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Rina Alluri – Universität Innsbruck

Rina Malagayo Alluri

Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies

Assistant Professor

University of Innsbruck

Tel.: +43 512 507 39703


Personal and Professional

Rina Malagayo Alluri is Assistant Professor and Head of the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Innsbruck. She is also the Head of the Research Centre InnPeace. 

Born in Mumbai, India to Indian and Filipino parents, raised in Nigeria and migrated to Vancouver, BC, Canada, Rina has lived and worked in different countries and has been calling Austria home since 2018.

Rina carried out post-doctoral research at the Human Geography Department of the University of Zurich, Switzerland (2017-2019). She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Basel, Switzerland (2014), a Masters in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in the Netherlands (2006) and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada (2004).

Professionally, Rina has worked in a number of research and practitioner positions related to peacebuilding in different contexts such as Canada, South Africa, UK, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Prior to joining the University of Innsbruck, she worked as an independent Peacebuilding Consultant (2015-2020) where she supported the evaluation of a business and human rights organization based in London, carried out a mid-term evaluation by the Swiss Federal Parliament for the three Geneva-based peace centres and developed creative tools and processes to support the strategic development of a non-profit children’s foundation in Nepal. She also worked as a Lecturer for a MA/PhD Seminar (2015-2016) at the University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.

Previously, she worked as Ad Interim Head (2014-2015) and Program Officer (2008-2014) of the Business and Peace Program at swisspeace in Bern, Switzerland where she led projects on different topics such as: Business and Peace; Conflict Sensitivity; Natural Resource Conflicts; War Economies. In addition, she taught block courses and facilitated trainings and roundtable discussions on issues such as: Business, Conflict and Peace; Economic Actors in the Peace Process in Myanmar; War Economy in Syria; Human Rights and Conflict Transformation. Prior to joining swisspeace, she also worked with Hivos-ISS in the Hague, Netherlands and Cape Town, South Africa (2006), Fahamu: Networks for Social Justice in Oxford, UK and Durban, South Africa (2004-2005) and the Conflict and Development Programme at the Liu Institute for Global Issues at UBC in Vancouver, BC, Canada (2003-2004).

Rina has spent her career working in and on conflict-contexts in Asia and Africa as these regions are representative of her own mixed identity and personal and professional journeys. She holds experience in contexts such as: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal, Ethiopia and Rwanda. 

Currently, she is a Fellow with the Salzburg Global Seminar Asia Peace Innovator's Forum (APIF) and a member of the Salzburg Global Seminar Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Group. She is also a co-founder of the BIPOC Circle, an initiative that brings together Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC) to engage in community on social and political issues. 

Consultancies, Awards, Scholarships

Evaluation Consultant with Universalia AG on the role of business in respecting human rights

Evaluation Consultant with Universalia AG on peace centre agendas and development

Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Zurich, funded by Swiss National Science Foundation Research Grant on the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in Switzerland

PhD Fellow, Swiss National Science Foundation Doctoral Scholarship, NCCR North-South Programme on The Role of the Private Sector in Peace Promotion

Fellow, Hivos-ISS Partnership Master of Arts Research Award, The Hivos Foundation and ISS

Foreign Affairs Canada Youth International Internship Program Award, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada and Fahamu


Assistant Professor/Head, Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Innsbruck

Peacebuilding Consultant, Freelance, Salzburg Austria

Senior Researcher, Human Geography, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Associate Expert, swisspeace, Bern, Switzerland

Lecturer, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Head Ad Interim, Business and Peace Program, swisspeace, Bern, Switzerland

Program Officer, Business and Peace Program, swisspeace, Bern, Switzerland

Research Assistant, Human Security/FAST Program, swisspeace, Bern, Switzerland

Academic Researcher, Hivos-ISS Knowledge Sharing Network on Civil Society Building, the Hague, Netherlands and Cape Town, South Africa

Research Fellow, Fahamu: Networks for Social Justice, Oxford, UK and Durban, South Africa

Research Assistant, Conflict and Development Programme, Liu Institute for Global Issues, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Peace and Conflict Studies

  • Peacebuilding Theories
  • Peace Processes
  • Peace Mediation
  • Conflict Transformation
  • De-colonization Theories
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Gender and Intersectionality
  • Transrational Peace
  • Business and Peace
  • Business and Human Rights
  • Political Economy of Conflict
  • Corporate Governance
  • Natural Resource Conflicts

