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Josef Wanzenböck – University of Innsbruck

 JWJosef Wanzenböck


Present position:

Senior Scientist
Head of working group "Ecology of Freshwater Fish"

Research area:

ecology of freshwater fish in temperate lakes



+43 512 507-50205

Employment History · Research · Staff · Projects · Teaching · Publications

Employment History

  • Senior Research Fellow and head of the Fish Ecology Group at the Research Department for Limnology, Mondsee of the University of Innsbruck (September 1, 2012 - present)

  • Senior Research Fellow and head of the Fish Ecology Group at the Institute for Limnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Mondsee, Austria (1999 - August 31, 2012)

  • Promotion to “University Dozent” (Associate Professor) at the Univ. of Salzburg (1998)

  • Junior Research Fellow Institute for Limnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Mondsee, Austria (1995 – 1999)

  • Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent) at the Institute for Zoology (Department of Limnology) at the Univ. of Vienna (1993 – 1995)

  • Guest Scientist at the University of Guelph, Institute of Ichthyology (hosted by Prof. Dr. D.L.G. Noakes, Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund FWF) (1991-1992)

  • Research Assistant at the Institute for Zoology, (Department of Limnology) at the Univ. of Vienna (1987 – 1991)

  • Ph.D. in Zoology and Botany, Univ. of Vienna (1990)

  • University studies (Faculty of Natural Sciences) Univ. of Vienna (1981 – 1990)



My research interests cover a broad spectrum of the ecology of freshwater fish in temperate lakes:

Behavioural ecology:

Predator-prey relationships of larval and juvenile fish and their zooplankton prey populations; Habitat use of juveniles under predation threat.

Functional ecology:

Population dynamics with emphasis on larval and juvenile life stages as well as on endangered fish species.

Spatial patterns of fish distributions and habitat relationships of different life stages within lakes in relation to environmental factors.

Fish communities and their indicator value for the ecological integrity of lakes.

Evolutionary ecology:

Population genetics of lake dwelling fish in relation to niche differentiation.

To achieve our tasks we are combining laboratory studies (behavioural, physiological and genetic analyses) with field observations on distribution, habitat use, population dynamics, trophic relationships, growth and reproduction. We use various methods like behavioural analysis, respirometry, DNA analysis, hydroacoustics and diverse netting methods to collect data on the mentioned aspects of fish ecology.

Many projects involve close cooperation with colleagues from Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Poland and Russia. All works are supported by our technical assistant.


Staff and group members

  • Hans Rund (PhD candidate): Fishecology, Project EcoAlpsWater, co-supervision with R. Kurmayer, project staff Sparkling Science project "Biodiversity of Phoxinus minnows in Austria" and "Rettung für den Wetterfisch"
  • lukas Fuxjäger, project staff "Rettung für den Wetterfisch"
  • Dominique Damay (MSc candidate)
  • Serafine Kattus (MSc candidate)
  • Daniel Nayer (MSc candidate)
  • Philip Kerschbaumer (lab technician) – Fish keeping, morphometry, embryonic mortality experiments, field work, technical supervision of experiments, maintenance of sampling equipment (part time)



Long-Term Ecological Data provided by the Research Department for Limnology Mondsee, ÖAW, ESFRI/eLTER Data call (Jan 2023 - Dec 2023)

"Biodiversity of Phoxinus minnows in Austria ", Sparkling Science, OeAD (Oct 2022 - Oct 2025) - cooperation with A. Palandacic, NHM Vienna, Rund, H.Wanzenböck, S. 

Sparkling Science-2022

Hydroakustischer Methodenvergleich - Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL) (Okt 2021 - Jun 2022)

EcoAlpsWater - Innovative Ecological Assessment and Water Management Strategy for the Protection of Ecosystem Services in Alpine Lakes and Rivers. Interreg Alpine Space - Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (2018 - 2022) (together with R. Kurmayer, PI)

The aim of the project Eco-AlpsWater is to improve the traditional monitoring approaches used in the Alpine region (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC-EU WFD and, in Switzerland, the Water Protection Ordinance-WPO) with advanced and innovative DNA sequencing techniques such as metabarcoding. The new approach will make use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to analyze environmental DNA in waterbodies (which allow rapid species identification at low costs, from fish to bacteria), and smart technologies (automation in data processing, data storage, information retrieval). Along with the identification of gaps in the monitoring approaches across the Alpine regions, the new technologies will allow to define improved experimental monitoring protocols to be applied in pilot areas partly linked to other ongoing alpine space projects (SPARE, Hymocares) and including large perialpine lakes as well as smaller waterbodies, and rivers.

