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Literatur – Universität Innsbruck


Gossenköllesee  |  Neustift im Stubaital Obergurgl  |  Obermieming  |  Patscherkofel  |  Piburger See  |  Praxmar  |  Stubai – Kaserstattalm



2022 | 2021 | 2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2010–2014  | 2000–2009  | vor 2000  |  Berichte (Projekte, Veranstaltungen, Messreihen)


  • Gattringer, d. et al. (2023): A comparative approach to confirm antibiotic-resistant microbes in the cryosphere. Front. Microbiol. 14,
  • CHEKANOV, K. (2023): Diversity and Distribution of Carotenogenic Algae in Europe: A Review. Mar. Drugs,
  • ROUX, S. et al. (2023): Updated Virophage Taxonomy and Distinction from Polinton-like Viruses. Biomolecules 13: 204.
  • Schreder, S. et al. (2023): Changes in air temperature, but not in precipitation, determine long-term trends in water chemistry of high mountain lakes of the Alps with and without rock glacier influence. Science of the Total Environment 905: 167750, 
  • ŠIMEK, K., MUKHERJEE, I., SZÖKE-NAGY, T. et al. (2023): Cryptic and ubiquitous aplastidic cryptophytes are key freshwater flagellated bacterivores. ISME J 17: 84–94,    
  • Trumhová, K., Klimešová, V. & Pichrtová, M. (2022): Seasonal dynamics of the mats formed by conjugating algae of the genus Zygnema (Zygnematophyceae) in Austrian Alps. Microbial Ecology (2023) 86: 763–776,


  • BURPEE, B.T., SAROS, J.E., NANUS, L., BARON, J., BRAHNEY, J., CHRISTIANSON, K.R., GANZ, T., HEARD, A., HUNDEY, B., KOINIG, K.A., KOPÁČEK, J., MOSER, K., NYDICK, K., OLEKSY, I., SADRO, S., SOMMARUGA, R., VINEBROOKE, R. & WILLIAMS, J.  (2022): Identifying factors that affect mountain lake sensistivity to atmospheric nitrogen deposition across multiple scales. Water Research 209, 117883,
  • DOKULIL, M. (2022): Impacts of Climate Warming on Alpine Lakes. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science.
  • EISENDLE, D.,  MEDGYESY, N., NIEDRIST, G.H.,  KAINZ, M.J. & SOMMARUGA, R. (2022): Diet composition and quality of a Salmo trutta (L.) population stocked in a high mountain lake since the Middle Ages. Science of the Total Environment, 853: 158415,
  • KOPEJTKA, K., TOMASCH, J., KAFTAN, D., GARDINER, A. T., BÍNA, D., GARDIAN, Z., BELLAS, C., DRÖGE, A., GEFFERS, R., SOMMARUGA, R. & KOBLÍŽEK, M. (2022): A bacterium from a mountain lake harvests light using both proton-pumping xanthorhodopsins and bacteriochlorophyll-based photosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 119: 50,
  • SCHMELLER, D.S., URBACH, D., BATES, K. et al. (2022): Scientists' warning of threats to mountains. Science of the Total Environment, 853: 158611, 
  • TARTAROTTI, B., SOMMARUGA, R. & SAUL, N. (2022): Phenotypic and molecular responses of copepods to UV radiation stress in a clear vs. a glacially turbid lake. Freshwater Biology 67: 1456-1467,


  • BELLAS C. M. & SOMMARUGA R. (2021): Polinton-like viruses are abundant in aquatic ecosystems. Microbiome 9, No. 13,
  • FERNANDEZ P., VAN DROOGE B. L., ARELLANO L. & GRIMALT J. O. (2021): Atmospheric deposition of semivolatile organic pollutants in European high mountains: Sources, settling and chemical degradation. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 784, 147099, ISSN 0048-9697,
  • KOPEJTA K., ZENG Y., KAFTAN D., SELYANIN V., GARDIAN Z., TOMASCH J., SOMMARUGA R. & KOBLÍZEK M. (2021): Characterization of the Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacterium Sphingomonas sp. AAP5. Microorganisms 9: 768,
  • WERNER N., ORFANOUDAKI M., HARTMANN A., GANZERA M. & SOMMARUGA R. (2021): Low temporal dynamics of mycosporine‐like amino acids in benthic cyanobacteria from an alpine lake. Freshwater Biology 6:1, 169–176,


  • AGUILAR P. & SOMMARUGA R. (2020): The balance between deterministic and stochastic processes in structuring lake bacterioplankton community over time. Molecular Ecology 29:16, 3117–3130,
  • ELSER J.J., WU C.X., GONZALEZ A.L., SHAIN D.H., SMITH H.J., SOMMARUGA R., WILLIAMSON C.E., BRAHNEY J., HOTALING S., VANDERWALL J., YU J.L., AIZEN V., AIZEN E., BATTIN T.J., CAMASSA R., FENG X., JIANG H.C., LU L.X., QU J.J., REN Z., WEN J., WEN L.J., WOODS H.A., XIONG X., XU J., YU G.L., HARPER J.T. & SAROS J.E. (2020): Key rules of life and the fading cryosphere: impacts in alpine lakes and streams. Global Change Biology 26:12, 6644–6656, http:​/​/​/10.1111​/gcb.15362 
  • HARTMANN A., GLASER K., HOLZINGER A., GANZERA M. & KARSTEN U. (2020): Klebsormidin A and B, two new UV-sunscreen compounds in green microalgal Interfilum and Klebsormidium species (Streptophyta) from terrestrial habitats. Front. Microbiol., 11(499),
  • KOPEJTKA K., TOMASCH J., ZENG Y., SELYANIN V., DACHEV M., PIWOSZ K., TICHÝ M., BÍNA D., GARDIAN Z., BUNK B., BRINKMANN H., GEFFERS R., SOMMARUGA R. & KOBLIZEK M. (2020): Simultaneous presence of bacteriochlorophyll and xanthorhodopsin genes in a freshwater bacterium. mSystems 5/6, No. e01044-20, DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.01044-20
  • ZIMMERMANN-TIMM H., SHAH D. N. & TACHAMO SHAH R. D. (2020): Hochgebirgsgewässer im Wandel. In LOZÁN J. L., BRECKLE S.-W. GRAßL H., KASANG D., PAUL F. & SCHICKHOFF U. (eds.): Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel: 187–193, doi:10.25592/warnsignal-klima.hochgebirge-im-wandel.28.


  • BELLAS C.M. & SOMMARUGA R. (2019): Polinton-like viruses and virophages are widespread in aquatic ecosystems. bioRxiv 2019.12.13.875310
  • MOSER K.A., BARON J. S., BRAHNEY J., OLESKY I., SAROS J.E., HUNDEY E.J., SADRO S.A., KOPÁČEK J., SOMMARUGA R., KAINZ M.J., STRECKER A.L., CHANDRA S., WALTERS D.M., PRESTON D.L., MICHULETTI N., LEPORI F., SPAULDING S.A., CHRISTIANSON K., MELACK J.M. & SMOL, J.P. (2019): Mountain Lakes: Eyes on Global Environmental Change. Global and Planetary Change 178: 77-95,
  • REMIAS D., PROCHÁZKOVÁ L., HOLZINGER A. & NEDBALOVÁ L. (2019): Ecology, cytology and phylogeny of the snow alga Scotiella cryophila K-1 (Chlamydomonadales, Chlorophyta) from the Austrian Alps. Phycologia 57,
  • TARTAROTTI B., SOMMARUGA R. & SAUL, N. (2019): Contrasting diurnal patterns in antioxidant capacities, but not in expression of stress protein genes among copepod populations from clear versus glacially fed alpine and subalpine lakes. Journal of Plankton Research, Volume 41, Issue 6, November 2019, Pages 897–908,
  • WAIBEL A., PETER H. & SOMMARUGA R. (2019): Importance of mixotrophic flagellates during the ice-free season in lakes located along an elevational gradient. Aquat Sci 81: 45,
  • ZUPO V., GRABER G., KAMEL S., PLICHTA V., GRANITZER S., GUNDACKER C. & WITTMANN, K.J. (2019): Mercury accumulation in freshwater and marine fish from the wild and from aquaculture ponds. Environmental Pollution 255: 112975, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.112975


  • ARELLANO L., FERNÁNDEZ P., VAN DROOGE B., ROSE N.L.,  NICKUS U., THIES H., STUCHLÍK E., CAMARERO L., CATALÁN J. & GRIMALT J.O. (2018): Drivers of atmospheric deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at European high-altitude sites. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18: 16081–16097,
  • KAMMERLANDER B., TARTAROTTI B. & SONNTAG B. (2018): The Impact of UV Radiation on Paramecium Populations from Alpine Lakes. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 65: 250–254, 
  • PROCHÁZKOVÁ L., REMIAS D., HOLZINGER A., ŘEZANKA T. & NEDBALOVÁ L. (2018): Ecophysiological and morphological comparison of two populations of Chlainomonas sp. (Chlorophyta) causing red snow on ice-covered lakes in the High Tatras and Austrian Alps. European Journal of Phycology Volume 53: 230–243, doi: 10.1080/09670262.2018.1426789
  • TARTAROTTI B., ALFREIDER A., EGG M., SAUL N., SCHNEIDER T., SOMMARUGA R., TISCHLER A. & VETTER J. (2018): Seasonal plasticity in photoprotection modulates UV‐induced hsp gene expression in copepods from a clear lake. Limnol. Oceanogr., 63: 1579–1592, DOI: 10.1002/lno.10793
  • WEISS S., DEINER K., TUHTAN J. A., GUMPINGER C., & SCHLETTERER, M. (2018): Genetic analyses of fish stocks: population genetic and eDNA. Wasserwirtschaft 108, 2–3: 22–29


  • ROFNER C., PETER H., CATALÁN N., DREWES F., SOMMARUGA R. & PÉREZ M.T. (2017): Climate‐related changes of soil characteristics affect bacterial community composition and function of high altitude and latitude lakes. Glob Change Biol, 23: 2331–2344,
  • STENZEL B., ROFNER C., PÉREZ M.T. & SOMMARUGA R. (2017): Stoichiometry of natural bacterial assemblages from lakes located across an elevational gradient. Sci Rep 7, 5875,
  • TARTAROTTI B., TRATTNER F., REMIAS D., SAUL N., STEINBERG E.W. & SOMMARUGA R. (2017): Distribution and UV protection strategies of zooplankton in clear and glacier-fed alpine lakes. Sci Rep 7: 4487, 


  • ARELLANO L., FERNÁNDEZ P., FONTS R., ROSE N.L.,  NICKUS U., THIES H., STUCHLÍK E., CAMARERO L., CATALÁN J. & GRIMALT J.O. (2015): Increasing and decreasing trends of the atmospheric deposition of organochlorine compounds in European remote areas during the last decade. Atmospheric chemistry and physics discussions 15: 3415–3453,
  • DREWES F., PETER H. & SOMMARUGA R. (2016): Are viruses important in the plankton of highly turbid glacier-fed lakes? Scientific Reports, 6:24608,
  • FILKER S., SOMMARUGA R., VILA I. & STOECK T. (2016): Microbial eukaryote plankton communities of high-mountain lakes from three continents exhibit strong biogeographic patterns. Molecular Ecology 25:2286-2301,
  • HOLZINGER A., ALLEN M.C. & DEHEYN D.D. (2016): Hyperspectral imaging of snow algae and green algae from aeroterrestrial habitats. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 162: 412–420,
  • REMIAS D., PICHTROVÁ M., PANGRATZ M., LÜTZ C., HOLZINGER A. (2016): Ecophysiology, secondary pigments and ultrastructure of Chlainomonas sp. (Chlorophyta) from the European Alps compared with Chlamydomonas nivalis forming red snow. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Volume 92, Issue 4, fiw030,
  • ROFNER, C., SOMMARUGA R. & PÉREZ M.T. (2016): Phosphate and ATP uptake by lake bacteria: does taxonomical identity matter? Environmental Microbiology 18: 4782–4793,
  • ROFNER, C., SOMMARUGA R. & PÉREZ M.T. (2016): Differential utilization patterns of dissolved organic phosphorus compounds by heterotrophic bacteria in two mountain lakes. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 92 (9): fiw139, DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiw139
  • ROFNER C., PETER H., CATALÁN N., DREWES F., SOMMARUGA R., PÉREZ M.T. (2016): Climate-related changes of soil characteristics affect bacterial communiy composition and function of high altitude and latitude lakes. Global Change Biology, 23(6): 2331–2344, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13545




  • CAMARERO L., ROGORA M., MOSELLO R., ANDERSON J., BARBIERI A., BOTEV I., KERNAN M., KOPÁCEK J., KORHOLA A., LOTTER A., MURI G., POSTOLACHE C., STUCHLÍK E., THIES H. & WRIGHT R.F. (2009): Regionalisation of chemical variability in European mountain lakes. Freshwater Biology 54(12): 2452–2469
  • SUMMERER M., SONNTAG B. & SOMMARUGA R. (2007): An experimental test of the symbiosis specificity between the ciliate Paramecium bursaria and strains of the unicellular green alga Chlorella. Environmental Microbiology 9(8),
  • SOMMARUGA R. & AUGUSTIN G. (2006): Seasonality in UV transparency of an alpine lake is associated to changes in phytoplankton biomass. Aquat. Sci. 68: 129–141
  • TARTAROTTI B., & SOMMARUGA R. (2006): Seasonal and ontogenetic changes of mycosporine‐like amino acids in planktonic organisms from an alpine lake. Limnology and Oceanography 51,
  • VIVES I., GRIMALT J.O., FERNÁNDEZ P. & ROSSELAND B. (2004): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish from remote and high mountain lakes in Europe and Greenland. Science of The Total Environment 324: 67–77
  • FERNÁNDEZ P., CARRERA G., GRIMALT J.O., VENTURA M., CAMARERO L., CATALÁN J., NICKUS U., THIES H. & PSENNER R. (2003): Factors Governing the Atmospheric Deposition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Remote Areas. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37: 3261–3267 
  • SEKAR R., PERNTHALER A., PERNTHALER J., WARNECKE F., POSCH T. & AMANN R. (2003): An Improved Protocol for Quantification of Freshwater Actinobacteria by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization. Applied And Environmental Microbiology 69(5): 2928–2935, DOI: 10.1128/AEM.69.5.2928-2935.2003
  • CARRERA G., FERNÁNDEZ P., GRIMALT J.O., VENTURA M., CAMARERO L., CATALÁN J., NICKUS U., THIES H. & PSENNER R. (2002): Atmospheric Deposition of Organochlorine Compounds to Remote High Mountain Lakes of Europe. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36: 2581–2588
  • FELIP M., WILLE A., SATTLER B. & PSENNER R. (2002): Microbial communities in the winter cover and the water column of an alpine lake: system connectivity and uncoupling. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 29: 123–134
  • FERNÁNDEZ P., GRIMALT J.O. & VILANOVA R.M. (2002): Atmospheric Gas-Particle Partitioning of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in High Mountain Regions of Europe. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36: 1162–1168
  • KOINIG K.A., KAMENIK C., SCHMIDT R., et al. (2002): Environmental changes in an alpine lake (Gossenköllesee, austria) over the last two centuries – the influence of air temperature on biological parameters. Journal of Paleolimnology 28147–160,
  • ROGNERUD S., GRIMALT J.O:, ROSSELAND B.O., FERNÁNDEZ P., HOFER R., LACKNER R., LAURITZEN B., LIEN L., MASSABUAU J.C. & RIBES A. (2002): Mercury and Organochlorine Contamination in Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) and Arctic Charr (Salvelinus Alpinus) from High Mountain Lakes in Europe and the Svalbard Archipelago. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 2: 209–232
  • THIES H., NICKUS U., ARNOLD C. & PSENNER R. (2002): A hydrological tracer experiment with LiCl in a high mountain lake. Hydrological Processes 16,
  • WALDHUBER S., SATTLER B., SEMMLER J., WILLE A. & PSENNER R. (2002): Comparative 16S rDNA analysis of extremophiles in the winter cover of a high mountain lake. Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology, 16–19
  • CARRERA G., FERNÁNDEZ P., VILANOVA R.M. & GRIMALT J.O. (2001): Persistent organic pollutants in snow from European high Mountain areas. Atmospheric Environment 35: 245–254
  • GRIMALT J.O., FERNÁNDEZ P., BERDIÉ L., VILANOVA R.M., CATALÁN J., PSENNER R., HOFER R., APPLEBY P.G., LIEN L., ROSSELAND B.O., MASSABUAU J.-C. & BATTARBEE R.W. (2001): Selective Trapping of Organochlorine Compounds in Mountain Lakes of Temperate Areas. Environ. Sci. Technol. 35: 2690–2697,
  • NICKUS U. & THIES H. (2001): Ion chromatographic determination of lithium at trace level concentrations: Application to a tracer experiment in a high-mountain lake. Journal of Chromatography A,  920: 201–204
  • SOMMARUGA R. (2001): The role of solar UV radiation in the ecology of alpine lakes. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 62(1–2): 35–42
  • VILANOVA R.M., FERNÁNDEZ P., MARTÍNEZ C. & GRIMALT J.O. (2001): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in remote mountain lake waters. Water Research 35: 3916–3926 
  • VILANOVA R.M., FERNÁNDEZ P., MARTÍNEZ C. & GRIMALT J.O. (2001): Organochlorine pollutants in remote mountain lake waters. Journal of Environmental Quality 30,
  • FERNÁNDEZ P., VILANOVA R.M., MARTÍNEZ C., APPLEBY P. & GRIMALT J.O. (2000): The Historical Record of Atmospheric Pyrolytic Pollution over Europe Registered in the Sedimentary PAH from Remote Mountain Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 34: 1906–1913
  • KAMENIK C., KOINIG K.A., SCHMIDT R., APPLEBY P.G., DEARING J.A., & PSENNER R. (2000): Eight hundred years of environmental changes in a high alpine lake (gossenkӧllesee, tyrol) inferred from sediment records. Journal of Limnology 59 (Suppl. 1): 43–52
  • LAMI A., GUILIZZONI P. & MARCHETTO A. (2000): High resolution analysis of fossil pigments, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur in the sediment of eight European Alpine lakes: the MOLAR project. J. Limnol 59 (Suppl. 1): 15–28 

