This list comprises all publications at the University of Innsbruck which are associated with the Research Area Digital Science Center. You can perform a more granular search for publications in the university's Research Documentation Database.
Publications 2025
(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series
(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
- Finotello, Francesca: Associate Editor - Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 2021-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: Geschäftsführende (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2023-12-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, 2023-09-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Zeitschrift "Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione", 2014-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Giacomuzzi, Renate: Mitherausgeberin -, 2012-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Holzmeister, Felix: Associate Editor - Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2019-04-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Howanitz, Gernot: Mitherausgeber - Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Erweitertes Editorial Board - Medienimpulse – Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Ralf Vollbrecht und Claudia Wegener) Buchreihe "Medien, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft" - Beltz Juventa, 2017-01-01 on-going.
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Kai-Uwe Hugger und Angela Tillmann) der Buchreihe „Digitale Kultur und Kommunikation“ - Springer, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Jatowt, Adam: Editorial Board Member - Journal of Social Computing (JoSC), 2022-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Kuntner, Walter: Editorial Board - Studies in Caucasian Archaeology, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Mühlberger, Günter: Editor - Digital Libraries, 2013-02-01 on-going.
- Pallaver, Günther; Hug, Theo; Missomelius, Petra: Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Die kleine Medienreihe - Studia-Universitäts-Verlag, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva: Herausgeberschaft - historia.scribere, 2008-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Rodriguez-R, LM: Guest Editor Reserach Topic: Diversity and Functions in Microbiome Beyond Species Level - Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022-05-08 on-going. (Web link)
- Tautschnig, Arnold: Mitherausgeber - bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement, 2010-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, R.: Review Editor: Section Neuroimaging Methods and Neurosctimulation - Frontiers in Psychology, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, Roberto: Associate Editor for the Section Neuroimaging Methods - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim: Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Statistical Software, 2010-03-01 on-going. (Web link)
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
- Baumann, Christian; Wohlgenannt, Philipp; Streicher, Wolfgang; Kepplinger, Peter (2025): Optimizing Heat Pump Control in an NZEB via Model Predictive Control and Building Simulation.
In: Energies 18/1, Nr. 100. (DOI) (Web link) - Bertron, A.; Grengg, C.; Peyre Lavigne, M.; Wack, H.; Gluth, G.J.; Aboulela, A.; Sonois, V.; Gehrke, T.; Mittermayr, F. (2025): Comparative evaluation of laboratory methods for performance assessment of cementitious materials in wastewater networks: Biological and chemical tests versus field exposure.
In: Cement and Concrete Research 188, No. 107741. (DOI) (Web link) - Drechsler, K.; Reibenspiess, V.; Eckhardt, A.; Wagner, H.-T. (2025): Understanding the Role of Innovation Actors’ Social Network in the Digital Age: A Literature Review and Avenues for Future Research.
In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 72, pp. 409 - 425. (DOI) (Web link) - Du, Sida; Zhao, Yongqing; Tian, Zhen; Geisler-Moroder, David; Wang, Wei (online first): Exploring GPU acceleration framework for climate based daylight modeling.
In: Building Simulation. An International Journal. (DOI) (Web link) - Geisler-Moroder, David; Knoflach, Christian (early view): Critical review of the daylight glare probability and proposal for modification for improved evaluation of small glare sources.
In: Lighting Research & Technology. (DOI) (Web link) - Geisler-Moroder, David; Lee, Eleanor S.; Apian-Bennewitz, Peter; de Boer, Jan; Bueno, Bruno; Deroisy, Bertrand; Fang, Yuan; Grobe, Lars O.; Hauer, Martin; Hoffmann, Sabine; Jonsson, Jacob C.; Maurer, Christoph; Plörer, Daniel; Subramaniam, Sarith; Tian, Zhen; Wand, Taoning; Ward, Greg; Weitlaner, Robert; Wilson, Helen Rose (online first): BSDF Data generation for daylight applications: A call for international standardization.
In: Lighting Research & Technology. (DOI) (Web link) - Hausberger, Lukas; Ressler, Christoph; Cordes, Tobias; Gschösser, Florian (2025 online first): Detaillierte Ökobilanzdaten für spezifische Betonsorten hergestellt in Österreich.
In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. (DOI) (Web link) - Hirschfeldt, Natasha; Furtmüller, Thomas; Adam, Christoph; Maderebner, Roland (online first): Compensated velocity feedback for non-collocated active vibration control.
In: Meccanica. (DOI) (Web link) - Platzer, N.; Stöckl, F.; Maier, C.; Eckhardt, A. (2025): Why Ex-Users Come Back: Revealing Characteristics and Patterns of Information System Use Resumption.
In: Information & Management 62/3, No. 104106. (DOI) (Web link) - Reum, Tobias; Schmitt, David; Summ, Thorsten; Trinkl, Christoph; Ochs, Fabian; Schrag, Tobias (Online First): Experimental Analysis of Parallel Operation of Two Heat Sources in a Dual-Source Heat Pump incorporating Two Compressors.
In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID. (DOI) (Web link) - Rudić, O.; Grengg, C.; Seyrek, Y.; Steindl, F.; Müller, C.; Zögl, I.; Wohlmuth, D.; Ukrainczyk, N.; Mittermayr, F. (2025): Drying shrinkage and carbonation of steel slag-metakaolin alkali-activated composites: Effect of vegetable oil addition and slag aggregates.
In: Cement and Concrete Research 189, No. 107764. (DOI) (Web link) - Scorpio, Michelangelo; Bladowski, Adam; Geisler-Moroder, David; Martyniuk-Pęczek, Justyna; Sibilio, Sergio; Pfluger, Rainer; Sokół, Natalia (2025): Virtual reality in lighting design: Insights from academia and an international survey among professionals.
In: Journal of Building Engineering 102, No. 112036. (DOI) (Web link) - Simon, SA; Aschmann, V; Behrendt, A; Hügler, M; Engl, LM; Pohlner, M; Rolfes, S; Brinkhoff, T; Engelen, B; Könneke, M; Rodriguez-R, LM; Bornemann, TLV; Nuy, JK; Rothe, L; Stach, TL; Beblo-Vranesevic, K; Leuko, S; Runzheimer, K; Möller, R; Conrady, M; Probst, AJ (2025): Earth's most needed uncultivated aquatic prokaryotes.
In: Water Research 273, p. No, 122928. (DOI) (Web link) - Trklja, Aleksandar (online first): The Textual Organisation of CJEU Judgments.
In: International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Zech, Philipp; Jäger, Alexandra; Fröch, Georg; Pfluger, Rainer; Breu, Ruth (Online First): Agile, continuous building energy modeling and simulation.
In: Simulation. Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, pp. 1 - 25. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Review)
- Kersken, Matthias; Rojas, Gabriel; Strachan, Paul (online first): Uncertainty of the predictions of different programs and modelling teams based on a detailed empirical validation dataset.
In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation. (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Original Paper)
- Hassan, A.; Radinger, S.; Rudic, O.; Ratz, B.; Steindl, F.; Mittermayr, F.; Zögl, I.; Raic, S.; Dietzel, M.; Grengg C. (2025): Austrian Mineral Waste Streams for Alkali-Activation: A Comprehensive Suitability Evaluation Approach.
In: RILEM Bookseries. Cham: Springer Nature., ISBN 2211-0852, Vol. 55, pp. 44 - 52. (Web link) - Pons Pineyro, M.; Galan, I.; Steindl, F.R.; Sakoparnig, M.; Mittermayr, F. (2025): Reactivity of Siderite (FeCO3) in Cementitious Systems and Its Potential Use as a Future SCM.
In: RILEM Bookseries. Cham: Springer Nature., ISBN 2211-0852, Vol. 55, pp. 225 - 232. (Web link) - Rudić, O.; Yunus, S.; Freytag, B.; Juhart, J.; Grengg, C.; Mittermayr, F. (2025): Development of Shrinkage/Crack-Controlled Alkali-Activated-Oil-Fibre Repair Mortars for Composite Applications.
In: RILEM Bookseries. Cham: Springer Nature., ISBN 2211-0852, Vol. 56, pp. 165 - 173. (Web link) - Steindl, F. R.; Radinger, S.; Hassan, A.; Rudic, O.; Weisser, K.; Krammer, A.; Doschek-Held, K.; Ratz, B.; Zögl, I.; Raič, S.; Mittermayr, F.; Vallazza-Grengg, C. (2025): Thermally Treated Residues and By-Products as Components of Waste-Based Alkali-Activated Materials.
In: RILEM Bookseries. Cham: Springer Nature., ISBN 2211-0852, Vol. 55, pp. 53 - 61. (Web link)
Proceedings Article
- Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian (2025): Comparative study on small-scale HPs for decentral DHW preparation in multi-family buildings.
In: Alexandros Charalambides: EuroSun 2024 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Sustainable and Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 26-30 August 2024, Limassol, Cyprus. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-9826306-0-1, pp. 273 - 284. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios; Venturi, Elisa; Monteleone, William (2025): Towards Digital Twin - Holistic Planning of Thermal Renovations with Heat Pumps in Multi-Apartment Buildings.
In: Berardi, Umberto (Eds.): Multiphysics and Multiscale Building Physics. Proceedings of the 9th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2024) Volume 3: Building Systems and HVAC Technologies. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 554)., ISBN 978-981-97-8316-8, pp. 11 - 17. (DOI) (Web link) - Streicher, Wolfgang; van Karsbergen, Vincent; Thür, Alexander; Ochs, Fabian (2025): Space Heating and Cooling Demand of Buildings In the Perspective of Climate Change in Cold and Hot Climates – Is this a Risk?
In: Alexandros Charalambides: EuroSun 2024 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Sustainable and Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 26-30 August 2024, Limassol, Cyprus. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-9826306-0-1, pp. 82 - 87. (DOI) (Web link)
Publications 2024
(Co-)Edited Books
Anthology / Collected Edition (Editorship)
- Pfanzelter, Eva; Rupnow, Dirk; Kovács, Èva; Windsperger, Marianne (2024): Connected Histories. Memories and Narratives of the Holocaust in Digital Space. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg (= Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics, 8). ISBN 9783111328812. (DOI) (Web link)
(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series
(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
- Finotello, Francesca: Associate Editor - Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 2021-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: Geschäftsführende (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2023-12-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, 2023-09-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Zeitschrift "Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione", 2014-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Giacomuzzi, Renate: Mitherausgeberin -, 2012-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hanke, Klaus: Member of Editorial Board - Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2012-01-01 - 2024-01-01. (Web link)
- Holzmeister, Felix: Associate Editor - Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2019-04-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Howanitz, Gernot: Mitherausgeber - Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Erweitertes Editorial Board - Medienimpulse – Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Ralf Vollbrecht und Claudia Wegener) Buchreihe "Medien, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft" - Beltz Juventa, 2017-01-01 on-going.
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Kai-Uwe Hugger und Angela Tillmann) der Buchreihe „Digitale Kultur und Kommunikation“ - Springer, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Jatowt, Adam: Editorial Board Member - Journal of Social Computing (JoSC), 2022-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Kuntner, Walter: Editorial Board - Studies in Caucasian Archaeology, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Mühlberger, Günter: Editor - Digital Libraries, 2013-02-01 on-going.
- Pallaver, Günther; Hug, Theo; Missomelius, Petra: Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Die kleine Medienreihe - Studia-Universitäts-Verlag, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva: Herausgeberschaft - historia.scribere, 2008-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pilz, Michael: Herausgeber der Reihe - Literaturkritik in Zahlen, 2016-01-01 - 2024-06-06. (Web link)
- Rodriguez-R, LM: Guest Editor Reserach Topic: Diversity and Functions in Microbiome Beyond Species Level - Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022-05-08 on-going. (Web link)
- Tautschnig, Arnold: Mitherausgeber - bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement, 2010-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, R.: Review Editor: Section Neuroimaging Methods and Neurosctimulation - Frontiers in Psychology, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, Roberto: Associate Editor for the Section Neuroimaging Methods - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim: Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Statistical Software, 2010-03-01 on-going. (Web link)
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
- Abdallah, Abdelrahman; Eberharter, Daniel; Pfister, Zoe; Jatowt, Adam (2024): A survey of recent approaches to form understanding in scanned documents.
In: Artificial Intelligence Review 57, No. 342. (DOI) (Web link) - Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Krusharova, Martina; Fend, Florian; Längle, Kai; Mathis, Thomas (2024): Thermal conductivity of biochar-clay composites for the internal insulation of buildings.
In: Case Studies in Construction Materials 21, No. e04083. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Bustos-Caparros, E; Viver, T; Gago, JF; Rodriguez-R, LM; Hatt, JK; Venter, SN; Fuchs, BM; Amann, R; Bosch, R; Konstantinidis, KT; Rossello-Mora, R. (2024): Ecological success of extreme halophiles subjected to recurrent osmotic disturbances is primarily driven by congeneric species replacement.
In: ISME Journal 18/1, No. wrae215. (DOI) (Web link) - Conrad, RE; Brink, CE; Viver, T; Rodriguez-R, LM; Aldeguer-Riquelme, B; Hatt, JK; Venter, SN; Rossello-Mora, R; Amann, R; Konstantinidis, KT (2024): Microbial species and intraspecies units exist and are maintained by ecological cohesiveness coupled to high homologous recombination.
In: Nature Communications 15/1, No. 9906. (DOI) (Web link) - Court, S. (2024): Feedback Stabilization of a Two-Fluid Surface Tension System Modeling the Motion of a Soap Bubble at Low Reynolds Number: The Two-Dimensional Case.
In: Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 26, No. 7. (DOI) (Web link) - Dandl, Susanne; Haslinger, Christian; Hothorn, Torsten; Seibold, Heidi; Sverdrup, Erik; Wager, Stefan; Zeileis, Achim (2024): What Makes Forest-Based Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimators Work?
In: Annals of Applied Statistics 18/1, pp. 506 - 528. (DOI) (Web link) - Díaz-García, L; Chuvochina, M; Feuerriegel, G; Bunk, Boyke; Spröer, C; Streit, WR; Rodriguez-R, LM; Overmann, J; Jiménez, DJ (2024): Andean soil-derived lignocellulolytic bacterial consortium as a source of novel taxa and putative plastic-active enzymes.
In: Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47/1, No. 126485. (DOI) (Web link) - Durani, K.; Eckhardt, A.; Durani, W.; Kollmer, T.; Augustin, N. (2024): Visual audience gatekeeping on social media platforms: A critical investigation on visual information diffusion before and during the Russo–Ukrainian War.
In: Information Systems Journal 34/2, pp. 415 - 468. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Fokkema, Marjolein; Zeileis, Achim (2024): Subgroup detection in linear growth curve models with generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) trees.
In: Behavior Research Methods 56, pp. 6759 - 6780. (DOI) (Web link) - Gómez-Espés, Alberto; Färber, Michael; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Benefits of International Collaboration in Computer Science: A Case Study of China, the European Union, and the United States.
In: Scientometrics 129/2, pp. 1155 - 1171. (DOI) (Web link) - Grengg, C.; Rudic, O.; Saade, M.R.M.; Steindl, F.; Wilkening, M.; Jodlbauer, A.; Zoegl, I.; Wohlmuth, D.; Mittermayr, F. (2024): Alkali activated steel slag – oil composites: Towards resource efficiency and CO2 neutrality.
In: Cement and Concrete Research 186, No. 107678. (DOI) (Web link) - Haag, S.; Eckhardt, A. (2024): Dealing Effectively with Shadow IT by Managing Both Cybersecurity and User Needs.
In: MIS Quarterly Executive 23/4, pp. 399 - 412. (DOI) (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Geisler-Moroder, David; Weninger, Johannes; Zech, Philipp; Pfluger, Rainer (2024): Market demands vs. scientific realities: A comparative analysis in the context of BIM-based and user-centred lighting control.
In: Developments in the Built Environment 19, Nr. 100526. (DOI) (Web link) - Hausberger, Lukas; Lutterbach, Jounes; Gschösser, Florian (2024): Modeling the Environmental Impact of Passenger Cars Driven on Hilly Roads in Austria: A More Accurate Valuation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Further Environmental Indicators for Integral Life Cycle Assessments of Road Infrastructures.
In: Buildings 14/1, No. 263. (DOI) (Web link) - Hoff, Johannes (2024): Can Scientific Agnosticism be Rational?: Idolatry and the 'Crisis of European Sciences' in the Age of the Digital Transformation.
In: Zeitschrift für Theologie und Philosophie 146/4, pp. 575 - 608. (Web link) - Hoff, Johannes (2024): Enlightenment Now! Overcoming the Kantian Legacy of Cognitive Functionalism.
In: Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 11/2, pp. 181 - 207. (DOI) (Web link) - Hoff, Johannes (2024): The Gift of Intelligence and the Sacramentality of Real Presence: Overcoming the Dataist Metaphysics of Modern Cognitivism.
In: Modern theology 40/4, pp. 921 - 947. (DOI) (Web link) - Hornsteiner, F.; Vierthaler, J.; Strandt, H.; Resag, A.; Fu, Z.; Ausserhofer, M.; Tripp, C.H.; Dieckmann, S.; Kanduth, M.; Farrand, K.; Bregar, S.; Nemati, N.; Hermann-Kleiter, N.; Seretis, Athanasios; Morla, S.; Mullins, D.; Finotello, F.; Trajanoski, Z.; Wollmann, G.; Ronchese, F.; Schmitz, M.; Hermans, I.F.; Stoitzner, P. (2024): Tumor-targeted therapy with BRAF-inhibitor recruits activated dendritic cells to promote tumor immunity in melanoma.
In: Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 12/4, No. e008606. (DOI) (Web link) - Hosokawa, Taishi; Jatowt, Adam; Sugiyama, Kazunari (2024): Temporal Validity Reassessment: Commonsense Reasoning about Information Obsoleteness.
In: Discover Computing 27, No. 4. (DOI) (Web link) - Jatowt, Adam; Sato, Mari; Draxl, Simon; Duan, Yijun; Campos, Ricardo; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi (2024): Is this News Article still Relevant? Ranking Documents by their Contemporary Relevance for Enhancing Archival Search.
In: International Journal on Digital Libraries 25/2, pp. 197 - 516. (DOI) (Web link) - Kalla, C; Ott, G; Finotello, F; Niewola-Staszkowska, K; Conza, GD; Lahn, M; van der Veen, L; Schüler, J; Falkenstern-Ge, R; Kopecka, J; Riganti, C (2024): The highly selective and oral phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta (PI3K-δ) inhibitor roginolisib induces apoptosis in mesothelioma cells and increases immune effector cell composition.
In: Translational Oncology 43, No. 101857. (DOI) (Web link) - Khan, Rehan; Neyer, Daniel; Kurzina, Irina; Kumar, Ritunesh (2024): Heat and mass transfer characteristics of vertical falling film cylindrical plastic surfaces under partial wetting conditions for liquid desiccant regeneration.
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 242, No. 122462. (DOI) (Web link) - Kinget, L; Naulaerts, S; Govaerts, J; Vanmeerbeek, I; Sprooten, J; Laureano, RS; Dubroja, N; Shankar, G; Bosisio, FM; Roussel, E; Verbiest, A; Finotello, F; Ausserhofer, M; Lambrechts, D; Boeckx, B; Wozniak, A; Boon, L; Kerkhofs, J; Zucman-Rossi, J; Albersen, M; Baldewijns, M; Beuselinck, B; Garg, AD (2024): A spatial architecture-embedding HLA signature to predict clinical response to immunotherapy in renal cell carcinoma.
In: Nature Medicine 30/6, pp. 1667 - 1679. (DOI) (Web link) - Kumar, Raghvendra; Goddu, Bhargav; Saha, Sriparna; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Silver Lining in the Fake News Cloud: Can Large Language Models Help Detect Misinformation?
In: IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 5/12. (DOI) (Web link) - Kumar, Raghvendra; Sinha, Ritika; Saha, Sriparna; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Extracting the Full Story: A Multimodal Approach and Dataset to Crisis Summarization in Tweets.
In: IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 11/6, pp. 7846 - 7856. (DOI) (Web link) - Lapuente-Santana, Óscar; Sturm, Gregor; Kant, Joan; Ausserhofer, Markus; Zackl, Constantin; Zopoglou, Maria; McGranahan, Nicholas; Rieder, Dietmar; Trajanoski, Zlatko; da Cunha Carvalho de Miranda, Noel Filipe; Eduati, Federica; Finotello, Francesca (2024): Multimodal analysis unveils tumor microenvironment heterogeneity linked to immune activity and evasion.
In: iScience 27/8, No. 110529. (DOI) (Web link) - Lindner, BG; Gerhardt, K; Feistel, DJ; Rodriguez-R, LM; Hatt, JK; Konstantinidis, KT (2024): A user's guide to the bioinformatic analysis of shotgun metagenomic sequence data for bacterial pathogen detection.
In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY 410, No. 110488. (DOI) (Web link) - Maierhofer, Dominik; van Karsbergen, Vincent; Potrˇc Obrecht, Tajda; Ruschi Mendes Saade, Marcella; Gingrich, Simone; Streicher, Wolfgang; Erb, Karl-Heinz; Passer, Alexander (2024): Linking forest carbon opportunity costs and greenhouse gas emission substitution effects of wooden buildings: The climate optimum concept.
In: Sustainable Production and Consumption 51, pp. 612 - 627. (DOI) (Web link) - Mason, M; Lapuente-Santana, Ó; Halkola, AS; Wang, W; Mall, R; Xiao, X; Kaufman, J; Fu, J; Pfeil, J; Banerjee, J; Chung, V; Chang, H; Chasalow, SD; Lin, HY; Chai, R; Yu, T; Finotello, F; Mirtti, T; Mäyränpää, MI; Bao, J; Verschuren, EW; Ahmed, EI; Ceccarelli, M; Miller, LD; Monaco, G; Hendrickx, WRL; Sherif, S; Yang, L; Tang, M; Gu, SS; Zhang, W; Zhang, Y; Zeng, Z; Das Sahu, A; Liu, Y; Yang, W; Bedognetti, D; Tang, J; Eduati, F; Laajala, TD; Geese, WJ; Guinney, J; Szustakowski, JD; Vincent, BG; Carbone, DP (2024): A community challenge to predict clinical outcomes after immune checkpoint blockade in non-small cell lung cancer.
In: Journal of Translational Medicine 22/1, p. No 190. (DOI) (Web link) - Mavi, Vaibhav; Jangra, Anubhav; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Multi-hop Question Answering.
In: Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 17/5, pp. 457 - 586. (DOI) (Web link) - Merotto, Lorenzo; Sturm, Gregor; Dietrich, Alex; List, Markus; Finotello, Francesca (2024): Making mouse transcriptomics deconvolution accessible with immunedeconv.
In: Bioinformatics Advances 4/1, Nr. vbae032. (DOI) (Web link) - Merotto, Lorenzo; Zopoglou, Maria; Zackl, Constantin; Finotello, Francesca (2024): Next-generation deconvolution of transcriptomic data to investigate the tumor microenvironment.
In: International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology 382, pp. 103 - 143. (DOI) (Web link) - Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Breuss, Samuel (2024): Simulation-assisted design of a silent façade-integrated R290 mini-split heat pump.
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 243, No. 122520. (DOI) (Web link) - Muschinski, Thomas; Mayr, Georg J.; Simon, Thorsten; Umlauf, Nikolaus; Zeileis, Achim (2024): Cholesky-based multivariate Gaussian regression.
In: Econometrics and Statistics 29, pp. 261 - 281. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Franzoi, Nicola; Dermentzis, Georgios; Monteleone, William; Magni, Mara (2024): Monitoring and Simulation-Based Optimization of two Multi-Apartment NZEBs with Heat Pump, Solar Thermal and PV.
In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation 17/1, pp. 1 - 26. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice; Venturi, Elisa; Breuss, Samuel; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios; Wemhoener, Carsten (2024): Characteristic Load Curves of Positive Energy Districts.
In: Solar Energy Advances 5, No. 100081. (DOI) (Web link) - Pichler, Christian; Maderebner, Roland; Dummer, Alexander; Stieb, Thomas; Lackner, Roman (2024): Scott Blair Fractional-Type Viscoelastic Behavior of Clear Spruce Wood: Influence of Compression Wood on Power-Law Stiffness Parameters.
In: Materials 17/22, No. 5477. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Rath, Brigitte (2024): Performing Meaning Against All Odds: Dice in the Actual Play Anthology 'Dimension 20'.
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In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129/1, No. e2023JD039505. (DOI) (Web link) - Stucke, Isabell; Morgenstern, Deborah; Zeileis, Achim; Mayr, Georg J.; Simon, Thorsten; Diendorfer, Gerhard; Schulz, Wolfgang; Pichler, Hannes (2024): Diagnosing upward lightning from tall objects from meteorological thunderstorm environments.
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In: International Journal of Legal Discourse 9/1, pp. 93 - 119. (DOI) (Web link) - Viver, T; Conrad, RE; Rodriguez-R, LM; Ramírez, AS; Venter, SN; Rocha-Cárdenas, J; Llabrés, M; Amann, R; Konstantinidis, KT; Rossello-Mora, R (2024): Towards estimating the number of strains that make up a natural bacterial population.
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In: Sustainable Cities and Society 117, No. 105943. (DOI) (Web link) - Zech, Philipp; Burger, Peter; Hammes, Sascha; Geisler-Moroder, David; Breu, Ruth (2024): BIMReason - Validating BIM Model Correctness.
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Journal Article (Review)
- Guo, Xuran; Tian, Zhen; Zhao, Yongqing; Geisler-Moroder, David; Hauer, Martin (2024): Enhancing indoor light and thermal performance with micro-prismatic materials for complex fenestration systems: A review.
In: Energy and Buildings 325, No. 115002. (DOI) (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Geisler-Moroder, David; Hauer, Martin; Weninger, Johannes; Obleitner, Maximilian; Miller, Josef; Plörer, Daniel; van Karsbergen, Vincent; Weitlaner, Robert; Pfluger, Rainer (2024): Concepts of user-centred lighting controls for office applications: A systematic literature review.
In: Building and Environment 254, No.111321. (DOI) (Web link) - Hauer, Martin; Hammes, Sascha; Zech, Philipp; Geisler-Moroder, David; Plörer, Daniel; Miller, Josef; van Karsbergen, Vincent; Pfluger, Rainer (2024): Integrating Digital Twins with BIM for Enhanced Building Control Strategies: A Systematic Literature Review Focusing on Daylight and Artificial Lighting Systems.
In: Buildings 14/3, No. 805. (DOI) (Web link) - Rojas, Gabriel; Fletcher, Martin; Johnston, David; Siddall, Mark (2024): A review of the indoor air quality in residential Passive House dwellings.
In: Energy and Buildings 306, No. 113883. (DOI) (Web link) - Ströhle, Thomas; Campos, Ricardo; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Contrastive Text Summarization: A Survey, International Journal of Data Science and Analytics.
In: International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 18, pp. 353 - 367. (DOI) (Web link) - Venter, SN; Rodriguez-R, LM; Chuvochina, M; Palmer, M; Hugenholtz, P; Steenkamp, ET (2024): Options and considerations for validation of prokaryotic names under the SeqCode.
In: Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47/6, No.126554. (DOI) (Web link) - Viviani, Roberto; Berres, J.; Stingl, J. C. (2024): Phenotypic Models of Drug–Drug-Gene Interactions Mediated by Cytochrome Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes.
In: CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 116/3, pp. 592 - 601. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Other)
- Campos, Ricardo; Jorge, Alípio M.; Jatowt, Adam; Bhatia, Sumit; Litvak, Marina; Cordeiro, João Paulo; Rocha, Conceição; Sousa, Hugo O.; Mansouri, Behrooz (2024): Report on the 7th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story 2024) at ECIR 2024.
In: SIGIR Forum 58/1. (DOI) (Web link) - Sutcliffe, I; Rodriguez-R, LM; Venter, SN; Whitman, WB (2024): Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? A call for community participation in the governance oft he SeqCode.
In: Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47, No. 126498. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Editorial)
- Jatowt, Adam; Katsurai, Marie; Syafiq Mohd Pozi, Muhammad; Campos, Ricardo (2024): Special issue on selected papers from ICADL 2022.
In: International Journal on Digital Libraries 25/1, pp. 73 - 74. (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Original Paper)
- Forster, Ellinor (2024): Die Eheangelegenheiten des Dechants von St. Jakob.
In: Egger, Matthias; Huber, Florian; Morscher, Lukas: Der Innsbrucker Dom zu Sankt Jakob. Bekanntes und Unbekanntes aus seiner Geschichte. Der Band zum 300. Jubiläum 1724 bis 2024. Innsbruck - Wien: Tyrolia., ISBN 978-3702242244, pp. 23 - 27. (Web link) - Missomelius, Petra (2024): Filmbildung und die Diversität digitaler Bewegtbildkulturen.
In: Beinsteiner, Andreas; Dittrich, Ann-Kathrin; Hug, Theo: Wissensdiversität und formatierte Bildungsräume. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= Medien - Wissen - Bildung)., ISBN 978-3-99106-129-8, pp. 267 - 275. (DOI) - Missomelius, Petra; Engelberger, Lukas (2024): Überwachung und Kontrolle durch Nahkörpertechnologie am Beispiel der GPS-Fußfessel.
In: Heinritz, Alena; Sexl, Martin: Die Materialität des Digitalen. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= schneeblind, 15)., ISBN 978-3-99106-133-5, pp. 175 - 192. - Pfanzelter, Eva (2024): "Option digital": Dokumentation der Südtiroler Option von 1939. Projektteil: Digitalisierung der "Optantenkartei".
In: Berger, Karl C.; Haidacher, Christoph; Morscher, Lukas; Nachbaur, Ulrich; Pfeifer, Gustav; Rupnow, Dirk; Schneider, Ingo; Überegger, Oswald; Wiener, Melanie: Vom Wert des Erinnerns II. Wissenschaftliche Projekte der Förderperiode 2019 - 2023. Innsbruck: Tiroler Landesarchiv (= Veröffentlichungen des Tiroler Landesarchivs, 26)., ISBN 978-3-901464-29-4, pp. 303 - 328. - Piater, Justus (2024): Generative Artificial Intelligence: How It Works And What It Can And Cannot Do.
In: Hug, Theo; Missomelius, Petra; Ortner, Heike: Künstliche Intelligenz im Diskurs. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur Gegenwart und Zukunft von KI-Anwendungen. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= Medien - Wissen - Bildung)., ISBN 978-3-99106-139-7, pp. 17 - 28. (DOI) (Web link) - Posch, Claudia (2024): Feministische Sprachpolitik in Österreich – Hot Topic oder Fail?
In: Vetter, Eva; de Cillia, Rudolf; Reisigl, Martin (Hrsg.): Sprachenpolitik in Österreich. Bestandsaufnahme 2021. Berlin u.a.: De Gruyter (= Sprache im Kontext / Language in Context, 50)., ISBN 978-3-11-132877-5, pp. 450 - 475. (DOI) (Web link) - Rath, Brigitte (2024): Pseudotranslation.
In: McElduff, Siobhán; Bandia, Paul; Hadley, James: Translation and the Classics. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9780815392040, pp. 111 - 138. (DOI) (Web link) - Rieg, Lorenzo; Knoflach, Bertram; Mühlegger, Hanspeter; Pfluger, Rainer; Streicher, Wolfgang (2024): Energy-Efficient Renovation of University Buildings and Their Use as Living Labs—The Technical Sciences Building at the University of Innsbruck as a Best Practice Example.
In: Leal Filho, Walter; Dibbern, Thais; Ruiz de Maya, Salvador; Alarcón-del-Amo, María-del-Carmen; Rives, Longinos Marin: The Contribution of Universities Towards Education for Sustainable Development. Cham: Springer Nature (= World Sustainability Series)., ISBN 978-3-031-49852-7, pp. 287 - 303. (DOI) (Web link)
Proceedings Article
- Abdallah, Abdelrahman; Kasem, Mahmoud; Abdalla, Mahmoud; Mahmoud, Mohamed; Elkasaby, Mohamed; Elbendary, Yasser; Jatowt, Adam (2024): ArabicaQA: A Comprehensive Dataset for Arabic Question Answering.
In: Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2024). July 14–18, 2024, Washington, DC, USA. New York: Association for Computing Machinery., ISBN 979-8-4007-0431-4, pp. 2049 - 2059. (DOI) (Web link) - Azhar, Nur Athirah; Mohd Pozi, Muhammad Syafiq; Din, Aniza Mohamed; Jatowt, Adam (2024): An Investigation of SMOTE Based Methods for Imbalanced Datasets with Data Complexity Analysis (Extended Abstract).
In: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2024). 13-16 May 2024. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press., ISBN 979-8-3503-1715-2, pp. 5735 - 5736. (DOI) (Web link) - Beck, Simon; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel (2024): Application strategies and effectiveness of CO₂ signal lights for improving indoor air quality in classrooms.
In: Wouters, Peter; Janssens, Arnold; Kapsalaki, Maria: Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality, 44th AIVC, 12th TightVent, 10th venticool Conference, Proceedings. Oct. 09 - 10 2024, Ghent, Belgium. Gent: Universiteit Gent / Ghent University / Universität Gent (= AIVC Conference Proceedings, 44)., ISBN 978-2-930471-68-6, pp. 194 - 208. - Campos, Ricardo; Jorge, Alipio; Jatowt, Adam; Bhatia, Sumit; Litvak, Marina (2024): The 7th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts: Text2Story 2024.
In: Goharian, N.; Tonellotto, N.; He, Y.; et al: Advances in Information Retrieval. Proceedings of the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024). Proceedings, Part V. Glasgow, UK, March 24–28, 2024. Cham: Springer Nature (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14612)., ISBN 978-3-031-56068-2, pp. 391 - 397. (DOI) (Web link) - Chimiak-Opoka, Joanna; Piater, Justus (2024): Minor Digital Science at the University of Innsbruck. The Dynamics of Multidisciplinary Education for Heterogeneous Groups.
In: Klein, Maike; Krupka, Daniel; Winter, Cornelia; Gergeleit, Martin; Martin, Ludger: INFORMATIK 2024. Lock-in or log out? Wie digitale Souveränität gelingt. 24.–26. September,
Wiesbaden. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (= GI-Edition: Lecture Notes in Informatics, 352)., ISBN 978-3-88579-746-3, pp. 2235 - 2242. (DOI) (Web link) - Dermentzis, Georgios; Tsaris, Anastasios; Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian (2024): Performance Evaluation of Decentralized Split Unit Air-to-air Heat Pumps.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 368 - 375. (DOI) (Web link) - Ding, Wenjian; Zhang, Yao; Wang, Jun; Jatowt, Adam; Yang, Zhenglu (2024): Can We Learn Question, Answer, and Distractors All from an Image? A New Task for Multiple-choice Visual Question Answering.
In: Calzolari, N.; Kan, M.-Y.; Hoste, V.; et al: Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). ELRA Language Resources Association (ELRA) and the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL)., pp. 2852 - 2863. (Web link) - Ding, Wenjian; Zhang, Yao; Wang, Jun; Jatowt, Adam; Yang, Zhenglu (2024): Exploring Union and Intersection of Visual Regions for Generating Questions, Answers, and Distractors.
In: Al-Onaizan, Yaser; Bansal, Mohit; Chen, Yun-Nung: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., pp. 1479 - 1489. (DOI) (Web link) - Duan, Yijun; Liu, Xin; Jatowt, Adam; Yu, Hai-Tao; Lynden, Steven; Matono, Akiyoshi (2024): Inexact Graph Representation Learning.
In: Proceedings of the 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press., ISBN 979-8-3503-5931-2. (DOI) (Web link) - Durani, K.; Eckhardt, A. (2024): From Simulation to Hyperreality: A Critical Investigation into the Role of Simulacra in Visual Formats on Social Media.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2024). Bangkok - Thailand, December 15-18. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS))., p. No 2522. (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Miller, Tristan; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Overview of the CLEF 2024 JOKER Task 1: Humour-aware Information Retrieval.
In: Faggioli, G.; Ferro, N.; Galuščáková, P.; de Herrera, A.G. S. (Eds.): Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2024). Aachen:, pp. 1775 - 1785. (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Miller, Tristan; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Overview of the CLEF 2024 JOKER Task 3: Translate puns from English to French.
In: Faggioli, G.; Ferro, N.; Galuščáková, P.; de Herrera, A.G. S. (Eds.): Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2024). Aachen:, pp. 1800 - 1810. (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Miller, Tristan; Palma Preciado, Victor Manuel; Sidorov, Grigori; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Overview of the CLEF 2024 JOKER Track.
In: Goeuriot, L; Mulhem, P.; Quénot, G.; Schwab, D.; Di Nunzio, G.M.; Soulier, M.; Galuščáková, P.; de Herrera, A.G.S.; Faggioli, G.; Ferro, N. (Eds.): Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. 15th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2024, Grenoble, France, September 9–12, 2024, Proceedings, Part II. Cham: Springer., ISBN 978-3-031-71907-3, pp. 165 - 182. (DOI) (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Miller, Tristan; Thomas-Young, Treamine; Palma Preciado, Victor Emanuel; Sidorov, Grigori; Jatowt, Adam (2024): CLEF 2024 JOKER Lab: Automatic Humour Analysis.
In: Goharian, N.; Tonellotto, N.; He, Y.; et al: Advances in Information Retrieval. Proceedings of the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024). Proceedings, Part VI. Glasgow, UK, March 24–28, 2024. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14613)., ISBN 978-3-031-56071-2, pp. 36 - 43. (DOI) (Web link) - Flach, Michael (2024): Renovation of a farmhouse and conversion into a multi-generational home in Trins, Gschnitztal, Austria.
In: Passivhausinstitut: Proceedings of the 27th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 372 - 377. (Full-text) (Web link) - Geisler-Moroder, David; Prost, Lukas; Roy, Nicolas (2024): Effect of Dew Point Temperature and Sky Patch Discretization on Annual Daylight Simulations.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 120 - 127. (DOI) (Web link) - Habla, M.; Napirata, S.; Wrabel, A.; Kupfer, A.; Zimmermann, S. (2024): Never Again “The Pizza was Great!” – Developing Design Principles for Dynamic Review Templates.
In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024 Proceedings. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI))., No. 40. (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Pfluger, Rainer (2024): Concepts and support solutions for serial refurbishment and evaluation of real case studies in the EU-project outPHit.
In: Advanced Building Skins GmbH: Proceedings of the 19th Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo (ABS). 28.-29. October 2024, Bern, Switzerland. Wilen: Advanced Building Skins GmbH., ISBN 978-3-9524883-2-4, pp. 273 - 282. (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Pfluger, Rainer (2024): Decision Support Tool - comparison and evaluation of renovation concepts for residential buildings via a web application with PHPP variant calculation.
In: Passivhausinstitut: Proceedings of the 27th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 324 - 331. (Full-text) (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Zech, Philipp; Geisler-Moroder, David; Goldin, Emanuele; Pfluger, Rainer (2024): BIM und Beleuchtungssteuerungen – Entwicklung von Werkzeugen basierend auf Literatur- und Marktanalysen.
In: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft Österreichs (LTG): Langfassungen zum lichttechnischen Kongress 2024 & 100 Jahre LTG, Lichttechnische Gesellschaft Österreichs (LTG), Andau, Österreich, Jun. 04.-05., 2024. Verträgliches, qualitätsvolles Licht – nicht erst zukünftig, sondern bereits Realität! Absdorf: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft., pp. 1 - 12. (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Zech, Philipp; Geisler-Moroder, David; Goldin, Emanuele; Pfluger, Rainer (2024): Konzepte zur BIM-basierten Konfiguration und Parametrisierung von Beleuchtungssteuerungen abgeleitet aus Literatur- und Marktrecherchen.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 48 - 55. (DOI) (Web link) - Hillberger, Thomas; Maderebner, Roland; Dietsch, Philipp (2024): Aktiv geregelte Schwingungsdämpfer zur Reduzierung der Schwingbeschleunigung.
In: 7. Internationalen Fachtagung Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT 2024). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Proceedings. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb)., pp. 253 - 262. (Web link) - Hotter, N.; Stöckl, F.; Meier, M.; Rous, S.; Eckhardt, A.; Maier, C. (2024): What Pulls Ex-Users Back? A Value-Based Perspective on Explaining SNS Use Resumption.
In: Avital, M.; Karahanna, E.; Themistocleous, M.; et al.: Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2024). Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS))., ISBN 978-1-958200-10-0, No. 1555. (Web link) - Jakob, Uli; Vasta, Salvatore; Weiss, Wolfgang; Neyer, Daniel; Kohlenbach, Paul (2024): Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions – Results From Task 65 Activities.
In: International Solar Energy Society: Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2023. New Dehli , India, 30.10.2023 - 04.11.2023. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-982 0408-9-9, pp. 312 - 323. (DOI) (Web link) - Kraler, Anton (2024): Schallschutz - Projektbeispiele für ökonomisches Bauen.