Fate and effect of waste water-borne manufactured nanomaterials in the aquatic food chain (FENOMENO) ERA-NET SIINN (2015-2018) (PI; together with D. Lamatsch)


PR and media articles for FENOMENO:

- Die Presse
- wissenswert Universität Innsbruck
- ipoint University of Innsbruck

- der Standard
- OOE Nachrichten
- Nano Info
- Wr. Zeitung
- Tiroler Tageszeitung
- Bezirksrundschau
- Vorarlberger Nachrichten
- DaNa-Plattform für Nanotechnologie
- NanoinformationsPortal

- Twitter
- Vorläufige Entwarnung - Universität Siegen
- Nanopartikel ein übersehenes Umweltproblem in Gut zu Wissen, TV Beitrag, Bayerischer Rundfunk
- Der Mondsee im Fokus der Umweltforschung -Universität Innsbruck
- Xenius - Nanopartikel, Superteilchen oder unsichtbare Gefahr

zu FENOMENO-Publikation

Vogt R., Mozhayeva D., Steinhoff B., Schardt A., Spelz B. T. F., Philippe A., Kurtz S., Schaumann G. E., Engelhard C., Schönherr C., Lamatsch D.K., Wanzenböck, J. (2019). Spatiotemporal distribution of silver and silver-containing nanoparticles in a prealpine lake in relation to the discharge from a wastewater treatment plant, Science of the Total Environment 696: 134034

- PR and information about results at the website of Fischereiverein Mondsee fishermen delivered freshly caught fish from lake Mondsee for lab analyses within the project

Molecular Cytogenetics in Teleost Fishes (Coregoninae and Cyprinidae) (2014)-ÖAD project "Bilaterale Aktionen" with Czech Republic

Impact of early thermal experience on coregonid body and muscle growth: How much environment is at play in phenotypic diversification of fish ecotypes? FWF (Nov 2011 - Oct 2015)(co-operation with University of Salzburg, Mag. Dr. Peter Steinbacher)

Organisation of the "11th International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid fishes", September 26 - 30, 2011

article Wanke, T. & Brämick, U. (2011): Biologie und Management von Coregonen: Bericht vom 11. Internationalen Symposium in Mondsee/Österreich, Fischer & Teichwirt 12/2011, 452-454.
Links to other webpages mentioning the symposium:
Univ. of South Bohemia V. Svinger
US Fish & Wildlife Service C. Bronte

Logo "Klima Energie Fonds" Risk Analysis of Direct and Indirect Climate effects on deep Austrian Lake Ecosystems (RADICAL), Project leader

Dieses Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Klima- und Energiefonds gefördert und im Rahmen des Programms „ACRP“ durchgeführt.

In cooperation with: Rainer Kurmayer, Institute for Limnology and Britta Grillitsch, Aquatic Ecotoxicology Section, Department for Biomedical Sciences, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna.

Population models will be generated  for whitefish (Coregonus sp.) and cyanobacteria (Planktothrix rubescens) as key biota in Austrian Pre-Alpine lakes and calibrated with contemporary field data. Ecotoxicological experiments will be performed to assess the effects of cyanotoxins on demographic parameters of whitefish focusing on reproductive aspects. These models will be integrated using RAMAS (Risk Assessment and Management Alternatives Software) to assess risks of cyanobacterial blooms under future climate scenarios associated with increased production of toxins, effects on various components of the plankton community and especially on future whitefish population development considering ecotoxicological risks.

Conservation of natural biological resources in Austria: Identification of indigenous whitefish species and extent of potential hybridization with a Baltic species funded by the Austrian Science Fund (L229-B12) - in cooperation with Steven Weiss (University of Graz). Two PhD students are involved: Barbara Pamminger-Lahnsteiner (Mondsee) and Katrin Winkler (Graz).

