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Literatur – Universität Innsbruck

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Aktuell: Beiträge von Autoren des FZ Nachhaltiges Bauen der UIBK im Tagungsband der 27. Internationalen Passivhaustagung (Innsbruck 3.+4. April 2024)

Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara; Venturi, Elsia; Monteleone, William: Optimal planning of deep thermal renovation and heat pump application in buildings

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Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Frei, Andreas: Active volume flow control as passive component in a Passive House - a new development

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Venturi, Elisa; Breuss, Samuel; Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian: Campagne project: Passive houses to enable Positive Energy District

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Pfluger, Rainer.: EnerPhit for a climate-resilient St. Johann (EnerPHit-for-2040) 

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Hammes, Sascha; Pfluger, Rainer: Decision Support Tool - comparison and evaluation of renovation concepts for residential buildings via a web application with PHPP variant calculation

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Monteleone, William; Fink, Jürgen; Ochs, Fabian: Evaluation of the sound emissions of multiple split heat pumps in a renovation project Download PDF via FLD

Flach, Michael: Renovation of a farmhouse and conversion into a multi-generational home in Trins, Gschnitztal, Austria Download PDF via FLD

Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Venturi, Elisa; Dermentzi, Georgios; Malzer, Harald Konrad: Simulation-based comparison of energy demand, CO2-emissions and Life Cycle cost of different HVAC systems for Passive Houses

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Poster Presentations:

Längle, Kai; Fend, Florian; Mathis, Thomas; Krusharova, Martina; Bianchi Janetti, Michele: Development and characterization of CarbonClay composites for internal insulation systems

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Sevela, Pavel: How to integrate Waste Water Heat Recovery Systems WWHR sustainably and cost-efficiently

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Selbstständige Veröffentlichungen

Monographie, wissenschaftliche

Mösl, Martin (2021): Lebenszyklusrendite von Immobilien. Ermittlung im frühen Projektstadium auf Basis von Building Information Modeling. Berlin: Springer Vieweg. ISBN 978-3-658-35792-4.


Peer Review: ja

Steininger, Karl W.; Mayer, Jakob; Bachner, Gabriel; Duelli, Samuel; Frei, Elisabeth; Grossmann, Wolf; Maier, Raphaela; Nabernegg, Stefan; Williges, Keith; Streicher, Wolfgang; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Tosatto, Alice; Venturi, Elisa; Passer, Alexander; Kreiner, Helmuth; Scherz, Marco; Truger, Barbara; Vogel, Johanna; Offenthaler, Ivo (2021): The Economic Effects of Achieving the 2030 EU Climate Targets in the Context of the Corona Crisis - An Austrian Perspective. Graz: Wegener Center Verlag. (= Wegener Center Scientific Report, 91). ISBN 978-3-9504717-8-6.

Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Schnieders, Jürgen; Schulz, Tanja; Feist, Wolfgang; Kaufmann, Berthold; Sheng, Sichen; Jiang, Huijun; Winkel, Susanne; Buteikyte, Evelina; Sifferlen, Camille (2016): Passive Houses in Chinese Climates. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.

Buch, transferorientiertes

Ploss, Martin; Hatt, Tobias; Roßkopf-Nachbaur, Thomas; Peter, Andreas; Reis, Martin; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios; et al. (2022): Low-Cost nZEB. Paris-kompatible Mehrfamilienhäuser. published online / Internetpublikation.

Pfluger, Rainer (2019): Wohnungslüftung im Bestand. Hocheffiziente und kostengünstige Lösungen für die Altbaumodernisierung. Berlin - Offenbach: VDE-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8007-4433-6.

Feist, Wolfgang (Passive House Institute) (2015): 2nd Passive House Architecture Award. Award Recipients & Finalists. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.


Sammelband / Sammelwerk, wissenschaftlich (Herausgeberschaft)

Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Enregieeffiziente Warmwassersysteme. Protokollband Nr. 49 Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt. (= Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser, 49). 1200.

Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Planungs- und Umsetzungshilfen für Passivhaus-Nichtwohngebäude. Protokollband Nr. 51. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt. (= Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser, 51).

Lehrbuch, wissenschaftliches (Herausgeberschaft)

Kaltschmitt, Martin; Streicher, Wolfgang; Wiese, Andreas (Hrsg.) (2020): Erneuerbare Energien. Systemtechnik · Wirtschaftlichkeit · Umweltaspekte. Cham: Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-662-61189-0. 6., vollst. überarb. Auflage.


Mach, Thomas; Grobbauer, Michael; Streicher, Wolfgang; Müller, Mario J. (2015): MPPF - The Multifunctional Plug&Play Approach in Facade Technology. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz. ISBN 978-3-85125-380-1.

Proceedings (Herausgeberschaft)

(2023): Paper und Präsentationen der COMSOL Conference 2023. 25-27 Oktober, München. München: Comsol. ISBN 978-1-7364524-1-7.

Feist, Wolfgang (2020): 24. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2020. Nachhaltig die Zunkunft bauen! 20. September - 08. Oktober 2020, Online. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.

Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute (2020): 24th International Passive House Conference 2020. Abstractband. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.

Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute (2019): 23rd international Passive House Conference 2019. 9-11 October 2019, Gaobeidian, China. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt. ISBN 978-3-9820986-0-9.

Feist, Wolfgang (2018): 22. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2018. Passivhaus - das lohnt sich! Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt. ISBN 978-3-00-058487-9.

Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Conference Proceedings: 21th International Passive House Conference 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.

Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Tagungsband: 21. Passivhaustagung 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt. ISBN 978-3-00-055811-5.

Feist, Wolfgang (2016): 20. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2016. Darmstadt 2016. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt. (= Proceedings International Passive House Conferences, 20). ISBN 978-3-00-052227-7.

Feist, Wolfgang (2015): 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt. ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3.

Feist, Wolfgang; Passivhaus Institut (2015): Protokollband Nr. 50: Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser Phase V: "Kostengünstige Lüftungslösungen im Wohnbau". Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.

Sammelband / Sammelwerk, transferorientiert (Herausgeberschaft)

Mugnier, Daniel; Neyer, Daniel; White, Stephen (2017): The Solar Cooling Design Guide. Case Studies of Successful Solar Air Conditioning Design. Hoboken (New York) [u.a.]: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-3-433-03125-4.

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe

Tautschnig, Arnold: Mitherausgeber - bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement, 01.01.2010 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)

Hausberger, Lukas; Lutterbach, Jounes; Gschösser, Florian (2024): Modeling the Environmental Impact of Passenger Cars Driven on Hilly Roads in Austria: A More Accurate Valuation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Further Environmental Indicators for Integral Life Cycle Assessments of Road Infrastructures.
In: Buildings 14/1, No. 263.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 3,8
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 23/68, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 46/139, Q2 (SCIE)

Khan, Rehan; Neyer, Daniel; Kurzina, Irina; Kumar, Ritunesh (2024): Heat and mass transfer characteristics of vertical falling film cylindrical plastic surfaces under partial wetting conditions for liquid desiccant regeneration.
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 242, No. 122462.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 6,4
Rang (2022): Energy & Fuels 40/119, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Mechanical 9/136, Q1 (SCIE); Mechanics 9/137, Q1 (SCIE); Thermodynamics 7/63, Q1 (SCIE)

Rojas, Gabriel; Fletcher, Martin; Johnston, David; Siddall, Mark (online first): A review of the indoor air quality in residential Passive House dwellings.
In: Energy and Buildings, No. 113883.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 6,7
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 10/68, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 37/119, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 12/139, Q1 (SCIE)

Hammes, Sascha; Weninger, Johannes (2023): Measurement data on the window opening behavior and climate in a strongly daylit office building.
In: Data in Brief 46, Nr. 108794.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
ESCI-JIF (2022): 1,2

Han, Fei; Liu, Bin; Feist, Wolfgang; Pfluger, Rainer; Dermentzis, Georgios (2023): Operational performance evaluation of a Passive House residential building in northern China based on long-term monitoring in winter.
In: Indoor and Built Environment 32/7, S. 1464 - 1486.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 3,6
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 27/68, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Environmental 35/55, Q3 (SCIE); Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 88/207, Q2 (SCIE)

Hausberger, Lukas; Cordes, Tobias; Gschösser, Florian (2023): Life Cycle Assessment of High-Performance Railway Infrastructure. Analysis of Superstructures in Tunnels and on Open Tracks.
In: Sustainability 15/9, No. 7064.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2022): 3,9
Rang (2022): Environmental Sciences 114/275, Q2 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 48/128, Q2 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 34/46, Q3 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 5/9, Q3 (SSCI)
VHB JQ (2015, JQ 3): C
VHB JQ Teildisziplin (2015, JQ 3): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Kraler, Anton (2023): Praktikable Schallschutzlösungen im Holzbau.
In: Der Sachverständige - Fachzeitschrift für Sachverständige, Kammern, Gerichte und Behörden 2023/4, S. 200 - 203.

Luo, Y.; Hu, L.; Ochs, F.; Tosatto, A.; Xu, G.; Tian, Z.; Dahash, A.; Yu, J.; Yuan, G.; Chen, Y.; Wang, D.; Liu, Y.; Fan, J. (2023): Semi-analytical modeling of large-scale water tank for seasonal thermal storage applications.
In: Energy and Buildings 278, No. 112620.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 6,7
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 10/68, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 37/119, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 12/139, Q1 (SCIE)

Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Greml, Andreas; Pfluger, Rainer; Tappler, Peter (2023): Assessing the “sufficient ventilation” requirement for Austrian buildings: development of a Monte Carlo based spreadsheet calculation to estimate airing intervals and mould risk in window ventilated buildings.
In: International Journal of Ventilation 22/4, S. 336 - 345.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 1,5
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 53/68, Q4 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 103/119, Q4 (SCIE)

Strobel, Michael; Jakob, Uli; Streicher, Wolfgang; Neyer, Daniel (2023): Spatial Distribution of Future Demand for Space Cooling Applications and Potential of Solar Thermal Cooling Systems.
In: Sustainability 15/12, No. 9486.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2022): 3,9
Rang (2022): Environmental Sciences 114/275, Q2 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 48/128, Q2 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 34/46, Q3 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 5/9, Q3 (SSCI)
VHB JQ (2015, JQ 3): C
VHB JQ Teildisziplin (2015, JQ 3): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Tosatto, Alice; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian (2023): Simulation-based performance evaluation of large-scale thermal energy storage coupled with heat pump in district heating systems.
In: Journal of Energy Storage 61, No. 106721.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 9,4
Rang (2022): Energy & Fuels 19/119, Q1 (SCIE)

Venturi, Elisa; Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios (2023): Identifying the influence of user behaviour on building energy consumption based on model-based analysis of in-situ monitoring data.
In: Journal of Building Engineering 64/1, No. 105717.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 6,4
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 11/68, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 13/139, Q1 (SCIE)

Bachlechner, Daniel; Rader, Michael; van Karsbergen, Vincent; Pfluger, Rainer (2022): Datenbasiert Energieverbrauch und Raumklima öffentlicher Gebäude verbessern – Literaturstudie mit Fokus auf den Erfolg von Ansätzen.
In: Bauphysik 44/5, S. 255 - 263.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 0,3
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 66/68, Q4 (SCIE)

Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Janssen, Hans (2022): Effect of dynamic contact angle variation on spontaneous imbibition in porous materials.
In: Transport in Porous Media 142/3, S. 493 - 508.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 2,7
Rang (2022): Engineering, Chemical 80/142, Q3 (SCIE)

Hammes, Sascha; Weninger, Johannes; Pfluger, Rainer; Pohl, Wilfried (2022): Take the Right Seat: The Influence of Occupancy Schemes on Performance Indicators of Lighting in Open Plan Offices.
In: Energies 15/9, No. 3378.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 3,2
Rang (2022): Energy & Fuels 80/119, Q3 (SCIE)

Han, Fei; Liu, Bin; Wang, Jang; Dermentzis, Georgios; Cao, Xinyun; Zhao, Lingmin; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolfgang (2022): Verifying of the feasibility and energy efficiency of the largest certified passive house office building in China: A three-year performance monitoring study.
In: Journal of Building Engineering 46, No. 103703.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 6,4
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 11/68, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 13/139, Q1 (SCIE)

Han, Fei; Yang Wang, Hana; Feist, Wolfgang; Cao, Xinyun; Yu, Zhengji; Song, Binlei; Benli, Hüseyin; Dermentzis, Georgios (2022): Exploring solutions to achieve carbon neutrality in China: A comparative study of a large-scale Passive House district and a Green Building district in Qingdao.
In: Energy and Buildings 268, No. 112224.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 6,7
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 10/68, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 37/119, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 12/139, Q1 (SCIE)

Heinz, Andreas; Gritzer, Florian; Thür, Alexander (2022): The effect of using a desuperheater in an air-to-water heat pump system supplying a multi-family building.
In: Journal of Building Engineering 49, No. 104002.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 6,4
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 11/68, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 13/139, Q1 (SCIE)

Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Streicher, Wolfgang (2022): Comprehensive analysis of the influence of different building modelling approaches on the results and computational time using a cross-compared model as a reference.
In: Energy and Buildings 259, No. 111859.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 6,7
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 10/68, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 37/119, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 12/139, Q1 (SCIE)

Ochs, F.; Dermentzis, G. (2022): Einfaches und schnelles Dynamisches Model für die Vorhersage des PV Eigenverbrauchs.
In: Bauphysik 44/6, S. 323 - 328.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 0,3
Rang (2022): Construction & Building Technology 66/68, Q4 (SCIE)

Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios (2022): Integration of Heat Pumps in Buildings and District Heating Systems - evaluation on building and on energy system level.
In: Energies 15/11, No. 3889.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 3,2
Rang (2022): Energy & Fuels 80/119, Q3 (SCIE)

Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Dermentzis, Georgios; Siegele, Dietmar; Speer, Christoph (2022): Compact Decentral Façade-Integrated Air-to-Air Heat Pumps for Serial Renovation of Multi-Apartment Buildings.
In: Energies 15/13, No. 4679.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 3,2
Rang (2022): Energy & Fuels 80/119, Q3 (SCIE)

Shantia, Alireza; Streicher, Wolfgang (2022): Experimental and analytical datasets for pressure drop and flow distribution in a Z-type flat-plate solar absorber.
In: Data in Brief 42, No. 108162.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
ESCI-JIF (2022): 1,2

Shantia, Alireza; Streicher, Wolfgang; Bales, Chris (2022): Effect of tapered headers on pressure drop and flow distribution in a U-type polymeric solar absorber.
In: Renewable Energy 192, S. 550 - 560.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 8,7
Rang (2022): Energy & Fuels 26/119, Q1 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 13/46, Q2 (SCIE)

Shantia, Alireza; Streicher, Wolfgang; Bales, Christopher (2022): Effect of tapered headers on pressure drop and flow distribution in a Z-type polymeric solar absorber.
In: Solar Energy 232, S. 283 - 297.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2022): 6,7
Rang (2022): Energy & Fuels 37/119, Q2 (SCIE)

Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Buttgereit, Alexander; Queiroz, Cesar; Haritonovs, Viktors; Gschösser, Florian (2022): Optimizing Financial Allocation for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Munster’s Road Network Using the World Bank’s RONET Model.
In: Infrastructures 7/3, S. 1 - 18.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
ESCI-JIF (2022): 2,6

Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Makoundou, Christina; Sangiorgi, Cesare; Gschösser, Florian (2022): Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Asphalt Mixtures Made with Crumb Rubber for Impact-Absorbing Pavements.
In: Sustainability 14/22, No. 14798.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2022): 3,9
Rang (2022): Environmental Sciences 114/275, Q2 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 48/128, Q2 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 34/46, Q3 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 5/9, Q3 (SSCI)
VHB JQ (2015, JQ 3): C
VHB JQ Teildisziplin (2015, JQ 3): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Dahash, Abdul; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2021): Techno-economic and exergy analysis of tank and pit thermal energy storage for renewables district heating systems.
In: Renewable Energy 180, S. 1358 - 1379.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 8,634
Rang (2021): Energy & Fuels 25/119, Q1 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 14/47, Q2 (SCIE)

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Giuliani, Genia; Tosatto, Alice (2021): Understanding the interaction between groundwater and large-scale underground hot-water tanks and pits.
In: Sustainable Cities and Society 71, No. 102928.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 10,696
Rang (2021): Construction & Building Technology 2/68, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 16/119, Q1 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 7/47, Q1 (SCIE)

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Franzoi, Nicola (2021): Four years monitoring of heat pump, solar thermal and PV system in two net-zero energy multi-family buildings.
In: Journal of Building Engineering 43, Nr. 103199.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 7,144
Rang (2021): Construction & Building Technology 9/68, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 9/138, Q1 (SCIE)

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Thuer, Alexander; Streicher, Wolfgang (2021): Supporting decision-making for heating and distribution systems in a new residential district - An Austrian case study.
In: Energy 224, No. 120141.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 8,857
Rang (2021): Energy & Fuels 24/119, Q1 (SCIE); Thermodynamics 3/63, Q1 (SCIE)

Greml, Andreas; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Tappler, Peter (2021): Lüftungskonzept Österreich.
In: Schriftenreihe: Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung 2021/33, S. 1 - 87.

Open Access: ja

Hammes, Sascha; Weninger, Johannes; Geisler-Moroder, David; Pfluger, Rainer; Pohl, Wilfried (2021): Reduzierung des Kunstlichteinsatzes durch Anpassung der Nachlaufzeit an individuelle Anwesenheitsmuster.
In: Bauphysik 43/1, S. 50 - 64.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 0,397
Rang (2021): Construction & Building Technology 67/68, Q4 (SCIE)

Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; de Vries, Samuel; Maccarini, Alessandro; Sigg, Ferdinand (2021): Detailed cross comparison of building energy simulation tools results using a reference office building as a case study.
In: Energy and Buildings 250, No. 111260.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 7,201
Rang (2021): Construction & Building Technology 8/68, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 36/119, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 8/138, Q1 (SCIE)

Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; de Vries, Samuel; Maccarini, Alessandro; Sigg, Ferdinand (2021): Hourly simulation results of building energy simulation tools using a reference office building as a case study.
In: Data in Brief 38, No. 107370.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Mösl, Martin; Tautschnig, Arnold (2021): Auswirkungen der BIM-basierten Ermittlung von Netto-Massen auf Kalkulation und Abrechnung am Beispiel von Gebäudeöffnungen. ffects of BIM-based determination of net masses on calculation using the example of building openings.
In: Bauingenieur 96/07-08, S. 241 - 253.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 0,554
Rang (2021): Construction & Building Technology 65/68, Q4 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 131/138, Q4 (SCIE)

Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Tosatto, Alice (2021): Cost-optimal nZEB HAVC configurations with oniste storage.
In: The REHVA European HVAC Journal 2021/2, S. 46 - 50.

Paar, Lena; Deutschmann, Daniel; Gschösser, Florian; Heck, Detlef (2021): Anwendungspotenzial von kooperativen Mehrparteienverträgen in der österreichischen Bauwirtschaft.
In: bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement 12/1, S. 27 - 32.

Peer Review: ja

Rieser, Alexander; Pfluger, Rainer; Troi, Alexandra; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel; Engelund Thomsen, Kirsten; Rose, Jørgen; Durmuş Arsan, Zeynep; Gokcen Akkurt, Gulden; Kopeinig, Gerhard; Guyot, Gaëlle; Chung, Daniel (2021): Integration of Energy-Efficient Ventilation Systems in Historic Buildings—Review and Proposal of a Systematic Intervention Approach.
In: Sustainability 13/4, No. 2325.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2021): 3,889
Rang (2021): Environmental Sciences 133/279, Q2 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 57/128, Q2 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 35/47, Q3 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 7/9, Q4 (SSCI)
VHB JQ (2015, JQ 3): C
VHB JQ Teildisziplin (2015, JQ 3): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Hajibabaei, Mohsen; Hesarkazzazi, Sina; Sitzenfrei, Robert; Buttgereit, Alexander; Queiroz, Cesar; Haritonovs, Viktors; Gschösser, Florian (2021): Determining the Environmental Potentials of Urban Pavements by Applying the Cradle-to-Cradle LCA Approach for a Road Network of a Midscale German City.
In: Sustainability 13/22, No. 12487.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2021): 3,889
Rang (2021): Environmental Sciences 133/279, Q2 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 57/128, Q2 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 35/47, Q3 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 7/9, Q4 (SSCI)
VHB JQ (2015, JQ 3): C
VHB JQ Teildisziplin (2015, JQ 3): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Hajibabaei, Mohsen; Thives, Liseane Padilha; Haritonovs, Viktors; Buttgereit, Alexander; Queiroz, Cesar; Gschösser, Florian (2021): Environmental potentials of asphalt mixtures fabricated with red mud and fly ash.
In: Road Materials and Pavement Design 22/S1, S. S690 - S701.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 3,805
Rang (2021): Construction & Building Technology 25/68, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 48/138, Q2 (SCIE); Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 172/345, Q2 (SCIE)

Zukowska, Daria; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Burman, Esfand; Guyot, Gaelle; Bocanegra-Yanez, Maria del C.; Laverge, Jelle; Cao, Guangyu; Kolarik, Jakub (2021): Ventilation in low energy residences – a survey on code requirements, implementation barriers and operational challenges from seven European countries.
In: International Journal of Ventilation 20/2, S. 83 - 102.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 2,306
Rang (2021): Construction & Building Technology 43/68, Q3 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 100/119, Q4 (SCIE)

Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Janssen, Hans (2020): Impact of the drying rate on the moisture retention curve of porous building materials.
In: Construction and Building Materials 258, No. 119451.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2020): 6,141
Rang (2020): Construction & Building Technology 7/67, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 7/137, Q1 (SCIE); Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 86/334, Q2 (SCIE)

Dahash, A; Ochs, F; Tosatto, A; Streicher, W (2020): Toward efficient numerical modeling and analysis of large-scale thermal energy storage for renewable district heating.
In: Applied Energy 279, No. 115840.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2020): 9,746
Rang (2020): Energy & Fuels 9/114, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Chemical 6/143, Q1 (SCIE)

Feist, Wolfgang; Pfluger, Rainer; Hasper, Wolfgang (2020): Durability of building fabric components and ventilation systems in passive houses.
In: Energy Efficiency 13, S. 1543 - 1559.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2020): 2,574
Rang (2020): Energy & Fuels 81/114, Q3 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 82/125, Q3 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 36/44, Q4 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 8/9, Q4 (SSCI)

Gschösser, Florian; Lumetzberger, Dominik; Burtscher, Eugen; Tautschnig, Arnold (2020): Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit von Großumbaumaschinen bei Ober- und Unterbausanierungen von Bahntrassen. Bewertung von Baudurchführungskonzepten für das Projekt Lustenau–Lauterach.
In: Bautechnik. Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau 97/7, S. 462 - 472.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2020): 0,408
Rang (2020): Engineering, Civil 134/137, Q4 (SCIE)

Gschösser, Florian; Tautschnig, Arnold; Auderer, Stefan (2020): Work-Sampling Studies applied for Unit Rate Determination of Labor-Intensive Tunneling Processes.
In: Geomechanics and Tunnelling / Geomechanik und Tunnelbau 13/3, S. 315 - 325.


Peer Review: ja

Hammes, S.; Weninger, J.; Canazei, M.; Pfluger, R.; Pohl, W. (2020): Die Bedeutung von Nutzerzentrierung in automatisierten Beleuchtungssystemen. The importance of user centricity in automated lighting systems.
In: Bauphysik 42/5, S. 209 - 217.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2020): 0,296
Rang (2020): Construction & Building Technology 66/67, Q4 (SCIE)

Hauer, Martin; Grobbauer, Michael; Holper, Stefan; Plörer, Daniel (2020): Thermal modeling of complex fenestration systems: Comparison with long-term measurements on an office facade mock-up.
In: Science and Technology for the Built Environment 26/2, S. 101 - 114.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2020): 1,99
Rang (2020): Construction & Building Technology 41/67, Q3 (SCIE); Engineering, Mechanical 78/133, Q3 (SCIE); Thermodynamics 39/60, Q3 (SCIE)

Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Tosatto, Alice; Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2020): Techno-economic planning and construction of cost-effective large-scale hot water thermal energy storage for Renewable District heating systems.
In: Renewable Energy 150, S. 1165 - 1177.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2020): 8,001
Rang (2020): Energy & Fuels 16/114, Q1 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 7/44, Q1 (SCIE)

Selke, Tim; Rennhofer, Marcus; Neyer, Daniel; Thür, Alexander; Koell, Rebekka (2020): IEA Solares Heizen und Kühlen Task 53: Neue Generation der solaren Kühl- und Heizsysteme.
In: Schriftenreihe: Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung 3/2020, S. 1 - 61.

Open Access: ja

Siverio Lima, Mayara S.; Hajibabaei, Mohsen; Hesarkazzazi, Sina; Sitzenfrei, Robert; Buttgereit, Alexander; Queiroz, Cesar; Tautschnig, Arnold; Gschösser, Florian (2020): Environmental Potentials of Asphalt Materials Applied to Urban Roads: Case Study of the City of Münster.
In: Sustainability 12/15, No. 6113.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2020): 3,251
Rang (2020): Environmental Sciences 124/274, Q2 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 59/125, Q2 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 30/44, Q3 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 6/9, Q3 (SSCI)
VHB JQ (2015, JQ 3): C
VHB JQ Teildisziplin (2015, JQ 3): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Thives, Liseane Padilha; Haritonovsm, Viktors; Gschösser, Florian (2020): The Influence of Alternative Fillers on the Adhesive Properties of Mastics Fabricated with Red Mud.
In: Materials 13/2, No. 484.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2020): 3,623
Rang (2020): Chemistry, Physical 79/162, Q2 (SCIE); Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 152/334, Q2 (SCIE); Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering 17/80, Q1 (SCIE); Physics, Applied 51/160, Q2 (SCIE); Physics, Condensed Matter 27/69, Q2 (SCIE)

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Mieck, Sebastian; Ochs, Fabian; Krautz, Hans Joachim (2019): A comparative study of two simulation tools for the technical feasibility in terms of modeling district heating systems: An optimization case study.
In: Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 91, S. 48 - 68.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 2,219
Rang (2019): Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 57/109, Q3 (SCIE); Computer Science, Software Engineering 37/108, Q2 (SCIE)

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Streicher, Wolfgang (2019): Advances in seasonal thermal energy storage for solar district heating applications: A critical review on large-scale hot-water tank and pit thermal energy storage systems.
In: Applied Energy 239, S. 296 - 315.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 8,848
Rang (2019): Energy & Fuels 9/112, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Chemical 6/143, Q1 (SCIE)

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Gustafsson, Marcus; Calabrese, Toni; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang; Dipasquale, Chiara; Fedrizzi, Roberto; Bales, Chris (2019): A comprehensive evaluation of a monthly-based energy auditing tool through dynamic simulations, and monitoring in a renovation case study.
In: Energy and Buildings 183, S. 713 - 726.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 4,867
Rang (2019): Construction & Building Technology 7/63, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 31/112, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 5/134, Q1 (SCIE)

Dipasquale, Chiara; Fedrizzi, Roberto; Bellini, Alessandro; Gustafsson, Marcus; Ochs, Fabian; Bales, Chris (2019): Database of energy, environmental and economic indicators of renovation packages for European residential buildings.
In: Energy and Buildings 203, S. UNSP 109427.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 4,867
Rang (2019): Construction & Building Technology 7/63, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 31/112, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 5/134, Q1 (SCIE)

Fröch, Georg; Flora, Matthias; Gächter, Werner; Harpf, Florian; Tautschnig, Arnold (2019): Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eines digitalen Baugrundmodells im Tunnelbau.
In: Bautechnik. Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau 96/12, S. 885 - 895.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 0,282
Rang (2019): Engineering, Civil 131/134, Q4 (SCIE)

Fröch, Georg; Gächter, Werner; Tautschnig, Arnold; Specht, Günther (2019): Merkmalserver im Open‐BIM‐Prozess.
In: Bautechnik. Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau 96/4, S. 338 - 347.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 0,282
Rang (2019): Engineering, Civil 131/134, Q4 (SCIE)

Gschösser, Florian; Baldauf, Phillipp; Tautschnig, Arnold; Reinisch, Alexander (2019): Baubetriebliche und bauwirtschaftliche Potentiale durch Echtzeitmessung der Betonfestigkeit.
In: Bautechnik. Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau 96/3, S. 239 - 249.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 0,282
Rang (2019): Engineering, Civil 131/134, Q4 (SCIE)

Gschösser, Florian; Laich, Daniel; Tautschnig, Arnold (2019): Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung von Rüstungen bei der Betonsanierung von Bestandsbrücken. Economically and temporally optimized scaffold selection for concrete bridge refurbishments.
In: Bauingenieur 94/12, S. 504 - 511.

Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 0,815
Rang (2019): Construction & Building Technology 52/63, Q4 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 117/134, Q4 (SCIE)

Hirschmüller, Sebastian; Pravida, Johann; Marte, Roman; Flach, Michael (2019): Long-term material properties of circular hollow laminated veneer lumber sections under water saturation and cement alkaline attack.
In: Wood Material Science & Engineering 14/3, S. 142 - 156.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 1,265
Rang (2019): Materials Science, Paper & Wood 8/21, Q2 (SCIE)

Magni, Mara; Campana, Jean Pierre; Ochs, Fabian; Luca Mor, Gian (2019): Numerical investigation of the influence of heat emitters on the local thermal comfort in a room.
In: Building Simulation. An International Journal 12/3, S. 395 - 410.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 2,472
Rang (2019): Construction & Building Technology 21/63, Q2 (SCIE); Thermodynamics 22/61, Q2 (SCIE)

Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian (2019): Effectiveness of a membrane enthalpy heat exchanger.
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 160, No. 114005.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 4,725
Rang (2019): Energy & Fuels 34/112, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Mechanical 13/130, Q1 (SCIE); Mechanics 13/136, Q1 (SCIE); Thermodynamics 6/61, Q1 (SCIE)

Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2019): Novel speed-controlled exhaust-air to supply-air heat pump combined with a ventilation system.
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 162, No. 114230.

Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2019): 4,725
Rang (2019): Energy & Fuels 34/112, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Mechanical 13/130, Q1 (SCIE); Mechanics 13/136, Q1 (SCIE); Thermodynamics 6/61, Q1 (SCIE)

Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2018): Moisture Absorption in Capillary Active Materials: Analytical Solution for a Multiple Step Diffusivity Function.
In: Transport in Porous Media 125/3, S. 633 - 645.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 1,997
Rang (2018): Engineering, Chemical 68/138, Q2 (SCIE)

Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Colombo, Luigi P. M.; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2018): Effect of evaporation cooling on drying capillary active building materials.
In: Energy and Buildings 166, S. 550 - 560.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 4,495
Rang (2018): Construction & Building Technology 7/63, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 28/103, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 5/132, Q1 (SCIE)

Clark, Jordan; Rojas, Gabriel; Walker, Iain (2018): Towards the development of a standardized testing protocol for overhead island kitchen exhaust devices: Procedures, measurements and paths forward.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 4,82
Rang (2018): Construction & Building Technology 4/63, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 3/132, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Environmental 12/52, Q1 (SCIE)

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang (2018): Renovation with an innovative compact heating and ventilation system integrated into the façade – An in-situ monitoring case study.
In: Energy and Buildings 165, S. 451 - 463.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 4,495
Rang (2018): Construction & Building Technology 7/63, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 28/103, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 5/132, Q1 (SCIE)

Dobler, Claudia; Pfeifer, Dominik; Streicher, Wolfgang (2018): Reaching energy autonomy in a medium‐sized city – three scenarios to model possible future energy developments in the residential building sector.
In: Sustainable Development 26/6, S. 859 - 869.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
VHB JQ (2015, JQ 3): C
VHB JQ Teildisziplin (2015, JQ 3): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Grove-Smith, Jessica; Aydin, Vera; Feist, Wolfgang; Schnieders, Jürgen; Thomas, Stefan (2018): Standards and policies for very high energy efficiency in the urban building sector towards reaching the 1.5°C target.
In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 30, S. 103 - 114.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 4,258
Rang (2018): Environmental Sciences 55/251, Q1 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 13/35, Q2 (SCIE)

Gschösser, Florian; Sander, Philip; Lintner, Petra; Tautschnig, Arnold; Entacher, Martin (2018): Bauherrenseitiges Projektkostencontrolling bei Großprojekten unter Verwendung probabilistischer Methoden.
In: Bauingenieur 93/09, S. 355 - 364.

Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 0,622
Rang (2018): Construction & Building Technology 53/63, Q4 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 118/132, Q4 (SCIE)

Hirschmüller, S; Marte, R; Pravida, J; Flach, M (2018): Inhibited wood degradation of cement-coated beech Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) for temporary in-ground applications.
In: European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 76/5, S. 1483 - 1494.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 1,901
Rang (2018): Forestry 21/67, Q2 (SCIE); Materials Science, Paper & Wood 4/21, Q1 (SCIE)

Hirschmuller, S; Pravida, J; Marte, R; Flach, M (2018): Adhesive properties of laminated veneer lumber poles for use in temporary soil nailing: bonding performance of curved structures in a high-alkaline environment.
In: Wood Science and Technology 52/5, S. 1289 - 1311.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 1,912
Rang (2018): Forestry 20/67, Q2 (SCIE); Materials Science, Paper & Wood 3/21, Q1 (SCIE)

Hirschmuller, S; Pravida, J; Marte, R; Flach, M (2018): Adhesive properties of laminated veneer lumber poles for use in temporary soil nailing: development and evaluation of a test method for curved structures in a high-alkaline environment.
In: Wood Science and Technology 52/4, S. 1061 - 1092.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 1,912
Rang (2018): Forestry 20/67, Q2 (SCIE); Materials Science, Paper & Wood 3/21, Q1 (SCIE)

Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Kraler, Anton; Flach, Michael (2018): Neue Wege in der thermischen Fassadensanierung und ein Systemverbinder zur schnellen und einfachen Montage.
In: Bauingenieur 93/7/8, S. 304 - 311.

Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 0,622
Rang (2018): Construction & Building Technology 53/63, Q4 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 118/132, Q4 (SCIE)

Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Dipasquale, Chiara; Koell, Rebekka (2018): Technical and economic assessment of solar heating and cooling – Methodology and examples of IEA SHC Task 53.
In: Solar Energy 172/Part 1, S. 90 - 101.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 4,674
Rang (2018): Energy & Fuels 24/103, Q1 (SCIE)

Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Hauer, Norbert; Halmdienst, Christian; Pink, Werner (2018): Application of an adapted single-/half- effect NH3/H2O absorption chiller in tri-generation and solar cooling systems.
In: Solar Energy 173, S. 715 - 727.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 4,674
Rang (2018): Energy & Fuels 24/103, Q1 (SCIE)

Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Mugnier, Daniel; White, Stephen (2018): 10 key principles for successful solar air conditioning design – A compendium of IEA SHC Task 48 experiences.
In: Solar Energy 172/1, S. 78 - 79.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 4,674
Rang (2018): Energy & Fuels 24/103, Q1 (SCIE)

Rojas, Gabriel; Smith-Grove, Jessica (2018): Improving Ventilation Efficiency for a Highly Energy Efficient Indoor Swimming Pool Using CFD Simulations.
In: Fluids 3/4, No. 92.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Schweiger, Gerald; Heimrath, Richard; Falay, Basak; O'Donovan, Keith; Nageler, Peter; Pertschy, Reinhard; Engel, Georg; Streicher, Wolfgang; Leusbrock, Ingo (2018): District energy systems: Modelling paradigms and general-purpose tools.
In: Energy 164, S. 1326 - 1340.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 5,537
Rang (2018): Energy & Fuels 15/103, Q1 (SCIE); Thermodynamics 3/60, Q1 (SCIE)

Thür, Alexander; Calabrese, Toni; Streicher, Wolfgang (2018): Smart grid and PV driven ground heat pump as thermal battery in small buildings for optimized electricity consumption.
In: Solar Energy 174, S. 273 - 285.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 4,674
Rang (2018): Energy & Fuels 24/103, Q1 (SCIE)

Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Gebauer, Ralf; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Modell zur numerischen Untersuchung der Trocknung in Estrichdämmschichten.
In: Bauphysik 39/2, S. 93 - 103.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2017): 0,202
Rang (2017): Construction & Building Technology 60/62, Q4 (SCIE)

Bianchi-Janetti, Michele; Colombo, Luigi P. M; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Determination of the water retention curve from drying experiments using infrared thermography: A preliminary study.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2017): 3,361
Rang (2017): Engineering, Mechanical 14/128, Q1 (SCIE); Thermodynamics 9/59, Q1 (SCIE)

Gebauer, Ralf; Bianchi-Janetti, Michele; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang; Kirchmair, Martin (2017): Messtechnische Untersuchung der Trocknung und des mikrobiellen Wachstums nach irregulären Feuchtezuständen in Estrichdämmschichten.
In: Bauphysik 39/1, S. 1 - 9.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2017): 0,202
Rang (2017): Construction & Building Technology 60/62, Q4 (SCIE)

Gustafsson, Marcus; Dipasquale, Chiara; Poppi, Stefano; Bellini, Alessandro; Fedrizzi, Roberto; Bales, Chris; Ochs, Fabian; Sie, Marion; Holmberg, Sture (2017): Economic and environmental analysis of energy renovation packages for European office buildings.
In: Energy and Buildings 148, S. 155 - 165.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2017): 4,457
Rang (2017): Construction & Building Technology 5/62, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 22/97, Q1 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 3/128, Q1 (SCIE)

Schernthaner, Sandra; Gschösser, Florian; Tautschnig, Arnold (2017): Ökologischer und ökonomischer Vergleich von Verkehrsszenarien auf der Brennerstrecke beeinflusst vom Brenner Basistunnel.
In: bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement 8/5, S. 179 - 185.