Migration and Development 

  • Human Geography
  • Political Geography
  • Transnationalism
  • Diaspora Politics
  • Migration and Development
  • De-territorialisation
  • Development Studies
  • Fragile Contexts

International Relations

  • Governance and Democracy
  • Human Rights
  • Social Movements


  • Global History
  • Peace History
  • Economic and Social History

Area Studies

  • South Asia
  • South East Asia
  • Southern Africa
  • East Africa
  • West Africa


  • Research ethics and positionality
  • Qualitative research methods
  • Empirical data collection

Current Teaching Appointments and Itinerary

Winter Term 2020/21-Present

MA Program for Peace Studies / University of Innsbruck

  • Introduction into Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Aspects of Negative Peace and Direct Violence

Principal Teaching and Research Appointments

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation, Switzerland

Human Geography Department, University of Zurich, Switzerland

University of Basel, Switzerland

University of Basel, Switzerland

Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG), Switzerland

University of Basel, Switzerland

University of Basel, Switzerland

University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

University of Basel, Switzerland


Book Publications and Editorships

Miklian, J. R.M. Alluri and J.E. Katsos (Eds.) 2019. Business, Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development: Beyond the UN SDGs. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. 256pp.

Alluri, R.M. 2009. “The Role of Social Movements in Post-Apartheid South Africa: The Treatment Action Campaign” (Köln: Lambert Academic Publishing).

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Alluri, R. M., & Yéré, H.-M. 2022. Old or new territory? Perspectives On Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging. Autonomy and Responsibility Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(1), 45–58.

Thurairajah, T., P. Hollenbach and R. Alluri. 2020. “Vertical Living: Transnational Urbanisation and Diasporic Returns to Wellawatte/Colombo, Sri Lanka”, in South Asian Diaspora. doi:

Iff, A. and R.M. Alluri. 2016. Business Contributions to Peacebuilding: Exploring the Evidence. Business, Peace and Sustainable Development. 2016(8), December: 7-33. doi: 10.9774/

Iff, A. and R.M. Alluri. 2016. Business Actors in Mediation Processes. Business and Society Review. 121(2): 187-215. doi: 10.1111/basr.12085

Alluri, R.M. 2012. “Review of Jayatilleke S. Bandara, Prema-Chandra Athukorala, and Saman Kelegama, (Eds.) 2011. Trade Liberalization and Poverty in South Asia”, in: Journal of International and Global Studies, Vol 4(1) November. Routledge.

Alluri, R.M. 2005. “King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa”, in: Thomson, S., and Wilson, J.Z., ‘Rwanda and the Great Lakes Region: Ten Years on from Genocide’, International Insights, Dalhousie University Journal of International Affairs, pp.294-98.

Peer-reviewed book chapters

Alluri, R.M. 2023. "Political Remittances: The Post-war Transformation of the Tamil Swiss Diaspora", in: Meyer, S., Ströhle, C. (eds.): Remittances as Social Practices and Agents of Change. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Alluri, R.M. 2020.“’Take Me As I Am’: Insights From the Second Generation Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in Switzerland”, in  Vethanayagamony, P. (Ed). Tamil Diaspora: The scattering of Tamils around the world (New Delhi: Serials Publications).

Iff, A. and Alluri, R. 2019. “The Contested Role of Local Business in Peacebuilding: Reflections from Sri Lanka and El Salvador”, in: Business, Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development. Miklian, J., Alluri, R.M. and Katsos, J.E. (Eds). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Alluri, R.M., M. Leicher, K. Palme, U. Joras. 2014. “Understanding Economic Effects of Violent Conflicts on Tourism: Empirical Reflections from Croatia, Rwanda and Sri Lanka”, in: International Handbook on Tourism. Wohlmuther, C. and W. Wintersteiner (Eds). (Klagenfurt: Drava). Centre for Peace Research and Peace Education of the University of Klagenfurt and UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Alluri, R.M. 2010. Gorillas and Genocide: Tourism and Peacebuilding in Rwanda, in: CSR in Conflict and Post-conflict Environments: From Risk Management to Value Creation. Prandi, M. and J.M. Lozano (Eds). (Barcelona: Escola de cultura de pau (UAB)/ESADE).

