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Rosa Margesin, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. – Universität Innsbruck

Rosa Margesin, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.

Universitätsprofessorin für Mikrobiologie

Institut für Mikrobiologie
Technikerstr. 25
A-6020 Innsbruck

Mikrobiologie II, Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus, Erdgeschoß, Zimmer 0/217

Tel.: +43 512 507-51230
Fax: +43 512 507-51240

Rosa Margesin, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.


  • Psychrophile Mikroorganismen (Biodiversität, Taxonomie, Ökologie)
  • Umweltmikrobiologie (Bioremediation in kalten Gebieten)
  • Bodenmikrobiologie


Publikationen 2024

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Publikationen 2023

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Ludwikowski, T.M.; Wagner, A.O.; Margesin, R. (2023): Bioconversion of ferulic acid and vanillin to vanillic acid by cold-adapted Paraburkholderia aromaticivorans AR20-38: impact of culture conditions.
    In: Annals of Microbiology 73, No. 11. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Publikationen 2022

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Margesin, R.; Ludwikowski, T.L.; Kutzner, A.; Wagner, A.O. (2022): Low-temperature biodegradation of lignin-derived aromatic model monomers by the cold-adapted yeast Rhodosporidiobolus colostri isolated from Alpine forest soil.
    In: Microorganisms 10/3, Nr. 515. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Poyntner, Caroline; Ludwikowski, Thomas Marek; Wagner, Andreas Otto; Margesin, Rosa (2022): Transcriptome profiling of Paraburkholderia aromaticivorans AR20-38 during ferulic acid bioconversion.
    In: AMB Express 12, Nr. 148. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Vorträge 2022

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
  • Vortragende/r: Poyntner, Caroline Co-AutorInnen: Täumer, Jana; Borg Dahl, Mathilde; Jensen, Corinna; Kuss, Andreas; Margesin, Rosa; Urich, Tim: Effects of season and elevation on soil (micro-)biome structure and function of two contrasting Alpine forest sites.
    FEMS Conference on Microbiology, Belgrad, 02.07.2022. (Weblink)

  • Vortragende/r: Poyntner, Caroline Co-AutorInnen: Träumer, Jana; Borg Dahl, Mathilde; Jensen, Corinna; Kuss, Andreas; Margesin, Rosa; Ulrich, Tim: Impacts of seasons and elevation on the (micro-)biome structure and function of two contrasting Alpine forest sites.
    18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME18), Lausanne, 18.08.2022. (Weblink)

Publikationen 2021

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Berger, T.; Poyntner, C.; Margesin, R. (2021): Culturable bacteria from an Alpine coniferous forest site: biodegradation potential of organic polymers and pollutants.
    In: Folia Microbiologica 66, S. 87 - 98. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Margesin, R.; Volgger, G.; Wagner, A.O.; Zhang, D.; Poyntner, C. (2021): Biodegradation of lignin monomers and bioconversion of ferulic acid to vanillic acid by Paraburkholderia aromaticivorans AR20-38 isolated from Alpine forest soil.
    In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 105, S. 2967 - 2977. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Poyntner, C.; Kutzner, A.; Margesin, R. (2021): Biodegradation potential and putative catabolic genes of culturable bacteria from an Alpine deciduous forest site.
    In: Microorganisms 9/9, Nr. 1920. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Publikationen 2020

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Poyntner, Caroline; Zhang, Dechao; Margesin, Rosa (2020): Draft Genome Sequence of the Bacterium Paraburkholderia aromaticivorans AR20-38, a Gram-Negative, Cold-Adapted Degrader of Aromatic Compounds.
    In: Microbiology Resource Announcements 9/27, No. e00463-20. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Steiner, E.; Margesin, R. (2020): Productin and partial characterization of a crude cold-active cellulase (CMCase) from Bacillus mycoides AR20-61 isolated from an Alpine forest site.
    In: Annals of Microbiology 70, No. 67. (DOI) (Weblink)

Publikationen 2019

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

  • Margesin, R.; Niklinska, A.M.: Topic Editor of Research Topic "Elevation Gradients: Microbial Indicators of Climate Change?" - Frontiers in Microbiology, 01.12.2019 - 31.12.2019. (Weblink)

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Siles, J.A.; Cajthaml, T.; Frouz, J.; Margesin, R. (2019): Assessment of soil microbial communities involved in cellulose utilization at two contrasting Alpine forest sites.
    In: Soil Biology & Biochemistry 129/12, S. 13 - 16. (DOI) (Weblink)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Review)
  • Collins, T.; Margesin, R. (2019): Psychrophilic lifestyles: mechanisms of adaptation and biotechnological tools.
    In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103/7, S. 2857 - 2871. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Margesin, R.; Collins, T. (2019): Microbial ecology of the cryosphere (glacial and permafrost habitats): current knowledge.
    In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103/6, S. 2537 - 2549. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Editorial)
  • Margesin, R.; Niklinska, M.A: (2019): Elevation gradients: microbial indicators of climate change?
    In: Frontiers in Microbiology 10, No. 2405. (DOI) (Weblink)

Publikationen 2018

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Margesin, R.; Albuquerque, L.; Zhang, D.; Froufe, H.; Severino, R.; Roxo, I.; Egas, C.; da Costa, M. (2018): Solimicrobium silvestre gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from alpine forest soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68, S. 2491 - 2498. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Margesin, R.; Zhang, D.; Albuquerque, L.; Froufe, H.; Egas, C.; da Costa, M. (2018): Lysobacter silvestris sp. nov., isolated from alpine forest soil, and reclassification of Luteimonas tolerans as Lysobacter tolerans comb. nov.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68, S. 1571 - 1577. (DOI)

  • Schumann, P.; Zhang, D.; França, L.; Margesin, R. (2018): Marmoricola silvestris sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from alpine forest soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68/4, S. 1313 - 1318. (DOI)

  • Siles, J.A.; Margesin, R. (2018): Insights into microbial communities mediating the bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil from an Alpine former military site.
    In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102/10, S. 4409 - 4421. (Volltext) (DOI)

  • Siles, J.A.; Öhlinger, B.; Cajthaml, T.; Kistler, E.; Margesin, R. (2018): Characterization of soil bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities inhabiting archaeological human-impacted layers at Monte Iato settlement (Sicily, Italy).
    In: Scientific Reports 8, No. 1903. (DOI) (Weblink)

Publikationen 2017


Sammelband / Sammelwerk, wissenschaftlich (Herausgeberschaft)
  • Margesin, R. (2017): Psychrophiles: From Biodiversity to Biotechnology. Cham: Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-57056-3. 2 (erweitert und überarbeitet). (DOI) (Weblink)

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Margesin, R.; Siles, J.A.; Cajthaml, T.; Öhlinger, B.; Kistler, E. (2017): Microbiology Meets Archaeology: Soil Microbial Communities Reveal Different Human Activities at Archaic Monte Iato (Sixth Century BC).
    In: Microbial Ecology 73/4, S. 925 - 938. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Schumann, P.; Zhang, D.C.; França, L.; Albuquerque, L.; da Costa, M.S.; Margesin, R. (2017): Psychromicrobium silvestre gen. nov., sp. nov., an actinobacterium isolated from alpine forest soils.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67, S. 640 - 645. (DOI)

  • Siles, J.A.; Cajthaml, T.; Filipová, A.; Minerbi, S.; Margesin, R. (2017): Altitudinal, seasonal and interannual shifts in microbial communities and chemical composition of soil organic matter in Alpine forest soils.
    In: Soil Biology & Biochemistry 112, S. 1 - 13. (DOI)

  • Siles, J.A.; Margesin, R. (2017): Seasonal soil microbial responses are limited to changes in functionality at two Alpine forest sites differing in altitude and vegetation.
    In: Scientific Reports 7, Article 2204. (DOI)

Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Editorial)
  • Elster, J.; Margesin, R.; Wagner, D.; Häggblom, M. (2017): Polar and Alpine Microbiology - Earth’s Cryobiosphere.
    In: FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93, No. fiw221. (DOI) (Weblink)

Publikationen 2016

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Elster, J; Margesin, R; Wagner, D.; Häggblom, M.: Guest Editors of Thematic Issue: Polar and Alpine Microbiology - FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016.

