Ebner K, Rjabokon A, Pape HC, Singewald N.
Increased in vivo release of neuropeptide S in the amygdala of freely moving rats after local depolarisation and emotional stress.
Amino Acids. 2011 Oct;41(4):991-6.

Wegener G, Finger BC, Elfving B, Keller K, Liebenberg N, Fischer CW, Singewald N, Slattery DA, Neumann ID, Mathé AA. (2011)
Neuropeptide S alters anxiety, but not depression-like behaviour in Flinders Sensitive Line rats: a genetic animal model of depression.
Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2011 May 9:1-13.

Tasan RO, Bukovac A, Peterschmitt YN, Sartori SB, Landgraf R, Singewald N, Sperk G. (2011)
Altered GABA transmission in a mouse model of increased trait anxiety.
Neuroscience. 2011 Jun 2;183:71-80. Epub 2011 Mar 31.

Busti D, Geracitano R, Whittle N, Dalezios Y, Mańko M, Kaufmann W, Sätzler K, Singewald N, Capogna M, Ferraguti F. (2011)
Different fear states engage distinct networks within the intercalated cell clusters of the amygdala.
J Neurosci. 2011 Mar 30;31(13):5131-44.

Sartori SB, Hauschild M, Bunck M, Gaburro S, Landgraf R, Singewald N. (2011)
Enhanced fear expression in a psychopathological mouse model of trait anxiety: pharmacological interventions.
PLoS One. 2011 Feb 28;6(2):e16849.

Gaburro S, Stiedl O, Giusti P, Sartori SB, Landgraf R, Singewald N. (2011)
A mouse model of high trait anxiety shows reduced heart rate variability that can be reversed by anxiolytic drug treatment.
Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2011 Feb 15:1-15.

Whittle N, Li L, Chen WQ, Yang JW, Sartori SB, Lubec G, Singewald N. (2011)
Changes in brain protein expression are linked to magnesium restriction-induced depression-like behavior.
Amino Acids. 2011 Apr;40(4):1231-48. Epub 2011 Feb 11.

Singewald GM, Rjabokon A, Singewald N, Ebner K. (2011)
The modulatory role of the lateral septum on neuroendocrine and behavioral stress responses.
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011 Mar;36(4):793-804. Epub 2010 Dec 15.


Whittle N, Hauschild M, Lubec G, Holmes A, Singewald N (2010)
Rescue of impaired fear extinction and normalization of cortico-amygdala circuit dysfunction in a genetic mouse model by dietary zinc restriction.
J.Neurosci. (in press)

Tasan RO, Nguyen NK, Weger S, Sartori SB, Singewald N, Heilbronn R, Herzog H, Sperk G (2010)
The central and basolateral amygdala are critical sites of neuropeptide Y/Y2 receptor-mediated regulation of anxiety and depression.
J Neurosci. 30(18):6282-90

Herry C, Ferraguti F, Singewald N, Letzkus JJ, Ehrlich I, Lüthi A (2010)
Neuronal circuits of fear extinction.
Eur J Neurosci. 31(4):599-612


Camp M, Norcross M, Whittle N, Feyder M, D’Hanis W, Yilmazer-Hanke D, Singewald N, Holmes A (2009)
Impaired Pavlovian fear extinction is a common phenotype across genetic lineages of 129 inbred mouse strian. 
Genes Brain Behav 8: 744-52

Lin L, Whittle N, Klug S, Chen WQ, Singewald N, Toth M, Lubec G (2009)
Serotonin (1A)-receptor-dependent signaling proteins in mouse hippocampus.
Neuropharmacology 57: 556-662

Busquet P, Nguyen NK, Schmid E, Tanimoto N, Seelinger MW, Ben-Yosef T, Mizuno F, Akopian A, Striessnig J, Singewald N (2009)
CaV1.3 L-type Ca2+ channels modulate depression-like behaviour in mice independent of deaf phenotype.
Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 11:1-15

Tasan RO, Lin S, Hetzenauer A, Singewald N, Herzog H, Sperk G (2009)
Increased novelty-induced motor activity and reduced depression-like behavior in neuropeptide Y (NPY)-Y4 receptor knockout mice.
Neuroscience 158:1717-30 

Bunck M, Czibere L, Horvath C, Graf C, Frank E, Keßler MS, Murgatroyd C, Müller-Myhsok B, Gonik M, Weber P, Pütz B, Muigg P, Panhuysen M, Singewald N, Bettecken T, Deussing JM, Holsboer F, Spengler D, Landgraf R (2009)
A hypomorphic vasopressin allele prevents anxiety-related behavior.
Plos One 4:e5129 

Muigg P, Scheiber S, Salchner P, Bunck M, Landgraf R, Singewald N (2009)
Differential stress-induced neuronal activation patterns in mouse lines selectively bred for high, normal or low anxiety.
Plos One 4:e5346 