vor 2000

  • FERNÁNDEZ P., VILANOVA R.M. & GRIMALT J.O. (1999): Sediment Fluxes of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in European High Altitude Mountain Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 33: 3716–3722
  • NICKUS U. (1999): Meteorological records of Lake Gossenkölle. Contribution to MOLAR (ENV4-CT95-0007)
  • SOMMARUGA R., PSENNER R., SCHAFFERER E., KOINIG K.A. & SOMMARUGA-WÖGRATH S. (1999): Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration and Phytoplankton Biomass in High-mountain Lakes of the Austrian Alps: Potential Effect of Climatic Warming on UV Underwater Attenuation. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 31(3): 247–253
  • SOMMARUGA R., SATTLER B., OBERLEITER A., WILLE A., WÖGRATH-SOMMARUGA S., PSENNER R., MARISOL F., CAMARERO L., PINA S., GIRONÉS R. & CATALÁN J. (1999): An in situ enclosure experiment to test the solar UVB impact on plankton in a high-altitude mountain lake. II. Effects on the microbial food web. Journal of Plankton Research 21: 859–876
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Neustift im Stubaital

2022 |2021 | 2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016 2015  |  2010–2014 | 2000–2009  |  vor 2000  |  Berichte (Projekte, Veranstaltungen, Messreihen)


  • Ambrosi, L., Berger, V., Rainer, G. et al. (2024): Spatiotemporal variability of evapotranspiration in Alpine grasslands and its biotic and abiotic drivers. Ecohydrology e2633, 
  • Tasser, E., Leitinger, G., Tappeiner, U. & Schirpke, U. (2024): Shaping the European Alps: Trends in landscape patterns, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Catena 235, 107607, 


  • Abdalla, M. et al. (2023): Evaluation of the ECOSSE model for estimating soil respiration from eight European permanent grassland sites. Agronomy 13(7): 1734,
  • Gomarasca, U. et al (2023): Leaf-level coordination principles propagate to the ecosystem scale. Nat. Commun. 14: 3948,
  • Graf, A., Wohlfahrt, G., et al. (2023): Joint optimization of land carbon uptake and albedo can help achieve moderate instantaneous and long-term cooling effects. Commun. Earth Environ. 4: 298,
  • Tello-García, E. et al. (2023): Red clover productivity under drought: Are soil microbes a burden or a treasure? Environmental and Experimental Botany 214: 105486,
  • Xie, M. et al. (2023): Monitoring of carbon-water fluxes at Eurasian meteorological stations using random forest and remote sensing. Sci. Data 10: 587,
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  • Zhang, W. et al. (2023): The effect of relative humidity on eddy covariance latent heat flux measurements and its implication for partitioning into transpiration and evaporation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 330: 109305,


  • FISCHER, A., FELBAUER, L., JANICKE, A., HELFRICHT, K., HOFFMANN, H. & WILD, E.-M. (2022): Glaciers, Climate and People: Holocene Transitions in the Stubai Valley. In: SCHICKHOFF, U., SINGH, R.B. & MAL, S. (eds.): Mountain Landscapes in Transition. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Cham.
  • SEEBER, J. et al. (2022): Effects of land use and climate on carbon and nitrogen pool partitioning in European mountain grasslands. Science of the Total Environment 822: 153380, 


  • DELWICHE, K.B. et al. (2021): FLUXNET-CH4: A global, multi-ecosystem dataset and analysis of methane seasonality from freshwater wetlands. Earth System Science Data 13: 3607–3689, doi: 10.5194/essd-2020-307.
  • DORO, L., WANG, X., AMMANN, C., DE ANTONI MIGLIORATI, M., GRÜNWALD, T., KLUMPP, K., LOUBET, B., PATTEY, E., WOHLFAHRT, G., WILLIAMS, J.R. & NORFLEET, M.L. (2021): Improving the simulation of soil temperature within the EPIC model. Environmental Modelling and Software 144, 105140, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105140.
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  • JOHNSTON, A.S.A. et al. (2021): Temperature thresholds of ecosystem respiration at a global scale. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5: 487–494, doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01398-z.
  • KOOIJMANS, L., […], SPIELMANN, F.M., WOHLFAHRT, G., et al. (2021): Evaluation of carbonyl sulfide biosphere exchange in the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB4). Biogeosciences 18: 6547–6565, doi: 10.5194/bg-18-6547-2021.
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  • ALBRICH K., RAMMER W. SEIDL R. (2020): Climate change causes critical transitions and irreversible alterations of mountain Forests. Global Change Biology 26:7, 4013–4027,
  • ELLER C., ROWLAND L., MENUCCINI M., ROSAS T., MEDLYN B., WILLIAMS K., HARPER A., WAGNER Y., KLEIN TEODORO G., OLIVEIRA R., WOHLFAHRT G., MONTAGNANI L., SITCH S. & COX P. (2020): Stomatal optimisation based on xylem hydraulics (SOX) improves land surface model simulation of vegetation responses to climate. New Phytologist 226(6): 1622–1637, doi: 10.1111/nph.16419   
  • HAYNES K.D., BAKER I.T., DENNING A.S., WOLF S., WOHLFAHRT G., KIELY G., MINAYA R.C., & HAYNES J.M. (2020): Representing grasslands using dynamic prognostic phenology based on biological growth stages: Part 2. Carbon cycling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12, 4440–4465,
  • IMRAN H.A., GIANELLE D., ROCCHINI D., DALPONTE M., MARTÍN M.P., SAKOWSKA S., WOHLFAHRT G. & VESCOVO L. (2020): VIS-NIR, Red-Edge and NIR-Shoulder based Normalized Vegetation Indices Response to Co-Varying Leaf and Canopy Structural Traits in Heterogeneous Grasslands. Remote Sensing 12/14: 2254,
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  • SCHEIDL C., HEISER M., KAMPER S., THALER T., KLEBINDER K., NAGL F., LECHNER V., MARKART G., RAMMER W. & SEIDL R. (2020): The influence of climate change and canopy disturbances on landslide susceptibility in headwater catchments. Science of The Total Environment 742,
  • SPIELMANN F.M., HAMMERLE A., KITZ F., GERDEL K., WOHLFAHRT G. (2020): Seasonal dynamics of the COS and CO2 exchange of a managed temperate grassland. Biogeosciences Discussions 17: 4281–4295,
  • TELLO-GARCÍA E., HUBER L., LEITINGER G., PETERS A., NEWESELY C., RINGLER M.-E. & TASSER E. (2020): Drought- and heat-induced shifts in vegetation composition impact biomass production and water use of Alpine grasslands. Environmental and Experimental Botany 169, No. 103921,
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  • HAYNES K.D., BAKER I.T., DENNING A.S., WOLF S., WOHLFAHRT G., KIELY G., MINAYA R.C. & HAYNES J.M. (2019): Representing grasslands using dynamic prognostic phenology based on biological growth stages: Part 2. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11(12): 4440–4465, DOI: 10.1029/2018MS001541
  • KITZ F., GÓMEZ-BRANDÓN M., EDER B., ETEMANDI M., SPIELMANN F.M., HAMMERLE A., INSAM H., & WOHLFAHRT G. (2019): Soil carbonyl sulfide exchange in relation to microbial community composition: Insights from a managed grassland soil amendment Experiment. Soil Biol. Biochem. 135: 28–37,
  • KNOX S.H. et al. (2019): FLUXNET-CH4 Synthesis Activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(12): 2607–2632. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0268.1
  • PEAUCELLE M., BACOUR C., CIAIS P., VUICHARD N., KUPPEL S., PENUELAS J., BELELLI MARCHESINI L., BLANKEN P.D., BUCHMANN N., CHEN J., DELPIERRE N., DESAI A.R., DUFRÊNE E., GIANELLE D., GIMENO-COLERA C., GRUENING C., HELFTER C., HÖRTNAGL L., IBROM A., JOFFRE R., KATO T., KOLB T., LAW B., LINDROTH A., MAMMARELLA I., MERBOLD L., MINERBI S., MONTAGNANI L., ŠIGUT L., SUTTON M., VARLAGIN A., VESALA T., WOHLFAHRT G., WOLF S., YAKIR D., VIOVY N., & LENOIR J. (2019): Covariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 1351–1365,
  • SEIDL R., ALBRICH K., ERB K.H., FORMAYER H., LEIDINGER D., LEITINGER G., TAPPEINER U., TASSER E. & RAMMERT W. (2019): What drives the future supply of regulating ecosystem services in a mountain forest landscape? Forest Ecology and Management 445: 37–47,
  • SCHIRPKE U., TAPPEINER G., TASSER E. & TAPPEINER U. (2019): Using conjoint analysis to gain deeper insights into aesthetic landscape preferences. Ecological Indicators 96: 202–212, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.09.001 
  • SPIELMANN F.M., KITZ F., HAMMERLE A., GERDEL K., ALBERTI G., DELLE VEDOVE G., IBROM A., KARL T., KOLLE O., MIGLIAVACCA M., EL-MADANY T.S., MORENO G., PERESSOTI A. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2019): Gross primary productivity of four European ecosystems constrained by joint CO2 and COS flux measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 46: 5284–5293,
  • WIESER G., OBERHUBER W., GRUBER A., OBERLEITNER F., HASIBEDER R. & BAHN M. (2019): Artificial top soil drought hardly affects water use of Picea abies and Larix decidua saplings at the treeline in the Austrian Alps. Forests 10(9): 777, DOI: 10.3390/f10090777


  • FRENCK G., LEITINGER G., OBOJES N., HOFMANN M., NEWESELY C., DEUTSCHMANN M., TAPPEINER U. & TASSER E. (2018): Community-specific hydraulic conductance potential of soil water decomposed for two Alpine grasslands by small-scale lysimetry. Biogeosciences, 15(4): 1065–1078,
  • HÖRTNAGL L., BARTHEL M., BUCHMANN N., EUGSTER W., BUTTERBACH-BAHL K., DÍAZ-PINÉS E., ZEEMAN M., KLUMPP K., KIESE R., BAHN M., HAMMERLE A., LU H., LADREITER-KNAUSS T., BURRI S. & MERBOLD L. (2018): Greenhouse gas fluxes over managed grasslands in Central Europe. Glob. Change Biol. 24: 1843–1872,


  • GERDEL K., SPIELMANN F.M., HAMMERLE A. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2017): Eddy covariance carbonyl sulfide flux measurements with a quantum cascade laser absorption spectrometer. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10: 3525–3537,,
  • KERLE S., TAPPEINER U. (2017): The Tyrolean Alps LTSER platform – providing scientific insights for better management of protected Areas. eco.mont – Volume 9, Number 1, January 2017, DOI: 10.1553/eco.mont-9-1s35
  • KITZ F., GERDEL K., HAMMERLE A., LATERZA T., SPIELMANN F. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2017): In situ soil COS exchange of a temperate mountain grassland under simulated drought. Oecologia 183: 851–860,
  • KOHLER M., STOTTEN R., STEINBACHER M., LEITINGER G., TASSER E., SCHIRPKE U., TAPPEINER U. & SCHERMER M. (2017): Participative Spatial Scenario Analysis for Alpine Ecosystems. Environ. Manage. 60: 679–692,
  • LAVOREL S., GRIGULIS K., LEITINGER G., KOHLER M., SCHIRPKE U. & TAPPEINER U. (2017): Historical trajectories in land use pattern and grassland ecosystem services in two European alpine landscapes. Regional Environmental Change 17(8): 2251–2264,
  • NIEDERTSCHEIDER M., TASSER E., PATECK M., RÜDISSER J., TAPPEINER U. & ERB K.-H. (2017): Influence of land-use intensification on C-stock trajectories in an Alpine valley from 1865 to 2003. Ecosystems 20: 1391–1406,
  • SCHIRPKE U., KOHLER M., LEITINGER G., FONTANA V., TASSER E. & TAPPEINER U. (2017). Future impacts of changing land-use and climate on ecosystem services and resilience of mountain grassland. Ecosystem Services 26, Part A: 79–94,
  • TASSER E., LEITINGER G., SCHIRPKE U. & TAPPEINER U. (2017): Climate Change vs Land-Use Change - which affects the landscape more? Land Use Policy 60: 60–72, DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.10.019 


  • EGARTER VIGL L., SCHIRPKE U., TASSER E. & TAPPEINER U (2016): Linking long-term landscape dynamics to the multiple interactions among ecosystem services in the European Alps. Landscape Ecol. 31(9): 1903-1918, 10.1007/s10980-016-0389-3
  • ESTIARTE M., VICCA S., PENUELAS J., BAHN M., BEIER C., EMMETT B.A., FAY P.A., […] JANSSENS I.A. (2016): Few multi‐year precipitation‐reduction experiments find a shift in the productivity‐precipitation relationship. Global change biology 22(7), 
  • FONDEVILLA C., COLOMER M.A., FILLAT F. & TAPPEINER U. (2016): Using a new PDP modelling approach for land-use and land-cover change predictions: A case study in the Stubai Valley (Central Alps). Ecological Modelling 322: 101–114, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.11.016
  • MAIR E., LEITINGER G., DELLA CHIESA S., NIEDRIST G., TAPPEINER U. & BERTOLDI G. (2016): A simple method to combine snow height and meteorological observations to estimate winter precipitation at sub-daily resolution. Hydrological Sciences Journal / Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques 61(11): 2050–2060,
  • SCHERMER M., DARNHOFER I., DAUGSTAD K., GABILLET M., LAVOREL S. & STEINBACHER M. (2016): Institutional impacts on the resilience of mountain grasslands: an analysis based on three European case studies. In: LAND USE POLICY 52, S. 382–391, DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.12.009
  • SCHIRPKE U., TIMMERMANN D.F., TAPPEINER U. & TASSER E. (2016): Cultural ecosystem services of mountain regions: Modelling the aesthetic value. Ecological Indicators 69: 78–90,
  • SPIELMANN F.M., KITZ F., HAMMERLE A., GERDEL K. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2016): Sources and sinks of carbonyl sulfide in a mountain grassland and relationships to the carbon dioxide exchange. EGU General Assembly 2016, held 17-22 April, 2016 in Vienna Austria, id. EPSC2016-5498


  • BERNINGER F., SUSILUOTO S., GIANELLE D., BAHN M., WOHLFAHRT G., SUTTON M., GARCIA-PAUSAS J., GIMENO C., SANZ M. J., DORE S., ROGIERS N., FURGER M., EUGSTER W., BALZAROLO M., SEBASTIÁ M.T., TENHUNEN J., STASZEWSKI T. & CERNUSCA A. (2015): Management and site effects on carbon balances of European mountain meadows and rangelands. Boreal Environment Research 20: 748–760,