WhitefishThe project will assess the extent and effects of introgression of an introduced whitefish species (Coregonus maraena, Bloch (1779), originating from the Baltic region) into two native whitefish species - Coregonus renke and Coregonus atterensis, Kottelat (1997). We will determine if pure native populations of whitefish still exist in the two Austrian lakes Mondsee Fischand Hallstättersee. The analysis will be based on the study of mitochondrial DNA, as well as on methods using the microsatellite and the AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) techniques. The interrelationship between genetic, morphological and ecological characteristics will be studied with special emphasis on the role of two contrasting mechanisms of spawning segregation (in time and space) for counteracting possible hybridization. The study will be complementedusing experimental methods (crosses) to assess hybridcompatibility, additive genetic variance of selected traits, and to establish an F 2 generation for future mapping efforts of traits of interest (e.g. in aquaculture). Genetisch spektakulär - Renken bleiben lieber unter sich (23.2.2011) Einheimische und fremde Fische koexistieren friedlich (28. Juli 2009)

The role of predation in population dynamics of 0+ whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) funded by a doc-stipendium of the Austrian Academy of Sciences awarded to Martin Finster.
The project aimed to quantify mortality of whitefish during the first growing season in Hallstättersee and to assess the role of predatory fish as a mortality factor. Hydroacoustics in combination with various netting methods like push-netting, purse seining and trawling were used. Implications for population modeling and fisheries management have been expected.

Integrating hydroacoustics into studies on fish populations - Cooperation project with H. Gassner (Federal Water Agency, Scharfling, Austria), T. Mehner (Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany), I.J. Winfield (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Windermere, Great Britain), M. Godlewska (International Centre for Ecology, Warsaw, Poland), P. Frankiewicz (University of Lodz, Poland).

The aim of the project is (1) to develop quality assurance protocols of hydroacoustic methods by intercalibration of results from hardware and software obtained by different manufacturers and (2) to study the applicability of hydroacoustics for analysis of distribution patterns of fish in lakes, especially of larval and juvenile stages.

Trade-off between foraging and defence in young fish and plankton crustaceans: behavioural and ecological aspects – Cooperation project with V. Mikheev and A. Pasternak (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia).

We analysed to which extent threatened fish demonstrate various behavioural responses including individual (activity changes, use of refuges, variations in prey handling time) and cooperative (various schooling maneuvres) ones. We also investigated if threatened copepods respond more uniformly, either lowering their foraging (motor) activity, or undertaking diel vertical and horizontal migrations.



since 2013: Lectures and laboratory courses at University of Innsbruck.

Between 1995 and 2012: Field and laboratory courses, lecture courses and seminars in Limnology, Fish Ecology and Population Ecology at the Universities of Vienna and Salzburg.

Supervision of FFG-Young Talents projects

From 1996 to 2009: lectures and practical work in the International Post-Graduate Course in Limnology (IPGL), Institute for Limnology, AAS, Austria.

Supervisor of 24 MSc and 6 PhD theses:

Dominique Damay (ongoing), MSc
MSc-thesis University of Innsbruck

Serafine Kattus (ongoing), MSc
MSc-thesis University of Innsbruck

Daniel Nayer (ongoing), MSc
MSc-thesis University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Aylin Olgun (2023), MSc
MSc-thesis University of Innsbruck (supervision together with Lamatsch, D.)

Hans Rund (ongoing), PhD
PhD-thesis University of Innsbruck (supervision together with Kurmayer, R.)

Roland Vogt (2022), PhD
Fate and effect of wastewater-borne manufactured nanomaterials in aquatic ecosystems, PhD-thesis University of Innsbruck (supervision together with Lamatsch, D.)

Tobias Grossgasteiger (2022), MSc
Untersuchung der Larvendrift von Renken (Coregonus lavaretus, LINNAEUS, 1758) von der Koppentraun in den Hallstättersee, MSc-thesis University of Innsbruck.

Mario Aigner (2021), MSc
Fraßdruck von Fischlarven aus dem Coregonus lavaretus Artenkomplex auf Ciliaten, MSc thesis University of Innsbruck (supervision together with Sonntag, B.)

Katharina Pixner (2020), MSc
The secondary structure of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) in fishes of the genera Coregonus and Carassius, MSc thesis, pp. 72, Paris Lodron University Salzburg and Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Elisabeth M. Wolf (2019), MSc
Spawning migration of potadromous fish after dam removal investigated via visual observations and eDNA, MSc-thesis University of Innsbruck.

Gianluca Lazzari (2017), MSc
Development and dispersal of larval and juvenile pearlfish (Rutilis meidingeri) in Lake Mondsee, Austria. MSc-thesis, University of Florence, Italy.

Harald Ficker (2017), PhD
Population modeling of Alpine whitefish stocks with reference to climatic impacts and recreational fisheries. PhD-thesis University of Salzburg.

Sarah Gugele (2016), MSc
Trophic niche partitioning during the larval stage of two whitefish ecotypes from Lake Constance? Nahrungsökologische Unterschiede im Larvenstadium zweier Coregonen- Ökotypen des Bodensees? MSc-thesis, 94pp. University of Innsbruck (supervision together with Lamatsch, D.)

