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Recording early medieval cemeteries in NW-Noricum ripense



Principal investigator:
Ass. Prof. Mag. Dr. Barbara Hausmair

Cooperation partners:
Oberösterreichische Landes-Kultur GmbH

Recording early medieval cemeteries in NW-Noricum ripense  

Depopulation – colonialization – migration: the view of northwestern Noricum ripense’s transition from late antiquity to the early middle ages remains a blind spot in early medieval research. Despite the area’s important status as geopolitical buffer zone between post-Roman powers in Western and Eastern Central Europe, its history continues to be determined by traditional paradigms of abandonment in late antiquity, a settlement hiatus of c. 100 years, and the repopulation of the area by distinct processes of Bavarian colonialization and Slavic migrations.


Abbildung 1

Fig. 1 Distribution of early medieval cemeteries in NW-Noricum ripense (B. Hausmair/UIBK, background: DEM ©, waterbodies © DORIS Land OÖ).

Since there are no written sources that would elucidate this transition, it is archaeology’s obligation to explore the processes and developments that shaped the post-roman area of what later became the historical Land ob der Enns.

This pilot study builds the basis for a comprehensive and interdisciplinary investigation of northwestern Noricum ripense between the 6th and 9th centuries CE.


Abbildung 2

Fig. 2 Site-level data in the project database (B. Hausmair/UIBK).

By recording all known early medieval cemeteries of northwestern Noricum including relevant information of type of sites, chronology, geographic location and state of archaeological documentation a solid database is compiled that serves as a foundation for studying social dynamics, settlement developments and geopolitical change from the end of Roman rule to the consolidation of Carolingian power.


Abbildung 3

Fig. 3: Digitized and georeferenced excavation records in the project’s GIS (B. Hausmair/UIBK; background: DOP © DORIS Land OÖ)

Related student projects and teaching

  •  Grave-goods of the early medieval cemetery of Asten-Umfahrung (Elias Delvai, MA thesis, supervisor: Barbara Hausmair, external advisor: Marianne Pollak/Bundesdenkmalamt)
  •  Analyses of early medieval grave-goods from Upper Austria (MA course, teacher: Barbara Hausmair, winter semester 2021/22, LVNo: 644116)
  • Deathscapes: Burial patterns in historical archaeology (BA seminar, teacher: Barbara Hausmair, winter semester 2020/21, LVNo: 644057)
  • Introduction to prehistory, medieval and modern period archaeology/Session on early middle ages (BA lecture, teacher: Barbara Hausmair, every semester)


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———. 2013. ‘The Impact of Late Antique Crises in Noricum Ripense. Depopulation vs. Invisible People’. In Tough Times: The Archaeology of Crisis and Recovery, edited by E. M. van der Wilt and J. Martínez Jiménez, 149–59. British Archaeological Reports. International Series 2478. Oxford: Archaeopress.

———. 2016. ‘Micheldorf/Kremsdorf – Frühmittelalter zwischen Baiovaria und Karantanien’. In Frühmittelalter in Oberösterreich. Inventare aus den Sammlungen des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums, edited by J. Leskovar, 11–189. Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich 40. Linz: OÖLM.

———. 2020. ‘Das Dunkle 6. Jahrhundert? Zum Beginnenden Frühmittelalter in Oberösterreich’. Sonius 27: 10–13.

Leskovar, J, ed. 2016. Frühmittelalter in Oberösterreich. Inventare aus den Sammlungen des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums. Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich 40. Linz: OÖLM.

Pollak, M. 2017. ‘Spätantike und Merowingerzeit in den beiden norischen Provinzen. Ein erster Blick auf den ostgotenzeitlichen Friedhof von Globasnitz/Globasnica, Kärnten’. In Ad Amussim. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Franz Glaser, edited by Ines Dörfler, Paul Gleirscher, Sabine Ladstätter, and Igor Pucker, 249–76. Klagenfurt: Verlag des Landesmuseums für Kärnten.

Szameit, E. 1994. ‘Merowingisch-karantanisch-awarische Beziehungen im Spiegel archäologischer Bodenfunde des 8. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach den Wurzeln frühmittelalterlicher Kulturerscheinungen im Ostalpenraum’. Neues aus Alt-Villach 31: 7–24.

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