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Clemens Steinwender – Universität Innsbruck

Clemens Steinwender






Academic Career

  • Born in 1990
  • 2012 – 2015: Bachelor of Arts in history at the University of Innsbruck (Theses in Ancient, Medieval and Austrian history)
  • Since 2013: Bachelor studies in Classica et Orientalia at the University of Innsbruck
  • Since 2015: master of Arts at the University of Innsbruck, focus on Medieval History
  • 2016 – 2021: master of Arts in Ancient history and Ancient Near Eastern studies at the University of Innsbruck (Thesis: “Zur Zeitgebundenheit bei Jordanes. Literarische Darstellungsmechanismen in Romana und Getica.” Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Rollinger. Second supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Steinacher)
  • 2018 – 2020: various jobs as student member of staff for the research center AWOSA, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Brigitte Truschnegg, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Steinacher and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Rollinger at the University of Innsbruck
  • Since October 2021: Doctoral studies at the University of Innsbruck (Admission into the DK “Entangled Antiquities” in December)
  • September 2022 – ongoing: Junior Scholar in the Board of the Melammu Project

  • May 2023 - ongoing: Vice Speaker of the Doctoral College "Entangled Antiquities"

  • 14.11.-19.11.2023: Participation at the Autumn School "Entanglement and Globalization in Ancient Worlds" des Doktoratskollegs Entangled Antiquities

Teaching Activities

  • Summer semester 2023: Seminar "Das sasanidische Imperium (224 – 651 nach Christus)" at the Universität Kassel (GER)
  • Winter semester 2023/2024: Seminar "Die Perserkriege" at the Universität Kassel (GER)

Scholarships and Prizes

  • Study Sponsorship Award of the “Richard und Emmy Bahr-Stiftung in Schaffhausen” 2016
  • “Thomas-Albrich-Preis” 2019 (Runner-Up-Award of historia.scribere 11)
  • Recognition price of the jury to the Young Scientists Award for Scientific Research for Students of the University of Innsbruck and the medical University of Innsbruck 2019
  • Excellence scholarship for „Doktoratskollegs“ of the University of Innsbruck in May 2022
  • Awarded a "1669 Reise- und Forschungsstipendiums für Doktoratskollegs" for a conference and research trip to Los Angeles, 
    UCI Irvine in March / April 2023
  • Mai 2022 - April 2023: awarded the  "Exzellenzstipendium für Doktoratskollegs" of the University of Innsbruck


  • 15.06.2018: Karl-Franzens-University of Graz: "Antike Kulturen des Mittelmeerraums (AKMe)": Doktoratsprogramm der Universitäten Innsbruck und Graz. Lecture: "Zur Zeitgebundenheit des Skythenlogos von Jordanes"
  • 16.11.2018: University of Vienna: "17. Österreichischer Althistorikerinnen- und Althistoriker-Tag". Lecture: "Zur Zeitgebundenheit von Jordanes, diskutiert an ausgewählten Beispielen"
  • 01.07.2019: University of Leeds: "International Medieval Congress 2019", Session 245: "Writing Stones: Describing Urban Materialities in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, I". Lecture: "Ravenna at the Time of Theoderic: A City Entangled between Romans and Ostrogoths"
  • 11.12.2019: University of Trier: "Melammu Workshop: Domestic Trade and Maritime Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean and Ancient Near East", Panel 1: "Indienhandel im Altertum". Lecture: "Seide, Schmuck und Buddhismus – die fernöstliche Perspektive auf den Indienhandel."
  • 04.07.2022: University of Wroclaw (Wroclaw): NAWA Chair: "From the Achaemenids to the Romans: Contextualizing empire and its longue-durée developments?", Seminar. Lecture: "At the Boundary of Empires. Arabia as an imperial Borderland to the Sasanians"
  • 21.09.2022: University of Graz: "15th Symposium of the Melammu Project: Clash of Civilizations? Sedentary and Non-sedentary Populations", Panel "Conflicts". Lecture: "Der Kaukasus – Kontakte und Konflikte zwischen Sasaniden und Alanen an einer imperialen Grenzregion"

  • 02.02.2023: University of Salzburg: „Doktoratsprogramm Antike Kulturen des Mittelmeerraums (AKMe)“. Lecture: „At the boundary of empires. Sasanian imperial borderlands, their networks and the emergence of new power structures“

  • 28.03.2023: University of California, Irvine: “UCI Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture: Fifth Payravi Conference. Contextualizing Iranian History: The Sasanians (ca. 224-650 CE) – Aspects – Tendencies – Trajectories”. Lecture: “The Sasanian Empire and the Caucasus: Aspects of Relations between Empire and Borderland.”

