RENplusHOMES - Renewable ENergy-based Positive Homes
Project Leader: RINA Consulting SPA
Project Leader University of Innsbruck: Fabian Ochs
Project Assistants: Mara Magni, Elisa Venturi
Cerqual, Commissariat a l‘Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, Elliniko Institouto Pathitikou Ktiriou, Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologiskis Anaptyxis, RINA Consulting SPA, Ressorts, Fondazione ICONS, socialFare Impresa sociale SRL, Institut de Tecnologia de la Construcció de Catalunya, Evowall Technology SL, Worldsensing SL, Tallinna TehniIkaülikool, Matek AS, Roofit Solar Energy OU, Aktsiaselts Pristis, Neue Heimat Tirol Gemeinnutzige Wohnungs GMBH, GKN Hydrogen Italy SRL, Universität Innsbruck, Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca, Universitateia Valahia Targoviste, Asociatia Romania Green Building Council, Servelect SRL, PassivHaus Institut
Funding program: Horizon 2000
Project period: 04.2023 – 09.2026
RenPlusHomes is a European project focused on advancing key technologies and developing replicable technology packages for Positive Energy Buildings (PEBs). The project includes four demonstration sites across Europe: Spain, Estonia, Austria, and Romania. One notable site is the Young Living project located in Innsbruck, Austria.
The Austrian demonstration site features the new construction of building blocks designed for young residents. The innovation relies in the Hydrogen System (H2S) composed by a water electrolizer, metal hydride hydrogen storage, fuel cells (including co-generation of heat) connected to a sophisticated heat management unit to supply heating energy, combined with a groundwater heat pump for extra heating/cooling generation for the buildings. The electricity produced by the fuel cell can be also used to feed the heat pump.
The demo building will be monitored to assess the efficiency of each component in the system as well as the overall energy demand and electricity flows and heat fluxes will be monitored. Additionally, ambient temperature, will be monitored alongside with the indoor conditions, including temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels. The analysis of the measured data will allow to detect potential faults or non-optimal behaviors, allowing for improvements that enhance overall system performance. Additionally, the analysis will provide insights into the real performance of various systems and their subcomponents. This includes evaluating the effectiveness of shower drain water heat recovery, the seasonal hydrogen storage system (electrolysis, storage, fuel cells, and waste heat), and the dynamics of photovoltaic (PV) self-consumption, PV contributions to the grid, and electricity sourced from the grid. Furthermore, the assessment will cover building performance and the total energy balance, addressing space heating, domestic hot water (DHW) demands, and total electricity consumption.
EU Project:
Austrian Demo: