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Projects – Universität Innsbruck


Current and Recent Projects

2022-2025: ANTHROPO.SNOW Snow and Ice as Testimonial for Pristine Environments Suffer Severely from Human Imprint (Seti Institute, PI: B. Sattler)

2022-2025: PLASTIC.ALPS Verbreitung und Auswirkung von Mikroplastik in sensiblen hochalpinen Ökosystemen (OeAD GmbH, Sparkling Science, PI: B. Sattler)

2022-2025: Phenotypic and transcriptional plasticity in alpine copepods (Austrian Science Fund, FWF P 35886, PI: B. Tartarotti).

2022-2024: ICEBIO Centre of Glacial Biome Doctoral Network (EU-Horizon Europe, PI: B. Sattler)

2022-2024: social and ecological effects of Fish removal in Mountain Ecosystems (FishME), (Austrian Science Fund, FWF I- 5824 , ERA; BioDivERsA / JPI Water - BioDivRestore; BioDivERsA. PI: R. Sommaruga.

2021-2025: Polinton-like virus diversity in aquatic ecosystems (Austrian Science Fund, FWF P34620, PI: C. Bellas, Co-PI: R. Sommaruga)

2020-2025: Chironomid-based thermometry of Marine Isotope Stage 3 in the Northern Limestone Alps (SE Germany) (Austrian Science Fund, FWF P33786, PI: B. Ilyashuk)

2019-2021: Snowledge. Qualifizierungsnetz Schnee (FFG-Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Co-PI: B. Sattler)

2018-2019: BLACK.ICE - Die Gletscher werden grüner: Glaziales mikrobielles Leben als Beschleuniger der
Gletscherschmelze durch Bioalbedo (OeAD GmbH, Sparkling Science, PI: B. Sattler)

2018-2019: Man-made mountain reservoirs – New habitats for planktonic organisms? (D. Swarovski Foundation; PI B. Tartarotti) 

2017-2019: VIRALP - Virus-host relationships in an alpine lake (Austrian Science Fund, Meitner Programme, PI: C. Bellas, Co-PI: R. Sommaruga)

2015-2023: Ice and Life in Alpine and Polar Regions (TAWANI-Foundation, PI: B. Sattler)

2015-2020: Palaeothermometry of the Middle Würmian (MIS 3) in the Eastern Alps (Austrian Science Fund, FWF P28469, PI: E. Ilyashuk)

2015-2020: MicroArctic - Microorganisms in Warming Arctic Environments (EU-Horizon 2020, Marie Curie Actions – Innovative Training Networks ITN, PI: B. Sattler)

2015-2020: Palaeothermometry of the Middle Würmian (MIS 3) in the Eastern Alps (Austrian Science Fund, PI: E. Ilyashuk)

2015-2017: From myth to reason – Population structure and spawning areas of tropical eels (Anguilla marmorata, A. megastoma, A. obscura) in the western South Pacific (Austrian Science Fund, PI: R. Schabetsberger, Universität Salzburg, Co-PI: R. Sommaruga)

2015: Fischökologische Untersuchung im oligotrophen hochalpinen Gossenköllesee - Genotypisierung, Populationscharakterisierung und Nahrungsspektrum der Bachforelle (TIWAG, PI: R. Sommaruga)

2014-2016: COVER.UP – Abdeckung von Gletschern mit Industrievlies zur Reduktion der Schmelze: Wirtschaftlicher Segen oder ökologischer Fluch? Eine gesellschaftspolitisch-wissenschaftliche Symbiose. (BM.W_F, Sparkling Science, PI: B. Sattler)

2013-2022: BIO.CRYO - Biological Processes in the Cryosphere (TAWANI-Foundation, PI: B. Sattler)

2013-2018: Chemolithoautotrophic carbon dioxide fixation in lakes (Austrian Science Fund, FWF P25703, PI: A. Alfreider)

2012-2017: UV stress in alpine lakes: hsp gene expression in copepods (Austrian Science Fund, FWF V233 Elise-Richter Program). PI: Barbara Tartarotti.

2012-2016: Back to the origin: Consequences of glacier retreat for the structure and function of alpine lakes (BACK-ALP). Austrian Science Fund, FWF P24442, PI: R.Sommaruga.