In: 7. Internationalen Fachtagung Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT 2024). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Proceedings. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb)., pp. 55 - 62. - Kraler, Anton; Saltuari, Martin; Pomaroli, Andreas (2024): Wood-Wood System Connection for Elements - A Hook-in System. A Fire Protection Case Study of a Multi-storey Timber Building.
In: Makovicka Osvaldova, Linda; Hasburgh, Laura E.; Das, Oisik: Wood & Fire Safety 2024. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wood & Fire Safety 2024, 12 - 15 May, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia. Cham: Springer International Publishing., ISBN 978-3-031-59176-1, pp. 292 - 299. (DOI) (Web link) - Kumar, A.; Burtscher, C.; Eckhardt, A. (2024): Cracking Political Deepfakes: An Exploratory Study to Unveil Cues for Detection. Extended Abstract.
In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024 Proceedings. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI))., No. 119. (Web link) - Kumar, A.; Burtscher, C.; Eckhardt, A. (2024): Unmasking the Phantom: Discovering Exogenous Cues to Detect Political Deepfake Images.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2024). Bangkok - Thailand, December 15-18. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS))., No. 2101. (Web link) - Maderebner, Roland; Hillberger, Thomas (2024): Eurocode 5 - neue Regeln zur Gebrauchstauglichkeit.
In: 7. Internationalen Fachtagung Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT 2024). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Proceedings. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb)., pp. 229 - 238. (Web link) - Maderebner, Roland; Hirschmüller, Sebastian; Reuß, Sophia; Flach, Michael (2024): Smart Timber Grid – neue Verbindungstechniken für Balkenroste.
In: Forum-Holzbau: 28. Internationales Holzbau-Forum (IHF 2024). Aus der Praxis - Für die Praxis. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb)., ISBN 978-3-906226-68-2, pp. 295 - 304. - Maderebner, Roland; Stieb, Thomas; Maurer, Bernhard (2024): Punktgestützte Flachdecken aus Holz - technische Lösungen und Praxisbeispiele.
In: Sandhaas, Carmen: Karlsruher Tage 2024 - Holzbau : Forschung für die Praxis. Karlsruhe, 10. Oktober - 11. Oktober 2024. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing., ISBN 978-3-7315-1379-7, pp. 51 - 70. (DOI) (Web link) - Maderebner, Roland; Stieb, Thomas; Rathiens, Linda; Tomasi, Roberto (2024): Reinforcements for Compression Perpendicular to Grain of CLT Elements with Fully Threaded Screws: Experimental Validation of the Design Model.
In: Görlacher, Rainer: Proceedings of the International Network on Timber Engineering Research (INTER) Meeting 57. Padova, Italy, 26 - 29 August 2024. Karlsruhe: Timber Scientific Publishing., pp. 243 - 258. - Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Venturi, Elisa (2024): Impact of Zoning Strategy on Heating Load, Heating Demand, Comfort and Air Quality for a Flat Equipped with Different Ventilation Systems.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 423 - 430. (DOI) (Web link) - Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Venturi, Elisa; Dermentzi, Georgios; Malzer, Harald Konrad (2024): Simulation-based comparison of energy demand, CO2-emissions and Life Cycle Cost of different HVAC systems for Passive Houses.
In: Passivhausinstitut: Proceedings of the 27th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 421 - 426. (Full-text) (Web link) - Maleczek, Rupert; Bernhard, Marcus; Maderebner, Roland; Preisinger, Clemens (2024): Fold and Snap - Flatpacking a Wooden Beam.
In: Block, Philippe; Boller, Giulia; DeWolf, Catherine; Pauli, Jacqueline; Kaufmann, Walter (Eds.): Proceedings of the IASS 2024. Redefining the Art of Structural Design. August 26-30, 2024, Zurich Switzerland. Madrid: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) (= Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia)., pp. 1 - 9. (Web link) - Miller, Josef; Jäger, Alexandra; Fröch, Georg; Pfluger, Rainer; Zech, Philipp; Hauer, Martin (2024): Combined web-based and BIM tool plugin toolchain to support data exchange during BIM2SIM workflows.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 40 - 47. (DOI) (Web link) - Miller, Josef; Pfluger, Rainer; Hauer, Martin (2024): Revit2DALEC: A BIM-based building energy performance simulation tool used during the early design stage for orientation and location optimization.
In: IBPSA – Internation Building Performance Simulation Association: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA. September 4-6, 2023. Shanghai, China. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-3-6, pp. 2251 - 2258. (DOI) (Web link) - Monteleone, William; Fink, Jürgen; Ochs, Fabian (2024): Evaluation of the sound emissions of multiple split heat pumps in a renovation project.
In: Passivhausinstitut: Proceedings of the 27th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 353 - 358. (Full-text) (Web link) - Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian (2024): Modelling Ice Formation and De-icing for Enhanced Performance of Compact Facade-integrated Air-to-Water Heat Pumps.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 400 - 407. (DOI) (Web link) - Mozafari, Jamshid; Abdallah, Abdelrahman; Piryani, Bhawna; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Exploring Hint Generation Approaches for Open Domain Question Answering.
In: Al-Onaizan, Yaser; Bansal, Mohit; Chen, Yun-Nung: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024. Miami, Florida, USA. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., pp. 9327 - 9352. (DOI) (Web link) - Mozafari, Jamshid; Jangra, Anubhav; Jatowt, Adam (2024): TriviaHG: A Dataset for Automatic Hint Generation from Factoid Questions.
In: Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2024). July 14–18, 2024, Washington, DC, USA. New York: Association for Computing Machinery., ISBN 979-8-4007-0431-4, pp. 2060 - 2070. (DOI) (Web link) - Muchorowska, Marianna; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Rössler, Albert (2024): Hygrothermal performance of internal insulation systems with moisture-adaptive vapour retarders.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 32 - 39. (DOI) (Web link) - Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Mutumba, Raymond; Kigozi, Julia (2024): Productive use of solar enery - techno-economic assessment of a pineapple drying pilot in Uganda.
In: AEE INTEC: ISEC 2024. The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems - Conference Proceedings. 10 - 11 April 2024, Graz. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 283 - 284. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara; Venturi, Elisa; Monteleone, William (2024): Optimal planning of deep thermal renovation and heat pump application in buildings.
In: Passivhausinstitut: Proceedings of the 27th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 117 - 121. (Full-text) - Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara (2024): Wärmepumpenkonzepte für die Sanierung von Mehrfamilienhäusern.
In: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg: Economicum: Leistbares und energieeffizientes Wohnen. Themenband Session 13: Herausforderung Altbau. Dornbirn: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg., pp. 26 - 47. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios; Monteleone, William; Venturi, Elisa (2024): Solide Planung als Grundlage effi zienter Wärmepumpensysteme.
In: 7. Internationalen Fachtagung Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT 2024). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Proceedings. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb)., online. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios; Venturi, Elisa; Monteleone, William (2024): Integrated planning tool for thermal refurbishment and the use of heat pumps in apartment blocks.
In: BAUZ! 2024. Schon umgestellt! Komponenten, Bauwerke, Quartiere / Switch-over completed! Components, building structures, neighborhoods. Internationaler Kongress, 15. und 16. April 2024. Wien: IBO-Verlag., ISBN 978-3-900403-55-3, pp. 40 - 44. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice; Magni, Mara (2024): Reduction of the Winter Gap Problem - Energy Efficiency vs. Energy Flexibility.
In: Kuznik, F. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 16th IEA ES TCP International Conference on Energy Storage (ENERSTOCK 2024). Lyon, 5-7 June 2024. INSAVALOR., ISBN 978-2-9595978-0-0, pp. 440 - 443. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Venturi, Elisa; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios (2024): Towards Positive Energy Districst - District Innsbruck CampagneCAMPAGNE.
In: AEE INTEC: ISEC 2024. The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems - Conference Proceedings. 10 - 11 April 2024, Graz. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 131 - 132. (Web link) - Ostheimer, Manuel; Neyer, Daniel; Jakob, Uli (2024): Solar cooling for the sunbelt regions - highlight from task 65 activites.
In: AEE INTEC: ISEC 2024. The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems - Conference Proceedings. 10 - 11 April 2024, Graz. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 309 - 310. (Web link) - Palma Preciado, Victor Manuel; Sidorov, Grigori; Ermakova, Liana; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Miller, Tristan; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Overview of the CLEF 2024 JOKER Task 2: Humour Classification According to Genre and Technique.
In: Faggioli, G.; Ferro, N.; Galuščáková, P.; de Herrera, A.G. S. (Eds.): Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2024). Aachen:, pp. 1786 - 1799. (Web link) - Pfluger, Rainer; Hammes, Sascha; Frei, Andreas (2024): EnerPHit for a climate-resilient St. Johann (EnerPHit-for-2040).
In: Passivhausinstitut: Proceedings of the 27th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 281 - 286. (Full-text) (Web link) - Piryani, Bhawna; Abdallah, Abdelrahman; Mozafari, Jamshid; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Detecting Temporal Ambiguity in Questions.
In: Al-Onaizan, Yaser; Bansal, Mohit; Chen, Yun-Nung: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024. Miami, Florida, USA. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., pp. 9620 - 9634. (DOI) (Web link) - Piryani, Bhawna; Mozafari, Jamshid; Jatowt, Adam (2024): ChroniclingAmericaQA: A Large-scale Question Answering Dataset based on Historical American Newspaper Pages.
In: Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2024). July 14–18, 2024, Washington, DC, USA. New York: Association for Computing Machinery., ISBN 979-8-4007-0431-4, pp. 2038 - 2048. (DOI) (Web link) - Prenninger, Klaus; Schnitzer, Johannes; Rojas, Gabriel (2024): Potentiale zur Betriebsoptimierung und Effizienzsteigerung von Lüftungsanlagen – Kenngrößen und Methoden.
In: Gremmel-Simon, H. (Ed.): Intelligente Energie- und Klimastrategien: Energie - Gebäude - Umwelt. e-nova Internationaler Kongress 2024. 12. und 13. Juni, 2024. Pinkafeld: Fachhochschule Burgenland (= Science.Research.Pannonia, 30)., pp. 173 - 182. (DOI) (Web link) - Regev, Juwal; Jatowt, Adam; Färber, Michael (2024): Future Timelines: Extraction and Visualization of Future-related Content from News Articles.
In: Luz, A.; Lattanzi, S.; et al: Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2024). Merida Mexico, March 4 - 8, 2024. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 979-8-4007-0371-3, pp. 1082 - 1085. (DOI) (Web link) - Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Frei, Andreas (2024): Active volume flow control as a passive component in a Passive House – a new development.
In: Passivhausinstitut: Proceedings of the 27th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 168 - 171. (Full-text) (Web link) - Schmidt, Thomas; Reisenbichler-S, Michael; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Siffnaios, Ioannis; van der Wilk, Steven; Gauthier, Geoffroy; Thornton, Jeff; Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Formhals, Julian (2024): Comparative Simulations for the Verification of Simulation Models for Large Thermal Energy Storages.
In: Kuznik, F. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 16th IEA ES TCP International Conference on Energy Storage (ENERSTOCK 2024). Lyon, 5-7 June 2024. INSAVALOR., ISBN 978-2-9595978-0-0, pp. 75 - 78. (DOI) (Web link) - Sojitra, Daivik; Jain, Raghav; Saha, Sriparna; Jatowt, Adam; Gupta, Manish (2024): Timeline Summarization in the Era of LLMs.
In: Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2024). July 14–18, 2024, Washington, DC, USA. New York: Association for Computing Machinery., ISBN 979-8-4007-0431-4, pp. 2657 - 2661. (DOI) (Web link) - Steiger, T.; Durani, K.; Just, J.; Hutter, K.; Eckhardt, A. (2024): From Concept to Creation: Artificial Intelligence in Innovation Teams. Short Paper.
In: Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2024). Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)., No. 16. (Web link) - Stieb, Thomas; Maderebner, Roland; Dietsch, Philipp (2024): Biegesteifer Plattenstoß zwischen Brettsperrholzelementen – eine Lösung mit Holz-Beton-Verbund.
In: Kuhlmann, Ulrike; Grönquist, Philippe; Tapia, Cristóbal; Buchholz, Lea: Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau "Forschung und Praxis", 18./19. März 2024, Stuttgart. Tagungsband. Stuttgart: Universität Stuttgart., pp. 145 - 152. (DOI) (Web link) - Strobel, Michael; Jakob, Uli; Ostheimer, Manuel; Neyer, Daniel (2024): Building optimization combined with solar heating and cooling in Nepal.
In: International Solar Energy Society: Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2023. New Dehli , India, 30.10.2023 - 04.11.2023. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-982 0408-9-9, pp. 340 - 348. (DOI) (Web link) - Thür, Alexander (2024): PV driven air heat pump using overheating effects as thermal battery in single familiy houses.
In: AEE INTEC: ISEC 2024. The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems - Conference Proceedings. 10 - 11 April 2024, Graz. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 376 - 377. (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian (2024): Comparison of detailed large-scale Thermal Energy Storage simulation models.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 18 - 25. (DOI) (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian (2024): Role of seasonal thermal energy storage coupled with heat pumps in achieving the energy autarky of districts.
In: AEE INTEC: ISEC 2024. The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems - Conference Proceedings. 10 - 11 April 2024, Graz. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 378 - 381. (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Muser, Christoph (2024): Understanding and overcoming the challenges for the integration of large-scale Thermal Energy Storage.
In: Kuznik, F. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 16th IEA ES TCP International Conference on Energy Storage (ENERSTOCK 2024). Lyon, 5-7 June 2024. INSAVALOR., ISBN 978-2-9595978-0-0, pp. 569 - 572. (DOI) (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Muser, Christoph; Hengel, Franz (2024): Optimized Thermodynamics and Building Physics of large-scale Thermal Energy Storage.
In: Alexandros Charalambides: EuroSun 2024 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Sustainable and Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 26-30 August 2024, Limassol, Cyprus. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-9826306-0-1, pp. 623 - 634. (DOI) (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Streicher, Wolfgang; Magni, Mara; Venturi, Elisa (2024): Methodology for the calculation of energy scenarios to achieve carbon neutrality in the building stock.
In: IBPSA – Internation Building Performance Simulation Association: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA. September 4-6, 2023. Shanghai, China. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-3-6, pp. 2734 - 2741. (DOI) (Web link) - Venturi, Elisa; Breuss, Samuel; Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian (2024): Campagne project: Passive houses to enable Positive Energy District.
In: Passivhausinstitut: Proceedings of the 27th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 231 - 236. (Full-text) (Web link) - Venturi, Elisa; Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian (2024): Techno-Economic Analysis of the Heating System Robustness.
In: AEE INTEC: ISEC 2024. The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems - Conference Proceedings. 10 - 11 April 2024, Graz. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 382 - 384. (Web link) - Venturi, Elisa; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios (2024): Evaluation of positive energy districts with district heating and heat pumps.
In: Alexandros Charalambides: EuroSun 2024 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Sustainable and Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 26-30 August 2024, Limassol, Cyprus. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-9826306-0-1, pp. 409 - 420. (DOI) (Web link) - Venturi, Elisa; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios; Breuss, Samuel (2024): Modelling Approaches for Decentral Domestic Hot Water Heat Exchangers in Hydronic Simulations.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 223 - 230. (DOI) (Web link) - Wallat, Jonas; Jatowt, Adam; Anand, Avishek (2024): Temporal Blind Spots in Large Language Models.
In: Luz, A.; Lattanzi, S.; et al: Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2024). Merida Mexico, March 4 - 8, 2024. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 979-8-4007-0371-3, pp. 683 - 692. (DOI) (Web link) - Wemhoener, Carsten; Ochs, Fabian; Betzold, Christina; Bockelmann, Franziska (2024): IEA HPT Annex 61 - Simulation von Wärmepumpen in Plusenergiequartieren.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 184 - 191. (DOI) (Web link) - Wemhöner, Carsten; Bockelmann, Franziska; Ochs, Fabian; Hummel, Sebastian (2024): Annex 61 - State of heat pumps in positive energy districts.
In: Wu, Yupeng (Jack): 1st International Conference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment (ZCBE). 3 - 5 July 2024, University of Nottingham, UK. Nottingham: Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottigham., pp. 1 - 8. - Wenzel, Georg; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Temporal Validity Change Prediction.
In: Ku, Lun-Wei; Martins, Andre; Srikumar, Vivek: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024. Bangkok, Thailand. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., pp. 1424 - 1446. (DOI) (Web link) - Wu, Yiquan; Zhou, Anlai; Liu, Yuhang; Liu, Yifei; Jatowt, Adam; Lu, Weiming; Xiao, Jun; Kuang, Kun (2024): Chain-of-Quizzes: Pedagogy-inspired Example Selection in In-Context-Learning.
In: Ku, Lun-Wei; Martins, Andre; Srikumar, Vivek: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024. Bangkok, Thailand. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., pp. 10136 - 10142. (DOI) (Web link) - Yu, Yi; Sugiyama, Kazunari; Jatowt, Adam (2024): Sequential Recommendation with Collaborative Explanation via Mutual Information Maximization.
In: Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2024). July 14–18, 2024, Washington, DC, USA. New York: Association for Computing Machinery., ISBN 979-8-4007-0431-4, pp. 1062 - 1072. (DOI) (Web link) - Zech, Philipp; Burger, Peter; Hammes, Sascha; Geisler-Moroder, David; Breu, Ruth (2024): BIMReason - Validating BIM Model Correctness.
In: Bednar, Thomas: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2024. 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Proceedings. 23-26 September 2024, Vienna, Austria. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-200-10068-8, pp. 56 - 63. (DOI) (Web link)
Proceedings Article (Abstract)
- Hillberger, Thomas; Furtmüller, Thomas; Maderebner, Roland (2024): Active mass dampers for cross laminated timber floors - comparison between experimental and numerical investigations.
In: Christian, Hellmich; Bernhard, Pichler; Stefan, Scheiner: ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2024 International Conference. Book of Abstracts. September 11-13, 2024 | Vienna, Austria. Wien: Technische Universität Wien., p. 49. (Web link) - Rojas, Gabriel; Goreth, Sebastian; Beck, Simon; Krois, Elena; Hechenberger, Christian (2024): Raumluftqualität in Klassenzimmer – Mit welchen Maßnahmen kann sie verbessert werden?
In: ESCA 2024 Conference. Book of Abstracts. Vienna, 3-6 April. Berlin: European Citizen Science Association (ESCA)., p. 136. (Web link) - Rojas, Gabriel; Weißbacher, Clemens; Greml, Andreas; Pfluger, Rainer; Tappler, Peter (2024): Ist eine ausreichende Raumbelüftung über Fenster möglich? Entwicklung einer auf Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen basierenden Berechnungsmethode zur Bewertung der sich einstellenden CO2-Konzentration und des Schimmelrisikos.
In: Elektronischer Tagungsband - Innenraumluft 2024 - Messen, Bewerten und Gesundes Wohnen. 06.-08. Mai 2024, Dessau-Roßlau. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt., No. A11. (Web link) - Streicher, Wolfgang; Mailer, Markus; Ebenbichler, Rupert; Hertl, Andreas; Hofmann, Angela; Schaaf, Nina (2024): Fossilfreies Energiesystem - Beispiel Tirol.
In: EnInnov2024 - 18. Symposium Energieinnovation - Abstracts. 14.02.-16.02.2024. Graz: Technische Universität Graz., online. (Web link)
Contribution to Textbook, Scientific
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; Rauchegger, Clara; Vural, Meryem (2024): § 16 Digitalwirtschaftsrecht.
In: Pache, Eckhard; Knauff, Matthias: Europäisches öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht. Lehr- und Studienbuch anhand der EuGH-Rechtsprechung. Stuttgart [u.a.]: Kohlhammer (= Studienbücher Rechtswissenschaft)., ISBN 978-3-17-035184-4, 3., überarb. Auflage, pp. 340 - 359. (Web link) - Posch, Claudia (2024): Forschungsintegrität und Digital Humanities. Ein ethischer Kompass für Studierende.
In: Antenhofer, Christina; Kühberger, Christoph; Strohmeyer, Arno: Digital Humanities in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Wien: UTB Böhlau (= UTB, 6116)., ISBN 978-3-8252-6116-0, pp. 524 - 543. (DOI) (Web link)
Foreword / Afterword of Monograph / Critical Edition
- Hoff, Johannes (2024): Nachwort.
In: Bérard, Bruno; La Fata, Aldo: Théologie pour tous: Avec les contributions d’un moine ami. Paris [u.a.]: L'Harmattan., ISBN 9782336488387, pp. 223 - 237. (Web link) - Hoff, Johannes (2024): Postface (Nachwort).
In: Bérard, Bruno: Conversations avec ChatGPT sur l’homme, le monde, Dieu et l’intelligence artificielle: Intelligence ou raison artificielle ? Postface de Johannes Hoff. Paris [u.a.]: L'Harmattan (= Métaphysique au quotidien)., ISBN 978-2336488233, pp. 109 - 113. (Web link) - Hoff, Johannes (2024): Vorwort.
In: Bérard, Bruno; La Fata, Aldo: Théologie pour tous: Avec les contributions d’un moine ami. Paris [u.a.]: L'Harmattan., ISBN 9782336488387, pp. 9 - 15. (Web link)
Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
- Gary, Gisela; Gschösser, Florian (2024): Potentiale erkennen und nützen (Interview).
In: zement+beton 2024/1, pp. 30 - 31. - Geisler-Moroder, David; De Boer, Jan (2024): New Shading Standard Turns To BSDF Data GenerationFor Complex Fenestration Systems.
In: SHC Solar Update Newsletters 80, p. 26. (Web link) - Maderebner, Roland; Hirschmüller, Sebastian (2024): Sanierung einer Brettsperrholzdecke - so kann es gehen.
In: Der Zimmermann: Fachzeitschrift für Praxis und Bildung im Holzbau 9/2024, pp. 8 - 15. - Rath, Brigitte (2024): Striefstum. Zur Frage der Kreativität künstlicher Intelligenz.
In: Zukunft Forschung. Das Magazin für Wissenschaft und Forschung der Universität Innsbruck 16/1, p. 50. (Web link)
Book Chapter, Transfer-Oriented
- Kraler, Anton; Kaiser, Stephan (2024): Research and Development on Reclaimed Cross-laminated Timber.
In: Ferscha, Alois: New Deal - Austrian Research Agenda. ÖWGP Österreichische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktionstechnik. Linz: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU)., ISBN 978-3-200-09843-5, pp. 140 - 145. (Web link)
(Book) Reviews
Journal Article (Book Review)
- Forster, Ellinor (2024): Andreas Rutz, Die Beschreibung des Raums. Territoriale Grenzziehungen im Heiligen Römischen Reich (Norm und Struktur. Studien zum sozialen Wandel im Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit 48), Köln/Weimar/Wien 2018.
In: Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione 33/1, pp. 235 - 236. (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2024): Erika Kustatscher, Die Innsbrucker Linie der Thurn und Taxis – Die Post in Tirol und den Vorlanden (1490–1769) (Schlern-Schriften 371), Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2018.
In: Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte 42, pp. 187 - 189. (DOI) (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2024): Theresa Phipps und Deborah Youngs (Hg.), Litigating Women. Gender and Justice in Europe, c. 1300–c. 1800. London/New York: Routledge, 2022.
In: L'Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft 2024/2, pp. 149 - 151. (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication, Scientific
- Ostheimer, Manuel; Vasta, Salvatore; Jakob, Uli; Neyer, Daniel (2024): Adapted Systems. This is a report from SHC Task 65: Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions and work performed in Subtask A: Adaptation. (DOI) (Web link)
- Steininger, K.W.; Riahi, K.; Stagl, S.; Kromp-Kolb, H.; Kirchengast, G.; Rosen-feld, D.C.; Bockreis, A.; ..., ...; Wehner, M.; ..., ...; Streicher, W.; Beck, S.; ..., ...; Tappeiner, U.; et. al. (2024): Nationaler Energie- und Klimaplan (NEKP) für Österreich - Wissenschaftliche Bewertung der in der Konsultation 2023 vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen. (Web link)
- Strobel, Michael; Jakob, Uli; Hamza H. Ali, Ahmed; Kohlenbach, Paul (2024): Roadmaps for Solar Cooling in Sunbelt Countries. This is a report from SHC Task 65: Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions and work performed in Subtask D: Dissemination. (DOI) (Web link)
Electronic Publication (Preprint)
- Dummer, Alexander; Maderebner, Roland; Erlacher, Manuel (2024): On the time-dependent deformation in wooden members subjected to sustained compression perpendicular to the grain: An experimental study of sleeper-column joints at constant ambient conditions. (DOI) (Web link)
- Kosmidis, Ioannis; Zeileis, Achim (2024): Extended-support beta regression for [0,1] responses. (DOI)
- Labek, Karin; Bennett-Long, S.; Viviani, Roberto (2024): AI-driven assessment of semantic similarity and association of responses between the 'Big Five' and DSM-5/ICD-11 personality traits. (DOI) (Web link)
- Valente, Marica (2024): Heterogeneous Crop Yield Responses to Climate Change: A Causal Machine Learning Approach. (DOI) (Web link)
- Valente, Marica; Gries, Timm; Trapani, Lorenzo (2024): Informal employment from migration shocks. (DOI) (Web link)
- Zackl, C; Zopoglou, M; Stauffer, R; Ausserhofer, M; Ijetoselsteijn, M; Sturm, G; de Miranda, N; Finotello, F (2024): spacedeconv: deconvolution of tissue architecture from spatial transcriptomics. (DOI) (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim (2024): Examining Exams Using Rasch Models and Assessment of Measurement Invariance. (DOI)
Research Report (Commissioned Research)
- Adl-Zarrabi, Bijan; Wetzel, Hendrik; Navarro, Helena; Peham, Lukas; Wallner, Gernot; Vang Bobach, Morten; Tosatto, Alice; Kalantar, Adib; Labda, Thomas; Riegler, Thomas; Bilidis, Nikolaos; Ochs, Fabian: Task 39 - Large Thermal Energy Storages for District Heating, Subtask B: Components and Materials Database. Deliverable B: Main report.
International Energy Agency (IEA ES TCP) - Energy Storage Technology Collaboration Programme, Paris, 2024-04-16. (Web link) - Ebenbichler, Rupert; Gleirscher, Robert; Hertl, Andreas; Hofmann, Angela; Schaaf, Nina; Streicher, Wolfgang; Tosatto, Alice; Mailer, Markus; Neugebauer, Dominik: Energie-Zielszenario Tirol 2050 - Aktualisierung 2024.
Energie Tirol, Innsbruck, 2024-06-21. (Web link) - Gschösser, Florian; Hausberger, Lukas; Veit-Egerer, Robert; Barkow, Helga; Weigert, Maximilian; Raab, Jacqueline; Gruber, Verena; Heck, Detlef; Silberknoll, Jürgen: Österreichische Bautechnik, Endbericht 1: Lebenszyklustool zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Verkehrsinfrastrukturen.
Österreichische Bautechnik Vereinigung, Wien, 2023-03-01 - 2024-02-28. (Web link) - Häberlein, Anika; Hausberger, Lukas; Gschösser, Florian: Lebenszyklusorientierte Treibhausgas-Analyse von Brücken, FLUGHAFEN WIEN – OSTBAHN, Fuß- und Radwegbrücke Obj. S406 km 40,691.
Fachbereich Brückenbau der ÖBB, Wien, 2024-05-01 - 2024-10-31. - Häberlein, Anika; Hausberger, Lukas; Gschösser, Florian: Lebenszyklusorientierte Treibhausgas-Analyse von Brücken, KÖSTENDORF – SALZBURG, KS05 Straßenbrücke Hilgertsheim km 292,182.
Fachbereich Brückenbau der ÖBB, Wien, 2024-05-01 - 2024-10-31. - Schmidt, Thomas; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Gauthier, Geoffroy; Sifnaios, Ioannis; Thornton, Jeff; Fan, Jianhua; Formhals, Julian; Reisenbichler-Sommerhofer, Michael; van der Wilk, Steven: Task 39 - Large Thermal Energy Storages for District Heating, Subtask C: Round Robin Simulations, Deliverable C1: Numerical models list – Overview and collection of model fact sheets.
International Energy Agency (IEA ES TCP) - Energy Storage Technology Collaboration Programme, Paris, 2024-06-19. (Web link) - Schmidt, Thomas; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Gauthier, Geoffroy; Sifnaios, Ioannis; Thornton, Jeff; Formhals, Julian; Reisenbichler-Sommerhofer, Michael; Oerlemans, Peter: Task 39 - Large Thermal Energy Storages for District Heating, Subtask C: Round Robin Simulations, Deliverable C2a: Modelling guidelines – Round Robin test case description (for comparative simulations).
International Energy Agency (IEA ES TCP) - Energy Storage Technology Collaboration Programme, Paris, 2024-06-19.
Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
- Court, Sébastien (2024): On the Stability of Soap Bubbles and Liquid Drops. In: DiSC Blog, 5. März. (DOI) (Web link)
- Jakob, Uli; Neyer, Daniel; Calderoni, Marco (2024): Chapter 5.6: Solar Air Conditioning and Cooling. In: Werner Weiss, Monika Spörk-Dür: Solar Heat Worldwide (Edition 2024), AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies,Gleisdorf, Austria and International Energy Agency. (DOI) (Web link)
- Kupper, Patrick (2024): Zu den Anfängen des amtlichen Naturschutzes in Tirol. Naturschutzgeschichte(n). In: Blog Blog Naturschutzgeschichte(n). (Web link)
- Neyer, Daniel; Beyl, Jan W.; Munoke, Lars; Jakob, Uli (2024): Technical and Economic Database for Assessment of Solar Cooling. IEA SHC Task 65, Subtask C: Assessment and Tools, Deliverable C4. (DOI) (Web link)
Other Publication, Transfer-Oriented
- Gschösser, Florian (2024): Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 - Neubau U-Bahnlinie U5 Hamburg. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck. (Web link)
Publications 2023
Monograph, Scientific
- Pfanzelter, Eva (2023): #URL Holocaust digital. Verhandlungen des Genozids zwischen Public History, Geschichtspolitik und Kommerz. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP). ISBN 978-3-99106-111-3. (DOI) (Web link)
Textbook, Scientific
- Rudloff, Birgit; Zeileis, Achim (2023): Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Eine Einführung mit anwendungsorientierten Beispielen. Version 2023. published online / Internetpublikation. ISBN 979-8-8597-6351-1. (Web link)
(Co-)Edited Books
Proceedings (Editorship)
- (2023): Paper und Präsentationen der COMSOL Conference 2023. 25-27 Oktober, München. München: Comsol. ISBN 978-1-7364524-1-7.
(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series
(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
- Campos, Ricardo; Jorge, Alipio Mario; Jatowt, Adam; Bhatia, Sumit; Litvak, Marina: Volume 3370: Text2Story 2023. Sixth Workshop on Narrative Extraction From Texts.
Proceedings of Text2Story — Sixth Workshop on Narrative Extraction From Texts held in conjunction with the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023) - CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2023-04-02. (Web link) - Finotello, Francesca: Associate Editor - Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 2021-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: Geschäftsführende (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2023-12-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, 2023-09-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2021-01-01 - 2023-11-30. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Zeitschrift "Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione", 2014-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Giacomuzzi, Renate: Mitherausgeberin -, 2012-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Gschösser, Florian; Flora, Matthias; Sander, Philip; Sitzenfrei, Robert: Guest Editor - Special Issue "Sustainable Development of Construction Management and Engineering" - Sustainability - Open Access Journal, 2022-01-01 - 2023-01-31. (Web link)
- Hanke, Klaus: Member of Editorial Board - Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2012-01-01 - 2024-01-01. (Web link)
- Holzmeister, Felix: Associate Editor - Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2019-04-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Howanitz, Gernot: Mitherausgeber - Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Erweitertes Editorial Board - Medienimpulse – Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Ralf Vollbrecht und Claudia Wegener) Buchreihe "Medien, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft" - Beltz Juventa, 2017-01-01 on-going.
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Kai-Uwe Hugger und Angela Tillmann) der Buchreihe „Digitale Kultur und Kommunikation“ - Springer, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Jatowt, Adam: Editorial Board Member - Journal of Social Computing (JoSC), 2022-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Kuntner, Walter: Editorial Board - Studies in Caucasian Archaeology, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Mühlberger, Günter: Editor - Digital Libraries, 2013-02-01 on-going.
- Pallaver, Günther; Hug, Theo; Missomelius, Petra: Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Die kleine Medienreihe - Studia-Universitäts-Verlag, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva: Herausgeberschaft - historia.scribere, 2008-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pilz, Michael: Herausgeber der Reihe - Literaturkritik in Zahlen, 2016-01-01 - 2024-06-06. (Web link)
- Rodriguez-R, LM: Guest Editor Reserach Topic: Diversity and Functions in Microbiome Beyond Species Level - Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022-05-08 on-going. (Web link)
- Tautschnig, Arnold: Mitherausgeber - bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement, 2010-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, R.: Review Editor: Section Neuroimaging Methods and Neurosctimulation - Frontiers in Psychology, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, Roberto: Associate Editor for the Section Neuroimaging Methods - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim: Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Statistical Software, 2010-03-01 on-going. (Web link)
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
- Abdallah, Abdelrahman; Piryani, Bhawna; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Exploring the State of the Art in Legal QA Systems.
In: Journal of Big Data 10/1, Nr. 127. (DOI) (Web link) - Augustin, N.; Eckhardt, A.; de Jong, A. (2023): Understanding decentralized autonomous organizations from the inside.
In: Electronic Markets 33/1, No. 38. (DOI) (Web link) - Azhar, Nur A.; Mohd Pozi, Syafiq M.; Din, Aniza M.; Jatowt, Adam (2023): An Investigation of SMOTE based Methods for Imbalanced Datasets with Data Complexity Analysis.
In: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35/7, pp. 6651 - 6672. (DOI) (Web link) - Baruzzo, Giacomo; Serafini, Agnese; Finotello, Francesca; Sanavia, Tiziana; Cioetto-Mazzabò, Laura; Boldrin, Francesca; Lavezzo, Enrico; Barzon, Luisa; Toppo, Stefano; Provvedi, Roberta; Manganelli, Riccardo; Di Camillo, Barbara (2023): Role of the Extracytoplasmic Function Sigma Factor SigE in the Stringent Response of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
In: Microbiology Spectrum 11/2, No. e0294422. (DOI) (Web link) - Borras, D. M.; Verbandt, S.; Ausserhofer, M.; Sturm, G.; Lim, J.; Verge, G. A.; Vanmeerbeek, I.; Laureano, R. S.; Govaerts, J.; Sprooten, J.; Hong, Y.; Wall, R.; De Hertogh, G.; Sagaert, X.; Bislenghi, G.; D'Hoore, A.; Wolthius, A.; Finotello, F.; Park, W.-Y.; Naulerts, S.; Tejpar, S.; Garg, A. D. (2023): Single cell dynamics of tumor specificity vs bystander activity in CD8+ T cells define the diverse immune landscapes in colorectal cancer.
In: Cell Discovery 9, Nr. 114. (DOI) (Web link) - Fandrych, Christian; Meißner, Cordula; Schwendemann, Matthias; Wallner, Franziska (2023): ZUMAL: Zielgruppenspezifische Gesprächsauswahl aus Korpora gesprochener Sprache.
In: Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache 3/1, pp. 13 - 43. (DOI) (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Weninger, Johannes (2023): Measurement data on the window opening behavior and climate in a strongly daylit office building.
In: Data in Brief 46, Nr. 108794. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Han, Fei; Liu, Bin; Feist, Wolfgang; Pfluger, Rainer; Dermentzis, Georgios (2023): Operational performance evaluation of a Passive House residential building in northern China based on long-term monitoring in winter.
In: Indoor and Built Environment 32/7, pp. 1464 - 1486. (DOI) (Web link) - Hausberger, Lukas; Cordes, Tobias; Gschösser, Florian (2023): Life Cycle Assessment of High-Performance Railway Infrastructure. Analysis of Superstructures in Tunnels and on Open Tracks.
In: Sustainability 15/9, No. 7064. (DOI) (Web link) - Hiebel, Gerald; Danthine, Brigit; Peralta Friedburg, Milena; Scherer-Windisch, Manuel (2023): Prehistoric Mining Data: How to create Open Data from archaeological research for the ARIADNE community and beyond.
In: Internet Archaeology 64. (DOI) (Web link) - Jangra, Anubhav; Mukherjee, Sourajit; Jatowt, Adam; Saha, Sriparna; Hasanuzzaman, Mohammad (2023): A Survey on Multi-modal Summarization.
In: ACM Computing Surveys 55/13s, Nr. 296. (DOI) (Web link) - Katsianis, Markos; Bruseker, George; Nenova, Denitsa; Marlet, Olivier; Hivert, Florian; Hiebel, Gerald; Ore, Christian-Emil; Derudas, Paola; Opitz, Rachel; Uleberg, Espen (2023): Semantic Modelling of Archaeological Excavation Data. A review of the current state of the art and a roadmap of activities.
In: Internet Archaeology 64. (DOI) (Web link) - Kollmer, T.; Eckhardt, A. (2023): Dark Patterns. Conceptualization and Future Research Directions.
In: Business & Information Systems Engineering 65/1, pp. 201 - 208. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Kraler, Anton (2023): Praktikable Schallschutzlösungen im Holzbau.
In: Der Sachverständige - Fachzeitschrift für Sachverständige, Kammern, Gerichte und Behörden 2023/4, pp. 200 - 203. (Web link) - Labek, Karin; Sittenberger, E.; Kienhöfer, V.; Rabl, Luna; Messina, I.; Schurz, Matthias; Stingl, J. C.; Viviani, Roberto (2023): The gradient model of brain organization in decisions involving 'empathy for pain'.
In: CEREBRAL CORTEX 33/10, pp. 5839 - 5850. (DOI) (Web link) - Luo, Yongqiang; Cui, De'en; Hu, Lei; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice; Xu, Guozhi; Tian, Zhiyong; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Yu, Jinghua; Yuan, Guofeng; Chen, Yaowen; Wang, Dengjia; Liu, Yanfeng; Fan, Jianhua (2023): Semi-analytical modeling of large-scale water tank for seasonal thermal storage applications.
In: Energy and Buildings 278, No. 112620. (DOI) (Web link) - Missomelius, Petra (2023): Schieflagen. Zum Moratorium Digitalisierung und frühkindliche Medienerziehung.
In: Medienimpulse. Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik 61/4, pp. 1 - 15. (DOI) (Web link) - Morgenstern, D.; Stucke, I.; Mayr, G. J.; Zeileis, A.; Simon, T. (2023): Thunderstorm environments in Europe.
In: Weather and Climate Dynamics 4/2, pp. 489 - 509. (DOI) (Web link) - Muschinski, Thomas; Mayr, Georg; Zeileis, Achim; Simon, Thorsten (2023): Robust Weather-Adaptive Postprocessing Using Model Output Statistics Random Forests.
In: Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 30/4, pp. 503 - 514. (DOI) (Web link) - Paulmichl, Maria (2023): Verfahrensautonomie unter Druck: Auf dem Weg zu einem unionsrechtlichen Rechtskraftverständnis im Verbraucherrecht?
In: Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union 20/3, pp. 106 - 114. (DOI) (Web link) - Paulmichl, Maria; Wörle, Linus (2023): Tagung zur Nachhaltigkeit im Spiegel des Rechts.
In: Nachhaltigkeitsrecht. Zeitschrift für das Recht der nachhaltigen Entwicklung 3/1, pp. 117 - 123. (Web link) - Perez Villeda, Hector; Piater, Justus; Saveriano, Matteo (2023): Learning and Extrapolation of Robotic Skills using Task-Parameterized Equation Learner Networks.
In: Robotics and Autonomous Systems 160, No. 104309. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Pérez-Quintero, A L; Rodriguez-R, L M; Cuesta-Morrondo, E H; Hakalová, E; Betancurt-Anzola, D; Valera, LCC; Cardenas, LAC; Matiz-Céron, L; Jacobs, JM; Roman-Reyna, V; Muñoz, AR; Giraldo, AJB; Koebnik, R (2023): Comparative genomics identifies conserved and variable TAL effectors in African strais oft he cotton pathogen Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum.
In: Phytopathology 113/8, pp. 1387 - 1393. (DOI) (Web link) - Plattner, C.; Lamberti, G.; Blattmann, P.; Kirchmair, A.; Rieder, D.; Loncova, Z.; Sturm, G.; Scheidl, S.; Ijsselsteijn, M.; Fotakis, G.; Noureen, A.; Lisandrelli, R.; Böck, N.; Nemati, N.; Krogsdam, A.; Daum, S.; Finotello, F.; Somarakis, A.; Schäfer, A.; Wilflingseder, D.; Trojanoski, Z. (2023): Functional and spatial proteomics profiling reveals intra- and intercellular signaling crosstalk in colorectal cancer.