  • GRÊT-REGAMEY A., WEIBEL B., BAGSTAD K.J., FERRARI M., GENELETTI D., KLUG H., SCHIRPKE U. & TAPPEINER U. (2014): On the Effects of Scale for Ecosystem Services Mapping. Plos One,
  • HÖRTNAGL L. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2014): Methane and nitrous oxide exchange over a managed hay meadow. Biogeosciences 11: 72197236,
  • LEGAY N., BAXENDALE C., GRIGULIS K., KRAINER U., KASTL E.M., SCHLOTER M., BARDGETT R.D., ARNOLDI C., BAHN M., DUMONT M., POLY F., POMMIER T., CLÉMENT J.C. & LAVOREL S. (2014): Contribution of above- and below-ground plant traits to the structure and function of grassland soil microbial communities. Annals of Botany 114: 1011–1021
  • GRIGULIS K., LAVOREL S., KRAINER U., LEGAY N., BAXENDALE C., DUMONT M, KASTL E., ARNOLDI C., BARDGETT R.D., POLY F., POMMIER T., SCHLOTER M., TAPPEINER U., BAHN M. & CLÉMENT J.C. (2013): Relative contributions of plant traits and soil microbial properties to mountain grassland ecosystem services. Journal of Ecology 101: 47–57,
  • HÖRTNAGL L. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2013): Seasonal variability of CH4 and N2O fluxes over a managed temperate mountain grassland. EGU General Assembly 2013, held 7-12 April, 2013 in Vienna, Austria, id. EGU2013-10581
  • PEICHL M., SONNENTAG O., WOHLFAHRT G., FLANAGAN L.B., BALDOCCHI D.D., KIELY G., GALVAGNO M., GIANELLE D., MARCOLLA B., PIO C., MIGLIAVACCA M., JONES M.B. & SAUNDERS M. (2013): Convergence of potential net ecosystem production among contrasting C3 grasslands. Ecology Letters 16: 502512,
  • SCHIRPKE U., HÖLZLER S., LEITINGER G., BACHER M., TAPPEINER U., TASSER E. (2013): Can We Model the Scenic Beauty of an Alpine Landscape? Sustainability 5(3): 1080–1094
  • SCHIRPKE U., TASSER E. & TAPPEINER U. (2013): Predicting scenic beauty of mountain Regions. Landscape and Urban Planning 111: 1–12
  • WOHLFAHRT G., CREMONESE E., HAMMERLE A., HÖRTNAGL L., GALVAGNO M., GIANELLE D., MARCOLLA B. & MORRA DI CELLA U. (2013): Tradeoffs between global warming and day length on the start of the carbon uptake period in seasonally cold ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters 40(23): 6136-614, doi: 10.1002/2013GL058182
  • BEN TOUHAMI H., LARDY R., BAHN M., BELLOCCHI G., BARRA V. (2012): Bayesian calibration of the Pasture Simulation Model (PaSim) to simulate European grasslands under climate extremes: case study at Stubai (Austria). 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, Helsinki, Finland. 1, 10 p., 2012, 978-1-62276-436-5. ⟨hal-02806115⟩
  • HÖRTNAGL L.J. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2012): Interannual and seasonal variability of CH4 and N2O exchange over a temperate mountain grassland. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012, abstract id. B53C-0678, 2012AGUFM.B53C0678H
  • SCHIRPKE U., LEITINGER G., TAPPEINER U. & TASSER U. (2012): SPA-LUCC: Developing land-use/cover scenarios in mountain landscapes. Ecological Informatics 12: 68–76
  • TAPPEINER U., BORSDORF A. & BAHN M. (2012): Long-Term Socio-ecological Research in Mountain Regions: Perspectives from the Tyrolean Alps. In: SINGH S.J., HABERL H., CHERTOW M., MIRTL M., SCHMID M. (Eds.) Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. 505–525, Springer press 2012
  • TASSER E., SCHERMER M., SIEGL G. & TAPPEINER U. (eds.), (2012) Wir LandschaftMacher. Athesia, Bozen.
  • BALCERAK E. (2011): What controls methanol emissions from grassland? Eos 92,
  • BAMBERGER I., HÖRTNAGL L., RUUSKANEN T.M., SCHNITZHOFER R., MÜLLER M., GRAUS M., KARL T., WOHLFAHRTG. & HANSEL A. (2011): Deposition fluxes of terpenes over grassland. Journal of Geophysical Research 116, D14305, DOI:10.1029/2010JD015457
  • BRILLI F., HÖRTNAGL L., HAMMERLE A., HASLWANTER A., HANSEL A., LORETO F. & WOHLFAHRT G., (2011): Leaf and ecosystem response to soil water availability in mountain grasslands. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151(12): 1731-1740,
  • GROENENDIJK M., DOLMAN H., AMMANN C., ARNETH A., CESCATTI A., DRAGONI D., GASH J., GIANELLE D., GIOLI B., KIELY G., KNOHL A., LAW B., LUND M., MARCOLLA B., VAN DER MOLEN M., MONTAGNANI L., MOORS E., RICHARDSON A., ROUPSARD O., VERBEECK H. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2011): Seasonal variation of photosynthetic model parameters and leaf area index from global Fluxnet eddy covariance data. Journal of Geophysical Research 116, G04027, DOI:10.1029/2011JG001742.
  • HÖRTNAGL L., BAMBERGER I., GRAUS M., RUUSKANEN T.M., SCHNITZHOFER R., MÜLLER M., HANSEL A. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2011): Biotic, abiotic, and management controls on methanol exchange above a temperate mountain grassland. Biogeoscience 116,
  • LAMARQUE P., TAPPEINER U., TURNER C., STEINBACHER M., BARDGETT R.D., SZUKICS U., SCHERMER M. & LAVOREL S. (2011): Stakeholder perceptions of grassland ecosystem services in relation to knowledge on soil fertility and biodiversity. Regional Environmental Change 11(4): 791–804
  • RUUSKANEN T.M., MÜLLER M., SCHNITZHOFER R., KARL T., GRAUS M., BAMBERGER I., HÖRTNAGL L., BRILLI F., WOHLFAHRT G. & HANSEL A. (2011): Eddy covariance VOC emission and deposition fluxes above grassland using PTR-TOF. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11(2), 10.5194/acp-11-611-2011
  • SCHREINER K., PECHER C., SCHERMER., SIEGL G., TAPPEINER U., TASSER E. (2011): "KULAWI" – Strategies for the cultural landscpae of the future. Ekológia (Bratislava) 30: 187–198
  • VARGAS R., BALDOCCHI D.D., BAHN M., HANSON P.J., HOSMAN K.P., KULMALA L., PUMPANEN J. & YANG B. (2011): On the multi‐temporal correlation between photosynthesis and soil CO2 efflux: reconciling lags and observations. New Phytologist 191,
  • BAHN M., REICHSTEIN M., DAVIDSON E.A., GRÜNZWEIG J., JUNG M., CARBONE M.S., EPRON D., MISSON L., NOUVELLON Y., ROUPSARD O., SAVAGE K., TRUMBORE S.E., GIMENO C., CURIEL YUSTE J., TANG J., VARGAS R., JANSSENS I.A. (2010): Soil respiration at mean annual temperature predicts an­nual total across vegetation types and biomes. Biogeosciences 7: 2147–2157
  • BAMBERGER I., HÖRTNAGL L., SCHNITZHOFER R., GRAUS M., RUUSKANEN T., MÜLLER M., DUNKEL J., WOHLFAHRT G. & HANSEL A. (2010): BVOC fluxes above mountain grassland. Biogeosciences 7, 1413–1424,
  • BERTOLDI G., NOTARNICOLA C., LEITINGER G., ENDRIZZI S., ZEBISCH M., DELLA CHIESA S. & TAPPEINER U. (2010): Topographical and ecohydrological controls on land surface temperature in an alpine catchment. Ecohydrology 3, 189–­204
  • HÖRTNAGL L., CLEMENT R., GRAUS M., HAMMERLE A., HANSEL A., & WOHLFAHRT G. (2010): Dealing with disjunct concentration measurements in eddy covariance applications: A comparison of available approache. Atmos. Environ. 44: 2024–2032,
  • MÜLLER M., GRAUS M., RUUSKANEN T.M., SCHNITZHOFER R., BAMBERGER I., KASER L., TITZMANN T., HÖRTNAGL L., WOHLFAHRT G., KARL T. & HANSEL A. (2010): First eddy covariance measurements by PTR TOF. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3, 387–395
  • RUUSKANEN T.M., MÜLLER M., SCHNITZHOFER R., KARL T., GRAUS M., BAMBERGER I., HÖRTNAGL L., BRILLI F., WOHLFAHRT G. & HANSEL A. (2010): VOC Emission and Deposition Eddy Covariance Fluxes above Grassland using PTR-TOF. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract id. A53C-0219, 2010AGUFM.A53C0219R    
  • SCHMITT M., BAHN M., WOHLFAHRT G., TAPPEINER U. & CERNUSCA A. (2010): Land use affects the net ecosystem CO2 exchange and its components in mountain grasslands. Biogeosciences 7: 2297–2309
  • TEULING A.J., SENEVIRATNE S.I., STÖCKLI R., REICHSTEIN M., MOORS E., CIAIS P., LUYSSAERT S., VAN DEN HURK B., AMMANN C., BERNHOFER C., DELLWIK E., GIANELLE D., GIELEN B., GRÜNWALD T., KLUMPP K., MONTAGNANI L., MOUREAUX C., SOTTOCORNOLA M. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2010): Contrasting response of European forest and grassland energy exchange to heat waves. Nature Geoscience 3, 722–727
  • VARGAS R., BALDOCCHI D.D., ALLEN M.F., BAHN M., BLACK T.A., COLLINS S.L., CURIEL YUSTE J., HIRANO T., JASSAL R.S., PUMPANEN J. & TANG J. (2010): Looking deeper into the soil: biophysical controls and seasonal lags of soil CO2 production and efflux across multiple vegetation types. Ecological Applications, 20: 1569–­1582
  • WOHLFAHRT G., IRSCHICK C., THALINGER B., HÖRTNAGL L., OBOJES N. & HAMMERLE A. (2010): Insights from independent evapotranspiration estimates for closing the energy balance: a grassland case study. Vadose Zone Journal 9(4): 1025–1033,
  • WOHLHAHRT G., PILLONI S., HÖRTNAGL L. & HAMMERLE A. (2010): Estimating carbon dioxide fluxes from temperate mountain grasslands using broad­band vegetation indices. Biogeosciences 7, 683­–694


  • TEULING A.J., HIRSCHI M., OHMURA A., WILD M., REICHSTEIN M., CIAIS P., BUCHMANN N., AMMANN C., MONTAGNANI L., RICHARDSON A.D., WOHLFAHRT G. & SENEVIRATNE S. (2009): A regional perspective on trends in continental evaporation. Geophys. Res. Lett. 36, L02404, doi:10.1029/2008GL036584
  • TENHUNEN J., GEYER R., ADIKU S., REICHSTEIN M., TAPPEINER U., BAHN M., CERNUSCA A., DINH N.Q., KOLCUN O., LOHILA A., OTIENO D., SCHMIDT M., SCHMITT M., WANG Q., WARTINGER M. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2009): Influences of changing land use and CO2 concentration on ecosystem and landscape level carbon and water balances in mountainous terrain of the Stubai Valley, Austria. Global and Planetary Change 67: 29–43
  • WOHLFAHRT G., HASLWANTER A., HÖRTNAGL L., JASONI R.L., FENSTERMAKER L.F., ARNONE J.A.III & HAMMERLE A. (2009): On the consequences of the energy imbalance for calculating surface conductance to water vapour. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149: 1556–1559
  • BAHN M., RODEGHIERO M., ANDERSON-DUNN M., DORE S., GIMENO C., DRÖSLER, M., WILLIAMS M., AMMANN C., BERNINGER F., FLECHARD C., JONES S., BALZAROLO M., KUMAR S., NEWESELY C., PRIWITZER T., RASCHI A., SIEGWOLF R., SUSILUOTO S., TENHUNEN J., WOHLFAHRT G. & CERNUSCA A. (2008). Soil respiration in European grasslands in relation to climate and assimilate supply. Ecosystems 11: 13521367,
  • CERNUSCA A., BAHN M., BERNINGER F., TAPPEINER U. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2008): Effects of land­use changes on sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain grasslands. Ecosystems 11: 1335­–1337
  • FRITSCHE J., WOHLFAHRT G., AMMANN C., ZEEMAN M.J., HAMMERLE A., OBRIST D. & ALEWELL C. (2008): Summertime elemental mercury exchange of temperate grasslands on an ecosystem scale. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 7709–7722
  • HAMMERLE A., HASLWANTER A., TAPPEINER U., CERNUSCA A. & WOHLFAHRT G. (2008): Leaf area controls on energy partitioning of a temperate mountain grassland. Biogeosciences 5: 421–­431
  • LI Y., TENHUNEN J., OWEN K., SCHMITT M., BAHN M., DRÖSLER M., OTIENO D., SCHMIDT M., GRÜNWALD T., HUSSAIN M.Z., MIRZAE H. & BERNHOFER C. (2008): Patterns of CO2 exchange capacity of grassland ecosystems in the Alps. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 51–­68
  • TAPPEINER U., TASSER E., LEITINGER G., CERNUSCA A. & TAPPEINER G. (2008): Effects of Historical and Likely Future Scenarios of Land Use on Above- and Belowground Vegetation Carbon Stocks of an Alpine Valley. Ecosystems 11, 1383–1400
  • WIESER G., HAMMERLE A., & WOHLFAHRT G. (2008): The Water Balance of Grassland Ecosystems in the Austrian Alps. Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res. 40: 439–445
  • WOHLFAHRT G., ANDERSON-DUNN M., BAHN M., BALZAROLO M., BERNINGER F., CAMPBELL C., […] CERNUSCA A. (2008): Biotic, abiotic, and management controls on the net ecosystem CO2 exchange of European mountain grassland ecosystems. Ecosystems 11: 13381351,
  • WOHLFAHRT G., HAMMERLE A., HASLWANTER A., BAHN M., TAPPEINER U., & CERNUSCA A. (2008): Disentangling leaf area and environmental effects on the response of the net ecosystem CO2 exchange to diffuse radiation. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L16805, doi:10.1029/2008GL035090.
  • WOHLFAHRT G., HAMMERLE A., HASLWANTER A., BAHN M., TAPPEINER U., & CERNUSCA A. (2008): Seasonal and inter-annual variability of the net ecosystem CO2 exchange of a temperate mountain grassland: Effects of weather and Management. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 113: 1–14,
  • GILMANOV T.G., SOUSSANA J.F., AIRES L., ALLARD V., AMMANN C., BALZAROLO M., […] WOHLFAHRT G. (2007): Partitioning European grassland net ecosystem CO2 exchange into gross primary productivity and ecosystem respiration using light response function analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 121: 93120,
  • TAPPEINER U., TASSER E., LEITINGER G. & TAPPEINER G. (2007): Landnutzung in den Alpen: historische Entwicklung und zukünftige Szenarien. In: PSENNER R. & LACKNER R. (eds.) Die Alpen im Jahr 2020. Alpine Space - Man & Environment Vol.1, 23–39, innsbruck university press (IUP), Innsbruck
  • TASSER E., WALDE J., TAPPEINER U., TEUTSCH A. & NOGGLER W. (2007): Land-use changes and natural reforestation in the Eastern Central Alps. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 118: 115–129
  • WOHLFAHRT G., BIANCHI K., & CERNUSCA A. (2006): Leaf and stem maximum water storage capacity of herbaceous plants in a mountain Meadow. J. Hydrol. 319: 383–390
  • TASSER E., TAPPEINER U. & CERNUSCA A. (2005): Ecological effects of land use changes in the European Alps. In: HUBER U.M., BUGMANN H.K.M., REASONER M.A. (eds.) Global Change and Mountain Regions – A State of Knowledge Over­view. Springer, Dordrecht, p 413–425
  • WOHLFAHRT G., ANFANG C., BAHN M., HASLWANTER A., NEWESELY C., SCHMITT M., DROSLER M., PFADENHAUER J. & CERNUSCA A. (2005): Quantifying nighttime ecosystem respiration of a meadow using eddy covariance, chambers and modelling. Agr. Forest Meteorol. 128: 141–162,
  • WOHLFAHRT G. (2004): Modelling fluxes and concentrations of CO2, H2O and sensible heat within and above a mountain meadow canopy: A comparison of three Lagrangian models and three parameterisation options for the Lagrangian time scale. Bound.-Lay. Meteorol. 113: 43–80,

vor 2000

  • CERNUSCA A., BAHN M., BAYFIELD N., CHEMINI C., GRABER W., SIEGWOLF R.T.W., TAPPEINER U. & TENHUNEN J. (1998): ECOMONT: A combined approach of field measurements and process-based modelling for assessing effects of land-use changes in mountain landscapes. Ecological Modelling 113: 167–178, DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3800(98)00142-2