Kathrin Böhm (2014), MSc
Development and evaluation of methods for marking early life stages of coregonids, cyprinids and percids with Alzarin Red S,  24pp. MSc-thesis, University of Innsbruck.

Florian Keil (2012), MSc
Comparing two hydroacoustic analysis methods for fish abundance and biomass: Sv/TS scaling vs. fish tracking,  29pp. MSc-thesis, University of Vienna.

Thomas Oberlercher (2012), MSc
Electric fishing for broodstock salmonids - effects of electrofishing on reproduction in whitefish (Coregonus renke), 37pp., MSc thesis, University of Salzburg.

Barbara Pamminger-Lahnsteiner (2011), PhD
Conservation of natural biological resources in Austria: ecological-, morphological- and genetic analysis of European Whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L. complex), 155pp. PhD thesis, University of Salzburg.

Patrick Schöttl (2009), MSc
Embryonic development and mortality in crossing experiments of a Baltic and Alpine whitefish lineage (Coregonus lavaretus species complex). MSc thesis, University of Salzburg.

Stefan Mayr (2007), MSc
The pearlfish (Rutilus meidingeri (Heckel 1851))- Its habitat use, food, growth and within population variation in morphology in Lake Mondsee, Austria. MSc thesis, University of Salzburg.

Martin Finster (2005), MSc
Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Relation von Routine-Sauerstoffverbrauch und Körpergewicht des Flussbarsches (Perca fluviatilis L.) bei frühen Entwicklungsstadien : (validation of bioenergetics model parameters for respiration of larval and juvenile perch Perca fluviatilis L.). 45pp. MSc thesis, University of Salzburg.

Gerhard Tischler (2003), PhD
Seasonal timing of underyearling perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) prey consumption and zooplankton population dynamics in a pelagic lake habitat, 111pp. PhD thesis, University of Salzburg.

Hubert Gassner (2002), PhD
Fischbestände und die ökologische Funktionsfähigkeit stehender Gewässer. Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bewertung des ökologischen Zustandes von Fischgemeinschaften durch Monitoring von Fischbeständen. 290pp. PhD thesis, University of Salzburg.

Sylvia Hartl (2002), MSc
Maximum daily ration of larval and juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) at three different temperatures. 53pp. MSc-thesis, University of Salzburg.

Barbara Lahnsteiner (2001), MSc
Untersuchungen zur räumlich-zeitlichen Verteilung von Larven und Eiern der Renken (Coregonus lavaretus, Linnaeus, 1758) – Eine Fallstudie an zwei Österreichischen Seen. MSc-thesis, University of Salzburg.

Cornelia Krois (2001), MSc
Verteilung und Populationsdynamik des Crustaceenplanktons im Wallersee. MSc-thesis, University of Salzburg.

Gudrun Hauseder (2000), MSc
Egg distribution and effects of the salt and soda manufacturing industry emissions on the development of European Whitefish (Coregonus sp.) eggs in Lake Traunsee, Austria, MSc-thesis, University of Salzburg.

Yasmin Hassan (2000), MSc
Comparison of life history strategies of European whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), in five Austrian prealpine lakes (Mond-, Waller-, Irr-, Hallstätter-, and Traunsee) 60pp. MSc-thesis, University of Salzburg.

Gerhard Tischler (1999), MSc
Abundanz und Größenstruktur von larvalen und juvenilen Fischen in pelagischen Habitaten: ein Methodenvergleich, 61pp. MSc-thesis, University of Salzburg.

Susanne Schrutka (1997), MSc
Qualitative und quantitative Aspekte der Nahrungsökologie von larvalen und juvenilen Lauben (Alburnus alburnus L.) im Pelagial des Wallersees (Salzburg), 58pp. MSc-thesis, University of Vienna.

Harald Weiss (1997), MSc
Räumlich-zeitliche Dynamik der Brutfische im Mondsee, 78pp. MSc-thesis, University of Salzburg.




  • Stewart T.R., Karjalainen J., Zucchetta M., Goulon C., Anneville O., Vinson M.R., Wanzenböck J., Stockwell J.D. (2024).
    Winter is not coming: evaluating impacts of changing winter conditions on coregonine reproductive phenology. Int. J. Lim. 60: 17 Special issue - Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes - 2023,

  • Chai M., Mikschi E., Reier S., Wanka A., Friedrich R., Wanzenböck S., Wanzenböck J., Rund H., Glaser F., Palandacic A. [Palandačić] (2024). Small fish make it big – Biodiversity of Austria’s Minnows (Phoxinus sp.) – Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Frueher: Verh.des Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien. seit 2014 "Acta ZooBot Austria" – 160: 203 - 206.