Shandilya, Apeksha; Streicher, Wolfgang (2017): Performance and Cost Analysis of Retrofit Strategies Applied to a Sample Single Family House Located in New Delhi India Assisted by TRNSYS Energy Simulation Tool-A Case Study.
In: International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 6/11, S. 304 - 312.


Werner, M; Geisler-Moroder, D; Junghans, B; Ebert, I; Feist, W (2017): DALEC - a novel web tool for integrated day- and artificial light and energy calculation.
In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation 10/3, S. 344 - 363.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2017): 2,603
Rang (2017): Construction & Building Technology 13/62, Q1 (SCIE)

Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Carrubba, Tecla Antonietta; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2016): Heat flux measurements for determination of the liquid water diffusivity in capillary active materials.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2016): 3,458
Rang (2016): Engineering, Mechanical 11/130, Q1 (SCIE); Mechanics 9/133, Q1 (SCIE); Thermodynamics 7/58, Q1 (SCIE)

Gschösser, Florian; Schneider, Ralf (2016): Brückensanierung vs. Ersatzneubau - Ökobillanzieller Vergleich für eine Eisenbahnstrecke unter Berücksichtigung der verkehrlichen Auswirkungen.
In: bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement 2016/7, S. 25 - 31.

Hauer, Martin; Pfluger, Rainer (2016): Entwicklung eines neuartigen Konzeptes zur in-situ Messung von g-Werten an komplexen Verglasungssystemen.
In: Bauphysik 38/5, S. 265 - 273.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2016): 0,288
Rang (2016): Construction & Building Technology 56/61, Q4 (SCIE)

Hofer, Christoph; Tautschnig, Arnold; Gschösser, Florian (2016): Evaluierung von REFA-Zeiterfassungsmethoden zur Entwicklung von Leistungsansätzen für Ressourcengruppen im Spezialtiefbau.
In: bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement 7/5, S. 182 - 187.

Pfluger, Rainer; Rojas, Gabriel; Sibille, Elisabeth; Kah, Oliver; Bräunlich, Kristin (2016): Komfortlüftung effizient und kostengünstig planen / Efficient and low-cost design of comfort ventilation systems.
In: DETAIL green 2016/1, S. 52 - 55.

Rojas, Gabriel; Spörk-Dür, Monika; Venus, David; Greml, Andreas; Krissmer, Lukas; Pfluger, Rainer (2016): Lüften und Heizen in Passivhäusern in Österreich - Variantenvergleich auf Basis von Behaglichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit.
In: Schriftenreihe: Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung 2015/36, S. 1 - 175.

Rojas, Gabriel; Wagner, Waldemar; Suschek-Berger, Jürgen; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolfgang (2016): Applying the passive house concept to a social housing project in Austria – evaluation of the indoor environment based on long-term measurements and user surveys.
In: Advances in Building Energy Research 10/1, S. 125 - 148.


Peer Review: ja

Fröch, Georg (2015): Sustainability issues in the valuation process of project developments.
In: Energy and Buildings 100, S. 2 - 9.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2015): 2,973
Rang (2015): Construction & Building Technology 6/61, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 31/88, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 6/126, Q1 (SCIE)

Passer, Alexander; Lasvaux, Sébastien; Allacker, Karen; De Lathauwer, Dieter; Spirinckx, Carolin; Wittstock, Bastian; Kellenberger, Daniel; Gschösser, Florian; Wall, Johannes; Wallbaum, Holger (2015): Environmental product declarations entering the building sector: critical reflections based on 5 to 10 years experience in different European countries.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2015): 3,324
Rang (2015): Engineering, Environmental 13/50, Q2 (SCIE); Environmental Sciences 47/225, Q1 (SCIE)

Rojas, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Cascade Ventilation - Air exchange efficiency in living rooms without separate supply air.
In: Energy and Buildings 100/Special issue - enova 2013, S. 27 - 33.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2015): 2,973
Rang (2015): Construction & Building Technology 6/61, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 31/88, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 6/126, Q1 (SCIE)

Schnieders, Jürgen; Feist, Wolfgang; Rongen, Ludwig (2015): Passive Houses for different climate zones.
In: Energy and Buildings 105, S. 71 - 87.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2015): 2,973
Rang (2015): Construction & Building Technology 6/61, Q1 (SCIE); Energy & Fuels 31/88, Q2 (SCIE); Engineering, Civil 6/126, Q1 (SCIE)

Speer, Christoph; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolfgang; Zgaga, Janez; Lanthaler, David; Recla, Florian (2015): Entwicklung und messtechnische Untersuchung eines dezentralen kompakten Wärmerückgewinnungsventilators.
In: Bauphysik 37/3, S. 179 - 185.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2015): 0,205
Rang (2015): Construction & Building Technology 57/61, Q4 (SCIE)

Wetzlmaier, Christian; Gschösser, Florian; Cordes, Tobias (2015): Ökologische Aspekte von Tunnelvortriebsmethoden beim Brenner Basistunnel.
In: bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement 2015/Juli, S. 141 - 147.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Review)

Buda, Alessia; Jan de Place Hansen, Ernst; Rieser, Alexander; Giancola, Emanuela; Pracchi, Valeria Natalina; Mauri, Sara; Marincioni, Valentina; Gori, Virginia; Fouseki, Kalliopi; Polo Lopez, Cristina S.; Lo Faro, Alessandro; Egusquiza, Aitziber; Haas, Franziska; Leonardi, Eleonora; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel (2021): Conservation-Compatible Retrofit Solutions in Historic Buildings: An Integrated Approach.
In: Sustainability 13/5, No. 2927.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2021): 3,889
Rang (2021): Environmental Sciences 133/279, Q2 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 57/128, Q2 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 35/47, Q3 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 7/9, Q4 (SSCI)
VHB JQ (2015, JQ 3): C
VHB JQ Teildisziplin (2015, JQ 3): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Marincioni, Valentina; Gori, Virginia; Jan de Place Hansen, Ernst; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel; Mauri, Sara; Giancola, Emanuela; Egusquiza, Aitziber; Buda, Alessia; Leonardi, Eleonora; Rieser, Alexander (2021): How Can Scientific Literature Support Decision-Making in the Renovation of Historic Buildings? An Evidence-Based Approach for Improving the Performance of Walls.
In: Sustainability 13/4, No. 2266.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2021): 3,889
Rang (2021): Environmental Sciences 133/279, Q2 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 57/128, Q2 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 35/47, Q3 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 7/9, Q4 (SSCI)
VHB JQ (2015, JQ 3): C
VHB JQ Teildisziplin (2015, JQ 3): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Plörer, Daniel; Hammes, Sascha; Hauer, Martin; van Karsbergen, Vincent; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Control Strategies for Daylight and Artificial Lighting in OfficeBuildings—A Bibliometrically Assisted Review.
In: Energies 14/13, No. 3852.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE-JIF (2021): 3,252
Rang (2021): Energy & Fuels 80/119, Q3 (SCIE)

Johnston, D; Siddall, M; Ottinger, O; Peper, S; Feist, W (2020): Are the energy savings of the passive house standard reliable? A review of the as-built thermal and space heating performance of passive house dwellings from 1990 to 2018.
In: Energy Efficiency 13/8, S. 1605 - 1631.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja
SCIE, SSCI-JIF (2020): 2,574
Rang (2020): Energy & Fuels 81/114, Q3 (SCIE); Environmental Studies 82/125, Q3 (SSCI); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 36/44, Q4 (SCIE); Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 8/9, Q4 (SSCI)

Poulikakos, Lily D.; Papadaskalopoulou, Christina; Hofko, Bernhard; Gschösser, Florian; Cannon Falchetto, Augusto; Bueno, Moises; Arraigada, Martin; Sousa, Jorge; Ruiz, Ricardo; Petit, Christophe; Loizidou, Maria; Partl, Manfred N. (2017): Harvesting the Unexplored Potential of European Waste Materials for Road Construction.
In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling 116, S. 32 - 44.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2017): 5,12
Rang (2017): Engineering, Environmental 8/50, Q1 (SCIE); Environmental Sciences 23/242, Q1 (SCIE)

Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Proceedings Paper)

Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Janssen, Hans (2021): Pore-scale investigation of dynamic effects on the moisture retention curve during spontaneous imbibition.
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2069, No. 012044.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian; Drexel, Christof; Rothbacher, Mattias (2021): Modular split-type heat pump with compact and silent façade-integrated outdoor unit.
In: E3S Web of Conferences 246, No. 06008.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Venturi, Elisa; Tosatto, Alice; Streicher, Wolfgang (2021): Cost-optimal nZEB HVAC configurations with onsite storage.
In: E3S Web of Conferences 246, No. 07001.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Rieser, Alexander; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel; Leonardi, Eleonora; Larcher, Marco; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Experimental measurement of materials’ drying coefficient for internal insulation: new approaches for laboratory testing.
In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 863, No. 012048.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Rieser, Alexander; Leonardi, Eleonora; Haas, Franziska; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): A new decision guidance tool for the adoption of energy retrofit solutions in historic buildings.
In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 863, No. 012016.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Janssen, Hans (2020): Pore scale modelling of moisture transfer in building materials with the phase field method.
In: E3S Web of Conferences 172, Nr. 04004.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Gschösser, Florian; Cordes, Tobias; Lumetzberger, Dominik; Tautschnig, Arnold; Bergmeister, Konrad (2020): Railway transport systems' contribution to sustainable development.
In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 588, No. 052024.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Shandilya, Apeksha; Hauer, Martin; Streicher, Wolfgang (2020): Optimization of Thermal Behavior and Energy Efficiency of a Residential House Using Energy Retrofitting in Different Climates.
In: Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 8/3, S. 335 - 349.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Calabrese, Toni; Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios (2019): Compact ventilation and heat pump with recirculation air for renovation of small apartments.
In: E3S Web of Conferences 111, No. 1011.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Bednar, N; Caviasca, A; Sevela, P; Severino, N; Adamovic, N (2018): Modelling of flexible thin-film modules for building and product integrated photovoltaics.
In: Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 181/SI, S. 38 - 45.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2018): 6,019
Rang (2018): Energy & Fuels 14/103, Q1 (SCIE); Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 48/293, Q1 (SCIE); Physics, Applied 22/148, Q1 (SCIE)

Dermentzis, Georgios; Schnieders, Jürgen; Pfluger, Rainer; Pfeifer, Dominik; Feist, Wolfgang; Ochs, Fabian (2017): An overview of energy district tools in Europe and the importance of an equivalent heating reference temperature for district simulations.
In: Bauphysik 39/5, S. 316 - 329.


Peer Review: ja
SCIE-JIF (2017): 0,202
Rang (2017): Construction & Building Technology 60/62, Q4 (SCIE)

Morgenstern, Alexander; Fedrizzi, Roberto; Selke, Tim; Mugnier, Daniel; Pietruschka, Dirk; Becalli, Marco; Neyer, Daniel (2016): Quality assurance and support measures for solar cooling on system level.
In: Energy Procedia 91, S. 792 - 798.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline; Mugnier, Daniel; White, Stephen (2016): IEA SHC Task 48 - Market Support Measures.
In: Energy Procedia 91, S. 815 - 823.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Plaz, Thomas; Ochs, Fabian; Klesnil, Ondrej; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Thermal Conductivity of Foam Glass Gravels: A Comparison between Experimental Data and Numerical Results.
In: Energy Procedia 78/November 2015, S. 3258 - 3263.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Prefabricated Timber Frame Façade with Integrated Active Components for Minimal Invasive Renovations.
In: Energy Procedia 78/November 2015, S. 61 - 66.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Editorial)

Tautschnig, Arnold (2019): Editorial.
In: bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement 10/5, S. 169.

Tautschnig, Arnold (2018): Editorial.
In: bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement 9/3, S. 89.

Sammelbandaufsatz (Originalarbeit)

Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Materials: Wood, concrete, Brick, Natural Stones, Renewables.
In: Stahl, Thomas; Wakili, Karim: Energy-Efficient Retrofit of Buildings by Interior Insulation. Materials, Methods and Tools. München: Elsevier, ISBN 9780128165133, S. 3 - 17.

Peer Review: ja

Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Variations and design options in renovation with internal insulation.
In: Stahl, Thomas; Wakili, Karim: Energy-Efficient Retrofit of Buildings by Interior Insulation. Materials, Methods and Tools. München: Elsevier, ISBN 9780128165133, S. 301 - 324.

Peer Review: ja

Tautschnig, Arnold (2019): Interdisziplinäre Herausforderungen bei innerstädtischen Hochbauprojekten in exponierter Lage aus Sicht der Projektleitung.
In: Langen, W.; Leupertz, S.; Preuß, N.; v. Rintelen, C.: Bauprojekte als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Festschrift für Klaus Eschenbruch zum 65. Geburtstag. Köln: Werner Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8041-5343-1, S. 431 - 444.

Tautschnig, Arnold; Carstens, Till-Heinrich (2019): Zur Schadensermittlung bei Terminschäden.
In: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Baurecht und Bauwirtschaft (Hrsg.): Aktuelles zum Bau- und Vergaberecht. Festschrift zum 40-jährigen Bestehen der Österreichschen Gesellschaft für Baurecht und Bauwirtschaft. Wien: Manz, ISBN 978-3-214-18467-4, S. 709 - 721.

Tautschnig, Arnold; Baldauf, Phillipp (2018): Kalkulation auf Abwegen - ein Lagebericht.
In: Gallistel, U.; Oswald, T.; Raab, J.; Szkopecz, D.; Wallner, T.: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Andreas Kropik. Wien: Technische Universität Wien, ISBN 978-3-9502638-6-2, S. 295 - 309.

Tautschnig, Arnold; Baldauf, Phillipp; Thurnes, Anna (2018): Forcierungskosten. Eine kritische bauwirtschaftliche Betrachtung aus Bauherrensicht.
In: Belakovits, Clemens M.; Hussian, Wolfgang; Kletecka, Andreas: Festschrift Karasek 65 Jahre. Wien: Manz, ISBN 978-3-214-17101-8, S. 819 - 848.

Tautschnig, Arnold; Fröch, Georg; Mösl, Martin; Gächter, Werner (2018): Building Information Modeling – Übersicht über Technologie und Arbeitsmethodik mit Praxisbeispielen.
In: Bergmeister, Konrad; Fingerloos, Frank; Wörner, Johann-Dietrich: Beton Kalender 2018: Bautenschutz Brandschutz, 107. Jahrgang. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, ISBN 978-3-433-03160-5, S. 356 - 413.


Fröch, Georg (2015): Quantifizierung des Mehrwertes nachhaltiger Immobilienprojektentwicklungen und deren Optimierung.
In: Fröch, Georg; Gschösser, Florian; Brugger, Wilhelm; Gächter, Werner: Festschrift - Anlässlich des 60.Geburtstag von Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. techn. Arnold Tautschnig. Beiträge aus Theorie und Praxis. Innsbruck: Studia Universitätsverlag (= i3b-Schriftenreihe. Bauwirtschaft und Projektmanagement (ehem. Series Baubetrieb und Projektmanagement), 27), ISBN 978-3-902652-99-7, S. 441 - 462.

Gschösser, Florian (2015): Wie misst man die Nachhaltigkeit von Baustoffen?
In: Fröch, Georg; Gschösser, Florian; Brugger, Wilhelm; Gächter, Werner: Festschrift - Anlässlich des 60.Geburtstag von Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. techn. Arnold Tautschnig. Beiträge aus Theorie und Praxis. Innsbruck: Studia Universitätsverlag (= i3b-Schriftenreihe. Bauwirtschaft und Projektmanagement (ehem. Series Baubetrieb und Projektmanagement), 27), ISBN 978-3-902652-99-7, S. 463 - 470.

Streicher, Wolfgang (2015): Solar thermal technologies for domestic hot water preparation and space heating.
In: Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard (editor): Renewable Heating and Cooling. Technologies and Applications. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. (= Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy), ISBN 978-1-78242-213-6, S. 9 - 40.

Sammelbandbeitrag (Editorial)

Fröch, Georg; Gschösser, Florian; Brugger, Wilhelm; Gächter, Werner (2015): Grußworte.
In: Fröch, Georg; Gschösser, Florian; Brugger, Wilhelm; Gächter, Werner: Festschrift - Anlässlich des 60.Geburtstag von Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. techn. Arnold Tautschnig. Beiträge aus Theorie und Praxis. Innsbruck: Studia Universitätsverlag (= i3b-Schriftenreihe. Bauwirtschaft und Projektmanagement (ehem. Series Baubetrieb und Projektmanagement), 27), ISBN 978-3-902652-99-7, S. 5 - 24.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Full Paper)

Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Streicher, Wolfgang; Magni, Mara; Venturi, Elisa (forthcoming): Methodology for the calculation of energy scenarios to achieve carbon neutrality in the building stock.
In: Building Simulation Conference Proceedings BS2023: Building Simulation Conference Proceedings BS2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA. Methodology for the calculation of energy scenarios to achieve carbon neutrality in the building stock. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).