  • BARTKOWIAK P., CASTELLI M., JACOB A., NOTARNICOLA C., ROTACH M., TASSER E., WOHLFAHRT G. & ZEBISCH M.: CYCLAMEN - Cycling of carbon and water in mountain ecosystems under changing climate and land use (2017–2020). Autonome Provinz Bozen, Projektposter: download
  • WOHLFAHRT G. et al. (Projektleitung): COSIF - Carbonyl sulfide and sun-induced fluorescence as joint constraints on terrestrial carbon Cycling (2018–2019). Horizon 2020, Projektbericht
  • TAPPEINER U. (Projektleitung): Ökosystemleistungen erleben (2016–2018). FWF WKP58 Wissenschaftskommunikations-Programm, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download, Endbericht Kurzbeschreibung: download
  • WOHLFAHRT G. (Projektleitung): Carbonylsulfid-Austausch zwischen terrestrischen Ökosystemen und der Atmosphäre (2015–2018). FWF P27176, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download, Endbericht Kurzbeschreibung: download 
  • SCHERMER M. (Projektleitung): Erhebung der landwirtschaftlichen Anpassungsfähigkeit im Dauergrünland (REGARDS) (2012–2016). FWF I1055 Internationale Projekte, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download, Endbericht Kurzbeschreibung: download
  • WOHLFAHRT G. (Projektleitung): Flüsse von BOVOC zwischen Gebirgsgrasslandökosystemen und der Atmosphäre (2011–2014). FWF P23267, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download, Endbericht Kurzbeschreibung: download
  • WOHLFAHRT G. (Projektleitung): Vergleichende Untersuchungen zum Gaswechsel von Mähwiesen (2005–2007). FWF P17560, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download



2022 | 2021  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015 2010–2014  |  2000–2009  |  vor 2000  |  Berichte (Projekte, Veranstaltungen, Messreihen)



  • ERSCHBAMER, B., NIEDERFRIENINGER SCHLAG, R., CARNICERO, P. & KAUFMANN, R. (2023): Long-term monitoring confirms limitations of recruitment and facilitation and reveals unexpected changes of the successional pathways in a glacier foreland of the Central Austrian Alps. Plant Ecology,
  • HARTL, L. et al. (2023): Multi-sensor monitoring and data integration reveal cyclical destabilization of the Äußeres Hochebenkar rock glacier. Earth Surf. Dynam., 11, 117–147, 
  • WILKES, M.A., CARRIVICK, J.L., CASTELLA, E. et al. (2023): Glacier retreat reorganizes river habitats leaving refugia for Alpine invertebrate biodiversity poorly protected. Nat Ecol Evol, 
  • Stotten, R. (2023): The natural domain and its social representation in the community resilience concept. Sustainable Development, 1–13, 


  • BROADBENT A. A. D., BAHN M., PRITCHARD W. J., NEWBOLD L. K., GOODALL T., GIUNTA A., SNELL H. S. K., CORDERO I., MICHAS A., GRANT H. K., SOTO D. X., KAUFMANN R., SCHLOTER M., GRIFFITHS R. I. & BARDGETT R. D. (2022): Shrub expansion modulates belowground impacts of changing snow conditions in alpine grasslands. Ecology Letters 25: 52–64,
  • SEEBER, J., STEINWANDTER, M., TASSER, E. et al. (2022): Distribution of soil macrofauna across different habitats in the Eastern European Alps. Sci Data 9, 632, 
  • Stevens, I.T. et al. (2022): Spatially consistent microbial biomass and future cellular carbon release from melting Northern Hemisphere glacier surfaces. Commun. Earth Environ. 3: 275,
  • TELAGATHOTI, A., PROBST, M., MANDOLINI, E. & PEINTNER, U. (2022): Mortierellaceae from subalpine and alpine habitats: new species of Entomortierella, Linnemannia, Mortierella, Podila and Tyroliella gen. nov. Studies in Mycology 103: 25–58,
  • ULLRICH, C., FRANCIS, O., TABIBI, S., & TITZ, H. (2022): Geodetic climate research in the Austrian Alps, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9943,
  • ZAHS, V., WINIWARTER, L., ANDERS, K., WILLIAMS, J.G., RUTZINGER, M. & HÖFLE, B. (2022): Correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2 for lower uncertainty in 3D topographic change quantification. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 183, 541–559,


  • ARRAIANO-CASTILHO, R., BIDARTONDO, M. I., NISKANEN, T., CLARKSON, J. J., BRUNNER, I., ZIMMERMANN, S., SENN-IRLET, B., FREY, B., PEINTNER, U., MRAK, T. & SUZ, L. M. (2021): Habitat specialisation controls ectomycorrhizal fungi above the treeline in the European Alps. New Phytologist 229:5, 2901–2916, http:​/​/​/10.1111​/nph.17033 
  • BALOH, P., HANLON, R., ANDERSON, C., DOLAN, E., PACHOLIK, G., STINGLMAYR, D., BURKART, J., FELGITSCH, L., SCHMALE III, D.G. & GROTHE, H. (2021): Seasonal ice nucleation activity of water samples from alpine rivers and lakes in Obergurgl, Austria. Science of the Total Environment 800 (2021) 149442,
  • BROADBENT A. A. D., SNELL H. S. K., MICHAS A., PRITCHARD W. J., NEWBOLD L., CORDERO I., GOODALL T., SCHALLHART N., KAUFMANN R., GRIFFITHS R. I., SCHLOTER M., BAHN M. & BARDGETT R. D. (2021): Climate change alters temporal dynamics of alpine soil microbial functioning and biogeochemical cycling via earlier snowmelt. The ISME Journal,   
  • HARTMANN J., SILBERNAGL L., SCHNEEWEISS G. M., BARFUSS M. H. J., WEISS-SCHNEEWEISS H. & SCHÖNSWETTER P. (2021): Euphrasia ultima, a new locally endemic diploid species from the Ortler/Ortles range (Italy), is a close relative of widespread allotetraploid E. minima. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2021.1947409
  • KAUFMANN R., MAYER R., SCHALLHART N. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2021): Effects of Climate Change vs. Grazing Exclusion on Species Diversity Over 18 Years Along an Elevation Gradient in the European Alps. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, Article 640103,
  • MARGREITER, V., WALDE, J. & ERSCHBAMER, B. (2021): Competition-free gaps are essential for the germination and recruitment of alpine species along an elevation gradient in the European Alps. Alpine Botany 131, 135–150, http:​/​/​/10.1007​/s00035-021-00264-9 
  • SCHATZ H. (2021): A new species of Brachychthoniidae (Acari: Oribatida) from the Eastern Central Alps (Austria, Tyrol), with the proposal of a new genus. Acarologia 61(2): 365-379; DOI 10.24349/acarologia/20214436
  • STOTTEN R., SCHERMER M. & WILSON G. A. (2021): Lock-ins and community resilience: Two contrasting development pathways in the Austrian Alps. Journal of Rural Studies 84, 124–133,
  • TELAGATHOTI A., PROBST M., KHOMENKO I., BIASIOLI F. & PEINTNER U. (2021): High-Throughput Volatilome Fingerprint Using PTR–ToF–MS Shows Species-Specific Patterns in Mortierella and Closely Related Genera. J. Fungi 7:66,
  • TELAGATHOTI A., PROBST M. & PEINTNER U. (2021): Habitat, snow-cover and soil pH, affect the distribution and diversity of Mortierellaceae species and their associations to bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 12,
  • ULRICH V., WILLIAMS J. G., ZAHS V., ANDERS K., HECHT S. & HÖFLE B. (2021): Measurement of rock glacier surface change over different timescales using terrestrial laser scanning point clouds. Earth Surf. Dynam. 9, 19–28,
  • WILLIAMS J. G., ANDERS K., WINIWARTER L., ZAHS V. & HÖFLE B. (2021): Multi-directional change detection between point clouds. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 172, 95–113,


  • AIGNER S., GLASER K., ARC E., HOLZINGER A., SCHLETTER M., KARSTEN U. & KRANNER I. (2020): Adaptation to aquatic and terrestrial environments in Chlorella vulgaris (Chlorophyta). Front. Microbiol. 11, 585836,
  • BASTL K., BASTL M., DIRR L., BERGER M. & BERGER U. (2020): Frequency and distribution of insect pollinated pollen in air samples of Hirst-type volumetric pollen and spore traps in Austria from 2008 to 2017. Grana 59,
  • BAUMEISTER A. (2020): Einsatz von Kartierungsarbeiten in der Exkursionsdidaktik: Selbständige Erarbeitung landschaftsgenetischer Prozesse. In: SECKELMANN A. & HOF A. (Hrsg.): Exkursionen und Exkursionsdidaktik in der Hochschullehre. Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2020,
  • ERSCHBAMER B. & BURGA C.A. (2020): Pflanzen besiedeln neue Lebensräume: Primärsukzession auf Gletschervorfeldern. In: LOZÁN J.L., BRECKLE S.-W., ESCHER-VETTER H., GRASSL H., KASANG D., PAUL F., SCHICKOFF U.: Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel. Hamburg: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, ISBN 978-3-9820067-3-4, S. 252–256
  • HÅGVAR S., GOBBI M., KAUFMANN R., INGIMARSDÓTTIR M., CACCIANIGA M., VALLE B., PANTINI P., FANCIULLI P.P. & VATER A. (2020): Ecosystem Birth near Melting Glaciers: A Review on the Pioneer Role of Ground-Dwelling Arthropods. Insects, 11(9),
  • HARTMANN A., GLASER K., HOLZINGER A., GANZERA M. & KARSTEN U. (2020): Klebsormidin A and B, two new UV-sunscreen compounds in green microalgal Interfilum and Klebsormidium species (Streptophyta) from terrestrial habitats. Front. Microbiol., 11(499),
  • HOFBAUER W.K. & DICKSON J.H. (2020): Mosses and Liverworts of Tyrol - Especially those connected to the Iceman. (SCHALLHART N., ERSCHBAMER B. eds.), Alpine Forschungsstelle Obergurgl - Band 5, innsbruck university press • iup ISBN 978-3-903187-84-9, Download
  • HUBER L., SCHIRPKE U., MARSONER T., TASSER E. & LEITINGER G. (2020): Does socioeconomic diversification enhance multifunctionality of mountain landscapes? Ecosystem Services 44, No. 101122,
  • MARGREITER V., PAGITZ K., BERG C., SCHWAGER P. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2020): Pros and cons of using a standard protocol to test germination of alpine species. Plant Ecology 221:11, 1045–1067,
  • ROSBAKH S., MARGREITER V. & JELCIC B. (2020): Seedlings of alpine species do not have better frost-tolerance than their lowland counterparts. Alpine Botany 130/2, 179–185, http:​/​/​/10.1007​/s00035-020-00237-4
  • RUTZINGER M., ANDERS K., BREMER M., HÖFLE B., LINDENBERGH R., OUDE ELBERINK S., PIROTTI F., SCAIONI M. & ZIEHER T. (2020): Training in innovative Technologies for close-range sensing in alpine terrain - 3rd Edition. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLIII-B5-2020, 243–250.
  • SCHIRPKE U., SCOLOZZI R., DEAN G., HALLER A., JÄGER H., KISTER J., KOVÁCS B., SARMIENTO F.O., SATTLER B. & SCHLEYER C. (2020): Cultural ecosystem services in mountain regions: Conceptualising conflicts among users and limitations of use. Ecosystem Services 46, No. 101210, http:​/​/​/10.1016​/j.ecoser.2020.101210 
  • STEINER F.M., SEIFERT B., MODER K. & SCHLICK-STEINER B.C. (2020): A multisource solution for a complex problem in biodiversity research: Description of the cryptic ant species Tetramorium alpestre sp.n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology, 249 (3–4): 223–254,
  • STOTTEN, R. (2020): The role of farm diversification and peasant habitus for farm resilience in mountain areas: the case of the Ötztal valley, Austria. International Journal of Social Economics. DOI: 10.1108/IJSE-12-2019-0756 
  • TRENSE D., SCHMIDT T. L., YANG Q., CHUNG J., HOFFMANN A. A. & FISCHER K. (2020): Anthropogenic and natural barriers affect genetic connectivity in an Alpine Butterfly. Molecular Ecology 30:1, 114–130,
  • ULRICH V., WILLIAMS J. G., ZAHS V., ANDERS K., HECHT S. & HÖFLE B. (2020): Disaggregating surface change mechanisms of a rock glacier using terrestrial laser scanning point clouds acquired at different time scales. Earth Surface Dynamics Discussion. 


  • BALOH P., ELS N., DAVID R.O., LAROSE C., WHITMORE K., SATTLER B. & GROTHE H. (2019): Assessment of artificial and natural transport mechanisms of ice nucleating particles in an alpine ski resort in Obergurgl, Austria. Front. Microbiol.
  • MARGREITER, V.; ERSCHBAMER, B. (2019): Recruitment of alpine species along an altitudinal gradient in the Central Alps. In: International Mountain Conference 2019, Innsbruck, 08. – 12.09.2019, Abstractbook. Leopold-Franzens-Universität
  • MARGREITER, V.; WALDE, J.; ERSCHBAMER, B. (2019): Germination and recruitment of alpine species along an altitudinal gradient in the Central Alps. In: Seed Ecology 6. Abstracts. 29.07. – 02.08.2019, Universität Regensburg, Germany
  • PEINTNER U., KUHNERT-FINKERNAGEL R., WILLE V., BIASOLI F., SHIRYAEV A. & PERINI C. (2019): How to resolve cryptic species of polypores: an example in Fomes. IMA Fungus 10 (17),
  • PREM E., PRAEG N., HOFMANN K., WAGNER A. & ILLMER P. (2019): Potential methane production and oxidation along the soil chronosequence of the Rotmoos glacier forefield, Die Bodenkultur: Journal of Land Management, Food and Environment 70(1):19–31,
  • SCHIRPKE U., ALTZINGER A., LEITINGER G. & TASSER E. (2019): Change from agricultural to touristic use: Effects on the aesthetic value of landscapes over the last 150 years. Landscape and Urban Planning 187: 23–35, DOI
  • ZAHS V., HÄMMERLE M., ANDERS K., HECHT S., SAILER R., RUTZINGER M., WILLIAMS J. G. & HÖFLE B. (2019):Multi-temporal 3D point cloud-based quantification and analysis of geomorphological activity at an alpine rock glacier using airborne and terrestrial LiDAR. Permafrost and Periglac Process. Vol. 30 (3), pp. 222–238.