Whittle N, Lubec C, Singewald N (2009)
Zinc deficiency induces enhanced depression-like behavour and altered limbic activation reversed by antidepressant treatment in mice.
Amino Acids 36:147-158 

Singewald GM, Nguyen NK, Neumann ID, Singewald N, Reber SO (2009)
Effect of chronic psychosocial stress-induced by subordinate colony (CSC) housing on brain neuronal activity patterns in mice.
Stress 12:58-69

Nguyen NK, Sartori SB, Herzog H, Tasan R, Sperk G, Singewald N (2009)
Effect of neuropeptide Y Y2 receptor deletion on emotional stress-induced neuronal activation in mice.
Synapse 63:236-246

Wittmann W, Schunk E, Rosskothen I, Gaburro S, Singewald N, Herzog H, Schwarzer C (2009)
 Prodynorphin-derived peptides are critical modulators of anxiety and regulate neurochemistry and corticosterone.
Neuropsychopharmacology 34:775-785


Muigg P, Hetzenauer A, Hauer G, Hauschild M, Gaburro S, Frank E, Landgraf R, Singewald N (2008)
Impaired extinction of learned fear in rats selectively bred for high anxiety – evidence of altered neuronal processing in prefrontal-amygdala pathways.
Eur J Neurosci 28:2299-2309

Ebner K, Muigg P, Singewald G, Singewald N (2008)
Substance P in stress and anxiety NK-1 receptor antagonism interacts with key brain areas of the stress circuitry.
Ann NY. Acad. Sci 1144:61-73

Hefner K, Whittle N, Juhasz J, Norcross M, Karlsson RM, Saksida LM, Bussey TJ, Singewald N, Holmes A (2008)
Impaired fear extinction learning and cortico-amygdala circuit abnormalities in a common genetic mouse strain.
J Neurosci 28:8074-8085 

Singewald N, Chicchi GG, Thurner CC, Tsao KL, Spetea M, Schmidhammer H, Sreepathi HK, Ferraguti F, Singewald GM, Ebner K (2008)
Modulation of basal and stress-induced amygdaloid substance P release by the potent and selective NK1 receptor antagonist L-822429.
J Neurochem 106:2476-2488

Ebner K, Singewald GM, Whittle N, Ferraguti F, Singewald N (2008) 
Neurokinin 1 receptor antagonism promotes active stress coping via enhanced septal 5-HT transmission.
Neuropsychopharmacology 33:1929-41 

Hetzenauer A, Corti C, Herdy S, Corsi M, Ferraguti F, Singewald N (2008)
Individual contribution of metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGlu) 2 and 3 to c-Fos expression pattern evoked by mGlu2/3 antagonism.
Psychopharmacology 201:1-13    

Lu A, Steiner MA, Whittle N, Vogl AM, Walser SM, Ableitner M, Refojo D, Ekker M, Rubenstein JL, Stalla GK, Singewald N, Holsboer F, Wotjak CT, Wurst W, Deussing JM (2008)
Conditional mouse mutants highlight mechanisms of corticotropin-releasing hormone effects on stress-coping behavior.
Mol Psychiatry 13:1028-42 

Busquet P, Hetzenauer A, Sinnegger-Brauns MJ, Striessnig J, Singewald N (2008)
Role of L-type Ca2+ channel isoforms in the extinction of conditioned fear.
Learn Mem 15:378-86 

Painsipp E, Wultsch T, Edelsbrunner ME, Tasan RO, Singewald N, Herzog H, Holzer P (2008)
Reduced anxiety-like and depression-related behavior in neuropeptide Y Y4 receptor knockout mice.
Genes Brain Behav 7:532-542 


Kessler MS, Murgatroyd C, Bunck M, Czibere L, Frank E, Jacob W,   Horvath C, Muigg P, Holsboer F, Singewald N, Spengler D, Landgraf R (2007)
Diabetes insipidus and, partially, low anxiety-related behaviour are linked to a SNP-associated vasopressin deficit in LAB mice.
Eur J Neurosci 26:2857-2864

Whittle N, Sartori SB, Dierssen M, Lubec G, Singewald N (2007)
Fetal down syndrome brains exhibit aberrant levels of neurotransmitters critical for normal brain development.
Pediatrics 120: 1465-1471

Ebner K, Singewald N (2007)
Stress-induced release of substance P in the locus coeruleus modulates cortical noradrenaline release.
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 376:73-82

Bosch OJ, Sartori SB, Singewald N, Neumann ID (2007)
Extracellular amino acid levels in the paraventricular nucleus and central amygdala in high- and low-anxiety dams rats during maternal aggression: Regulation by oxytocin.
Stress 10: 261-270