2012-2015: Role of different bacterial groups in the biogeochemical cycle of phosphorus in mountain lakes. (Austrian Science Fund, FWF P24098). PI: Maria T. Pérez, R. Sommaruga.

2012-2015: Climate-driven shifts in permafrost melting and ecotoxicological consequences during the Holocene: chironomid-based reconstructions from periglacial environments in the Eastern Alps. Austrian Science Fund (FWF M1337), Abstract, PI: Boris Ilyashuk. Abstract

2011-2014: NICKEL CONTROL: Natural or anthropogenic CONTROL of NICKEL increase in alpine headwaters, Autonomous Province Bozen, Support for high schools, universities and resarch, Abstract, PI: Karin Koinig. Abstract

2011-2013: Lake Lander: Impact of glacial melt on past and present lakes. NASA-ASTEP. N. Cabrol (USA, PI), R. Sommaruga (Co-PI)

2010-2014: INTIMATE (COST Action ES0907): INTegrating Ice core, MArine, and TErrestrial records, Management Commitee: Karin Koinig, Christoph Spötl.

2010-2013: MELTING: Impact of MELTING permafrost and rock glaciers on water quality and aquatic organisms in alpine lakes, Austrian Academy of Sciences - Alpine programme, Abstract, PI: Karin Koinig. Abstract

2010-2012: Climate-driven alterations in biodiversity and functioning of high alpine lakes in the Tyrolean Alps over the past millennium. Austrian Academy of Sciences – Global Change Programme, Abstract, PI: Elena Ilyashuk.

2009-2012: Ultraviolet radiation effects on planktonic freshwater ciliates: an assessment of photoprotection and repair strategies” (Austrian Science Fund, FWF P21013-B03). PI: Sonntag Bettina.

2008-2012: NSINK: Sources, sinks and impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Arctic, WP5: Aquatic Ecosystems and Palaeolimnology (Abstract), FP7-People ITN-2007.1.1, ENV.215503, PIs: Karin Koinig, Birgit Sattler, Roland Psenner. NSINK Summary

2007-2011: Cascading effects of climate change and UV radiation on the nutritional quality of the food base in marine ecosystems. Norwegian Research Council, Proj. Nr. 178731/S40. Cooperation project with H. I. Browman (Norway, PI), M.T. Arts (Canada, PI) and P. Kuhn (Co-PI).

2007-2009: Holocene Climatic and Limnological Changes: Chironomid-Based Reconstruction from a Remote High Alpine Lake (Tyrol, Austria). Austrian Science Fund (FWF M 964-N10), PI: Elena Ilyashuk. Summary

2007-2008: Load and viability of bacteria associated to airborne particles and effect of ultraviolet radiation on their composition. Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture (bm:bwk, ÖAD), Proj. Nr. 16/2007. PI: R Sommaruga

2006-2011: Community structure and function of heterotrophic bacteria in alpine lakes: atmosphere and catchments linkages (Austrian Science Foundation, FWF P19245-B03, R. Sommaruga PI).

2006-2007: Diversity of microbial communities in remote alpine lakes of the Alps and Himalaya. Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture (bm:bwk, ÖAD), Proj. Nr. 16/2006. Pi: R. Sommaruga

2004-2010: Holocene Climate Change Reflected in a Remote High Alpine Lake, A Multiproxy Investigation of the Sediment Record, (FWF R 29N10; 2003, continued 2005 – 2010), PI: Karin Koinig.

2004-2007: Autotrophic bacteria in groundwater systems (Austrian Science Fund, FWF P17649, PI: A. Alfreider)

2004-2007: Characterization of the underwater UV climate in lakes from the Mt. Everest Region and assessment of DNA damage levels and counteractive mechanisms (photorepair and photoprotection) in planktonic organisms (K2-Ev-CNR Committee, Italy and Svarowsky Foundation-Univ. of Innsbruck). PI: Ruben Sommaruga

2003-2007: Testing alternative benefits in symbiosis of pelagic Chlorella-bearing freshwater ciliates: an ecological and molecular approach (Austrian Science Foundation, FWF 16559-B06). PI: R. Sommaruga

2004-2006: Climate warming impact on alpine’s lake bacterioplankton community structure and specific activity (Austrian Science Foundation, FWF M788 B06). PI: Maria T. Pérez, CoPI: R. Sommaruga

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