  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • França, L.; Albuquerque, L.; Zhang, D.C.; Nouioui, I.; Klenk, H.P.; da Costa, M.S.; Margesin, R. (2016): Nakamurella silvestris sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from alpine forest soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66, S. 5460 - 5464. (DOI)

  • França, L.; Sannino, C.; Turchetti, B.; Buzzini, P.; Margesin, R. (2016): Seasonal and altitudinal changes of culturable bacterial and yeast diversity in Alpine forest soils.
    In: Extremophiles 20/6, S. 855 - 873. (Volltext) (DOI)

  • Margesin, R.; Minerbi, S.; Schinner, F. (2016): Litter decomposition at two forest sites in the Italian Alps: a field study.
    In: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 48/1, S. 127 - 138. (DOI)

  • Margesin, R.; Zhang, D.-C.; Frasson, D.; Brouchkov, A. (2016): Glaciimonas frigoris sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from ancient Siberian permafrost sediment, and emended description of the genus Glaciimonas.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66/2, S. 744 - 748. (DOI)

  • Siles, J.A.; Cajthaml, T.; Minerbi, S.; Margesin, R (2016): Effect of altitude and season on microbial activity, abundance and community structure in Alpine forest soils.
    In: FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92/3, No. fiw008. (DOI)

  • Siles, J.A.; Margesin, R (2016): Abundance and Diversity of Bacterial, Archaeal, and Fungal Communities Along an Altitudinal Gradient in Alpine Forest Soils: What Are the Driving Factors?
    In: Microbial Ecology 72/1, S. 207 - 220. (Volltext) (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Liu, Y.X.; Huang, H.J.; Weber, K.; Margesin, R. (2016): Oceanihabitans sediminis gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Flavobacteriaceae isolated from the Yellow Sea.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66, S. 3400 - 3405. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Liu, Y.X.; Huang, H.J.; Weber, K.; Margesin, R. (2016): Winogradskyella sediminis sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66, S. 3157 - 3163. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.-C.; Schumann, P.; Wu, J.; Franca, L.; Neuner, K.; Margesin, R. (2016): Virgibacillus flavescens sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66/3, S. 1138 - 1143. (DOI)

Sammelbandaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Margesin, R.; Zahng, D.C. (2016): Alpinimonas.
    In: Whitman, W.B.: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria. Hoboken (New York) [u.a.]: John Wiley & Sons., ISBN 978-1-118-96060-8, online. (DOI)

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Margesin, R. (2016): Psychrophiles: Biodiversity and ecology.
    In: Society for Applied Microbiology: Psychrophiles and Extremophiles. Bedford: Society for Applied Microbiology., S. 3.

  • Margesin, R.; Boruchkov, A. (2016): Isolation and characterization of bacteria from ancient Siberian permafrost.
    In: Man, Y.G.; Brouchkov, A.: Abstracts: 5th Russian Conference on Geocryology, Bacteria in Permafrost: their Nature and Implications in Medicine. Moskau: Lomonossow-Universität Moskau / Staatliche Universität Moskau / Moscow State University. (Weblink)

Vorträge 2016

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (Invited Plenary / Keynote Lecture)
  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.: Psychrophiles: Biodiversity and Ecology.
    Society for Applied Microbiology Winter Meeting on Psychrophiles and Extremophiles, London, 19.01.2016. (Weblink)

Konferenzvortrag (auf persönliche Einladung)
  • Vortragende/r: Insam, Heribert Co-AutorInnen: Illmer, Paul; Peintner, Ursula; Margesin, Rosa; Pümpel, Thomas; Kirchmair, Martin; Neuhauser, Sigrid; Wagner, Andreas; Podmirseg, Sabine Marie; Strasser, Hermann; Probst, Mareike; Ascher-Jenull, Astrid; Zeilinger, S.; Gómez-Brandón, Maria: Mikrobiologie – wir forschen an Visionen.
    35. Jahrestagung der Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin ÖGHMP, Zell am See, 30.05.2016. (Weblink)

  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R. Co-AutorInnen: Brouchkov, A.: Isolation and characterization of bacteria from ancient Siberian permafrost.
    5th Russian Conference on Geocryology, Moscow / Moskau, 15.06.2016. (Weblink)


  • Vortragende/r: Insam, Heribert Co-AutorInnen: Illmer, Paul; Peintner, Ursula; Margesin, Rosa; Pümpel, Thomas; Kirchmair, Martin; Neuhauser, Sigrid; Wagner, Andreas; Podmirseg, Sabine Marie; Strasser, Hermann; Probst, Mareike; Ascher-Jenull, Astrid; Zeilinger, S.; Gómez-Brandón, Maria: Microbes in Waste Management make blue planet greener.
    Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU), Wien, 10.11.2016. (Weblink)

Publikationen 2015

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Frasson, D.; Udovičić, M.; Frey, B.; Lapanje, A.; Zhang, D.-C.; Margesin, R.; Sievers, M. (2015): Glaciimonas alpina sp. nov. isolated from alpine glaciers and reclassification of Glaciimonas immobilis Cr9-12 as the type strain of Glaciimonas alpina.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65/6, S. 1779 - 1785. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Zhang, D.-C.; Margesin, R. (2015): Gelidibacter sediminis sp. nov., isolated from a sediment sample in the Yellow Sea.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65, S. 2304 - 2309. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Zhang, D.-C.; Margesin, R. (2015): Marinomonas mangrovi sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65, S. 1537 - 1541. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.-C.; Neuner, K.; Wu, J.; Yao, J.; Margesin, R. (2015): Puniceibacterium sediminis sp. nov. from intertidal sediment.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65, S. 1462 - 1466. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.-C.; Wu, J.; Neuner, K.; Yao, J.; Margesin, R. (2015): Algibacter amylolyticus sp. nov., isolated from intertidal sediment.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65, S. 1556 - 1560. (DOI)

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Margesin, R. (2015): Biotechnological signficance of microorganisms in low temperature environments.
    In: Kviderova, Jana; Tashyreva, Daria; Bernardova, Alexandra; Elster, Josef: 6th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology. Programme & Abstracts. Budweis: Südböhmische Universität Ceské Budejovice / Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích., ISBN 978-80-7394-528-2, S. 232. (Weblink)

  • Sannino, C.; Di Mauro, S.; Filippucci, S.; Buzzini, P.; Margesin, R.; Turchetti, B. (2015): Yeats culturable Diversity of South Tyrolean Alpine Soils.
    In: Cardinali, G.; Corte, L.; Roscini, L.; Casella, S.; Cocolin, L.; Neviani, E.: Microbial Diversity 2015. The Challenge of Complexity. Firenze: Società Italiana di Microbiologia Agraria-Alimentare e Ambientale (SIMTREA)., ISBN 979-12-200-0499-2, S. 220. (Weblink)

  • Siles, J.A.; Cajthaml, T.; Minerbi, S.; Margesin, R. (2015): Effect of altitude and season on microbial community structure, abundance and functionality in alpine forest soils.
    In: Kviderova, Jana; Tashyreva, Daria; Bernardova, Alexandra; Elster, Josef: 6th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology. Programme & Abstracts. Budweis: Südböhmische Universität Ceské Budejovice / Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích., ISBN 978-80-7394-528-2, S. 40.

  • Siles, J.A.; Margesin R. (2015): Archaeal, bacterial and fungal abundance and diversity along an altitudinal gradient in Alpine forest soils.
    In: Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2015: Microbes as Important Drivers of Soil Processes. 29.11. - 3.12. 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. Prag: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic., S. 173.

