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Siebe Pierson, PhD student - Universität Innsbruck – Universität Innsbruck

Seminar of the Department of Microbiology

Investigating Trichoderma-Pathogen-Plant interactions and the cell wall integrity pathway, for biocontrol agents of the genus Trichoderma

Siebe Pierson - Universität Innsbruck

21.10.2021, 11:00 - Hybrid format:

  • Join online (Meeting-ID: 679 622 0429 / Password: 8R39Sa)
  • In person: Seminarraum Mikrobiologie (maximum capacity: 18). Advanced registration required. Compliance with the 3G rule, masks and distancing is mandatory (please, refer to the official university rules).



Trichoderma species are characterised by their necrotrophic mycoparasitic lifestyle and symbiotic relationship with a plant host. Despite their use in biological pest control for several decades, elucidation of the interactions between the mycoparasitic fungus, its plant host and the prey fungus remains challenging to this day. In my seminar, I will summarize the aims of my PhD project which are divided into two main topics. Firstly, we aim to develop a multiple-player assay that allows the visualisation and elucidation of essential Trichoderma-pathogen-plant interactions, through the use of state-of-the-art techniques such as the CRIB reporter system in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Secondly, we will investigate the importance of cell wall integrity (CWI) signalling in T. atroviride mycoparasitism. In previous years, the knockout of Tmk2 (a terminal MAPK in the CWI pathway) has proven to be challenging. We will re-attempt to isolate a ∆tmk2 strain which will be used to investigate the function of Tmk2 mediated signalling in regulating polarized growth and CWI.

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