  • 12.07.2023: Guest lecture in the subject Papyrology (Prof. Reinard) of the Department III of the University of Trier. Lecture: "Die Sasaniden und Ägypten - ein Schauplatz im letzten großen Krieg derAntike"

  • 19.10.2023: Lecture at the 6. Montafoner Gipfeltreffen "Jenseits von Recht und Ordnung: "Gesetzlose" in den Bergen und die vertikalen Grenzen von Herrschaft" with the title "Die Isaurier: Ein Beispiel für die vertikalen Grenzen von Herrschaft im spätantiken römischen Imperium"

  • 13.11.2023: Guest lecture for the course "LV 640016-0 (2023W) SE Alte Geschichte I: Weltsichten und Weltvorstellungen antiker Imperien. Vom Alten Orient bis in die Spätantike" of Dr. Julian Degen at the University of Innsbruck. Title: "Das sasanidische Imperium und seine Wertvorstellungen"

  • 13.12.2023: Lecture at the Workshop: "Texte und Themen der Trierer Papyrussammlung 2: Spätantike Papyri der Trierer Sammlung" with the title "Ägypten und die Sasaniden - Kontextualisierung und papyrologische Evidenz"

Chairs and Conference Organisations

  • 04.12.2019: University of Innsbruck in Bregenz: "The World of Alexander in Perspective: Contextualizing Arrian", Chair of Panel 5: Arrian and Empire
  • 30.11.2021: International digital conference: “Empires through the Ages: Short-Term Empires – Rule or Exception?”, Chair of Section 1: Changing Dynasty – Changing Empire
  • 22.06.2022: University of Innsbruck in Bregenz: "Contextualizing Imperial Borderlands (9th C. BC – 9th C. AD, and Beyond)", Chair of Panel 7: China and East Asia
  • 05.07.2023: University of Innsbruck in Obergurgl: "Achaemenid Workshop (AchWorks) 2: The Achaemenid Persian Empire and Imperial 
    Transformations in the Ancient Near East (7th - 2nd c. BC)", Chair of Panel: Intersection II: New Generation - New Thoughts
  • 18.10.2023: Chair at the afternoon session of the 18th October at the 6. Montafoner Gipfeltreffen: "Jenseits von Recht und Ordnung: "Gesetzlose" in den Bergen und die vertikalen Grenzen von Herrschaft"

  • 14.–17.11.2023: Organisation of the Autumn School "Entanglement and Globalization in Ancient Worlds" of the Doctoral College Entangled 
    Antiquities together with Alexander Steiner, Florian Posselt, Jessika Armbrüster und Noah Kröll

  • 02.12.2023: Chair at the "Panel IV: Reception" for the Farhad Ebrahimi Workshop: "The Achaemenid-Persian Empire at its Heyday? The Era between Darius II and Darius III" in Vienna during 29.11.2023–02.12.2023


  • Korruption, Ämterkauf und Patronage in Florenz, in: historia.scribere 7 (2015), p. 279 – 294.
  • Die Seidenstraße. Konnektivität als Motor von "Grobalization" und "Glocalization" am Beispiel des chinesischen Buddhismus, in: historia.scribere 11 (2019), p. 161 – 176.
  • Conference report: 4. Montafoner Gipfeltreffen: Wirtschaft(en) in den Bergen, 27.11.2018 – 01.12.2018, Schruns, in: H-Soz-Kult, 21.03.2019. 
  • Conference report together with Alexander Steiner: 5. Montafoner Gipfeltreffen: Religion in den Bergen, 19.10.2021 – 23.10.2021, Schruns, in: H-Soz-Kult, 03.02.2022.
  • Review: J. A. Lerner and A. L. Juliano (eds.), New Research on Central Asian, Buddhist and Far Eastern Art and Archaeology, in: Ancient West and East 21 (2022), S. 412-414. 

Dissertation Project

The subject of the dissertation entitled "At the Boundary of Empires. Sasanian imperial Borderlands, their Networks and the Emergence of new power structures" is the Sasanian empire and its peripheral areas in the fourth to sixth centuries CE. The keyword for the dissertation project are the "imperial borderlands". These represent a dynamic region, since the borders of a dominion are not to be drawn in a linear and decreasing manner. On the contrary, through exchange, trade, mobility and complex processes, they are in constant motion. With the help of an investigation of selected local “borderlands” (Albania, Arabia, Iberia, Lazica, Sogdiana) of the Sasanian imperial entity, new insights into the emergence of power structures outside the imperial core area, which has been the focus of research so far, will be gained. Not only will mutual influences be examined, but also the adaptation, acceptance and rejection of such socio-economic processes with the help of an ancient global-historical perspective. This is achieved, among other things, by recording networks, the emergence of nodes, new elites and power structures in these local case studies. In order to examine these socio-economic processes in the "imperial borderlands" more closely, epigraphic, iconographic and archaeological sources will be taken into account in addition to written sources. This circumstance is intended to support the interdisciplinary approach of the dissertation, since a foundation built only on traditional written sources would not be very useful in capturing these complex networks and processes.




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