  • DENGLER J., WAGNER V., DEMBICZ I., […], ERSCHBAMER B., et al. (2018): GrassPlot – a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands. PHYTOCOENOLOGIA 48(3): 331–347,
  • FELGITSCH L., BALOH P., BURKART J., MAYR, M., MOMKEN M.E., SEIFRIED T.M., WINKLER P.L., SCHMALE D.G.III. & GROTHE H. (2018): Birch leaves and branches as a source of ice-nucleating macromolecules. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 18: 16063–16079, doi: 10.5194/acp-18-16063-2018


  • ERSCHBAMER B. & CACCIANIGA M.S. (2017): Glacier forelands: Lessons of plant population and community development. Progress in Botany 78: 259–284, DOI  
  • ERSCHBAMER B., MALLAUN M. & UNTERLUGGAUER P. (2017): Hochgebirge als hotspots der Diversität – durch den Klimawandel in Gefahr? Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 29: 53–94 
  • MAYER R. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2017): Long-term effects of grazing on subalpine and alpine grasslands in the Central Alps, Austria. BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY 24: 9–18, DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2017.07.005
  • MÜLLER J., BERG C., DÉTRAZ-MÉROZ J., et al (2017): The Alpine Seed Conservation and Research Network-a new initiative to conserve valuable plant species in the European Alps. J. Mt. Sci. (2017) 14(6): 806-810
  • NAVARRO-CANO J.A., SCHWIENBACHER E., SÁNCHEZ-BALIBREA J. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2017): The role of seed traits as segregation factors of hybrids in wild populations of Cistus (Cistaceae). Plant Biosystems 151/3: 530–538,
  • REGELE D., GRÜNEBACH M., ERSCHBAMER B. & SHÖNSWETTER P. (2017): Do ploidy level, morphology, habitat and genetic relationships in Alpine Vaccinium uliginosum allow for the discrimination of two entities? Preslia 89/4: 291–308, DOI: 10.23855/preslia.2017.291


  • HARTL L., FISCHER A., KLUG C. & NICHOLSON L. (2016): Can a simple numerical model help to fine-tune the analysis of ground-penetrating radar data? Hochebenkar rock glacier as a case study. Arctic, Antarctic, And Alpine Research, 48, 377–393
  • HARTL L., FISCHER A., STOCKER-WALDHUBER M. & ABERMANN J. (2016): Recent speed-up of an Alpine rock glacier: An updated chronology of the kinematics of outer Hochebenkar rock glacier based on geodetic measurements. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 98, 129–141.
  • HOLZINGER A., ALLEN M.C. & DEHEYN D.D. (2016): Hyperspectral imaging of snow algae and green algae from aeroterrestrial habitats. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 162: 412–420,
  • RUTZINGER, M., HÖFLE B., LINDENBERGH R., ELBERINK S., PIROTTI F., SAILER R., SCAIONI M., STÖTTER J. & WUJANZ D. (2016): Close-range sensing techniques in alpine terrain. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences III-6: 15–22
  • ZIEHMER M.M., NICOLUSSI K., SCHLÜCHTER C. & LEUENBERGER M. (2016): Challenges in Establishing Multi-Millennial Tree Ring Records for the Holocene. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18, Nr. EGU2016-12343
  • ZIEHMER M.M., NICOLUSSI K., SCHLÜCHTER C. & LEUENBERGER M. (2016): Early and Mid-Holocene Climate Variability – A Multi-Proxy Approach from Multi-Millennial Tree Ring Records. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18, Nr. EGU2016-12240-3


  • DABERT M., DASTYCH H. & DABERT J. (2015): Molecular data support the dispersal ability of the glacier tardigrade Hypsibius klebelsbergi Mihelčič, 1959 across the environmental barrier (Tardigrada). Entomol. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Hamburg 17(194): 233–240,
  • ERSCHBAMER B., MAYER R., MALLAUN M. & UNTERLUGGAUER P. (2015): Alpine Pflanzengesellschaften unter dem Einfluss von Sukzession und Klimawandel. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesell-schaft 27: 187–200
  • NICKUS U., ABERMANN J., FISCHER A., KRAINER K., SCHNEIDER H., SPAN N. & THIES, H. (2015): Rock Glacier Äußeres Hochebenkar (Austria) – Recent results of a monitoring network. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 47/48: 43–62
  • SATTLER B. (2015): Living Cryosphere. Pan European Networks: Science & Technology 17, S.256–257
  • SCHALLHART N. & ERSCHBAMER B. (eds., 2015): Forschung am Blockgletscher - Methoden und Ergebnisse. Alpine Forschungsstelle Obergurgl - Band 4, Innsbruck, innsbruck university press • iup, ISBN 978-3-902936-58-5, Download
  • SINT D., THURNER I., KAUFMANN R. & TRAUGOTT M. (2015): Sparing spiders: faeces as a non-invasive source of DNA. Frontiers in Zoology 12: 3
  • WALDER T. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2015): Temperature and drought drive differences in germination responses between congeneric species along altitudinal gradients. Plant Ecology 216: 1297–1309
  • WINKLER E., MARCANTE S. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2015): Demography of the alpine pioneer species Saxifraga aizoides in different successional stages at the glacier foreland of the Rotmoosferner (Obergurgl, Ötztal, Österreich). Tuexenia 35: 267–283


  • DABERT M., DASTYCH H., HOHBERG K. & DABERT J. (2014): Phylogenetic position of the enigmatic clawless eutardigrade genus Apodibius Dastych, 1983 (Tardigrada), based on 18S and 28S rRNA sequence data from its type species A. confusus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 70: 70–75
  • EDWARDS A., MUIR L.A.J., GIRDWOOD S.E., ANESIO A.M., STIBAL M., RASSNER S.M.E., HELL K., PACHEBAT J.A., POST B., BUSSELL J.S., CAMERON S.J.S., GRIFFITH G.W., HODSON A.J. & SATTLER B. (2014): Coupled cryoconite ecosystem structure – function relationships are revealed by comparing bacterial communities in alpine and Arctic glaciers. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 89/2: 222–237
  • ERSCHBAMER B., GOBBI M., KAUFMANN R., LENCIONI V. & SCHALLHART N. (eds.): Workshop: Ecology of Glacier Forelands (book of Abstracts), Publistampa Arti Grafiche (2014), ISBN 978-88-531-0030-6
  • FERRO-FAMIL L., TEBALDINI S., DAVY M. & BOUTE F. (2014): 3D SAR imaging of the snowpack at X- and Ku-Band: results from the AlpSAR Campaign. EUSAR 2014; 10th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
  • GRÖMER G., SATTLER B., WEISLEITNER K., HUNGER L., KOHLSTALL C., FRISCH A., JÓZEFOWICZ M., MESZYNSKI S., STORRIE-LOMBARDI M. & MARS2013 Team (2014): Field Trial of a Dual-Wave-length Fluorescent Emission (L.I.F.E) Instrument and the Magma White Rover during the MARS2013 Mars Analog Mission. Astrobiology 14/5: 391–405
  • KAMMERLANDER J., GEMS B., KÖSSLER D. & AUFLEGER M. (2014): Experimental modelling of marginal bed-load transport in an alpine mountain river. Geophysical Research Abstracts 16: 12801
  • KUTSCHERA W., PATZELT G., WILD E.M., et al. (2014): Evidence for early human presence at high altitudes in the Ötztsl Alps (Austria/Italy). Radiocarbon, 56: 3, 923–947
  • MARCANTE S., ERSCHBAMER B., BUCHNER O. & NEUNER G. (2014): Heat tolerance of early developmental stages of glacier foreland species in the growth chamber and in the field. Plant Ecology 215: 747–758
  • MAYER R. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2014): Ongoing changes at the long-term monitoring sites of Gurgler Kamm Biosphere Reserve, Tyrol, Austria. Eco.mont 6/1: 5–14
  • RASO L., SINT D., MAYER R., PLANGG S., RECHEIS T., BRUNNER S., KAUFMANN R. & TRAUGOTT M. (2014): Intraguild predation in pioneer predator communities of alpine glacier forelands. Molecular Ecology 23/15, 3744–3754
  • RASO L., SINT D., RIEF A., KAUFMANN R. & TRAUGOTT M. (2014): Molecular identification of adult and juvenile linyphiid and theridiid spiders in alpine glacier foreland communities. PLoS One 9/7, No. e101755
  • ROTT H., NAGLER T., RIPPER E., VOGLMEIER K., PRINZ R., FROMM R., et al. (2014): KU- and X-band backscatter analysis and SWE retrieval for Alpine snow. 2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • SINT D., NIEDERKLAPFER B., KAUFMANN R. & TRAUGOTT M. (2014): Group-specific multiplex PCR detection systems for the identification of flying insect prey. PLoS One 9/12, No. e115501
  • VAN GILS H., SIEGL G. & BENNETT R.M. (2014): The living commons of West-Tyrol, Austria: lessons for land policy and land administration. LAND USE POLICY 38: 16–25
  • ARNEITZ P., MEURERS B., RUESS D., ULLRICH C., ABERMANN J. & KUHN M. (2013): Gravity effect of glacial Ablation in the Eastern Alps – observation and modeling. The Cryosphere 7: 491–498
  • BOKHORST S., HUISKES A.D., AERTS R., CONVEY P., COOPER E.J., DALEN L., ERSCHBAMER B., GUDMUNDSSON J., HOFGAARD A., HOLLISTER R.D., JOHNSTONE J.L., JONSDOTTIR I.S., LEBOUVIER M., VAN DE VIJER B., WAHREN C.-H. & DORREPAAL E. (2013): Variable temperature effects of Open Top Chambers at polar and alpine sites explained by irradiance and snow depth. Global Change Biology 19/1: 64–74
  • EDWARDS A. PACHEBAT J.A., SWAIN M., HEGARTY M., HODSON A.J., IRVINE-FYNN T.D.L., RASSNER S.M.E. & SATTLER, B. (2013): A metagenomic snapshot of taxonomic and functional diversity in an alpine glacier cryoconite ecosystem. Environmental Research Letters 8/3, No. 035003
  • ERSCHBAMER B., MALLAUN M. & UNTERLUGGAUER P. (2013): Species frequencies and strategies as predictors for alterations of alpine summit vegetation. In: FREI, E.R.; STÖCKLI, V.; RIXEN, C.; WIPF, S.: Faster, Higher, More? Past, Present and Future Dynamics of Alpine and Arctic Flora under Climate Change. Bergün, 22.-25.09.2013. Abstracts. Zürich: Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), S. 8
  • GÄRTNER G. (2013): Vorarbeiten zu einer Kryptogamenflora von Obergurgl (Ötztal, Tirol). Ber. nat.-med. Verein Innsbruck 98: 47–114
  • KOCH E.M. & ERSCHBAMER B. (eds., 2013): Klima, Wetter, Gletscher im Wandel.  Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (Series / Alpine Forschungs-stelle Obergurgl, 3). ISBN 978-3-902811-89-9, Download
  • MARCANTE S., KIEBACHER T. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2013): Reproductive responses of glacier foreland species to simulated climate change. Coll Phytosociol XXIX: 361–373
  • THIES H., NICKUS U., TOLOTTI M., TESSADRI R. & KRAINER K. (2013): Evidence of rock glacier melt impacts on water chemistry and diatoms in high mountain streams. Cold Regions Science and Technology 96, 77–85
  • ERSCHBAMER B., BÖSCH D., FLEISCH M., PEINTNER U. & SCHWIENBACHER E. (2012): Keimung und Etablierung im Gletschervorfeld in Abhängigkeit von abiotischen und biotischen Faktoren. Ber. d. Reinh.-Tüxen-Ges. 24: 89–102
  • KOCH E.M. & ERSCHBAMER B. (eds., 2012): An den Grenzen des Waldes und der menschlichen Siedlung. Alpine Forschungsstelle Obergurgl - Band 2, innsbruck university press • iup, ISBN 978-3-902811-40-0, Download
  • MARCANTE S., SIERRA-ALLMEIDA A., SPINDELBÖCK J.P., ERSCHBAMER B. & NEUNER G. (2012): Frost as a limiting factor for recruitment and establishment of early developmental stages in an alpine glacier foreland? Journal of Vegetation Science 23: 858-868
  • MARGREITER V., SCHWIENBACHER E. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2012): Reproduktion und Phänologie von Poa alpina L. entlang von Umweltgradienten. Ber. nat.-med. Verein Innsbruck, Suppl. 20: 38
  • SCHWIENBACHER E., NAVARRO-CANO J.A., NEUNER G. & ERSCHBAMER, B. (2012): Correspondence of seed traits with niche position in glacier foreland succession. Plant Ecology 213: 371–382
  • SINT D., RASO L. & TRAUGOTT M. (2012): Advances in multiplex PCR: balancing primer efficiencies and improving detection success. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 898–905
  • CICHINI K., SCHWIENBACHER E., MARCANTE S., SEEBER G.U.H. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2011): Colonization of experimentally created gaps along an alpine successional gradient. Plant Ecol 212: 1613–1627
  • ERSCHBAMER B. & MAYER R. (2011): Can successional species groups be discriminated based on their life history traits? A study from a glacier foreland in the Central Alps. Plant Ecology & Diversity 4: 341–351
  • KAUFMANN R. & ORTNER L. (2011): Namenökologie – Eine neue Forschungsrichtung mit mikrotoponomastischen und landschaftsökologischen Methoden. Am Beispiel der Hochgebirgsorte Obergurgl und Vent (Tirol). In: ZIEGLER A. & WINDBERGER HEIDENKUMMER E. (eds.): Methoden der Namenforschung – Methodologie, Methodik und Praxis. Akademie Verlag, 2011,
  • SCHWIENBACHER E., NAVARRO-CANO J.A., NEUNER G. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2011) Seed dormancy in alpine species. Flora 206: 845–856
  • KOCH E.M. & ERSCHBAMER B. (eds., 2010): Glaziale und periglaziale Lebensräume im Raum Obergurgl. Alpine Forschungsstelle Obergurgl - Band 1, innsbruck university press • iup, ISBN 978-3-902719-50-8, Download
  • SCHWIENBACHER E., MARCANTE S. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2010): Alpine species seed longevity in the soil in relation to seed size and shape – a 5-year burial experiment in the Central Alps. Flora 205: 19–25
  • WINKLER E., MARCANTE S. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2010): Demographic consequences of the two reproductive modes in Poa alpina L. along a primary succession gradient in the Central Alps. Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res. 42: 227–235


  • MARCANTE S., SCHWIENBACHER E. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2009a): Genesis of a soil seed bank on a primary succession in the Central Alps (Ötztal, Austria). Flora 204: 434–444
  • MARCANTE S., WINKLER E. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2009b): Population dynamics along a primary succession gradient: do alpine species fit into demographic succession theory? Ann. Bot. 103: 1129–1143
  • ERSCHBAMER B., NIEDERFRINIGER SCHLAG R. & WINKLER E. (2008): Colonization processes on a central Alpine glacier foreland. J Veg Sci 19: 855–862
  • MÜHLMANN O., BACHER M. & PEINTNER U. (2008): Polygonum viviparum mycobionts on an alpine primary successional glacier forefront. Mycorrhiza 18: 87–95
  • MÜHLMANN O. & PEINTNER U. (2008): Mycobionts of Salix herbacea on a glacier forefront in the Austrian Alps. Mycorrhiza 18: 171–180
  • MÜHLMANN O. & PEINTNER U. (2008):  Ectomycorrhiza of Kobresia myosuroides at a primary successional Glacier forefront. Mycorrhiza 18: 355–362
  • RAFFL C., HOLDEREGGER R., PARSON W. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2008): Patterns in genetic diversity of Trifolium pallescens populations do not reflect chronosequence on alpine glacier forelands. Heredity 100: 526–532
  • WIESER G., HAMMERLE A., & WOHLFAHRT G. (2008): The Water Balance of Grassland Ecosystems in the Austrian Alps. Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res. 40: 439–445
  • ERSCHBAMER B. (2007): Winners and losers of climate change in a central alpine glacier foreland. Arct Antarct Alp Res 39: 237–244
  • KOCH O., TSCHERKO D. & KANDELER E. (2007): Temperature sensitivity of microbial respiration, nitrogen mineralization, and potential soil enzyme activities in organic alpine soils. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21(4),
  • RAFFL C., MALLAUN M., MAYER R. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2006): Vegetation succession pattern and diversity changes in a glacier valley, Central Alps, Austria. Arct. Antarct. Alpi. Res. 38: 421–428
  • RAFFL C., SCHÖNSWETTER P., ERSCHBAMER B. (2006): ‘Sax-sess’ – genetics of primary succession in a pioneer species on two parallel glacier forelands. Mol. Ecol. 15: 2433–2440
  • BORTENSCHLAGER S. & BORTENSCHLAGER I. (2005): Altering airborne pollen concentrations due to the Global Warming. A comparative analysis of airborne pollen records from Innsbruck and Obergurgl (Austria) for the period 1980–2001. Grana 44: 172–180
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  • RAFFL C. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2004): Comparative vegetation analyses of two transects crossing a characteristic glacier valley in the Central Alps. Phytocoenologia 34: 225–240
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  • KAUFMANN R. (2002): Glacier foreland colonisation: distinguishing between short-term and long-term effects of climate change. Oecologia 130: 470–475
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  • ERSCHBAMER B., KNERINGER E. & NIEDERFRINIGER SCHLAG R. (2001) Seed rain, soil seed bank, seedling recruitment, and survival of seedlings on a glacier foreland in the Central Alps. Flora 196: 304–312
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  • NIEDERFRINIGER SCHLAG R. & ERSCHBAMER B. (2000): Germination and establishment of seedlings on a glacier foreland in the Central Alps, Austria. Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res. 32: 270–277

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  • PEINTNER U. (Projektleitung): MICINSNOW Mikrobielle Interaktionen schneebedeckter Habitate (2019–2023). FWF P31038, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download
  • BARDGETT R. D. et al. (Projektleitung): Soil microbial community dynamics and biogeochemical cycles under global change: effects of climate and vegetation change in alpine ecosystems (2017–2020). NERC NE/N009452/1, Abstract
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  • Graf, A., Wohlfahrt, G., Aranda-Barranco, S., et al. (2023): Joint optimization of land carbon uptake and albedo can help achieve moderate instantaneous and long-term cooling effects. Communications Earth & Environment 4/1: 298, 


  • SCHWARZ, M., HAMMERLE, A., JULITTA, T., MIGLIAVACCA, M. & WOHLFAHRT, G. (2022): Seasonal dynamics of active and passive chlorophyll fluorescence in a mountain Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11439,