Aye, Lu; Daborer-Prado, Nayrana; Neyer, Daniel; Jakob, Uli (2023): Third Update on Activity C1 Design Tools and Models, Task 65 Solar Cooling Sunbelt Regions.
In: Australian PV Institute (Eds.): Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2023 (APSRC, 2023). 5 - 7 December, 2023, RMIT, Melbourne. published online / Internetpublikation, ISBN 978-0-6480414-7-4, online.

Peer Review: ja

Beck, S.; Rojas-Kopeinig, G.; Goreth, S.; Krois, E.; Hechenberger, C. (2023): Indoor air quality in Austrian classrooms: Assessing different ventilation strategies with a citizen science approach.
In: Wouters, Peter; Janssens, Arnold; Afshari, Alireza; Kapsalaki, Maria: Proceedings of 43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent & 9th Venticool Conference 2023 - Ventilation, IEQ, and health in sustainable buildings. 4 Oct 2023 → 5 Oct 2023, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, ISBN 978-2-930471-65-5, S. 566 - 574.

Peer Review: ja

Hammes, Sascha; Weninger, Johannes; Pfluger, Rainer (2023): Das unzureichend berücksichtigte Potential von Post-Occupancy Evaluations und Phasen erweiterter Inbetriebnahmen.
In: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft: 25. Europäischer Lichttechnischer Kongress. Licht 2023. 26.-29. März 2023. Absdorf: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft, S. 532 - 543.

Peer Review: ja

Hauer, Martin (2023): Sonnenschutz- und Tageslichtlösungen. Neue Messverfahren bis integrale Steuerkonzepten.
In: Fenster-Türen-Treff 2023. Tagungsband. 4.-5. Mai 2023, Salzburg. Wien: Holzforschung Austria, ISBN 978-3-9519933-7-9, S. 28 - 35.

Peer Review: ja

Hauer, Martin; Miller, Josef; Pfluger, Rainer (2023): BIM2BEM-Flow – Workflow für eine BIM-basierte Licht- und Energieeffizienzplanung.
In: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft: 25. Europäischer Lichttechnischer Kongress. Licht 2023. 26.-29. März 2023. Absdorf: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft, S. 571 - 579.

Peer Review: ja

Kraler, Anton; Zadra, Armin (2023): Acoustic comparison and evaluation of wall structures in timber construction to improve the sound insulation in the low-frequency range.
In: Astolfi, Arianna; Asdrudali, Francesco; Shtrepi, Louena: Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2023. 10th Convention of EAA. 11th-15th September 2023, Torino. European Acoustics Association (EAA) (= Forum Acusticum), ISBN 978-88-88942-67-4, S. 1313 - 1319.

Peer Review: ja

Laverge, Jelle; Rode, Carsten; Qin, Menghao; Kolarik, Jakub; Jones, Benjamin; Abadie, Marc; Zhang, Jianshun; Delghust, Marc; Wargocki, Pawel; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Guyot, Gaelle; Hanoune, B. (2023): Energy Efficient IAQ Management in residential buildings.
In: 41st AIVC/ASHRAE IAQ- 9th TightVent - 7th venticool Conference. Athens, Greece - 4-6 May 2022. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, S. 1 - 5.

Maderebner, Roland; Meyer, Julian (2023): Mechanical connections with serrated steel surfaces.
In: Escola de Engenharia, Campus de Azurém: Seminário Construir com Madeira. Livro de atas. EEUM, Guimarães, Portugal, 7 de junho de 2023. Braga: Universidade do Minho / University of Minho, S. 38 - 51.

Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Venturi, Elisa (2023): Impact of the European Building Energy Requirements on the Heat Pump Market.
In: 14 th IEA Heat Pump Conference, 2023, Chicago. Proceedings. 15-18 May 2023, Chicago, Illinois. IEA - Heat Pumping Technologies, S. 1 - 13.

Peer Review: ja

Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Venturi, Elisa (2023): Modelling and Simulation of Booster Heat Pump for DHW Preparation in a Multi-Family Building Connected to the District Heating.
In: Yesilata, B.; Vajen, K.: EuroSun 2022 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 25.-29. September, Kassel. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), ISBN 978-3-982 0408-8-2, S. 1046 - 1057.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Ochs, F; Dermentzis, G. (2023): Prediction of PV Self-consumption in Buildings – Simulation Results and Tool Development.
In: 26th International Passive House Conference 2023. Proceedings. 10-11 March Wies­baden, Ger­many. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 1 - 7.

Ochs, F; Tosatto, A; Magni, M; Venturi, E; Dermentzis G. (2023): Heat Pumps, Photovoltaics and Energy Storage in Buildings – Load Characteristics and Flexibility Options on District Level.
In: Yesilata, B.; Vajen, K.: EuroSun 2022 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 25.-29. September, Kassel. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), ISBN 978-3-982 0408-8-2, S. 1058 - 1069.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Ochs, F.; Tosatto, A.; Magni, M.; Venturi, E.; Monteleone, W.; Dermentzis, G. (2023): Strategies to overcome the dilemma in renovating and integrating HPs and RE into the building stock.
In: 14 th IEA Heat Pump Conference, 2023, Chicago. Proceedings. 15-18 May 2023, Chicago, Illinois. IEA - Heat Pumping Technologies, S. 1 - 12.

Peer Review: ja

Rojas Kopeinig, Gabriel; Jenewein, Romed; Prenninger, Klaus; Schnitzer, Johannes (2023): Data driven models for fault detection - Combining thermal and indoor air quality grey box models.
In: Wouters, Peter; Janssens, Arnold; Afshari, Alireza; Kapsalaki, Maria: Proceedings of 43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent & 9th Venticool Conference 2023 - Ventilation, IEQ, and health in sustainable buildings. 4 Oct 2023 → 5 Oct 2023, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, ISBN 978-2-930471-65-5, S. 251 - 260.

Peer Review: ja

Schneider, Astrid; Stieldorf, Karin; Schranz, Christian; Urban, Harald; Waschl, Alfred; Feichtner, Markus; Geisler-Moroder, David; Hauer, Martin; Battisti, Kurt; Dörn, Markus; Treberspurg, Martin; Treberspurg, Christoph (2023): Why the PV-Industry needs to go BIM – BIM4BIPV: Building Information Modelling (BIM) als Zukunftsaufgabe für digitalisierte Prozesse in der Photovoltaik-Branche.
In: Conexio-PSE GmbH: 38. PV-Symposium / BIPV-Forum. Pforzheim: Conexio-PSE GmbH, ISBN 978-3-948176-21-1, S. 294 - 313.

Thür, Alexander; Schett, Bernhard; Leu, Fabian (2023): PV driven Air Heat Pump using Overheating Effects as Thermal Battery in Single Family Houses.
In: Yesilata, B.; Vajen, K.: EuroSun 2022 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 25.-29. September, Kassel. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), ISBN 978-3-982 0408-8-2, S. 833 - 844.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Bianchi_Janetti, Michele (2023): Convective Heat and Moisture Transfer Modelling in Porous Insulation for Large Thermal Storage.
In: Paper und Präsentationen der COMSOL Conference 2023. 25-27 Oktober, München. München: Comsol, ISBN 978-1-7364524-1-7, S. 1 - 7.

Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Muser, Christoph; Kutscha-Lissberg, Felix; Kremnitzer, Peter (2023): Influence of Heat and Mass Transfer on the Performance of Large-Scale Thermal Energy Storage Systems.
In: Schossig, P.; Droege, P.; Riemer, A.; Speer, M.: Proceedings of the International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2022 (IRES 2022). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 16), ISBN 978-94-6463-156-2, S. 470 - 488.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2022): Developments in simulation and evaluation of large-scale hot water tanks and pits in renewables-based district heating.
In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA. 1-3 September, 2021, Bruges, Belgium. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 17), ISBN 978-1-7750520-2-9, S. 1325 - 1333.


Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2022): Techno-Economic Planning and Exergy Analysis of Large-Scale Hot-Water Tank and Pits.
In: Riemer, A.; Droege, P.: Proceedings of the 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2021 (IRES 2021). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 8), ISBN 978-94-6239-546-6, S. 78 - 92.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Schaffer, Benjamin (2022): Heat Pump Solutions in Renovations of Multi-Storey Buildings.
In: Clima 2022. The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress. 22nd - 25th May, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Delft: Delft University of Technology / Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, S. 1 - 7.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Geisler-Moroder, David; Hauer, Martin; Knoflach, Christian; Pohl, Wilfried (2022): Bringing Daylighting to the Fore: Advances in Integral Control Concepts, Simulation Tools and Evaliation Metrics.
In: Lux europa 2022 - Proceedings of the 14th European Lighting Conference. Ostrava: Česká společnosť pro osvětlování, ISBN 978-80-11-02269-3, S. 112 - 118.

Hammes, Sascha; Hauer, Martin; Geisler-Moroder, David; Weninger, Johannes; Pfluger, Rainer (2022): The impact of occupancy patterns on artificial light energy demand - simulation and post-occupancy-evaluation.
In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA. 1-3 September, 2021, Bruges, Belgium. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 17), ISBN 978-1-7750520-2-9, S. 3536 - 3543.


Hauer, Martin; Geisler-Moroder, David; Pohl, Wilfried (2022): Impact of Integral Day- and Artificial Lighting Solutions on Energy Demand and User Comfort.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC, S. 118 - 126.

Hauer, Martin; Plörer, Daniel; Pfluger, Rainer (2022): Innovative Messmethoden zur thermischen und visuellen Charakterisierung semi-transparenter Fassadenkomponenten - Entwicklung einer Pilot-Line im Rahmen des EU-Forschungsprojektes MEZeroE.
In: Kornadt, Oliver; Carrigan, Svenja; Völker, Conrad; Hofmann, Markus: Bauphysik in Forschung und Praxis. Bauphysiktage Kaiserslautern 2022. 29. und 30. März 2022. Kaiserslautern: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (= Schriftenreihe des Fachgebiets Bauphysik/Energetische Gebäudeoptimierung, 5), ISBN 978-3-95974-176-7, S. 155 - 157.

Peer Review: ja

Jakob, Uli; Vasta, Salvatore; Weiss, Wolfgang; Neyer, Daniel; Kohlenbach, Paul (2022): Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions.
In: Dave, Renné: SWC 2021: ISES Solar World Congress. 25-29 October 2021. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), ISBN 978-3-9820408-7-5, S. 788 - 795.


Open Access: ja

Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Knotzer, Armin; Roßkopf-Nachbaur, Thomas; Dermentzis, Georgios; Venturi, Elisa; Jähnig, Dagmar (2022): Supporting the Decision-Making Process Related to the Renovation of Multi-Family Houses.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC, S. 336 - 344.

Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian; Breuss, Samuel; Drexel, Christof (2022): Development, Testing and Simulation Based Optimization of a Split-Type Heat Pump for Minimal Invasive Renovation of Buildings.
In: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2022. 9th Conference of IBPSA-Germany and Austria, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 20.-22. September 2022. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), ISBN 978-3-00-073975-0, S. 253 - 258.

Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian; Drexel, Christof; Speer, Christoph (2022): Development of an air-source mini-split heat pump for domestic hot water by means of coupled CFD and refrigerant cycle analysis.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC, S. 71 - 79.

Ochs, F.; Dermentzis, G. (2022): Einfaches und schnelles Dynamisches Model für die Vorhersage des PV Eigenverbrauchs (Winner of Best Paper Award).
In: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2022. 9th Conference of IBPSA-Germany and Austria, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 20.-22. September 2022. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), ISBN 978-3-00-073975-0, S. 15 - 21.

Ochs, F.; Magni, M.; Dermentzis, G. (2022): Heat Pumps and Renewables in District Heating–Evaluation of Central and Decentral Approaches.
In: Clima 2022. The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress. 22nd - 25th May, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Delft: Delft University of Technology / Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, S. 1 - 8.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Tosatto, Alice; Reisenbichler, Michael; O’Donovan, Keith; Gauthier, Geoffroy; Kok Skov, Christian; Schmidt, Thomas (2022): Comprehensive Comparison of Different Models for Large-Scale Thermal Energy Storage.
In: Riemer, A.; Droege, P.: Proceedings of the 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2021 (IRES 2021). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 8), ISBN 978-94-6239-546-6, S. 36 - 51.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Hauer, Martin; De Vries, Samuel; Bonato, Paolo (2022): Simulation based evaluation of building integrated solar envelope systems on building level.
In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA. 1-3 September, 2021, Bruges, Belgium. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 17), ISBN 978-1-7750520-2-9, S. 94 - 101.


Rojas Kopeinig, Gabriel (2022): Assessing demand-controlled ventilation strategies based on one CO2 sensor.
In: AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre): 42nd AIVC Conference "Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World". Conference Proceedings. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, ISBN 2-930471-63-1, S. 649 - 650.

Rojas Kopeinig, Gabriel; Greml, Andreas; Pfluger, Rainer; Tappler, Peter (2022): Assessing the “sufficient ventilation” requirement for Austrian buildings - Development of a Monte Carlo based spreadsheet calculation to estimate airing intervals and mould risk in window ventilated buildings.
In: AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre): 42nd AIVC Conference "Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World". Conference Proceedings. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, ISBN 2-930471-63-1, S. 176 - 185.

Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Muser, Christoph (2022): The Challenge of Planning and Constructing Large-Scale Hot Water TES for District Heating System: A Techno-Economic Analysis.
In: Riemer, A.; Droege, P.: Proceedings of the 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2021 (IRES 2021). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 8), ISBN 978-94-6239-546-6, S. 52 - 66.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Muser, Christoph; Kutscha-Lissberg, Felix; Kremnitzer, Peter (2022): Insulating Piles for the Cost-effective Construction of Very Large-scale High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage.
In: Riemer, A.; Droege, P.: Proceedings of the 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2021 (IRES 2021). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 8), ISBN 978-94-6239-546-6, S. 67 - 77.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Van Helden, W.; Moser, M.; Muser, C.; Wallner, G.; Ochs, F.; Leusbrock, I. (2022): Giga-Scale Thermal Energy Storage for Renewable Districts; Resultl of the GIGA_TES Project.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC, S. 228 - 231.

Venturi, Elisa; Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara (2022): Case Study of a Passive House with Facade integrated Photovoltaic System.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC, S. 129 - 136.

Peer Review: ja

Venturi, Elisa; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara (2022): Multi-zone Dynamic Simulations for Investigation of Occupant Behaviour and Building Performance.
In: Clima 2022. The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress. 22nd - 25th May, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Delft: Delft University of Technology / Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, S. 1 - 7.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Wemhoener, Carsten; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Betzold, Christina (2022): Methodology for comparison of nZEB ambition level in different countries by building and system simulation.
In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA. 1-3 September, 2021, Bruges, Belgium. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 17), ISBN 978-1-7750520-2-9, S. 143 - 150.


Hammes, Sascha; Weninger, Johannes; Pohl, Wilfried; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Die Bedeutung nutzerzentrierter Beleuchtung.
In: Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (LiTG): 24. Europäischer Lichttechnischer Kongress. Licht 2021; 21.-24. März 2021, online. Absdorf: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft, S. 436 - 450.

Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian (2021): Analysis of the impact of different HVAC configurations and control strategies on primary energy and cost savings for an office building.
In: 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2021 - Conference Proceedings. IEA Heat Pump Progamme, ISBN 978-91-89385-48-1, S. 1005 - 1015.

Ochs, F. (2021): Netto Null? Low-tech - Low cost?
In: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg: economicum. Themenband Session 10. Die Erkenntnis-Flatrate. Dornbirn: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg, S. 26 - 53.

Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Franzoi, Nicola; Dermentzis, Georgios (2021): Control optimization of a double stage heat pump with desuperheater in multi-family NZEBs.
In: 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2021 - Conference Proceedings. IEA Heat Pump Progamme, ISBN 978-91-89385-48-1, S. 370 - 381.

Van Karsbergen, Vincent; Moser, Stephan; Plörer, Daniel; Weitlaner, Robert; Hauer, Martin; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): An experimental investigation of the IndiLight-Module - A multiobjective occupant-centric day- and artificial lighting control strategy.
In: Advanced Building Skins GmbH: 16th Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo. Wilen: Advanced Building Skins GmbH, ISBN 978-3-9524883-6-2, S. 394 - 403.

Peer Review: ja

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Ochs, Fabian (2020): Numerical Analysis and Evaluation of Large-Scale Hot Water Tanks and Pits in District Heating Systems.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16), ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, S. 1692 - 1699.


Peer Review: ja

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2020): Advances in Modeling and Evaluation of Large-Scale Hot Water Tanks and Pits in Renewable-Based District Heating.
In: Eurosun 2020, 13th International conference on Solar Energy for Buildings & Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), S. 728 - 739.

http:​/​/​/10.18086​/eurosun.2020.07.06 Available at http:​/​/

Open Access: ja

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2020): Simulation-based design optimization of large-scale seasonal thermal energy storage in renewables-based district heating systems.
In: Monsberger, M.; Hopfe, C.J.; Krüger, M.; Passer, A.: BauSIM 2020. 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria. Proceedings. 23-25 September 2020, Graz University of Technology, Austria. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, ISBN 978-3-85-125786-1, S. 112 - 119.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Franzoi, Nicola (2020): Design and Monitoring of a Solar Thermal, PV and Heat Pump System.
In: Eurosun 2020, 13th International conference on Solar Energy for Buildings & Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), S. 398 - 406.

http:​/​/​/10.18086​/eurosun.2020.04.05 Available at http:​/​/

Peer Review: ja

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Thuer, Alexander (2020): Primary-energy Based Optimization of a New Building District through Simulations on Flat, Building, Block and District Level.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16), ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, S. 3628 - 3635.


Peer Review: ja

Hauer, Martin; De Michele, Guiseppe; Babich, Francesco; Plörer, Daniel; Avesani, Stefano (2020): Modelling Of Complex Fenestration Systems – Application Of Different Toolchain Approaches On Real Case Scenarios.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16), ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, S. 4926 - 4935.