  • Wanzenböck J. (2024). Untersuchungen zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Reinanken am Traun- und Hallstättersee, In: Fischererevier Oberes Salzkammergut (FROSKG), Hrsg.: Festschrift zur 100-Jahr-Feier Fischereirevier Oberes Salzkammergut, p. 166-173,

  • Rund H., Wanzenböck J., Dobrovolny S., Kurmayer R. (2024). Relating target fish DNA concentration to community composition analysis in freshwater fish via metabarcoding, Science of The Total Environment 927: 172281,

  • Bunell D.B., Anneville O., Baer J., Bean C.W., Kahilainen K.K., Sandström A., Selz O.M., Vonlanthen P., Wanzenböck J., Weidel B.C. (2024). How diverse is the toolbox? A review of management actions to conserve or restore coregonines. International Journal of Limnology 60(5),


  • Bănăduc D., Marić S., Cianfaglione K., Afanasyev S., Somogyi D., Nyeste K., Antal L., Košcǒ J., Cáleta M., Wanzenböck J., et al. (2022). Stepping Stone Wetlands, Last Sanctuaries for European Mudminnow: How Can the Human Impact, Climate Change, and Non-Native Species Drive a Fish to the Edge of Extinction? Sustainability 14(20): 13493.

  • Vogt R., Hartmann S., Kunze J., Jupke J.F., Steinhoff B., Schönherr H., Kuhnert K.-D., Witte K., Lamatsch D. K., Wanzenböck J. (2022). Silver nanoparticles adversely affect the swimming behavior of European Whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) larvae within the low µg/L range, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 85:21, 867-880.

  • Riccioni G., Domaizon I., Gandolfi A., Pindo M., Boscaini A., Vautier M., Rund H., Hufnagl P., Dobrovolny S., Vasselon V., Bylemans J., Tang C. Q.,  Wanzenböck J. (2022). Alpine freshwater fish biodiversity assessment: an inter-calibration test for metabarcoding method set up. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 13(1).

  • Zangl L, Schäffer S, Daill D, Friedrich T, Gessl W, Mladinić M., Sturmbauer C., Wanzenböck J., Weiss S.J., Koblmüller S. (2022). A comprehensive DNA barcode inventory of Austria’s fish species. PLOS ONE 17(6): e0268694.

  • Vogt R., Steinhoff B., Mozhayeva D., Vogt E., Metreveli G., Schönherr H., Engelhard C., Wanzenböck J., Lamatsch D.K. (2022). Incubation media modify silver nanoparticle toxicity for whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) embryos, Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues, 85(4): 143-162 doi:10.1080/15287394.2021.1988014  


  • Crotti M., Bean C. W., Gowans A. R. D., Winfield I. J., Butowska M., Wanzenböck J., Bondarencko G., Præbel K., Adams C. E., Elmer K. R. (2021). Complex and divergent histories gave rise to genome-wide divergence patterns amongst European
    whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(12): 1954-1969,

  • Wanzenböck, J. (2021). Rearing and stocking of Coregonids: A comparison of aquaculture practices in Eurasia and North America, Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes – 2017, Advanc. Limnol. 66: 311 - 327doi: 10.1127/adv_limnol/2021/0073

  • Lehmann R., Kovařík A., Ocalewicz K., Kirtiklis L., Zuccolo A., Tegner J.N., Wanzenböck J., Bernatchez L., Lamatsch D.K., Symonová R. (2021). DNA transposon expansion is associated with genome size increase in mudminnows, Genome Biology and Evolution, evab228

  • Wanzenböck J., Hopfinger M., Wanzenböck S., Fuxjäger L., Rund H., Lamatsch D.K. (2021). First successful hybridization experiment between native European weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis) and non-native Oriental weatherfish (M. anguillicaudatus) reveals no evidence for postzygotic barriers, NeoBiota 69: 29–50.

  • Thalinger B., Rieder A., Teuffenbach A., Pütz Y., Schwerte T., Wanzenböck J., Traugott M. (2021). The Effect of Activity, Energy Use, and Species Identity on Environmental DNA Shedding of Freshwater Fish. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:623718,

  • Pilla R.M., Mette E.M., Williamson C.E. et al. (2021). Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes. Sci Data 8:200.