Vorträge 2015

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (Invited Plenary / Keynote Lecture)
  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.: Biotechnological signficance of microorganisms in low temperature environments.
    6th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology, Ceske Budejovice / Budweis, 09.09.2015. (Weblink)

  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R. Co-AutorInnen: Siles, J.A.; Cajthaml, T.; Minerbi S.: Effect of altitude and season on microbial community structure, abundance and functionality in alpine forest soils.
    6th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology, Ceske Budejovice / Budweis, 07.09.2015. (Weblink)

  • Vortragende/r: Sannino, C. Co-AutorInnen: Di Mauro, S.; Filippucci, S.; Buzzini, P.; Margesin, R.; Turchetti B.: Yeast culturable diversity of South Tyrolean alpine soils.
    3rd International Conference of Microbial Diversity, Perugia, 28.10.2015. (Weblink)

  • Vortragende/r: Siles, J.A. Co-AutorInnen: Margesin, R.: Archaeal, bacterial and fungal abundance and diversity along an altitudinal gradient in Alpine forest soils.
    Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2015: Microbes as Important Drivers of Soil Processes, Prag / Prague, 30.11.2015. (Weblink)

Publikationen 2014


Sammelband / Sammelwerk, wissenschaftlich (Herausgeberschaft)
  • Buzzini, P.; Margesin, R. (2014): Cold-Adapted Yeasts. Biodiversity, Adaptation Strategies and Biotechnological Significance. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-39680-9. (Weblink)

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Hemala, L.; Zhang, D.; Margesin, R. (2014): Cold-active antibacterial and antifungal activities and antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from an alpine hydrocarbon-contaminated industrial site.
    In: Research in Microbiology 165/6, S. 447 - 456. (DOI)

  • Margesin, R.; Minerbi, S.; Schinner, F. (2014): Long-term monitoring of soil microbiological activities in two forest sites in South Tyrol in the Italian Alps.
    In: Microbes and Environments 29/3, S. 277 - 285. (DOI)

  • Yu, D.; Margesin, R. (2014): Partial characterization of a crude cold-active lipase from Rhodococcus cercidiphylli BZ22.
    In: Folia Microbiologica 59/5, S. 439 - 445. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Margesin, R. (2014): Characterization of culturable heterotrophic bacteria in hydrocarbon-contaminated soil from an alpine former military site.
    In: World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 30/6, S. 1717 - 1724. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Margesin, R. (2014): Martelella radicis sp. nov. and Martelella mangrovi sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64/9, S. 3104 - 3108. (DOI)

Sammelbandaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Baumgarten, A.; Geitner, C.; Haslmayr, H. P.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Bohner, A.; Blum, W. E. H.; Dersch, G.; Englisch, M.; Freudenschuss, A.; Huber, S.; Illmer, P.; Jandl, R.; Katzensteiner, K.; Kitzler, B.; Klik, A.; Margesin, R.; Markart, G.; Murer, E.; Spiegel, H.; Stöhr, D.; Strauss, P.; Wenzel, W. (2014): Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Pedosphäre.
    In: Kromp-Kolb, Helga; Nakicenovic, Nebojsa; Steininger, Karl; Gobiet, Andreas; Formayer, Herbert; Köppl, Angela; Prettenthaler, Franz; Stötter, Johann; Schneider, Jürgen; Austrian Panel on Climate Change: Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften., ISBN 978-3-7001-7699-2, Bd. 2, S. 601 - 640. (DOI) (Weblink)

Sammelbandaufsatz (Review)
  • Buzzini, P.; Margesin, R. (2014): Cold-adapted yeasts: a lesson from the cold and a challenge for the XXI century.
    In: Buzzini, P.; Margesin, R.: Cold-Adapted Yeasts. Biodiversity, Adaptation Strategies and Biotechnological Significance. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer., ISBN 978-3-642-39680-9, S. 3 - 22. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Margesin, R. (2014): Bioremediation and biodegradation of hydrocarbons by cold-adapted yeasts.
    In: Buzzini, P.; Margesin, R.: Cold-Adapted Yeasts. Biodiversity, Adaptation Strategies and Biotechnological Significance. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer., ISBN 978-3-642-39680-9, S. 465 - 480. (Weblink)

  • Turchetti, B.; Goretti, M.; Buzzini, P.; Margesin, R. (2014): Cold-adapted yeasts in alpine and apennine glaciers.
    In: Buzzini, P.; Margesin, R.: Cold-Adapted Yeasts. Biodiversity, Adaptation Strategies and Biotechnological Significance. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer., ISBN 978-3-642-39680-9, S. 99 - 122. (Weblink)

Vorträge 2014


  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.: Hydrocarbon bioremediation by cold-adapted alpine microorganisms.
    Università degli Studi di Perugia / University of Perugia / Universität Perugia, Perugia, 06.05.2014.

Publikationen 2013

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

  • Margesin, R.; Timco, G.; Snape, I.: Special Issue: Contaminants in Freezing Ground and Cold Ecosystems - Cold Regions Science and Technology CRST, 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Mair, J.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2013): A feasiblity study on the bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil from an Alpine former military site: effects of temperature and biostimulation.
    In: Cold Regions Science And Technology 96, S. 122 - 128. (DOI)

  • Margesin, R.; Moertelmaier, C.; Mair, J. (2013): Low-temperature biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons (n-alkanes, phenol, anthracene, pyrene) by four actinobacterial strains.
    In: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 84, S. 185 - 191. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Margesin, R.; Zhang, D.C. (2013): Humitalea rosea gen. nov., sp. nov., an aerobic bacteriochlorophyll-containing bacterium of the family Acetobacteraceae isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63/4, S. 1411 - 1416. (DOI)

  • Margesin, R.; Zhang, D.C. (2013): Pedobacter ruber sp. nov., a novel psychrophilic bacterium isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63/1, S. 339 - 344. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Brouchkov, A.; Griva, G.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2013): Isolation and characterization of bacteria from ancient Siberian permafrost sediment.
    In: Biology 2, S. 64 - 85. (DOI) (Weblink)

Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Editorial)
  • Margesin, R.; Snape, I. (2013): Special Issue: Contaminants in freezing ground and associated cold ecosystems.
    In: Cold Regions Science And Technology 96, S. 69 - 70. (DOI)

Sammelbandaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Filipiak, W.; Sponring, A.; Baur, M.; Ager, C.; Wiesenhofer, H.; Margesin, R.; Nagl, M.; Troppmair, J.; Amann, A. (2013): Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by pathogenic microorganisms in vitro: potential breath biomarkers for early-stage diagnosis of disease.
    In: Amann, A.; Smith, D.: Volatile biomarkers. Non-Invasive Diagnosis in Physiology and Medicine. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier., ISBN 978-0444626134, S. 463 - 512. (Weblink)

Publikationen 2012


Proceedings (Herausgeberschaft)
  • Margesin, R.; Schinner, F. (2012): 8th International Conference "Contaminants in Freezing Ground". Programme and Abstracts. Innsbruck: Eigenverlag - Universität Innsbruck.