Peer Review: ja

Kraler, Anton; Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Flach, Michael (2020): From Low-Rise to High-Rise Buildings: Fire Safety of Timber Frame Facades.
In: Makovicka Osvaldova, Linda; Markert, Frank; L. Zelinka, Samuel: Wood & Fire Safety - Proceedings of the 9th International Cnference on Wood & Fire Safty 2020. 2-3 November, Slovakia, Online Conference Portal. Cham: Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-030-41234-0, S. 238 - 243.

Peer Review: ja

Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Bonato, Paolo; D'Antoni, Matteo; Geisler-Moroder, David; de Vries, Samuel; Loonen, Roel; Maccarini, Alessandro; Afshari, Alireza; Calabrese, Toni (2020): Comparison of simulation results for an office building between different BES tools: the challenge of getting rid of modeller Influence and Identifying Reasons for deviations.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16), ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, S. 1475 - 1482.


Peer Review: ja

Miller, Josef; Moser, Felix; Stumpf, Juan Pablo; Pfluger, Rainer (2020): REVIT2DALEC: A BIM2BEM combined thermal and day- and artificial light energy calculation with DALEC and the MVD.
In: Monsberger, M.; Hopfe, C.J.; Krüger, M.; Passer, A.: BauSIM 2020. 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria. Proceedings. 23-25 September 2020, Graz University of Technology, Austria. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, ISBN 978-3-85-125786-1, S. 351 - 358.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Ochs, F.; Breuss, S.; Venturi, E.; Magni, M.; Dermentzis, G.; Fisco, S. (2020): Modelling and Simulation of Innovative Decentral Domestic Hot Water Systems with Heat Pumps for Multi-Family Buildings.
In: Monsberger, M.; Hopfe, C.J.; Krüger, M.; Passer, A.: BauSIM 2020. 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria. Proceedings. 23-25 September 2020, Graz University of Technology, Austria. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, ISBN 978-3-85-125786-1, S. 135 - 142.


Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Monteleone, William (2020): Simulation-assisted Optimization of the HVAC system of NZE Multi-family Buildings.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16), ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, S. 4961 - 4968.


Peer Review: ja

Siegele, Dietmar; Leonardi, Eleonora; Ochs, Fabian (2020): A new MATLAB Simulink Toolbox for Dynamic Building Simulation with B.I.M. and Hardware in the Loop compatibility.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16), ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, S. 2651 - 2658.


Peer Review: ja

Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian (2020): A facade-integrated Multi-Source Heat Pump in Combination with a Ventilation System for Heating and Cooling.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16), ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, S. 1882 - 1888.


Peer Review: ja

Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian (2020): Speed-controlled Exhaust Air-Supply Air Heat Pump with Recirculation Air.
In: Indoor Air 2020 virtual. November 1 - November 5 2020. Espoo: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), ISBN 978-0-9846855-9-2, elektronisch.

Streicher, Wolfang; Ebenbichler, Rupert; mailer, Markus; Hofmann, Angela; Hertl, Andreas (2020): Tyrol 2050 – Scenarios of a Fossil-Free Future.
In: Eurosun 2020, 13th International conference on Solar Energy for Buildings & Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), S. 984 - 990.

http:​/​/​/10.18086​/eurosun.2020.13.04 Available at http:​/​/

Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Wemhoener, Carsten; Rominger, Lukas; Buesser, Simon; Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Betzold, Christina; Dippel, Thomas (2020): Simulation-based Methodology For Comparison Of nZEB Requirements In Different Countries Including Results Of Model Calibration Tests.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16), ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, S. 5060 - 5067.


Peer Review: ja

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Ochs, Fabian (2019): Numerical Heat Transfer Modeling of Large-Scale Hot Water Tanks and Pits.
In: Universitat de Lleida: Proceedings of Eurotherm Seminar #112: Advances in Thermal Energy Storage. University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain, 15 May 2019 - 17 May 2019. Lleida: Ediciones de la Universitat de Lleida, ISBN 978-84-9144-155-7, S. 875 - 884.

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2019): Co-Simulation of Dynamic Energy System Simulation and COMSOL Multiphysics®.
In: Comsol Conference 2019 Proceedings. Burlington: Comsol, online.

Open Access: ja

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Steingrube, Annette; Ochs, Fabian; Elci, Mehmet (2019): Optimization of District Heating Systems: European Energy Exchange Price-Oriented Control Strategy for Optimal Operation of Heating Plants.
In: Haumer, Anton: Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica Conference. Regensburg, Germany, March 4–6, 2019. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press (= Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, 157), ISBN 978-91-7685-122-7, S. 169 - 178.

Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian (2019): Three years of monitoring analysis of two multi-story net zero energy buildings.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute: 23rd international Passive House Conference 2019. 9-11 October 2019, Gaobeidian, China. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-9820986-0-9, S. 497 - 502.

Kraler, Anton; Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Flach, Michael (2019): Fassadensystem mit vorgefertigten Holzrahmenbauelementen für den Hochhausbereich.
In: Forum Holzbau: 10. HolzBauspezial | Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb), ISBN 978-3-906226-24-8, S. 253 - 263.

Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Kögl, Josef; Kraler, Anton; Flach, Michael (2019): Fire Safety of prefabricated timber framed facade systems on mid- and high- rise buildings.
In: Anest-Bavoux, Pauline; Pinoteau, Nicolas: 3rd International Symposium for Fire Safety of Facade 2019, Proceedings. 25-27 September 2019, Paris. Paris: MATEC Web of Conferences (= MATEC Web of Conferences), S. 13 - 21.

Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Maderebner, Roland; Hirschmüller, Sebastian; Flach, Michael (2019): Verbesserung der Luftdichtheit und Kältebrücken bei auskragenden Bauteilen.
In: Forum Holzbau: 10. HolzBauspezial | Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb), ISBN 978-3-906226-24-8, S. 389 - 395.

Ochs, Fabian; Calabrese, Toni; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios (2019): Compact Exhaust air/Supply air Heat Pump with Recirculation and Energy Recovery in Renovated Multi-storey-buildings.
In: 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR 2019). Aug 24 - Aug 30, 2019, Montreal, Canada. Montreal: Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec, No. 1375.


Ochs, Fabian; Calabrese, Toni; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis Georgios (2019): Prefabricated modular façade elements for refurbishment with integrated heat pump / Heating with façade integrated heat pumps - results of the Austrian FFG project "SaLüH!".
In: Advanced Building Skins 2019. 28-29 October 2019, Bern, Switzerland. Wilen: Advanced Building Skins GmbH, ISBN 978-3-9524883-0-0, elektronisch.

Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Kutscha-Lissberg, Felix; Kremnitzer, Peter; Drucker, Petra; Muser, Christoph (2019): The Challenge of Planning and Constructing Large-Scale Hot Water TES for District Heating System: A Techno-Economic Analysis.
In: Trimborn, Christoph; Stadler, Ingo: Proceedings of the 13th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2019 (IRES 2019). 12-15 March 2019, Düsseldorf, Germany. Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 4), ISBN 978-94-6252-836-9.

Peer Review: ja
Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2019): Planning and Constructing Cost-Effective Very Large-Scale Hot Water TES for District Heating Systems.
In: Universitat de Lleida: Proceedings of Eurotherm Seminar #112: Advances in Thermal Energy Storage. University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain, 15 May 2019 - 17 May 2019. Lleida: Ediciones de la Universitat de Lleida, ISBN 978-84-9144-155-7.

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Dementis, Georgios (2019): Ventilation, heating and domestic hot water preparation with decentral compact heat pumps.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute: 23rd international Passive House Conference 2019. 9-11 October 2019, Gaobeidian, China. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-9820986-0-9, S. 492 - 502.

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Dermentzis, Georgios (2019): Sanierung von Mehrfamilienhäusern mit vorgefertigten Holzfassaden mit integrierter Lüftung und Kleinst-Wärmepumpe.
In: Forum Holzbau: 10. HolzBauspezial | Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb), ISBN 978-3-906226-24-8, S. 353 - 366.

Streicher, Wolfgang (2019): Nur dumme Häuser brauche künstliche Intelligenz. Wie viel Technik braucht der Sonnenschutz?
In: Holzforschung Austria: Fenster Türen Treff 2019. Tagungsband. Wien: Holzforschung Austria (= HFA Schriftenreihe, 64), ISBN 978-3-9504488-4-9, S. 16 - 21.

Tosatto, Alice; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2019): Development of a Numerical Model for Large-Scale Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage for District Heating Systems.
In: Comsol Conference 2019 Proceedings. Burlington: Comsol, online.

Open Access: ja

Clark, Jordan; Rojas, Gabriel; Walker, Iain (2018): Measured pollutant removal performance of range-integrated downdraft exhaust kitchen ventilation device.
In: Indoor Air 2018 Proceedings (The 15th international conference of indoor air quality and climate). July 22 to 27, Philadelphia, USA. Espoo: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), elektronisch.

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Ochs, Fabian (2018): Detailed Axial Symmetrical Model of Large-Scale Underground Thermal Energy Storage.
In: Comsol Conference 2018 Proceedings. München: Comsol, online.

Open Access: ja

Dahash, Abdulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Ochs, Fabian (2018): Detailed 3-D Models of a Large-Scale Underground Thermal Energy Storage with Consideration of Groundwater Conditions.
In: Proceedings of International Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC 2018). Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems. 3 - 5 October 2018, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC, S. 605 - 612.

Peer Review: ja

D'Antoni, Matteo; Geisler-Moroder, David; Bonato, Paolo; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, M.; de Vries, S.; Leonen, R.C.G.M.; Fedrizzi, Roberto (2018): Definition of a Reference Office Building for Simulation Based Evaluation of Solar Envelope Systems.
In: Häberle, Andreas: Eurosun 2018 - 12th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. September 10-13, 2018, Rapperswil, Switzerland. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), ISBN 978-3-9820408-0-6, S. 20 - 28.

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian (2018): Detailed Monitoring Analysis of two Residential NZEBs with a Ground-Water Heat Pump with Desuperheater.
In: 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue. July 9-12, 2018, Purdue University. West Lafayette: Purdue University, No. 291.

Open Access: ja

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Ksiezyk, Aleksandra; Venturi, Elisa; Magni, Mara; Gstrein, Hannes (2018): Heating with PV Façade in a Passive House.
In: 13th Conference on Advanced Buildings Skins. 01-02 October 2018, Bern, Switzerland. Wilen: Advanced Building Skins GmbH, ISBN 978-3-9524883-4-8, S. 947 - 954.

Feist, Wolfgang (2018): Das Passivhaus für den leistbaren Wohnungsbau.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 22. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2018. Passivhaus - das lohnt sich! Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-058487-9, S. 73 - 88.

Feist, Wolfgang (2018): Energy Efficiency - The Global Contribution of the Passive House Standard.
In: Hitzer, E et al: Workshop SUDee2018: Sustainable University Development Workshops. Online Proceeding Preprints. 15th of September, 2018, International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo. Mitaka, Tokyo: International Christian University, online.

Open Access: ja

Feist, Wolfgang (2018): Monitoring Highly Energy Efficient Buildings.
In: Ramallo-González, Alfonso P.; Zamora-Izquierdo, Miguel Angel: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data for Low-Energy Buildings, 28-29 th June 2018, Murcia. Murcia: University of Murcia, S. 31 - 35.

Feist, Wolfgang (2018): Wärmewende weltweit: Mit solider Physik kann das gelingen.
In: Bruhns, Hardo: Energie - Optionen für die Energie- und Wärmewende. Vorträge auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung in Erlangen 2018, Arbeitskreis Energie in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG), ISBN 978-3-9818197-3-1, S. 55 - 71.

Gritzer, Florian; Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Thür, Alexander (2018): Potential of direct solar thermal driven absorption heat pump in hybrid systems.
In: Häberle, Andreas: Eurosun 2018 - 12th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. September 10-13, 2018, Rapperswil, Switzerland. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), ISBN 978-3-9820408-0-6, S. 1376 - 1386.


Hauer, Martin; Grobbauer, Michael; Holper, Stefan; Plörer, Daniel (2018): Modelling of Complex Fenestration Systems – Validation Results by long-term measured data.
In: Pernigotto, Giovanni; Patuzzi, Francesco; Prada, Alessandro; Corrado, Vincenzo; Gasparella, Andrea: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2017. 3rd IBPSA Italy conference, Bozen-Bolzano, 8th-10th February 2017. Bozen: Bozen University Press, ISBN 978-88-6046-136-0, S. 285 - 292.

Open Access: ja

Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Flach, Michael (2018): Ökologisch Sanieren mit einem neuen Fassadensystem am Beispiel des Mayrhofs in Trins.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 22. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2018. Passivhaus - das lohnt sich! Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-058487-9, S. 315 - 320.

Maurer, Bernhard; Maderebner, Roland; Flach, Michael (2018): Systemlösungen für punktgestützte Flachdecken aus Brettsperrholz.
In: Kuhlmann, Ulrike; Mönch, Simon; Postupka, Julius; Töpler, Janusch: Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau "Forschung und Praxis", 08./09. März 2018, Stuttgart. Tagungsband. Stuttgart: Universität Stuttgart, S. 157 - 164.

Mösl, Martin; Tautschnig, Arnold (2018): Sustainable model-based lifecycle cost analysis of real estate developments.
In: Caspeele, Robby; Taerwe, Luc; Frangopol, Dan M.: Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2018), 28-31 October 2018, Ghent, Belgium. Rotterdam, Leiden u.a.: Balkema (CRC Press) (= Life-Cycle of Civil Engineering Systems), ISBN 978-1-138-62633-1, S. 2973 - 2979.

Neyer, Daniel; Köll, Rebekka; Mugnier, Daniel (2018): New Generation Solar Cooling and Heating - Experiences for successful design and operation.
In: Proceedings of International Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC 2018). Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems. 3 - 5 October 2018, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC, S. 218 - 224.

Neyer, Daniel; Köll, Rebekka; Mugnier, Daniel (2018): Technical and Economic Performance of Best Practice SHC Plants – A Compilation of IEA SHC Task 53 Results.
In: Häberle, Andreas: Eurosun 2018 - 12th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. September 10-13, 2018, Rapperswil, Switzerland. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), ISBN 978-3-9820408-0-6, S. 673 - 683.


Ochs, Fabian (2018): Primary energy based evaluation of heat pumps in district heating systems with multi-functional thermal energy stores.
In: 5th International Solar District Heating Conference, 11 - 12 April 2018, Graz. Proceedings. Graz: Solar District Heating / S.O.L.I.D. Gesellschaft für Solarinstallation und Design mbH, S. 85 - 94.

Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios (2018): Evaluation of Efficiency and Renewable Energy Measures Considering the Future Energy Mix.
In: 7th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2018). Proceedings. Syracuse, NY, USA, September 23 - 26. 2018. Syracuse: Syracuse University, S. 1271 - 1276.


Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Siegele, Dietmar (2018): Steady-State and Transient Simulation of a Radiant Heating System.
In: Pernigotto, Giovanni; Patuzzi, Francesco; Prada, Alessandro; Corrado, Vincenzo; Gasparella, Andrea: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2017. 3rd IBPSA Italy conference, Bozen-Bolzano, 8th-10th February 2017. Bozen: Bozen University Press, ISBN 978-88-6046-136-0, S. 301 - 308.

Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Dermentzis Georgios (2018): Deep Renovation of Multi-Family-Houses with compact heat pumps.
In: Proceedings of International Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC 2018). Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems. 3 - 5 October 2018, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC, S. 274 - 282.

Peer Review: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios; Ksiezyk, Aleksandra; Leonardi, Eleonora; Magni, Mara (2018): Fassadenintegriertes Lüftungs-Heizungssystem mit Wärmepumpe.
In: Passivhaus Institut: Protokollband Nr. 54: Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser Phase V: "Neue Konzepte der kontrollierten Lüftung: Fassadenintegrierte Lüftung". Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.

Pfluger, Rainer (2018): Luftverteilung ohne Luftleitungen und Ventilator mit Wärmerückgewinnung für die Fassadenintegration.
In: Passivhaus Institut: Protokollband Nr. 54: Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser Phase V: "Neue Konzepte der kontrollierten Lüftung: Fassadenintegrierte Lüftung". Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 81 - 98.

Pfluger, Rainer (2018): Reproduzierbare kostengünstige Lösungen für den Passivhaus-Geschosswohnungsbau, Campagne-Areal Innsbruck (A).
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 22. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2018. Passivhaus - das lohnt sich! Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-058487-9, S. 145 - 150.

Plörer, Daniel; Werner, Matthias; Hauer, Martin; Geisler-Moroder, David (2018): Effect of Blind Control Strategies on Energy Demand of Office Buildings and Melanopic Effect for Occupants.
In: Pernigotto, Giovanni; Patuzzi, Francesco; Prada, Alessandro; Corrado, Vincenzo; Gasparella, Andrea: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2017. 3rd IBPSA Italy conference, Bozen-Bolzano, 8th-10th February 2017. Bozen: Bozen University Press, ISBN 978-88-6046-136-0, S. 201 - 208.

Open Access: ja

Rojas, Gabriel; Delp, Woody; Singer, Brett (2018): Testing recirculating cooker hoods – Can their filter reduce (ultra)fine particle loads during cooking? / Umluftabzüge im Test.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 22. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2018. Passivhaus - das lohnt sich! Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-058487-9, S. 649 - 652.

Sadrizadeh, Sasan; Rojas, Gabriel; Clark, Jordan; Walker, Iain; Sherman, Max (2018): Validated numerical simulations of wall-mounted kitchen range hood pollutant capture and sensitivity tests to inform development of a method of test.
In: Indoor Air 2018 Proceedings (The 15th international conference of indoor air quality and climate). July 22 to 27, Philadelphia, USA. Espoo: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), elektronisch.

Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian (2018): Einsatz von Enthalpieübertragern im Mehrgeschosswohnbau in kalten Klimaten.
In: Both, Petra; Wagner, Andreas: BauSIM 2018, 7. Deutsch-Österreichische IBPSA Konferenz. Tagungsband. 26-28 September 2018, Karlsruhe. Karslruhe: Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT), S. 238 - 245.


Open Access: ja

Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2018): Simulationsstudie über den Einsatz von Enthalpieübertragern in kalten Klimaten.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 22. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2018. Passivhaus - das lohnt sich! Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-058487-9, S. 127 - 132.

Streicher, Wolfgang (2018): Nur dumme Häuser brauchen künstliche Intelligenz.
In: Initiative HOLZVERBINDET: Holzverbindet: Chancen und Entwicklungen im Holzbau, Tagungsband 2018. Assling: Initiative HOLZVERBINDET, S. 50 - 56.