  • Thalinger B., Kirschner D., Pütz Y., Moritz C., Schwarzenberger R., Wanzenböck J., Traugott M. (2020). Lateral and longitudinal fish environmental DNA distribution in dynamic riverine habitats. Environmental DNA,
  • Wanzenböck J., Kubečka J., Sajdlova Z., Frouzova J. (2020). Hydroacoustic target strength vs. fish length revisited: Data of caged, free-swimming European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) suggest a bi-phasic linear relationship under a limited range of tilt angles Fisheries Research, Fisheries Research 229:105620

  • Wanzenböck J. (2020). Die Süsswasserfische des Karl von Meidinger von Thomas Sterba. Buchbesprechung, Österreichs Fischerei 73(11/12):334.


  • Thalinger B., Pütz Y., Kirschner D., Moritz C., Schwarzenberger R., Wanzenböck J., Traugott M. (2019). Revolutionizing fish monitoring in Alpine Rivers, iBOL Barcode Bulletin

  • Thalinger B., Wolf E., Traugott M., Wanzenböck J. (2019). Monitoring spawning migrations of potamodromous fish species via eDNA, Scientific Reports 9: 15388

  • Vogt R., Mozhayeva D., Steinhoff B., Schardt A., Spelz B. T. F., Philippe A., Kurtz S., Schaumann G. E., Engelhard C., Schönherr C., Lamatsch D.K., Wanzenböck, J. (2019). Spatiotemporal distribution of silver and silver-containing nanoparticles in a prealpine lake in relation to the discharge from a wastewater treatment plant, Science of the Total Environment 696: 134034

  • Pamminger-Lahnsteiner B., Winkler K.A., Weiss S., Wanzenböck, J. (2019). Reinanke oder Maräne? Untersuchungen zu Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen und genetischer Vermischung der Coregonen in österreichischen Seen, Österreichs Fischerei 72(4): 94-107.


  • Wanzenböck J. (2018). Book review: Success factors for fish larval production, By L. E. C. Conceição & A. Tandler (Eds). 512 pp. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Oxford, U.K., 2018. Price £180.00. ISBN: 978‐1‐119‐07216‐4, Journal of fish biology 93(6): 1238,

  • Hartmann S., Vogt R., Kunze J., Rauschert A., Kuhnert K.- D., Wanzenböck J., Lamatsch D.K., Witte, K. (2018): Zebrafish larvae show negative phototaxis to near-infrared light. PLOSone 13(11): e0207264.

  • Esmaeilzadeh-Leithner S, Wanzenböck J. (2018). Suitability of two agglomerated commercial microdiets for rearing larvae of different strains of Coregonus lavaretus under cold-water conditions. Aquaculture Nutrition 24(1): 260-268,


  • Marić S., Stanković D., Wanzenböck J.,  Šanda R., Erős T., Takács P., Specziár A., Sekulić N., Bănăduc D., Ćaleta M., Trombitsky I., Galambos L., Sipos S., Snoj A. (2017). Phylogeography and population genetics of the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) with a time-calibrated phylogeny for the family Umbridae. Hydrobiologia 792:151-168

  • Ramler D., Palandacic A., Delmastro G., Wanzenböck J., Ahnelt H. (2017). Morphological divergence of lake and stream Phoxinus of Northern Italy and the Danube basin based on geometric morphometric analysis. Ecology and Evolution 7(2): 572-584. doi 10.1002/ece3.2648

  • Sendek D. S.; Bochkarev N. A., Zuykova E. I., Politov D. V., Wanzenböck J., Himberg M., Titov S. F. (2017). Signs of introgression of Baikal omul (Coregonus migratorius) or Arctic cisco (C. autumnalis) into European whitefish (C. lavaretus) in the eastern Baltic Sea. Fundamental and Applied Limnology/Archiv für Hydrobiologie 189(3): 209-225 DOI:

  • Steinbacher P., Wanzenböck J., Brandauer M., Holper R., Landertshammer J., Mayr M., Platzl C., Stoiber W. (2017). Thermal experience during embryogenesis contributes to the induction of dwarfism in whitefish Coregonus lavaretus. PLOSone 12(9):e0185384

  • Sukhanova, L., Politov, D., Wanzenböck, J., Winfield, I. (2017). Editorial to the Special Issue in Fundamental and Applied Limnology:  Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes - 12th ISBMCF. Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 189(3): 177-179, doi. 10.1127/fal/2017/1028