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Krzyzak, J.; Plaza, G.; Margesin, R.; Wasilkowski, D; Mrozik, A. (2012): Microbial parameters as bioindicators of soil quality during aided phytostabilization of metal contaminated soil.
    In: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 11/10, S. 1775 - 1782. (Weblink)

  • Margesin, R.; Schumann, P.; Zhang, D.C.; Redzic, M.; Zhou, Y.G.; Liu, H.C.; Schinner, F. (2012): Arthrobacter cryoconiti sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from alpine glacier cryoconite.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62, S. 379 - 402. (DOI)

  • Margesin, R.; Spröer, C.; Zhang, D.C.; Busse, H.J. (2012): Polaromonas glacialis sp. nov. and Polaromonas cryoconiti sp. nov., isolated from alpine glacier cryoconite.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62/11, S. 2662 - 2668. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Margesin, R.; Zhang, D.C.; Busse, H.J. (2012): Sphingomonas alpina sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62/7, S. 1558 - 1563. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Pereira-Medrano, A.; Margesin, R.; Wright, P. (2012): Proteome characterization of the unsequenced psychrophile Pedobacter cryoconitis using 15N metabolic labeling, tandem mass spectrometry and a new bioinformatic workflow.
    In: Proteomics 12/6, S. 775 - 789. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Schumann, P.; Zhang, D.C.; Redzic, M.; Margesin, R. (2012): Alpinimonas psychrophila gen. nov., sp. nov., an actinobacterium of the family Microbacteriaceae isolated from alpine glacier cryoconite.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62/11, S. 2724 - 2730. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Busse, H.J.; Wieser, C.; Liu, H.-C.; Zhou, Y.-G.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2012): Candidimonas bauzanensis sp. nov., isolated from soil, and emended description of the genus Candidimonas Vaz-Moreira et al. 2011.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62/9, S. 2084 - 2089. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Moertelmaier, C.; Margesin, R. (2012): Characterization of the bacterial and archaeal diversity in hydrocarbon-contaminated soil.
    In: Science of the Total Environment 421-422, S. 184 - 196. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Redzic, M.; Liu, H.-C.; Zhou, Y.-G.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2012): Devosia psychrophila sp. nov. and Devosia glacialis sp. nov., from alpine glacier cryoconite, and an emended description of the genus Devosia.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62/3, S. 710 - 715. (DOI) (Weblink)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Schumann, P.; Redzic, M.; Zhou, Y.-G.; Liu, H.-C.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2012): Nocardioides alpinus sp. nov., a psychrophilic actinomycete isolated from alpine glacier cryoconite.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62/2, S. 445 - 450. (DOI) (Weblink)

Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Meeting-Abstract)
  • Krzyżak, J.; Płaza, G.; Margesin, R.; Wasilkowski, D.; Mrozik, A. (2012): Enzyme activities and respiration as bioindicators of the biological quality of Pb-Cd-contaminated soil under aided phytostabilization.
    In: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 11/3, Supplement, S. S46. (Weblink)

Sammelbandaufsatz (Review)
  • Feller, G.; Margesin, R. (2012): Polar microorganisms and biotechnology.
    In: Miller, R..; Whyte, L.G.: Polar Microbiology: Life in a Deepfreeze. Washington: ASM Press., ISBN 978-1-55581-604-9, S. 166 - 180. (Weblink)

  • Margesin, R. (2012): Psychrophilic microorganisms in alpine soils.
    In: Lütz, Cornelius: Plants in Alpine Regions. Cell Physiology of Adaption and Survival Strategies. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer., ISBN 978-3-7091-0135-3, S. 187 - 198. (Weblink)

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Moertelmaier, C.; Zhang, D.C.; Mair, J.; Margesin, R. (2012): Low-temperature biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by actinobacterial strains.
    In: Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.: 8th International Conference "Contaminants in Freezing Ground". Programme and Abstracts. Innsbruck: Eigenverlag - Universität Innsbruck., S. 62.

Vorträge 2012

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R. Co-AutorInnen: Krzyżak, J.; Płaza, G.; Wasilkowski, D.; Mrozik, A.: Enzyme activities and respiration as bioindicators of the biological quality of Pb-Cd-contaminated soil under aided phytostabilization.
    Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology (EMB 2012), Bologna, 11.04.2012.

  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R. Co-AutorInnen: Moertelmaier, C.; Zhang, D.C.; Mair, J.: Low-temperature biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by actinobacterial strains.
    8th International Conference Contaminants in Freezing Ground (CFG8), Obergurgl, 25.04.2012.

Publikationen 2011

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Lee, Y.M.; Kim, S.Y.; Jung, J.; Kim, E.H.; Cho, K.H.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R.; Hong, S.G.; Lee, H.K. (2011): Cultured bacterial diversity and human impact on alpine glacier cryoconite.
    In: Journal of Microbiology 49/3, S. 355 - 362. (DOI)

  • Margesin, R.; Plaza, G.A.; Kasenbacher, S. (2011): Characterization of bacterial communities at heavy-metal-contaminated sites.
    In: Chemosphere 82/11, S. 1583 - 1588. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.; Busse, H.J.; Liu, H.C.; Xin, Y.H.; Zhou, Y.G.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2011): Hymenobacter psychrophilus sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61/4, S. 859 - 863. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.; Busse, H.J.; Liu, H.C.; Zhou, Y.G.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2011): Sphingomonas glacialis sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from alpine glacier cryoconite.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61, S. 587 - 591. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Liu, H.C.; Zhou, Y.G.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2011): Pseudomonas bauzanensis sp.nov., a novel bacterium isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61/10, S. 2333 - 2337. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Liu, H.C.; Zhou, Y.G.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2011): Tistrella bauzanensis sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61/9, S. 2227 - 2230. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.C.; Redzic, M.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2011): Glaciimonas immobilis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Oxalobacteraceae isolated from alpine glacier cryoconite.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61/9, S. 2186 - 2190. (DOI)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Review)
  • Margesin, R.; Miteva, V. (2011): Diversity and ecology of psychrophilic microorganisms.
    In: Research in Microbiology 162/3, S. 346 - 361. (Weblink)

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Hemala, L.; Margesin, R. (2011): Production of antimicrobial compounds by bacteria isolated from an alpine industrial site contaminated with hydrocarbons.
    In: Sterflinger, K.; Pinar, G.: 15th International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Symposium (IBBS-15). Abstract Book. Wincham: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Society., S. IBBS-15-8-P07.

  • Margesin, R.; Moertelmaier, C.; Zhang, D.C. (2011): Bacterial diversity and biodegradation in hydrocarbon-contaminated soil from an alpine industrial site.
    In: Sterflinger, K.; Pinar, G.: 15th International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Symposium (IBBS-15). Abstract Book. Wincham: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Society., S. IBBS-15-8-O02.

Lexikonartikel, wissenschaftlicher
  • Margesin, R.; Shivaji, S. (2011): Genus II. Pedobacter.
    In: Krieg, N.R.; Staley, J.T.; Brown, D.R.; Hedlund, B.P.; Paster, B.J.; Ward, N.L.; Ludwig, W.; Whitman, B: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Volume 4: The Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Tenericutes (Mollicutes), Acidobacteria, Vibrobacteres, Fusobacteria, Dictyoglomi, Gemmatimonadetes, Lentisphaerae, Verrucomicrobia, Chlamydiae, and Planctomycetes. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer., ISBN 978-0-387-95042-6, Bd. 5, S. 339 - 351.

Vorträge 2011

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R. Co-AutorInnen: Mörtelmaier, C.; Zhang, D.C.: Bacterial diversity and biodegradation in hydrocarbon-contaminated soil from an alpine industrial site.
    15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium (IBBS - 15), Vienna, 23.09.2011. (Weblink)

  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R. Co-AutorInnen: Hemala, L.: Production of antimicrobial compounds by bacteria isolated from an alpine industrial site contaminated with hydrocarbons.
    15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium (IBBS - 15), Vienna, 23.09.2011.

Publikationen 2010

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Plaza, G.A.; Nalecz-Jawecki, G.; Pinyakong, O.; Illmer, P.; Margesin, R. (2010): Ecotoxicological and microbiological characterization of soils from heavy metal and hydrocarbon contaminated sites.
    In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 163/1-4, S. 477 - 488.

