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News – Universität Innsbruck


Stu­dent of the Year 2024

Jakob Walser from Vorarlberg was awarded the prize Student-of-the-Year in Management and Economics 2024 of the Faculties of Economics at the University of Innsbruck. The award comes with prize money of 2,000 euros, sponsored by the Bank Austria Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Research.


SoWi Fac­ulty Award 2024

The ceremony for the SoWi Faculty Award, which was awarded by the Faculty of Economics and Statistics and the Faculty of Business Administration Innsbruck for the sixth time this year, took place on 24 September 2024 on the premises of the SOWI Faculty. Once again this year, a total of 6 theses were honoured, whose authors had dedicated themselves with commitment and curiosity to a business administration or economics topic.


Work­shop in Empir­i­cal Macroe­co­nomics 2024

On April 4-5, 2024, the second Workshop in Empirical Macroeconomics took place at the University of Innsbruck in cooperation with the Liechtenstein Institute. The workshop was aimed at researchers from academia and practice who investigate business cycle fluctuations and associated economic policy challenges using macroeconomic methods and innovative utilization of economic data.


Teach­ing com­pe­tence cer­tifi­cate (Zer­ti­fikat Lehrkom­pe­tenz) for Mar­ica Valente

The faculty congratulates Marica Valente on obtaining the certificate for teaching competence. In her final thesis, Marica Valente dealt with "Reducing the gender gap: The role of competition and feedback in teaching". When individuals or groups compete with each other, they strive to improve their skills, knowledge and performance in order to outperform their peers. Lecturers could incorporate direct competition as a teaching element to intensify learning through the active and competitive participation of students.


Teach­ing Com­pe­tence Cer­tifi­cate for Reto Stauf­fer

With his final thesis "R Zusatzübungen: Optional offer for self-study", Reto Stauffer has received his certificate of teaching competence. The Faculty congratulates him warmly.

As part of the "Statistical Data Analysis" module, Reto Stauffer has created a further non-binding offer for the summer semester 2023, which enables students to consolidate their use of the open source software R/RStudio in self-study to accompany the lecture/proseminars.


Inno­va­tive PhD Course on "Fi­nan­cial Eco­nomics of Cli­mate and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty"

PhD students at the Faculty of Economics and Statistics can take a new innovative course on sustainability and climate change. The University of Innsbruck is participating in an initiative of Harvard Business School, which aims to offer a global doctoral programme to equip the next generation of decision-makers with the latest insights into the financial and economic impact of climate change and sustainable business.


PhD stu­dent in ZEIT ONLINE

Article in DIE ZEIT about the contribution of Katia Gallegos Torres, PhD student at the Faculty of Economics and Statistics, at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Verein für socialpolitik



Young Economist Award 2023

Marica Valente is one of the winners of the Young Economist Award 2023 of the National Economic Society (NOeG).


SoWi Fac­ulty Award 2023

The ceremony of the SOWI Faculty Award, which was awarded by the Faculty of Economics and Statistics and the Faculty of Business and Management Innsbruck for the fifth time this year, took place on September 26, 2023 at the premises of the SOWI Faculty.


Work­shop in Empir­i­cal Macroe­co­nomics

An international workshop on "Empirical Macroeconomics: The Transmission of Macroeconomic Shocks and Policy Challenges" was held at the University of Innsbruck in cooperation with the Liechtenstein Institute from April 13-14, 2023.


SoWi Fac­ulty Award 2022

The award ceremony for the SOWI Faculty Awards, which were awarded by the Faculty of Business Administration and the Faculty of Economics and Statistics at the University of Innsbruck for the fourth time this year, took place on 21 September 2022 on the premises of the SOWI Faculty.


Publi­ca­tion: Effect of CO₂ foot­print label on sus­tain­able eat­ing behav­ior

A field experiment analyzing the effectiveness of CO₂ labeling on food purchases, conducted by Elisabeth Gsottbauer together with Andreas Kontoleon and Paul Lohman (both University of Cambridge), has been published in the Top-Field Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM). Additional journalistic coverage can be found in "Die Presse" and "Die Furche".


Stu­dent-of-the-Year 2022

Alexandra Felderer, a student of International Economic and Businesss Studies, was named Student-of-the-Year in Mangement and Economics. The prize money of 1,500 euros for the "Student-of-the-Year in Management and Economics" and a further 2,000 euros for additional four prizes were provided by the Bank Austria Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Research.


Stu­dent-of-the-Year 2023

Daniel Mayr from South Tyrol has been awarded Student-of-the-Year 2023 at the faculties of Economics and Statistics as well as Business and Management  at the University of Innsbruck. The award "Student-of-the-Year in Management and Economics" is connected with a prize money of 1,500 euros, which was donated by the Bank Austria Förderstiftung.


Sum­mer School Open Science

Working scientifically, and doing it right - this was the motto of the Summer School "Open Science", which recently celebrated its premiere at the University of Innsbruck. Together, the 22 participants took a critical look at scientific practice and dealt with open science practices.


Sus­tain­able Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion via Pay­ments for Ecosys­tem Ser­vices

Can cash incentives lead to the long-term protection of ecosystems? So-called "Payments for Ecosystem Services" motivate landowners to conserve the environment through payments. Esther Blanco, professor of economics at the University of Innsbruck, shows in a new study of Colombian landowners that the motivation to protect the environment remains even after the payments have been stopped.


Book Rec­om­men­da­tion: Der men­schliche Fak­tor

For the second edition of his successful book, Matthias Sutter has added five new chapters on current topics. How can managers make meetings more productive? Are we losing our creativity through the many video conferences in home office? Does it matter, for example, for one's own work performance how high someone estimates the manager's salary? How do work norms change when workers are paid for things they take for granted - like attendance? Lastly, the behavioral economist has included a chapter in the new edition with the provocative statement "Smoking helps your career (but certainly not your health)."

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