  • HELD, M., GANTHALER, A., LINTUNEN, A., OBERHUBER, W. & MAYR, S. (2021): Tracheid and pit dimensions hardly vary in the Xylem of Pinus sylvestris under contrasting growing conditions. Front. Plant Sci. 12:786593. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.786593



2022 | 2021 | 2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2010–2014  |  2000–2009  |  vor 2000  |  Berichte (Projekte, Veranstaltungen, Messreihen)


  • Neuner, G. & Buchner, O. (2023): The dose makes the poison: The longer the heat lasts, the lower the temperature for functional impairment and damage. Environmental and Experimental Botany 212: 105395,
  • Ninomiya, H. et al. (2023): Modeling of non-structural carbohydrate dynamics by the spatially explicit individual-based dynamic global vegetation model SEIB-DGVM (SEIB-DGVM-NSC version 1.0). Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 4155–4170,
  • OBERHUBER, W., DOBLER, A.-L., HEINZE, T. et al. (2023): Climate Overrides the Influence of Microsite Conditions on Radial Growth of the Tall Multi-Stemmed Shrub Alnus alnobetula at Treeline. Plants 12: 1708, 
  • OBERHUBER, W., SALINO, E., OBEXER, L., WIESER, G. & GRUBER, A. (2023): Is growth of Swiss stone pine at the alpine treeline impaired or enhanced by competition with N2-fixing green alder? EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2212, 
  • Oberhuber, W., Gruber, A. & Wieser, G. (2023): Seasonal and daily xylem radius variations in Scots pine are closely linked to enviromental factors affecting transpiration. Biology 12, 9: 1251. 
  • ROACH, T., NEUNER, G., KRANNER, I. & BUCHNER, O. (2023): Heat Acclimation under Drought Stress Induces Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in the Alpine Plant Primula minima. Antioxidants, 12(5): 1093, 
  • STEGNER, M., BUCHNER, O., GESSLBAUER, M. et al. (2023): Frozen mountain pine needles: The endodermis discriminates between the ice-containing central tissue and the ice-free fully functional mesophyll. Physiologia Plantarum, 175( 1), e13865,


  • BERTEL, C., KAPLENIG, D., RALSER, M. et al. (2022): Parallel Differentiation and Plastic Adjustment of Leaf Anatomy in Alpine Arabidopsis arenosa Ecotypes. Plants, 11, 2626. 
  • GANTHALER A., BÄR A., DÄMON B., LOSSO A., NARDINI A., DULLIN C., TROMBA G., VON ARX G. & MAYR S. (2022): Alpine dwarf shrubs show high proportions of non-functional xylem: Visualization and quantification of species-specific patterns. Plant, Cell & Environment 45: 55–68, DOI: 10.1111/pce.14226
  • GRUBER, A., OBERHUBER, W. & WIESER, G. (2022): Treeline-Quo Vadis? An Ecophysiological Approach. Forests 2022, 13, 857, 
  • KAPLENIG, D., BERTEL, C., ARC, E. et al. (2022): Repeated colonization of alpine habitats by Arabidopsis arenosa viewed through freezing resistance and ice management strategies. Plant Biol J, 24: 939-949.
  • OERHUBER, W.; WIESER, G.; BERNICH, F.; GRUBER, A. (2022): Radial Stem Growth of the Clonal Shrub Alnus alnobetula at Treeline Is Constrained by Summer Temperature and Winter Desiccation and Differs in Carbon Allocation Strategy Compared to Co-Occurring Pinus cembra. Forests 13, 440,
  • PRAMSOHLER, M., LICHTENBERGER, E. & NEUNER, G (2022): Seasonal Xylem Sap Acidification Is Governed by Tree Phenology, Temperature and Elevation of Growing Site. Plants, 11, 2058. 
  • SALOMÓN, R.L., PETERS, R.L., ZWEIFEL, R. et al. (2022): The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests. Nature Communications 13, 28;
  • STEGNER, M., FLÖRL, A., LINDNER, J. et al. (2022): Freeze dehydration vs. supercooling of mesophyll cells: Impact of cell wall, cellular and tissue traits on the extent of water displacement. Physiologia Plantarum, 174( 6), e13793,
  • TELAGATHOTI, A., PROBST, M., MANDOLINI, E. & PEINTNER, U. (2022): Mortierellaceae from subalpine and alpine habitats: new species of Entomortierella, Linnemannia, Mortierella, Podila and Tyroliella gen. nov. Studies in Mycology 103: 25–58,


  • GANTHALER A. & MAYR S. (2021): Subalpine dwarf shrubs differ in vulnerability to xylem cavitation: an innovative staining approach enables new insights. Physiologia Plantarum, 
  • LOSSO, A., BÄR, A., UNTERHOLZNER, L., BAHN, M. & MAYR, S. (2021): Branch water uptake and redistribution in two conifers at the alpine treeline. Scientific Reports 11: 22560,
  • PESKOLLER A., SILBERNAGL L., HÜLBER K., SONNLEITNER M. & SCHÖNSWETTER P. (2021): Do pentaploid hybrids mediate gene flow between tetraploid Senecio disjunctus and hexaploid S. carniolicus s. str. (S. carniolicus aggregate, Asteraceae)? Alpine Botany,
  • POYATOS R., GRANDA V., […], OBERHUBER W., et al (2021): Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 13: 2607–2649,
  • TELAGATHOTI A., PROBST M., KHOMENKO I., BIASIOLI F. & PEINTNER U. (2021): High-Throughput Volatilome Fingerprint Using PTR–ToF–MS Shows Species-Specific Patterns in Mortierella and Closely Related Genera. J. Fungi 7:66,
  • TELAGATHOTI A., PROBST M. & PEINTNER U. (2021): Habitat, snow-cover and soil pH, affect the distribution and diversity of Mortierellaceae species and their associations to bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 12,
  • WAGNER J., GRUBER K., LADINIG U., BUCHNER O. & NEUNER G. (2021): Winter Frosts Reduce Flower Bud Survival in High-Mountain Plants. Plants 10, 1507,


  • BUCHNER O., STEINER P., ANDOSCH A.; HOLZINGER A., STEGER M., NEUNER G & LÜTZ-MEINDL, U. (2020): A new technical approach for preparing frozen biological samples for electron microscopy. Plant Methods 16(1) No. 48, doi: 10.1186/s13007-020-00586-5
  • HUANG J.-G., QIANQIAN M., ROSSI S., BIONDI F., DESLAURIERS A., FONTI P., LIANG E., MÄKINEN H., OBERHUBER W. & GRUBER A. et al (2020): Photoperiod and temperature as dominant environmental drivers triggering secondary growth resumption in Northern Hemisphere conifers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117/34: 20645–20652, (SCIE-IF 2019: 9,412),
  • NEUNER G., HUBER B., PLANGGER A., POHLIN J.-M. & WALDE J. (2020): Low temperatures at higher elevations require plants to exhibit increased freezing resistance throughout the summer months. Environmental and Experimental Botany 169, No. 103882,
  • OBERHUBER W., BENDLER U., GAMPER V., GEIER J., HÖLZL A., KOFLER W., KRISMER H., WALDBOTH B. & WIESER G. (2020): Growth trends of coniferous species along altitudinal transects in the Central European Alps indicate decreasing sensitivity to climate warming. Forests 11:2, No. 132,
  • STEGNER M., LACKNER B., SCHÄFERNOLTE T., BUCHNER O., XIAO N., GIERLINGER N., HOLZINGER A. & NEUNER G. (2020): Winter nights during summer time: stress physiological response to ice and facilitation of freezing cytorrhysis by elastic cell wall components in leaves of a nival species. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 21(19) 7042.
  • STEGNER M., WAGNER J., & NEUNER G. (2020): Ice accommodation in plant tissues pinpointed by cryo-microscopy in reflected-polarised-light. Plant Methods 16(1), 73,


  • NEUNER G., MONITZER K., KAPLENIG D. & INGRUBER J. (2019): Frost Survival Mechanism of Vegetative Buds in Temperate Trees: Deep Supercooling and Extraorgan Freezing vs. Ice Tolerance. Front. Plant Sci. 10:537,
  • NEUNER G., KREISCHE B., KAPLENIG D., MONITZER K. & MILLER R. (2019): Deep supercooling enabled by surface impregnation with lipophilic substances explains the survival of overwintering buds at extreme freezing. Plant Cell Environ 42: 2065-2074, doi: 10.1111/pce.13545


  • KARADAR M., KRANNER I., NEUNER G., HOLZINGER A. & BUCHNER O. (2018): Solar irradiation levels during simulated long and short-term heat waves significantly influence heat survival, pigment and ascorbate composition, and free radical scavenging activity in alpine Vaccinium gaultherioides. Physiol Plant, 163, 211–230, DOI: 10.1111/ppl.12686
  • KUPRIAN E., KOCH S., MUNKLER C., RESNYAK A., BUCHNER I., OBERHAMMER M. & NEUNER G. (2018): Does winter desiccation account for seasonal increases in supercooling capacity of Norway spruce bud primordia? Tree Physiology 38(4): 591–601,
  • LOSSO A., ANFODILLO T., GANTHALER A., KOFLER W., MARKL Y., NARDINI A., OBERHUBER W., PURIN G. & MAYR S. (2018): Robustness of xylem properties in conifers: analyses of tracheid and pit dimensions along elevational transects. Tree Physiology 38, 212–222,
  • WIESER G., OBERHUBER W., WALDBOTH B., GRUBER A., SIEGWOLF R.T., GRAMS T.E. & MATYSSEK R. (2018): Long-term trends in leaf level gas exchange mirror tree-ring derived intrinsic water-use efficiency of Pinus cembra at treeline during the last century. Agric. For. Meteorol. 248: 251–258, DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.09.023


  • BUCHNER O., ROACH T., GERTZEN J., SCHENK S., KARADAR M., STÖGGL W., MILLER R., BERTEL C., NEUNER G. & KRANNER I. (2017): Drought affects the heat-hardening capacity of alpine plants as indicated by changes in xanthophyll cycle pigments, singlet oxygen scavenging, α-tocopherol and plant Hormones. Environmental and Experimental Botany 133: 159-175, ISSN 0098-8472,
  • KUPRIAN E., MUNKLER C., RESNYAK A., ZIMMERMANN S., TUONG T. D., GIERLINGER N., MÜLLER T., LIVINGSTON III D.P. & NEUNER G. (2017): Complex bud architecture and cell-specific chemical patterns enable supercooling of Picea abies bud primordia. Plant Cell Environ, 40, 3101-3112.


  • KUPRIAN E., TUONG T.D., PFALLER K., WAGNER J., LIVINGSTON D.P.III., NEUNER G. (2016): Persistent Supercooling of Reproductive Shoots Is Enabled by Structural Ice Barriers Being Active Despite an Intact Xylem Connection. PLoS One 11/9, Nr. e0163160., 


  • BUCHNER O., STOLL M., KARADAR M., KRANNER I. & NEUNER G: (2015): Application of heat stress in situ demonstrates a protective role of irradiation on photosynthetic performance in alpine plants. Plant Cell Environ 38(4): 812–826, doi: 10.1111/pce.12455
  • LADINIG U., PRAMSOHLER M., BAUER I., ZIMMERMANN S., NEUNER G. & WAGNER J. (2015): Is sexual reproduction of
    high-mountain plants endangered by heat? Oecologia 177: 1195–1210,


  • KUPRIAN E., BRICENO V.F., WAGNER J. & NEUNER G. (2014): Ice barriers promote supercooling and prevent frost injury in reproductive buds, flowers and fruits of alpine dwarf shrubs throughout the summer. Environmental and Experimental Botany 106: 4–12, 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2014.01.011
  • NEUNER G. (2014): Frost resistance in alpine woody plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 5, Article 654,
  • WIESER G., GRUBER A. & OBERHUBER W. (2014): Sap flow characteristics and whole-tree water use of Pinus cembra across the treeline ecotone of the central Tyrolean Alps. Eur. J. For. Res. 133: 287–295,
  • BUCHNER O., KARADAR M., BAUER I. & NEUNER G. (2013): A novel system for in situ determination of heat tolerance of
    plants: first results on alpine dwarf shrubs. Plant Methods 9(7): 1–13, DOI: 10.1186/1746-4811-9-7
  • KUPRIAN E., BRIGRUBER A., PIRKEBNER D. & OBERHUBER W. (2013): Seasonal dynamics of mobile carbohydrate pools in phloem and xylem of two alpine timberline conifers. Tree Physiology 33: 1076–1083
  • LADINIG U., HACKER J., NEUNER G. & WAGNER J. (2013): How endangered is sexual reproduction of high-mountain plants by summer frosts? Frost resistance, frequency of frost events and risk assessment. Oecologia 171(3): 743–760,
  • BUCHNER O. & NEUNER G. (2011): Winter frost resistance of Pinus cembra measured in situ at the alpine timberline as affected by temperature conditions. Tree Physiology 31: 1217–1227,
  • HACKER J., LADINIG U., WAGNER J. & NEUNER G. (2011): Inflorescence of alpine cushion plants freeze autonomously and may survive subzero temperatures by supercooling. Plant Science 180(1): 149–156,
  • NEUNER G. & BEIKIRCHER B. (2010): Critically reduced frost resistance of Picea abies during sprouting in relation to cytological changes. Protoplasma 243(1–4): 145–152
  • WIESER G. (2010): Lessons from the timberline ecotone in the Central Tyrolean Alps: a review. Plant Ecol. Divers. 5: 127–139


  • BUCHNER O. & NEUNER G. (2009): A low-temperature freezing system to study the effects of temperatures to –70 °C on trees in situ. Tree Physiology 29(3): 313–320,
  • BIRMANN K. & KÖRNER C. (2009): Nitrogen status of conifer needles at the alpine treeline. Plant Ecology & Diversity 2(3): 233–241
  • GRUBER A., ZIMMERMANN J., WIESER G. & OBERHUBER W. (2009). Effects of climate variables on intra-annual stem radial increment in Pinus cembra (L.) along the timberline ecotone. Ann. For. Sci. 66: 503.
  • MATYSSEK R., WIESER G., PATZNER K., BLASCHKE H. & HÄBERLE K.-H. (2009): Transpiration of forest trees and stands at different altitude: Consistencies rather than contrasts? Eur. J. For. Res. 128: 579–596
  • WIESER G., MATYSSEK R., LUZIAN R., ZWERGER P., PINDUR P., OBERHUBER W. & GRUBER A. (2009): Effects of atmospheric and climate change at the timberline of the Central European Alps. Ann. For. Sci. 66, 402
  • HACKER J. & NEUNER G. (2008): Ice propagation in dehardened alpine plant species studies by infrared differential thermal analysis (IDTA). Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 40(4): 660–670,[HACKER]2.0.CO;2
  • OBERHUBER W., KOFLER W., PFEIFER K., SEEBER A., GRUBER A. & WIESER G. (2008): Long-term changes in tree-ring–climate relationships at Mt. Patscherkofel (Tyrol, Austria) since the mid-1980s. Trees 22: 31–40
  • PIBER A., TROPPER P. & MIRWALD P.W. (2008): The metamorphic evolution of the  Patscherkofel Crystalline Complex (Tyrol, Eastern Alps, Austria). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 101: 27–35
  • WIESER G., HAMMERLE A., & WOHLFAHRT G. (2008): The Water Balance of Grassland Ecosystems in the Austrian Alps. Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res. 40: 439–445
  • LUIS V., TASCHLER D., HACKER J., JIMÉNEZ M., WIESER G. & NEUNER G. (2007): Ice nucleation and frost resistance of Pinus canariensis seedlings bearing needles in three different developmental states. Annals of Forest Science 64: 177–182
  • WIESER G. & TAUSZ M.(2007): Trees at Their Upper Limit: Treelife Limitation at the Alpine Timberline. Springer: Berlin, Germany, 2007; Volume 5.
  • HACKER J. & NEUNER G. (2006): Photosynthetic capacity and PS2 efficiency of the evergreen alpine cushion plant Saxifraga paniculata during winter at different altitudes. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 38(2): 198–205
  • MAYR S., WIESER G. & BAUER H. (2006): Xylem temperatures during winter in conifers at the alpine timberline. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 137: 81–88 
  • NEUNER G. & PRAMSOHLER M. (2006): Freezing and high temperature thresholds of photosystem 2 compared to ice nucleation, frost and heat damage in evergreen subalpine plants. Physiologia Plantarum 126(2),
  • BRAUN V. & NEUNER G. (2004): Response of effective quantum yield of PS II to in situ temperature in three alpine plants. Photosynthetica 42(4): 607–613, DOI: 10.1007/S11099-005-0020-3
  • STEINER E. & THALER K. (2004): Höhenverteilung arborikoler Spinnen (Arachnida: Araneae) im Gebirgswald der Zentralalpen (Patscherkofel bei Innsbruck, Nordtirol). Ber. nat.-med. Verein Innsbruck 91: 157–185
  • TASCHLER D. & NEUNER G. (2004): Summer frost resistance and freezing patterns measured in situ in leaves of major alpine plant growth forms in relation to their upper distribution boundary. Plant, Cell and Environment 27: 737–746
  • TASCHLER D., BEIKIRCHER B. & NEUNER G. (2004): Frost resistance and ice nucleation in leaves of five woody timberline species measured in situ during shoot expansion. Tree Physiology 24, S. 331 - 337
  • BUCHNER O. & NEUNER G. (2003): Variability of Heat Tolerance in Alpine Plant Species Measured at Different Altitudes. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 35(4): 411–420
  • BRENNER S. (2002): Buckelfliegen (Diptera: Phoridae) an der Waldgrenze bei Innsbruck (Nordtirol, Österreich). Entomologica Austriaca 6
  • NEUNER G., BRAUN V., BUCHNER O. & TASCHLER D. (2002): Leaf rosette closure in the alpine rock species Saxifraga paniculata Mill.: significance for survival of drought and heat under high Irradiation. Plant, Cell & Environment 22(12),
  • BUCHNER O. & NEUNER G. (2001): Determination of heat tolerance: A new equipment for field measurements. J Appl Bot 75:130–137.
  • NEUNER G., BUCHNER O. & BRAUN V. (2000): Short‐Term Changes in Heat Tolerance in the Alpine Cushion Plant Silene acaulis ssp. excapa [All.] J. Braun at Different Altitudes. Plant Biology 2(6),