  • Zhang, D.; Liu, H.; Xin, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2010): Dyadobacter psychrophilus sp. nov., a novel psychrophilic bacterium isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60, S. 1640 - 1643. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.; Liu, H.; Xin, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2010): Luteimonas terricola sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60, S. 1581 - 1584. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.; Liu, H.; Xin, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2010): Sphingopyxis bauzanensis sp. nov., a novel psychrophilic bacterium isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60/11, S. 2618 - 2622. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2010): Pedobacter bauzanensis sp. nov., isolated from soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60, S. 2592 - 2595. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.; Schumann, P.; Liu, H.; Xin, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2010): Agromyces bauzanensis sp. nov., isolated from hydrocarbon-contaminated soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60, S. 2341 - 2345. (DOI)

  • Zhang, D.; Schumann, P.; Liu, H.; Xin, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2010): Arthrobacter alpinus sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from alpine soil.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60, S. 2149 - 2153. (DOI)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Review)
  • Margesin, R.; Feller, G. (2010): Biotechnological applications of psychrophiles.
    In: ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY 31/8-9, S. 835 - 844. (DOI)

Sammelbandaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Fell, J.W.; Margesin, R. (2010): Mrakiella. Chapter 121.
    In: Kurtzman, C.P.; Fell, J.W.; Boekhout, Teun: The Yeasts. A Taxonomic Study. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier., ISBN 978-0-444-52149-1, 5. Aufl., S. 1847 - 1852.

  • Plaza, G.; Gawior, K.; Jawecki-Nalecz, G.; Margesin, R. (2010): Zastosowanie biotestów jako wskaznikow zanieczysczczenia gleb. The application of biotests as an indicator of soil contamination.
    In: Skowronek, J.: Innowacyjne rozwiązania rewitalizacji terenów zdegradowanych. Innovation Solutions for Revitalization of Degraded Areas. Katowice: Instittute for Ecology of Industrial Areas., ISBN 978-83-905712-9-4, S. 71 - 77.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Margesin, R. (2010): Low temperature bioremedation with alpine microorganisms.
    In: CFG: CFG7 Contaminants in Freezing Ground. 24.05.2010 - 28.05.2010, Kingston, Ontario, Proceedings. Kingston: Queen’s University.

Vorträge 2010

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (Invited Plenary / Keynote Lecture)
  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.: Low temperature bioremedation with alpine microorganisms.
    Contaminants in Freezing Ground, Kingston, 25.05.2010.

Beitrag als Chairperson / SektionsleiterIn / DiskussionsleiterIn / DiskussionsteilnehmerIn
  • Margesin, R.: Session Chairwoman Session B-1: Bioremediation I.
    Contaminants in Freezing Ground, Kingston, 25.05.2010.

Publikationen 2009


Sammelband / Sammelwerk, wissenschaftlich (Herausgeberschaft)
  • Margesin, R. (2009): Permafrost Soils. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer (= Soil Biology, Volume 16). ISBN 978-3-540-69370-3.

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Gratia, E.; Weekers, F.; Margesin, R.; D’Amico, S.; Thonart, P.; Feller, G. (2009): Selection of a cold-adapted bacterium for bioremediation of wastewater at low temperatures.
    In: Extremophiles 13, S. 763 - 768.

  • Margesin, R. (2009): Effect of temperature on growth parameters of psychrophilic bacteria and yeasts.
    In: Extremophiles 13/2, S. 257 - 262.

  • Margesin, R.; Jud, M.; Tscherko, D.; Schinner, F. (2009): Microbial communities and activities in alpine and subalpine soils.
    In: FEMS Microbiology Ecology 67, S. 208 - 218.

  • Plaza, G.A.; Łukasik, W.; Nałęcz-Jawecki, G.; Margesin, R. (2009): Application of the root elongation test as indicator to assess phytotoxicity of contaminated soils.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Bunge, Michael; Araghipour, Nooshin; Mikoviny, Tomas; Dunkl, Jürgen; Schnitzhofer, Ralf; Hansel, Armin; Schinner, Franz; Wisthaler, Armin; Margesin, Rosa; Märk, Tilmann D. (2009): On-Line PTR-MS Monitoring of Volatile Metabolites in the Dynamic Headspace of Microbial Cultures.
    In: Hansel, Armin; Dunkl, Jürgen: Contributions. 4th International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-902571-99-1, S. 212.

  • Margesin, R. (2009): Hydrocarbon bioremediation in alpine soils.
    In: Proceedings of the 09th Finnish Conference of Environmental Science, Lahti, Finland, May 14-15, 2009. Eigenverlag.

  • Plaza, G.; Gawior, K.; Jawecki-Nalecz, G.; Margesin, R. (2009): The application of biotests as an indicator of soil contamination.
    In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Innovative solutions of revitalization of degraded areas". Eigenverlag.

Vorträge 2009

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (auf persönliche Einladung)
  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.: Hydrocarbon bioremediation in alpine soils.
    09th Finnish Conference of Environmental Science, Lahti, 14.05.2009.

Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
  • Vortragende/r: Plaza, G. Co-AutorInnen: Gawior, K.; Jawecki-Nalecz, G.; Margesin, R.: The application of biotests as an indicator of soil contamination.
    3rd International Conference "Innovative solutions of revitalization of degraded areas", Ustron, 07.10.2009.

  • Vortragende/r: Bunge, Michael; Araghipour, Nooshin; Mikoviny, Tomas; Dunkl, Jürgen; Schnitzhofer, Ralf; Hansel, Armin; Schinner, Franz; Wisthaler, Armin; Margesin, Rosa; Märk, Tilmann D.: On-Line PTR-MS Monitoring of Volatile Metabolites in the Dynamic Headspace of Microbial Cultures.
    4th International Conference on PTR-MS and its Applications, Obergurgl, 17.02.2009.

Publikationen 2008


Sammelband / Sammelwerk, wissenschaftlich (Herausgeberschaft)
  • Margesin, Rosa; Schinner, Franz; Marx, Jean-Claude; Gerday, Charles (Ed.) (2008): Psychrophiles: from Biodiversity to Biotechnology. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-74334-7.

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Bunge, M.; Araghipour, N.; Mikoviny, T.; Dunkl, J.; Schnitzhofer, R.; Hansel, A.; Schinner, F.; Wisthaler, A.; Margesin, R.; Märk, T.D. (2008): On-line PTR-MS monitoring of volatile metabolites in the dynamic headspace of microbial cultures.
    In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74, S. 2179 - 2186.

  • Margesin, R.; Fell, J.F. (2008): /Mrakiella cryoconiti/ gen. nov., sp. nov., a psychrophilic, anamorphic, basidiomycetous yeast from alpine and arctic habitats.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 58, S. 2977 - 2982.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Full Paper)
  • Schinner, F.; Bonn, G.; Hansel, A.; Huck, C.; Margesin, R.; Rauch, W.; Wett, B.; Wisthaler, A. (2008): Umweltforschung und Biotechnologie.
    In: Grumiller, M.; Märk, T.D.: Zukunftsplattform Obergurgl 2008. Forschungskooperationen innerhalb der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= Conference Series)., ISBN 978-3-902571-79-3, S. 251 - 256.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Hong, S.G.; Kim, K.M.; Cho, J.C.; Oh, H.M.; Cho, K.H.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.; Lee, H.K. (2008): Bacterial community structure of an alpine cryoconite sample, as revealed by pyrosequencing analyses.
    In: Foght, J.; Greer, C.; Vincent, W.; Whyte, L.: 3rd International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology. Eigenverlag., S. 43.

  • Margesin, R.; Hong, S.G.; Jud, M.; Tscherko, D.; Lee, H.K.; Schinner, F. (2008): Microbial activities and communities in alpine soils along an altitudinal gradient.
    In: Foght, J.; Greer, C.; Vincent, W.; Whyte, L.: 3rd International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology. Eigenverlag., S. 3.


Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Rezension)
  • Margesin, R. (2008): Book review: mycoremediation.
    In: Newsletter of the International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Society 13, S. 3.