Streicher, Wolfgang (2018): Nur dumme Häuser brauchen künstliche Intelligenz. Wie viel Technik braucht ein Haus?
In: Holz Forschung Austria: HOLZ_HAUS Tage 2018. Wien: Holzforschung Austria (= HFA Schriftenreihe, 63), ISBN 978-3-9504488-3-2, Bd. 63, S. 72 - 77.

Thür, Alexander; Calabrese, Toni; Streicher, Wolfgang (2018): Wärmepumpe und Fotovoltaik mit Wasserspeicher und Gebäudemassenaktivierung als thermische Batterie.
In: 15. Symposium Energieinnovation (EnInnov 2018), 14. bis 16. Februar 2018, Graz, Tagungsband. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, ISBN 978-3-85125-586-7, online.

Thür, Alexander; Schroll, Johann; Hauer, Norbert (2018): Polymer Collectors with Temperature Control Thermosyphon Valve Development and System Integration.
In: Häberle, Andreas: Eurosun 2018 - 12th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. September 10-13, 2018, Rapperswil, Switzerland. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), ISBN 978-3-9820408-0-6, S. 438 - 443.

Bocanegra-Yanez, Maria; Rojas, Gabriel; Zukowska-Tejsen, Daria; Burman, Esfand; Cao, Guangyu; Hamon, Mathieu P. Y.; Kolarik, Jakub (2017): Design and operation of ventilation in low energy residences – A survey on code requirements and building reality from six European countries and China.
In: AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre): 38th AIVC Conference "Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings". Conference Proceedings. Nottingham, UK, 13-14 September 2017. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, ISBN 978-2-930471-51-8, S. 831 - 841.

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2017): A micro-heat pump combined with mechanical ventilation including heat recovery - simulation and in situ monitoring.
In: Proceedings of 12th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Rotterdam June 2017. Paris: International Energy Agency, ISBN 978-90-9030412-0.

Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Passive House - a convincing solution for NZEB.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Conference Proceedings: 21th International Passive House Conference 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 67 - 78.

Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Passive House - Rich Experience, but it's only just a beginning.
In: Publicaciones Plataforma Edificación Passivhaus- PEP: Libro de Comunicaciones 9a Conferencia Passivhaus / Konferenzband der 9. spanischen Passivhaustagung. Sevilla 16 y 17 Noviembre. Madrid: Publicaciones Plataforma Edificación Passivhaus, 500, S. 201 - 205.

Hauer, Martin; Geisler-Moroder, David (2017): Artlight 2.0 – a runtime optimized algorithm for coupled thermal and daylight simulation with TRNSYS and RADIANCE.
In: Building Simulation 2017. Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 7-9, 2017. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), S. 701 - 710.


Hauer, Martin; Pfluger, Rainer; Heise, Stephan (2017): In-Situ g-Wert Messung an komplexen Verglasungssystemen – ein neu entwickeltes Messkonzept für die Anwendung in Forschung und Praxis.
In: Kornadt, Oliver; Carrigan, Svenja; Hoffmann, Sabine; Lorenz, Dirk; Pahn, Matthias; Völker, Conrad; Vogel, Albert: Bauphysiktage Kaiserslautern 2017. Bauphysik in Forschung und Praxis, 25. und 26. Oktober 2017, Kaiserslautern. Kaiserslautern: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (= Schriftenreihe des Fachgebiets Bauphysik/Energetische Gebäudeoptimierung, 4), ISBN 978-3-95974-067-8, S. 121 - 123.

Ibragimova, M.; Stoyak, V.; Kambourova, V.; Streicher, W. (2017): Simplified dynamic model of the building energy balance for the energy audit results interpretation.
In: Negreanu, Gabriel-Paul; Dutu, Iulian-Claudiu (Eds.): 6th International Conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development (TE-RE-RD 2017) - Proceedings. Moieciu de Sus, 8-10 Iunie 2017. Politecnika Press / POLITEHNICA PRESS, S. 51 - 56.

Open Access: ja

In: 16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2017). 17th-20th July 2017, Bologna, Italy. Bologna: Università di Bologna, ISBN 979-12-200-2203-3.

Neyer, Daniel; Gritzer, Florian; Ostheimer, Manuel; Thür, Alexander; Focke, Hilbert; Kefer, Patrik (2017): Solarhybride Lösung für Heizen und Kühlen.
In: OTTI e.V. (Hrsg.): 27. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie. Regensburg: OTTI - Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut, S. 92 - 94.

Neyer, Daniel; Koell, Rebecca (2017): Sensitivity analysis on the technical and economic performance of thermal and PV driven solar heating and cooling systems.
In: Proceedings of SWC 2017: ISES Solar World Congress. 29 October - 02 November, 2017, AbuDhabi, UAE. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), online.


Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Gritzer, Florian (2017): SolarHybrid Heating and Cooling – an Environmental Friendly and Economic HVAC Solution.
In: Proceedings of SWC 2017: ISES Solar World Congress. 29 October - 02 November, 2017, AbuDhabi, UAE. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), online.


Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Energy Efficient Renovation with Decentral Compact Heat Pumps.
In: Proceedings of 12th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Rotterdam June 2017. Paris: International Energy Agency, ISBN 978-90-9030412-0.

Pfluger, Rainer (2017): Außenputz als luftdichte Ebene ohne Spachtelung? Prüfung mit mobilem Differenzdruckgerät.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Conference Proceedings: 21th International Passive House Conference 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 705 - 706.

Rojas, Gabriel; Walker, Iain; Singer, Brett (2017): Comparing extracting and recirculating residential kitchen range hoods for the use in high energy efficient housing.
In: AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre): 38th AIVC Conference "Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings". Conference Proceedings. Nottingham, UK, 13-14 September 2017. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, ISBN 978-2-930471-51-8, S. 117 - 128.

Sibille, Elisabeth; Pfluger, Rainer; Ochs, Fabian (2017): Planning Guidelines and Product Development for Air Supply Distribution using Active Overflow Elements in Apartment Buildings.
In: Building Simulation 2017. Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 7-9, 2017. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), S. 103 - 109.


Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios; Leonardi, Eleonora; Ochs, Fabian; Ksiezyk, Aleksandra (2017): Simulation Assisted Monitoring of a Multi-Family House – a renovation case study.
In: Building Simulation 2017. Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 7-9, 2017. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), S. 1139 - 1148.

Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Prüfung von Kompaktgeräten mit drehzahlgeregelten Kompressoren und Enthalpieübertragern.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Tagungsband: 21. Passivhaustagung 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-055811-5, S. 677 - 682.

Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Testing of compact devices with speed-controlled compressors and enthalpy transfer agents.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Conference Proceedings: 21th International Passive House Conference 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 651 - 656.

Speer, Christoph; Pfluger, Rainer (2017): Rotor Concepts for the Counterflow Heat Recovery Fan.
In: AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre): 38th AIVC Conference "Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings". Conference Proceedings. Nottingham, UK, 13-14 September 2017. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, ISBN 978-2-930471-51-8, S. 439 - 446.

Streicher, Wolfgang; Ilmer, Alois; Pfluger, Rainer; Mautner, Petra; Kleewein, Klaus (2017): Das EU Smart City Demonstrationsprojekt SINFONIA in Innsbruck und Bozen.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Tagungsband: 21. Passivhaustagung 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-055811-5, S. 125 - 130.

Walker, Iain; Rojas, Gabriel; Clark, Jordan; Sherman, Max (2017): Evaluating the Performance of Island Kitchen Range Hoods.
In: AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre): 38th AIVC Conference "Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings". Conference Proceedings. Nottingham, UK, 13-14 September 2017. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, ISBN 978-2-930471-51-8, S. 918 - 926.

Weitlaner, Robert; Geisler-Moroder, David; Pfluger, Rainer (2017): Advanced Insolation Detection Module in Solar Shading Automation.
In: Building Simulation 2017. Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 7-9, 2017. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), S. 719 - 725.

Werner, Matthias; Pfluger, Rainer; Geisler-Moroder, David; Feist, Wolfgang (2017): Analysis of Worldwide Performance of Façade Systems.
In: Building Simulation 2017. Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 7-9, 2017. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), S. 1011 - 1020.

Cordes, Tobias; Gschösser, Florian; Bergmeister, Konrad (2016): Environmental optimisation of shotcrete applied at the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT).
In: Habert, Guillaume; Schlueter, Arno: Expanding Boundaries. Systems Thinking in the Built Environment. Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Regional Conference Zurich 2016. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag an der ETH Zürich, ISBN 978-3-7281-3774-6, S. 720 - 724.


Open Access: ja

Dermentzis, Georgios; Gustafsson, Marcus; Ochs, Fabian; Holmberg, Sture; Feist, Wolfgang; Calabrese, Toni; Oberrauch, Philipp (2016): Evaluation of a versatile energy auditing tool.
In: 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality Ventilation & Energy Conservation In Buildings. Architectural Institute of Korea, elektronisch.

Feist, Wolfgang (2016): Passive House - the long-lasting solution.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 20. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2016. Darmstadt 2016. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt (= Proceedings International Passive House Conferences, 20), ISBN 978-3-00-052227-7, S. 65 - 81.

Feist, Wolfgang; Ebel, Witta; Peper, Sören; Hasper, Wolfgang (2016): Long-term Experience and Measurements from the first Passive House Building in Darmstadt-Kranichstein.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 20. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2016. Darmstadt 2016. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt (= Proceedings International Passive House Conferences, 20), ISBN 978-3-00-052227-7, S. 273 - 281.

Gschösser, Florian; Purrer, Walter; Sander, Philipp (2016): Environmental effects of an alpine summit tunnel.
In: Habert, Guillaume; Schlueter, Arno: Expanding Boundaries. Systems Thinking in the Built Environment. Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Regional Conference Zurich 2016. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag an der ETH Zürich, ISBN 978-3-7281-3774-6, S. 352 - 357.


Open Access: ja

Gschösser, Florian; Schneider, Ralf; Tautschnig, Arnold; Feix, Jürgen (2016): Retrofitting Measure vs. Replacement – LCA Study for a Railway Bridge.
In: Habert, Guillaume; Schlueter, Arno: Expanding Boundaries. Systems Thinking in the Built Environment. Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Regional Conference Zurich 2016. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag an der ETH Zürich, ISBN 978-3-7281-3774-6, S. 472 - 477.


Open Access: ja

Hernandez, Sebastian; Ochs, Fabian (2016): Prefabricated timber envelopes for retrofit with integrated heating and building services.
In: Advanced Building Skins 2016. 02.-03. October 2016, Bern, Switzerland. Wilen: Advanced Building Skins GmbH, ISBN 978-3-98120539-8, S. 1 - 9.

Klasz, Walter; Flach, Michael; Grasser, Alexander; Sevela, Pavel (2016): Wooden Membrane with Integrated Flexible PV-Foil.
In: Advanced Building Skins 2016. 02.-03. October 2016, Bern, Switzerland. Wilen: Advanced Building Skins GmbH, ISBN 978-3-98120539-8, S. 68 - 76.

Neyer, Daniel; Gritzer, Florian; Thür, Alexander; Luger, Stefan; Furtner, Jürgen; Kefer, Patrik; Focke, Hilbert (2016): Towards a Solar Hybrid Solution for Heating and Cooling.
In: 11th ISES EuroSun 2016. International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), online.

Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline; Thür, Alexander; Nocke, Bettina; Vicente, Pedro; Mugnier, Daniel (2016): Assessment of Solar Heating and Cooling – Comparison of Best Practice Thermal and PV Driven Systems.
In: 11th ISES EuroSun 2016. International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), online.

Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Hauer, Norbert; Halmdienst, Christian; Pink, Werner (2016): Evaluating heat rejection units for CHP and solar driven single or half effect absorption chiller using Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing.
In: 11th ISES EuroSun 2016. International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), online.

Ochs, Fabian (2016): Heating Solutions for the Passive House – Review and New Developments / Řešení pro vytápění pasivních domů – přehled a poslední vývoj.
In: Konferenci Centra pasivního domu. Brno / Brünn: Centrum Pasivního Domu, S. 190 - 209.

Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Feist, Wolfgang (2016): “Auditing tool” PHPP – New Features and Comprehensive Validation.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 20. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2016. Darmstadt 2016. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt (= Proceedings International Passive House Conferences, 20), ISBN 978-3-00-052227-7, S. 503 - 508.

Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Siegele, Dietmar; Rothbacher, Mattias; Feist, Wolfgang (2016): SIMULATION AND MONITORING RESULTS OF A COMPACT MVHR AND MICRO-HEAT PUMP FOR MINIMAL DISRUPTIVE RENOVATIONS.
In: Indoor Air 2016 Proceedings (The 14th international conference of indoor air quality and climate). Espoo: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ).

Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Siegele, Dietmar; Janetti, Michele (2016): Numerical Analysis of Comfort and Energy Performance of Radiant Heat Emission Systems.
In: Comsol Conference 2016. München: Comsol, online.

Open Access: ja

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios; Feist, Wolfgang (2016): Variable Speed Exhaust Air Heat Pump with Enhanced Deicing Control.
In: Heiselberg, Per Kvols: CLIMA 2016 - Proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress. Aalsborg: Aalborg Universiteit, Nr. 216.

Pfeifer, Dominik; Streicher, Wolfgang; Fischer, Daniel; Mautner, Petra (2016): GIS based bottom-up approach to evaluate the energy demand for the SINFONIA district Innsbruck (AT).
In: Joint Research Center: 9th International Conference Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities; EUR 27993 EN. JRC Conference and Workshop Reports. Ispra: Joint Research Center (JRC), ISBN 978-92-79-59779-4, S. 74 - 85.


Pfluger, Rainer (2016): Kostengünstige Komfortlüftung - Planung, Betrieb und Wartung.
In: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg: Themenband economicum, Session 5. Forschung konkret. Dornbirn: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg, elektronisch.

Pfluger, Rainer (2016): Reducing ventilation duct networks: Retrofit of the Siegmair School aspart of the EU project SINFONIA.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 20. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2016. Darmstadt 2016. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt (= Proceedings International Passive House Conferences, 20), ISBN 978-3-00-052227-7, S. 411 - 416.

Rojas, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolfgang (2016): Ventilation concepts for energy efficient housing in Central European climate – A simulation study comparing indoor air quality, mould risk and ventilation losses.
In: Indoor Air 2016 Proceedings (The 14th international conference of indoor air quality and climate). Espoo: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ).

Rojas, Gabriel; Schnieders, Jürgen (2016): Accurately predicting energy demand and room temperatures in various programs.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 20. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2016. Darmstadt 2016. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt (= Proceedings International Passive House Conferences, 20), ISBN 978-3-00-052227-7, Bd. 20th International Passive, S. 489 - 490.

Speer, Christoph; Pfluger, Rainer; Speer, Andreas (2016): Development of a modified concept and acoustic measurements of the Counterflow Heat Recovery Fan.
In: Indoor Air 2016 Proceedings (The 14th international conference of indoor air quality and climate). Espoo: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ).

Thür, Alexander; Calabrese, Toni; Streicher, Wolfgang (2016): Smart Grid and PV driven Heat Pump as Thermal Battery in Small Buildings for optimized Electricity Consumption.
In: 11th ISES EuroSun 2016. International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), online.

Thür, Alexander; Calabrese, Toni; Streicher, Wolfgang (2016): TheBat – The Thermal Battery in the Smart Grid in Combination with Heat Pump and PV.
In: Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH: Nachhaltige Technologien – Gebäude – Energie – Umwelt. e-nova 2016. Graz: Leykam, ISBN 978-3-7011-0372-0, S. 299 - 306.

In: Gleisdorf Solar 2016, Konferenzband. AEE INTEC, S. 65 - 78.

Bales, Chris; Bava, Federico; Nielsen, Christian Kok; Lennermo, Gunnar; Louvet, Yoann; Peréz de la Mora, Nicolás; Shantia, Alireza; Sotnikov, Artem (2015): Seven PHD Studies on Solar District Heat.
In: EuroSun 2014 - International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings. published online / Internetpublikation, digital.


Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Innovative ventilation & heating system for Passive Houses – a European case study.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3, S. 219 - 224.

Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Passivhaus-Komponenten: Schlüssel zur Energiewende.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3, S. 67 - 84.

Focke, Hilbert; Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline; Thür, Alexander (2015): SolarHybrid - Project Overview and First Results.
In: Eicker, Ursula: 6th International Conference Solar Air-Conditioning. Rome, Italy, September 24/25, 2015. Regensburg: OTTI - Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut, ISBN 978-3-943891-54-6, S. 142 - 147.

Gschösser, Florian; Schneider, Ralf; Feix, Jürgen (2015): LCA für Sanierungsmethoden bzw. Ersatzneubauten von Brücken.
In: Osebold, Rainard: Zukunftspotenzial Bauwirtschaft. Autorenbeiträge. 3. Internationaler BBB-Kongress. Baubetrieb, Bauwirtschaft, Baumanagement. RWTH Aachen University, 17.09.2015. Aachen: RWTH Aachen, ISBN 978-3-8440-3663-3, S. 369 - 382.

Hauer, Martin; Geisler-Moroder, David; Hiller, Marion; Streicher, Wolfgang (2015): THERMAL MODELLING OF COMPLEX FENESTRATION SYSTEMS - Comparative applications for Middle Europe and Jordan.
In: Ala’aldeen, Al-Halhouli: International Conference of Young Scientists on Innovative Applied Renewable Energy Researches. 18. - 20. Mai 2015, Amman, Jordanien. Amman: German-Jordanian University, digital.

Hauer, Martin; Geisler-Moroder, David; Hiller, Marion; Streicher, Wolfgang (2015): Thermal modelling of complex fenestration systems – Comparison of a BSDF-based model with simplified approaches.
In: Baratieri, Marco; Corrado, Vincenzo; Gasparella, Andrea; Patuzzi, Francesco: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2015. 2nd IBPSA-Italy conference Bozen-Bolzano, 4th – 6th February 2015. Bozen: Bozen University Press (= Konferenzbeiträge / Atti / Proceedings), ISBN 978-88-6046-074-5, S. 147 - 162.

Hauer, Martin; Hiller, Marion; Kofler, Christian; Streicher, Wolfgang (2015): Comparative Thermal Simulation of Conventional and Daylight-deflecting Systems with BSDF-based Models in TRNSYS and EnergyPlus.
In: EuroSun 2014 - International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings. published online / Internetpublikation, digital.