In: iScience 26/12, Nr. 108399. (DOI) (Web link) - Posch, Claudia (2023): Half-Witted or Hard-Working-Fun-Loving Women? – A Corpus-Assisted Study of Gendered Collocation in the New Zealand Alpine Club Journal Corpus.
In: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 71/3, pp. 241 - 263. (DOI) (Web link) - Puhr, Harald; Kupfer, Alexander (2023): Media in the Geopolitical Crossfire: Idenfication and Novel Data Sources for IB Research.
In: Academy of International Business Insights (AIB Insights) 23/1, pp. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Web link) - Rath, Brigitte (2023): Nicht-einsprachig unterrichten. Uljana Wolfs "dust bunnies".
In: Informationen zur Deutschdidaktik 47/1, pp. 44 - 53. (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara; Stangl, Florian (2023): Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit im Sinne der Taxonomieverordnung. Environmental Sustainability in the Sense of the Taxonomy Regulation.
In: Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht 78/2, pp. 251 - 268. (DOI) (Web link) - Razen, M.; Kupfer, A. (2023): The effect of tax transparency on consumer and firm behavior: Experimental evidence.
In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 104, No. 101990. (DOI) (Web link) - Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Greml, Andreas; Pfluger, Rainer; Tappler, Peter (2023): Assessing the “sufficient ventilation” requirement for Austrian buildings: development of a Monte Carlo based spreadsheet calculation to estimate airing intervals and mould risk in window ventilated buildings.
In: International Journal of Ventilation 22/4, pp. 336 - 345. (DOI) (Web link) - Simon, T.; Mayr, G.; Morgenstern, D.; Umlauf, N.; Zeileis, A. (2023): Amplification of annual and diurnal cycles of alpine lightning.
In: Climate Dynamics 61/9-10, pp. 4125 - 4137. (DOI) (Web link) - Siriaraya, Panote; Zhang, Yihong; Kawai, Yukiko; Jeszenszky, Péter; Jatowt, Adam (2023): A City-Wide Examination of Fine-Grained Human Emotions through Social Media Analysis.
In: PLoS One 18/2, Nr. e0279749. (DOI) (Web link) - Strobel, Michael; Jakob, Uli; Streicher, Wolfgang; Neyer, Daniel (2023): Spatial Distribution of Future Demand for Space Cooling Applications and Potential of Solar Thermal Cooling Systems.
In: Sustainability 15/12, No. 9486. (DOI) (Web link) - Stucke, Isabell; Morgenstern, Deborah; Diendorfer, Gerhard; Mayr, Georg J.; Pichler, Hannes; Schulz, Wolfgang; Simon, Thorsten; Zeileis, Achim (2023): Upward Lightning at the Gaisberg Tower: The Larger-Scale Meteorological Influence on the Triggering Mode and Flash Type.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128/10, No. e2022JD0377776. (DOI) (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian (2023): Simulation-based performance evaluation of large-scale thermal energy storage coupled with heat pump in district heating systems.
In: Journal of Energy Storage 61, No. 106721. (DOI) (Web link) - Venturi, Elisa; Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios (2023): Identifying the influence of user behaviour on building energy consumption based on model-based analysis of in-situ monitoring data.
In: Journal of Building Engineering 64/1, No. 105717. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Yu, Hai Tao; Piryani, Rajesh; Jatowt, Adam; Inagaki, Ryo; Joho, Hideo; Kim, Kyoung Sook (2023): An in-depth study on adversarial learning-to-rank.
In: INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 26, Nr. 1. (DOI) (Web link) - Zeileis, Achim; Murrell, Paul (2023): Coloring in R's Blind Spot.
In: The R Journal 15/3, pp. 240 - 256. (DOI) (Web link) - Zeuge, A.; Schaefer, C.; Weigel, A.; Eckhardt, A.; Niehaves, B. (2023): Crisis-driven digital transformation as a trigger for process virtualization: Fulfilling knowledge work process requirements for remote work.
In: International Journal of Information Management 70, No. 102636. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Review)
- Embacher, J; Zeilinger, S; Kirchmair, M; Rodriguez, R LM; Neuhauser, S (2023): Wood decay fungi and their bacterial interaction partners in the built environment–A systematic review on fungal bacteria interactions in dead wood and timber.
In: Fungal Biology Reviews 45, No. 100305. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
- Böck, Caroline F.; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2023): The Pandemic's Comparative Impact on Constitutional Checks and Balances within the EU: Update and Perspectives.
In: Future Law Working Papers 2023, No.3. (Web link) - Morgenstern, Deborah; Stucke, Isabell; Mayr, Georg J.; Zeileis, Achim; Simon, Thorsten (2023): Thunderstorm Types in Europe.
In: Weather and Climate Dynamic Discussions. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
- Alisade, Hubert; Calvanese, Diego; Klarer, Mario; Mosca, Alessandro; Ndefo, Nonyelum; Rangger, Bernadette; Tratter, Aaron (2023): Exploration of Medieval Manuscripts through Keyword Spotting in the MENS Project.
In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3537, pp. 67 - 74. (Web link) - Beelen, Kaspar; Chambers, Sally; Düring, Marten; Hollink, Laura; Jänicke, Stefan; Jean-Caurant, Axel; Noordegraaf, Julia; Pfanzelter, Eva (2023): Fairness and Transparency throughout a Digital Humanities Workflow: Challenges and Recommendations.
In: Dagstuhl Reports 12/7, pp. 144 - 174. (DOI) (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Miller, Tristan; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Palma-Preciado, Victor Manuel; Sidorov, Grigori; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Overview of JOKER 2023 Automatic Wordplay Analysis Task 1 – Pun Detection.
In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3497, pp. 1785 - 1803. (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Miller, Tristan; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Palma-Preciado, Victor Manuel; Sidorov, Grigori; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Overview of JOKER 2023 Automatic Wordplay Analysis Task 2 - Pun Location and Interpretation.
In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3497, pp. 1804 - 1817. (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Miller, Tristan; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Palma-Preciado, Victor Manuel; Sidorov, Grigori; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Overview of JOKER 2023 Automatic Wordplay Analysis Task 3 - Pun Translation.
In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3497, pp. 1818 - 1827. (Web link) - Reicho, Stefan; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Innsbruck @ JOKER2023 Task 1: Data Augmentation Techniques for Humor Recognition in Text.
In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3497, pp. 1918 - 1924. (Web link)
Journal Article (Other)
- Campos, Ricardo; Jorge, Alipio M.; Jatowt, Adam; Bhatia, Sumit; Litvak, Marina; Cordeiro, Joao Paulo; Rocha, Conceicao; Sousa, Hugo; Mansouri, Behrooz (2023): Report on the 6th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story 2023) at ECIR 2023.
In: SIGIR Forum 57/1, pp. 1 - 12. (Web link) - Virshup, Isaac; Bredikhin, Danila; Heumos, Lukas; Palla, Giovanni; Sturm, Gregor; Gayoso, Adam; Kats, Ilia; Koutrouli, Mikaela; Community, Scverse; Berger, Bonnie; Pe'er, Dana; Regev, Aviv; Teichmann, Sarah A; Finotello, Francesca; Wolf, Alexander; Yosef, Nir; Stegle, Oliver; Theis, Fabian J (2023): The scverse project provides a computational ecosystem for single-cell omics data analysis.
In: Nature Biotechnology 41/5, pp. 604 - 606. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Editorial)
- Eckhardt, A. (2023): Trending topics workshop.
In: Information Systems Journal 33/6, pp. 1423 - 1425. (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Original Paper)
- Birke, Dorothee (2023): `Doing` Literary Reading Online: The Case of BookTube.
In: Ensslin, Astrid; Round, Julia; Thomas, Bronwen: The Routledge Companion to Literary Digital Media. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9780367635695, pp. 468 - 478. (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2023): Geteiltes Land – intensivierte Kooperation. Schlesien als gemeinsame Agenda Österreichs im 18. Jahrhundert.
In: Braun, Bettina: Konkurrenz und Transfer. Das preußisch-österreichische Verhältnis im 18. Jahrhundert. Bielefeld: Transcript., ISBN 978-3-8376-6777-6, pp. 183 - 200. (DOI) (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2023): New Possibilities – New Practices? Divorces of Jewish Couples under the Purview of the Austrian Civil Code in the 19th Century: Provisions, Agreements, and Property Issues.
In: Griesebner, Andrea; Doxiadis, Evdoxios: Gender and Divorce in Europe: 1600 – 1900. A Praxeological Perspective. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9781032369327, pp. 213 - 225. (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2023): Verhandeln alter Strukturen im neuen System. Selbstverständnis der Salzburger Stände in der Habsburgermonarchie.
In: Schennach, Martin; Lahner, Julian: Zwischen Teilhabe, Revolte und Marginalisierung? Die Stände der österreichischen Länder in der Neuzeit (1500–1848/49). Wien: Verlag Österreich., ISBN 978-3-7046-9056-2, pp. 223 - 244. (Web link) - Leerssen, Paddy; Heldt, Amelie; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2023): Scraping By? Europe’s law and policy on social media research access.
In: Strippel, Christian; Paasch-Colberg, Sünje; Emmer, Martin; Trebbe, Joachim: Challenges and Perspectives of Hate Speech Research. Berlin: Böhland & Schremmer Verlag (= Digital Communication, 12)., ISBN 978-3-945681-12-1, pp. 405 - 425. (DOI) (Web link) - Oberbichler, Sarah; Pfanzelter, Eva (2023): Tracing Discourses in Digital Newspaper Collections. A Contribution to Digital Hermeneutics while Investigating ‘Return Migration’ in Historical Press Coverage.
In: Bunout, Estelle; Ehrmann, Maud; Clavert, Frédéric: Digitised Newspapers - A New Eldorado for Historians? Reflections on Tools, Methods and Epistemology. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg (= Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics, 3)., ISBN 978-3-110729719, pp. 125 - 152. (DOI) (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara; Jaud, Philipp (2023): Grundrechte.
In: Klamert, Markus: Europarecht Jahrbuch 23. Wien: Verlag Österreich., ISBN 978-3-7083-4145-3, pp. 89 - 108. (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Other)
- Klarer, Mario; Tratter, Aaron; Alisade, Hubert (2023): Ambraser Heldenbuch: Transcription and Scientific Dataset.
In: Bleier, Roman; Klug, Helmut: Digitale Edition in Österreich. Berlin: Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik e. V. (IDE) (= Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 16)., ISBN 9783743102842, pp. 182 - 183. (Web link)
Proceedings Article
- Aye, Lu; Daborer-Prado, Nayrana; Neyer, Daniel; Jakob, Uli (2023): Third Update on Activity C1 Design Tools and Models, Task 65 Solar Cooling Sunbelt Regions.
In: Australian PV Institute (Eds.): Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2023 (APSRC, 2023). 5 - 7 December, 2023, RMIT, Melbourne. published online / Internetpublikation., ISBN 978-0-6480414-7-4, online. (Web link) - Beck, S.; Rojas-Kopeinig, G.; Goreth, S.; Krois, E.; Hechenberger, C. (2023): Indoor air quality in Austrian classrooms: Assessing different ventilation strategies with a citizen science approach.
In: Wouters, Peter; Janssens, Arnold; Afshari, Alireza; Kapsalaki, Maria: Proceedings of 43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent & 9th Venticool Conference 2023 - Ventilation, IEQ, and health in sustainable buildings. 4 Oct 2023 → 5 Oct 2023, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC., ISBN 978-2-930471-65-5, pp. 566 - 574. (Web link) - Campos, Ricardo; Correia, Diogo; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Public News Archive: A Searchable Sub-archive to Portuguese Past News Articles.
In: Kamps, Jaap; Goeuriot, L.; Crestani, F.; Maistro, M.; Joho, H.; Davis, B.; Gurrin, C.; Kruschwitz, U.; Caputo, A.: Advances in Information Retrieval. 45th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2023, Proceedings, Part III. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13982)., ISBN 978-3-031-28240-9, pp. 211 - 216. (DOI) (Web link) - Campos, Ricardo; Jatowt, Adam; Jorge, Alípio (2023): Text Mining and Visualization of Political Party Programs Using Keyword Extraction Methods: The Case of Portuguese Legislative Elections.
In: Sserwanga, I.; Goulding, A.; Moulaison-Sandy, H.; Du, J. T.; Soares, A. L.; Hessami, L; Frank, R. D.: Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity. 18th International Conference, iConference 2023, Virtual Event, March 13–17, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. Cham: Springer Nature (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science)., ISBN 978-3-031-28035-1, pp. 340 - 349. (DOI) (Web link) - Campos, Ricardo; Jorge, Alípio; Jatowt, Adam; Bhatia, Sumit; Litvak, Marina (2023): The 6th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts: Text2Story 2023.
In: Kamps, Jaap; Goeuriot, L.; Crestani, F.; Maistro, M.; Joho, H.; Davis, B.; Gurrin, C.; Kruschwitz, U.; Caputo, A.: Advances in Information Retrieval. 45th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2023, Proceedings, Part III. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13982)., ISBN 978-3-031-28240-9, pp. 377 - 383. (DOI) (Web link) - Duan, Yijun; Liu, Xin; Jatowt, Adam; Yu, Haitao; Lynden, Steven J.; Kim, Kyoung-Sook; Matono, Akiyoshi (2023): What Wikipedia Misses about Yuriko Nakamura? Predicting Missing Biography Content by Learning Latent Life Patterns.
In: Gal, Kobi; Nowé, A.; Nalepa, G. J.; Fairstein, R.; Radulescu, R.: ECAI 2023. 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. September 30–October 4, 2023, Kraków, Poland. Including 12th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2023). Proceedings. Amsterdam - Berlin [u.a.]: IOS Press (= Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 372)., ISBN 978-1-64368-436-9, pp. 583 - 589. (DOI) (Web link) - Durani, K.; Hoppe, F.; Eckhardt, A. (2023): A Feminist Ethics of Power Perspective on Gender Inequalities in Information Systems Development.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2023). Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS))., No. 1809. (Web link) - Eder, Lukas; Campos, Ricardo; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Contrastive Keyword Extraction from Versioned Documents.
In: Frommholz, I; Hopfgartner, F.; Lee, M.; et al: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2023). Birmingham United Kingdom, October 21 - 25, 2023. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 979-8-4007-0124-5, pp. 5026 - 5030. (DOI) (Web link) - Erlebach, S.; Kupfer, A.; Wrabel, A.; Zimmermann, S. (2023): Tagging the Fakes? - The Impact of Tagging Fake Reviews on Consumer Trust and Purchase Intention.
In: Aanestad, M.; Klein, S.; Tarafdar, M.; et al: Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023). Kristiansand, Norway. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS))., Vol. ECIS 2023 Research Papers, No. 351. (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Jatowt, Adam; Miller, Tristan (2023): The JOKER Corpus: English–French Parallel Data for Multilingual Wordplay Recognition.
In: Chen, H.-H.; Duh, W.-J.; Huang, H.-H.: SIGIR '23: Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 978-1-4503-9408-6, pp. 2796 - 2806. (DOI) (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Miller, Tristan; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Palma Preciado, Victor Manuel; Sidorov, Grigori; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Science for Fun: The CLEF 2023 JOKER Track on Automatic Wordplay Analysis.
In: Kamps, Jaap; Goeuriot, L.; Crestani, F.; Maistro, M.; Joho, H.; Davis, B.; Gurrin, C.; Kruschwitz, U.; Caputo, A.: Advances in Information Retrieval. 45th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2023, Proceedings, Part III. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13982)., ISBN 978-3-031-28240-9, pp. 546 - 556. (DOI) (Web link) - Ermakova, Liana; Miller, Tristan; Bosser, Anne-Gwenn; Palma-Preciado, Victor Manuel; Sidorov, Grigori; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Overview of JOKER - CLEF-2023 Track on Automatic Wordplay Analysis.
In: Arampatzis, A.; Kanaloulas, E.; Tsikrika, T.; Vrochidis, S.; Giachanou, A.; Li, D.; Aliannejadi, M.; Vlachos, M.; Faggioli, G.; Ferro, N.: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. 14th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 18–21, 2023, Proceedings. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14163)., ISBN 978-3-031-42447-2, pp. 397 - 415. (DOI) (Web link) - Fabricius, V.; Kollmer, T.; Eckhardt, A. (2023): Instances of Digital Dark Nudging: Findings of a Systematic Literature Analysis.
In: Midha, V.; Animesh, A.; et al: Proceedings of the 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2023. Panama City, Panama, August 10-12. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS))., ISBN 978-1-958200-05-6, No. 1356. (Web link) - Gruber-Tokić, Elisabeth; Hiebel, Gerald; Danthine, Brigit; Peralta Friedburg, Milena; Rampl, Gerhard (2023): Von historischen Texten zu Karten und semantischen Netzwerken.
In: Weinold, Thomas (Hrsg.): 22. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2023. Heidelberg: Wichmann., ISBN 978-3-87907-738-0, pp. 11 - 22. (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Weninger, Johannes; Pfluger, Rainer (2023): Das unzureichend berücksichtigte Potential von Post-Occupancy Evaluations und Phasen erweiterter Inbetriebnahmen.
In: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft: 25. Europäischer Lichttechnischer Kongress. Licht 2023. 26.-29. März 2023. Absdorf: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft., pp. 532 - 543. (Web link) - Hauer, Martin (2023): Sonnenschutz- und Tageslichtlösungen. Neue Messverfahren bis integrale Steuerkonzepten.
In: Fenster-Türen-Treff 2023. Tagungsband. 4.-5. Mai 2023, Salzburg. Wien: Holzforschung Austria., ISBN 978-3-9519933-7-9, pp. 28 - 35. (Web link) - Hauer, Martin; Miller, Josef; Pfluger, Rainer (2023): BIM2BEM-Flow – Workflow für eine BIM-basierte Licht- und Energieeffizienzplanung.
In: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft: 25. Europäischer Lichttechnischer Kongress. Licht 2023. 26.-29. März 2023. Absdorf: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft., pp. 571 - 579. (Web link) - Hosokawa, Taishi; Jatowt, Adam; Sugiyama, Kazunari (2023): Temporal Natural Language Inference: Evidence-Based Evaluation of Temporal Text Validity.
In: Kamps, Jaap; Goeuriot, L.; Crestani, F.; Maistro, M.; Joho, H.; Davis, B.; Gurrin, C.; Kruschwitz, U.; Caputo, A.: Advances in Information Retrieval. 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2023, Dublin, Ireland, April 2–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13980)., ISBN 978-3-031-28243-0, pp. 441 - 458. (DOI) (Web link) - Jain, Raghav; Sojitra, Daivik; Acharya, Arkadeep; Saha, Sriparna; Jatowt, Adam; Dandapat, Sandipan (2023): Do Language Models Have a Common Sense regarding Time? Revisiting Temporal Commonsense Reasoning in the Era of Large Language Models.
In: Bouamor, H.; Pino, J.; Bali, K.: The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference. December 6-10, 2023. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., ISBN 979-8-89176-060-8, pp. 6750 - 6774. (Web link) - Jatowt, Adam; Gehrer, Calvin; Färber, Michael (2023): Automatic Hint Generation.
In: Yoshioka, M.: ICTIR ’23. Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 979-8-4007-0073-6, pp. 117 - 123. (DOI) (Web link) - Ji, Changzhen; Zhang, Yating; Jatowt, Adam; Wu, Haipang (2023): CDD: A Large Scale Dataset for Legal Intelligence Research.
In: Bouamor, H.; Pino, J.; Bali, K.: The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference. December 6-10, 2023. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., ISBN 979-8-89176-060-8, pp. 66 - 73. (Web link) - Kollmer, T.; Eckhardt, A. (2023): Insights on Attention Capture Dark Patterns in Social Networking Sites.
In: Midha, V.; Animesh, A.; et al: Proceedings of the 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2023. Panama City, Panama, August 10-12. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS))., ISBN 978-1-958200-05-6, No. 1578. (Web link) - Kollmer, T.; Hauser, A.; Oberhofer, V.; Blossey, G.; Eckhardt, A. (2023): Uncovering Drivers for the Integration of Dark Patterns in Conversational Agents.
In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 Proceedings. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI))., No. 115. (Web link) - Kraler, Anton; Zadra, Armin (2023): Acoustic comparison and evaluation of wall structures in timber construction to improve the sound insulation in the low-frequency range.
In: Astolfi, Arianna; Asdrudali, Francesco; Shtrepi, Louena: Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2023. 10th Convention of EAA. 11th-15th September 2023, Torino. European Acoustics Association (EAA) (= Forum Acusticum)., ISBN 978-88-88942-67-4, pp. 1313 - 1319. - Kumar, Raghvendra; Sinha, Ritika; Saha, Sriparna; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Multimodal Rumour Detection: Catching News that Never Transpired!
In: Fink, G. A.; Jain, R.; Kise, K.; Zanibbi, R.: Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2023. 17th International Conference, San José, CA, USA, August 21–26, 2023, Proceedings, Part III. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14189)., ISBN 978-3-031-41681-1, pp. 231 - 248. (DOI) (Web link) - Lamprecht, R.; Haid, F.; Eckhardt, A. (2023): Security Networks as an Effective Means to Reduce Spear Phishing Susceptibility.
In: Midha, V.; Animesh, A.; et al: Proceedings of the 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2023. Panama City, Panama, August 10-12. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS))., ISBN 978-1-958200-05-6, No. 1613. (Web link) - Laverge, Jelle; Rode, Carsten; Qin, Menghao; Kolarik, Jakub; Jones, Benjamin; Abadie, Marc; Zhang, Jianshun; Delghust, Marc; Wargocki, Pawel; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Guyot, Gaelle; Hanoune, B. (2023): Energy Efficient IAQ Management in residential buildings.
In: 41st AIVC/ASHRAE IAQ- 9th TightVent - 7th venticool Conference. Athens, Greece - 4-6 May 2022. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC., pp. 1 - 5. (Web link) - Li, Paiyao; Zhang, Zhengkun; Wang, Jun; Li, Liang; Jatowt, Adam; Yang, Zhenglu (2023): ACROSS: An Alignment-based Framework for Low-Resource Many-to-One Cross-Lingual Summarization.
In: Roger, A.; Boyd-Graber, J.; Okazaki, N.: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., ISBN 978-1-959429-62-3, pp. 2458 - 2472. (DOI) (Web link) - Lynden, Stephen; Heilemariam, Mehar; Kim, Kyoung-Sook; Jatowt, Adam; Matono, Akiyoshi; Yu, Hai-Tao; Liu, Xin; Duan, Yijun (2023): Commonsense Temporal Action Knowledge (CoTAK) Dataset.
In: Frommholz, I; Hopfgartner, F.; Lee, M.; et al: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2023). Birmingham United Kingdom, October 21 - 25, 2023. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 979-8-4007-0124-5, pp. 5361 - 5365. (DOI) (Web link) - Maderebner, Roland; Meyer, Julian (2023): Mechanical connections with serrated steel surfaces.
In: Escola de Engenharia, Campus de Azurém: Seminário Construir com Madeira. Livro de atas. EEUM, Guimarães, Portugal, 7 de junho de 2023. Braga: Universidade do Minho / University of Minho., pp. 38 - 51. - Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Venturi, Elisa (2023): Impact of the European Building Energy Requirements on the Heat Pump Market.
In: 14 th IEA Heat Pump Conference, 2023, Chicago. Proceedings. 15-18 May 2023, Chicago, Illinois. IEA - Heat Pumping Technologies., pp. 1 - 13. (Web link) - Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Venturi, Elisa (2023): Modelling and Simulation of Booster Heat Pump for DHW Preparation in a Multi-Family Building Connected to the District Heating.
In: Yesilata, B.; Vajen, K.: EuroSun 2022 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 25.-29. September, Kassel. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-982 0408-8-2, pp. 1046 - 1057. (DOI) (Web link) - Mansouri, Behrooz; Campos, Ricardo; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Towards Timeline Generation with Abstract Meaning Representation.
In: Ding, Ying; Tang, Jie; Sequeda, Juan; Aroyo, Lora; Castillo, Carlos; Houben, G.-J.: WWW '23: Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 978-1-4503-9419-2, pp. 1204 - 1207. (DOI) (Web link) - Miranda, M.C.; Zeileis, A. (2023): Online Tests with R/Exams: A Fundamental Tool for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Teachers.
In: EDULEARN23 Proceedings. 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Palma, Spain. 3-5 July, 2023. International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (= EDULEARN Proceedings)., ISBN 978-84-09-52151-7, pp. 196 - 201. (DOI) (Web link) - Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian (2023): All-round development and demonstration of a mini-scale heat pump for renovated buildings.
In: 26th International Passive House Conference 2023. Proceedings. 10-11 March Wiesbaden, Germany. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 359 - 364. (Web link) - Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian (2023): Simulation-assisted development of a mini-split air-to-water façade-integrated heat pump for minimal invasive renovations.
In: 14 th IEA Heat Pump Conference, 2023, Chicago. Proceedings. 15-18 May 2023, Chicago, Illinois. IEA - Heat Pumping Technologies., Paper 652. (Web link) - Mukherjee, Sourajit; Jatowt, Adam; Kumar, Raghvendra; Saha, Sriparna; Jangra, Anubhav (2023): Can Multimodal Pointer Generator Transformers Produce Topically Relevant Summaries?
In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2023). IEEE Conference eXpress Publishing., ISBN 978-1-6654-8867-9, pp. 1 - 8. (DOI) (Web link) - Mutuvi, Stephen; Boros, Emanuela; Doucet, Antoine; Jatowt, Adam; Lejeune, Gael; Odeo, Moses (2023): Analyzing the Impact of Tokenization on Multilingual Epidemic Surveillance in Low-resource Languages.
In: Fink, G. A.; Jain, R.; Kise, K.; Zanibbi, R.: Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2023. 17th International Conference, San José, CA, USA, August 21–26, 2023, Proceedings, Part III. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14189)., ISBN 978-3-031-41681-1, pp. 17 - 32. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, F; Dermentzis, G. (2023): Prediction of PV Self-consumption in Buildings – Simulation Results and Tool Development.
In: 26th International Passive House Conference 2023. Proceedings. 10-11 March Wiesbaden, Germany. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 1 - 7. - Ochs, F; Tosatto, A; Magni, M; Venturi, E; Dermentzis G. (2023): Heat Pumps, Photovoltaics and Energy Storage in Buildings – Load Characteristics and Flexibility Options on District Level.
In: Yesilata, B.; Vajen, K.: EuroSun 2022 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 25.-29. September, Kassel. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-982 0408-8-2, pp. 1058 - 1069. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian (2023): Fassadenintegrierte Haustechnik für die Sanierung.
In: Forum Holzbau: 1. Süddeutscher Holzbau Kongress (SHK 2023). Schwabenlandhalle Fellbach, Deutschland. 25./26. Juli 2023. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb)., pp. 1 - 12. - Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2023): Dekarbonisierung der Fernwärme durch Großwärmespeicher - Bautechnische und Bauphysikalische Herausforderungen.
In: HFT Stuttgart: Bauphysikertreffen. 24.11.2023, Stuttgart. Stuttgart: Hochschule für Technik., pp. 1 - 10. - Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice; Magni, Mara; Venturi, Elisa; Monteleone, William; Dermentzis, Georgios (2023): Strategies to overcome the dilemma in renovating and integrating HPs and RE into the building stock.
In: 14 th IEA Heat Pump Conference, 2023, Chicago. Proceedings. 15-18 May 2023, Chicago, Illinois. IEA - Heat Pumping Technologies., pp. 1 - 12. (Web link) - Pfahl, Bela; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Towards Detecting Interesting Ideas Expressed in Text.
In: Kamps, Jaap; Goeuriot, L.; Crestani, F.; Maistro, M.; Joho, H.; Davis, B.; Gurrin, C.; Kruschwitz, U.; Caputo, A.: Advances in Information Retrieval. 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2023, Dublin, Ireland, April 2–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part II. Wien [u.a.]: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13981)., ISBN 978-3-031-28238-6, pp. 544 - 552. (DOI) (Web link) - Pickelmann, Florian; Färber, Michael; Jatowt, Adam (2023): Ablesbarkeitsmesser: A System for Assessing the Readability of German Text.
In: Kamps, Jaap; Goeuriot, L.; Crestani, F.; Maistro, M.; Joho, H.; Davis, B.; Gurrin, C.; Kruschwitz, U.; Caputo, A.: Advances in Information Retrieval. 45th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2023, Proceedings, Part III. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13982)., ISBN 978-3-031-28240-9, pp. 288 - 293. (DOI) (Web link) - Röder, A.; Bohnen, E.; Züllig, K.; Kupfer, A.; Zimmermann, S. (2023): Dynamic Pricing on Two-Sided Platforms: Consequences on Customers’ Fairness Perceptions and Purchase Intentions.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2023). Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS))., No. 2297. (Web link) - Rojas Kopeinig, Gabriel; Jenewein, Romed; Prenninger, Klaus; Schnitzer, Johannes (2023): Data driven models for fault detection - Combining thermal and indoor air quality grey box models.
In: Wouters, Peter; Janssens, Arnold; Afshari, Alireza; Kapsalaki, Maria: Proceedings of 43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent & 9th Venticool Conference 2023 - Ventilation, IEQ, and health in sustainable buildings. 4 Oct 2023 → 5 Oct 2023, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC., ISBN 978-2-930471-65-5, pp. 251 - 260. (Web link) - Schneider, Astrid; Stieldorf, Karin; Schranz, Christian; Urban, Harald; Waschl, Alfred; Feichtner, Markus; Geisler-Moroder, David; Hauer, Martin; Battisti, Kurt; Dörn, Markus; Treberspurg, Martin; Treberspurg, Christoph (2023): Why the PV-Industry needs to go BIM – BIM4BIPV: Building Information Modelling (BIM) als Zukunftsaufgabe für digitalisierte Prozesse in der Photovoltaik-Branche.
In: Conexio-PSE GmbH: 38. PV-Symposium / BIPV-Forum. Pforzheim: Conexio-PSE GmbH., ISBN 978-3-948176-21-1, pp. 294 - 313. (Web link) - Sumikawa, Yasunobu; Jatowt, Adam (2023): HistoChatbot: Educating History by Generating Quizzes in Social Network Services.
In: Goh, D. H.; Chen, S.-J.; Tuarob, S.: Leveraging Generative Intelligence in Digital Libraries: Towards Human-Machine Collaboration. 25th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2023, Taipei, Taiwan, December 4–7, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. Singapur: Springer Singapore (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14457)., ISBN 978-981-99-8084-0, pp. 28 - 35. (DOI) (Web link) - Thür, Alexander; Schett, Bernhard; Leu, Fabian (2023): PV driven Air Heat Pump using Overheating Effects as Thermal Battery in Single Family Houses.
In: Yesilata, B.; Vajen, K.: EuroSun 2022 Proceedings. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. 25.-29. September, Kassel. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-982 0408-8-2, pp. 833 - 844. (DOI) (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Bianchi_Janetti, Michele (2023): Convective Heat and Moisture Transfer Modelling in Porous Insulation for Large Thermal Storage.
In: Paper und Präsentationen der COMSOL Conference 2023. 25-27 Oktober, München. München: Comsol., ISBN 978-1-7364524-1-7, pp. 1 - 7. (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Muser, Christoph; Kutscha-Lissberg, Felix; Kremnitzer, Peter (2023): Influence of Heat and Mass Transfer on the Performance of Large-Scale Thermal Energy Storage Systems.
In: Schossig, P.; Droege, P.; Riemer, A.; Speer, M.: Proceedings of the International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2022 (IRES 2022). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 16)., ISBN 978-94-6463-156-2, pp. 470 - 488. (DOI) (Web link) - Wang, Jiexin; Jatowt, Adam; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi; Cai, Yi (2023): BiTimeBERT: Extending Pre-Trained Language Representations with Bi-Temporal Information.
In: Chen, H.-H.; Duh, W.-J.; Huang, H.-H.: SIGIR '23: Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 978-1-4503-9408-6, pp. 812 - 821. (DOI) (Web link) - Weninger, Johannes; Hammes, Sascha (2023): Post-occupancy derived user profiles for improved energetic and light dose related building simulation.
In: Proceedings of the 30th Session of the CIE, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 15-23, 2023. Chicago: Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage (CIE)., pp. 184 - 195. (DOI) (Web link) - Winter, Klara; Maderebner, Roland; Dietsch, Philipp (2023): A new approach to determine and evaluate the poisson’s ratio of wood.
In: Nyrud, A. Q.; Malo, K. A. et al. (Hrsg.): World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023): Timber for a Livable Future. 19-22 June 2023, Oslo, Norway. New York: Curran Associates, Inc., ISBN 9781713873273, pp. 366 - 375. (DOI) (Web link) - Wrabel, A.; Kupfer, A.; Zimmermann, S. (2023): Can a Button Change your Purchase? – The Effect of the Accessibility of Consumer Reviews on Consumers’ Online Purchase Decisions.
In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 Proceedings. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI))., No. 294. (Web link) - Wu, Yiquan; Lu, Weiming; Zhang, Yating; Jatowt, Adam; Fen, Jun; Sun, Changlong; Wu, Fei; Kuang, Kun (2023): Focus-aware Response Generation in Inquiry Conversation.
In: Roger, A.; Boyd-Graber, J.; Okazaki, N.: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., ISBN 978-1-959429-62-3, pp. 12585 - 12599. (DOI) (Web link) - Yi, Yu; Sugiyama, Kazunari; Jatowt, Adam (2023): AdaReX: Cross-Domain, Adaptive, and Explainable Recommender System.
In: Qingyao, Ai; Yigin, Liu; Moffat, Alistair; et al: Proceedings of the 1st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Information Retrieval in the Asia Pacific (SIGIR-AP 2023). Beijing China, November 26 - 28, 2023. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 979-8-4007-0408-6, pp. 272 - 281. (DOI) (Web link) - Yoshida, Kouki; Jatowt, Adam; Sumikawa, Yasunobu (2023): History-related Content Recommendation in Social Networks based on User's Interest Estimation.
In: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2023). IEEE Conference eXpress Publishing., ISBN 979-8-3503-9931-8, pp. 247 - 248. (DOI) (Web link) - Züllig, K.; Erlebach, S.; Kupfer, A.; Zimmermann, S. (2023): Bargain Hunting on Black Friday - Making Great Deals and Bragging About Them.
In: Bui, Tung et al: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023). Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS))., ISBN 978-0-9981331-6-4, pp. 3952 - 3961. (Web link)
Proceedings Article (Abstract)
- Abdulameer, Hasan Hadi; Filz, Günther H. (2023): Branching as an approach to biomimetic tectonics in architecture.
In: Brancart, Stijn; Overend, Mauro; O’Callaghan, James: Book of Abstracts: sustainable structural design forum. 16.11.2023, TU Delft. Delft: Delft University of Technology., pp. 29 - 30. (Web link) - Jakob, Uli; Neyer, Daniel; Vasta, Salvatore; Gurtner, Richard (2023): Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt regions - first results of Task 65 Activtiy A1 Climatic conditions and applications.
In: 4th International Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, on 26-28 April 2023. Palma de Mallorca: Universitat de les Illes Balears / University of Balearic Islands., pp. 219 - 220. - Neyer, Daniel; Ostheimer, Manuel; Soehlemann, Nicolas (2023): Captive solar energy for the agri-food sector.
In: 4th International Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, on 26-28 April 2023. Palma de Mallorca: Universitat de les Illes Balears / University of Balearic Islands., pp. 52 - 53. - Rabaev, Irina; Litvak, Marina; Younkin, Vladimir; Campos, Ricardo; Jorge, Alipio Mario; Jatowt, Adam (2023): 1st International Workshop on Implicit Author Characterization from Texts for Search and Retrieval 2023 (IACT 2023). The Competition on Automatic Classification of Literary Epochs.
In: Chen, H.-H.; Duh, W.-J.; Huang, H.-H.: SIGIR '23: Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 978-1-4503-9408-6, pp. 3479 - 3482. (DOI) (Web link) - Saleh Tabari, Mohammad Hassan; Khojastehmehr, Fereshteh; Filz, Günther H. (2023): A-T-G louvers: a novel geometry and material driven spatial syntax for flexible structures.
In: Brancart, Stijn; Overend, Mauro; O’Callaghan, James: Book of Abstracts: sustainable structural design forum. 16.11.2023, TU Delft. Delft: Delft University of Technology., p. 35. (Web link) - Stauffer, Reto; Mayr, Georg J.; Zeileis, Achim (2023): Long-term foehn reconstruction combining unsupervised and supervised learning.
In: Bergherr, Elisabeth; Groll, Andreas; Mayr, Andreas (Eds.): Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWS2023). 16.7. - 21.7.2023, Dortmund. Dortmund: Technische Universität Dortmund., ISBN 978-3-947323-42-5, pp. 628 - 631. (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian (2023): Role of thermal energy storage in the coverage of seasonal energy mismatch and comparison with other technologies.
In: Proceedings of Eurotherm Seminar #116: Innovative solutions for thermal energy storage deployment. from May 24th to 26th, 2023, in Lleida (Spain). Lleida: Ediciones de la Universitat de Lleida., ISBN 978-84-9144-439-8, pp. 170 - 173. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
- Hoff, Johannes (2023): Künstliche Intelligenzen staunen Nicht. Die Kraft lebendigen Verstehens.
In: evolve. Magazin für Bewusstsein und Kultur 40, pp. 40 - 43. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Nussmüller, Werner; Jähnig, Dagmar (2023): Netto-Null Sanierung im Geschosswohnbau mit vorgefertigten Fassaden und Kleinst-Wärmepumpen.
In: Nachhaltige Technologien. Erneuerbare Energien und Ressourceneffizienz 2023/3, pp. 6 - 9. (Web link)
Book Chapter, Transfer-Oriented
- Friedmann, Ina (2023): "[W]eil sie sich lieben." Ludwig Sobotnik (1885-1944), eine biographische Skizze.
In: Schreiber, Horst; Hussl, Elisabeth: Gaismair-Jahrbuch 2024. Alles in Ordnung. Innsbruck: Haymon-Verlag (= Jahrbuch der Michael-Gaismair-Gesellschaft)., ISBN 978-3-7065-6335-2, pp. 32 - 39. (Web link)
(Book) Reviews
Journal Article (Book Review)
- Posch, Claudia (2023): Buchbesprechung: Martin Reisigl. (Hg.) 2020. Klima in der Krise. Kontroversen, Widersprüche und Herausforderungen in Diskursen über Klimawandel. (OBST 97). Duisburg: uvrr.
In: Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft (ZRS) 15/1-2, pp. 127 - 131. (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Book Review)
- Forster, Ellinor (2023): Franz Leander FILLAFER: Aufklärung habsburgisch. Staatsbildung, Wissenskultur und Geschichtspolitik in Zentraleuropa 1750-1850.
In: Romberg, Marion; Garloff, Mona; Gruber, Doris; Mayer, Manuela: Querschnitt. Aktuelle Forschungen zur Habsburgermonarchie im 18. Jahrhundert. / Cutting Across. New Research on the Habsburg Monarchy in the Eighteenth Century/ Études transversales. Nouveautés sur la monarchie des Habsbourg au XVIIIe siècle. Wien [u.a.]: Böhlau (= ÖGE18-Jahrbuch "Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Österreich", 038)., ISBN 978-3-205-21821-0, pp. 271 - 272. (Web link)
Electronic Publication (Book Review)
- Kupper, Patrick (2023): Etzemüller, Thomas: Landschaft und Nation. Rhein – Dalarna – England. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2022. In: H-Soz-Kult, 22.03.2023. (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication, Scientific
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; et al. (2023): Zur Dringlichkeit der Umsetzung der UNESCO-Empfehlung zur Ethik der Künstlichen Intelligenz – Stellungnahme des Fachbeirats Ethik der Künstlichen Intelligenz der Österreichischen UNESCO-Kommission anlässlich seiner Konstituierung. (Web link)
- Rath, Brigitte (2023): Modellieren Große Sprachmodelle Sprache? ChatGPT als Forschungsimpuls. (Web link)
- Robbins, Benjamin (2023): Networks of Anglophone LGBTQ+ Exile Writers From 1900 to 1969 ( (Web link)
- Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel (2023): Assessing the Ventilation of Buildings. In: DiSC Blog, 13. Juni. (DOI) (Web link)
- Saini, Puneet; Weiss, Wolfgang; Hamza H.Ali, Ahmed; Jakob, Uli; Larsson, Christoffer; Strobel, Michael; Martines, Miriam; Ghasemi, Mohammed; Dabor-Prado, Nayrana; Finocchiaro, Pietro; Patel, Gaurav; Poir, Hannes; Rehim, Tamer Abdel (2023): Design Guidelines. This is a report from SHC Task 65: Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions and work performed in Subtask B: Demonstration. (DOI) (Web link)
Electronic Publication (Preprint)
- Karapetyan, Siranush; Zeileis, Achim; Henriksen, André; Hapfelmeier, Alexander (2023): Tree models for assessing covariate-dependent method agreement. (DOI) (Web link)
- Muschinski, Thomas; Mayr, Georg; Zeileis, Achim; Simon, Thorsten (2023): Robust weather-adaptive postprocessing using MOS random forests. (DOI) (Web link)
- Stucke, Isabell; Morgenstern, Deborah; Simon, Thorsten; Mayr, Georg J.; Zeileis, Achim; Diendorfer, Gerhard; Schulz, Wolfgang; Pichler, Hannes (2023): Upward lightning at wind turbines: Risk assessment from larger-scale meteorology. (DOI) (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim; Bivand, Roger; Eddelbuettel, Dirk; Hornik, Kurt; Vialaneix, Nathalie (2023): CRAN Task Views: The Next Generation. (DOI) (Web link)
Research Report (Commissioned Research)
- Gschösser, Florian; Hausberger, Lukas: Massenermittlung und GWP-Materialbewertung Bauabschnitt U5/2 - „Frankhplatz“ - Massenermittlung und GWP-Bewertung der repräsentativen Bauabschnitte der U5/2 in Wien unter Einbeziehung verschiedenster Vortriebsklassen, Tunnelquerschnitte, Baumaterialien inkl. Verifizierung der GWP-Studie Frankhplatz.
Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG, Wien, 2023-07-01 - 2023-12-31. - Gschösser, Florian; Hausberger, Lukas; Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Hajibabaei, Mohsen: Grundlagenstudie MUI-Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie (sustMUI) - Bewertung von Treibhausgas-Emissionen und Umweltauswirkungen der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck (MUI) und Entwicklung einer Potential-orientierten Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck (MUI), Innsbruck, 2022-11-01 - 2023-04-30. - Gschösser, Florian; Hausberger, Lukas; Veit-Egerer, Robert; Barkow, Helga; Weigert, Maximilian; Raab, Jacqueline; Gruber, Verena; Heck, Detlef; Silberknoll, Jürgen: Österreichische Bautechnik, Endbericht 1: Lebenszyklustool zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Verkehrsinfrastrukturen.
Österreichische Bautechnik Vereinigung, Wien, 2023-03-01 - 2024-02-28. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Drexel, Christoph; Fink, Jürgen; Bilgeri, Gordon; Rothbacher, Mtthias; Breier, Stephan; Elender, Markus; Winter Winter: Fassadenintegrierte modulare Split-Wärmepumpe für Neubau und Sanierung (FiTNeS).
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2019-10-01 - 2023-05-28.
Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
- Berger, Cathleen; Freihse, Charlotte; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Mosene, Katharina; Hofmann, Vincent (2023): Rat beim Beirat: Potenzial von Plattformbeiräten. In: Upgrade Democracy, Impulse # 3, 04. Juli. (Web link)
- Bonomolo, Marina; Strobel, Michael; Vasta, Salvatore; Jakob, Uli; Neyer, Daniel (2023): Building and process optimization potential. This is a report from SHC Task 65: Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions and work performed in Subtask A: Adaption. (DOI) (Web link)
- Hiebel, Gerald; Gruber-Tokić, Elisabeth (2023): Knowledge Graphs and Maps for Medieval Mining. In: DiSC Blog, 20. April. (DOI) (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2023): Dezentral, dynamisch, demokratisch: Sind föderierte Plattformen wie Mastodon besser? In: bpb - Lernen, 18. April. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2023): Statement: Risiken aktueller KI-Forschung. In: rapid reaction, 03. April. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; Berger, Cathleen; Freihse, Charlotte; Hofmann, Vincent; Mosene, Katharina (2023): Dezentralisierung als Demokratisierung: Mastodon statt Plattformmacht. In: Upgrade Democracy, Impulse # 1, 26. April. (Web link)
Publications 2022
Monograph, Scientific
- Missomelius, Petra (2022): Bildung – Medien – Mensch. Mündigkeit im Digitalen. Göttingen: V&R unipress (= Eckert. Die Schriftenreihe, 151). ISBN 978-3-7370-1263-8. (DOI) (Web link)
Book, Transfer-Oriented
- Ploss, Martin; Hatt, Tobias; Roßkopf-Nachbaur, Thomas; Peter, Andreas; Reis, Martin; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Dermentzis, Georgios; et al. (2022): Low-Cost nZEB. Paris-kompatible Mehrfamilienhäuser. published online / Internetpublikation.
(Co-)Edited Books
Anthology / Collected Edition (Editorship)
- Aschwanden, Romed; Buck, Maria; Kupper, Patrick; Schmidt, Kira J. (2022): Conflits d'usage depuis 1950/ Conflitti d'uso dal 1950/ Nutzungskonflikte seit 1950. Zürich: Chronos (= Histoire des Alpes / Storia delle Alpi / Geschichte der Alpen, 27). ISBN 978-3-0340-1682-7. (Web link)
- Debertol, Markus; Gneiß, Markus; Hörmann-Thurn und Taxis, Julia; Hollegger, Manfred; Noflatscher, Heinz; Zajic, Andreas (2022): "Per tot discrimina rerum"– Maximilian I. (1459-1519). Wien [u.a.]: Böhlau. ISBN 978-3-205-21602-5. (DOI) (Web link)
- Golia, Angelo Jr.; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Kunz, Raffaela (2022): Digital Transformations in Public International Law. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag (= Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht, 317). ISBN 978-3-7560-0275-7. (DOI) (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): How Platforms Respond to Human Rights Conflicts Online. Best Practices in Weighing Rights and Obligations in Hybrid Online Orders. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI). (DOI) (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; Peukert, Alexander; Spiecker gen. Döhmann, Indra (2022): The Law of Global Digitality. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge. ISBN 9781003283881. (DOI) (Web link)
- Posch, Claudia; Irschara, Karoline; Rampl, Gerhard (2022): Wort – Satz – Korpus. Multimethodische digitale Forschung in der Linguistik. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP). ISBN 978-3-99106-061-1. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
- Schwarze, Cordula; Grawunder, Sven (2022): Transkription und Annotation gesprochener Sprache und multimodaler Interaktion: Konzepte, Probleme, Lösungen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. ISBN 978-3-8233-8469-4. (DOI) (Web link)
- Wöbse, Anna-Katharina; Kupper, Patrick (2022): Greening Europe. Environmental Protection in the Long Twentieth Century – A Handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg (= Contemporary European History, 1). ISBN 978-3-11-060965-3. (DOI) (Web link)
Proceedings (Editorship)
- Faller, Lisa-Marie; Piater, Justus; Steinbauer-Wagner, Gerald; Brandstötter, Mathias (2022): Proceedings of The Austrian Robotics Workshop 2022. june 14-15, 2022. Villach: FH Kärnten. ISBN 978-3-99076-109-0. (DOI) (Web link)
(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series
(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
- Claussen, Jan; Przybylka, Nicola; Missomelius, Petra; Barberi, Alessandro: Schwerpunktausgabe "Ästhetisch-künstlerische Auseinandersetzungen mit digitalen Medien im Schulunterricht" - Medienimpulse – Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, 2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31. (Web link)
- Finotello, Francesca: Associate Editor - Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 2021-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2021-01-01 - 2023-11-30. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Zeitschrift "Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione", 2014-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor; Thumser-Wöhs, Regina: Herausgeberinnen Band 33 Nr. 1: Sinnesräume - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2022-01-01 - 2022-11-05. (Web link)
- Giacomuzzi, Renate: Mitherausgeberin -, 2012-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Gschösser, Florian; Flora, Matthias; Sander, Philip; Sitzenfrei, Robert: Guest Editor - Special Issue "Sustainable Development of Construction Management and Engineering" - Sustainability - Open Access Journal, 2022-01-01 - 2023-01-31. (Web link)
- Hanke, Klaus: Member of Editorial Board - Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2012-01-01 - 2024-01-01. (Web link)
- Hasenöhrl, Ute; Kupper, Patrick: Guest Editor Volume 37, Issue 4: Historicizing renewables - History and Technology, 2018-08-01 - 2022-04-28. (Web link)
- Holzmeister, Felix: Associate Editor - Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2019-04-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Howanitz, Gernot: Mitherausgeber - Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Erweitertes Editorial Board - Medienimpulse – Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Ralf Vollbrecht und Claudia Wegener) Buchreihe "Medien, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft" - Beltz Juventa, 2017-01-01 on-going.
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Kai-Uwe Hugger und Angela Tillmann) der Buchreihe „Digitale Kultur und Kommunikation“ - Springer, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Jatowt, Adam: Editorial Board Member - Journal of Social Computing (JoSC), 2022-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C.: Herausgeberschaft der Sondernummer "Digital Sovereignty", #01 - The Defence Horizon Journal (TDHJ), 2022-03-01. (Web link)
- Kuntner, Walter: Editorial Board - Studies in Caucasian Archaeology, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Missomelius, Petra; Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus; Swertz, Christian; Barberi, Alessandro: Gast-Herausgeberschaft für die Ausgabe Bd. 60 Nr. 03 (2022): Digitale Grundbildung als Pflichtfach - Kontexte und Konkretisierungen - Medienimpulse – Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, 2022-06-22 - 2022-09-21. (Web link)
- Mühlberger, Günter: Editor - Digital Libraries, 2013-02-01 on-going.
- Pallaver, Günther; Hug, Theo; Missomelius, Petra: Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Die kleine Medienreihe - Studia-Universitäts-Verlag, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva: Herausgeberschaft - historia.scribere, 2008-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pilz, Michael: Herausgeber der Reihe - Literaturkritik in Zahlen, 2016-01-01 - 2024-06-06. (Web link)
- Rodriguez-R, LM: Guest Editor Reserach Topic: Diversity and Functions in Microbiome Beyond Species Level - Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022-05-08 on-going. (Web link)
- Tautschnig, Arnold: Mitherausgeber - bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement, 2010-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, R.: Review Editor: Section Neuroimaging Methods and Neurosctimulation - Frontiers in Psychology, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, Roberto: Associate Editor for the Section Neuroimaging Methods - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim: Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Statistical Software, 2010-03-01 on-going. (Web link)
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
- Abdulrahman, Ziena; Santegoets, Saskia J; Sturm, Gregor; Charoentong, Pornpimol; IJsselsteijn, Marieke E; Somarakis, Antonios; Höllt, Thomas; Finotello, Francesca; Trajanoski, Zlatko; van Egmond, Sylvia L; Mustafa, Dana A M; Welters, Marij J P; de Miranda, Noel F C C; van der Burg, Sjoerd H (2022): Tumor specific T cells support chemokine-driven spatial organization of intratumoral immune microaggregates needed for long survival.
In: Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 10/2, No. e004346. (DOI) (Web link) - Aghaebrahimian, Ahmad; Stauder, Andy; Ustaszewski, Michael (2022): Testing the validity of Wikipedia categories for subject matter labelling of open-domain corpus data.
In: Journal of Information Science 48/5, pp. 686 - 700. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Bachlechner, Daniel; Rader, Michael; van Karsbergen, Vincent; Pfluger, Rainer (2022): Datenbasiert Energieverbrauch und Raumklima öffentlicher Gebäude verbessern – Literaturstudie mit Fokus auf den Erfolg von Ansätzen.
In: Bauphysik 44/5, pp. 255 - 263. (DOI) (Web link) - Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Janssen, Hans (2022): Effect of dynamic contact angle variation on spontaneous imbibition in porous materials.
In: Transport in Porous Media 142/3, pp. 493 - 508. (DOI) (Web link) - Blanco, Esther; Baier, Alexandra; Holzmeister, Felix; Jaber-Lopez, Tarek; Struwe, Natalie (2022): Substitution of social sustainability concerns under the Covid-19 pandemic.
In: Ecological Economics 192, No. 107259. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Borst, Linda; Sluijter, Marjolein; Sturm, Gregor; Charoentong, Pornpimol; Santegoets, Saskia J.; van Gulijk, Mandy; van Elsas, Marit J; Groeneveldt, Christianne; van Montfoort, Nadine; Finotello, Francesca; Trajanoski, Zlatko; Kiełbasa, Szymon M; van der Burg, Sjoerd H.; van Hall, Thorbald (2022): NKG2A is a late immune checkpoint on CD8 T cells and marks repeated stimulation and cell division.
In: International Journal of Cancer 150/4, pp. 688 - 704. (DOI) (Web link) - Cesaro, G.; Milia, M.; Baruzzo, G.; Finco, G.; Morandini, F.; Lazzarini, A.; Alotto, P.; da Cunha Carvalho de Miranda, N. F.; Trajanoski, Z.; Finotello, F.; Di Camillo, B (2022): MAST: a hybrid Multi-Agent Spatio-Temporal model of tumor microenvironment informed using a data-driven approach.
In: Bioinformatics Advances 2/1, Nr. vbac092. (DOI) (Web link) - Court, Sébastien Nicolas; Kunisch, Karl (2022): Design of the monodomain by artificial neural networks.
In: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A 42/12, pp. 6031 - 6061. (DOI) (Web link) - Díaz Rodríguez, CA; Díaz-García, L; Bunk, B; Spröer, C; Herrera, K; Tarazona, NA; Rodriguez-R, LM; Overmann, J; Jimenez, DJ (2022): Novel bacterial taxa in a minimal lignocellulolytic consortium and their potential for lignin and plastics transformation.
In: ISME Communications 2, Nr. 89. (DOI) (Web link) - Dietrich, Alexander; Sturm, Gregor; Merotto, Lorenzo; Marini, Federico; Finotello, Francesca; List, Markus (2022): SimBu: bias-aware simulation of bulk RNA-seq data with variable cell-type composition.
In: Bioinformatics 38/Supplement_2, pp. ii141 - ii147. (DOI) (Web link) - Duan, Yijun; Liu, Xin; Jatowt, Adam; Yu, Hai-Tao; Lynden, Steven; Kim, Kyoung-Sook; Matono, Akiyoshi (2022): SORAG: Synthetic Data Over-Sampling Strategy on Multi-Label Graphs.
In: Remote Sensing 14/18, Nr. 4479. (DOI) (Web link) - Duan, Yijun; Liu, Xin; Jatowt, Adam; Yu, H.-T.; Lynden, S.; Kim, K.-S.; Matono, A. (2022): Long-Tailed Graph Representation Learning via Dual Cost-Sensitive Graph Convolutional Network.
In: Remote Sensing 14/14, Nr. 3295. (DOI) (Web link) - Duan, Yiyun; Liu, Xin; Jatowt, Adam; Yu, Hai-Tao; Lynden, Steven; Kim, Kyoung-Sook; Matono, Akiyoshi (2022): Multi-view Actionable Knowledge Graph Generation from Wikipedia Biographies.
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Journal Article (Review)
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In: Neural computing & applications 34/19, pp. 16367 - 16385. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
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In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022 - 02. (Web link)
Journal Article (Other)
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In: Cell Systems 13/9, pp. 683 - 686. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
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In: Academy of Management Proceedings 1. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Editorial)
- Forster, Ellinor; Thumser-Wöhs, Regina (2022): Sinnesräume - sensory studies and spatial concepts.
In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 33/1, pp. 7 - 11. (DOI) (Web link) - Jatowt, Adam; Morishima, Atsuyuki; Ishita, Emi; Pang, Natalie; Zhou, Lihong (2022): Special Issue on Selected Papers from ICADL 2020.
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Book Chapter (Original Paper)
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In: Wöbse, Anna-Katharina; Kupper, Patrick: Greening Europe. Environmental Protection in the Long Twentieth Century – A Handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg (= Contemporary European History, 1)., ISBN 978-3-11-060965-3, pp. 213 - 236. (DOI) (Web link) - Bose, Ines; Grawunder, Sven; Schwarze, Cordula; Schwenke, Anna (2022): Reliabilität und Inter-Annotator-Agreement bei der Prosodie-Transkription.
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In: Kettemann, Matthias C.; Peukert, Alexander; Spiecker gen. Döhmann, Indra: The Law of Global Digitality. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9781003283881, pp. 182 - 202. (DOI) (Web link) - Fandrych, Christian; Frick, Elena; Kaiser, Julia; Meißner, Cordula; Portmann, Annette; Schmidt, Thomas; Schwendemann, Matthias; Wallner, Franziska; Wörner, Kai (2022): ZuMult: Neue Zugangswege zu Korpora gesprochener Sprache.
In: Kämper, Heidrun; Plewnia, Albrecht: Sprache in Politik und Gesellschaft. Perspektiven und Zugänge. Berlin u.a.: De Gruyter (= Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache, 2021)., ISBN 978-3-11-077425-2, pp. 305 - 312. (DOI) (Web link) - Fertmann, Martin; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Platform-proofing Democracy - Social Media Councils as Tools to Increase the Public Accountability of Online Platforms.
In: Kettemann, Matthias C.: How Platforms Respond to Human Rights Conflicts Online. Best Practices in Weighing Rights and Obligations in Hybrid Online Orders. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)., pp. 156 - 175. (DOI) (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2022): Gegen den Strich lesen? Der Museumsverein Ferdinandeum als "Akteurs-Netzwerk".
In: Assmann, Peter: Museum gestaltet Geschichte. 200 Jahre Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner (= Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Tiroler Landesmuseen, 15)., ISBN 978-3-7030-6589-7, pp. 41 - 46. (Web link) - Gruber-Tokić, Elisabeth; Hiebel, Gerald; Rampl, Gerhard; Posch, Claudia (2022): Digital Echo of Mountains: Content Indexing of Alpine Texts.
In: Posch, Claudia; Irschara, Karoline; Rampl, Gerhard: Wort – Satz – Korpus. Multimethodische digitale Forschung in der Linguistik. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-99106-061-1, pp. 147 - 162. (DOI) (Web link) - Hofmann, Vincent; Dinar, Christina; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Hinrichs, Lena; Böke, Julius; Gradulewski, Max (2022): The Power of App Stores and Their Normative Orders.
In: Kettemann, Matthias C.: How Platforms Respond to Human Rights Conflicts Online. Best Practices in Weighing Rights and Obligations in Hybrid Online Orders. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)., pp. 15 - 23. (DOI) (Web link) - Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Christoph; Palan, Stefan (2022): A critical perspective on the conceptualization of risk in behavioral and experimental finance.
In: Füllbrunn, Sascha; Haruvy, Ernan: Handbook of Experimental Finance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-80037-232-0, pp. 408 - 413. (DOI) (Web link) - Irschara, Karoline; Posch, Claudia; Waldner, Birgit; Huber, Anna‑Lena; Glodny, Bernhard; Gruber, Leonhard; Mangesius, Stephanie (2022): Building the MedCorpInn corpus: Issues and goals.
In: Posch, Claudia; Irschara, Karoline; Rampl, Gerhard: Wort – Satz – Korpus. Multimethodische digitale Forschung in der Linguistik. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-99106-061-1, pp. 163 - 192. (DOI) (Web link) - Jaud, Philipp; Rauchegger, Clara (2022): Der Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission für einen Rechtsrahmen für Künstliche Intelligenz.
In: Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth; Ladeck, Ruth; Ivankovics, Peter (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Digitalisierung und Recht. Jahrbuch 2022. Wien: Verlag Österreich., ISBN 978-3-7083-4085-2, pp. 29 - 51. (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Datenherrschaft und Kommunikationsgovernance als Demokratieschutz: Perspektiven auf die Plattform- und KI-Regulierung der Demokratien.
In: Spiecker gen. Döhmann, Indra; Westland, Michael; Campos, Ricardo: Demokratie und Öffentlichkeit im 21. Jahrhundert - zur Macht des Digitalen. Frankfurter Studien zum Datenschutz. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag (= Frankfurter Studien zum Datenschutz, 64)., ISBN 978-3-8487-7483-8, pp. 367 - 372. (DOI) (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C.; Hofmann, Vincent; Barthelmes, Mara; Koerrenz, Nicolas; Hinrichs, Lena Marie; Schleif, Linda (2022): The Legal Framework of Online Parliamentary Election Campaigning - An Overview of the Legal Obligations of Parties and Platforms in Germany and the EU.
In: Kettemann, Matthias C.: How Platforms Respond to Human Rights Conflicts Online. Best Practices in Weighing Rights and Obligations in Hybrid Online Orders. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)., pp. 142 - 154. (DOI) (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C.; Peukert, Alexander (2022): Conclusion: The Law of Global Digitality: Findings and Future Research.
In: Kettemann, Matthias C.; Peukert, Alexander; Spiecker gen. Döhmann, Indra: The Law of Global Digitality. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9781003283881, pp. 250 - 255. (DOI) (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C.; Sekwenz, Marie-Therese (2022): Pandemics and Platforms: Private Governance of (Dis)Information in Crisis Situations.
In: Kettemann, Matthias C.: How Platforms Respond to Human Rights Conflicts Online. Best Practices in Weighing Rights and Obligations in Hybrid Online Orders. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)., pp. 94 - 110. (DOI) (Web link) - Kupper, Patrick (2022): Aufklärung und Entmündigung. Zu den historischen Wurzeln des Konflikts zwischen Naturschutzbewegung und indigenen Völkern.
In: Piňosová, Jana; Langer, Marcel; Hose, Susanne (Hrsg.): Minderheit – Macht – Natur. Verhandlungen im Zeitalter des Nationalstaats. Bautzen: Domowina (= Schriften des Sorbischen Instituts / Spisy Serbskeho instituta, 69)., ISBN 978-3-7420-2662-0, pp. 29 - 47. (Web link) - Kupper, Patrick; Wöbse, Anna-Katharina (2022): Introduction: Writing a European History of Environmental Protection.
In: Wöbse, Anna-Katharina; Kupper, Patrick: Greening Europe. Environmental Protection in the Long Twentieth Century – A Handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg (= Contemporary European History, 1)., ISBN 978-3-11-060965-3, pp. 1 - 14. (DOI) (Web link) - Posch, Claudia; Irschara, Karoline; Rampl, Gerhard (2022): Multimethodische digitale Forschung in der Linguistik: Ansätze, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven.
In: Posch, Claudia; Irschara, Karoline; Rampl, Gerhard: Wort – Satz – Korpus. Multimethodische digitale Forschung in der Linguistik. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-99106-061-1, pp. 9 - 16. (DOI) (Web link) - Posch, Claudia; Kegyes, Erika (2022): Periphrastische Geschlechtsspezifikation im Ungarischen und im Deutschen.
In: Kegyes, Erika; Zipser, Katharina: Kontrastive Studien zu Sprachpaar Deutsch und Ungarisch. Linguistische Untersuchung ausgewählter systemlinguistischer und sprachkultureller Phänomene. Hamburg: Dr. Kovač (= Schriftenreihe Schriften zur vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft, 35)., ISBN 978-3-339-12946-8, pp. 185 - 223. (Web link) - Rampl, Gerhard; Posch, Claudia (2022): Methodisch geht es korpuswärts! Korpuslinguistik und Produktivität anhand des Suffix -wärts.
In: Posch, Claudia; Irschara, Karoline; Rampl, Gerhard: Wort – Satz – Korpus. Multimethodische digitale Forschung in der Linguistik. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-99106-061-1, pp. 119 - 146. (DOI) (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara (2022): Four Functions of the Principle of Primacy in the post-Lisbon Case Law of the European Court of Justice.
In: Ziegler, Katja S.; Neuvonen, Päivi J.; Moreno-Lax, Violeta: Research Handbook on General Principles in EU Law. Constructing Legal Orders in Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (= Research Handbooks in European Law series)., ISBN 9781784712372, pp. 157 - 172. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara; Jaud, Philipp (2022): Grundrechte.
In: Klamert, Marcus: Europarecht Jahrbuch 22. Wien, Graz: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag (NWV)., ISBN 978-3-8305-5179-9, pp. 69 - 94. (Web link) - Rosani, Domenico; Rauchegger, Clara (2022): Fundamental Rights Adjudication by European Supranational Courts in Digital Media Cases.
In: Psychogiopoulou, Evangelia; de la Sierra, Susana: Digital Media Governance and Supranational Courts: Selected Issues and Insights from the European Judiciary. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-80220-299-1, pp. 197 - 210. (DOI) (Web link) - Wallerman Ghavanini, Anna; Rauchegger, Clara (2022): Effective Judicial Protection before National Courts: Article 47 of the Charter, National Constitutional Remedies and the Preliminary Reference Procedure.
In: Bonelli, Matteo; Eliantonio, Mariolina; Gentile, Giulia: Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection: The Court of Justice's Perspective. Volume 1: The Court of Justice's Perspective. Oxford: Hart Publishing., ISBN 978-1-5099-4794-2, pp. 43 - 58. (Web link) - Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2022): Vermischte Bemerkungen.
In: Majetschak, Stefan; Weiberg, Anja: Wittgenstein-Handbuch, Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Berlin, Heidelberg: J. B. Metzler., ISBN 978-3-476-05853-9, pp. 122 - 123. (DOI) (Web link) - Wöbse, Anna-Katharina; Kupper, Patrick (2022): Epilogue: The Nature of Europe.
In: Wöbse, Anna-Katharina; Kupper, Patrick: Greening Europe. Environmental Protection in the Long Twentieth Century – A Handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg (= Contemporary European History, 1)., ISBN 978-3-11-060965-3, pp. 447 - 450. (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Other)
- Meißner, Cordula; Lange, Daisy; Fandrych, Christian (2022): Korpusanalyse.
In: Caspari, Daniela; Klippel, Friedericke; Legutke, Michael; Schramm, Karen: Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto., ISBN 978-3-8233-8432-8, 2., voll. überarb. und erw. Auflage, pp. 330 - 342. (Web link)
Book Chapter (Editorial)
- Peukert, Alexander; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Introduction: The Law of Global Digitality.
In: Kettemann, Matthias C.; Peukert, Alexander; Spiecker gen. Döhmann, Indra: The Law of Global Digitality. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9781003283881, pp. 1 - 13. (DOI) (Web link) - Schwarze, Cordula; Grawunder, Sven (2022): Einführung.
In: Schwarze, Cordula; Grawunder, Sven: Transkription und Annotation gesprochener Sprache und multimodaler Interaktion: Konzepte, Probleme, Lösungen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto., ISBN 978-3-8233-8469-4, pp. 7 - 20. (Web link)
Proceedings Article
- Arora, Aseem; Dias, Gael; Jatowt, Adam; Ekbal, Asif (2022): Transfer Learning for Humor Detection by Twin Masked Yellow Muppets.
In: He, Yulan; Ji, Heng; Li, Sujian; Chang, Chua-Hui: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers). Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., pp. 1 - 7. (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2022): Developments in simulation and evaluation of large-scale hot water tanks and pits in renewables-based district heating.
In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA. 1-3 September, 2021, Bruges, Belgium. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 17)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-2-9, pp. 1325 - 1333. (DOI) (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2022): Techno-Economic Planning and Exergy Analysis of Large-Scale Hot-Water Tank and Pits.
In: Riemer, A.; Droege, P.: Proceedings of the 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2021 (IRES 2021). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 8)., ISBN 978-94-6239-546-6, pp. 78 - 92. (DOI) (Web link) - Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Schaffer, Benjamin (2022): Heat Pump Solutions in Renovations of Multi-Storey Buildings.
In: Clima 2022. The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress. 22nd - 25th May, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Delft: Delft University of Technology / Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology., pp. 1 - 7. (DOI) (Web link) - Duan, Yijun; Liu, Xin; Jatowt, Adam; Yu, Hai-Tao; Lynden, Steven; Kim, Kyoung-Sook; Matono, Akiyoshi (2022): Anonymity Can Help Minority: A Novel Synthetic Data Over-sampling Strategy on Multi-label Graphs.
In: Proceedings of European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD 2022). 19th to the 23rd of September 2022, Grenoble. Rouen: Institut national des sciences appliquées de Rouen (INSA) / / Grenoble: Université Grenoble Alpes / University of Grenoble., No. 1027. (Web link) - Duan, Yijun; Liu, Xin; Jatowt, Adam; Yu, H.-T.; Lynden, S.; Kim, K.-S.; Matono, A. (2022): Dual Cost-sensitive Graph Convolutional Network.
In: Gori, Marco; Sperduti, Alessandro; Bonissone, Piero: Proceedngs of the 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Padua, Italy, 18-23 July 2022. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 978-1-7281-8671-9, pp. 1 - 8. (DOI) (Web link) - Eckhardt, A.; Krönung, J.; Reibenspiess, V.; Jaeger, L. (2022): Does Your Smile Mean That You’re Happy? – a Multi-Channel Analysis of Emotional Reactions.
In: Tung, X. Bui: Proceedings of the 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2022). January 3-7, 2022, virtual. Manoa: University of Hawaii (= Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS))., ISBN 978-0-9981331-5-7, pp. 3095 - 3104. (DOI) (Web link) - Erlebach, S.; Kupfer, A.; Wrabel, A.; Zimmermann, S. (2022): Tag me if you can - (How) should platforms tag fake reviews and fake users?
In: Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022). Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS))., Vol. Research-In-Progress Papers, No. 50. (Web link) - Geisler-Moroder, David; Hauer, Martin; Knoflach, Christian; Pohl, Wilfried (2022): Bringing Daylighting to the Fore: Advances in Integral Control Concepts, Simulation Tools and Evaliation Metrics.
In: Lux europa 2022 - Proceedings of the 14th European Lighting Conference. Ostrava: Česká společnosť pro osvětlování., ISBN 978-80-11-02269-3, pp. 112 - 118. - Gutehrlé, Nicolas; Doucet, Antoine; Jatowt, Adam (2022): Archive TimeLine Summarization (ATLS): Conceptual Framework for Timeline Generation over Historical Document Collections.
In: Proceedings of the 6th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature. The 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. October 12-17, 2022, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. International Conference on Computational Linguistics (= International Conference on Computational Linguistics (ICCL) (COLING), 29/3)., pp. 13 - 23. (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Hauer, Martin; Geisler-Moroder, David; Weninger, Johannes; Pfluger, Rainer (2022): The impact of occupancy patterns on artificial light energy demand - simulation and post-occupancy-evaluation.
In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA. 1-3 September, 2021, Bruges, Belgium. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 17)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-2-9, pp. 3536 - 3543. (DOI) (Web link) - Hauer, Martin; Geisler-Moroder, David; Pohl, Wilfried (2022): Impact of Integral Day- and Artificial Lighting Solutions on Energy Demand and User Comfort.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 118 - 126. (Web link) - Hauer, Martin; Plörer, Daniel; Pfluger, Rainer (2022): Innovative Messmethoden zur thermischen und visuellen Charakterisierung semi-transparenter Fassadenkomponenten - Entwicklung einer Pilot-Line im Rahmen des EU-Forschungsprojektes MEZeroE.
In: Kornadt, Oliver; Carrigan, Svenja; Völker, Conrad; Hofmann, Markus: Bauphysik in Forschung und Praxis. Bauphysiktage Kaiserslautern 2022. 29. und 30. März 2022. Kaiserslautern: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (= Schriftenreihe des Fachgebiets Bauphysik/Energetische Gebäudeoptimierung, 5)., ISBN 978-3-95974-176-7, pp. 155 - 157. (Web link) - Jakob, Uli; Vasta, Salvatore; Weiss, Wolfgang; Neyer, Daniel; Kohlenbach, Paul (2022): Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions.
In: Dave, Renné: SWC 2021: ISES Solar World Congress. 25-29 October 2021. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., ISBN 978-3-9820408-7-5, pp. 788 - 795. (DOI) (Web link) - Jatowt, Adam; Doucet, Antoine; Campos, Ricardo (2022): Diachronic Analysis of Time References in News Articles.
In: WWW '22: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022. WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022 Virtual Event, Lyon France April 25 - 29, 2022. New York: ACM Press., ISBN 978-1-4503-9130-6, pp. 918 - 923. (DOI) (Web link) - Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Knotzer, Armin; Roßkopf-Nachbaur, Thomas; Dermentzis, Georgios; Venturi, Elisa; Jähnig, Dagmar (2022): Supporting the Decision-Making Process Related to the Renovation of Multi-Family Houses.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 336 - 344. (Web link) - Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian; Breuss, Samuel; Drexel, Christof (2022): Development, Testing and Simulation Based Optimization of a Split-Type Heat Pump for Minimal Invasive Renovation of Buildings.
In: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2022. 9th Conference of IBPSA-Germany and Austria, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 20.-22. September 2022. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-00-073975-0, pp. 253 - 258. (Web link) - Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian; Drexel, Christof; Speer, Christoph (2022): Development of an air-source mini-split heat pump for domestic hot water by means of coupled CFD and refrigerant cycle analysis.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 71 - 79. (Web link) - Mukherjee, Sourajit; Jangra, Anubhav; Saha, Sriparna; Jatowt, Adam (2022): Topic-aware Multimodal Summarization.
In: He, Yulan; Ji, Heng; Li, Sujian; Chang, Chua-Hui: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers). Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., pp. 387 - 398. (Web link) - Ochs, F.; Dermentzis, G. (2022): Einfaches und schnelles Dynamisches Model für die Vorhersage des PV Eigenverbrauchs (Winner of Best Paper Award).
In: Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2022. 9th Conference of IBPSA-Germany and Austria, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 20.-22. September 2022. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)., ISBN 978-3-00-073975-0, pp. 15 - 21. (Web link) - Ochs, F.; Magni, M.; Dermentzis, G. (2022): Heat Pumps and Renewables in District Heating–Evaluation of Central and Decentral Approaches.
In: Clima 2022. The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress. 22nd - 25th May, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Delft: Delft University of Technology / Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology., pp. 1 - 8. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Tosatto, Alice; Reisenbichler, Michael; O’Donovan, Keith; Gauthier, Geoffroy; Kok Skov, Christian; Schmidt, Thomas (2022): Comprehensive Comparison of Different Models for Large-Scale Thermal Energy Storage.
In: Riemer, A.; Droege, P.: Proceedings of the 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2021 (IRES 2021). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 8)., ISBN 978-94-6239-546-6, pp. 36 - 51. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Hauer, Martin; De Vries, Samuel; Bonato, Paolo (2022): Simulation based evaluation of building integrated solar envelope systems on building level.
In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA. 1-3 September, 2021, Bruges, Belgium. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 17)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-2-9, pp. 94 - 101. (DOI) (Web link) - Rojas Kopeinig, Gabriel (2022): Assessing demand-controlled ventilation strategies based on one CO2 sensor.
In: AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre): 42nd AIVC Conference "Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World". Conference Proceedings. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC., ISBN 2-930471-63-1, pp. 649 - 650. - Rojas Kopeinig, Gabriel; Greml, Andreas; Pfluger, Rainer; Tappler, Peter (2022): Assessing the “sufficient ventilation” requirement for Austrian buildings - Development of a Monte Carlo based spreadsheet calculation to estimate airing intervals and mould risk in window ventilated buildings.
In: AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre): 42nd AIVC Conference "Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World". Conference Proceedings. Sint-Stevens-Woluwe: AIVC., ISBN 2-930471-63-1, pp. 176 - 185. - Salchner, Marco; Jatowt, Adam (2022): A Survey of Automatic Text Summarization Using Graph Neural Networks.
In: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL)., pp. 6139 - 6150. (Web link) - Stauffer, Reto; Lang, Moritz; Zeileis, Achim (2022): Graphical assessment of probabilistic precipitation forecasts.
In: Torelli, Nicola; Bellio, Ruggero; Muggeo, Vito (eds.): Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop Statistical Modelling July 18-22, 2022 - Trieste, Italy. EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste., ISBN 978-88-5511-309-0, pp. 317 - 320. (Web link) - Stöckl, F.; Eckhardt, A. (2022): Online Learning Fatigue in Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic – An Empirical Study with High School Students.
In: Proceedings of the 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2022). Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS))., Vol. 16, No. 1140. (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Muser, Christoph (2022): The Challenge of Planning and Constructing Large-Scale Hot Water TES for District Heating System: A Techno-Economic Analysis.
In: Riemer, A.; Droege, P.: Proceedings of the 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2021 (IRES 2021). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 8)., ISBN 978-94-6239-546-6, pp. 52 - 66. (DOI) (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Muser, Christoph; Kutscha-Lissberg, Felix; Kremnitzer, Peter (2022): Insulating Piles for the Cost-effective Construction of Very Large-scale High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage.
In: Riemer, A.; Droege, P.: Proceedings of the 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2021 (IRES 2021). Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 8)., ISBN 978-94-6239-546-6, pp. 67 - 77. (DOI) (Web link) - Tuyet Nguyen, Hai Thi; Jatowt, Adam; Coustaty, Mickael; Doucet, Antoine (2022): ReadOCR: A Novel Dataset and Readability Assessment of OCRed Texts.
In: Uchida, Seiichi; Barney, Elisa; Eglin, Véronique: Proceedings of 15th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2022). Cham: Springer Nature (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science)., ISBN 978-3-031-06554-5, pp. 479 - 491. (DOI) (Web link) - Van Helden, W.; Moser, M.; Muser, C.; Wallner, G.; Ochs, F.; Leusbrock, I. (2022): Giga-Scale Thermal Energy Storage for Renewable Districts; Resultl of the GIGA_TES Project.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 228 - 231. (Web link) - Venturi, Elisa; Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara (2022): Case Study of a Passive House with Facade integrated Photovoltaic System.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 129 - 136. (Web link) - Venturi, Elisa; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara (2022): Multi-zone Dynamic Simulations for Investigation of Occupant Behaviour and Building Performance.
In: Clima 2022. The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress. 22nd - 25th May, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Delft: Delft University of Technology / Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology., pp. 1 - 7. (DOI) (Web link) - Verma, Yash; Jangra, Anubhav; Saha, Sriparna; Jatowt, Adam; Roy, Dwaipayan (2022): MAKED: Multi-lingual Automatic Keyword Extraction Dataset.
In: Calzolari, Nicoletta; et al: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022). Paris: European Language Resources Association., ISBN 979-10-95546-72-6, pp. 6170 - 6179. (Web link) - Wang, Jiexin; Jatowt, Adam; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi (2022): ArchivalQA: A Large-scale Benchmark Dataset for Open-Domain Question Answering over Historical News Collections.
In: Amigo, E.; Castells, P.; Gonazalo, J.; Carterette, B.; Culpepper, J. S.; Kazai, G.: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2022). New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 978-1-4503-8732-3, pp. 3025 - 3035. (DOI) (Web link) - Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2022): Wittgensteins Wechsel vom Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus zu den Philosophischen Untersuchungen und das Scheitern der GOFAI.
In: Arnswald, Ulrich; Somavilla, Ilse: Ludwig Wittgenstein. Universalgenie, Genie oder Generalist? Ein Leben ruhelosen Denkens. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= Edited Volume Series)., ISBN 978-3-99106-083-3, pp. 53 - 76. (Web link) - Wemhoener, Carsten; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Betzold, Christina (2022): Methodology for comparison of nZEB ambition level in different countries by building and system simulation.
In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA. 1-3 September, 2021, Bruges, Belgium. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 17)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-2-9, pp. 143 - 150. (DOI) (Web link) - Wiriyachaokit, W.; Augustin, N.; Eckhardt, A. (2022): Exploring Drivers of Sustained Participation in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems 2022 (ICIS 2022). Digitization for the next Generation. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS))., ISBN 978-1-958200-04-9, Nr. 11. (Web link) - Zhang, Yao; Li, Peiyao; Liang, Hongru; Jatowt, Adam; Yang, Zhenglu (2022): Fact-Tree Reasoning for N-ary Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs.
In: Muresan, Smaranda; Nakov, Preslav; Villavicencio, Aline: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022). Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., ISBN 978-1-955917-25-4, pp. 788 - 802. (DOI) (Web link)
Proceedings Article (Abstract)
- Auddy, Sayantan; Hollenstein, Jakob; Saveriano, Matteo; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Antonio; Piater, Justus (2022): Continual Learning Benchmarks for Antipodal Grasping.
In: Faller, Lisa-Marie; Piater, Justus; Steinbauer-Wagner, Gerald; Brandstötter, Mathias: Proceedings of The Austrian Robotics Workshop 2022. june 14-15, 2022. Villach: FH Kärnten., ISBN 978-3-99076-109-0, pp. 86 - 88. (DOI) (Web link) - Aye, Lu; Daborer-Prado, Nayrana; Neyer, Daniel; Jakob, Uli (2022): Second Update on Activity C1 Design Tools and Models, Task 65 Solar Cooling Sunbelt Regions.
In: 2022 Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference, online Abstracts. published online / Internetpublikation., online. (Web link) - Jatowt, Adam (2022): Temporal Question Answering in News Article Collections.