  • Thalinger B., Aufschnaiter U., Kirschner D., Moritz C., Sapelza A., Schwarzenberger R., Wanzenböck J., Traugott M. (2017). Molekulare Detektion aquatischer Organismen anhand von Wasserproben, Acta ZooBot Austria 154, S. 209 - 211pdf


  • Thalinger B., Wallinger C., Wanzenböck J., Moritz C., Schwarzenberger R., Traugott M. (2016): Fischbestandserhebungen ohne Fischfang: Neue Wege bei der Erfassung von Fischbeständen mittels eDNA. Mitteilungen des Tiroler Fischereiverbandes 23/2:16 - 19.

  • Oberlercher T., Wanzenböck J. (2016). Impact of electric fishing on egg survival of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.). Fisheries Management and Ecology  23:540-547.

  • Stabauer V., Gassner H., Wanzenböck J. (2016). Anpassungen von Längenfrequenz-Indices an Barschbeständen (Perca fluviatilis L.) Österreichischer Seen. Österreichs Fischerei 69(2/3): 54-64.

  • Ficker H., Mazzucco R., Gassner H., Wanzenböck J., Dieckmann U. (2016). Stocking strategies for a pre-alpine whitefish population under temperature stress. Ecological Modelling 320:170-176


  • Leithner S., Wanzenböck J. (2015). Rearing larvae of different strains of Coregonus lavaretus under cold water conditions: comparison of a special cold-water line with a standard agglomerated microdiet. Journal of Agricultural Science 7(5):doi:10.5539/jas.v7n5p28. PDF

  • Říha M., Ricard D., Vašek M., Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Jůza T. Čech M., Draštík V., Muška M., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Tušer M., Seďa J., Blabolil P., Bláha M., Wanzenböck J., Kubečka J. (2015) Patterns in diel habitat use of fish covering the littoral and pelagic zones in a reservoir. Hydrobiologia 747:111-131.

  • Wanzenböck J., Jäger P. (2015): Veränderung des Brutfischaufkommens im Wallersee durch Reoligotrophierung und Seespiegelanhebung. Untersuchungsperiode 1997-2010. – in: Land Salzburg, Reihe Gewässerschutz, 17: 235-258 (2015).

  • Jäger P., Wanzenböck J. (2003): Das meinen die Fische zur Sanierung des Wallersees. – Reprint aus: NaturLand Salzburg, 10.
    Jg, 2/2003: 35-38. - in: Land Salzburg, Reihe Gewässerschutz, 17: 259-262 (2015).


  • Wanzenböck J., Kurmayer R. (2014). Radical - Risk Analysis of Direct and Indirect Climate Effects on Deep Austrian Lake Ecosystems. Berichte zur Klimafolgenforschung 2014 - Biodiversität, Broschüre des Austrian Climate Research Programme
    in Essence, 13-19. PDF

  • Wanzenböck J., Gassner H., Wanzenböck S. (2014). Die Unterwasserwelten der österreichischen Seen - tiefere Einblicke durch moderne Hydroakustik und Sensortechnik und wie sie helfen, den ökologischen Zustand dieser Ökosysteme zu bewerten. Denisia 33, zugleich Kataloge des oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums, Neue Serie 163: 135-146.
  • Ficker H., Mazzucco M., Gassner H., Wanzenböck J., Dieckmann, U. (2014). Fish length exclusively determines sexual maturation in European white-fish Coregonus lavaretus (L.) species complex. Journal of Fish Biology 84: 1164-1170,  


  • Wanzenböck, J., Winfield, I. (eds.) (2013): Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes. 11th International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes, Mondsee, Austria. Advances in Limnology 64: 376pp.

  • Wanzenböck, J., Winfield, I.J. (2013). Foreword to Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes - 2011. Advances in Limnology 64: VII-IX.

  • Winkler, K.A., Weiss, S., Pamminger-Lahnsteiner, B., Wanzenböck, J. (2013): Multiple stocks of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.) complex ) in the pre-alpine lake Traunsee: recommendations for habitat-specific conservation units. Advances in Limnology 64: 289-301.


  • Wanzenböck, J., Pamminger-Lahnsteiner, B., Winkler, K., Weiss, S. (2012): Experimental evaluation of the spawning periods of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus complex) in Lake Mondsee, Austria. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, Advanc. Limnol. 63: 89-97.