Malzer, Harald; Pfluger, Rainer (2015): Erstes EnerPHit-zertifiziertes Bürohochhaus- Modernisierung mit Passivhaus-Komponenten.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3, S. 325 - 332.

Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline; Mugnier, Daniel; White, Stephen (2015): Technical and Economic Assessment of SHC Plants – Compilation of 10 Best Practice Examples of IEA SHC Task 48.
In: Eicker, Ursula: 6th International Conference Solar Air-Conditioning. Rome, Italy, September 24/25, 2015. Regensburg: OTTI - Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut, ISBN 978-3-943891-54-6, S. 252 - 257.

Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline; Thür, Alexander; Brychta, Markus; Streicher, Wolfgang (2015): Simulation Based Optimization of Dynamic Power Contro for Small Capacity Chillers.
In: EuroSun 2014 - International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings. published online / Internetpublikation, digital.


Neyer, Daniel; Thür, Alexander; Neyer, Jacqueline; Zotter, Gerald; Rieberer, René; Pink, Werner; Halmdienst, Christian (2015): Operating Conditions of a NH3/H2O Chiller for Tri-Generation Systems – Chiller Adaption and First Results.
In: Eicker, Ursula: 6th International Conference Solar Air-Conditioning. Rome, Italy, September 24/25, 2015. Regensburg: OTTI - Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut, ISBN 978-3-943891-54-6, S. 188 - 193.

Nocke, Bettina; Neyer, Daniel; Stadler, Katharina; Thür, Alexander; Berger, Karl (2015): Adapted Monitoring procedure for New Generation Solar Cooling & Heating Systems.
In: Eicker, Ursula: 6th International Conference Solar Air-Conditioning. Rome, Italy, September 24/25, 2015. Regensburg: OTTI - Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut, ISBN 978-3-943891-54-6, S. 83 - 87.

Ochs, Fabian (2015): Large-Scale Thermal Energy Stores in District Heating Systems – Simulation Based Optimization.
In: EuroSun 2014 - International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings. published online / Internetpublikation, digital.

Ochs, Fabian (2015): Simulation Based Optimization of Pit and Tank Thermal Energy Storage for Solar District Heating Systems.
In: 3rd International Solar District Heating Conference 2015 (SDH 2015). 17.-18.06.2015, Toulouse, France. Book of Papers. Graz: Solar District Heating / S.O.L.I.D. Gesellschaft für Solarinstallation und Design mbH, elektronisch.

Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Retrofitting with façade integrated micro-heat pump and MVHR - a European case study.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3, S. 213 - 218.

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Facade-integrated MVHR with Speed-controlled Micro-heat Pump.
In: The 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration. Improving Quality of Life, Preserving the Earth. Tokyo: Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (JSRAE), elektronisch.

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Fassadenintegrierte Lüftung mit Wärmerückgewinnung u. Mikro-Wärmepumpe für die Sanierung.
In: ökosan'15. AEE INTEC, S. 221 - 228.

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Modelling, testing and optimization of a MVHR combined with a small-scale speed controlled exhaust air heat pump.
In: Baratieri, Marco; Corrado, Vincenzo; Gasparella, Andrea; Patuzzi, Francesco: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2015. 2nd IBPSA-Italy conference Bozen-Bolzano, 4th – 6th February 2015. Bozen: Bozen University Press (= Konferenzbeiträge / Atti / Proceedings), ISBN 978-88-6046-074-5, S. 83 - 91.

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios; Riecke, Claudia; Salzmann, Alexander; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Optimierung der Systemarbeitszahl einer Kleinst-Fortluft-Wärmepumpe.
In: e-nova –internationaler Kongress 2015. Pinkafeld: Fachhochschule Burgenland, elektronisch.

Pfluger, Rainer (2015): Einführung - Wohnungslüftung mit Wärmerückgewinnung.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passivhaus Institut: Protokollband Nr. 50: Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser Phase V: "Kostengünstige Lüftungslösungen im Wohnbau". Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 1 - 12.

Pfluger, Rainer; Längle, Kai; Rojas Kopeinig, Gabriel (2015): Minimal Invasive Ventilation Systems with Heat Recovery for School Buildings.
In: 36th AIVC - 5th TightVent - 3rd venticool Conference - Madrid, Spain - 23-24 September 2015. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, S. 968 - 979.

Rojas, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Behaglichkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Luftheizung – ein Vergleich mit Radiator- und Fußbodenheizung.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3, S. 133 - 138.

Rojas Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Lüftungskonzepte in der Wohnung: Auswirkungen auf die Luftqualität. Kostengünstige Lüftungslösungen im Wohnungsbau - System emit Wärmerückgewinnung.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passivhaus Institut: Protokollband Nr. 50: Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser Phase V: "Kostengünstige Lüftungslösungen im Wohnbau". Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 31 - 55.

Rojas Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Recommendable supply air rates for residential housing - A simulation study considering CO2 concentration, relative humidity, TVOC emissions and mould risk.
In: 36th AIVC - 5th TightVent - 3rd venticool Conference - Madrid, Spain - 23-24 September 2015. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC, S. 937 - 948.

Shantia, Alireza; Kayal, Hamid; Streicher, Wolfgang (2015): Modelling of Heat Transfer in a Trapezoidal Cavity Receiver for a Linear Fresnel Solar Collector with Fixed / Narrow Reflectors.
In: EuroSun 2014 - International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings. published online / Internetpublikation, digital.


Sibille, Elisabeth (2015): 2. Lüftungskonzepte im Wohnbau.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passivhaus Institut: Protokollband Nr. 50: Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser Phase V: "Kostengünstige Lüftungslösungen im Wohnbau". Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.

Sibille, Elisabeth; Malzer, Harald (2015): Auswirkung eines energiebewussten Planungsansatzes auf die Reduktion der Baukosten.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3, S. 85 - 91.

Sibille, Elisabeth; Pfluger, Rainer (2015): Comparaison multicritère de quatre Solutions de Ventilation en résidentiel.
In: La Maison Passive: Congrès Passi'Bat 2014. L' Essentiel. Paris: Maison Passive de France, S. 327 - 345.

Sibille, Elisabeth; Pfluger, Rainer (2015): Die Anwendung aktiver Überströmer für die Verteilung der Zuluft in Wohnungen.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3, S. 425 - 431.

Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2015): Validierung der Algorithmen für die solare Warmwasserbereitung und Heizung in PHPP.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3, S. 437 - 442.

Speer, Christoph (2015): Rotor Concepts for the Counterflow Heat Recovery Fan.
In: Conference Proceedings: 17th International Conference on Sustainable Building. Canakkale: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (W A S E T), S. 1795 - 1798.

Thür, Alexander; Neyer, Jacqueline; Streicher, Wolfgang (2015): Collector Efficiency Calculation Tool for the Plastic Collectors with Temperature Limitation.
In: EuroSun 2014 - International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings. published online / Internetpublikation, digital.


Werner, Matthias; Geisler-Moroder, David; Junghans, Bert; Ebert, Oliver (2015): DALEC – Ermittlung des Tageslichteintrages bei Berücksichtigung des Nutzerverhaltens. Aus der Praxis der Gebäudenutzung.
In: BauZ! 2015 - Wiener Kongress für zukünftiges Bauen. Aus der Praxis der Gebäudenutzung. Wien: IBO-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-900403-44-7, S. 61 - 64.

Werner, Matthias; Gopp, Sebastian; Geisler-Moroder, David; Junghans, Bert; Ebert, Olvier (2015): Vereinfachte Fassadenplanung hinsichtlich Kunstlicht-, Heiz- und Kühlbedarf.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 19. Passivhauskonferenz 2015. 17.-18. April 2015, Leipzig. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-048604-3, S. 299 - 304.

Zotter, Gerald; Hannl, David; Archan, Georg; Rieberer, René; Halmdienst, Christian; Pink, Werner; Neyer, Daniel; Thür, Alexander (2015): Optimization of an ammonia / water absorption chiller for combined heat-cold coupling based CHP small power.
In: Deutscher Kaelte- und Klimatechischer Verein (DKV): Annual Meeting of the Deutscher Kaelte und Klimatechnischer Verein 2015 / Deutsche Kaelte-und Klimatagung 2015 Dresden. New York: Curran Associates, Inc., ISBN 978-1-5108-1998-6, Bd. 1, S. 441 - 455.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)

Jakob, Uli; Neyer, Daniel; Vasta, Salvatore; Gurtner, Richard (2023): Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt regions - first results of Task 65 Activtiy A1 Climatic conditions and applications.
In: 4th International Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, on 26-28 April 2023. Palma de Mallorca: Universitat de les Illes Balears / University of Balearic Islands, S. 219 - 220.

Miller, Josef; Pfluger, Rainer; Hauer, Martin; Plörer, Daniel (2023): Revit2DALEC: A BIM-based building energy performance simulation tool used during the early design stage for orientation and location optimization.
In: IBPSA – Internation Building Performance Simulation Association: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2023: The 18th International IBPSA Conference and Exhibition. September 4-6, 2023. Shanghai, China. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).

Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Soehlemann, Nicolas (2023): Captive solar energy for the agri-food sector.
In: 4th International Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, on 26-28 April 2023. Palma de Mallorca: Universitat de les Illes Balears / University of Balearic Islands, S. 52 - 53.

Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian (2023): Role of thermal energy storage in the coverage of seasonal energy mismatch and comparison with other technologies.
In: Proceedings of Eurotherm Seminar #116: Innovative solutions for thermal energy storage deployment. from May 24th to 26th, 2023, in Lleida (Spain). Lleida: Ediciones de la Universitat de Lleida, ISBN 978-84-9144-439-8, S. 170 - 173.


Open Access: ja

Aye, Lu; Daborer-Prado, Nayrana; Neyer, Daniel; Jakob, Uli (2022): Second Update on Activity C1 Design Tools and Models, Task 65 Solar Cooling Sunbelt Regions.
In: 2022 Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference, online Abstracts. published online / Internetpublikation, online.

In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC.


Ochs, F.; Magni, M.; Venturi, E.; Tosatto, A.; Dermentzis, G.; Steiger, J.; Schnieders, J. (2022): Techno-Economic Analysis of Building integrated Photovoltaics with and without Storage on Building Level.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC, S. 433 - 434.

Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian (2021): Development of a modular heat pump with compact and silent facade-integrated outdoor unit.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Proceedings of the 25th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 196 - 197.

Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Different heat transfer methods for serial renovation – decision guidance in OutPHit.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Proceedings of the 25th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 169 - 170.

Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Thuer, Alexander (2020): A new Passive House District - Optimization of Energy Supply and Distribution System.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute: 24th International Passive House Conference 2020. Abstractband. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 100 - 101.

Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara (2020): Prediction of PV-self-consumption with the PHPP.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 24. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2020. Nachhaltig die Zunkunft bauen! 20. September - 08. Oktober 2020, Online. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 144 - 145.

Öttl, Silvia; Pfluger, Rainer; Knotzer Armin (2020): Innovative und kosteneffiziente Brandschutzkonzepte für zentrale Lüftungsanlagen in MFH.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute: 24th International Passive House Conference 2020. Abstractband. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 75 - 76.

Badergruber, Thomas; Le Levé, Clemens; Kraler, Anton; Flach, Michael (2018): Prefabricated Timber-Framed Facade Elements on High-Rise Residential Buildings - Possible or Not?
In: National Institute of Forest Science (Ed.): Again, Golden Era of Timber. 2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2018). Participant's Handbook. Aug. 20-23, 2018 Seoul, Rep. of Korea. Seoul: National Institute of Forest Science (NIFoS), S. 157.

Maurer, Bernhard; Maderebner, Roland; Zingerle, Philipp; Färberböck, Ingo; Flach, Michael (2018): Point-Supported Flat Slabs with CLT-Panels.
In: National Institute of Forest Science (Ed.): Again, Golden Era of Timber. 2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2018). Participant's Handbook. Aug. 20-23, 2018 Seoul, Rep. of Korea. Seoul: National Institute of Forest Science (NIFoS), S. 59.

Thür, Alexander; Calabrese, Toni; Streicher, Wolfgang (2018): Wärmepumpe und Fotovoltaik mit Wasserspeicher und Gebäudemassenaktivierung als thermische Batterie.
In: 15. Symposium Energieinnovation (EnInnov 2018), 14. bis 16. Februar 2018, Graz, Abstractbook. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, ISBN 978-3-85125-585-0, S. 210 - 211.

Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2017): Numerical investigation of the moisture risk at beam ends in buildings with internal insulation.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Conference Proceedings: 21th International Passive House Conference 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, S. 185 - 186.

Hauer, Martin; Pfluger, Rainer (2017): In-situ g-Wert Messung im Einbau – Neu entwickeltes Messgerät für komplexe Verglasungen.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Tagungsband: 21. Passivhaustagung 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-055811-5, S. 707 - 708.

Pfluger, Rainer (2017): Außenputz als luftdichte Ebene ohne Spachtelung - Prüfung mit mobilem Differenzdruckgerät.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Tagungsband: 21. Passivhaustagung 2017. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-00-055811-5, S. 705 - 706.

Thür, Alexander; Calabrese, Toni; Streicher, Wolfgang (2016): Smart Grid and PV driven Heat Pump as Thermal Battery in Small Buildings for optimized Electricity Consumption.
In: 11th ISES EuroSun 2016. International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES).

Kraler, Anton (2015): Bauen mit Holz - Maßnahmen zur Herstellung einer luftdichten Gebäudehülle.
In: Weinzierl, Gabriele; Grünberger, Thomas: Thermografie Forum Eugendorf. 23. - 24.09.2016. Wallern: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Thermografie, S. 16.

Sotnikov, A.; Witzig, A.; Streicher, W. (2015): Vergleich von dezentralen solar Kombisystemen und zentralen Solaranlagen in einem Mikronetz mit Polysun.
In: Rommel, Matthias [Hrsg.]: 25. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie : 6. bis 8. Mai 2015, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein / OTTI. Regensburg: OTTI - Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut, ISBN 978-3-943891-51-5, S. 208 - 209.

Streicher, Wolfgang; Siegele, Dietmar (2015): Solaranlagen Simulationprogramm SHW: altes Gratistool mit neuer Oberfläche, Funktionen und Englisch.
In: Rommel, Matthias [Hrsg.]: 25. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie : 6. bis 8. Mai 2015, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein / OTTI. Regensburg: OTTI - Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut, ISBN 978-3-943891-51-5, S. 198 - 199.

Lehrbuchbeitrag, wissenschaftlicher

Kastelitz, Markus; Gamper, Lothar (2020): Überwachung der Einhaltung der DSGVO: Durchführung von Datenschutzaudits durch den Datenschutzbeauftragten.
In: Scheichenbauer, Heidi: Der Datenschutzbeauftragte. Wien: Linde Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7073-4042-6, S. 45 - 66.

Ochs, Fabian; Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2019): M12 Wärmeleitfähigkeit von Dämmstoffen in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur und Feuchtegehalt.
In: Stephan, Peter; Kabelac, Stephan; Kind, Matthias; Mewes, Dieter; Schaber, Karlheinz; Wetzel, Thomas: VDI-Wärmeatlas. Fachlicher Träger VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen. Berlin: Springer Vieweg, ISBN 978-3-662-52988-1, S. 1845 - 1855.


Pohl, Wilfried; Geisler-Moroder, David; Knoflach, Christian; Streicher, Wolfgang; Hauer, Martin; Neyer, Daniel (2015): LightFromFacade - Optimized Day and Artificial Lighting by Facades.
In: Mach, Thomas; Grobbauer, Michael; Streicher, Wolfgang; Müller, Mario J.: MPPF - The Multifunctional Plug&Play Approach in Facade Technology. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, ISBN 978-3-85125-380-1, S. 101 - 114.

Streicher, Wolfgang; Heimrath, Richard; Zauner, Christoph; Mach, Thomas (2015): Integration of solar thermal applications.
In: Mach, Thomas; Grobbauer, Michael; Streicher, Wolfgang; Müller, Mario J.: MPPF - The Multifunctional Plug&Play Approach in Facade Technology. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, ISBN 978-3-85125-380-1, S. 49 - 67.

Zeitschriftenbeitrag, transferorientierter

Greml, Andreas; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Tappler, Peter (2022): Lüftungskonzept für Österreich - Wann ist eine Fensterlüftung zumutbar?
In: TGA Magazin 2022/12, S. 10 - 13.

Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Tosatto, Alice; Muser, Christoph; Kutscha-Lissberg, Felix; Kremnitzer, Peter (2021): Innovative Baukonstruktionen für riesige Wärmespeicher. Giga_TES: Riesige Behälter zur Wärmespeicherung für Erneuerbare Fernwärmesysteme.
In: erneuerbare energie – Zeitschrift für eine nachhaltige Energiezukunft 2021/02, online.

Flach, Michael (2019): Il grattacielo in legno di Brumunddal. Impressioni in anteprima.
In: Bioarchitettura 115, S. 4 - 11.

Kraler, Anton (2019): Das Flachdach im Blick. Einbauten in der Dämmebene - Vorteil oder Risiko?
In: Spengler Fachjournal 2019/6, S. 34 - 36.

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Dermentzis, Georgios (2019): Fassadenintegrierte, kompakte und kostengünstige Fortluft/Zuluft-Wärmepumpen.
In: erneuerbare energie – Zeitschrift für eine nachhaltige Energiezukunft 2, online.

Maderebner, Roland (2018): Bei Flachdecken kann CLT mit Beton konkurrieren. "Spider-Connector"-System der Universität Innsbruck ermöglicht punktgestützte Brettsperrholz-Decken ohne Unterzug.
In: Holz-Zentralblatt. Unabhängiges Organ für die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft 144/7, S. 157.

Mugnier, Daniel; Neyer, Daniel; Epp, Bärbel (2018): Next Generation Cooling & Heating Systems.
In: Solar Update. IEA SHC Newsletter 68, S. 2 - 4.

Open Access: ja

Pfluger, Rainer; Sevela, Pavel; Schulze, Michael (2017): Energiesparen durch Duschwasserwärmerückgewinnung.
In: Passivhaus - Das Trendmagazin 2017, S. 89 - 90.