Working papers and other publications

Handschin, S., E. Abitbol, and R. Alluri (eds.) 2016. “Conflict Sensitivity: Taking it to the Next Level.” swisspeace working paper.

Alluri, RM, C. Gironde, A. Leissing, Y. Maillard-Ardenti, 2015. “Rubber in a rice bowl: Dynamics and effects of large-scale land acquisitions on local communities in Cambodia”. swisspeace Critical Reflections (Bern: swisspeace).

Bächtold, S. Gasser, R. Palmiano, J. Alluri, R. and Stein, S. 2014. “Working in and on Myanmar: Reflections on a ‘light footprint’ approach” swisspeace Working Paper 5. (Bern: swisspeace).

Alluri, R.M. and F. Cerletti. 2013. “Doing Business in Myanmar: Potential Challenges and Ways Forward”, swisspeace Critical Reflections (Bern: swisspeace).

Iff, A., R.M. Alluri, B. Upreti, R. Gurung. 2012. “The Pyramid of Business and Peace”, NCCR North-South Policy Brief Series, Global Edition, No. 9. (Bern: NCCR North-South).

Iff, A., R.M. Alluri and S. Hellmüller. 2012. “The Positive Contributions of Businesses in Transformations from War to Peace” swisspeace Working Paper 3 (Bern: swisspeace).

Iff, A., D. Sguaitamatti, R. Alluri and D. Kohler. 2010 “Money Makers as Peace Makers? Business Actors in Mediation Processes”, swisspeace Working Paper 2 (Bern: swisspeace)

Sguaitamatti, D., A. Iff, R.M. Alluri and S.J.A. Mason. 2010. “Business Actors in Mediation Processes”, Peace Mediation Essentials. (Zurich and Bern: Mediation Support Project (MSP)).

Alluri, R.M. 2010. “Contesting the Role of Social Movements in Post-Apartheid South Africa: The Treatment Action Campaign”. The Power of Civil Society Working Paper Series, Working Paper 6. July. (The Hague: Hivos and Institute of Social Studies).

Alluri, R.M. 2009. “The Role of Tourism in Post-conflict Peacebuilding in Rwanda”, swisspeace Working Paper 2 (Bern: swisspeace).

Project mandates and conference reports

Alluri, RM., U. Hombrecher, K. Wakwaya, 2015. Extended Summary. Conflict Sensitivity Assessment: HEKS EPER Borana Watershed Initiative. June. (Zürich: HEKS EPER).

Turkmani, R., R. Alluri and S. Hellmüller. 2014. Public Report. Summary based on the proceedings of the War Economy in Syria Conference, held on 13-14 November 2014 in Basel, Switzerland.

Alluri, R.M. 2014. “Conflict Sensitive Business Practices: The Case of Nomades Swiss”, swisspeace Project Report (Bern: swisspeace).

Joras, U., K. Palme, R. Alluri, M. Leicher. 2011.“Tourismus, Frieden und Konflikt: Effekte, Strategien und das privatwirtschaftliche Engagement in der Friedensförderung”, Forschung DSF Nr. 26, Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung. 

Mason, S., A. Müller, A. Schnabel, R. Alluri, and C. Schmid. June 2008, “Linking Environment and Conflict Prevention: The Role of the United Nations”, (Bern: CSS and swisspeace).

Magazines and other media

frauen* im brennpunkt. 2022. «WEIL ICH EINE FRAU* BIN: Rina» Available:

Goisauf, T. Paulo Freire Zentrum. 2022. Die Politik des Wissens: Kolonisierung und Befreiung. Available:

Freies Radio Innsbruck. 2022. Social Entrepreneurship im Gespräch. Available:

Museum im Dialog. 2022. Kann Man Frieden Lernen? Einblicke in die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung Dialog 7. Available:

Freirad: Freies Radio Innsbruck. 2020. Kultur Ton. What’s your peace? – Interview with Peace Expert Rina Alluri. Available:

Alluri, R.M. 2010. “Auf vermintem Gelände”, Welt-Sichten, 12/2010, pp. 40-42.

Alluri, R.M. 2010. “Ein neues Image aufbauen – Tourismus und Friedensförderung in Ruanda”, Tourism Watch, Bonn: Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED), 59/60 September.

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