Vorträge 2008

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (auf persönliche Einladung)
  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.: Microbial communities in alpine soils.
    Polar and alpine environments: molecular and evolutionary adaptations in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, Neapel, 30.05.2008.

  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.: Microbial activities and communities in alpine soils along an altitudinal gradient.
    3rd International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology, Banff, 12.05.2008.

Beitrag als Chairperson / SektionsleiterIn / DiskussionsleiterIn / DiskussionsteilnehmerIn
  • Margesin, R.: Chair, Session 9: Cold microbial processes.
    3rd International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology, Banff, 14.05.2008.

  • Vortragende/r: Hong, S.G.; Kim, K.M.; Cho, J.C.; Oh, H.M.; Cho, K.H.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.; Lee, H.K.: Bacterial community structure of an alpine cryoconite sample, as revealed by pyrosequencing analyses.
    3rd International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology, Banff, 12.05.2008.

Publikationen 2007

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

  • Margesin, R.; Häggblom, M.: Edition of "Microorganisms in cold environments", Vol. 59 - FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2007.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Labbé, D.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.; Whyte, L.G.; Greer, C.W. (2007): Comparative phylogenetic analysis of microbial communities in pristine and hydrocarbon-contaminated alpine soils.
    In: FEMS Microbiology Ecology 59, S. 466 - 475.

  • Margesin, R.; Hämmerle, M.; Tscherko, D. (2007): Microbial activity and community composition during bioremediation of diesel-oil-contaminated soil: effects of hydrocarbon concentration, fertilizers and incubation time.
    In: Microbial Ecology 53, S. 259 - 269.

  • Margesin, Rosa; Fonteyne, Pierre-Alian; Schinner, Franz; Sampaio, José Paulo (2007): Rhodotorula psychrophila sp. nov., Rhodotorula psychrophenolica sp. nov. and Rhodotorula glacialis sp. nov., novel psychrophilic basidiomycetous yeast species from alpine environments.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Review)
  • Margesin, Rosa (2007): Alpine microorganisms: useful tools for low-temperature bioremediation.
    In: Journal of Microbiology 45/4, S. 281 - 285.

  • Margesin, Rosa; Neuner, Gilbert; Storey, Kenneth B. (2007): Cold-loving microbes, plants, and animals - fundamental and applied aspects.
    In: NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN 94/2, S. 77 - 99. (DOI) (Weblink)

Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Editorial)
  • Margesin, R.; Häggblom, M. (2007): Microorganisms in cold environments (editorial).
    In: FEMS Microbiology Ecology 59, S. 215 - 216.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Full Paper)
  • Mikoviny, T; Bunge, M; Araghipour, N.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.; Wisthaler, A.; Märk, T.D. (2007): Emission of volatile organic compounds from bacterial cultures.
    In: Hansel, A.; Märk, T.D. (eds.): 3rd International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications. Contributions. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= Conference Series)., ISBN 978-3-902571-03-8, S. 204 - 207.

  • Plaza, G.; Pinyakong, O.; Margesin, R. (2007): Microbial activity measurements as indicators of soil contamination.
    In: Galazka, R. (Ed.): Proceedings of the First Polish Conference "Ecotoxicology in soil and water environments protection". Eigenverlag., S. 36 - 38.

  • Schinner, F.; Bonn, G.; Hansel, A.; Huck, C.; Margesin, R.; Rauch, W.; Wett, B.; Wisthaler, A. (2007): Umwelforschung und Biotechnologie.
    In: Grumiller, M.; Märk, Tilmann D. (Hrsg.): Zukunftsplattform Obergurgl 2007. Forschungskooperationen innerhalb der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= Conference Series)., ISBN 978-3-902571-21-2, S. 212 - 216.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Bunge, M.; Araghipour, N.; Mikoviny, T.; Hansel, A.; Wisthaler, A.; Schinner, F.; Märk, T.D.; Margesin, R. (2007): An experimental set-up for the sensitive real-time detection of volatile metabolites from microbial cultures.
    In: American Society of Microbiology: Book of Abstracts 107th General Meeting of the ASM. Madison, Wisconsin: Omnipress.

  • Margesin, R. (2007): Cold-adapted microorganisms in alpine environments.
    In: MSK (Microbiological Society of Korea): 2007 International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea. Proceedings. Eigenverlag., S. 53 - 55.

  • Pereira-Medrano, A.G.; Margesin, R.; Wright, P.C. (2007): Proteomic characterization of the psychrophile Pedobacter cryoconitis based on both 15N metabolic labeling and de novo sequencing.
    In: American Society of Mass Spectrometry: Book of Abstracts, 55th International ASMS Meeting. Santa Fe: American Society for Mass Spectrometry.

  • Pereira-Medrano, A.G.; Margesin, R.; Wright, P.C. (2007): 15N metabolic labeling and tandem mass spectrometry: tools for the proteome characterization of the facultative psychrophile Pedobacter cryoconitis via ortholog searching and de novo sequencing.
    In: 2007 AICHE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM. Eigenverlag.

Lexikonartikel, wissenschaftlicher
  • Margesin, R. (2007): Cold-active enzymes as new tools in biotechnology.
    In: Gerday, C.; Glansdorff, N. (Hrsg.): Extremophiles. Encyclopedia of Life Support systems (EOLSS). Oxford: EOLSS Publishers., Bd. Volume 2, S. 167 - 187.

Vorträge 2007

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (auf persönliche Einladung)
  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.: Cold-adapted microorganisms in alpine environments.
    International Meeting of the Microbiology Society of Korea, PyeongChan, 10.05.2007.

Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
  • Vortragende/r: Pereira-Medrano, A.G.; Margesin, R.; Wright, P.C.: 15N metabolic labeling and tandem mass spectrometry: tools for the proteome characterization of the facultative psychrophile Pedobacter cryoconitis via ortholog searching and de novo sequencing.
    American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 06.11.2007.

  • Vortragende/r: Plaza, G.; Pinyakong, O.; Margesin, R.: Microbial activity measurements as indicators of soil contamination.
    First Polish Conference "Ecotoxicology in soil and water environments protection", Pulawy, 14.10.2007.

  • Vortragende/r: Bunge, M.; Araghipour, N.; Mikoviny, T.; Hansel, A.; Wisthaler, A.; Schinner, F.; Märk, T.D.; Margesin, R.: An experimental set-up for the sensitive real-time detection of volatile metabolites from microbial cultures.
    107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Toronto, 24.05.2007.

  • Vortragende/r: Bunge, M.; Mikoviny, T.; Herbig, J.; Dunkl, J.; Hansel, A.; Schinner, F.; Märk, T.D.; Wisthaler, A.; Margesin, R.: PTR-MS analysis of microbial VOCs for the detection of pathogens.
    Breath Analysis Summit 2007: Clincal Applications of Breath testing. Scientific Meeting of the Int. Association for Breath Research, Cleveland, Ohio, 01.11.2007. (Weblink)

  • Vortragende/r: Mikoviny, T; Bunge, M; Araghipour, N.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.; Wisthaler, A.; Märk, T.D.: Emission of volatile organic compounds from bacterial cultures.
    3rd International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications (PTR-MS), Obergurgl, 30.01.2007.

  • Vortragende/r: Pereira-Medrano, A.G.; Margesin, R.; Wright, P.C.: Proteomic characterization of the psychrophile Pedobacter cryoconitis based on both 15N metabolic labeling and de novo sequencing.
    55th American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Indianapolis, IN, 03.06.2007.


  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, Rosa: Microbial activities in alpine environments.
    Korea Polar Research Institute (KORDI), Incheon, 08.05.2007.

Vorträge für die Öffentlichkeit

Öffentlicher Vortrag
  • Margesin, Rosa: Kälteadaptierte Mikroorganismen – Leben in der Kälte.
    Rotary Club Innsbruck / Igls, Innsbruck, 05.06.2007.