Pfluger, Rainer (2016): Komfortlüftung in der Sanierung. Weniger Kanäle, mehr Luft.
In: Der österreichische Installateur 69/2, S. 70 - 71.

Flach, Michael (2015): Casa Arbo a Cantercel. L'edificio che respira.
In: Bioarchitettura 93, S. 30 - 37.

Rojas, Gabriel; Ochs, Fabian; Pfluger, Rainer; Sibille, Elisabeth; Speer, Christoph (2015): Lüftungslösungen kostengünstig und kompakt? – Neues aus der Forschung.
In: erneuerbare energie – Zeitschrift für eine nachhaltige Energiezukunft 2015/01, S. 12 - 15.

Sammelband-/Sammelwerkbeitrag, transferorientierter

Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline; Thür, Alexander; Streicher, Wolfgang; Nocke, Bettina (2017): Case Study of a Solar Cooling System combining an Absorption chiller with domestic hot water production.
In: Mugnier, Daniel; Neyer, Daniel; White, Stephen: The Solar Cooling Design Guide. Case Studies of Successful Solar Air Conditioning Design. Hoboken (New York) [u.a.]: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-3-433-03125-4, S. 19 - 66.

White, Stephen; Mugnier, Daniel; Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline (2017): General considerations.
In: Mugnier, Daniel; Neyer, Daniel; White, Stephen: The Solar Cooling Design Guide. Case Studies of Successful Solar Air Conditioning Design. Hoboken (New York) [u.a.]: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-3-433-03125-4, S. 5 - 18.

White, Stephen; Mugnier, Daniel; Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline (2017): Introduction.
In: Mugnier, Daniel; Neyer, Daniel; White, Stephen: The Solar Cooling Design Guide. Case Studies of Successful Solar Air Conditioning Design. Hoboken (New York) [u.a.]: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-3-433-03125-4, S. 1 - 4.

Streicher, Wolfgang (2015): Solarthermische Wärmebereitstellung.
In: Höllen, Arno (Verband Beratender Ingenieure VBI): Erneuerbare Energien. VBI Leitfaden. Berlin: Verband Beratender Ingenieure VBI, Bd. 1, S. 24 - 27.

Sonstige Publikationen

elektronische Publikation, wissenschaftliche

Gschösser, Florian (2019): Fördert eine Gruppenarbeit mit integrierter Beurteilung von Einzelleistungen den Kooperationsgedanken im Master-Seminar "Baubetrieb und Bauwirtschaft?". In: Schaufenster Lehre, Universität Innsbruck.


Open Access: ja

Forschungsbericht (Auftragsforschung)

Gschösser, Florian; Hausberger, Lukas: Massenermittlung und GWP-Materialbewertung Bauabschnitt U5/2 - „Frankhplatz“ - Massenermittlung und GWP-Bewertung der repräsentativen Bauabschnitte der U5/2 in Wien unter Einbeziehung verschiedenster Vortriebsklassen, Tunnelquerschnitte, Baumaterialien inkl. Verifizierung der GWP-Studie Frankhplatz.
Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG, Wien, 01.07.2023 - 31.12.2023.

Gschösser, Florian; Hausberger, Lukas; Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Hajibabaei, Mohsen: Grundlagenstudie MUI-Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie (sustMUI) - Bewertung von Treibhausgas-Emissionen und Umweltauswirkungen der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck (MUI) und Entwicklung einer Potential-orientierten Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck (MUI), Innsbruck, 01.11.2022 - 30.04.2023.

Sevela, Pavel; Frenger, Johannes; Schnieders, Jürgen; Pfluger, Rainer: The potential of Wastewater Heat Recovery Systems in reducing the energy need for water heating in the EU in a cost-efficient way.
European Copper Institut (ECI) - Solarthermalworld, Brüssel, 01.03.2022.

Arnold, Matthias; Schenk, Martin; Kainz, Niklas; Dietsch, Philipp; Cabrero, José Manuel; Maderebner, Roland; Winter, Stefan: InnoCrossLam – Innovative Lösungen für das zukünftige Bauen mit Brettsperrholz
Arbeitspaket 5: Innovatives multifunktionales Brettsperrholz
Arbeitspaket 6: Statische Bemessung.
Technische Universität München (TU München), München, 01.03.2019 - 31.10.2022.

Ebenbichler, Rupert; Hertl, Andreas; Streicher, Wolfgang; Fischer, Daniel; Richtfeld, Claudia; mailer, Markus; Anton, Inga; Hofmann, Angela; Pöham, Christoph: Ressourcen- und Technologieeinsatz-Szenarian Tirol 2050 - Endbericht.
Land Tirol, Innsbruck, 15.10.2018.

Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Flach, Michael; Kraler, Anton: Vorgefertigte Fassadensysteme in Holzbauweise bei Gebäuden mit einem Fluchtniveau von mehr als 22 m (Hochhausbereich). Endbericht.
Universität Innsbruck - AB Holzbau, Innsbruck, 11.06.2018.

Neyer, Daniel; Mugnier, Daniel; Thür, Alexander; Fedrizzi, Roberto; Vicente Quiles, Pedro G.: Solar Heating and Cooling & Solar Air-Conditioning. Position Paper.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 01.01.2018 - 01.10.2018.

Aguilar Valero, Franscisco; Neyer, Daniel; Köll, Rebekka; Quiles, Pedro Vicente: Monitoring Procedure for Field Test & Demo Systems with Compression Heat Pumps driven by Photovoltaic Solar Energy. IEA SHC Task 53, deliverable activity C1.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 01.01.2018.

Neyer, Daniel; Koell, Rebekka; Quiles, Pedro G. Vicente: IEA SHC Task 53, deliverable activity C2.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 01.01.2018.

Nocke, Bettina; Neyer, Daniel; Thuer, Alexander; Berger, Karl: IEA SHC T53 deliverable activity C1.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 01.01.2018.

Hauer, Martin; Werner, Matthias; Streicher, Wolfgang; Pohl, Wilfried; Geisler-Moroder, David; Ampenberger, Andreas; Steinrücken, Benjamin; Grobbauer, Michael: lightSIMheat – Gekoppelte Gebäude- und Lichtsimulation für komplexe Fassadensysteme - Publizierbarer Endbericht.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 31.12.2017.

Neyer, Daniel; Thür, Alexander; Neyer, Jacqueline; Ostheimer, Manuel; Hauer, Norbert; Streicher, Wolfgang; Zotter, Gerald; Hannl, David; Rißlegger, S.; Archan, G.; Rieberer, René; Halmdienst, Christian; Pink, Werner: Dynamisches Betriebsverhalten von Absorptionskältemaschinen in gebäudeübergreifenden Trigeneration-Systemen. DAKTRIS - Endbericht.
Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit), Wien, 31.12.2017.

Köll, Rebekka; Neyer, Daniel: Monitoring data analysis on technical issues & on performances; Deliverable C3 of IEA SHC Task 53.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 01.06.2017 - 02.06.2018.

Fuchs, Florian; Pichler, Martin Felix; Thür, Alexander: TheBat. Die Thermische Batterie im Smart Grid in Kombination mit Wärmepumpen – eine Interaktionsoptimierung. Endbericht.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 06.02.2017.

Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline; Stadler, Katharina; Thür, Alexander: Energy-Economy-Ecology-Evaluation Tool, T53E4-Tool. Toll Description and introductury Manual.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 16.12.2016.

Pfeifer, Dominik; Streicher, Wolfgang: Innsbrucker Energieentwicklungsplan (IEP). Baseline 2015.
Stadt Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 14.12.2016.

Fischer, Daniel; Casotti, Marco; D'Alonzo, Valentina; Grutsch, Simon; Hilber, Stephan; Kleewein, Klaus; Mautner, Petra; Pernetti, Roberta; Pezzutto, Simon; Pfeifer, Dominik; Streicher, Wolfgang; Vaccaro, Roberto; Vettorato, Daniele; Zambelli, Pietro; Zuberayeva, Alyona: Sinfonia. D2.2 Good practice district stimulator - Refinement of Local Master Plans for Smart Energy Cities transition: the experience of Bolzano and Innsbruck.
7. EU -Rahmenprogramm für Forschung, Technologische Entwicklung und Demonstration, Brüssel, 13.09.2016.

Neyer, Daniel: YAZAKI Future Energy System - WP1.
Yazaki Energy System Corporation, 25.07.2016 - 28.02.2017.

Rojas, Gabriel; Calabrese, Toni; Shandilya, Apeksha; Pfluger, Rainer: IEA Energie in Gebäuden und Kommunen (EBC) Annex 68: Raumluftqualitätsoptimierte Planung und Betriebsführung von energieeffizienten Wohngebäuden.
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 01.01.2016 - 31.03.2021.

Neyer, Daniel; Neyer, Jacqueline; Thür, Alexander; Fedrizzi, Roberto; Vittoriosi, Alice; White, Stephen; Fock, Hilbert: Final Report: Collection of criteria to quantify the quality and cost competitiveness for solar cooling systems.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 31.05.2015.

Neyer, Daniel; Stadler, Katharina; Fedrizzi, Roberto; Vittoriosi, Alice: IEA SHC Task 48: Technical and economic evaluation and assessment tool.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 31.05.2015.

Helm, Martin; Preisler, Anita; Neyer, Daniel; Thür, Alexander; Siré, Romain; Safarik, Mathias; Schubert, Moritz; Nocke, Bettina; Focke, Hilbert; Nagidi, Khalid; Petruschka, Dirk: Final Report on Pumps Efficiency and Adaptability.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 22.03.2015.

Steiner, Hubert; Streicher, Wolfgang: Technisch-Wirtschaftliche Prozessoptimierung von Biomasse-Nahwärmenetzen durch Betriebsdatenanalyse von bestehenden Anlagen - Endbericht.
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft - FFG, Wien, 01.09.2011 - 14.02.2015.

elektronische Publikation, transferorientierte

Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel (2023): Assessing the Ventilation of Buildings. In: DiSC Blog, 13. Juni.



Chiara, Delmastro; Thibaut, Abergel; Daniel, Mugnier; Uli, Jakob; Neyer, Daniel; (2020): Cooling.


Open Access: ja

Neyer, Daniel; Koell, Rebekka; Thür, Alexander (2019): IEA SHC Task 53 Highlights. T53E4 Tool – To Assess a System’s Technical and Economic Potential.


Open Access: ja

Epp, Baerbel; Neyer, Daniel (2018): Quality principles for solar air conditioning systems.


Open Access: ja

Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Thür, Alexander; Gritzer, Florian; Hauer, Norbert; Neyer, Jacqueline; Streicher, Wolfgang; Focke, Hilbert; Kefer, Patrik; Kirchsteiger, Harald; Furtner, Jürgen; Luger, Stefan; Guldenschuh, Karl; Halmdienst, Christian; Pink, Werner (2017): Solare Hybridsysteme zum Heizen und Kühlen. Mit Optimierungen zu minimierten und kostengünstigen Systemkonzepten.


Publikation, sonstige transferorientierte

Günther ACHS; Christian ALBRECHT; Michael ANTHOFER; Katharina ASPALTER; Karl AUER; Helga BARKOW; Simone Esther BERG; Konrad BERGMEISTER; Martina BÜRGER; Franz BUSCHMÜLLER; Tobias CORDES; Franz DENK; Sandra DOBLMAYR; Walter ECKBAUER; Judith ENGEL; Franz FEGELIN; Rupert FRIEDLE; Andreas GEIGER; Helmut GRILLNBERGER; Florian GSCHÖSSER; Roman HEISSENBERGER; Andreas HERMANN; Johannes HORVATH; Hartwig HUFNAGL; Alfred HÜNGSBERG; Joachim JUHART; Richard KALLER; Thomas KASPER; Roman KAUP; Gregor KLAMBAUER; Michael KLEISER; Martin KOTRBELEC; Christoph KRANZ; Stefan KRISPEL; Benjamin KROMOSER; Paul KUBECZKO; Christian LETZ; Reinhard LOHMANN-PICHLER; Richard LOIDL; Klaus MITTERMAYR; Yvonne MONSBERGER; Roland MURR; Christian MUSIL; Stefan NEUMANN; Markus OSSBERGER; Alexander PASSER; Peter PELZ; Martin PEYERL; Arno PIKO; Jason PRABITZ; Thomas PRIMUS; Lena RADICS; Christoph RESSLER; Reinhard RINNHOFER; Roman SCHREMSER; Christian SCHULZ; Jürgen Johann SILBERKNOLL; Lisa-Marie SINN; Sebastian SPAUN; Markus SPIEGL; Heimo SPITZENBERGER; Gregor STARK; Alfred STRAUSS; Georg TRAUNER; Robert VEIT-EGERER; Klaus VOIT; Christian WAHLMÜLLER; Michael WARDIAN; Maximilian WEIGERT; Matthias WOHLGEMUTH; Karl WURZ (2022): Ökologisierung & Nachhaltigkeit im Bauwesen - Sachstand - April 2022. Wien: Österreichische Bautechnikvereinigung (öbv).

BAUER, Gerald; CHRISTALON, Harald; DEUTSCHMANN, Daniel; EDER, Ulrich; FROMM, Andreas; FRÜHWIRTH, Markus; GRAF, Christian; GSCHÖSSER, Florian; HAMERL, Thomas; HARTLIEB, Julia; HOLZER, Wolfgang; JANAK-GERDENITSCH, Sonja; JUEN, Andreas; KISIN, Ümit; LEIßER, Günther; LINK, Doris; LULEI, Frank; MITIS, Bernhard; MITTEREGGER, Klaus; MÖSTL, Reinhard; NEMETH, Stephan; OSWALD, Theresa; PAAR, Lena; PIRKNER, Thomas; RAAB, Jacqueline; SILBERKNOLL, Jürgen Johann; THALER, Gunther; WACHTER, Robert; WEINGRILL, Claudius; WETZSTEIN, Thomas; WIESNER, Wolfgang; WOHLGEMUTH, Matthias; ZIMMEL, Othmar (2021): öbv-Merkblatt: Alternative Vertragsmodelle - Empfehlungen für die Auswahl und Umsetzung. Wien: Österreichische Bautechnikvereinigung (öbv).


Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Greml, Andreas; Tappler, Peter; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Excel-Tool zur Abschätzung der Zumutbarkeit von Fensterlüftung und des Schimmelrisikos (Software MS-Excel) (Software). v0.38. In: Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK).


Feist, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) (2015): PHPP Passivhaus-Projektierungspaket. Handbuch und Software Paket (Software). 9. In: Passivhaus-Institut.



Beitrag in Publikumszeitschrift

Ochs, F.: Energiekosten rücken in den Fokus.
In: TGA. Technische Gebäude Austrüstung vom 13.10.2022.

Zotter, G.; Ochs, F.: “PhaseOut” – so gelingt der Gasausstieg.
In: TGA. Technische Gebäude Austrüstung vom 15.09.2022.

mailer, Markus; Streicher, Wolfgang: Wege zur Energieautonomie - Effizienz, Umweltwärme, Strom aus Wasserkraft und Sonne.
In: Wirtschaftsnachrichten West vom 01.05.2019.

Jähnig, Dagmar; Fink, Christian; Rohringer, Christoph; Lingk, Tobias; Ochs, Fabian: Bauteilintegrierte Kleinstwärmepumpen zur Warmwasserbereitung.
In: Nachhaltige Technologien. Erneuerbare Energien und Ressourceneffizienz vom 01.02.2019.

Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Dermentzis, Georgios: Fassadenintegrierte Haustechnik für die Sanierung.
In: Nachhaltige Technologien. Erneuerbare Energien und Ressourceneffizienz vom 01.02.2019.

Rojas, Gabriel; Walker, Iain; Singer, Brett; James, Mary: Kitchen ventilation.
In: PHB passive house buildings vom 01.01.2018.

Streicher, Wolfgang: HEBA - Hight Level rEnewabBle and energy efficienty mAster courses.
In: OEAD News vom 01.01.2018.

Schneider, Maria: Mobilität in der Zukunft (Interview).
In: futurezone - Technology news vom 06.04.2017.

Pfluger, Rainer: Reduzierung von Lüftungskanalnetzen – Komfortlüftung in der Sanierung.
In: Der österreichische Installateuer vom 28.02.2016.

Beitrag in Fernsehen / Videoplattform

Geisler-Moroder, David: Consolidating Daylight, Energy Modeling and other Advancements in Daylighting Research.
In: YouTube-Kanal Tirol vom 16.05.2023.

Tjarks, Anjes; Falk, Henrik; Uphoff, Klaus; Gschösser, Florian; Thienert, Christian; Plöger, Frank: U5: Klimaschonender U-Bahn Bau.
In: Landespressekonferenz Hamburg vom 13.09.2022.

Beitrag in Zeitung

Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Warenski, Brigitte: Messungen zeigen, wie schlecht die Luft in Tirols Klassen ist.
In: Tiroler Tageszeitung vom 07.05.2023.

Streicher, Wolfgang: „Sinfonia“ – auf dem Weg zur Smart City.
In: Dolomiten vom 13.03.2019.

mailer, Markus; Streicher, Wolfgang: Land Tirol präsentiert Studie zu Energieautonomie (Interview).
In: Tiroler Tageszeitung vom 06.03.2019.

Schneider, Maria; Christler, Matthias: So schafft Tirol mehr Platz (Interview).
In: Tiroler Tageszeitung vom 20.12.2017.

Streicher, Wolfgang: Tirol kam zuletzt vom Energiepfad ab: Jetzt heißt es sich mehr anzustrengen - Uniwünsche an Politik und Wirtschaft.
In: Beilage zur Tiroler Tageszeitung vom 09.10.2017.

Schneider, Maria: Wälder in die Stadt, Die Klimaschützer kommen aus dem Wald (Interview).
In: Tiroler Tageszeitung vom 28.05.2017.

Rojas, Gabriel: Warme Luft für das Wohlbefinden.
In: Die Presse vom 07.05.2016.

Streicher, Wolfgang: Simulationen in der Schleife.
In: Standort - Aktuelle Nachrichten der Tiroler Zukunftsstiftung vom 01.03.2016.

Beitrag in (Web-)Radiosendung

Geisler-Moroder, David: Consolidating Daylight, Energy Modeling and other Advancements in Daylighting Research.
In: Spotify vom 01.09.2023.


Forschungsleistungsdokumentation - assoz. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer PFLUGER - Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2024, 15:57 Uhr

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