vor 2000

  • NEUNER G., AMBACH D. & AICHNER K. (1999): Impact of snow cover on photoinhibition and winter desiccation in evergreen Rhododendron ferrugineum leaves during subalpine winter. Tree Physiology 19: 725–732
  • NEUNER G., AMBACH D. & BUCHNER O. (1999): Readiness to frost harden during the dehardening period measured in situ in leaves of Rhododendron ferrugineum L. at the alpine timberline. Flora 194: 289–296
  • NEUNER G. & BUCHNER O. (1999): Assessment of foliar frost damage: a comparison of in vivo Chlorophyll fluorescence with other viability tests. J Appl Bot 73: 50–54
  • NEUNER G., BRAUN V., BUCHNER O. & TASCHLER D. (1999): Leaf rosette closure in the alpine rock species Saxifraga paniculata Mill.: significance for survival of drought and heat under high irradiation. Plant Cell and Environment 22: 1539–1548
  • NEWESELY C., CERNUSCA A. & BODNER M. (1994): Entstehung und Auswirkung von Sauerstoffmangel im Bereich unterschiedlich präparierter Schipisten. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 23
  • HAVRANEK W.M. (1985): Gas exchange and dry matter allocation in larch at the alpine timberline on Mount Patscherkofel. Eidg. Anst. Forstl. Versuchswes., Ber. 270: 135–142
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  • KRANNER I. (Projektleitung): Akklimatisation und Adaptation in Arabidopsis arenosa (2018–2022). FWF P31027, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download
  • NEUNER G. (Projektleitung): Ice Management and Freeze Dehydration of Plant Cells (2018–2021). FWF P30139, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download
  • OBERGUBER W. (Projektleitung): Stammwachstum und Atmung der Zirbe an der Waldgrenze (2006–2009). FWF P18819, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download, Endbericht Kurzbeschreibung: download
  • BORTENSCHLAGER S. (Projektleitung): Variabilität der Klima-Wachstums-Beziehung an der Waldgrenze (2002–2004). FWF P14554, Projektkurzbeschreibung: download, Endbericht Kurzbeschreibung: download


Piburger See

2021 | 2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2010–2014  |  2000–2009  |  vor 2000  |  Berichte (Projekte, Veranstaltungen, Messreihen)



  • FRANTAL, D., AGATHA, S., BEISSER, D. et al. (2022): Molecular Data Reveal a Cryptic Diversity in the Genus Urotricha (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Prostomatida), a Key Player in Freshwater Lakes, With Remarks on Morphology, Food Preferences, and Distribution. Front. Microbiol. 12: 787290, 
  • Spanner, C. et al. (2022): Morphological diversity and molecular phylogeny of five Paramecium bursaria (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea) syngens and the identification of their green algal endosymbionts. Sci. Rep. 12: 18089, 
  • TEMPLER, P.H. et al. (2022): Atmospheric Deposition and Precipitation are Important Predictors of Inorganic Nitrogen Export to Streams from Forest and Grassland Watersheds: A Large-Scale Data Synthesis. Biogeochemistry,
  • TEMPLER, P.H. et al. (2022): International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) Atmospheric Deposition and Stream Nitrogen Synthesis ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative,


  • HARRINGER M. & ALFREIDER A. (2021): Primer evaluation and development of a droplet digital PCR protocol targeting amoA genes for the quantification of Comammox in lakes. Scientific Reports 11, Art. No. 2982,
  • JANE S.F., HANSEN G.J.A., KRAEMER B.M., […] SOMMARUGA R., et al. (2021): Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes. Nature 594, 66–70,
  • KRAEMER B.M., PILLA R.M., […] SOMMARUGA R., et al. (2021): Climate change drives widespread shifts in lake thermal Habitat. Nature Climate Change 11, 521–529,
  • OSWALD P., STRASSER M., HAMMERL C. et al. (2021): Seismic control of large prehistoric rockslides in the Eastern Alps. Nat Commun 12, 1059,
  • PILLA, R.M., METTE, E., […], SOMMARUGA, R., et al. (2021): Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes. Scientific Data 8, 200,


  • AGUILAR P. & SOMMARUGA R. (2020): The balance between deterministic and stochastic processes in structuring lake bacterioplankton community over time. Molecular Ecology 29:16, 3117 - 3130,
  • KOPEJTKA K., TOMASCH J., ZENG Y., SELYANIN V., DACHEV M., PIWOSZ K., TICHÝ M., BÍNA D., GARDIAN Z., BUNK B., BRINKMANN H., GEFFERS R., SOMMARUGA R. & KOBLIZEK M. (2020): Simultaneous presence of bacteriochlorophyll and xanthorhodopsin genes in a freshwater bacterium. mSystems 5/6, No. e01044-20, DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.01044-20
  • OSWALD P., HUANG J.-J. S., FABBRI S., AUFLEGER M., DAXER C., STRASSER M. & MOERNAUT J. (2020): Strong earthquakes as main trigger mechanism for large pre-historic rock slope failures in Western Tyrol (Austria, Eastern Alps): constraints from lacustrine paleoseismology. EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-14611,
  • PILLA R.M., WILLIAMSON C.E., […], SOMMARUGA R., STRAILE D., STROCK K.E., et al. (2020): Deeper waters are changing less consistently than surface waters in a global analysis of 102 lakes. Scientific Reports 10, No. 20514,
  • SONNTAG B. & SOMMARUGA R. (2020): Effectiveness of Photoprotective Strategies in Three Mixotrophic Planktonic Ciliate Species. Diversity-Basel 12/6, No. 252,
  • WERNER N., ORFANOUDAKI M., HARTMANN A., GANZERA M. & SOMMARUGA R. (2020): Low temporal dynamics of mycosporine‐like amino acids in benthic cyanobacteria from an alpine lake. Freshwater Biology 6:1, 169–176,


  • ALFREIDER A. & TARTAROTTI B. (2019): Spatiotemporal dynamics of different CO2 fixation strategies used by prokaryotes in a dimictic lake. Sci Rep 9, 15068,
  • NIEDRIST G.H., PSENNER R. & SOMMARUGA R. (2019): The climate crisis increases not only vertical and seasonal water temperature differences, but also irregular variabilities in a mountain lake. In: SEFS11 - 11th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, June 30–July 5, 2019, Zagreb, Croatia. Abstract book. Zagreb: Croatian Association of Freshwater Ecologists., S. 30
  • NÜRNBERG G.K. (2019): Hypolimnetic withdrawal as a lake restoration technique: determination of feasibility and continued benefits. Hydrobiologia 847: 4487–4501,
  • OSWALD P., PÖLL J., HUANG J.-J.S., INNERHOFER D., STRASSER M. & MOERNAUT J. (2019): Investigating trigger mechanisms for Mid-to-Late Holocene landslide clustering in the Eastern Alps using the sedimentary infill of Piburgersee (Central Tyrol, Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts 21: 1
  • TARTAROTTI B., SOMMARUGA R. & SAUL, N. (2019): Contrasting diurnal patterns in antioxidant capacities, but not in expression of stress protein genes among copepod populations from clear versus glacially fed alpine and subalpine lakes. Journal of Plankton Research 41(6): 897–908, doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbz061
  • WAIBEL A., PETER H. & SOMMARUGA R. (2019): Importance of mixotrophic flagellates during the ice-free season in lakes located along an elevational gradient. Aquat Sci, 81: 45,


  • ALFREIDER A. & BOGENSPERGER T. (2018). Specific detection of form IA RubisCO genes in chemoautotrophic bacteria. J. Basic Microbiol. 58: 712–716, 
  • DUFRESNE A., OSTERMANN, M. & PREUSSER, F. (2018): River-damming, late-Quaternary rockslides in the Ötz Valley region (Tyrol, Austria). Geomorphology, 310: 153–167,
  • NIEDRIST G. H., PSENNER R., & SOMMARUGA R. (2018): Climate warming increases vertical and seasonal water temperature differences, and inter-annual variability in a mountain lake. Climatic Change 151: 473–490,


  • ALFREIDER A., BAUMER A., BOGENSBERGER T., POSCH T., SALCHER M.M. & SUMMERER M. (2017): CO2 assimilation strategies in stratified lakes: diversity and distribution patterns of chemolithoautotrophs. Environ. Microbiol. 19: 2754–2768, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13786
  • STENZEL B., ROFNER C., PÉREZ M.T. & SOMMARUGA R. (2017): Stoichiometry of natural bacterial assemblages from lakes located across an elevational gradient. Sci Rep 7, 5875,


  • MINELLA M., LEONI B., SALMASO N., SAVOYE L., SOMMARUGA R. & VIONE D. (2016): Long-term trends of chemical and modelled photochemical parameters in four Alpine lakes. Science of The Total Environment 541: 247–256,
  • ROFNER, C., SOMMARUGA R. & PÉREZ M.T. (2016): Phosphate and ATP uptake by lake bacteria: does taxonomical identity matter? Environmental Microbiology 18: 4782–4793, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13368
  • WEISSE T. & SONNTAG B. (2016): Ciliates in planktonic food webs: communication and adaptive response. In: Witzany G., Nowacki M. (eds.): Biocommunication of Ciliates, 351–372, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32211-7_19


  • TOLOTTI M., GUILIZZONI P., LAMI A., MUSAZZI S., NICKUS U., PSENNER R., ROSE N., YANG H. & THIES H. (2013): Combined effects of nutrients and climate change interaction on Piburger See (Austria)–Results from paleo- and neolimnology. In: Paleoecological reconstructions – lacustrine, peat and cave sediments. Białka Tatrzańska, Poland, 22th–25th May 2013, handle:
  • THIES H., TOLOTTI M., NICKUS U., LAMI A., MUSAZZI S., GUILIZZONI P., ROSE N.L. & YANG H. (2012): Interactions of temperature and nutrient changes: effects on phytoplankton in the Piburger See (Tyrol, Austria). Freshwater Biology 57(10),
  • TOLOTTI M., THIES H., NICKUS U. & PSENNER R. (2012): Temperature modulated effects of nutrients on phytoplankton changes in a mountain lake. Hydrobiologia 698: 61–75
  • SALCHER M., PERNTHALER J. & POSCH T. (2010): Spatiotemporal distribution and activity patterns of bacteria from three phylogenetic groups in an oligomesotrophic lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 55, 846–856,


  • POSCH T., FRANZOI J., PRADER M. & SALCHER M.M. (2009): New image analysis tool to study biomass and morphotypes of three major bacterioplankton groups in an alpine lake. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 54: 113-126
  • SALCHER M.M., PERNTHALER J., ZERDER M., PSENNER R. & POSCH T. (2008): Spatio‐temporal niche separation of planktonic Betaproteobacteria in an oligo‐mesotrophic lake. Environmental Microbiology 10(8),
  • SONNTAG B., STRÜDER-KYPKE M.C. & SUMMERER M. (2008): Uroleptus willii nov. sp., a euplanktonic freshwater ciliate (Dorsomarginalia, Spirotrichea, Ciliophora) with algal symbionts: morphological description including phylogenetic data of the small subunit rRNA gene sequence and ecological notes*. Denisia 23: 279–288
  • POSCH T., MINDL B., HORNÁK K., JEZBERA J., SALCHNER M.M., SATTLER B., SONNTAG B., VRBA J. & SIMEK K. (2007): Biomass reallocation within freshwater bacterioplankton induced by manipulating phosphorus availability and grazing. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 49:223–232
  • SUMMERER M., SONNTAG B. & SOMMARUGA R. (2007): An experimental test of the symbiosis specificity between the ciliate Paramecium bursaria and strains of the unicellular green alga Chlorella. Environmental Microbiology 9(8),
  • TOLOTTI M., ROTT E., THIES H. & PSENNER R. (2005): Functional species groups of summer phytoplankton in relation to lake restoration: a long-term study of Piburger See, Austria. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen 29(2): 891–894,
  • SEKAR R., PERNTHALER A., PERNTHALER J., WARNECKE F., POSCH T. & AMANN R. (2003): An Improved Protocol for Quantification of Freshwater Actinobacteria by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization. Applied And Environmental Microbiology 69(5): 2928–2935, DOI: 10.1128/AEM.69.5.2928-2935.2003
  • TOLOTTI M. & THIES H. (2002): Phytoplankton community and limnochemistry of Piburger See (Tyrol, Austria) 28 years after lake restoration. J. Limnol. 61(1): 77–88
  • POSCH T., LOFERER-KRÖßBACHER M., GUANG G., ALFREIDER A., PERNTHALER J. & PSENNER R. (2001): Precision of bacterioplankton biomass determination: a comparison of two fluorescent dyes, and of allometric and linear volume-to-carbon conversion factors. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 25: 55–63, doi:10.3354/ame025055