Publikationen 2006


Proceedings (Herausgeberschaft)
  • Margesin, R.; Schinner, F. (2006): International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck.

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Krallish, I; Gonta, S.; Savenkova, L.; Bergauer, P.; Margesin, R. (2006): Phenol degradation by immobilized cold-adapted yeast strains of Cryptococcus terreus and Rhodotorula creatinivora.
    In: Extremophiles 10/5, S. 441 - 449.

  • Margesin, R.; Cimadom, J.; Schinner, F. (2006): Biological activity during composting of sewage sludge at low temperatures.
    In: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 57/2, S. 88 - 92.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Labbé, D.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.; Whyte, L.G.; Greer, C.W. (2006): Comparative phylogenetic analysis of microbial communities in pristine and hydrocarbon-contaminated alpine soils.
    In: Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.: International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck., S. 93.

  • Margesin, R. (2006): Low-temperature biodegradation of phenol.
    In: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: 11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists with International Participation. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences., S. 125 - 126.

  • Margesin, R.; Fonteyne, P.A.; Redl, B.; Schinner, F.; Stegner, U. (2006): Biodegradation of high amounts of phenol by cold-adapted bacteria and yeasts.
    In: Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.: International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck., S. 95.

Vorträge 2006

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (Invited Plenary / Keynote Lecture)
  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.: Low-temperature biodegradation of phenol.
    11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists with International Participation, Varna, 06.10.2006.

Beitrag als Chairperson / SektionsleiterIn / DiskussionsleiterIn / DiskussionsteilnehmerIn
  • Margesin, R.: Chair ,Sektion "Microbial ecology and biodiversity in cold sea, lakes and clouds".
    International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology, Innsbruck, 27.03.2006.

Vortrag bei Projektmeeting / Forschungskooperationstreffen
  • Vortragende/r: Hansel, A.; Margesin, R.: Bacterial cell cultures.
    Partner Meeting of the EU-Project BAMOD, Prag, 06.09.2006.

  • Vortragende/r: Labbé, D.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.; Whyte, L.G.; Greer, C.W.: Comparative phylogenetic analysis of microbial communities in pristine and hydrocarbon-contaminated alpine soils.
    International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology, Innsbruck, 28.03.2006.

  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, R.; Fonteyne, P.A.; Redl, B.; Schinner, F.; Stegner, U.: Biodegradation of high amounts of phenol by cold-adapted bacteria and yeasts.
    International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology, Innsbruck, 28.03.2006.

Publikationen 2005


Sammelband / Sammelwerk, wissenschaftlich (Herausgeberschaft)
  • Margesin, Rosa; Schinner, Franz (2005): Manual for Soil Analysis - Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer (= Soil Biology, 5). ISBN 3-540-25346-7.

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Häggblom, M.; Margesin, R.: Editor - FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 01.06.2005 - 30.06.2005.

  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Bergauer, P.; Fonteyne, P.A.; Nolard, N.; Schinner, F.; Margesin, R. (2005): Biodegradation of phenol and phenol-related compounds by psychrophilic and cold-tolerant alpine yeasts.
    In: Chemosphere 59, S. 909 - 918.

  • Margesin, R.; Dieplinger, H.; Hofmann, J.; Sarg, B.; Lindner, H. (2005): A cold-active extracellular metalloprotease from Pedobacter cryoconitis.
    In: Research in Microbiology 156, S. 499 - 505.

  • Margesin, R.; Fauster, V.; Fonteyne, P.A. (2005): Characterization of cold-active pectate lyases from psychrophilic Mrakia frigida.

Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Editorial)
  • Häggblom, M.; Margesin, R. (2005): Microbal life in cold ecosystems (editorial).
    In: FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53, S. 1 - 2.

Sammelbandaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Margesin, R. (2005): Determination of enzyme activities in contaminated soil.
    In: Margesin, Rosa; Schinner, Franz: Manual for Soil Analysis - Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer (= Soil Biology, 5)., ISBN 3-540-25346-7, S. 309 - 320.

Publikationen 2004

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Jaksch, D.; Margesin, R.; Mikoviny, T.; Skalny, J.D.; Hartungen, E.; Schinner, F.; Mason, N.J.; Märk, T.D. (2004): The effect of ozone treatment on the microbial contamination of pork meat measured by detecting the emissions using PTR-MS and by enumeration of microorganisms.
    In: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 239, S. 209 - 214. (DOI)

  • MARGESIN, R.; BERGAUER, B.; GANDER, S. (2004): Degradation of phenol and toxicity of phenolic compounds: a comparison of cold-tolerant Arthrobacter sp. and mesophilic Pseudomonas putida.
    In: Extremophiles 8, S. 201 - 207.

  • MARGESIN, R.; FONTEYNE, P.A.; REDL, B. (2004): Low-temperature biodegradation of high amounts of phenol by Rhodococcus spp. and basidiomycetous yeasts.
    In: Research in Microbiology 156, S. 68 - 75.

  • MARGESIN, R.; LABBÉ, D.; SCHINNER, F.; GREER, C.; WHYTE, L. (2004): Prevalence of catabolic genotypes in contaminated and pristine alpine soils.
    In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 70, S. 83 - 87.

  • MARGESIN, R.; SCHUMANN, P.; SPRÖER, C.; GOUNOT, A. (2004): Arthrobacter psychrophenolicus sp. nov., isolated from an alpine ice cave.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54, S. 2067 - 2072.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Review)
  • MARGESIN, R.; NOGI, Y. (2004): Psychropiezophilic microorganisms (review).
    In: CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 50/4, S. 429 - 436.

Sammelbandaufsatz (Review)
  • MARGESIN, R. (2004): Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-polluted soils in extreme temperature environments.
    In: Singh, A.; Ward, O.P. (eds.): Applied Bioremediation and Phytoremediation. Vol. 1: Soil Biology. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer., ISBN 3-540-21020-2, S. 215 - 234.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)
  • Margesin, R. (2004): Cold-adapted microorganisms in alpine glacier cryoconite.
    In: Häggblom, M.: International Conference on Arctic Microbiology. Program and Abstracte. Eigenverlag., S. 44.

Vorträge 2004

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (auf persönliche Einladung)
  • Vortragende/r: MARGESIN, R.: Cold-adapted microorganisms in alpine glacier cryoconite.
    International Conference on Arctic Microbiology, Rovaniemi, 25.03.2004.

  • Vortragende/r: MAYR, D.; MARGESIN, R.; KLINGSBICHEL, E.; MIKOVINY, T.; SKALNY, J.D.; HARTUNGEN, E.; JENEWEIN, D.; SCHINNER, F.; MASON, N.J.; MÄRK, T.: Rapid detection of the microbial flora of meat by measuring volatiles using proton-transfer-reaction mass-spectrometry.
    2nd International Conference on Food Factory of the Future, Laval, 08.10.2004.


  • Vortragende/r: Margesin, Rosa: Cold-adapted microorganisms.
    Université de Perpignan, Perpignan, 18.06.2004.

Publikationen 2003

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Margesin, R.; Gander, S.; Zacke, G.; Gounot, A.M.; Schinner, F. (2003): Hydrocarbon Degradation and Enzyme Activities of Cold-adapted Bacteria and Yeasts.
    In: Extremophiles 7, S. 451 - 458.

  • Margesin, R.; Gander, S.; Zacke, G.; Gounot, A.M.; Schinner, F. (2003): Hydrocarbon Degradation and Enzyme Activities of Cold-Adapted Bacteria and Yeasts.
    In: Extremophiles 7, S. 451 - 458.

  • Margesin, R.; Labbe, D.; Schinner, F.; Greer, C.W.; Whyte, L.G. (2003): Characterization of Hydrocarbon-Degrading Microbial Populations in Contaminated and Pristine Alpine Soils.
    In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, S. 3085 - 3092.

