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Andreas Plank – Universität Innsbruck

Dr. Andreas Plank


Postdoctoral Researcher


University of Innsbruck - Faculty of Business and Management

Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism

Universitaetsstr. 15
Raum o.3.33
6020 Innsbruck
Austria / Europe

Phone: +43 (0) 512/507 72506


Journal Publications

Koll, Oliver and Andreas Plank (2022). Do shoppers choose the same brand on the next trip when facing the same context? An empirical investigation in FMCG retailing. Journal of Retailing, 98(4), 576-592.

Plank, Andreas (2020). Free lunch, structural violence, and normalization: A Neo-Gramscian analysis of food waste and dumpster diving. Organization. DOI:

Plank, Andreas and Karin Teichmann (2018). A Facts Panel on Corporate social and Environmental Behavior: Decreasing Information Asymmetries between Producers and Consumers through Product Labeling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 177, 868-877.

Ladstätter, Florian, Andreas Plank, and Andrea Hemetsberger (2018). The Merits and Limits of Making Do: Bricolage and Breakdowns in a social Enterprise. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 30(3-4), 283-309.

Plank, Andreas (2016). The hidden risk in user-generated content: An investigation of ski tourers' revealed risk-taking behavior on an online outdoor sports platform. Tourism Management, 55(August), 289-296.

Teichmann, Karin, Nicola Stokburger-Sauer, Andreas Plank, and Andreas Strobl (2015). Motivational Drivers of Content Contribution to Company-Versus Consumer-Hosted Online Communities. Psychology and Marketing, 32(3), 341–355.

Grissemann, Ursula, Andreas Plank, and Alexandra Brunner-Sperdin (2012). Enhancing Business Performance of Hotels: The Role of Innovation and Customer Orientation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), 347–356.


Conference Proceedings (Full Paper)

Plank, Andreas (2017). Tra il dire e il fare c‘è di mezzo il mare*: An investigation into the ethical purchasing gap* Italian proverb: Between saying and doing is half a sea. In: NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 45, eds. Ayelet Gneezy, Vladas Griskevicius, and Patti Williams, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 461-464.

Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola and Andreas Plank (2014). Respecting the Heterogeneity of the Natives: Antecedents and Consequences of Individuals’ Digital Nativeness. In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems 2014, Tel Aviv.

 Research Grants and Awards
American Collegiate Retailing Association – 2022 ACRA Conference
Best Track Paper: Consumer Behavior, for the paper
“Loyalty Proneness – A Cross-Category Consumer Trait”
Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds 2017
Research grant (€ 9.979) for the project ”AVALRISK: Eine Untersuchung des Risikoinformations- und Risikoentscheidungsverhaltens von Skitourengehern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von online-Informationen”
Interreg Alpine Space Program 2016 (co-applicant)
Together with Prof. Andrea Hemetsberger (main applicant for the University of Innsbruck) and 14 project partners: Research grant (€ 178.500 for the University of Innsbruck; Total project funding from the European Regional Development Fund € 1.923.000) for the project “AlpFoodway: a cross-disciplinary, transnational and participative approach to Alpine food cultural heritage“; Project-Coordinator for the University of Innsbruck (November 2016 - June 2018)
Förderungsbeiträge Aktion D. Swarovski KG 2016
Research grant (€ 3.500) for the project "Empowering the Ethical Consumer: A Facts Panel on Corporate social and Environmental Behavior and Its Effects on Consumer Response"
International Centre for Research and Education in Tourism (ICRET)
ICRET Research Award, 3rd Place (€ 200)
Nachwuchsförderung der Universität Innsbruck 2012
Research grant (€ 5.365) for the promotion of young scientists. Project: “Mitigating Information Asymmetry on Corporate social and Environmental Behavior”
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