In: WWW '22: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022. WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022 Virtual Event, Lyon France April 25 - 29, 2022. New York: ACM Press., ISBN 978-1-4503-9130-6, p. 895. (DOI) (Web link) - Kumar, A.; Burtscher, C.; Eckhardt, A. (2022): Progenitors and antagonists of shadow IT use: Results of a computational-driven approach using Reddit data.
In: WISP 2022 Proceedings, Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC). Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)., No. 14. (Web link) - Lang, Moritz N.; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2022): Graphical Model Assessment of Probabilistic Forecasts.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2022 - Book of Abstracts. 23.-27.05.2022, Wien. Göttingen: Copernicus., No. EGU22-11689. (DOI) (Web link) - Morgenstern, Deborah; Stucke, Isabell; Simon, Thorsten; Mayr, Georg J.; Zeileis, Achim (2022): Differentiating lightning in winter and summer with characteristics of wind field and mass field.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2022 - Book of Abstracts. 23.-27.05.2022, Wien. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU22-824. (DOI) (Web link) - Muschinski, Thomas; Lang, Moritz N.; Mayr, Georg J.; Messner, Jakob W.; Simon, Thorsten; Zeileis, Achim (2022): Probabilistic power ramp forecasts using multivariate Gaussian regression.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2022 - Book of Abstracts. 23.-27.05.2022, Wien. Göttingen: Copernicus., No. EGU22-2176. (DOI) (Web link) - Neyer, Daniel; Jakob, Uli (2022): SOLAR COOLING FOR THE SUNBELT REGIONS – IEA SHC TASK 65.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, F.; Magni, M.; Venturi, E.; Tosatto, A.; Dermentzis, G.; Steiger, J.; Schnieders, J. (2022): Techno-Economic Analysis of Building integrated Photovoltaics with and without Storage on Building Level.
In: AEE Intec: ISEC 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems took place in Graz. Conference Proceedings. 05-07 April 2022, Congress Graz, Austria. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC., pp. 433 - 434. (Web link) - Perez-Villeda, Hector; Saveriano, Matteo; Piater, Justus (2022): Trajectory Adaptation from Demonstrations with Constrained Optimization.
In: Faller, Lisa-Marie; Piater, Justus; Steinbauer-Wagner, Gerald; Brandstötter, Mathias: Proceedings of The Austrian Robotics Workshop 2022. june 14-15, 2022. Villach: FH Kärnten., ISBN 978-3-99076-109-0, pp. 59 - 60. (DOI) (Web link) - Simon, Thorsten; Mayr, Georg J.; Morgenstern, Deborah; Umlauf, Nikolaus; Zeileis, Achim (2022): Amplification of annual and diurnal cycles of alpine lightning over the past four decades.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2022 - Book of Abstracts. 23.-27.05.2022, Wien. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU22-1314. (DOI) (Web link) - Stucke, Isabell; Morgenstern, Deborah; Simon, Thorsten; Mayr, Georg J.; Diendorfer, Gerhard; Schulz, Wolfgang; Pichler, Hannes; Zeileis, Achim (2022): Upward lightning at tall structures: Atmospheric drivers for trigger mechanisms and flash type.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2022 - Book of Abstracts. 23.-27.05.2022, Wien. Göttingen: Copernicus., No. EGU22-958. (DOI) (Web link)
Encyclopaedia Entry, Scientific
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; Rachinger, Felicitas (2022): Internet, Right to.
In: Binder, Christina; Nowak, Manfred; Hofbauer, Jane A.; Janig, Philipp: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 9781789903614, pp. 322 - 328. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
- Fertmann, Martin; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): One council to rule them all: making social media more democratic.
In: Encore. The Annual Magazine on Internet and Society Research 2021/2022, pp. 10 - 18. (Full-text) (Web link) - Greml, Andreas; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Tappler, Peter (2022): Lüftungskonzept für Österreich - Wann ist eine Fensterlüftung zumutbar?
In: TGA Magazin 2022/12, pp. 10 - 13. (Web link) - Hoff, Johannes (2022): Das Heilige und die offene Gesellschaft. Was uns als Gesellschaft versammeln kann.
In: evolve. Magazin für Bewusstsein und Kultur 35, pp. 60 - 63. (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Please prove that you are not a robot.
In: Encore. The Annual Magazine on Internet and Society Research 2021/2022, pp. 96 - 103. (Full-text) (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Vorwort/Preface.
In: The Defence Horizon Journal 22/1, pp. 2 - 3. (Web link) - Schöttel, Lisa; Missomelius, Petra (2022): Digital Natives – die neuen Bücherwürmer? (Interview).
In: Anzeiger. Die Zeitschrift für die österreichische Buchbranche 2022/2, online. (Web link)
(Book) Reviews
Journal Article (Book Review)
- Forster, Ellinor (2022): Josef Pauser/Martin P. Schennach (Hg.), Die Tiroler Landesordnungen von 1526, 1532 und 1573. Historische Einführung und Edition (FONTES IURIS. Geschichtsquellen zum österreichischen Reicht 26.
In: Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione 31/2, pp. 199 - 202. (Web link)
Electronic Publication (Book Review)
- Kupper, Patrick (2022): Piccioni, Luigi: The Beloved Face of the Country. The First Movement for Nature Protection in Italy, 1880–1934. Winwick: The White Horse Press, 2020. In: H-Soz-Kult, 10. Mai. (Web link)
- Kupper, Patrick (2022): Re-Edition of Sarasin, Paul: “Weltnaturschutz”: Global Protection of Nature, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1911. In: Environment & Society Portal. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva (2022): Wachter, Christian: Geschichte digital schreiben. Hypertext als non-lineare Wissensrepräsentation in der Digital History. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2021. In: H-Soz-Kult, 7.4.2022. (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication, Scientific
- Asghari, Hadi; Birner, Nadine; Burchardt, Alijoscha; Dicks, Daniela; Fassbender, Judith; Feldhus, Nils; Hewett, Freya; Hoffmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Schulz, Wolfgang; Simon, Judith; Stolberg-Larsen, Jakob; Züger, Theresa (2022): What to Explain when explaining is difficult. An interdisciplinary primer on XAI and meaningful information in automated decision-making. (DOI) (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor (2022): Bericht über das Schlesien-Kolloquium 2022, in: Silesia News. Aktuelles und Wissenswertes aus Schlesien, Tagungen und Seminare. (Web link)
- Keber, Tobias; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Riechert, Anne; Gostomzyk, Tobias; Schneider, Ingrid (2022): Kurzkommentar zu: Digital Services Act zur Regulierung großer Digitalkonzerne. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Kurzstellungsnahme zu: Data Act – neuer EU-Rechtsakt für den Datenaustausch. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Conditions for the Implementation in Germany. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Vorwort in Stylianou, Konstantinos and Zingales, Nicolo and Di Stefano, Stefani: Is Facebook Keeping up with International Standards on Freedom of Expression? A Time-Series Analysis 2005-2020. (DOI) (Web link)
- Mühlberger, Günther; Oberbichler, Sarah; Pfanzelter, Eva (2022): Digitization and Digital Humanities: The Role of the University of Innsbruck in the NewsEye Project. In, 24. Februar. (Web link)
- Susi, Mart; Benedek, Wolfgang; Fischer-Lessiak, Gregor; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Schippers, Birgit; Viljanen, Jukka (2022): Governing Information Flows During War: A Comparative Study of Content Governance and Media Policy Responses After Russia’s Attack against Ukraine. (DOI) (Web link)
Electronic Publication (Preprint)
- Auddy, Sayantan; Hollenstein, Jakob; Saveriano, Matteo; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Antonio; Piater, Justus (2022): Continual Learning from Demonstration of Robotic Skills. (DOI) (Web link)
- Stucke, Isabell; Morgenstern, Deborah; Diendorfer, Gerhard; Mayr, Georg J.; Pichler, Hannes; Schulz, Wolfgang; Simon, Thorsten; Zeileis, Achim (2022): Upward lightning at tall structures: Atmospheric drivers for trigger mechanisms and flash type. (Web link)
Database, Scientific
- Ender, Markus; Tanzer, Ulrike; Unterkircher, Anton; Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2022): Ludwig von Ficker: Gesamtbriefwechsel. Kommentierte Online-Edition. (Web link)
- Rampl, Gerhard; Posch, Claudia (2022): Read&search. In: Alpenvereinsjahrbuch. Das Historische Alpenarchiv. (Web link)
Database Entry, Scientific
- Rodriguez-R, LM (2022): Macondimonas diazotrophica sp. nov. gen. nov. In: The SeqCode Registry. (DOI) (Web link)
- Rodriguez-R, LM (2022): Register list proposing Elulimicrobium humile sp. nov. gen. nov. and their lineage. In: The SeqCode Registry. (DOI) (Web link)
Research Report (Commissioned Research)
- Arnold, Matthias; Schenk, Martin; Kainz, Niklas; Dietsch, Philipp; Cabrero, José Manuel; Maderebner, Roland; Winter, Stefan: Schlussbericht zum Europäischen Forschungsvorhaben InnoCrossLam – Innovative Solutions for Cross. Laminated Timber Structures; Arbeitspakete 5 und 6 (Deutschland).
Bundesministerium für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung; Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Gülzow-Prüzen, 2019-03-01 - 2022-10-31. (Web link) - Gschösser, Florian; Hausberger, Lukas; Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Hajibabaei, Mohsen: Grundlagenstudie MUI-Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie (sustMUI) - Bewertung von Treibhausgas-Emissionen und Umweltauswirkungen der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck (MUI) und Entwicklung einer Potential-orientierten Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck (MUI), Innsbruck, 2022-11-01 - 2023-04-30. - Jänicke, Leandra; Kleewein, Klaus; Back, Yannick; Kleidorfer, Manfred; Mailer, Markus; Ochs, Fabian: INN'FIT4UM - Innsbruck "Fit4UrbanMission" - klimaneutrales Innsbruck 2030.
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2021-07-01 - 2022-08-01. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Drexel, Christoph; Fink, Jürgen; Bilgeri, Gordon; Rothbacher, Mtthias; Breier, Stephan; Elender, Markus; Winter Winter: Fassadenintegrierte modulare Split-Wärmepumpe für Neubau und Sanierung (FiTNeS).
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2019-10-01 - 2023-05-28. - Sevela, Pavel; Frenger, Johannes; Schnieders, Jürgen; Pfluger, Rainer: The potential of Wastewater Heat Recovery Systems in reducing the energy need for water heating in the EU in a cost-efficient way.
European Copper Institut (ECI) - Solarthermalworld, Brüssel, 2022-03-01. (Web link)
Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
- Court, Sébastien (2022): Designing the Monodomain Model with ANNs. In: DiSC Blog, 28. März. (DOI) (Web link)
- Hinrichs, Lena; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Twitter-Alternative mit Problemen: Was bei Mastodon besser laufen muss. In: Hans-Bredow-Institut. Media Research Blog, 28. November. (Web link)
- Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Towards an African Narrative on Digital Sovereignty. In: Digital Society Blog, 17. März. (DOI) (Web link)
- Jatowt, Adam (2022): Tracking How Words Changed Meaning over Time. In: DiSC Blog, 28. April. (DOI) (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Designing Digital Democracy In: Digital Society Blog, 31. Oktober. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Digitale Demokratie by Design: Was Habermas stört und Elon Musk freut. In:, 16. Oktober. (DOI) (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Was ist vom neuen Digital Services Act zu halten?. In: Hans Bredow Institut. Media Research Blog, 28. April. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2022): Wie soll die digitale Demokratie aussehen? In: Digital Society Blog, 31. Oktober. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; Fertmann, Martin; Francke, Josefa (2022): Parlamente für Plattformen: Faire Regulierung für Online-Kommunikationsräume. In: turi2. (Web link)
- Schurz, Matthias (2022): Clustering Brain Activation to Study Social Cognition. In: DiSC Blog, 21. Februar. (DOI) (Web link)
Other Publication, Transfer-Oriented
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; Rachinger, Felicitas; Vural, Meryem (2022): Menschenrechte im Digitalen. Wie wir Freiheit im digitalen Raum sichern. Handlungsoptionen für die Bundesregierung. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (= fes Diskurs). ISBN 978-3-98628-214-1. (Web link)
Publications 2021
Monograph, Scientific
- Hoff, Johannes (2021): Verteidigung des Heiligen. Anthropologie der digitalen Transformation. Freiburg i. Br. - Basel [u.a.]: Herder. ISBN 978-3-451-38966-5. (Web link)
- Kupper, Patrick (2021): Umweltgeschichte. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (= Einführungen in die Geschichtswissenschaft / Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, 3 / UTB, 5729). ISBN 978-3-8252-5729-3. (Web link)
- Mösl, Martin (2021): Lebenszyklusrendite von Immobilien. Ermittlung im frühen Projektstadium auf Basis von Building Information Modeling. Berlin: Springer Vieweg. ISBN 978-3-658-35792-4. (DOI) (Web link)
- Singerton, Jonathan (2021): The American Revolution and the Habsburg Monarchy. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia. ISBN 978-0-8139-4832-8. (DOI) (Web link)
- Steininger, Karl W.; Mayer, Jakob; Bachner, Gabriel; Duelli, Samuel; Frei, Elisabeth; Grossmann, Wolf; Maier, Raphaela; Nabernegg, Stefan; Williges, Keith; Streicher, Wolfgang; Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Tosatto, Alice; Venturi, Elisa; Passer, Alexander; Kreiner, Helmuth; Scherz, Marco; Truger, Barbara; Vogel, Johanna; Offenthaler, Ivo (2021): The Economic Effects of Achieving the 2030 EU Climate Targets in the Context of the Corona Crisis - An Austrian Perspective. Graz: Wegener Center Verlag (= Wegener Center Scientific Report, 91). ISBN 978-3-9504717-8-6. (Web link)
Critical Edition
- Klettenhammer, Sieglinde; Rottensteiner, Anna; Wild, Gabriele; Tanzer, Ulrike (2021): Evelyn Schlag. Literatur und Fotografie. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= Innsbrucker Poetik-Vorlesungen, 5). ISBN 978-3-99106-043-7. (Web link)
- Riccabona, Christine; Unterkircher, Anton; Tanzer, Ulrike (2021): Hans Haid: es kann sein, dass dann die schatten kommen. Romanfragment. Werksausgabe. Band 2. Innsbruck: Haymon-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7099-8124-5. (Web link)
(Co-)Edited Books
Anthology / Collected Edition (Editorship)
- Bachor, Martina; Hug, Theo; Pallaver, Günther (Hg.) (2021): DataPolitics. Zum Umgang mit Daten im digitalen Zeitalter. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP). ISBN 978-3-99106-046-8. (Full-text) (Web link)
- Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Plattformregulierung im Superwahljahr 2021. Ergebnisse rechtswissenschaftlicher, sozialwissenschaftlicher und datenwissenschaftlicher Studien zu Parteien und Plattformen im Bundestagswahlkampf. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) (= Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts, 61). ISBN 978-3-87296-174-7. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
- Lanzinger, Margareth; Maegraith, Janine; Clementi, Siglinde; Forster, Ellinor; Hagen, Christian (2021): Negotiations of Gender and Property through Legal Regimes (14th-19th Century). Stipulating, Litigating, Mediating. Leiden [u.a.]: Brill (= Legal History Library, 48). ISBN 978-90-04-45620-4. (Web link)
Proceedings (Editorship)
- Saveriano, Matteo; Renaudo, Erwan; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Antonio; Piater, Justus (2021): Human-Friendly Robotics 2020. 13th International Workshop. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, 18). ISBN 978-3-030-71355-3. (DOI) (Web link)
- Siegetsleitner, Anne; Oberprantacher, Andreas; Frick, Marie-Luisa; Metschl, Ulrich (Eds.) (2021): Crisis and Critique: Philosophical Analysis and Current Events, Proceedings of the 42nd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Berlin u.a.: De Gruyter (= Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. New Series, 28). ISBN 978-3-11-070214-9. (DOI) (Web link)
- Tahmesabi, Nina; Jatowt, Adam; Xu, Yang; Hengchen, Simon; Monatriol, Syriell; Dubossarsky, Haim (2021): Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2021 (LChange 2021). Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). ISBN 978-1-954085-60-2. (Web link)
(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series
(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
- Finotello, Francesca: Associate Editor - Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 2021-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2021-01-01 - 2023-11-30. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Zeitschrift "Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione", 2014-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Giacomuzzi, Renate: Mitherausgeberin -, 2012-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hanke, Klaus: Member of Editorial Board - Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2012-01-01 - 2024-01-01. (Web link)
- Hasenöhrl, Ute; Kupper, Patrick: Guest Editor Volume 37, Issue 4: Historicizing renewables - History and Technology, 2018-08-01 - 2022-04-28. (Web link)
- Holzmeister, Felix: Associate Editor - Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2019-04-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Howanitz, Gernot: Mitherausgeber - Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Erweitertes Editorial Board - Medienimpulse – Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Ralf Vollbrecht und Claudia Wegener) Buchreihe "Medien, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft" - Beltz Juventa, 2017-01-01 on-going.
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Kai-Uwe Hugger und Angela Tillmann) der Buchreihe „Digitale Kultur und Kommunikation“ - Springer, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Kettemann, Matthias C.: Editor des Schwerpunkts "International Law and the Internet", Jahrgang 81 (2021) Heft 3 - Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (ZaöRV), 2021-01-01 - 2021-11-01. (Web link)
- Kuntner, Walter: Editorial Board - Studies in Caucasian Archaeology, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Mühlberger, Günter: Editor - Digital Libraries, 2013-02-01 on-going.
- Pallaver, Günther; Hug, Theo; Missomelius, Petra: Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Die kleine Medienreihe - Studia-Universitäts-Verlag, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva: Herausgeberschaft - historia.scribere, 2008-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pilz, Michael: Herausgeber der Reihe - Literaturkritik in Zahlen, 2016-01-01 - 2024-06-06. (Web link)
- Saveriano, Matteo: Guest Editor - Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2021-01-01 - 2021-12-16. (Web link)
- Sumikawa, Yasunobu; Ikejiri, Ryohei; Doucet, Antoine; Pfanzelter, Eva; Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed; Dias, Gaël; Milligan, Ian; Jatowt, Adam: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational History (HistoInformatics 2021) co-located with ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL 2021), vol. 2981 - CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021-01-01 - 2021-12-31. (Web link)
- Tautschnig, Arnold: Mitherausgeber - bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement, 2010-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, R.: Review Editor: Section Neuroimaging Methods and Neurosctimulation - Frontiers in Psychology, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, Roberto: Associate Editor for the Section Neuroimaging Methods - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim: Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Statistical Software, 2010-03-01 on-going. (Web link)
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
- Aczel, Balazs; Szaszi, Barnabas; Nilsonne, Gustav; van den Akker, Olmo R.; Albers, Casper J.; van Assen, Marcel A.; Bastiaansen, Jojanneke A.; Benjamin, Daniel; Boehm, Udo; Botvinik-Nezer, Rotem; Bringmann, Laura F.; Busch, Niko A.; Caruyer, Emmanuel; Cataldo, Andrea M.; Cowan, Nelson; Delios, Andrew; van Dongen, Noah NN.; Donkin, Chris; van Doorn, Johnny B.; Dreber, Anna; Dutilh, Gilles; Egan, Gary F.; Gernsbacher, Morton Ann; Hoekstra, Rink; Hoffmann, Sabine; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Juergen; Johannesson, Magnus; Jonas, Kai J.; Kindel, Alexander T.; Kirchler, Michael; Kunkels, Yoram K.; Lindsay, D. Stephen; Mangin, Jean-Francois; Matzke, Dora; Munafò, Marcus R.; Newell, Ben R.; Nosek, Brian A.; Poldrack, Russell A.; van Ravenzwaaij, Don; Rieskamp, Jörg; Salganik, Matthew J.; Sarafoglou, Alexandra; Schonberg, Tom; Schweinsberg, Martin; Shanks, David; Silberzahn, Raphael; Simons, Daniel J.; Spellman, Barbara A.; St-Jean, Samuel; Starns, Jeffrey J.; Uhlmann, Eric Luis; Wicherts, Jelte; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan (2021): Consensus-based guidance for conducting and reporting multi-analyst studies.
In: eLife 10, No. e72185. (DOI) (Web link) - Aghaebrahimian, Ahmad; Stauder, Andy; Ustaszewski, Michael (2021): Automatically extracted parallel corpora enriched with highly useful metadata? A Wikipedia case study combining machine learning and social technology.
In: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 36/1, pp. 1 - 15. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Blanco, Esther; Baier, Alexandra; Holzmeister, Felix; Jaber-Lopez, Tarek; Struwe, Natalie (2021): Long term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on social concerns.
In: Frontiers in Psychology 12, No. 743054. (DOI) (Web link) - Brocca, Nicola (2021): LADDER: Un corpus di scritture digitali per l’insegnamento della pragmatica in L2. Un esempio di analisi di disdette in WhatsApp.
In: Italiano LinguaDue 13/1, pp. 241 - 259. (Web link) - Dahash, Abdul; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2021): Techno-economic and exergy analysis of tank and pit thermal energy storage for renewables district heating systems.
In: Renewable Energy 180, pp. 1358 - 1379. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Giuliani, Genia; Tosatto, Alice (2021): Understanding the interaction between groundwater and large-scale underground hot-water tanks and pits.
In: Sustainable Cities and Society 71, No. 102928. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Danthine, Brigit; Hiebel, Gerald; Posch, Caroline; Stadler, Harald (2021): The Integration of Semantic Networks in Virtual Exhibitions.
In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVI-M-1-2021, pp. 165 - 172. (DOI) (Web link) - Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Franzoi, Nicola (2021): Four years monitoring of heat pump, solar thermal and PV system in two net-zero energy multi-family buildings.
In: Journal of Building Engineering 43, Nr. 103199. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Thuer, Alexander; Streicher, Wolfgang (2021): Supporting decision-making for heating and distribution systems in a new residential district - An Austrian case study.
In: Energy 224, No. 120141. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Fandrych, Christian; Meißner, Cordula; Wallner, Franziska (2021): Korpora gesprochener Sprache und Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache: eine chancenreiche Beziehung.
In: Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1/2, pp. 5 - 30. (DOI) (Web link) - Fertmann, Martin; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Can Platforms Cancel Politicians? How States and Platforms Deal with Private Power over Public and Political Actors. An Exploratory Study of 15 Countries.
In: East European Yearbook on Human Rights 4/1, pp. 181 - 261. (DOI) (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2021): Mapping and Appropriating American Regions and Structures with "Austrian eyes". Consuls of the Habsburg Monarchy in the United States as Intermediators in the 1820s and 1830s.
In: Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione 30/1, pp. 55 - 85. (Web link) - Greml, Andreas; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Tappler, Peter (2021): Lüftungskonzept Österreich.
In: Schriftenreihe: Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung 2021/33, pp. 1 - 87. (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Weninger, Johannes; Geisler-Moroder, David; Pfluger, Rainer; Pohl, Wilfried (2021): Reduzierung des Kunstlichteinsatzes durch Anpassung der Nachlaufzeit an individuelle Anwesenheitsmuster.
In: Bauphysik 43/1, pp. 50 - 64. (DOI) (Web link) - Heritier-Robbins, P; Karthikeyan, S; Hatt, JK; Kim, M; Huettel, M; Kostka, JE; Konstantinidis, K; Rodriguez-R, LM (2021): Beach sand oil spills select for generalist microbial populations.
In: ISME Journal 15, pp. 3418 - 3422. (DOI) (Web link) - Hiebel, Gerald; Aspöck, Edeltraut; Kopetzky, Karin (2021): Ontological Modeling for Excavation Documentation and Virtual Reconstruction of an Ancient Egyptian Site.
In: ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 14/3, No. 32. (DOI) (Web link) - Hiebel, Gerald; Goldenberg, Gert; Grutsch, Caroline; Hanke, Klaus; Staudt, Markus (2021): FAIR Data for Prehistoric Mining Archaeology.
In: International Journal on Digital Libraries 22, pp. 267 - 277. (DOI) (Web link) - Holzmeister, Felix; Stefan, Matthias (2021): The risk elicitation puzzle revisited: Across-methods (in)consistency?
In: Experimental Economics 24, pp. 593 - 616. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Hothorn, Torsten; Zeileis, Achim (2021): Predictive Distribution Modeling Using Transformation Forests.
In: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 30/4, pp. 1181 - 1196. (DOI) (Web link) - Howanitz, Gernot (2021): Mapping Fifty Years of 'Russian Literature': Topics, Themes and Trends.
In: Russian Literature 125-126, pp. 9 - 19. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Jaeger, L.; Eckhardt, A. (2021): Eyes wide open: The role of situational information security awareness for security‐related behaviour.
In: Information Systems Journal 31/3, pp. 426 - 472. (DOI) (Web link) - Jaeger, L.; Eckhardt, A.; Kroenung, J. (2021): The role of deterrability for the effect of multi-level sanctions on information security policy compliance: Results of a multigroup analysis.
In: Information & Management 58/3, No. 103318. (DOI) (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C.; Fertmann, Martin (2021): Viral Information. How States and Platforms Deal with Covid-19-Related Disinformation.
In: East European Yearbook on Human Rights 4/1, pp. 59 - 162. (DOI) (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C; Kraml, Georg; Rachinger, Felicitas; Rauchegger, Clara; Tiedeke, Anna Sophia (2021): Weltweite Löschpflichten für rechtswidrige Inhalte auf digitalen Plattformen vor dem österreichischen OGH.
In: Computer und Recht 2021/3, pp. 154 - 159. (Web link) - Klijn, Flip; Walzl, Markus; Kah, Christopher (2021): Almost Mutually Best in Matching Markets: Rank Gaps and Size of the Core.
In: Social Choice and Welfare 57, pp. 797 - 816. (DOI) (Web link) - Kupfer, A.; Schmidt, M.G. (2021): In search of retail investors: The effect of retail investor attention on odd lot trades.
In: Journal of Empirical Finance 62, pp. 315 - 326. (DOI) (Web link) - Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; de Vries, Samuel; Maccarini, Alessandro; Sigg, Ferdinand (2021): Detailed cross comparison of building energy simulation tools results using a reference office building as a case study.
In: Energy and Buildings 250, No. 111260. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; de Vries, Samuel; Maccarini, Alessandro; Sigg, Ferdinand (2021): Hourly simulation results of building energy simulation tools using a reference office building as a case study.
In: Data in Brief 38, No. 107370. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Meißner, Cordula (2021): Grundwortschatz in der mündlichen Berufskommunikation. Empirische Untersuchung und Perspektiven für eine integrierte Vermittlung allgemein- und berufssprachlicher Kompetenzen.
In: Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Info DaF) 48/1, pp. 38 - 64. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Meziti, A; Rodriguez, R LM; Hatt, J K; Peña-Gonzalez, A; Levy, K; Konstantinidis, KT (2021): The Reliability of Metagenome-Assembled Genomes (MAGs) in Representing Natural Populations: Insights from Comparing MAGs against Isolate Genomes Derived from the Same Fecal Sample.
In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87/6, No. e02593-20. (DOI) (Web link) - Montenegro Benavides, NA; Alvarez B, A; Arrieta Ortiz, ML; Rodriguez-R, LM; Botero, D; et al (2021): The type VI secretion system of Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis is involved in virulence and in vitro motility.
In: BMC Microbiology 21, No. 14. (DOI) (Web link) - Mösl, Martin; Tautschnig, Arnold (2021): Auswirkungen der BIM-basierten Ermittlung von Netto-Massen auf Kalkulation und Abrechnung am Beispiel von Gebäudeöffnungen. ffects of BIM-based determination of net masses on calculation using the example of building openings.
In: Bauingenieur 96/07-08, pp. 241 - 253. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Tosatto, Alice (2021): Cost-optimal nZEB HAVC configurations with onsite storage.
In: The REHVA European HVAC Journal 2021/2, pp. 46 - 50. (Web link) - Paar, Lena; Deutschmann, Daniel; Gschösser, Florian; Heck, Detlef (2021): Anwendungspotenzial von kooperativen Mehrparteienverträgen in der österreichischen Bauwirtschaft.
In: bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement 12/1, pp. 27 - 32. (Web link) - Pfanzelter, Eva; Oberbichler, Sarah; Marjanen, Jani; Langlais, Pierre-Carl; Hechl, Stefan (2021): Digital interfaces of historical newspapers: opportunities, restrictions and recommendations.
In: Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities 2021, No. 7069. (Full-text) (Web link) - Rieser, Alexander; Pfluger, Rainer; Troi, Alexandra; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel; Engelund Thomsen, Kirsten; Rose, Jørgen; Durmuş Arsan, Zeynep; Gokcen Akkurt, Gulden; Kopeinig, Gerhard; Guyot, Gaëlle; Chung, Daniel (2021): Integration of Energy-Efficient Ventilation Systems in Historic Buildings—Review and Proposal of a Systematic Intervention Approach.
In: Sustainability 13/4, No. 2325. (DOI) (Web link) - Roumazeilles, L.; Schurz, M.; Lojkiewiez, M.; Verhagen, L.; Schüffelgen, U.; Marche, K.; Mahmoodi, A.; Emberton, A.; Simpson, K.; Joly, O.; Khamassi, M.; Rushworth, M. F. S.; Mars, R. B.; Sallet, J. (2021): Social prediction modulates activity of macaque superior temporal cortex.
In: Science Advances 7/38, No. eabh2392. (DOI) (Web link) - Schurz, M.; Uddin, L. Q.; Kanske, P.; Lamm, C.; Sallet, J.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Mars, R. B.; Bzdok, D. (2021): Variability in brain structure and function reflects lack of peer support.
In: CEREBRAL CORTEX 31/10, pp. 4612 - 4627. (DOI) (Web link) - Singerton, Jonathan (2021): Encountering the Fields of Fire. Neapolitan Networks from Bohemia to Pennsylvania and the Transformation of Regional Study into Global Science.
In: Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione 30/1, pp. 87 - 120. (Web link) - Singerton, Jonathan (2021): Science, Revolution, and Monarchy in Two Letters of Joseph Donath to František Antonín Steinský.
In: Opera Historica 22/1, pp. 145 - 165. (DOI) (Web link) - Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Hajibabaei, Mohsen; Hesarkazzazi, Sina; Sitzenfrei, Robert; Buttgereit, Alexander; Queiroz, Cesar; Haritonovs, Viktors; Gschösser, Florian (2021): Determining the Environmental Potentials of Urban Pavements by Applying the Cradle-to-Cradle LCA Approach for a Road Network of a Midscale German City.
In: Sustainability 13/22, No. 12487. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Hajibabaei, Mohsen; Thives, Liseane Padilha; Haritonovs, Viktors; Buttgereit, Alexander; Queiroz, Cesar; Gschösser, Florian (2021): Environmental potentials of asphalt mixtures fabricated with red mud and fly ash.
In: Road Materials and Pavement Design 22/S1, pp. S690 - S701. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Stabinger, Sebastian; Peer, David; Piater, Justus; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Antonio (2021): Evaluating the progress of deep learning for visual relational concepts.
In: Journal of Vision 21/11, No. 8. (DOI) (Web link) - Strobl, Carlin; Kopf, Julia; Kohler, Lucas; von Oertzen, Timo; Zeileis, Achim (2021): Anchor Point Selection: Scale Alignment Based on an Inequality Criterion.
In: Applied Psychological Measurement 45/3, pp. 214 - 230. (DOI) (Web link) - Sumikawa, Yasunobu; Jatowt, Adam (2021): Annotated Dataset of History-related Tweets.
In: Data in Brief 38, Nr. 107344. (DOI) (Web link) - Telagathoti, A; Probst, M; Khomenko, I; Biasioli, F; Peintner, U (2021): High-Throughput Volatilome Fingerprint Using PTR–ToF–MS Shows Species-Specific Patterns in Mortierella and Closely Related Genera.
In: Journal of Fungi 7/1, No. 66. (DOI) (Web link) - Tierney, Warren; Hary III, Jay; Ebersole, Charles R.; ..., ...; Dreber, Anna; ..., ...; Holzmeister, Felix; et al; Culture Work Morality Forecasting (2021): A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures.
In: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93, No. 104060. (DOI) (Web link) - Trklja, Aleksandar (2021): The event semantics of conjuncts in ‘The Sun Also Rises’.
In: Journal of Literary Semantics 50/1, pp. 61 - 82. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Umlauf, Nikolaus; Klein, Nadja; Simon, Thorsten; Zeileis, Achim (2021): bamlss: A Lego Toolbox for Flexible Bayesian Regression (and Beyond).
In: Journal of Statistical Software 100/4, pp. 1 - 53. (DOI) (Web link) - Ustaszewski, Michael (2021): Towards a Machine Learning Approach to the Analysis of Indirect Translation.
In: Translation Studies 14/3, pp. 313 - 331. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Watanabe, Kohei (2021): Latent Semantic Scaling. A Semisupervised Text Analysis Technique for New Domains and Languages.
In: Communication Methods and Measures 15/2, pp. 81 - 102. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Wu, Yan; Xia, Tianqi; Jatowt, Adam; Zhang, Haoran; Feng, Xiao; Shibasaki, Ruosuke; Kim, Kyoung-Sook (2021): Context-aware heatstroke relief station placement and route optimization for large outdoor events.
In: International Journal of Health Geographics 20/1, Nr. 23. (DOI) (Web link) - Zöhrer, J; Probst, M; Dumfort, S; Lenz, H; Pecenka, R; Insam, H; Ascher-Jenull, J (2021): Molecular monitoring of the poplar wood chip microbiome as a function of storage strategy.
In: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 156, No. 105133. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Zukowska, Daria; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Burman, Esfand; Guyot, Gaelle; Bocanegra-Yanez, Maria del C.; Laverge, Jelle; Cao, Guangyu; Kolarik, Jakub (2021): Ventilation in low energy residences – a survey on code requirements, implementation barriers and operational challenges from seven European countries.
In: International Journal of Ventilation 20/2, pp. 83 - 102. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Review)
- Braunsdorf, M.; Freches, G. B.; Roumazeilles, L.; Eichert, N.; Schurz, M.; Uithol, S.; Bryant, K. L.; Mars, R. B. (2021): Does the temporal cortex make us human? A review of structural and functional diversity of the primate temporal lobe.
In: Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 131, pp. 400 - 410. (DOI) (Web link) - Buda, Alessia; Jan de Place Hansen, Ernst; Rieser, Alexander; Giancola, Emanuela; Pracchi, Valeria Natalina; Mauri, Sara; Marincioni, Valentina; Gori, Virginia; Fouseki, Kalliopi; Polo Lopez, Cristina S.; Lo Faro, Alessandro; Egusquiza, Aitziber; Haas, Franziska; Leonardi, Eleonora; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel (2021): Conservation-Compatible Retrofit Solutions in Historic Buildings: An Integrated Approach.
In: Sustainability 13/5, No. 2927. (DOI) (Web link) - Drechsler, K.; Reibenspiess, V.; Eckhardt, A.; Wagner, H. (2021): Innovation Champions' Activities and Influences in Organizations - A Literature Review.
In: International Journal of Innovation Management 25/6, Nr. 2150066. (DOI) (Web link) - Marincioni, Valentina; Gori, Virginia; Jan de Place Hansen, Ernst; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel; Mauri, Sara; Giancola, Emanuela; Egusquiza, Aitziber; Buda, Alessia; Leonardi, Eleonora; Rieser, Alexander (2021): How Can Scientific Literature Support Decision-Making in the Renovation of Historic Buildings? An Evidence-Based Approach for Improving the Performance of Walls.
In: Sustainability 13/4, No. 2266. (DOI) (Web link) - Plörer, Daniel; Hammes, Sascha; Hauer, Martin; van Karsbergen, Vincent; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Control Strategies for Daylight and Artificial Lighting in OfficeBuildings—A Bibliometrically Assisted Review.
In: Energies 14/13, No. 3852. (DOI) (Web link) - Schurz, M.; Radua, J.; Tholen, M. G.; Maliske, L.; Margulies, D. S.; Mars, R. B.; Sallet, J.; Kanske, P. (2021): Toward a Hierarchical Model of Social Cognition: A Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis and Integrative Review of Empathy and Theory of Mind.
In: Psychological Bulletin 147/3, pp. 293 - 327. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
- Bachler, Sebastian; Holzmeister, Felix; Razen, Michael; Stefan, Matthias (2021): The Impact of Presentation Format and Choice Architecture on Portfolio Allocations: Experimental Evidence.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck. (Web link) - Christoffersen, Jeppe; Holzmeister, Felix; Plenborg, Thomas (2021): What is Risk to Managers?
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021, No. 14. (Web link) - Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Christoph; Palan, Stefan (2021): A Critical Perspective on the Conceptualization of Risk in Behavioral and Experimental Finance.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021, No. 11. (Web link) - Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Schwaiger, Rene (2021): Nudging Debtors to Pay Their Debt: Two Randomized Controlled Trials.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021, No. 21. (Web link) - Martin Holmen, Martin; Holzmeister, Felix; Kirchler, Michael; Stefan, Matthias; Wengström, Erik (2021): Economic Preferences and Personality Traits Among Finance Professionals and the General Population.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021-03. (Web link) - Razen, Michael; Kupfer, Alexander (2021): Can increased tax transparency curb corporate tax avoidance?
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021-10, online. (Web link)
Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
- Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Janssen, Hans (2021): Pore-scale investigation of dynamic effects on the moisture retention curve during spontaneous imbibition.
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2069, No. 012044. (DOI) (Web link) - Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian; Drexel, Christof; Rothbacher, Mattias (2021): Modular split-type heat pump with compact and silent façade-integrated outdoor unit.
In: E3S Web of Conferences 246, No. 06008. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Magni, Mara; Venturi, Elisa; Tosatto, Alice; Streicher, Wolfgang (2021): Cost-optimal nZEB HVAC configurations with onsite storage.
In: E3S Web of Conferences 246, No. 07001. (DOI) (Web link) - Rieser, Alexander; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel; Leonardi, Eleonora; Larcher, Marco; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Experimental measurement of materials’ drying coefficient for internal insulation: new approaches for laboratory testing.
In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 863, No. 012048. (DOI) (Web link) - Rieser, Alexander; Leonardi, Eleonora; Haas, Franziska; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): A new decision guidance tool for the adoption of energy retrofit solutions in historic buildings.
In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 863, No. 012016. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Other)
- Golia, Angelo Jr; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Kunz, Raffaela (2021): International Law and the Internet. Introduction.
In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 81/3, pp. 597 - 600. (DOI) (Web link) - Hasenöhrl, Ute; Kupper, Patrick (2021): Historicizing Renewables: Issues and Challenges.
In: History and Technology 37/4, pp. 397 - 410. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Hug, Theo (2021): Towards Enhanced Perspectives of Critical Research Assessment.
In: Constructivist Foundations 16/3, pp. 338 - 340. (Web link) - Rodriguez-Rojas, LM; Jain, C; Conrad, RE; Aluru, S; Konstantinidis, KT (2021): Reply to: Re-evaluating the evidence for a universal genetic boundary among microbial species.
In: Nature Communications 12, No. 4060. (DOI) (Web link) - Tanzer, Ulrike (2021): Obituary: W. E. (Gar) Yates 1938-2021.
In: Austrian Studies 29, pp. 161 - 165. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
- Jatowt, Adam (2021): Timeline as an Information Retrieval Unit in News Collections.
In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2950, pp. 184 - 186. (Web link)
Book Chapter (Original Paper)
- Bryant, K.; Rogers Flattery, C.; Schurz, M. (2021): The Role of the Temporal Lobe in Human Social Cognition.
In: Wilczynski, W.; Brosnan S. F. (Eds.): Cooperation and Conflict: The Interaction of Opposites in Shaping Social Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., ISBN 9781108475693, pp. 104 - 133. (DOI) (Web link) - Fandrych, Christian; Meißner, Cordula; Wallner, Franziska (2021): Gesprochene Sprache im DaF/DaZ-Unterricht: Zugänge zu authentischem sprachlichem Handeln mit ZuMult.
In: Hinzmann, Friederike; Storz, Coretta; Hülsmann, Annemarie; Rosner, Ulrike; Dupke, Benjamin: Vermitteln – Verbinden – Verstehen. 46. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz 2019. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen (= Materialien Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache, 107)., ISBN 978-3-86395-523-6, pp. 309 - 322. (DOI) (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2021): Gerichtsstrukturen als Gradmesser der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Ordnung. Vom Appellationsgericht für Tirol und Vorarlberg zum Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck, 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert.
In: Schröder, Klaus: Fiat Justitia! 230 Jahre Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck. Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner (= Schlern-Schriften, 372)., ISBN 978-3-7030-1088-0, pp. 19 - 36. (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2021): Kulturelle Verflechtungen zwischen Florenz und Wien auf Brüderebene. Die Beziehung zwischen Ferdinando III. von Toskana und Erzherzog Franz-erste Ergebnisse.