Berton O, Covington HE 3rd, Ebner K, Tsankova NM, Carle TL, Ulery P, Bhonsle A, Barrot M, Krishnan V, Singewald GM, Singewald N, Birnbaum S, Neve RL, Nestler EJ (2007)
Induction of DeltaFosB in the periaqueductal gray by stress promotes active coping responses.
Neuron 55: 289-300

Muigg P, Hoelzl U, Palfrader K, Neumann I, Wigger A, Landgraf R, Singewald N (2007)
Altered brain activation pattern associated with drug-induced attenuation of enhanced depression-like behavior in rats bred for high anxiety.
Biol. Psychiatry 61:782-796


Bruening S, Oh E, Hetzenauer A, Escobar-Alvarez S, Westphalen RI, Hemmings HC Jr, Singewald N, Shippenberg T, Toth M (2006)
The anxiety-like phenotype of 5-HT receptor null mice is associated with genetic background-specific perturbations in the prefrontal cortex GABA-glutamate system.
J Neurochem 99:892-899

Nguyen NK, Keck ME, Hetzenauer A, Thoeringer CK, Wurst W, Deussing JM, Holsboer F, Müller MB, Singewald N (2006)
Conditional CRF receptor 1 knockout mice show altered neuronal activation pattern to mild anxiogenic challenge.
Psychopharmacology 188:374-385

Hetzenauer A, Sinnegger-Brauns MJ, Striessnig J, Singewald N (2006)
Brain activation pattern induced by stimulation of L-type Ca(2+)-channels: Contribution of Ca(V)1.3 and Ca(V)1.2 isoforms.
Neuroscience: 139:1005-1015

Salchner P, Sartori SB, Sinner C, Wigger A, Frank E, Landgraf R, Singewald N (2006)
Airjet and FG-7142-induced Fos expression differs in rats selectively bred for high and low anxiety-related behavior.
Neuropharmacology 50: 1048-1058

Salchner P, Singewald N (2006)
5-HT receptor subtypes involved in the anxiogenic-like action and associated Fos response of acute fluoxetine treatment in rats. 
Psychopharmacology 185:282-288

Frank E, Aldag JM, Singewald N, Salchner P, Salomé N, Landgraf R, Wigger A (2006)
Genetic predisposition to anxiety-related behavior determines coping style, neuroendocrine responses, and neuronal activation during social defeat.
Behav. Neurosci 120: 60-71

Sainsbury A, Bergen HT, Boey D, Bamming D, Cooney GJ, Lin S, Couzens M, Stroth N, Lee NJ, Lindner D, Singewald N, Karl T, Duffy L, Enriquez R, Slack K, Sperk G, Herzog H (2006)
Y2Y4 receptor double knockout protects against obesity due to a high-fat diet or Y1 receptor deficiency in mice.
Diabetes 55:19-26

Kouvelas D, Singewald N, Kaehler ST, Philippu A (2006)
Sinoartic denervation abolishes blood pressure-induced GABA release in the locus coeruleus of conscious rats.
Neurosci Lett. 393:194-9

Serres F, Sartori SB, Halton A, Pei Q, Rochat C, Singewald N, Sharp T, Millan MJ (2006)
Stereoselective and region-specific induction of immediate early gene expression in rat perietal cortex blockade of neurokinin 1 receptors.
J. Psychopharmacol 20:570-6


Ebner K, Bosch OJ, Krömer SA, Singewald N, Neumann ID (2005)
Release of oxytocin in the rat central amygdala modulates stress-coping behavior and the release of excitatory amino acids.
Neuropharmacology 30:223-230

Keck ME, Welt T, Müller MB, Sartori SB, Ohl F, Holsboer F, Landgraf R, Singewald N (2005)
Chronic paroxetine treatment increases stress-induced serotonergic hippocampal neurotransmission in rats displaying enhanced anxiety/depression-like behavior.
J. Neurochem. 92:1170-1179


Ebner K, Rupniak NM, Saria A, Singewald N (2004)
Substance P in the medial amygdala: emotional stress-sensitive release and modulation of anxiety-related behaviour in rats.
Proc Natl Acad Sci 101: 4280-4285.

Sinnegger-Brauns MJ, Hetzenauer A, Huber IG, Renström E, Wietzorrek G, Berjukov S, Cavalli M, Walter D, Waldschütz R, Hering S, Bova S, Rorsman P, Pongs O, Singewald N, Striessnig J (2004)
Isoform-specific regulation of mood behavior and pancreatic β-cell and cardiovascular function by L-type Ca2+-Channels.
J Clin Invest 113:1430-9

Sartori SB, Burnet PW, Sharp T, Singewald N. (2004)
Evaluation of the effect of chronic antidepressant treatment on neurokinin-1 receptor expression in the rat brain.
Neuropharmacology 46:1177-83