  • Pamminger-Lahnsteiner, B., Winkler, K., Weiss, S., Wanzenböck, J. (2012): Does segregated spawning time prevent the introgression of stocked whitefish species into native species? A morphometric and genetic study in Lake Mondsee, Austria. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, Advanc. Limnol. 63: 197-208.


  • Winkler, K., Pamminger-Lahnsteiner, B., Wanzenböck, J., Weiss, S. (2011): Hybridization and restricted gene flow between native and introduced stocks of Alpine whitefish (Coregonus sp.) across multiple environments. Molecular Ecology 20(3): 456-472, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04961.x  PDF


  • Pamminger-Lahnsteiner, B.; Winkler, K.A. and Wanzenböck, J. (2010): Verschwinden unsere heimischen Reinanken im Mondsee durch den Besatz mit Maränen? Morphologische, genetische und experimentell-ökologische Untersuchungen. Österreichs Fischerei 63 (11/12): 300-311.


  • Wanzenböck, J. (2009): Die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften und ihre Rolle in der Fischforschung. Österreichs Fischerei 62, 11/12: 297-302.

  • Pamminger-Lahnsteiner, B., Weiss, S. Winkler K., and Wanzenböck, J. (2009): Composition of native and introduced mtDNA lineages in Coregonus sp. in two Austrian lakes: evidence for spatio-temporal segregation of larvae? Hydrobiologia 632: 167-175. doi 10.1007/s10750-009-9836-3


  • Gassner, H. & Wanzenböck, J. (2007): Application of population size structure indices to Austrian whitefish (Coregonus sp.) stocks. Fundamental and Applied Limnology. Special Issues: Advances in Limnology 60: 377-384.


  • Wanzenböck, J., V.N. Mikheev & A.F. Pasternak (2006): Modification of 0+ perch foraging behaviour by indirect cues of predation risk. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 15:118-124.

  • Mikheev, V.N., Wanzenböck J. & Pasternak, A.F. (2006): Effects of predator-induced visual and olfactory cues on 0+ perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) foraging behaviour. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 15:111-117.

  • Zick, D., Gassner H., Filzmoser P., Wanzenböck, J., Pamminger-Lahnsteiner, B., & Tischler, G. (2006): Changes in the fish species composition of all Austrian lakes >50 ha during the last 150 years. Fisheries Management and Ecology 13: 103-111.


  • Gassner, H., Wanzenböck, J., Zick, D., Tischler G. & Pamminger-Lahnsteiner B. (2005): Development of a fish based lake typology for natural Austrian Lakes > 50 ha based on the reconstructed historical fish communities. International Review of Hydrobiology 90: 422-432.'

  • Mikheev, V.N., A.F. Pasternak, Tischler, G. & Wanzenböck, J. (2005): Contestable shelters provoke aggression among 0+ perch, Perca fluviatilis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 73: 227-231.


  • Wanzenböck, J. (2004): European Mudminnow (Umbra krameri) in the Austrian Floodplain of the River Danube: Conservation of an Indicator Species for Endangered Wetland Ecosystems in Europe. 200-207 in: Akcakaya, H. R., M.A. Burgman, O. Kindvall, C.C. Wood, P. Sjögren-Gulve, J.S. Hatfield, M.A. McCarthy (eds.): Species Conservation and Management - Case Studies, Oxford University Press, New York, pp 533.

  • Lahnsteiner, B., Wanzenböck, J. (2004). Variability in the spatio-temporal distribution of larval European Whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus, L.) in two Austrian lakes. Annales Zoologici Fennici 41: 75-83.

  • Gassner, H., Hassan, Y., Wanzenböck, J. (2004). Adaptive management for a whitefish population exclusively exploited by anglers – first results after a test period of four years. Annales Zoologici Fennici 41: 367-373.


  • Wanzenböck, J., Mehner, T., Schulz, M., Gassner, H., and Winfield, I.J. (2003) Quality assurance of hydroacoustic surveys: Repeatability of fish abundance and biomass estimates in lakes within and between hydroacoustic systems. - ICES Journal of Marine Science 60: 486-492.

  • Mehner T., Gassner, H., Schulz M. & Wanzenböck, J. (2003) Comparative fish stock estimates in Lake Stechlin by parallel split-beam echosounding with 120 kHz. Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Special issues Advances in Limnology 58: 227-236.


Prizes and other funding

  • Le Pôle interdisciplinaire d’études françaises (2018) - travel
  • Action D. Swarovski (2018-2020) - Exploring eDNA methods to assess potamodromous fish reproduction - project


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