In: Klettenhammer, Sieglinde; Pagliardini, Angelo; Tatti, Silvia; Tongiorgi, Duccio: Diplomazia e letteratura tra Impero asburgico e Italia. Diplomatische und literarische Beziehungen zwischen der Habsburgermonarchie und Italien (1690-1815). Rom: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura (= Diplomazie della Lettere, 207)., ISBN 9788893596169, pp. 1 - 12. (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Mehrebenensystem. Digitalpolitik von technischen Standards über staatliche Normen bis zum digitalen Völkerrecht.
In: Piallat, Chris: Der Wert der Digitalisierung. Gemeinwohl in der digitalen Welt. Bielefeld: Transcript (= Digitale Gesellschaft, 36)., ISBN 78-3-8376-5659-6, pp. 343 - 355. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C.; Tiedeke, Anna Sophie (2021): Backup: podem os usuários processar as plataformas para restabelecer conteúdo removido?
In: Abboud, Georges; Campos, Ricardo; Nery, Nelson Jr.: Fake News e Regulação. Sao Paulo: Thomson Reuters Brasil Conteúdo e Tecnologia (= Coleção direito e Estado em transformação / Collection Law and the State in Transformation, 1)., ISBN 9786556147529, 3., überarb. Auflage, pp. 365 - 384. (Web link) - Lanzinger, Margareth; Maegraith, Janine; Clementi, Siglinde; Forster, Ellinor; Hagen, Christian (2021): Families and Property: Stipulating, Litigating, Mediating.
In: Lanzinger, Margareth; Maegraith, Janine; Clementi, Siglinde; Forster, Ellinor; Hagen, Christian: Negotiations of Gender and Property through Legal Regimes (14th-19th Century). Stipulating, Litigating, Mediating. Leiden [u.a.]: Brill (= Legal History Library, 48)., ISBN 978-90-04-45620-4, pp. 1 - 25. (DOI) (Web link) - Perner, J.; Aichhorn, M.; Tholen, M.; Schurz, M. (2021): Mental Files and Teleology.
In: Gilead, M.; Ochsner, K. N. (Eds.): The Neural Basis of Mentalizing. Cham: Springer International Publishing., ISBN 978-3-030-51889-9, pp. 257 - 281. (DOI) (Web link) - Pfanzelter, Eva; Oberbichler, Sarah (2021): Digital History und Digitalisierung.
In: Gräser, Marcus; Rupnow, Dirk: Österreichische Zeitgeschichte / Zeitgeschichte in Österreich. Eine Standortbestimmung in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Wien [u.a.]: Böhlau (= Böhlaus Zeitgeschichtliche bibliothek, 41)., ISBN 978-3-205-20928-7, pp. 467 - 496. (Web link) - Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Materials: Wood, concrete, Brick, Natural Stones, Renewables.
In: Stahl, Thomas; Wakili, Karim: Energy-Efficient Retrofit of Buildings by Interior Insulation. Materials, Methods and Tools. München: Elsevier., ISBN 9780128165133, pp. 3 - 17. (Web link) - Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Variations and design options in renovation with internal insulation.
In: Stahl, Thomas; Wakili, Karim: Energy-Efficient Retrofit of Buildings by Interior Insulation. Materials, Methods and Tools. München: Elsevier., ISBN 9780128165133, pp. 301 - 324. (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara (2021): Grundrechte.
In: Klamert, Marcus: Europarecht. Jahrbuch 2021. Wien, Graz: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag (NWV)., ISBN 978-3-7083-1361-0, pp. 41 - 74. (Web link) - Tanzer, Ulrike (2021): Michael Köhlmeier als homo politicus.
In: Ketterl, Simone; Marx, Friedhelm; Meurer, Jonas: Mythos – Geschichte – Gegenwart. Das literarische Werk Michael Köhlmeiers. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann., ISBN 978-3-8260-7453-0, pp. 81 - 91. (Web link)
Book Chapter (Legal Commentary)
- Rauchegger, Clara (2021): Article 47(2)—The Possibility of Being Advised, Defended and Represented.
In: Peers, Steve; Hervey, Tamara; Kenner, Jeff; Ward, Angela: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary. München: C. H. Beck / Oxford: Hart Publishing / Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag., ISBN 9781509933471, 2nd edited Edition, pp. 1373 - 1376. (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara (2021): Damages for Breach of the Charter as a Remedy under the First Paragraph of Article 47.
In: Peers, Steve; Hervey, Tamara; Kenner, Jeff; Ward, Angela: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary. München: C. H. Beck / Oxford: Hart Publishing / Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag., ISBN 9781509933471, 2nd edited Edition, pp. 1315 - 1322. (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara (2021): Sources and Content of Article 47.
In: Peers, Steve; Hervey, Tamara; Kenner, Jeff; Ward, Angela: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary. München: C. H. Beck / Oxford: Hart Publishing / Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag., ISBN 9781509933471, 2nd edited Edition, pp. 1251 - 1260. (Web link)
Book Chapter (Other)
- Barthelmes, Mara; Gold, Vivienne; Hinrichs, Lena; Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Wahl-Watching. Online-Wahlkampf-Monitoring im Lichte des Leitfadens für digitale Demokratie.
In: Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C.: Plattformregulierung im Superwahljahr 2021. Ergebnisse rechtswissenschaftlicher, sozialwissenschaftlicher und datenwissenschaftlicher Studien zu Parteien und Plattformen im Bundestagswahlkampf. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) (= Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts, 61)., ISBN 978-3-87296-174-7, pp. 35 - 41. (DOI) (Web link) - Fertmann, Martin; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Germany: Much Ado about Little.
In: Broeders, Dennis; Kaminska, Monica; Koops, Joachim; Vériter, Sophie (eds.): Responding to the COVID-19 ‘infodemic’. National countermeasures against information influence in Europe. Den Haag: The Hague: The Hague Program for Cyber Norms., ISBN 9789083109510, pp. 27 - 32. (Full-text) (Web link) - Hofmann, Vincent; Dinar, Christina; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Böke, Julius; Gradulewski, Max; Hinrichs, Lena (2021): Governance by Geschäft. Recht und Macht der App Stores.
In: Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C.: Plattformregulierung im Superwahljahr 2021. Ergebnisse rechtswissenschaftlicher, sozialwissenschaftlicher und datenwissenschaftlicher Studien zu Parteien und Plattformen im Bundestagswahlkampf. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) (= Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts, 61)., ISBN 978-3-87296-174-7, pp. 70 - 81. (DOI) (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C.; Hofmann, Vincent; Barthelmes, Mara; Koerrenz, Nicolas; Hinrichs, Lena Marie; Schleif, Linda (2021): Der rechtliche Rahmen des Online-Bundestagswahlkampfs. Ein Überblick über die rechtlichen Verpflichtungen von Parteien und Plattformen.
In: Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C.: Plattformregulierung im Superwahljahr 2021. Ergebnisse rechtswissenschaftlicher, sozialwissenschaftlicher und datenwissenschaftlicher Studien zu Parteien und Plattformen im Bundestagswahlkampf. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) (= Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts, 61)., ISBN 978-3-87296-174-7, pp. 15 - 28. (DOI) (Web link) - Kettemann, Matthias C.; Hofmann, Vincent; Böke, Julius; Gradulewski, Max; Reschke, Jan; Schmied, Leif Thorian (2021): Gesellschaft, Medien, Recht im Superwahljahr. Die Bundestagswahl 2017 und das Superwahljahr 2021 im Vergleich.
In: Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C.: Plattformregulierung im Superwahljahr 2021. Ergebnisse rechtswissenschaftlicher, sozialwissenschaftlicher und datenwissenschaftlicher Studien zu Parteien und Plattformen im Bundestagswahlkampf. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) (= Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts, 61)., ISBN 978-3-87296-174-7, pp. 7 - 14. (DOI) (Web link) - Radkohl, Sonja; Fischer, Gregor; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Governance, Menschenrechte und das Web – Welche Pflichten haben Plattformen und Staaten im Kampf gegen Hate Speech? (Interview).
In: Fischer, Gregor; Millner, Clara; Radkohl, Sonja: Online Hate Speech. Perspektiven aus Praxis, Rechts- und Medienwissenschaften. Wien, Graz: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag (NWV)., ISBN 978-3-7083-1372-6, pp. 245 - 250. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Editorial)
- Bachor, Martina; Hug, Theo; Pallaver, Günther (2021): Chancen und Gefahren der politischen Nutzung von Daten.
In: Bachor, Martina; Hug, Theo; Pallaver, Günther (Hg.): DataPolitics. Zum Umgang mit Daten im digitalen Zeitalter. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-99106-046-8, pp. 7 - 11. (Web link)
Proceedings Article
- Campos, R.; Jorge, A.; Jatowt, Adam; Bhatia, S.; Finlayson, M. (2021): The 4th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts: Text2Story 2021.
In: Hiemstra, D.; Moens, M.-F.; Mothe, J.; Perego, R.; Potthast, M.; Sebastiani, F.: Advances in Information Retrieval. 43rd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2021, Virtual Event, March 28 – April 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. Cham: Springer Nature (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12656)., ISBN 978-3-030-72112-1, pp. 701 - 704. (DOI) (Web link) - Danthine, Brigit; Hiebel, Gerald; Lehar, Philipp; Stadler, Harald (2021): Virtuelle Ausstellungen und semantische Netzwerke.
In: Weinold, Thomas: 21. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2021. Heidelberg: Wichmann., ISBN 978-3-87907-702-1, pp. 197 - 200. (Web link) - Duan, Yijun; Jatowt, Adam; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi; Liu, Xin; Matono, Akiyoshi (2021): Diachronic Linguistic Periodization of Temporal Document Collections for Discovering Evolutionary Word Semantics.
In: Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2021). Virtual Event, December 1–3, 2021, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, 13133 / Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13133)., ISBN 978-3-030-91668-8, pp. 3 - 17. (DOI) (Web link) - Durani, K.; Eckhardt, A.; Kollmer, T. (2021): Towards Ethical Design Science Research.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2021). Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS))., ISBN 978-1-7336325-9-1, No. 1422. (Web link) - Haller-Seeber, Simon; Renaudo, Erwan; Zech, Philipp; Westreicher, Florian; Walzthöni, Markus; Vidovic, Cornelia; Piater, Justus (2021): ROSSINI: RobOt kidS deSIgn thiNkIng.
In: Lepuschitz, W.; Merdan, M.; Koppensteiner, G.; Balogh, R.; Obdržálek, D. (Eds.): Robotics in Education. Methodologies and Technologies. Discusses the results of the 11th International Conference on Robotics in Education (Rie 2020) held a virtual conference on September 30 to October 2, 2020. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1316)., ISBN 978-3-030-67410-6, pp. 16 - 25. (DOI) (Web link) - Hammes, Sascha; Weninger, Johannes; Pohl, Wilfried; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Die Bedeutung nutzerzentrierter Beleuchtung.
In: Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (LiTG): 24. Europäischer Lichttechnischer Kongress. Licht 2021; 21.-24. März 2021, online. Absdorf: Lichttechnische Gesellschaft., pp. 436 - 450. (Web link) - Hollenstein, Jakob; Auddy, Sayantan; Saveriano, Matteo; Renaudo, Erwan; Piater, Justus (2021): How do Offline Measures for Exploration in Reinforcement Learning behave?
In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Based Reinforcement Learning (IJCAI 2021). published online / Internetpublikation., online. (Web link) - Hollenstein, Jakob; Saveriano, Matteo; Auddy, Sayantan; Renaudo, Erwan; Piater, Justus (2021): How does the type of exploration-noise affect returns and exploration on Reinforcement Learning benchmarks?
In: Kubinger, Wilfried; Brandstötter, Mathias; Schöffmann, Christian; Vincze, Markus: Proceedings of the Austrian Robotics Workshop 2021. Wien: Technische Universität Wien., ISBN 978-3-200-07799-7, pp. 22 - 26. (Web link) - Jangra, Anubhav; Saha, Sriparna; Jatowt, Adam; Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed (2021): Multi-Modal Supplementary-Complementary Summarization using Multi-Objective Optimization.
In: Diaz, F.; Shad, C.; Suel, T.: Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2021). Virtual Event Canada, July 11 - 15, 2021. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 978-1-4503-8037-9, pp. 818 - 828. (DOI) (Web link) - Jatowt, Adam; Hung, I-Chen; Färber, Michael; Campos, Ricardo; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi (2021): Exploding TV Sets and Disappointing Laptops: Suggesting Interesting Content in News Archives Based on Surprise Estimation.
In: Hiemstra, D.; Moens, M.-F.; Mothe, J.; Perego, R.; Potthast, M.; Sebastiani, F.: Advances in Information Retrieval. 43rd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2021, Virtual Event, March 28 – April 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. Cham: Springer Nature (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12656)., ISBN 978-3-030-72112-1, pp. 254 - 269. (DOI) (Web link) - Ji, C.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, X.; Jatowt, A.; Sun, C.; Zhu, C.; Zhao, T. (2021): A Neural Conversation Generation Model via Equivalent Shared Memory Investigation.
In: Demartini, G.; Zuccon, G.; et al: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2021). Virtual Event Queensland Australia, November 1 - 5, 2021. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 978-1-4503-8446-9, pp. 771 - 781. (DOI) (Web link) - Lamprecht, Patrick; Haller-Seeber, Simon; Piater, Justus (2021): A Block–based IDE Extension for the ESP32.
In: Lepuschitz, W.; Merdan, M.; Koppensteiner, G.; Balogh, R.; Obdržálek, D. (Eds.): Robotics in Education. Methodologies and Technologies. Discusses the results of the 11th International Conference on Robotics in Education (Rie 2020) held a virtual conference on September 30 to October 2, 2020. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1316)., ISBN 978-3-030-67410-6, pp. 304 - 310. (DOI) (Web link) - Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian (2021): Analysis of the impact of different HVAC configurations and control strategies on primary energy and cost savings for an office building.
In: 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2021 - Conference Proceedings. IEA Heat Pump Progamme., ISBN 978-91-89385-48-1, pp. 1005 - 1015. (Web link) - Meißner, Cordula (2021): Datengeleitetes sprachenübergreifendes Lernen mit digitalen Sprachdaten.
In: Maurer, Christian; Rincke, Karsten; Hemmer, Michael (Hrsg.): Fachliche Bildung und digitale Transformation - Fachdidaktische Forschung und Diskurse. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik 2020. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik 2020. Regensburg: Universität Regensburg., pp. 111 - 114. (Web link) - Monteleone, William; Ochs, Fabian (2021): Development of a modular heat pump with compact and silent façade-integrated outdoor unit.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Proceedings of the 25th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 210 - 211. - Mutuvi, Stephen; Boros, Emanuela; Doucet, Antoine; Lejeune, Gael; Jatowt, Adam; Odeo, Moses (2021): Multilingual Epidemic Event Extraction.
In: Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2021). Virtual Event, December 1–3, 2021, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, 13133 / Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13133)., ISBN 978-3-030-91668-8, pp. 139 - 156. (DOI) (Web link) - Mutuvi, Stephen; Boros, Emanuela; Doucet, Antoine; Lejeune, Gael; Jatowt, Adam; Odeo, Moses (2021): Token-Level Multilingual Epidemic Dataset for Event Extraction.
In: Berget, G.; Hall, M.M.; Brenn, D.; Kumpulainen, S.: Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. 25th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2021).Proceedings. Virtual Event, September 13–17, 2021. Cham: Springer Nature (= Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, 12866 / Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12866)., ISBN 978-3-030-86323-4, pp. 55 - 59. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, F. (2021): Netto Null? Low-tech - Low cost?
In: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg: economicum. Themenband Session 10. Die Erkenntnis-Flatrate. Dornbirn: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg., pp. 26 - 53. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Franzoi, Nicola; Dermentzis, Georgios (2021): Control optimization of a double stage heat pump with desuperheater in multi-family NZEBs.
In: 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2021 - Conference Proceedings. IEA Heat Pump Progamme., ISBN 978-91-89385-48-1, pp. 370 - 381. (Web link) - Paharia, Naman; Mohd Pozi, Muhammad Syafiq; Jatowt, Adam (2021): Change Summarization of Diachronic Scholarly Paper Collections by Semantic Evolution Analysis.
In: Proceedings of the 21tst ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2021). Virtual Conference hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 27-30 September 2021. New York: ACM Press., ISBN 978-1-6654-1770-9, pp. 234 - 237. (DOI) (Web link) - Pasquali, A.; Campos, R.; Ribeiro, A.; Santana, B.; Jorge, A.; Jatowt, A. (2021): TLS-Covid19: A New Annotated Corpus for Timeline Summarization.
In: Hiemstra, D.; Moens, M.-F.; Mothe, J.; Perego, R.; Potthast, M.; Sebastiani, F.: Advances in Information Retrieval. 43rd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2021, Virtual Event, March 28 – April 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. Cham: Springer Nature (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12656)., ISBN 978-3-030-72112-1, pp. 497 - 512. (DOI) (Web link) - Pfahlsberger, L.; Mendling, J.; Eckhardt, A. (2021): Design of a Process Mining Alignment Method for Building Big Data Analytics Capabilities.
In: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021). January 5-8, 2021. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS))., ISBN 978-0-9981331-4-0, pp. 5666 - 5675. (DOI) (Web link) - Rampl, Gerhard; Gruber-Tokić, Elisabeth; Posch, Claudia; Hiebel, Gerald (2021): Toponomastik und Korpuslinguistik. Bergnamen im (Kon-)Text.
In: Dräger, Kathrin; Heuser, Rita; Prinz, Michael: Toponyme. Standortbestimmung und Perspektiven. Berlin u.a.: De Gruyter (= Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 326)., ISBN 9783110721133, pp. 225 - 248. (DOI) (Web link) - Ratz, N.; Reibenspiess, V.; Eckhardt, A. (2021): The Secret to Remote Work — Results of a Case Study with Dyadic Interviews.
In: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021). January 5-8, 2021. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS))., ISBN 978-0-9981331-4-0, pp. 712 - 721. (DOI) (Web link) - Rohde, C.; Kupfer, A.; Zimmermann, S. (2021): Explaining Reviewing Effort: Existing Reviews as Potential Driver.
In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 Proceedings. 2. 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2021). March 2021,Essen, Germany. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI))., pp. 1 - 17. (Web link) - Sato, Mari; Jatowt, Adam; Duan, Yijun; Campos, Ricardo; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi (2021): Estimating Contemporary Relevance of Past News.
In: Proceedings of the 21tst ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2021). Virtual Conference hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 27-30 September 2021. New York: ACM Press., ISBN 978-1-6654-1770-9, pp. 70 - 79. (DOI) (Web link) - Savov, Pavel; Jatowt, Adam; Nielek, Radoslaw (2021): Predicting the Age of Scientific Papers.
In: Paszynski, M; Kranzlmüller, D; Krzhizhanovskaya, V. V; Dongarra, J. J; Sloot, P. M. A: Computational Science – ICCS 2021. 21st International Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 16–18, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. Cham: Springer Nature (= Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE), 12742)., ISBN 978-3-030-77960-3, pp. 728 - 735. (DOI) (Web link) - Van Karsbergen, Vincent; Moser, Stephan; Plörer, Daniel; Weitlaner, Robert; Hauer, Martin; Pfluger, Rainer (2021): An experimental investigation of the IndiLight-Module - A multiobjective occupant-centric day- and artificial lighting control strategy.
In: Advanced Building Skins GmbH: 16th Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo. Wilen: Advanced Building Skins GmbH., ISBN 978-3-9524883-6-2, pp. 394 - 403. - Wang, Jiexing; Jatowt, Adam; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi (2021): Event Occurrence Date Estimation based on Multivariate Time Series Analysis over Temporal Document Collections.
In: Diaz, F.; Shad, C.; Suel, T.: Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2021). Virtual Event Canada, July 11 - 15, 2021. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 978-1-4503-8037-9, pp. 398 - 407. (DOI) (Web link) - Yu, Yi; Jatowt, Adam; Doucet, Antoine; Sugiyama, Kazunari; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi (2021): Multi-TimeLine Summarization (MTLS): Improving Timeline Summarization by Generating Multiple Summaries.
In: Zong, C.; Xia, F.; Li, W.; Navigli, R.: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021). Volume 1: Long Papers. August 1 - 6, 2021. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., ISBN 978-1-954085-52-7, pp. 377 - 387. (DOI) (Web link) - Zhang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Wang, J.; Liang, H.; Lei, W.; Sun, Z.; Jatowt, Adam; Yang, Z. (2021): Generalized Relation Learning with Semantic Correlation Awareness for Link Prediction.
In: Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Palo Alto: AAAI Press., ISBN 978-1-57735-866-4, Vol. 35(5), pp. 4679 - 4687. (Web link) - Zhang, Yao; Liang, Hongru; Jatowt, Adam; Lei, Wenqiang; Wei, Xin; Jiang, Ning; Yang, Zhenglu (2021): GMH: A General Multi-hop Reasoning Model for KG Completion.
In: Moens, M.-F.; Huang, X.; Specia, L.; Yih, S. W.: Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2021). Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, November 7 - 11, 2021. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., ISBN 978-1-955917-09-4, pp. 3437 - 3446. (Web link)
Proceedings Article (Abstract)
- Chimiak-Opoka, Joanna (2021): A Participant Management Strategy for Overbooked Courses to Increase Teaching Capacity.
In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings. 13th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Online Conference, 5-6 July, 2021. International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (= EDULEARN Proceedings)., ISBN 978-84-09-31267-2, p. 4133. (DOI) (Web link) - Muschinski, Thomas; Mayr, Georg J.; Simon, Thorsten; Zeileis, Achim (2021): Multivariate postprocessing using Cholesky-based multivariate Gaussian regression.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2021 - Book of Abstracts. 19.-30.04.2021. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU21-9840. (DOI) (Web link) - Pfluger, Rainer (2021): Different heat transfer methods for serial renovation – decision guidance in OutPHit.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: Proceedings of the 25th Passivhaus Conference. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 169 - 170. (Web link) - Zeileis, Achim; Lang, Moritz; Stauffer, Reto (2021): Probability Distribution Forecasts: Learning with Random Forests and Graphical Assessment.
In: Proceedings of useR! 2021. The R Conference, 5-9 JULY, 2021. Zürich: ETH Zürich., online. (Web link)
Contribution to Museum / Exhibition Catalogue
- Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2021): Ludwig Wittgenstein's Nonsense Collection.
In: Gamper, Verena; Wipplinger, Hans-Peter: Ludwig Wittgenstein: Fotografie als analytische Praxis. Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König., ISBN 978-3-7533-0049-8, pp. 258 - 267. (Web link)
Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
- Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Tosatto, Alice; Muser, Christoph; Kutscha-Lissberg, Felix; Kremnitzer, Peter (2021): Innovative Baukonstruktionen für riesige Wärmespeicher. Giga_TES: Riesige Behälter zur Wärmespeicherung für Erneuerbare Fernwärmesysteme.
In: erneuerbare energie – Zeitschrift für eine nachhaltige Energiezukunft 2021/02, online. (Web link)
(Book) Reviews
Journal Article (Book Review)
- Forster, Ellinor (2021): Harald Heppner/Mira Miladinovic Zalaznik (Hg.): Provinz als Denk- und Lebensform. Der Donau-Karpatenraum im langen 19. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition, 2015.
In: Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione 30/1, pp. 259 - 264. (Web link) - Lobis, Ulrich; Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2021): Juliet Floyd, Yi Jiang, Stefan Majetschak, Richard Raatzsch, Nuno Venturinha und Wilhelm Vossenkuhl: Wittgenstein-Studien Band 12. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.
In: Mitteilungen aus dem Brenner-Archiv 40, pp. 183 - 185. (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara; Prantl, Janine (2021): Goeble,Thilo: Freiraum oder Herrschaftsgebiet. Menschenrecht auf Zugang und völkerrechtliche Prinzipien als Schranken staatlichen Handelns im Internet. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2019.
In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 81, pp. 867 - 872. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication, Scientific
- Böke, Julius; Endreß, Corinna; Fertmann, Martin; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Mosene, Katharina; Schleif, Linda; Schröder, Hermann-Dieter; Schulz, Wolfgang; Tiedeke, Anna Sophia; Zapfe, Anna (2021): Bewertung der Internetentwicklung in Deutschland. Anwendung der UNESCO Internet Universalitäts-ROAM-X-Indikatoren. (Full-text) (Web link)
- Ferro, Carolina; Gsenger, Rita; Kettemann, Matthias C.; König, Anna; Krennerich, Michael; Kübler, Johanne; Pírková, Eliška; Rachinger, Felicitas; Sekwenz, Marie-Therese; Wagner, Ben (2021): The 2021 German Federal Election on Social Media. An Analysis of Systemic Electoral Risks Created by Twitter and Facebook Based on the Proposed EU Digital Services Act. In: Sustainable Computing Lab, 6. September. (Full-text) (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; Klausa, Torben (2021): Regulating Online Speech: Ze German Way. In: Lawfare Blog, 20. September. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; Koerrenz, Nicolas (2021): Gesetze und Plattformregeln gegen Online-Radikalisierung. (Web link)
- Lobis, Ulrich; Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2021): Versionierung. In: KONDE Weißbuch. (Web link)
- Watanabe, Kohei; Snegovaya, Maria (2021): The Kremlin’s Social Media Influence inside the United States: A Moving Target. In: Free Russia, February. (Web link)
Electronic Publication (Preprint)
- Zeileis, Achim; Groll, Andreas; Hvattum, Lars Magnus; Ley, Christophe; Popp, Franziska; Schauberger, Gunther; Van Eetvelde, Hans (2021): Hybrid Machine Learning Forecasts for the UEFA EURO 2020. (DOI) (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim; Köll, Susanne; Kosmidis, Ioannis; Kleiber, Christian (2021): Bias Reduction as a Remedy to the Consequences of Infinite Estimates in Poisson and Tobit Regression. (DOI) (Web link)
- Zhang, Xiang; Saveriano, Matteo; Piater, Justus (2021): Learning Descriptor of Constrained Task from Demonstration. (DOI) (Web link)
Database, Scientific
- Mazohl, Brigitte; Aichner, Christof; Kraler, Tanja; Andorfer, Peter (2021): Die Korrespondenz von Leo Thun-Hohenstein. Digitale Edition (überarbeitete Datenbank). (Web link)
- Peralta Friedburg, Milena; Garibotti, Rolando; Rampl, Gerhard; Posch, Claudia (2021): Club Andino Bariloche. Digital Archive. (Web link)
- Waldner, Birgit; Irschara, Karoline; Huber, Anna‑Lena; Glodny, Bernhard; Mangesius, Stephanie; Gruber, Leonhard; Posch, Claudia (2021): MedCorpInn - Innsbruck Corpus of Radiology Reports 2007-2020. (Web link)
Database Entry, Scientific
- Lobis, Ulrich; Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2021): Briefedition. In: KONDE Weißbuch. (Web link)
- Lobis, Ulrich; Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2021): Data Mining. In: KONDE Weißbuch. (Web link)
- Lobis, Ulrich; Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2021): Forschungsinstitut Brenner-Archiv. In: KONDE Weißbuch. (Web link)
- Lobis, Ulrich; Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2021): Philosophische Edition. In: KONDE Weißbuch. (Web link)
- Lobis, Ulrich; Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2021): Universität Innsbruck. In: KONDE Weißbuch. (Web link)
- Posch, Claudia; Rampl, Gerhard (2021): NZAJ corpus v.0.9. In: CQPweb. (Web link)
Research Report (Commissioned Research)
- Arnold, Matthias; Schenk, Martin; Kainz, Niklas; Dietsch, Philipp; Cabrero, José Manuel; Maderebner, Roland; Winter, Stefan: Schlussbericht zum Europäischen Forschungsvorhaben InnoCrossLam – Innovative Solutions for Cross. Laminated Timber Structures; Arbeitspakete 5 und 6 (Deutschland).
Bundesministerium für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung; Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Gülzow-Prüzen, 2019-03-01 - 2022-10-31. (Web link) - Jänicke, Leandra; Kleewein, Klaus; Back, Yannick; Kleidorfer, Manfred; Mailer, Markus; Ochs, Fabian: INN'FIT4UM - Innsbruck "Fit4UrbanMission" - klimaneutrales Innsbruck 2030.
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2021-07-01 - 2022-08-01. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Drexel, Christoph; Fink, Jürgen; Bilgeri, Gordon; Rothbacher, Mtthias; Breier, Stephan; Elender, Markus; Winter Winter: Fassadenintegrierte modulare Split-Wärmepumpe für Neubau und Sanierung (FiTNeS).
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2019-10-01 - 2023-05-28. - Rojas, Gabriel; Calabrese, Toni; Shandilya, Apeksha; Pfluger, Rainer: IEA Energie in Gebäuden und Kommunen (EBC) Annex 68: Raumluftqualitätsoptimierte Planung und Betriebsführung von energieeffizienten Wohngebäuden.
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2016-01-01 - 2021-03-31. (Web link)
Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
- Barthelmes, Mara; Fertmann, Martin; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Can Platforms Cancel Politicians? (Web link)
- Bevensee, Emmi; Haas, Julia; Heitz, Lucien; Joler, Vladan; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Kostic, Bojana; Pentney, Katie; Pirkova, Eliška; Rozgonyi, Krisztina; Sargeant, Holli; Scheinin, Martin; Wisniak, Marlena; Woods, Lorna (2021): Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence and Freedom of Expression. A Policy Manual. (Full-text) (Web link)
- Hofmann, Vincent; Dinar, Christina; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Böke, Julius; Gradulewski, Max; Hinrichs, Lena (2021): Governance by Geschäft: Recht und Macht der App Stores. In: Hans Bredow Institut. Media Research Blog, 23. November. (Full-text) (Web link)
- Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Defining Digitalisation: Defending Ethical Principles in the Digital Age. In: Digital Society Blog, 27. Oktober. (DOI) (Web link)
- Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Die Plattformen müssen hinnehmen, dass wir gesellschaftlich Mindestanforderungen an ihre Geschäftspraktiken stellen (Interview). In: #btw21 im Netz. (Full-text) (Web link)
- Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Europäischer Rechtsrahmen. In: #btw21 im Netz. (Full-text) (Web link)
- Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Für ein besseres Internet morgen – Handlungsoptionen für heute. In: #btw21 im Netz. (Full-text) (Web link)
- Hofmann, Vincent; Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Normen der Netzkommunikation: Der Rechtsrahmen der Plattformen. In: #btw21 im Netz. (Full-text) (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Ordnungsbildung in Online-Kommunikationsräumen. Dossier Digitale Desinformation. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Telegram в опале: почему в Германии хотят ограничить работу мессенджера (Interview). (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C. (2021): Wie könnte Telegram reguliert werden? (Interview). In: Science Media Center. Rapid Reaction, 15. Dezember. (Web link)
- Kettemann, Matthias C.; Riedl, Lisa Maria (2021): Private Grenzen für öffentliches Querdenken. (Web link)
Other Publication, Transfer-Oriented
- Andersson, Jan; Astrauskas, Vytautas; Boulanger, Xavier; Chlup, Jaroslav; Grassler, Wolfgang; Gronbaek, Henning; Kolacz, Artur; Kurnitski, Jarek; Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Sikonczyk, Igor; Val, Emmanuel (2021): Eurovent Guidebook. Residential Heat Recovery Ventilation Units. Brüssel: Eurovent. (Web link)
- BAUER, Gerald; CHRISTALON, Harald; DEUTSCHMANN, Daniel; EDER, Ulrich; FROMM, Andreas; FRÜHWIRTH, Markus; GRAF, Christian; GSCHÖSSER, Florian; HAMERL, Thomas; HARTLIEB, Julia; HOLZER, Wolfgang; JANAK-GERDENITSCH, Sonja; JUEN, Andreas; KISIN, Ümit; LEIßER, Günther; LINK, Doris; LULEI, Frank; MITIS, Bernhard; MITTEREGGER, Klaus; MÖSTL, Reinhard; NEMETH, Stephan; OSWALD, Theresa; PAAR, Lena; PIRKNER, Thomas; RAAB, Jacqueline; SILBERKNOLL, Jürgen Johann; THALER, Gunther; WACHTER, Robert; WEINGRILL, Claudius; WETZSTEIN, Thomas; WIESNER, Wolfgang; WOHLGEMUTH, Matthias; ZIMMEL, Othmar (2021): öbv-Merkblatt: Alternative Vertragsmodelle - Empfehlungen für die Auswahl und Umsetzung. Wien: Österreichische Bautechnikvereinigung (öbv). (Web link)
Publications 2020
Critical Edition
- Piok, Maria; Tanzer, Ulrike (2020): Das Ministerium für Sprichwörter. Werkausgabe Band 2. Romane. Innsbruck: Haymon-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7099-8115-3. (Web link)
(Co-)Edited Books
Anthology / Collected Edition (Editorship)
- Dormandy, Katherine (Ed.) (2020): Trust in Epistemology. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge (= Routledge Studies in Trust Research). ISBN 978-1138570030. (DOI) (Web link)
- Ender, Markus; Fürhapter, Ingrid; Tanzer, Ulrike; Unterkircher, Anton (Hg.) (2020): Literaturvermittlung und Kulturtransfer nach 1945. Ludwig von Ficker im Kontext. Innsbruck, Wien u.a.: Studienverlag (= Edition Brenner-Forum, 16). ISBN 978-3-7065-6056-6. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo; Maurer, Andreas; Walli, Thomas (Hg.) (2020): Crossing Borders - Passaggi di confine - Grenzgänge. Festschrift für Günther Pallaver. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP). ISBN 978-3-99106-024-6. (Web link)
Textbook, Scientific (Editorship)
- Kaltschmitt, Martin; Streicher, Wolfgang; Wiese, Andreas (Hrsg.) (2020): Erneuerbare Energien. Systemtechnik · Wirtschaftlichkeit · Umweltaspekte. Cham: Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-662-61189-0. 6., vollst. überarb. Auflage. (DOI) (Web link)
Proceedings (Editorship)
- Feist, Wolfgang (2020): 24. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2020. Nachhaltig die Zunkunft bauen! 20. September - 08. Oktober 2020, Online. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.
- Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute (2020): 24th International Passive House Conference 2020. Abstractband. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.
(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series
(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
- Brkan, Maja; Claes, Monica; Rauchegger, Clara: Guest editor of special issue on European fundamental rights and digitalization - Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Zeitschrift "Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione", 2014-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Giacomuzzi, Renate: Mitherausgeberin -, 2012-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hanke, Klaus: Member of Editorial Board - Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2012-01-01 - 2024-01-01. (Web link)
- Hasenöhrl, Ute; Kupper, Patrick: Guest Editor Volume 37, Issue 4: Historicizing renewables - History and Technology, 2018-08-01 - 2022-04-28. (Web link)
- Holzmeister, Felix: Associate Editor - Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2019-04-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Howanitz, Gernot: Mitherausgeber - Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Erweitertes Editorial Board - Medienimpulse – Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Ralf Vollbrecht und Claudia Wegener) Buchreihe "Medien, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft" - Beltz Juventa, 2017-01-01 on-going.
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Kai-Uwe Hugger und Angela Tillmann) der Buchreihe „Digitale Kultur und Kommunikation“ - Springer, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Kuntner, Walter: Editorial Board - Studies in Caucasian Archaeology, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Mühlberger, Günter: Editor - Digital Libraries, 2013-02-01 on-going.
- Pallaver, Günther; Hug, Theo; Missomelius, Petra: Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Die kleine Medienreihe - Studia-Universitäts-Verlag, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva: Herausgeberschaft - historia.scribere, 2008-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pilz, Michael: Herausgeber der Reihe - Literaturkritik in Zahlen, 2016-01-01 - 2024-06-06. (Web link)
- Rauchegger, Clara: Guest editor of Symposium – The First Decade of the Binding EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31. (Web link)
- Tautschnig, Arnold: Mitherausgeber - bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement, 2010-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, R.: Review Editor: Section Neuroimaging Methods and Neurosctimulation - Frontiers in Psychology, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, Roberto: Associate Editor for the Section Neuroimaging Methods - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim: Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Statistical Software, 2010-03-01 on-going. (Web link)
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
- Agostini, Alejandro; Saveriano, Matteo; Lee, Dongheui; Piater, Justus (2020): Manipulation Planning using Object-centered Predicates and Hierarchical Decomposition of Contextual Actions.
In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5/4, pp. 5629 - 5636. (DOI) (Web link) - Anderer, Christina; Dür, Andreas; Lechner, Lisa (2020): Trade policy in a “GVC World”: Multinational corporations and trade liberalization.
In: Business and Politics 22/4, pp. 639 - 666. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Basogain, Xabier; Gurba, Krzysztof; Hug, Theo; Noskova, Tatiana; Morze, Natalia; Smyrnova-Trybulska, Eugenia (2020): STEM and STEAM in Contemporary Education: Challenges, contemporary trends and transformation. A discussion paper.
In: E-learning 12, pp. 242 - 256. (DOI) (Web link) - Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Janssen, Hans (2020): Impact of the drying rate on the moisture retention curve of porous building materials.
In: Construction and Building Materials 258, No. 119451. (DOI) (Web link) - Botvinik-Nezer, Rotem; Holzmeister, Felix; Camerer, Colin F; Dreber, Anna; Huber, Jürgen; Johannesson, Magnus; Kirchler, Michael; Kupek, Sebastian; et al; The Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests Collaboration (2020): Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams.
In: Nature 582/7810, pp. 84 - 88. (DOI) (Web link) - Dahash, A; Ochs, F; Tosatto, A; Streicher, W (2020): Toward efficient numerical modeling and analysis of large-scale thermal energy storage for renewable district heating.
In: Applied Energy 279, No. 115840. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Dormandy, Katherine (2020): Digital whiplash: The case of digital surveillance.
In: Human Affairs 30/4, pp. 559 - 569. (DOI) (Web link) - Dormandy, Katherine (2020): The Epistemic Benefits of Religious Disagreement.
In: Religious Studies 56/3, pp. 390 - 408. (DOI) (Web link) - Feist, Wolfgang; Pfluger, Rainer; Hasper, Wolfgang (2020): Durability of building fabric components and ventilation systems in passive houses.
In: Energy Efficiency 13, pp. 1543 - 1559. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2020): Hürden der Transkulturalität? Die Strukturierung des neuen schlesischen Grenzraums mittels Inklusion- und Exklusionsprozessen, 1742 - 1770.
In: Siedlungsforschung: Archäologie - Geschichte - Geographie 37, pp. 129 - 144. (Web link) - Gallner-Holzmann, Katharina (2020): Visualisierung und Didaktisierung digitaler Archivbestände. Perspektiven zur Gestaltung offener Lernräume für historisches Lernen.
In: MedienPädagogik 17, pp. 373 - 399. (DOI) (Web link) - Gómez-Brandón, M; Probst, M; Siles, J.A; Peintner, U; Bardelli, T; Egli, M; Insam, H; Ascher-Jenull, J (2020): Fungal communities and their association with nitrogen-fixing bacteria affect early decomposition of Norway spruce deadwood.
In: Scientific Reports 10, No. 8025. (DOI) (Web link) - Gordon, M.; Viganola, D.; Bishop, M.; Chen, Y.; Dreber, Anna; Goldfedder, B.; Holzmeister, Felix; M. Johannesson, M.; Liu, Y.; Twardy, C.; J. Wang, J.; Pfeiffer, T. (2020): Are replication rates the same across academic fields? Community forecasts from the DARPA SCORE programme.
In: Royal Society Open Science 7/7, No. 200566. (DOI) (Web link) - Gschösser, Florian; Lumetzberger, Dominik; Burtscher, Eugen; Tautschnig, Arnold (2020): Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit von Großumbaumaschinen bei Ober- und Unterbausanierungen von Bahntrassen. Bewertung von Baudurchführungskonzepten für das Projekt Lustenau–Lauterach.
In: Bautechnik. Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau 97/7, pp. 462 - 472. (DOI) (Web link) - Gschösser, Florian; Tautschnig, Arnold; Auderer, Stefan (2020): Work-Sampling Studies applied for Unit Rate Determination of Labor-Intensive Tunneling Processes.
In: Geomechanics and Tunnelling / Geomechanik und Tunnelbau 13/3, pp. 315 - 325. (DOI) (Web link) - Hammes, S.; Weninger, J.; Canazei, M.; Pfluger, R.; Pohl, W. (2020): Die Bedeutung von Nutzerzentrierung in automatisierten Beleuchtungssystemen. The importance of user centricity in automated lighting systems.
In: Bauphysik 42/5, pp. 209 - 217. (DOI) (Web link) - Hangl, S.; Dunjko, V.; Briegel, Hans J.; Piater, J. (2020): Skill Learning by Autonomous Robotic Playing Using Active Learning and Exploratory Behavior Composition.
