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Registration for placement test expired – Universität Innsbruck

Business Languages Unit

Registration for the Placement test for Level II

is now over.

Registration for Winter Semester 2024/25 is closed.

The registration for the summer semester 2025 will start at the beginning of February and will be possible until 25.02.2025 at 18:00.


If you have questions, please contact the respective instructor my mail!






This written Placement test for Level II takes places at the beginning of the semester for all Business languages offered, apart from Russian.

This test is only necessary for those students, who have not positively completed Level I of the appropriate language.

Please note!!! Those who have positively completed a Level I course are automatically entitled to take (register for) a Level II course.

Course Registration Information:

Course places will be allocated in the 1st - 3rd allocation round exclusively via SoWi computer registration (with points).

We may not and cannot add students to courses during this time.

If you fall under the hardship regulation, i.e. you have not yet been allocated courses in the amount of 27 ECTS in the 2nd allocation round, please also register for the 3rd allocation round. In the 3rd allocation round ("Platzvergabe durch die StudiendekanInnen") possible places will be allocated by the deans of studies.

If you have further questions regarding the course allocation, please contact your student representative of the ÖH SoWi.

If you see remaining places in the system after Monday, 07.10.2024 , please contact the relevant teacher again directly.

If there are no remaining places, it is not possible for us to accept further students.

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