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Urban Water Management – Universität Innsbruck

Urban Water Management

The aim of the Urban Water Management research group is to develop innovative solutions for urban water problems and thus play a pioneering role internationally. A particular focus is on urban drainage. Urban water research includes projects that deal with the interaction between different elements of the urban water cycle, processes in the sewerage system, quality management of surface water runoff, modelling of integrated systems (sewerage system, sewage treatment plant and receiving waters) and the sustainability of urban water systems.

In addition, the group deals with topics such as the occurrence and utilisation of groundwater and surface water in alpine regions, technical water resource management, processes for determining groundwater quality, the management of the thermal potential of aquifers, and the operation and management of alpine water supply systems. The group's activities are closely linked to the regional endeavours to establish Tyrol as a key player in Alpine water management. The task of the IUT research group is to provide the necessary scientific background.

Selected research projects

Water supply networks and water resources

Error propagation of uncertainties in pressure-based leak detection (FOUND)

Digital pandemic and crisis management in drinking water supply (RESIST)

Increasing the resilience of urban water systems through digitalisation (REWADIG)

Urban water infrastructure - Finding simplicity in complexity

Optimal water distribution system analysis based on stochastic data reconstruction and network strucutre uncertainties

Smart Water Control

Smart Water City

Urban Water Footprint: a new approach for water management in urban areas

Small Hydropower System in Water Distribution Networks

Alpine water supply and provision logistics

In-depth studies on the topic of snowmaking for winter sports facilities

GIS-based determination and visualisation of regional thermal groundwater utilisation in alpine aquifers

Geothermal utilisation and geothermal utilisation potential of regions (GEOPOT)


Urban water management and wastewater treatment

Blue-Green Infrastructure for Improving Resilience to Floods and Droughts in Alpine Cities (BlueGreenCities)

Resilient urban open space through climate change adaptation measures using the example of DDr. Alois Lugger Platz - INNsbruck

Innsbruck "Fit4UrbanMission" - climate-neutral Innsbruck 2030

BEJOND - Stormwater Treatment Beyond Original Design Events and

Cool-INN: Cool urban living spaces for a resilient society

RECONECT Regenarating ECOsystems with Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk rEduCTion

Areal Innsbruck Campaigns

CONQUAD Consequences of adaptation: Assessing multi-benefits and challenges in the transfer to more resilient and sustainable urban water systems

FlexAdapt. Development of flexible adaptation concepts for the urban drainage of the future

SPHAUL - Integrated modelling of anaerobic digestion with SPH

Green/Blue Infrastructure for Sustainable, Attractive Cities

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics in Urban Water Management

An efficient way from data to model: Rehabilitation and adaptation planning for small and medium-sized sewer networks (DatMod)

Long-term performance of hydraulic and purification characteristics of infiltration swales during summer and winter operation

Dynamic Adaptation of Urban Water Infrastructure for Sustainable City Development in an Alpine Environment (DynAlp)

Integrated rehabilitation planning of urban infrastructure systems (REHAB)

Dynamic Virtual Infrastructure Benchmarking (DynaVIBe)

Dynamic Adaptation for eNabling City Evolution for Water (DAnCE 4 Water)

INTENSYS Integrated, highly efficient energy and social systems for sustainable lifestyles of the future

SOFTSEN Development of a software-based sensor for the continuous recording of MW discharges

Development of the hybrid model-independent calibration tool CALIMERO

Virtual Infrastructure Benchmarking (VIBe)

Softwaretool for Integrated Modelling of Urban Environments and their Infrastructure (DynaMind)

Simulation and Analysis of Integrated Waste Water System in Alpine Environment

Use of weather radar data in urban hydrology

Modern methods of sewer network calculation, management and optimisation

Innovative measurement technology in water management

Concept development for the management and renovation of the Linz sewerage system

PREPARED enabling change

CD4WC Cost-efficient urban drainage taking into account the EU Water Framework Directive

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