In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, No. 42. (DOI) (Web link) - Hauer, Martin; Grobbauer, Michael; Holper, Stefan; Plörer, Daniel (2020): Thermal modeling of complex fenestration systems: Comparison with long-term measurements on an office facade mock-up.
In: Science and Technology for the Built Environment 26/2, pp. 101 - 114. (DOI) (Web link) - Hoff, Johannes (2020): Digital Metrics in the Age of Online Culture Wars. Policies of Praise and the Quest for Democratisation.
In: Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 67/1, pp. 135 - 148. (Web link) - Hofmann, Marc; Gatu, Cristian; Kontoghiorghes, Erricos J.; Colubi, Ana; Zeileis, Achim (2020): lmSubsets: Exact Variable-Subset Selection in Linear Regression for R.
In: Journal of Statistical Software 93/3, pp. 1 - 21. (DOI) (Web link) - Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Lindner, Florian; Weitzel, Utz; Zeisberger, Stefan (2020): What Drives Risk Perception? A Global Survey with Financial Professionals and Lay People.
In: Management Science 66/9, pp. 3799 - 4358. (DOI) (Web link) - Hornik, Kurt; Ligges, Uwe; Zeileis, Achim (2020): Changes on CRAN.
In: The R Journal 12/2, pp. 408 - 410. (Web link) - Hug, Theo (2020): Mobilities and Ecologies: Reflections on Paradigms for Mobile Learning.
In: MedienPädagogik 37, pp. 85 - 99. (DOI) (Web link) - Hug, Theo (2020): Versionen der Kontingenzbewältigung – Einige fortführende Anregungen in konstruktiver Absicht.
In: itdb. inter-und transdisziplinäre Bildung 1/2020/Forschungsforum "Reflexion und Kritik", pp. 71 - 73. (DOI) (Web link) - Hug, Theo; Madritsch, Reinhold (2020): Globale Bildungsindustrie – Erkundungen zum Stand der Dinge in Österreich.
In: Medienimpulse. Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik 58/4, pp. 1 - 55. (DOI) (Web link) - Jones, Payton J.; Mair, Patrick; Simon, Thorsten; Zeileis, Achim (2020): Network Trees: A Method for Recursively Partitioning Covariance Structures.
In: Psychometrika 85, pp. 926 - 945. (DOI) (Web link) - Kammerlander, Heidi; Schlosser, Lisa; Zeiringer, Bernhard; Unfer, Günther; Zeileis, Achim; Aufleger, Markus (2020): Downstream Passage Behavior of Potamodromous Fishes at the Fish Protection and Guidance System "Flexible Fish Fence".
In: Ecological Engineering 143/15, No. 105698. (DOI) (Web link) - Kaulmann, David; Saveriano, Matteo; Lee, Dongheui; Hermsdörfer, Joachim; Johannsen, Leif (2020): Stabilization of body balance with light touch following a mechanical perturbation: Adaption of sway and disruption of right Posterior Parietal Cortex by cTBS.
In: PLoS One 15/7, No. e0233988. (DOI) (Web link) - Kirchmair, Lando; Lechner, Lisa (2020): Was heißt und zu welchem Ende betreibt man juristische Netzwerkanalyse? Eine neue Methode in der Verfassungsrechtsvergleichung.
In: Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht 4, pp. 857 - 884. (DOI) (Web link) - Krivic, Senka; Cashmore, Michael; Magazzeni, Daniele; Szedmak, Sandor; Piater, Justus (2020): Using Machine Learning for Decreasing State Uncertainty in Planning.
In: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 69, pp. 765 - 806. (DOI) (Web link) - Kupfer, Alexander; Zorn, Josef (2020): A Language-Independent Measurement of Economic Policy Uncertainty in Eastern European Countries.
In: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 56/5, pp. 1166 - 1180. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Landy, Justin F; Jia, Miaolei; Ding, Isabel; ..., ...; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Stefan, Matthias; The Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests Collaboration (2020): Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests: Making Transparent How Design Choices Shape Research Results.
In: Psychological Bulletin 146/5, pp. 451 - 479. (DOI) (Web link) - Lang, Moritz N.; Lerch, Sebastian; Mayr, Georg J.; Simon, Thorsten; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2020): Remember the Past: A Comparison of Time-Adaptive Training Schemes for Non-Homogeneous Regression.
In: Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 27/1, pp. 23 - 34. (DOI) (Web link) - Lang, Moritz N.; Schlosser, Lisa; Hothorn, Torsten; Mayr, Georg J.; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2020): Circular Regression Trees and Forests with an Application to Probabilistic Wind Direction Forecasting.
In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C: Applied Statistics 69/5, pp. 1357 - 1374. (DOI) (Web link) - Missomelius, Petra (2020): Die Spezifik digitaler Bildkulturen. Plädoyer für eine Perspektivenerweiterung auf mediale Strukturen und medienkulturelle Hintergründe.
In: Erziehung und Unterricht 2020/3+4, pp. 224 - 232. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Tosatto, Alice; Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2020): Techno-economic planning and construction of cost-effective large-scale hot water thermal energy storage for Renewable District heating systems.
In: Renewable Energy 150, pp. 1165 - 1177. (DOI) (Web link) - Pfanzelter, Eva (2020): Das Erzählen von Geschichte(n) mit Daten aus der Wayback Maschine am Beispiel von Holocaust-Websites.
In: Zeitgeschichte 47/4, pp. 491 - 519. (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara (2020): National Constitutional Courts as Guardians of the Charter: A Comparative Appraisal of the German Federal Constitutional Court's Right to Be Forgotten Judgments.
In: Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 22, pp. 258 - 278. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara; Kuczerawy, Aleksandra (2020): Injunctions to remove illegal online content under the eCommerce Directive: Glawischnig-Piesczek.
In: Common Market Law Review 57/5, pp. 1495 - 1526. (Full-text) (Web link) - Saveriano, Matteo; Piater, Justus (2020): Combining decision making and dynamical systems for monitoring and executing manipulation tasks. Überwachung und Ausführung von Roboter-Tätigkeiten durch kombinierte Entscheidungsfindung mit dynamischen Systemen.
In: E&I. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 137/6, pp. 309 - 315. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Selke, Tim; Rennhofer, Marcus; Neyer, Daniel; Thür, Alexander; Koell, Rebekka (2020): IEA Solares Heizen und Kühlen Task 53: Neue Generation der solaren Kühl- und Heizsysteme.
In: Schriftenreihe: Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung 3/2020, pp. 1 - 61. (Web link) - Siverio Lima, Mayara S.; Hajibabaei, Mohsen; Hesarkazzazi, Sina; Sitzenfrei, Robert; Buttgereit, Alexander; Queiroz, Cesar; Tautschnig, Arnold; Gschösser, Florian (2020): Environmental Potentials of Asphalt Materials Applied to Urban Roads: Case Study of the City of Münster.
In: Sustainability 12/15, No. 6113. (DOI) (Web link) - Siverio Lima, Mayara Sarisariyama; Thives, Liseane Padilha; Haritonovsm, Viktors; Gschösser, Florian (2020): The Influence of Alternative Fillers on the Adhesive Properties of Mastics Fabricated with Red Mud.
In: Materials 13/2, No. 484. (DOI) (Web link) - Stauder, Andy; Ustaszewski, Michael (2020): Syntactic complexity as a stylistic feature of subtitles.
In: Studia Translatorica 11, pp. 177 - 188. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Zeileis, A; Koll, S; Graham, N (2020): Various Versatile Variances: An Object-Oriented Implementation of Clustered Covariances in R.
In: Journal of Statistical Software 95/1, pp. 1 - 36. (DOI) (Web link) - Zeileis, Achim; Fisher, Jason C.; Hornik, Kurt; Ihaka, Ross; McWhite, Claire D.; Murrell, Paul; Stauffer, Reto; Wilke, Claus O. (2020): colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes.
In: Journal of Statistical Software 96/1, pp. 1 - 49. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Review)
- Abu-Dakka, Fares J.; Saveriano, Matteo (2020): Variable Impedance Control and Learning – A survey.
In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, Article 590681. (DOI) (Web link) - Johnston, D; Siddall, M; Ottinger, O; Peper, S; Feist, W (2020): Are the energy savings of the passive house standard reliable? A review of the as-built thermal and space heating performance of passive house dwellings from 1990 to 2018.
In: Energy Efficiency 13/8, pp. 1605 - 1631. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
- Blanco, Esther; Baier, Alexandra; Holzmeister, Felix; Jaber-Lopez, Tarek; Struwe, Natalie (2020): Substitution of social concerns under the Covid-19 pandemic.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2020-30. (Web link) - Holzmeister, Felix; Kerschbamer, Rudolf (2020): oTree: The Equality Equivalence Test.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2020, No. 14. (Web link)
Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
- Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Janssen, Hans (2020): Pore scale modelling of moisture transfer in building materials with the phase field method.
In: E3S Web of Conferences 172, Nr. 04004. (DOI) (Web link) - Gschösser, Florian; Cordes, Tobias; Lumetzberger, Dominik; Tautschnig, Arnold; Bergmeister, Konrad (2020): Railway transport systems' contribution to sustainable development.
In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 588, No. 052024. (DOI) (Web link) - Hug, Theo (2020): Nicht-dichotome, non-dualistische und/oder polylogische Perspektiven? – Kritische Erwägungen zur theoretisch informierten Praxisbesserung.
In: itdb. inter-und transdisziplinäre Bildung 1/2020/Forschungsforum „Reflexion und Kritik“, pp. 22 - 25. (Web link) - Ros, Ruben; Oberbichler, Sarah (2020): The Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon:Two Perspectives on Multidisciplinary HistoricalNewspapers Research in a Hackathon Context.
In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2717, pp. 66 - 74. (Web link) - Shandilya, Apeksha; Hauer, Martin; Streicher, Wolfgang (2020): Optimization of Thermal Behavior and Energy Efficiency of a Residential House Using Energy Retrofitting in Different Climates.
In: Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 8/3, pp. 335 - 349. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Other)
- Rauchegger, C.; Armstrong, K. A. (2020): Symposium – The First Decade of the Binding EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
In: Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 22, pp. 205 - 207. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Editorial)
- Brkan, Maja; Claes, Monica; Rauchegger, Clara (2020): European fundamental rights and digitalization.
In: Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 27/6, pp. 697 - 704. (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Original Paper)
- Dormandy, Katherine (2020): Exploitative Epistemic Trust.
In: Dormandy, Katherine (Ed.): Trust in Epistemology. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge (= Routledge Studies in Trust Research)., ISBN 978-1138570030, pp. 241 - 264. (Web link) - Dormandy, Katherine (2020): In Abundance of Counsellors There is Victory: Reasoning about Public Policy from a Religious Worldview.
In: Jonkers, Peter; Wiertz, Oliver: Religious Truth and Identity in an Age of Plurality. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge (= Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)., ISBN 978-0-367-02937-1, pp. 162 - 181. (Web link) - Dormandy, Katherine (2020): Intellectual humility and epistemic trust.
In: Alfano, Mark; Lynch, Michael P.; Tanesini, Alessandra: The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Humility. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9780815364115, pp. 292 - 302. (DOI) (Web link) - Dormandy, Katherine (2020): Introduction: An Overview of Trust and Some Key Epistemological Applications.
In: Dormandy, Katherine (Ed.): Trust in Epistemology. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge (= Routledge Studies in Trust Research)., ISBN 978-1138570030, pp. 1 - 40. (Web link) - Dormandy, Katherine; Wiertz, Oliver (2020): Introduction to Part II: The Epistemic Consequences of Religious Diversity.
In: Jonkers, Peter; Wiertz, Oliver: Religious Truth and Identity in an Age of Plurality. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge (= Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)., ISBN 978-0-367-02937-1, pp. 115 - 126. (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2020): "...daß gewisse Veränderungen darinn wegen der veränderten Zeitumstände nicht umgangen werden können". Andreas Alois Dipauli als Akteur und Beobachter der Neuordnung Tirols 1813-1816.
In: Bonazza, Marcello; Brunet, Francesca; Huber, Florian: Il Paese sospeso. La costruzione della Provincia tirolese (1813-1816). Trento: Società Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche (= Monografie. Nuova Serie, 13)., ISBN 978-88-8133-050-8, pp. 217 - 232. - Forster, Ellinor (2020): Ein unbekannter Verfassungsentwurf eines unbekannten Fürsten? Toskana, anno 1793.
In: Seitschek, Stefan; Lobenwein, Elisabeth; Löffler, Josef: Herrschaftspraktiken und Lebensweisheiten im Wandel. Die Habsburgmonarchie im 18. Jahrhundert. Wien [u.a.]: Böhlau (= ÖGE18-Jahrbuch "Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Österreich", 35)., ISBN 978-3-205-21049-8, pp. 109 - 135. (DOI) (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2020): Prekäre Dynamiken. Beamte und Ständevertreter zwischen den Herrschaften im frühen 19. Jahrhundert.
In: Heppner, Harald; Jesner, Sabine: Die Personalfrage in neuen Provinzen. Das Banat im regionalen Vergleich. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag., ISBN 978-3-515-12675-5, pp. 307 - 324. (Web link) - Gallner-Holzmann, Katharina; Hug, Theo; Oberbichler, Sarah (2020): Generous Interfaces Revisited – Examples of Designing Visual Structures for Digital Archives.
In: Aczél, Petra; Benedek, András; Nyíri, Kristóf: How Images Behave. Budapest: Budapest University of Technology and Economics / Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (= Perspectives on Visual Learning, 4)., ISBN 978-963-421-841-8, pp. 249 - 254. - Hoff, Johannes (2020): Transhumanismus als Symptom symbolischer Verelendung. Zur anthropologischen Herausforderung der Digitalen Revolution.
In: Herzberg, Stephan; Watzka, Heinrich: Transhumanismus. Über die Grenzen technischer Selbstverbesserung. Berlin u.a.: De Gruyter (= Humanprojekt, 17)., ISBN 978-3-11-069107-8, pp. 221 - 254. (DOI) (Web link) - Kupper, Patrick (2020): Szenarien. Genese und Wirkung eines Verfahrens der Zukunftsbestimmung.
In: Pfleiderer, Georg; Matern, Harald: Krise der Zukunft I. Apokalyptische Diskurse in interdisziplinärer Diskussion. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag (= Religion - Wirtschaft - Politik, 15)., ISBN 978-3-290-22056-3, pp. 123 - 177. (DOI) (Web link) - Lankina, Tomila; Watanabe, Kohei; Netesova, Yulia (2020): How Russian Media Control, Manipulate, and Leverage Public Discontent. Framing Protest in Autocracies.
In: Koesel, Koesel; Bunce, Valerie; Weiss, Jessica Chen: Citizens & the State in Authoritarian Regimes. Comparing Russia and China. Oxford: Oxford University Press., ISBN 978-0-19-009348-8, pp. 137 - 165. (DOI) (Web link) - Rampl, Gerhard (2020): Wie viele Gipfel- und Bergnamen hat Österreich? Statistische, areale und methodologische Betrachtungen zur Orolexemverteilung im Bundesgebiet.
In: Anreiter, Peter; Rampl, Gerhard: Österreichische Linguistiktagung 2018 in Innsbruck: Vorträge der Sektion „Onomastik“. Wien: Praesens Verlag (= Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Onomastik, 18)., ISBN 978-3-70-691089-7, pp. 153 - 170. (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara (2020): (De-)Zentralisierungstendenzen in der Grundrechtsjudikatur des EuGH.
In: Grabenwarter, Christoph; Vranes, Erich: Die EU im Lichte des Brexits und der Wahlen: Faktoren der Stabilität und Desintegration. Wien: Manz., ISBN 978-3-03891-241-5, pp. 215 - 228. (Web link) - Rauchegger, Clara (2020): The Charter as a Standard of Constitutional Review in the Member States.
In: Bobek, Michal; Adams-Prassl, Jeremias: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Member States. Oxford: Hart Publishing (= EU Law in the Member States, 7)., ISBN 978-1-5099-4091-2, pp. 483 - 498. (Full-text) (Web link) - Stauder, Andy; Ustaszewski, Michael (2020): TransBank: A Meta-Corpus for Translation Research.
In: Sinner, Carsten; Paasch-Kaiser, Christine; Härtel, Johannes: Translation in the Digital Age. Translation 4.0. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing., ISBN 978-1-5275-4470-3, pp. 69 - 80. (Web link) - Tanzer, Ulrike (2020): Johann Nepomuk Nestroy (1801-1862).
In: Eke, Norbert Otto (Hg.): Vormärz-Handbuch. Bielefeld: Aisthesis., ISBN 978-3-8498-1550-9, pp. 880 - 884. (Web link) - Ustaszewski, Michael; Stauder, Andy (2020): Corpora in Translation Studies: Why Do We Need Them and What Can Current Resources (Not) Offer to Us?
In: Sinner, Carsten; Paasch-Kaiser, Christine; Härtel, Johannes: Translation in the Digital Age. Translation 4.0. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing., ISBN 978-1-5275-4470-3, pp. 56 - 68. (Web link) - Wallerman Ghavanini, Anna; Rauchegger, Clara (2020): Challenges to EU Law in the Member States: From Reluctance to Revolt.
In: Berg, Linda (Ed.): Contested Community. Göteborg: Kompendiet (= Centrum för Europaforskning vid Göteborgs universitet, 34)., ISBN 9789189608382, pp. 25 - 32.
Book Chapter (Editorial)
- Ender, Markus; Fürhapter, Ingrid; Tanzer, Ulrike; Unterkircher, Anton (2020): Ludwig von Ficker im Kontext.
In: Ender, Markus; Fürhapter, Ingrid; Tanzer, Ulrike; Unterkircher, Anton (Hg.): Literaturvermittlung und Kulturtransfer nach 1945. Ludwig von Ficker im Kontext. Innsbruck, Wien u.a.: Studienverlag (= Edition Brenner-Forum, 16)., ISBN 978-3-7065-6056-6, pp. 9 - 15. (Web link)
Book Chapter (Reprint)
- Dormandy, Katherine (2020): Widerspruch von den Rändern. Die Erkenntnistheorie religiöser Marginalisierung.
In: Gäb, Sebastian: Religion und Pluralität. Stuttgart [u.a.]: Kohlhammer (= Münchener philosophische Studien, Neue Folge)., ISBN 978-3-17-037703-5, pp. 53 - 84. (Web link)
Proceedings Article
- Aspöck, Edeltraud; Hiebel, Gerald; Kopetzky, Karin; Durco, Matej (2020): A puzzle in 4D: Archiving digital and analogue resources of the Austrian excavations at Tell el Daba, Egypt.
In: Aspöck, E.; Stuhec, S.; Kopetzky, K.; Kucera, M.: Old Excavation Data. What can we do? Proceedings of the Workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (= OREA - Oriental and European Archaeology, 16)., ISBN 978-3-7001-8450-8, pp. 79 - 100. (DOI) (Web link) - Auddy, Sayantan; Hollenstein, Jakob; Saveriano, Matteo; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Antonio; Piater, Justus (2020): Can Expressive Posterior Approximations Improve Variational Continual Learning?
In: Proceedings of RO-MAN 2020 Workshop on Lifelong Learning for Long-term Human-Robot Interaction (LL4LHRI). published online / Internetpublikation., online. (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Ochs, Fabian (2020): Numerical Analysis and Evaluation of Large-Scale Hot Water Tanks and Pits in District Heating Systems.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, pp. 1692 - 1699. (DOI) (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2020): Advances in Modeling and Evaluation of Large-Scale Hot Water Tanks and Pits in Renewable-Based District Heating.
In: Eurosun 2020, 13th International conference on Solar Energy for Buildings & Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., pp. 728 - 739. (DOI) (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2020): Simulation-based design optimization of large-scale seasonal thermal energy storage in renewables-based district heating systems.
In: Monsberger, M.; Hopfe, C.J.; Krüger, M.; Passer, A.: BauSIM 2020. 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria. Proceedings. 23-25 September 2020, Graz University of Technology, Austria. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz., ISBN 978-3-85-125786-1, pp. 112 - 119. (DOI) (Web link) - de la Cruz, Pilar; Piater, Justus; Saveriano, Matteo (2020): Reconfigurable Behavior Trees: Towards an Executive Framework Meeting High level Decision Making and Control Layer Features.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2020). Toronto, Canada-October11-14, 2020. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., pp. 1915 - 1922. (DOI) (Web link) - Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Franzoi, Nicola (2020): Design and Monitoring of a Solar Thermal, PV and Heat Pump System.
In: Eurosun 2020, 13th International conference on Solar Energy for Buildings & Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., pp. 398 - 406. (DOI) (Web link) - Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Thuer, Alexander (2020): Primary-energy Based Optimization of a New Building District through Simulations on Flat, Building, Block and District Level.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, pp. 3628 - 3635. (DOI) (Web link) - Elbayad, Maha; Ustaszewski, Michael; Esperança-Rodier, Emmanuelle; Brunet-Manquat, Francis; Verbeek, Jakob; Besacier, Laurent (2020): Online Versus Offline Neural Machine Translation Quality: An In-Depth Analysis on English-German and German-English.
In: Bel, Nuria; Zong, Chengqing: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING’2020), Barcelona, December 8-11, 2020. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)., pp. 5047 - 5058. (Full-text) (Web link) - Erenus, Yildiz; Brinker, Tobias; Renaudo, Erwan; Hollenstein, Jakob; Haller-Seeber, Simon; Piater, Justus; Wörgötter, Florian (2020): A Visual Intelligence Scheme for Hard Drive Disassembly in Automated Recycling Routines.
In: Galambos, Peter; Madani, Kurosh: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems (ROBOVIS 2020). Volume 1. November 4-6, 2020. Setubal: SciTEPress., ISBN 978-989-758-479-4, pp. 17 - 27. (DOI) (Web link) - Hauer, Martin; De Michele, Guiseppe; Babich, Francesco; Plörer, Daniel; Avesani, Stefano (2020): Modelling Of Complex Fenestration Systems – Application Of Different Toolchain Approaches On Real Case Scenarios.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, pp. 4926 - 4935. (Web link) - Kraler, Anton; Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Flach, Michael (2020): From Low-Rise to High-Rise Buildings: Fire Safety of Timber Frame Facades.
In: Makovicka Osvaldova, Linda; Markert, Frank; L. Zelinka, Samuel: Wood & Fire Safety - Proceedings of the 9th International Cnference on Wood & Fire Safty 2020. 2-3 November, Slovakia, Online Conference Portal. Cham: Springer Nature., ISBN 978-3-030-41234-0, pp. 238 - 243. (Web link) - Kupfer, A.; Maier, R.; Zimmermann, S.; Thiele, J. (2020): Do Featured Consumer Reviews Matter?
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2020). India, Dec. 13-16. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS))., No. 2336. (Web link) - Lang, M.N.; Mayr, G.J.; Schlosser, L.; Simon, T.; Stauffer, R.; Zeileis, A (2020): Multivariate distributional regression forests for probabilistic nowcasting of wind profiles.
In: Irigoyen Garbizu, Itziar; Lee, Dae-Ji; Martínez-Minaya, Joaquín; Rodríguez-Álvarez, María Xosé: Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling : July 20- 24, 2020 Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco., ISBN 978-84-1319-267-3, pp. 142 - 147. (Web link) - Lobis, Ulrich; Wang-Kathrein, Joseph (2020): Identität und Normdaten.
In: Ernst, M.; Hinkelmanns, P.; Zangerl, L. M.; Zeppezauer-Wachauer, K.: Digital Humanities Austria 2018. Empowering Researchers. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften., ISBN 978-3-70-018668-7, pp. 128 - 133. (DOI) (Web link) - Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Bonato, Paolo; D'Antoni, Matteo; Geisler-Moroder, David; de Vries, Samuel; Loonen, Roel; Maccarini, Alessandro; Afshari, Alireza; Calabrese, Toni (2020): Comparison of simulation results for an office building between different BES tools: the challenge of getting rid of modeller Influence and Identifying Reasons for deviations.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, pp. 1475 - 1482. (DOI) (Web link) - Miller, Josef; Moser, Felix; Stumpf, Juan Pablo; Pfluger, Rainer (2020): REVIT2DALEC: A BIM2BEM combined thermal and day- and artificial light energy calculation with DALEC and the MVD.
In: Monsberger, M.; Hopfe, C.J.; Krüger, M.; Passer, A.: BauSIM 2020. 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria. Proceedings. 23-25 September 2020, Graz University of Technology, Austria. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz., ISBN 978-3-85-125786-1, pp. 351 - 358. (DOI) (Web link) - Muschinski, Thomas; Mayr, Georg J.; Simon, Thorsten; Zeileis, Achim (2020): Cholesky-Based Multivariate Gaussian Regression.
In: Irigoyen Garbizu, Itziar; Lee, Dae-Ji; Martínez-Minaya, Joaquín; Rodríguez-Álvarez, María Xosé: Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling : July 20- 24, 2020 Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco., ISBN 978-84-1319-267-3, pp. 382 - 385. - Ochs, F.; Breuss, S.; Venturi, E.; Magni, M.; Dermentzis, G.; Fisco, S. (2020): Modelling and Simulation of Innovative Decentral Domestic Hot Water Systems with Heat Pumps for Multi-Family Buildings.
In: Monsberger, M.; Hopfe, C.J.; Krüger, M.; Passer, A.: BauSIM 2020. 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria. Proceedings. 23-25 September 2020, Graz University of Technology, Austria. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz., ISBN 978-3-85-125786-1, pp. 135 - 142. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Monteleone, William (2020): Simulation-assisted Optimization of the HVAC system of NZE Multi-family Buildings.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, pp. 4961 - 4968. (DOI) (Web link) - Saveriano, Matteo (2020): An Energy-based Approach to Ensure the Stability of Learned Dynamical Systems.
In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 978-1-7281-7396-2, pp. 4407 - 4413. (DOI) (Web link) - Saveriano, Matteo; Lee, Dongheui (2020): Incremental Motion Reshaping of Autonomous Dynamical Systems.
In: Ferraguti, F.; Villani, V.; Sabattini, L.; Bonfè, M: Human-Friendly Robotics 2019. 12th International Workshop. Manchester: EasyChair (= Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, 12)., ISBN 978-3-030-42025-3, pp. 43 - 57. (DOI) (Web link) - Siegele, Dietmar; Leonardi, Eleonora; Ochs, Fabian (2020): A new MATLAB Simulink Toolbox for Dynamic Building Simulation with B.I.M. and Hardware in the Loop compatibility.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, pp. 2651 - 2658. (DOI) (Web link) - Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian (2020): A facade-integrated Multi-Source Heat Pump in Combination with a Ventilation System for Heating and Cooling.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, pp. 1882 - 1888. (DOI) (Web link) - Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian (2020): Speed-controlled Exhaust Air-Supply Air Heat Pump with Recirculation Air.
In: Indoor Air 2020 virtual. November 1 - November 5 2020. Espoo: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)., ISBN 978-0-9846855-9-2, elektronisch. (Web link) - Streicher, Wolfang; Ebenbichler, Rupert; Mailer, Markus; Hofmann, Angela; Hertl, Andreas (2020): Tyrol 2050 – Scenarios of a Fossil-Free Future.
In: Eurosun 2020, 13th International conference on Solar Energy for Buildings & Industry. Freiburg i. Br.: International Solar Energy Society (ISES)., pp. 984 - 990. (DOI) (Web link) - Wemhoener, Carsten; Rominger, Lukas; Buesser, Simon; Magni, Mara; Ochs, Fabian; Betzold, Christina; Dippel, Thomas (2020): Simulation-based Methodology For Comparison Of nZEB Requirements In Different Countries Including Results Of Model Calibration Tests.
In: Corrado, V.; Fabrizio, E.; Gasparella, A.; Patuzzi, F.: Proceedings of the Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA. 2-4 Sept, Rome. International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) (= Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 16)., ISBN 978-1-7750520-1-2, pp. 5060 - 5067. (DOI) (Web link)
Proceedings Article (Abstract)
- Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Thuer, Alexander (2020): A new Passive House District - Optimization of Energy Supply and Distribution System.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute: 24th International Passive House Conference 2020. Abstractband. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 100 - 101. - Doucet, Antoine; Gasteiner, Martin; Granroth-Wilding, Mark; Kaiser, Max; Kaukonen, Minna; Labahn, Roger; Moreux, Jean-Philippe; Mühlberger, Günter; Pfanzelter, Eva; Therenty, Marie-Eve; Toivonen, Hannu; Tolonen, Mikko (2020): NewsEye: A digital investigator for historical newspapers.
In: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO): Digital Humanities 2020, DH 2020. Conference July 22-24 / Workshops July 20, 21, 25, Ottawa. Ottawa: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)., online. (DOI) (Web link) - Hollenstein, Jakob; Renaudo, Erwan; Matteo, Saveriano; Piater, Justus (2020): How does explicit exploration influence Deep Reinforcement Learning?
In: Roth, P.M.; Steinbauer, G.; Fraundorfer, F.; Brandstötter, M.; Perko, R.: Proceedings of the Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz., ISBN 978-3-85125-752-6, pp. 29 - 30. (DOI) (Web link) - Irschara, Karoline; Posch, Claudia; Waldner, Birgit; Mangesius, Stephanie; Gruber, Leonhard; Huber, Anna-Lena; Rampl, Gerhard; Grams, Astrid; Glodny, Bernhard (2020): Challenges in Building MedCorpInn - a Corpus of Unstructured German Radiology Reports.
In: Fišer, Darja; Erjavec, Tomaž: Proceedings of the Conference on Language Technologies and Digital Humanities. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana., ISBN 978-961-7104-01-1, pp. 124 - 126. (Web link) - Lang, Moritz N.; Lerch, Sebastian; Mayr, Georg J.; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2020): Remember the Past: A Comparison of Time-Adaptive Training Schemes for Non-Homogeneous Regression.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2020 - Book of Abstracts. 04. - 08.05.2020, online. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGUT2020-2588. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Magni, Mara (2020): Prediction of PV-self-consumption with the PHPP.
In: Feist, Wolfgang: 24. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2020. Nachhaltig die Zunkunft bauen! 20. September - 08. Oktober 2020, Online. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 144 - 145. - Öttl, Silvia; Pfluger, Rainer; Knotzer Armin (2020): Innovative und kosteneffiziente Brandschutzkonzepte für zentrale Lüftungsanlagen in MFH.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute: 24th International Passive House Conference 2020. Abstractband. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., pp. 75 - 76. - Schlosser, Lisa; Hothorn, Torsten; Zeileis, Achim (2020): The Power of Unbiased Recursive Partitioning: A Unifying View ofCTree, MOB, and GUIDE.
In: Abstracts of Psychoco 2020 - International Workshop for Psychometric Computing. Dortmund: Technische Universität Dortmund., online. (Web link) - Schneider, Lennart; Zeileis, Achim; Strobl, Carolin (2020): Stability Assessment of Tree Ensembles and Psychotrees.
In: Abstracts of Psychoco 2020 - International Workshop for Psychometric Computing. Dortmund: Technische Universität Dortmund., online. (Web link) - Zeileis, Achim; Stauffer, Reto (2020): Robust Color Maps That Work for Most Audiences (Including the U.S. President).
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2020 - Book of Abstracts. 04. - 08.05.2020, online. Göttingen: Copernicus., p. /EGU2020-7173. (DOI) (Web link)
Contribution to Museum / Exhibition Catalogue
- Tanzer, Ulrike (2020): Friedrich Achleitner den „Lieben“, Hermine und Othmar Costa.
In: Riccabona, Christine: Zugeeignet. Widmungen in Büchern der Nachlassbibliotheken des Brenner-Archivs. Eine Vitrinenausstellung mit Beiträgen von Markus Ender, Christine Riccabona, Ursula A. Schneider, Michael Schorner, Annette Steinsiek, Ulrike Tanzer, Anton Unterkircher, Erika Wimmer, Irene Zanol. Innsbruck: Forschungsinstitut Brenner-Archiv., pp. 4 - 5. (Web link)
Contribution to Textbook, Scientific
- Kastelitz, Markus; Gamper, Lothar (2020): Überwachung der Einhaltung der DSGVO: Durchführung von Datenschutzaudits durch den Datenschutzbeauftragten.
In: Scheichenbauer, Heidi: Der Datenschutzbeauftragte. Wien: Linde Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7073-4042-6, pp. 45 - 66. (Web link)
Foreword / Afterword of Monograph / Critical Edition
- Piok, Maria; Tanzer, Ulrike (2020): Vor- und Nachwort.
In: Piok, Maria; Tanzer, Ulrike: Das Ministerium für Sprichwörter. Werkausgabe Band 2. Romane. Innsbruck: Haymon-Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7099-8115-3, pp. 509 - 520. (Web link)
Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
- Forster, Ellinor; Singerton, Jonathan (2020): Maria Carolina von Neapel-Sizilien: Eine Habsburgerin kämpft gegen Napoleon.
In: Damals - Das Magazin für Geschichte 52/1-2020, pp. 72 - 76. (Web link) - Lechner, Lisa (2020): Europe: Leader on non-trade objectives in trade agreements.
In: ecdpm Great Insights 9/2, pp. 4 - 6. (Web link) - Mühlberger, Günter (2020): Transkribus für Katasterdokumente. Ein Werkstattbericht.
In: BDVI - Forum 2020/4, pp. 36 - 43. (Web link)
Book Chapter, Transfer-Oriented
- Siegetsleitner, Anne (2020): Wer trägt bei autonomer Künstlicher Intelligenz die moralische Verantwortung?
In: Hengstschläger, Markus: Digitaler Wandel und Ethik. Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung. Salzburg: Ecowin Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7110-0271-6, pp. 126 - 144. (Web link) - Siegetsleitner, Anne (2020): Who Bears Moral Responsibility in the Case of Autonomous Artifical Intelligence?
In: Hengstschläger, Markus: Digital Transformation and Ethics. Salzburg: Ecowin Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7110-0273-0, pp. 118 - 133. (Web link)
(Book) Reviews
Journal Article (Book Review)
- Forster, Ellinor (2020): Dagmar Freist, Glaube – Liebe – Zwietracht. Religiös-konfessionell gemischte Ehen in der Frühen Neuzeit, Berlin-Boston (De Gruyter) 2017 (bibliothek Altes Reich 14), 550 S., ISBN 978-3-486-74969-4.
In: Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und bibliotheken 100/1, pp. 771 - 772. (DOI) (Web link) - Ustaszewski, Michael (2020): Claudia Fantinuoli: Interpreting and technology (Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing, 11). Berlin: Language Science Press, 2018.
In: Studia Translatorica 11, pp. 212 - 218. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication, Scientific
- Bohnenkamp, Björn; Burkhardt, Marcus; Grashöfer, Katja; Hlukhovych, Adrianna; Krewani, Angela; Matzner, Tobias; Missomelius, Petra; Raczkowski, Felix; Shnayien, Mary; Weich, Andreas; Wippich, Uwe (2020): Online-Lehre 2020. Eine medienwissenschaftliche Perspektive. Diskussionspapier 10 Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HDF). Ein Diskussionspapier der Foren Bildung und Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft zum universitären Betrieb unter Covid-19-Bedingungen. (Web link)
- Fellin, Wolfgang; Zeileis, Achim (2020): Transitioning a Soil Mechanics Course to R/exams. In: R/exams. (Web link)
- Gallner-Holzmann, Katharina; Oberbichler, Sarah; Moosleitner, Manfred; Blaas, Nadine; Hug, Theo; Zangerle, Eva (2020): Konzeptionelle Designempfehlungen und Möglichkeiten der visuellen Aufbereitung von Kulturerbe. DigiVis-Report. Version 1. In: Zenodo. (DOI) (Web link)
- Hechl, Stefan; Kapferer, Benedikt (2020): NewsEye goes to school: A first look at our educational material. In:, 22. Juni. (Web link)
- Kapferer, Benedikt (2020): „An unsere Leser“: The interaction between newspaper and readership and the journalistic self-image, in:, 24. August. (Web link)
- Kapferer, Benedikt (2020): Newspapers as „social“ media: Crowdsourcing and user-generated content in historical perspective
in:, 10. September. (Web link) - Kapferer, Benedikt (2020): Of „difficult“ and „modern“ times. The development of journalism in historical newspapers
in:, 03. September. (Web link) - Klaus, Barbara (2020): Identifying the ‘right’ widow in WW1 newspapers. In:, 14. April. (Web link)
- Moosleitner, Manfred; Zangerle, Eva; Gallner-Holzmann, Katharina; Oberbichler, Sarah; Hug, Theo (2020): Digivis - Technische Umsetzung. DigiVis-Report. (Web link)
- Oberbichler, Sarah (2020): Guidelines for the annotation of arguments and further discourses (Ernst-von-Glasersfeld-Archive). DigiVis-Report. Version 1. In: Zenodo. (DOI) (Web link)
- Oberbichler, Sarah; Hechl, Stefan; Pfanzelter, Eva (2020): Als eine andere Epidemie die Welt in Atem hielt: Die Spanische Grippe 1918/19 in der österreichischen Presse. In:, 09. Juni. (Web link)
- Oberbichler, Sarah; Pfanzelter, Eva (2020): Bringing together what belongs together: Thematic grouping of newspaper clippings using LDA and JSD. In:, 29. Oktober. (Web link)
- Oberbichler, Sarah; Pfanzelter, Eva (2020): Von „billigen Preisen“, Landarbeitern und Auswandereragenten: Migrationsdiskurse in historischen, österreichischen Zeitungen (1850 bis 1950). In:, 05. Mai. (Web link)
- Oberbichler, Sarah; Pfanzelter, Eva; Hechl, Stefan; Marjanen, Jani (2020): Doing historical research with digital newspapers – perspectives of DH scholars. In: EuropeanaTech, Issue 16: Newspapers, 16. Oktober. (Web link)
- Oberbichler, Sarah; Tulp, Jan Willem; Moosleitner, Manfred; Hug, Theo; Galler-Holzmann, Katharina; Zangerle, Eva (2020): Visualising discourse and argumentation structures of digital cultural heritage collections. The example of the scientific estate of Ernst von Glasersfeld. DigiVis-Report. Version 1. In: Zenodo. (DOI) (Web link)
- Siegetsleitner, Anne (2020): Post-Privacy oder Datenschutz als neuer Megatrend? Sinn und Wert der Privatheit. In: Prae|, 04. Februar. (Web link)
Electronic Publication (Preprint)
- Hollenstein, Jakob; Renaudo, Erwan; Saveriano, Matteo; Piater, Justus (2020): Improving the Exploration of Deep Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Domains using Planning for Policy Search. (DOI) (Web link)
Database, Scientific
- Wang-Kathrein, Joseph; Zanol, Irene; Praßl, Wolfgang; Lobis, Ulrich; Zankl, Verena (2020): Joseph Zoderer im Zoom. Web-Portal zu Leben und Werk Joseph Zoderers. (Web link)
Research Report (Commissioned Research)
- Arnold, Matthias; Schenk, Martin; Kainz, Niklas; Dietsch, Philipp; Cabrero, José Manuel; Maderebner, Roland; Winter, Stefan: Schlussbericht zum Europäischen Forschungsvorhaben InnoCrossLam – Innovative Solutions for Cross. Laminated Timber Structures; Arbeitspakete 5 und 6 (Deutschland).
Bundesministerium für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung; Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Gülzow-Prüzen, 2019-03-01 - 2022-10-31. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Drexel, Christoph; Fink, Jürgen; Bilgeri, Gordon; Rothbacher, Mtthias; Breier, Stephan; Elender, Markus; Winter Winter: Fassadenintegrierte modulare Split-Wärmepumpe für Neubau und Sanierung (FiTNeS).
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2019-10-01 - 2023-05-28. - Rojas, Gabriel; Calabrese, Toni; Shandilya, Apeksha; Pfluger, Rainer: IEA Energie in Gebäuden und Kommunen (EBC) Annex 68: Raumluftqualitätsoptimierte Planung und Betriebsführung von energieeffizienten Wohngebäuden.