  • Margesin, R.; Sproer, C.; Schumann, P.; Schinner, F. (2003): Pedobacter Cryoconitis Sp Nov., a Facultative Psychrophile from Alpine Glacier Cryoconite.
    In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53, S. 1291 - 1296.

  • Margesin, R.; Walder, G.; Schinner, F. (2003): Bioremediation Assessment of A Btex-Contaminated Soil.
    In: Acta Biotechnologica 23, S. 29 - 36.

  • Mayr, D.; Margesin, R.; Klinsbichel, E.; Hartungen, E.; Jenewein, D.; Schinner, F.; Märk, T.D. (2003): Rapid Detection of Meat Spoilage by Measuring Volatile Organic Compounds by Using Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry.
    In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, S. 4697 - 4705.

  • Mayr, D.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F.; Märk, T.D. (2003): Detection Of The Spoiling Of Meat Using Ptr-Ms.
    In: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 223, S. 229 - 235. (DOI)

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Full Paper)
  • Mayr, D.; Hartungen, E.; Märk, T.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F. (2003): Determination of the Spoilage Status of Meat by Aroma Detection Using Proton-transfer-reaction Mass-spectrometry.
    In: Le Quere, J.L.; Etievant, P.X. (eds.): Flavour Research at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century: Proceedings of the 10th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium. Paris - London - New York: Lavoisier., ISBN 1-898298-94-7, S. 757 - 760.

Sammelband-/Sammelwerkbeitrag, transferorientierter
  • Pümpel, T.; Bergauer, P.; Ebner, C.; Hekl, D.; Margesin, R.; Schinner, F. (2003): Multifunktionale, permeable Grundwasserbarriere.
    In: Achleitner, S.; De Toffol, S.; Rauch, W. (Hrsg.): Wasser ist Leben - Forschung und Lehre rund um's Wasser an der Universität Innsbruck. Innsbruck: Eigenverlag - Universität Innsbruck., S. 50.

Vorträge 2003

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (auf persönliche Einladung)
  • Vortragende/r: MAYR, D. Co-AutorInnen: HARTUNGEN, E.; MÄRK, T.D.; MARGESIN, R.; SCHINNER, F.: Rapid determination of the microbial spoilage of meat.
    1st International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications (PTR-MS), Igls/ Innsbruck, 18.01.2003.

  • Vortragende/r: MARGESIN, R.; GANDER, S.: Phenol degradation by a cold-tolerant Arthrobacter sp. and a mesophilic Pseudomonas putida.
    Workshop on Cold Adaptations of Aquatic Microorganisms, Bremen, 11.05.2003.

  • Vortragende/r: MARGESIN, R.; LABBÉ, D.; SCHINNER, F.; GREER, C.; WHYTE, L.: Prevalence of catabolic genotypes in contaminated and pristine alpine soils.
    4. Vortragstagung "Bodenbiologie in Österreich" der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Bodenbiologie, Innsbruck, 29.09.2003.

  • Vortragende/r: MARGESIN, R.; SCHINNER, F.: Phenol degradation by cold-adapted bacteria and yeasts.
    2nd European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, 30.06.2003.

  • Vortragende/r: MAYR, D.; HARTUNGEN, E.; MÄRK, T.D.; MARGESIN, R.; SCHINNER, F.: Fast analysis of the microbial spoilage of meat using proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS).
    5. Igler MS Tage "Perspectives in Mass Spectrometry", Igls/Innsbruck, 20.02.2003.

  • Vortragende/r: MAYR, D.; MARGESIN, R.; HARTUNGEN, E.; MIKOVINY, T.; SKALNY, J.D.; KLINGSBICHEL, E.; JENEWEIN, D.; SCHINNER, F.; MASON, D.; MÄRK, T.D.: Investigation of the microbial contamination of meat and of the influence of ozone treatment using proton-transfer-reaction mass-spectrometry (PTR-MS).
    16th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Edinburgh, 31.08.2003.

Publikationen 2002

(Mit-)Herausgeberschaft von Periodika / Buchreihen

Herausgeberschaft von Periodikum / Buchreihe
  • Margesin, R.: Member of the Editorial Board - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 01.01.2002 lfd.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Margesin, R.; Feller, G.; Hammerle, M.; Stegner, U.; Schinner, F. (2002): A Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Lipase Activity in Soil.
    In: Biotechnology Letters 24, S. 27.

  • Margesin, R.; Zacke, G.; Schinner, F. (2002): Characterization of Heterotrophic Microorganisms in Alpine Glacier Cryoconite.
    In: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 34, S. 88.

Lexikonartikel, wissenschaftlicher
  • Margesin, R.; Feller, G.; Gerday, C.; Russell, N.J. (2002): Cold-adapted Microorganisms: Adaptation Strategies and Biotechnological Potential.
    In: Bitton, G. (eds.): The Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology. Hoboken (New York) [u.a.]: John Wiley & Sons., ISBN 0-471-35450-3, Bd. 2, S. 871 - 885.

Vorträge 2002

Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.

Konferenzvortrag (auf persönliche Einladung)
  • Vortragende/r: MARGESIN, R.: Bioremediation of diesel-oil contaminated alpine soils at low temperatures.
    102nd American Society of Microbiology (ASM) Meeting, Salt Lake City, 19.05.2002.

  • Vortragende/r: MARGESIN, R.; LABBÉ, D.; SCHINNER, F.; GREER, C.; WHYTE, L.: Characterization of hydrocarbon degradative populations in Alpine soils.
    4th International Congress on Extremophiles, Neapel, 22.09.2002.

  • Vortragende/r: MAYR, D.; HARTUNGEN, E.; MÄRK, T.; MARGESIN, R.; SCHINNER, F.: Determination of the spoilage status of meat by aroma detection using proton-transfer-reaction mass-spectrometry.
    10th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Dijon, 25.06.2002.

  • Vortragende/r: MAYR, D.; HARTUNGEN, E.; MÄRK, T.D.; MARGESIN, R.; SCHINNER, F.: Quality control of meat using proton-transfer-reaction mass-spectrometry (PTR-MS.
    52. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Leoben, 23.09.2002.

  • Vortragende/r: MAYR, D.; MARGESIN, R.; SCHINNER, F.; MÄRK, T.D.: Investigation on the spoiling of meat using PTR-MS.
    XIIIth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2002), Going, 17.02.2002.

Publikationen 2001

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Margesin, R.; Schinner, F. (2001): Bioremediation (Natural Attenuation and Biostimulation) of Diesel-Oil-Contaminated Soil in an Alpine Glacier Skiing Area.
    In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67, S. 3127.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Review)
  • Margesin, R.; Schinner, F. (2001): Biodegradation and Bioremediation of Hydrocarbons in Extreme Environments.
    In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 56, S. 650.

  • Margesin, R.; Schinner, F. (2001): Potential of Halotolerant and Halophilic Microorganisms for Biotechnology.
    In: Extremophiles 5, S. 73.

Publikationen 2000

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Margesin, R. (2000): Potential of Cold-Adapted Microorganisms for Bioremediation of Oil-Polluted Alpine Soils.
    In: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 46, S. 3.

  • Margesin, R.; Schinner, F. (2000): Toxicity and Biodegradability of A Soil Conditioner.
    In: Die Bodenkultur. Austrian journal of agricultural research 51, S. 217.

  • Margesin, R.; Walder, G.; Schinner, F. (2000): The Impact of Hydrocarbon Remediation (Diesel Oil and Polycyclic Aromatic-Hydrocarbons) on Enzyme-Activities and Microbial Properties of Soil.
    In: Acta Biotechnologica 20, S. 313.

  • Margesin, R.; Zimmerbauer, A.; Schinner, F. (2000): Monitoring of Bioremediation by Soil Biological-Activities.
    In: Chemosphere 40, S. 339.

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