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2016-01-01 - 2021-03-31. (Web link)
Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
- Chiara, Delmastro; Thibaut, Abergel; Daniel, Mugnier; Uli, Jakob; Neyer, Daniel; (2020): Cooling. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo (2020): Interviewclip zu "Tirol braucht eine Pause! Eine Initiative der Wirtschaftskammer Tirol". (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim (2020): Mit langem Atem. (Web link)
Publications 2019
Textbook, Scientific
- Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Schredelseker, Klaus (2019): Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft: Ein Informationsökonomischer Zugang. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg (= De Gruyter Studium). ISBN 978-3-11-060791-8. 3. komplett überarbeitete Auflage. (DOI) (Web link)
Critical Edition
- Klettenhammer, Sieglinde; Rottensteiner, Anna; Wild, Gabriele; Tanzer, Ulrike (2019): Julian Schutting: Zumutungen. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= Innsbrucker Poetik-Vorlesungen, 4). ISBN 978-3-903187-42-9. (Web link)
- Piok, Maria; Tanzer, Ulrike (2019): Otto Grünmandl: Ein Gefangener. Kurzprosa und Gedichte. Werkausgabe Band 1. Kurzprosa und Gedichte. Innsbruck: Haymon-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7099-3460-9. (Web link)
- Polt-Heinzl, Evelyn; Strigl, Daniela; Tanzer, Ulrike (2019): Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von: Lotti, die Uhrmacherin. Unsühnbar. St. Pölten / Salzburg: Residenz Verlag (= Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von: Leseausgabe in vier Bänden, 2). ISBN 978-3-701-71722-4. Taschenbuchausgabe. (Web link)
- Polt-Heinzl, Evelyn; Strigl, Daniele; Tanzer, Ulrike (2019): Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von: Aus Franzensbad. Das Gemeindekind. St. Pölten / Salzburg: Residenz Verlag (= Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von: Leseausgabe in vier Bänden, 1). ISBN 978-3-701-71721-7. (Web link)
Book, Transfer-Oriented
- Pfluger, Rainer (2019): Wohnungslüftung im Bestand. Hocheffiziente und kostengünstige Lösungen für die Altbaumodernisierung. Berlin - Offenbach: VDE-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8007-4433-6. (Web link)
(Co-)Edited Books
Proceedings (Editorship)
- Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute (2019): 23rd international Passive House Conference 2019. 9-11 October 2019, Gaobeidian, China. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt. ISBN 978-3-9820986-0-9.
(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series
(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
- Chen, Daniel; Holzmeister, Felix: Guest-Editor of Special Issue: Software for Experimental Economics - Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2018-09-01 - 2019-06-30. (Web link)
- Forster, Ellinor: (Mit-) Herausgeberin - Zeitschrift "Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione", 2014-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Giacomuzzi, Renate: Mitherausgeberin -, 2012-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hanke, Klaus: Member of Editorial Board - Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2012-01-01 - 2024-01-01. (Web link)
- Hasenöhrl, Ute; Kupper, Patrick: Guest Editor Volume 37, Issue 4: Historicizing renewables - History and Technology, 2018-08-01 - 2022-04-28. (Web link)
- Holzmeister, Felix: Associate Editor - Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2019-04-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Ralf Vollbrecht und Claudia Wegener) Buchreihe "Medien, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft" - Beltz Juventa, 2017-01-01 on-going.
- Hug, Theo: Reihenherausgeber (gemeinsam mit Kai-Uwe Hugger und Angela Tillmann) der Buchreihe „Digitale Kultur und Kommunikation“ - Springer, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Kuntner, Walter: Editorial Board - Studies in Caucasian Archaeology, 2012-01-01 on-going.
- Mühlberger, Günter: Editor - Digital Libraries, 2013-02-01 on-going.
- Pallaver, Günther; Hug, Theo; Missomelius, Petra: Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Die kleine Medienreihe - Studia-Universitäts-Verlag, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva: Herausgeberschaft - historia.scribere, 2008-10-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Piater, Justus: Associate Editor - IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2015-10-01 - 2019-09-30. (Web link)
- Pilz, Michael: Herausgeber der Reihe - Literaturkritik in Zahlen, 2016-01-01 - 2024-06-06. (Web link)
- Tautschnig, Arnold: Mitherausgeber - bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement, 2010-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, R.: Review Editor: Section Neuroimaging Methods and Neurosctimulation - Frontiers in Psychology, 2017-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Viviani, Roberto: Associate Editor for the Section Neuroimaging Methods - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
- Zeileis, Achim: Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Statistical Software, 2010-03-01 on-going. (Web link)
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
- Botnen, S S; Davey, M L; Bjørnsgaard, A; Carlsen, T.; Thoen, E.; Heegaard, E.; Vik, U.; Dresch, P.; Mundra, S; Peintner, U; Taylor, A; Kauserud, H (2019): Biogeography of plant root associated fungal communities in the North-Atlantic region mirrors climatic variability.
In: Journal of Biogeography 46/7, pp. 1532 - 1546. (DOI) (Web link) - Botvinik-Nezer, Rotem; Iwanir, Roni; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Johannesson, Magnus; Kirchler, Michael; Dreber, Anna; Camerer, Colin F.; Poldrack, Russell A.; Schonberg, Tom (2019): fMRI data of mixed gambles from the Neuroimaging Analysis Replication and Prediction Study.
In: Scientific Data 6, No. 106. (DOI) (Web link) - Court, Sébastien; Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (2019): Optimal control problem for viscous systems of conservation laws, with geometric parameter, and application to the Shallow-Water equations.
In: Interfaces and Free Boundaries 21/3, pp. 273 - 311. (DOI) (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Mieck, Sebastian; Ochs, Fabian; Krautz, Hans Joachim (2019): A comparative study of two simulation tools for the technical feasibility in terms of modeling district heating systems: An optimization case study.
In: Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 91, pp. 48 - 68. (DOI) (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Streicher, Wolfgang (2019): Advances in seasonal thermal energy storage for solar district heating applications: A critical review on large-scale hot-water tank and pit thermal energy storage systems.
In: Applied Energy 239, pp. 296 - 315. (DOI) - Dalton-Puffer, Christiane; Boeckmann, Klaus-Börge; Hinger, Barbara (2019): Research in language teaching and learning in Austria (2011-2017).
In: Language Teaching 52/2, pp. 201 - 230. (DOI) (Web link) - Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Gustafsson, Marcus; Calabrese, Toni; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang; Dipasquale, Chiara; Fedrizzi, Roberto; Bales, Chris (2019): A comprehensive evaluation of a monthly-based energy auditing tool through dynamic simulations, and monitoring in a renovation case study.
In: Energy and Buildings 183, pp. 713 - 726. (DOI) (Web link) - Dietz, Sebastian J.; Kneringer, Philipp; Mayr, Georg J.; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Low visibility forecasts for different flight planning horizons using tree-based boosting models.
In: Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography 5/1, pp. 101 - 114. (DOI) (Web link) - Dietz, Sebastian; Kneringer, Philipp; Mayr, Georg; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Forecasting Low-Visibility Procedure States with Tree-Based Statistical Methods.
In: Pure and Applied Geophysics 176/6, pp. 2631 - 2644. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Dipasquale, Chiara; Fedrizzi, Roberto; Bellini, Alessandro; Gustafsson, Marcus; Ochs, Fabian; Bales, Chris (2019): Database of energy, environmental and economic indicators of renovation packages for European residential buildings.
In: Energy and Buildings 203, p. UNSP 109427. (DOI) - Dresch, P; Falbesoner, J; Ennemoser, C; Hittorf, M; Kuhnert, R; Peintner, U (2019): Emerging from the ice–fungal communities are diverse and dynamic in earliest soil developmental stages of a receding glacier.
In: Environmental Microbiology 21/5, pp. 1864 - 1880. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Eiband, Thomas; Saveriano, Matteo; Lee, Dongheui (2019): Intuitive Programming of Conditional Tasks by Demonstration of Multiple Solutions.
In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4/4, pp. 4483 - 4490. (DOI) (Web link) - Fröch, Georg; Flora, Matthias; Gächter, Werner; Harpf, Florian; Tautschnig, Arnold (2019): Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eines digitalen Baugrundmodells im Tunnelbau.
In: Bautechnik. Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau 96/12, pp. 885 - 895. (DOI) (Web link) - Fröch, Georg; Gächter, Werner; Tautschnig, Arnold; Specht, Günther (2019): Merkmalserver im Open‐BIM‐Prozess.
In: Bautechnik. Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau 96/4, pp. 338 - 347. (DOI) (Web link) - Gebetsberger, Manuel; Stauffer, Reto; Mayr, Georg J.; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Skewed Logistic Distribution for Statistical Temperature Post-Processing in Mountainous Areas.
In: Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography 5/1, pp. 87 - 100. (DOI) (Web link) - Gschösser, Florian; Baldauf, Phillipp; Tautschnig, Arnold; Reinisch, Alexander (2019): Baubetriebliche und bauwirtschaftliche Potentiale durch Echtzeitmessung der Betonfestigkeit.
In: Bautechnik. Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau 96/3, pp. 239 - 249. (DOI) (Web link) - Gschösser, Florian; Laich, Daniel; Tautschnig, Arnold (2019): Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung von Rüstungen bei der Betonsanierung von Bestandsbrücken. Economically and temporally optimized scaffold selection for concrete bridge refurbishments.
In: Bauingenieur 94/12, pp. 504 - 511. (Web link) - Hirschmüller, Sebastian; Pravida, Johann; Marte, Roman; Flach, Michael (2019): Long-term material properties of circular hollow laminated veneer lumber sections under water saturation and cement alkaline attack.
In: Wood Material Science & Engineering 14/3, pp. 142 - 156. (DOI) - Holzmeister, Felix; Kerschbamer, Rudolf (2019): oTree: The Equality Equivalence Test.
In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 22, pp. 214 - 222. (DOI) (Web link) - Hug, Theo (2019): Robots as Friends, Co-Workers, Teachers and Learning Machines – Metaphorical Analyses and Ethical Considerations.
In: E-learning 11, pp. 17 - 34. (Web link) - Klarer, Mario; Tratter, Aaron; Alisade, Hubert (2019): Ambraser Heldenbuch: Allographische Transkription und wissenschaftliches Datenset.
In: Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung 24/1, pp. 244 - 246. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Kneringer, Philipp; Dietz, Sebastian; Mayr, Georg J.; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Probabilistic Nowcasting of Low-Visibility Procedure States at Vienna International Airport During Cold Season.
In: Pure and Applied Geophysics 176/5, pp. 2165 - 2177. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Krivic, Senka; Piater, Justus (2019): Pushing corridors for delivering unknown objects with a mobile robot.
In: Autonomous Robots 43/6, pp. 1435 - 1452. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Lang, Moritz N.; Mayr, Georg J.; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Bivariate Gaussian Models for Wind Vectors in a Distributional Regression Framework.
In: Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography 5/2, pp. 115 - 132. (DOI) (Web link) - Magni, Mara; Campana, Jean Pierre; Ochs, Fabian; Luca Mor, Gian (2019): Numerical investigation of the influence of heat emitters on the local thermal comfort in a room.
In: Building Simulation. An International Journal 12/3, pp. 395 - 410. (DOI) (Web link) - Rezapour-Lakani, Safoura; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Antonio; Piater, Justus (2019): Towards affordance detection for robot manipulation using affordance for parts and parts for affordance.
In: Autonomous Robots 43/5, pp. 1155 - 1172. (DOI) (Web link) - Schlosser, Lisa; Hothorn, Torsten; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Distributional Regression Forests for Probabilistic Precipitation Forecasting in Complex Terrain.
In: Annals of Applied Statistics 13/3, pp. 1564 - 1589. (DOI) (Web link) - Seibold, Heidi; Hothorn, Torsten; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Generalised Linear Model Trees with Global Additive Effects.
In: Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 13/3, pp. 703 - 725. (DOI) (Web link) - Seibold, Heidi; Zeileis, Achim; Hothorn, Torsten (2019): model4you: An R Package for Personalised Treatment Effect Estimation.
In: Journal of Open Research Software (JORS) 7/1, No. 17. (DOI) (Web link) - Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian (2019): Effectiveness of a membrane enthalpy heat exchanger.
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 160, No. 114005. (DOI) (Web link) - Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang (2019): Novel speed-controlled exhaust-air to supply-air heat pump combined with a ventilation system.
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 162, No. 114230. (Web link) - Simon, Thorsten; Mayr, Georg; Umlauf, Nikolaus; Zeileis, Achim (2019): NWP-based lightning prediction using flexible count data regression.
In: Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography 5/1, pp. 1 - 16. (DOI) (Web link) - Sturm, Gregor; Finotello, Francesca; Petitprez, Florent; Zhang, Jitao David; Baumbach, Jan; Fridman, Wolf H; List, Markus; Aneichyk, Tatsiana (2019): Comprehensive evaluation of transcriptome-based cell-type quantification methods for immuno-oncology.
In: Bioinformatics 35/14, pp. i436 - i445. (DOI) (Web link) - Taniguchi, Tadahiro; Ugur, Emre; Hoffmann, Matej; Jamone, Lorenzo; Nagai, Takayuki; Rosman, Benjamin; Matsuka, Toshihiko; Iwahashi, Naoto; Oztop, Erhan; Piater, Justus; Wörgötter, Florentin (2019): Symbol Emergence in Cognitive Developmental Systems: A Survey.
In: IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 11/4, pp. 494 - 516. (DOI) (Web link) - Ustaszewski, Michael (2019): Optimising the Europarl corpus for translation studies with the EuroparlExtract toolkit.
In: Perspectives - Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 27/1, pp. 107 - 123. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) - Wagner, Martin; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Heterogeneity and Spatial Dependence of Regional Growth in the EU: A Recursive Partitioning Approach.
In: German Economic Review 20/1, pp. 67 - 82. (DOI) (Web link) - Zech, Philipp; Renaudo, Erwan; Haller, Simon; Zhang, Xiang; Piater, Justus (2019): Action representations in robotics: A taxonomy and systematic classification.
In: The International Journal of Robotics Research 38/5, pp. 518 - 562. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
- Adam, Farago; Holmén, Martin; Holzmeister, Felix; Kirchler, Michael; Razen, Michael (2019): Cognitive Skills and Economic Preferences in the Fund Industry.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck. (Web link) - Holzmeister, Felix; Holmén, Martin; Kirchler, Michael; Stefan, Matthias; Wengström, Erik (2019): Delegated Decision-Making in Finance.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2019-21. (Web link) - Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Lindner, Florian; Weitzel, Utz; Zeisberger, Stefan (2019): What Drives Risk Perception? A Global Survey with Financial Professionals and Lay People.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2019-05, elektronisch. (Web link) - Holzmeister, Felix; Stefan, Matthias (2019): The risk elicitation puzzle revisited: Across-methods (in)Consistency?
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2019-19, elektronisch. (Web link)
Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
- Calabrese, Toni; Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios (2019): Compact ventilation and heat pump with recirculation air for renovation of small apartments.
In: E3S Web of Conferences 111, No. 1011. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
- Lang, Moritz N.; Mayr, Georg J.; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Bivariate Gaussian Models for Wind Vectors in a Distributional Regression Framework.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 21, EGU2019-1444. (Web link)
Journal Article (Editorial)
- Tautschnig, Arnold (2019): Editorial.
In: bau aktuell. Baurecht - Baubetriebswirtschaft - Baumanagement 10/5, p. 169. (Web link)
Journal Article (Correction: Self-Correction)
- Dietz, Sebastian; Kneringer, Philipp; Mayr, Georg; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Forecasting Low-Visibility Procedure States with Tree-Based Statistical Methods (vol 176, pg 2631, 2019).
In: Pure and Applied Geophysics 176/6, pp. 2645 - 2658. (DOI)
Book Chapter (Original Paper)
- Aghaebrahimian, Ahmad; Ustaszewski, Michael; Stauder, Andy (2019): The TransBank Aligner: Cross-Sentence Alignment with Deep Neural Networks.
In: Ekštein, Kamil: Text, Speech, and Dialogue. 22nd International Conference, TSD 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 11–13, 2019, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 11697 / Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11697)., ISBN 978-3-030-27946-2, pp. 185 - 196. (DOI) (Web link) - Dormandy, Katherine (2019): Die Erkenntnistheorie der religiösen Vielfalt und des religiösen Dissenses.
In: Viertbauer, Klaus; Gasser, Georg: Handbuch Analytische Religionsphilosophie. Akteuere - Diskurse - Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Metzler., ISBN 978-3-476-04734-2, pp. 331 - 344. (Web link) - Dormandy, Katherine (2019): Evidentialismus.
In: Grajner, Martin; Melchior, Guido: Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart: Metzler., ISBN 978-3-476-04631-4, pp. 178 - 186. (DOI) (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2019): Einpassen von religiösen Rechten und Gewohnheiten in die zivilrechtliche Kodifikation. Diskussionen über katholische, protestantische und jüdische Eherechtsbestimmungen in Österreich im 18. Jahrhundert.
In: Cristellon, Cecilia; Schorn-Schütte, Luise: Grundrechte und Religion im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit (16.-18. Jh.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (= Schriften zur politischen Kommunikation, 24)., ISBN 978-3-8471-0725-5, pp. 151 - 168. (Web link) - Forster, Ellinor (2019): Marginalisierte Männlichkeiten? Der Erste Weltkrieg in Ehescheidungen des Landesgerichts Innsbruck.
In: Pfeifer, Gustav; Dalla Torre, Karin: Manipulus florum. Beiträge, Essays und Gedanken. Christine Roilo zum 60. Geburtstag. Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner (= Veröffentlichungen des Südtiroler Landesarchivs / Pubblicazioni dell'Archivio provinciale di Bolzano, 5)., ISBN 978-3-7030-0996-9, pp. 95 - 102. (Web link) - Hug, Theo (2019): From Literacy to an Ecology of Literacies? Reflections on Some Conceptual Issues.
In: Gross, Barbara; Stadler-Altmann, Ulrike: Beyond erziehungswissenschaftlicher Grenzen. Diskurse zu Entgrenzungen der Disziplin. Opladen u.a.: Verlag Barbara Budrich., ISBN 978-3-8474-2368-3, pp. 145 - 160. (Web link) - Hug, Theo (2019): Offenheit in Wissenschaft und/als Kunst – Thesen zur Hochschulbildung im Lichte von Medialisierung und Digitalisierung.
In: Moser-Ernst, Sybille; Bertsch, Christoph: Kunst : Wissenschaft : eine fächerübergreifende Untersuchung am Beispiel der Universität Innsbruck. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-903187-72-6, pp. 223 - 237. (Web link) - Hug, Theo (2019): Visualizing Archivals and Discursive Structures. Towards Enhanced Perspectives Using the Example of the Ernst-von-Glasersfeld-Archive.
In: Benedek, András; Nyíri, Kristóf: Learning and Technology in Historical Perspective. Budapest: Budapest University of Technology and Economics / Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (= Perspectives on Visual Learning, 2)., ISBN 978-963-313-306-4, pp. 161 - 171. (Web link) - Kupper, Patrick (2019): Raum.
In: Hinrichsen, Jan; Johler, Reinhard; Ratt, Sandro: Katastrophen/Kultur. Beiträge zu einer interdisziplinären Begriffswerkstatt, Studien & Materialien des Ludwig-Uhland-Instituts der Universität Tübingen 50. Tübingen: Tübinger Vereinigung für Volkskunde (TVV) (= Studien und Materialien des Ludwig-Uhland-Instituts der Universität Tübingen, 50)., ISBN 978-3-932512-85-8, pp. 145 - 156. (Web link) - Lechner, Lisa (2019): The Trend to More and Stricter Non-Trade Issues in Preferential Trade Agreements.
In: Elsig, Manfred; Hahn, Michael; Spilker, Gabriele: The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., ISBN 978-1-108-48567-8, pp. 233 - 252. (DOI) (Web link) - Pfanzelter, Eva (2019): Von der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung 1958 zum Informatikstudium an der Universität Innsbruck 2002.
In: Friedrich, Margret; Rupnow, Dirk: Geschichte der Universität Innsbruck 1669-2019. Band II: Aspekte der Universitätsgeschichte. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-903187-69-6, pp. 601 - 645. (Web link) - Piater, Justus (2019): Das Digital Science Center der Universität Innsbruck.
In: Bußjäger, Peter; Keuschnigg, Georg; Schramek, Christoph (Hg): Raum neu denken. Von der Digitalisierung zur Dezentralisierung. Wien: new academic press (= Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Föderalismus, 127)., ISBN 978-3-7003-2168-2, pp. 165 - 174. (Web link) - Posch, Claudia (2019): "Auf keinen Fall Tschaklin, Schanin oder Tschennifer!" Soziolinguistische Faktoren bei der Bewertung und Vergabe von Vornamen.
In: Calderón, Marietta; Herling, Sandra: Namenmoden syn- und diachron. Stuttgart: Ibidem (= Romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik, 68)., ISBN 978-3-8382-0790-2, pp. 3 - 20. (Web link) - Singerton, Jonathan (2019): A Revolution in Ink. Mapping Benjamin Franklin’s Epistolary Network in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1776-1789.
In: Wallnig, Thomas; Romberg, Marion; Weis, Joelle (Eds.): Achtzehntes Jahrhundert digital: zentraleuropäische Perspektiven. Digital eighteenth century: central European perspectives = Dix-huitième siècle numérique: perspectives de l'Europe centrale. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (= ÖGE18-Jahrbuch "Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Österreich", 34)., ISBN 978-3-205-20908-9, pp. 91 - 113. (Web link) - Tanzer, Ulrike (2019): Marie von Ebner-Eschenbachs Das tägliche Leben und Marlen Haushofers Die Mansarde. Ein Vergleich.
In: Arlaud, Sylvie; Lacheny, Marc; Lajarrige, Jacques; du Cardonnoy, Eric Leroy: Dekonstruktion der symbolischen Ordnung bei Marlen Haushofer. Die Wand und Die Mansarde. Berlin: Frank & Timme - Verlag für wissenschaftliche Literatur (= Forum: Österreich, 9)., ISBN 978-3-7329-0529-4, pp. 143 - 155. (Web link) - Tanzer, Ulrike; Unterkircher, Anton (2019): Geisteskämpfe auf der „Brenner“-Bühne. Ludwig von Ficker als Kulturvermittler.
In: Moser-Ernst, Sybille; Bertsch, Christoph: Kunst : Wissenschaft : eine fächerübergreifende Untersuchung am Beispiel der Universität Innsbruck. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-903187-72-6, pp. 353 - 367. (Web link) - Tautschnig, Arnold (2019): Interdisziplinäre Herausforderungen bei innerstädtischen Hochbauprojekten in exponierter Lage aus Sicht der Projektleitung.
In: Langen, W.; Leupertz, S.; Preuß, N.; v. Rintelen, C.: Bauprojekte als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Festschrift für Klaus Eschenbruch zum 65. Geburtstag. Köln: Werner Verlag., ISBN 978-3-8041-5343-1, pp. 431 - 444. - Tautschnig, Arnold; Carstens, Till-Heinrich (2019): Zur Schadensermittlung bei Terminschäden.
In: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Baurecht und Bauwirtschaft (Hrsg.): Aktuelles zum Bau- und Vergaberecht. Festschrift zum 40-jährigen Bestehen der Österreichschen Gesellschaft für Baurecht und Bauwirtschaft. Wien: Manz., ISBN 978-3-214-18467-4, pp. 709 - 721. (Web link)
Proceedings Article
- Dahash, Abdulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Ochs, Fabian (2019): Numerical Heat Transfer Modeling of Large-Scale Hot Water Tanks and Pits.
In: Universitat de Lleida: Proceedings of Eurotherm Seminar #112: Advances in Thermal Energy Storage. University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain, 15 May 2019 - 17 May 2019. Lleida: Ediciones de la Universitat de Lleida., ISBN 978-84-9144-155-7, pp. 875 - 884. (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Tosatto, Alice (2019): Co-Simulation of Dynamic Energy System Simulation and COMSOL Multiphysics®.
In: Comsol Conference 2019 Proceedings. Burlington: Comsol., online. (Web link) - Dahash, Abdulrahman; Steingrube, Annette; Ochs, Fabian; Elci, Mehmet (2019): Optimization of District Heating Systems: European Energy Exchange Price-Oriented Control Strategy for Optimal Operation of Heating Plants.
In: Haumer, Anton: Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica Conference. Regensburg, Germany, March 4–6, 2019. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press (= Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, 157)., ISBN 978-91-7685-122-7, pp. 169 - 178. (Full-text) (Web link) - Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian (2019): Three years of monitoring analysis of two multi-story net zero energy buildings.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute: 23rd international Passive House Conference 2019. 9-11 October 2019, Gaobeidian, China. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., ISBN 978-3-9820986-0-9, pp. 497 - 502. - Kraler, Anton; Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Flach, Michael (2019): Fassadensystem mit vorgefertigten Holzrahmenbauelementen für den Hochhausbereich.
In: Forum Holzbau: 10. HolzBauspezial | Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb)., ISBN 978-3-906226-24-8, pp. 253 - 263. (Web link) - Lang, Moritz N.; Mayr, Georg J.; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Correlation Effects in a Bivariate Gaussian Regression Model for Wind Vectors.
In: Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. 7th-12th July 2019, Guimarães, Portugal. Statistical Modelling Society., Vol. II, pp. 58 - 61. (Web link) - Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Kögl, Josef; Kraler, Anton; Flach, Michael (2019): Fire Safety of prefabricated timber framed facade systems on mid- and high- rise buildings.
In: Anest-Bavoux, Pauline; Pinoteau, Nicolas: 3rd International Symposium for Fire Safety of Facade 2019, Proceedings. 25-27 September 2019, Paris. Paris: MATEC Web of Conferences (= MATEC Web of Conferences)., pp. 13 - 21. (Web link) - Maderebner, Roland; Hirschmüller, Sebastian; Flach, Michael (2019): Verbesserung der Luftdichtheit und Kältebrücken bei auskragenden Bauteilen.
In: Forum Holzbau: 10. HolzBauspezial | Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb)., ISBN 978-3-906226-24-8, pp. 389 - 395. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Calabrese, Toni; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis, Georgios (2019): Compact Exhaust air/Supply air Heat Pump with Recirculation and Energy Recovery in Renovated Multi-storey-buildings.
In: 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR 2019). Aug 24 - Aug 30, 2019, Montreal, Canada. Montreal: Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec., No. 1375. (DOI) (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Calabrese, Toni; Siegele, Dietmar; Dermentzis Georgios (2019): Prefabricated modular façade elements for refurbishment with integrated heat pump / Heating with façade integrated heat pumps - results of the Austrian FFG project "SaLüH!".
In: Advanced Building Skins 2019. 28-29 October 2019, Bern, Switzerland. Wilen: Advanced Building Skins GmbH., ISBN 978-3-9524883-0-0, elektronisch. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Kutscha-Lissberg, Felix; Kremnitzer, Peter; Drucker, Petra; Muser, Christoph (2019): The Challenge of Planning and Constructing Large-Scale Hot Water TES for District Heating System: A Techno-Economic Analysis.
In: Trimborn, Christoph; Stadler, Ingo: Proceedings of the 13th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2019 (IRES 2019). 12-15 March 2019, Düsseldorf, Germany. Paris: Atlantis Press (= Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 4)., ISBN 978-94-6252-836-9. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Dahash, Abulrahman; Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2019): Planning and Constructing Cost-Effective Very Large-Scale Hot Water TES for District Heating Systems.
In: Universitat de Lleida: Proceedings of Eurotherm Seminar #112: Advances in Thermal Energy Storage. University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain, 15 May 2019 - 17 May 2019. Lleida: Ediciones de la Universitat de Lleida., ISBN 978-84-9144-155-7. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Dementis, Georgios (2019): Ventilation, heating and domestic hot water preparation with decentral compact heat pumps.
In: Feist, Wolfgang; Passive House Institute: 23rd international Passive House Conference 2019. 9-11 October 2019, Gaobeidian, China. Darmstadt: Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt., ISBN 978-3-9820986-0-9, pp. 492 - 502. - Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Dermentzis, Georgios (2019): Sanierung von Mehrfamilienhäusern mit vorgefertigten Holzfassaden mit integrierter Lüftung und Kleinst-Wärmepumpe.
In: Forum Holzbau: 10. HolzBauspezial | Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT). Holzbau | Trockenbau | Innenausbau. Biel: forum-holzbau (fhb)., ISBN 978-3-906226-24-8, pp. 353 - 366. (Web link) - Saveriano, Matteo; Lee, Dongheui (2019): Learning Barrier Functions for Constrained Motion Planning with Dynamical Systems.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019). IEEE Conference eXpress Publishing., ISBN 978-1-7281-4004-9, pp. 112 - 119. (DOI) (Web link) - Schlosser, Lisa; Lang, Moritz N.; Hothorn, Torsten; Mayr, Georg J.; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Distributional Trees for Circular Data.
In: Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. 7th-12th July 2019, Guimarães, Portugal. Statistical Modelling Society., Vol. I, pp. 226 - 231. (Web link) - Seker, M; Imre, Mert; Piater, Justus; Ugur, Emre (2019): Conditional Neural Movement Primitives.
In: Bicchi, Antonio; Kress-Gazit, Hadas; Hutchinson, Seth: Robotics: Science and Systems 2019. Freiburg im Breisgau, June 22-26, 2019. published online / Internetpublikation., ISBN 978-0-9923747-5-4. (Web link) - Streicher, Wolfgang (2019): Nur dumme Häuser brauche künstliche Intelligenz. Wie viel Technik braucht der Sonnenschutz?
In: Holzforschung Austria: Fenster Türen Treff 2019. Tagungsband. Wien: Holzforschung Austria (= HFA Schriftenreihe, 64)., ISBN 978-3-9504488-4-9, pp. 16 - 21. (Web link) - Tosatto, Alice; Dahash, Abdulrahman; Ochs, Fabian; Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2019): Development of a Numerical Model for Large-Scale Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage for District Heating Systems.
In: Comsol Conference 2019 Proceedings. Burlington: Comsol., online. (Web link) - Ustaszewski, Michael (2019): Exploring Adequacy Errors in Neural Machine Translation with the Help of Cross-Language Aligned Word Embeddings.
In: Temnikova, Irina; Orăsan, Constantin; Corpas Pastor, Gloria; Mitkov, Ruslan: 2nd Workshop on Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology (HiT-IT 2019). Proceedings of the Workshop. September 5 - 6, 2019, Varna, Bulgaria. published online / Internetpublikation., pp. 122 - 128. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
Proceedings Article (Abstract)
- Lang, Moritz N.; Schlosser, Lisa; Hothorn, Torsten; Mayr, Georg J.; Stauffer, Reto; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Distributional Trees and Forests for Circular Data.
In: Abstracts of the 12th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics 2019. 14-16 December 2019, Senate House University of London, UK. London: University of London., elektronisch. (Web link) - Philipp, Michel; Rusch, Thomas; Hornik, Kurt; Zeileis, Achim; Strobl, Carolin (2019): Stability Assessment for Trees and other Supervised Statistical Learning Results.
In: DAGStat 2019 - Abstractbook. Statistics under one umbrella. 5th Joint Statistical Meeting. March 18-22, LMU Munich. München: Ludwig-Maximlians-Universität München., p. 274. (Web link) - Schlosser, Lisa; Hothorn, Torsten; Zeileis, Achim (2019): The Power of Unbiased Recursive Partitioning: A Unifying View of CTree, MOB, and GUIDE.
In: DAGStat 2019 - Abstractbook. Statistics under one umbrella. 5th Joint Statistical Meeting. March 18-22, LMU Munich. München: Ludwig-Maximlians-Universität München., p. 47. (Web link) - Umlauf, Nikolaus; Klein, Nadja; Simon, Thorsten; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Neural Network Distributional Regression.
In: DAGStat 2019 - Abstractbook. Statistics under one umbrella. 5th Joint Statistical Meeting. March 18-22, LMU Munich. München: Ludwig-Maximlians-Universität München., p. 154. (Web link) - Zeileis, Achim; Fisher, Jason C.; Hornik, Kurt; Ihaka, Ross; McWhite, Claire D.; Murrell, Paul; Stauffer, Reto; Wilke, Claus O. (2019): Colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Color Palettes for Statistical Graphics.
In: DAGStat 2019 - Abstractbook. Statistics under one umbrella. 5th Joint Statistical Meeting. March 18-22, LMU Munich. München: Ludwig-Maximlians-Universität München., p. 305. (Web link) - Zeileis, Achim; Fisher, Jason C.; Hornik, Kurt; Ihaka, Ross; McWhite, Claire D.; Murrell, Paul; Stauffer, Reto; Wilke, Claus O. (2019): Colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Color Palettes for Statistical Graphics.
In: Abstracts of Psychoco 2019 - International Workshop for Psychometric Computing. February 21-22, 2019, Charles University & Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. Prag: Univerzita Karlova v Praze / Charles University Prague / Karls-Universität Prag., elektronisch. (Web link)
Contribution to Textbook, Scientific
- Ochs, Fabian; Bianchi Janetti, Michele (2019): M12 Wärmeleitfähigkeit von Dämmstoffen in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur und Feuchtegehalt.
In: Stephan, Peter; Kabelac, Stephan; Kind, Matthias; Mewes, Dieter; Schaber, Karlheinz; Wetzel, Thomas: VDI-Wärmeatlas. Fachlicher Träger VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen. Berlin: Springer Vieweg., ISBN 978-3-662-52988-1, pp. 1845 - 1855. (DOI) (Web link)
Encyclopaedia Entry, Scientific
- Hug, Theo (2019): Media Activism and Action‐Oriented Learning.
In: Hobbs, Renee; Mihailidis, Paul: The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy. Hoboken (New York) [u.a.]: John Wiley & Sons., ISBN 978-1-11-897823-8, online. (DOI) (Web link)
Foreword / Afterword of Monograph / Critical Edition
- Piok, Maria; Tanzer, Ulrike (2019): Nachwort.
In: Piok, Maria; Tanzer, Ulrike: Otto Grünmandl: Ein Gefangener. Kurzprosa und Gedichte. Werkausgabe Band 1. Kurzprosa und Gedichte. Innsbruck: Haymon-Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7099-3460-9, pp. 192 - 208. (Web link)
Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
- Flach, Michael (2019): Il grattacielo in legno di Brumunddal. Impressioni in anteprima.
In: Bioarchitettura 115, pp. 4 - 11. (Web link) - Höller, P.; Pfeifer, C.; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Studie: Analyse von tödlichen Lawinenunfällen.
In: analyse:berg - jahrbuch Winter 2018/19, elektronisch. (Web link) - Kraler, Anton (2019): Das Flachdach im Blick. Einbauten in der Dämmebene - Vorteil oder Risiko?
In: Spengler Fachjournal 2019/6, pp. 34 - 36. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Dermentzis, Georgios (2019): Fassadenintegrierte, kompakte und kostengünstige Fortluft/Zuluft-Wärmepumpen.
In: erneuerbare energie – Zeitschrift für eine nachhaltige Energiezukunft 2, online. (Web link)
Book Chapter, Transfer-Oriented
- Forster, Ellinor (2019): Gerichtsorganisation und Rechtsfälle als Spiegel der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Verfasstheit des Landes.
In: Hanke, Othmar: Oberlandesgericht Linz 1849 – 1850–1854 – 1939 – 1959 – 1999 – 2019. Ein Beitrag zu seiner Geschichte. Linz: Trauner Druck., 2. erg. u. akt. Aufl., pp. 144 - 147. (Web link) - Tanzer, Ulrike; Unterkircher, Anton (2019): Ein Unermüdlicher.
In: Mathis-Moser, Ursula; Schröder, Thomas: Miszellen und mehr. Hans Moser zum 80. Geburtstag. published online / Internetpublikation., pp. 445 - 447. (Web link)
(Book) Reviews
Journal Article (Book Review)
- Ender, Markus (2019): Gregor Neuböck: Digitalisierung in bibliotheken, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Saur, 2018.
In: Mitteilungen aus dem Brenner-Archiv 38-39, pp. 264 - 267. (DOI) (Web link) - Hinger, Barbara (2019): Daniela Caspari, Friederike Klippel, Michael K. Legutke, Karen Schramm (Hrsg.): Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr (2016).
In: Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen 48/1, pp. 145 - 147. (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Book Review)
- Singerton, Jonathan (2019): Karen Green: A History of Women’s Political Thought in Europe, 1700-1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
In: Wallnig, Thomas; Romberg, Marion; Weis, Joelle (Eds.): Achtzehntes Jahrhundert digital: zentraleuropäische Perspektiven. Digital eighteenth century: central European perspectives = Dix-huitième siècle numérique: perspectives de l'Europe centrale. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (= ÖGE18-Jahrbuch "Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Österreich", 34)., ISBN 978-3-205-20908-9, pp. 178 - 181. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal (Book Review)
- Oberbichler, Sarah (2019): Transcultural Interrelations in Central Europe from 1900 to 2000. Helga Mitterbauer/Carrie Smith-Prei (Hrsg.): Crossing Central Europe: Continuities and Transformations, 1900 and 2000, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
In: Austrian Studies Newsmagazine 31/1, p. 20. (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication, Scientific
- Forster, Ellinor (2019): Tagungsbericht: Schlesien/Śląsk/Slezsko – Grenzüberschreitende Forschung. In: H-Soz-Kult, 15. März. (Web link)
- Gschösser, Florian (2019): Fördert eine Gruppenarbeit mit integrierter Beurteilung von Einzelleistungen den Kooperationsgedanken im Master-Seminar "Baubetrieb und Bauwirtschaft?". In: Schaufenster Lehre, Universität Innsbruck. (Web link)
- Klaus, Barbara (2019): The fire of Wöllersdorf (1918) in Austrian Newspapers. (Web link)
- Oberbichler, Sarah; Garayeva, Khanim; Ros, Ruben; Kusk Gjetting, Kalle (2019): British drug advertising in the 19th century through the prism of gender. In:, 06. Juni. (Web link)
- Oberbichler, Sarah; Hechl, Stefan; Klaus, Barbara; Kaukonen, Minna; Pääkkönen, Tuula; Ansel, Marion (2019): Online research of digital newspapers of three national libraries: A survey. In:, 28. Jänner. (Web link)
- Singerton, Jonathan (2019): All in His Hands: The Emperor’s Artist Who Sculpted America’s Founding Fathers. In: Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies Blog. (Web link)
- Singerton, Jonathan (2019): Constitutional Connections: The Emperor’s Brother and the United States of America. In: Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies. (Web link)
- Singerton, Jonathan (2019): Der vergessene Chronist der Amerikanischen Revolution in der Habsburgermonarchie. In: Die Habsburgermonarchie, 21. Juni. (Web link)
- Singerton, Jonathan (2019): Zinzendorf and Zinner: Two Unlikely Experts on the American Revolution. In: Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies Blog. (Web link)
Electronic Publication (Preprint)
- Groll, A.; Ley, C.; Schauberger, G.; Van Eetvelde, H.; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Hybrid Machine Learning Forecasts for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019. (DOI) (Web link)
- Jones, Payton J.; Mair, Patrick; Simon, Thorsten; Zeileis, Achim (2019): Network Model Trees. (DOI) (Web link)
- Schlosser, Lisa; Hothorn, Torsten; Zeileis, Achim (2019): The Power of Unbiased Recursive Partitioning: A Unifying View of CTree, MOB, and GUIDE. (DOI) (Web link)
Database, Scientific
- Posch, Claudia; Rampl, Gerhard; Cullen, Ross (2019): New Zealand Alpine Journal Archive. New Zealand’s alpine heritage at your fingertips. (Web link)
Database Entry, Scientific
- Pfanzelter, Eva (2019): Gruber-De Gasperi-Abkommen (Pariser Vertrag). In: Lexikon zur österreichischen Zeitgeschichte. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva (2019): NS-Umsiedlungspolitik in Südtirol (Option). In: Lexikon zur österreichischen Zeitgeschichte. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva (2019): Südtirolresolution der UNO. In: Lexikon zur österreichischen Zeitgeschichte. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva (2019): Terrorismus in Südtirol. In: Lexikon zur österreichischen Zeitgeschichte. (Web link)
- Pfanzelter, Eva (2019): Zweites Autonomiestatut für Südtirol. In: Lexikon zur österreichischen Zeitgeschichte. (Web link)
- Rampl, Gerhard; Posch, Claudia (2019): ZAV-Korpus v.1.0. In: CQPweb. (Web link)
Research Report (Commissioned Research)
- Arnold, Matthias; Schenk, Martin; Kainz, Niklas; Dietsch, Philipp; Cabrero, José Manuel; Maderebner, Roland; Winter, Stefan: Schlussbericht zum Europäischen Forschungsvorhaben InnoCrossLam – Innovative Solutions for Cross. Laminated Timber Structures; Arbeitspakete 5 und 6 (Deutschland).
Bundesministerium für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung; Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Gülzow-Prüzen, 2019-03-01 - 2022-10-31. (Web link) - Ochs, Fabian; Monteleone, William; Drexel, Christoph; Fink, Jürgen; Bilgeri, Gordon; Rothbacher, Mtthias; Breier, Stephan; Elender, Markus; Winter Winter: Fassadenintegrierte modulare Split-Wärmepumpe für Neubau und Sanierung (FiTNeS).
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2019-10-01 - 2023-05-28. - Rojas, Gabriel; Calabrese, Toni; Shandilya, Apeksha; Pfluger, Rainer: IEA Energie in Gebäuden und Kommunen (EBC) Annex 68: Raumluftqualitätsoptimierte Planung und Betriebsführung von energieeffizienten Wohngebäuden.
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK), Wien, 2016-01-01 - 2021-03-31. (Web link)