vor 2000

  • SOMMARUGA R. & PSENNER R. (1993): Nanociliates of the order Prostomatida: Teheir relevance in the microbial food web of a mesotrophic lake. Aquatic science 55(3): 179–187
  • MACEK M., ŠIMEK K., PERNTHALER J., VYHNÁLEK V. & PSENNER R. (1996): Growth rates of dominant planktonic ciliates in two freshwater bodies of different trophic degree. Journal of Plankton Research 18(4): 463–481,
  • PERNTHALER J., ŠIMEK K., SATTLER B., SCHWARZENBACHER A., BOBKOVA J. & PSENNER R. (1996): Short-term changes of protozoan control on autotrophic picoplankton in an oligo-mesotrophic lake. Journal of Plankton Research 18(3): 443–462,
  • FÜREDER L. (1995): Distribution pattern of epilithic macrozoobenthos in a small meromictic lake (Piburger See, Tyrol). Limnologica 25(2): 129–140
  • PIPP E. & ROTT E. (1995): A phytoplankton compartment model for a small meromictic lake with special reference to species-specific niches and long-term changes. Ecological Modelling 78: 129–148
  • SOMMARUGA R. & PSENNER R. (1995): Trophic interactions within the microbial food web in Piburger See (Austria). Archiv für Hydrobiologie 132: 257–278
  • PRADER K. (1993): Die Entwicklung des Phytoplanktons im Sommer im Piburger See (Ötztal, Tirol). Ber. Nat.-Med. Verein Innsbruck 80: 39–51
  • ROTT E. (1991): Langzeitentwicklung des Phytoplanktons im Piburger See seit 1969. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Jahrestagung Mondsee 30.09.–06.10.1991. DGL, München, pp 2731                  
  • LOFERER-KRÖßBACHER M., KLIMA J. & PSENNER R. (1998): Determination of Bacterial Cell Dry Mass by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Densitometric Image Analysis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 64(2): 688–694,
  • PECHLANER R., PEHOFER H., PSENNER R., ROTT E. & SCHABER P. (1989): Ziele und Ergebnis von 18 Jahren Ökosystemforschung am Piburger See (Tirol). Bundesministerium für Wissensch, Forschung, Österr. Staatspreis für angewandte Ökosystemforschung (1989), pp. 95-125
  • PEHOFER H. (1989): Spatial Distribution of the Nematode Fauna and Production of Three Nematodes (Tobrilus gracilis, Monhystera stagnalis, Ethmolaimus pratensis) in the Profundal of Piburger See (Austria, 913 m a.s.l). Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 74(2),
  • MORITZ C. (1988): Die Verteilung der Ephippien von Bosmia longirostris und Ceriodaphnia pulchella im Sediment des Piburger Sees (Ötztal, Tirol) (Cladocera, Crustacea). Ber. nat.-med. Verein Innsbruck 75: 91–107
  • PSENNER R. (1988): Alkalinity generation in a soft‐water lake: Watershed and in‐lake processes. Limnology and Oceanography 33(6/2),
  • ROTT, E. (1988): Some aspects of the seasonal distribution of flagellates in mountain lakes. Hydrobiologia 161: 159–170
  • PSENNER R. & SCHLOTT-IDL K. (1985): Trophic relationships between bacteria and protozoa in the hypolimnion of a meromictic mesostrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 121: 111–120
  • MORITZ C. (1987): A note on the hatching and viability of Ceriodaphnia ephippia collected from lake sediment. In: FORRÓ L. & FREY D.G. (eds.) Cladocera. Developments in Hydrobiology, vol 35. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • ROTT E. (1986): The light climate of a small deep lake (Piburger see, Austria) and its influence on phytoplankton production. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 107: 89–117
  • PSENNER R. (1984): The Proportion of Empneuston and Total Atmospheric Inputs of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Nutrient Budget of a Small Mesotrophic Lake (Piburger See, Austria). Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 69(1),
  • PSENNER R. (1984): Phosphorus release patterns from sediments of a meromictic mesotrophic lake (Piburger See, Austria). SIL Proceedings, 22(1), 
  • PSENNER R., PECHLANER R. & Rott E. (1984): Belastung und Belastbarkeit des Piburger Sees. In: Der Einfluss des diffusen Nährstoffeintrags auf die Eutrophierung von Seen, Veröffentlichungen des Österreichischen MaB‐Programm, 8, pp. 969. Wagner Universitätsverlag, Innsbruck.                     
  • PECHLANER R. & PSENNER R. (1983): Restaurierungsverlauf Piburger See II: Nährstofflieferung aus Sedimenten als Ursache der Oligotrophierungsverzögerung. In: Ergebnisse des Osterreichischen Eutrophierungsprogrammes 1978–1982. Bundesministerium f. Wiss. u. Forschg., Wien p. 70–71
  • PSENNER R. (1983): Die Entstehung von Pyrit in rezenten Sedimenten des Piburger Sees. Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 45(1): 219–232
  • ROTT E. (1983): Sind die Veränderungen im Phytoplanktonbild des Piburger Sees Auswirkungen der Tiefenwasserableitung?[Are changes in phytoplankton assemblages of Piburger See consequences of hypolimnetic water removal?] Algological Studies/Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement 67: 29–80
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2022 | 2021 | 2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2010–2014  |  2000–2009  |  vor 2000  |  Berichte (Projekte, Veranstaltungen, Messreihen)


  • Ganthaler et al. (2023): Elevated nutrient supply can exert worse effects on Norway spruce than drought, viewed through chemical defence against needle rust. Tree Physiology 43: 1745–1757,


  • GANTHALER A., BÄR A., DÄMON B., LOSSO A., NARDINI A., DULLIN C., TROMBA G., VON ARX G. & MAYR S. (2022): Alpine dwarf shrubs show high proportions of non-functional xylem: Visualization and quantification of species-specific patterns. Plant, Cell & Environment 45: 55–68, DOI: 10.1111/pce.14226
  • SALOMÓN, R.L., PETERS, R.L., ZWEIFEL, R. et al. (2022): The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests. Nature Communications 13, 28;
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  • TRUJILLO-MOYA, C., GANTHALER, A., STÖGGL, W. et al. (2022). Advances in understanding Norway spruce natural resistance to needle bladder rust infection: transcriptional and secondary metabolites profiling. BMC Genomics 23, 435, 


  • BÄR A., SCHRÖTER D. M. & MAYR S. (2021): When the heat is on: High temperature resistance of buds from European tree species. Plant, Cell & Environment, 
  • FENG F., LOSSO A., TYREE M., ZHANG S. & MAYR S. (2021): Cavitation fatigue in conifers: a study on eight European species. Plant Physiology, 186:3, 1580–1590,
  • MAYR S. (2021): Relevance of time and spatial scales in plant hydraulics. Tree Physiology 41/10, 1781–1784, http:​/​/​/10.1093​/treephys​/tpab093 
  • SASANI N., BOCK P., FELHOFER M. & GIERLINGER N. (2021): Raman imaging reveals in-situ microchemistry of cuticle and epidermis of spruce needles. Plant Methods 17, 17,
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  • TELAGATHOTI A., PROBST M. & PEINTNER U. (2021): Habitat, snow-cover and soil pH, affect the distribution and diversity of Mortierellaceae species and their associations to bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 12,


  • LINTUNEN A., LOSSO A., AALTO J., CHAN T., HÖLTTÄ T. & MAYR S. (2020): Propagating ice front induces gas bursts and ultrasonic acoustic emissions from freezing xylem. Tree Physiology 40: 170–182
  • LOSSO A., SAILER J., BÄR A., GANTHALER A. & MAYR S. (2020): Insights into trunks of Pinus cembra: analyses of hydraulics via electrical resistivity tomography. Trees 34: 999–1008
  • MAYR S., SCHMID P., BEIKIRCHER B., FENG F., & BADEL E. (2020): Die hard: timberline conifers survive annual winter embolism. New Phytologist, 226: 13–20
  • TRUJILLO-MOYA C., GANTHALER A., STÖGGL W., KRANNER I., SCHÜLER S., ERTL R., SCHLOSSER S., GEORGE J.-P. & MAYR S. (2020): RNA-Seq and secondary metabolite analyses reveal a putative defence-transcriptome in Norway spruce (Picea abies) against needle bladder rust (Chrysomyxa rhododendri) infection. BMC Genomics 21, 226


  • GANTHALER A., SAILER J., BÄR A., LOSSO A. & MAYR S. (2019): Noninvasive analysis of tree stems by electrical resistivity tomography: unraveling the effects of temperature, water status, and electrode installation. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1455


  • GANTHALER A., LOSSO A. & MAYR S. (2018): Using image analysis for quantitative assessment of needle bladder rust disease of Norway spruce. Tree Physiology 67, 1122-1130
  • LOSSO A., ANFODILLO T., GANTHALER A., KOFLER W., MARKL Y., NARDINI A., OBERHUBER W., PURIN G. & MAYR S. (2018): Robustness of xylem properties in conifers: analyses of tracheid and pit dimensions along elevational transects. Tree Physiology 38, 212–222
  • LOSSO A., NARDINI A., DÄMON B. & MAYR S. (2018): Xylem sap chemistry: seasonal changes in timberline conifers Pinus cembra, Picea abies, and Larix decidua. Biologia Plantarum, 62, 157-165


  • CHARRIER G., NOLF M., LEITINGER G., CHARRA-VASKOU K., LOSSO A., TAPPEINER U., AMÉGLIO T. & MAYR S. (2017): Monitoring of freezing dynamics in trees: a simple phase shift causes complexity. Plant Physiology 173: 2196–2207
  • GANTHALER A., STÖGGL W., KRANNER I. & Mayr S. (2017): Foliar phenolic compounds in Norway spruce with varying susceptibility to Chrysomyxa rhododendri: analyses of seasonal and infection-induced accumulation patterns. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1173
  • GANTHALER A., STÖGGL W., MAYR S., KRANNER I., SCHÜLER S., WISCHNITZKI E., SEHR, E.M., FLUCH S. & TRUJILLO-MOYA C. (2017): Association genetics of phenolic needle compounds in Norway spruce with variable susceptibility to needle bladder rust. Plant Molecular Biology 94: 229–251
  • LINTUNEN A., MAYR S., SALMON Y., COCHARD H. & HÖLTTÄ T. (2017): Drivers of apoplastic freezing in gymnosperm and angiosperm branches. Ecology and Evolution 8(1),
  • LOSSO A., BEIKIRCHER B., DÄMON B., KIKUTA S., SCHMID P. , MAYR S. (2017): Xylem sap surface tension may be crucial for hydraulic safety: a study in timberline conifers. Plant Physiology 175: 1135–1143


  • CHARRA-VASKOU K., BADEL E., CHARRIER G., BONHOMME M., FOUCAT L., MAYR S. & AMÉGLIO T. (2016): Cavitation and water fluxes driven by ice water potential in trees during freeze-thaw cycles. Journal of Experimental Botany 67, 739-750
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  • LOSSO A., NARDINI A., NOLF M. & MAYR S. (2016): Elevational trends in hydraulic efficiency and safety of Pinus cembra Oecologia 180: 1091-1102
  • MAYR S. & AMÉGLIO T. (2016) Freezing stress in tree xylem. In: Lüttge U, Beyschlag W (eds.) Progress in Botany 77: 382–414


  • GANTHALER A. & MAYR S. (2015): Dwarf shrub hydraulics: two Vaccinium species ( myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea) of the European Alps compared. Physiologia Plantarum 155, 424–434
  • GANTHALER A. & MAYR S. (2015): Temporal variation in airborne spore concentration of Chrysomyxa rhododendri: correlation with weather conditions and consequences for Norway spruce infection. Forest Pathology 45, 443–449
  • GANTHALER A. & MAYR S. (2015): Vaccinium gaultherioides: Another insight into water relations of alpine dwarf shrubs. Journal of Plant Hydraulics 2, e-004
  • HACKE U.G., LACHENBRUCH B., PITTERMANN J., MAYR S., DOMEC J.-C. & SCHULTE P.J. (2015): Hydraulic Architecture of Conifers. In: Hacke UG (ed.) Functional and Ecological Xylem Anatomy. Springer. Berlin. 39–73
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  • GANTHALER A., BAUER H., GRUBER A., MAYR M., OBERHUBER W. & MAYR S. (2014): Effects of the needle bladder rust (Chrysomyxa rhododendri) on Norway spruce: implications for subalpine forests. European Journal of Forest Research 133: 201–211
  • GANTHALER A., MAYR S., ANNEWANTER C. & SCHWANINGER C. (2014): Negative Auswirkungen des Fichtennadelblasenrosts (Chrysomyxa rhododendri) auf den subalpinen Fichtenwald. Resistente Fichten könnten eine Lösung sein. Forstschutz Aktuell 60/61: 42–47
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  • Ambrosi, L., Berger, V., Rainer, G. et al. (2024): Spatiotemporal variability of evapotranspiration in Alpine grasslands and its biotic and abiotic drivers. Ecohydrology e2633, 
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  • FISCHER, A., FELBAUER, L., JANICKE, A., HELFRICHT, K., HOFFMANN, H. & WILD, E.-M. (2022): Glaciers, Climate and People: Holocene Transitions in the Stubai Valley. In: SCHICKHOFF, U., SINGH, R.B. & MAL, S. (eds.): Mountain Landscapes in Transition. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Cham.
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  • OBERLEITNER, F., HARTMANN, H., HASIBEDER, R., HUANG, J., LOSSO, A., MAYR, S., OBERHUBER, W., WIESER, G. & BAHN, M. (2022): Amplifying effects of recurrent drought on the dynamics of tree growth and water use in a subalpine forest. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45, 2617–2635.
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  • SEEBER, J. et al. (2022): Effects of land use and climate on carbon and nitrogen pool partitioning in European mountain grasslands. Science of the Total Environment 822: 153380, 


  • HARRIS E., DIAZ-PINES E., STOLL E., SCHLOTER M., SCHULZ S., DUFFNER C., LI K., MOORE K.L., INGRISCH J., REINTHALER D., ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN S., GLATZEL S., BRÜGGEMANN N. & BAHN M. (2021):  Denitrifying pathways dominate nitrous oxide emissions from managed grassland during drought and rewetting. Science Advances 7:6, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abb7118  
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  • DETCHAROEN M., ARTHOFER W., JIGGINS F.M., STEINER F.M. & SCHLICK-STEINER B.C. (2020): Wolbachia affect behavior and possibly reproductive compatibility but not thermoresistance, fecundity, and morphology in a novel transinfected host, Drosophila nigrosparsa. Ecology and Evolution 10(10): 4457–4470,
  • DETCHAROEN M., SCHILLING M.P., ARTHOFER W., SCHLICK-STEINER B.C. & STEINER F.M. (2020): Differential gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster and D. nigrosparsa infected with the same Wolbachia strain. bioRxiv,
  • INGRISCH J., KARLOWSKY S., HASIBEDER R., GLEIXNER G. & BAHN M. (2020): Drought and recovery effects on belowground respiration dynamics and the partitioning of recent carbon in managed and abandoned grassland. Global Change Biology 26: 4366-4378
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  • OBERHUBER W., BENDLER U., GAMPER V., GEIER J., HÖLZL A., KOFLER W., KRISMER H., WALDBOTH B. & WIESER G. (2020): Growth trends of coniferous species along altitudinal transects in the Central European Alps indicate decreasing sensitivity to climate warming. Forests 11:2, No. 132,
  • PASCHALIS A., FATICHI S., ZSCHEISCHLER J., CIAIS P., BAHN M. et al. (2020): Rainfall‐manipulation experiments as simulated by terrestrial biosphere models: where do we stand? Global Change Biology 26: 3336–3355
  • RAMMIG A., BAHN M., VERA C. et al. (2020): Adaptive capacity of coupled social-ecological systems to absorb climate extremes. In: SILLMANN J., SIPPEL S., RUSSO S.: Climate Extremes and Their Implications for Impact and Risk Assessment. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier., ISBN 978-0-12-814895-2, pp. 257–278
  • SHIKLOMANOV A.N., COWDERY E.M., BAHN M. et al. (2020): Does the leaf economic spectrum hold within plant functional types? A Bayesian multivariate trait meta‐analysis. Ecological Applications 30/3, No. e02064
  • STEINWANDTER M. & SEEBER J. (2020): The buffet is open: Alpine soil macro-decomposers feed on a wide range of litter types in a microcosm cafeteria Experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 144, 107786
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  • THONICKE K., BAHN M., LAVOREL S., BARDGETT R.D., ERB K., GIAMBERINI M., REICHSTEIN M., VOLLAN B. & RAMMIG A. (2020): Advancing the understanding of adaptive capacity of social‐ecological systems to absorb climate extremes. Earths Future 8/2, No. e2019EF001221, http:​/​/​/10.1029​/2019EF001221
  • VAN SUNDERT K, BRUNE V., BAHN M., DEUTSCHMANN M., HASIBEDER R., NIJS I. & VICCA S. (2020): Post-drought rewetting triggers substantial K release and shifts in leaf stoichiometry in managed and abandoned mountain grasslands. Plant and Soil


  • BERAUER B., WILFAHRT P., ARFIN-KHAN M., EIBES P., VON HESSBERG A., INGRISCH J., SCHLOTER M., SCHUCHARDT M., JENTSCH A. (2019): Low resistance of montane and alpine grasslands to abrupt changes in temperature and precipitation Regimes. In: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 51: 215–231
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  • FLORES-MORENO H., FAZAYELI F., BANERJEE A., DATTA A., KATTGE J., BUTLER E.E., ATKIN O.K., WYTHERS K., CHEN M., ANAND M., BAHN M. et al. (2019): Robustness of trait connections across environmental gradients and growth forms. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 1806–1826
  • FUCHSLUEGER L., WILD B., MOOSHAMMER M., TAKRITI M., KIENZL S., KNOLTSCH A., HOFHANSL F., BAHN M. & RICHTER A. (2019): Microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling responses to drought and temperature in differently managed mountain grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135: 144-153
  • KINZNER M.-C., GAMISCH A., HOFFMANN A.A., SEIFERT B., HAIDER M., ARTHOFER W., SCHLICK-STEINER B.C. & STEINER F.M. (2019): Major range loss predicted from lack of heat adaptability in an alpine Drosophila species. Science of The total Environment 695,
  • SEIDL R., ALBRICH K., ERB K.H., FORMAYER H., LEIDINGER D., LEITINGER G., TAPPEINER U., TASSER E. & RAMMERT W. (2019): What drives the future supply of regulating ecosystem services in a mountain forest landscape? Forest Ecology and Management 445: 37–47, DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.03.04
  • STEINWANDTER M., SCHLICK-STEINER B.C., STEINER F.M. & SEEBER J. (2019): One plus one is greater than two: mixing litter types accelerates decomposition of low-quality alpine dwarf shrub litter. Plant and Soil 438: 405–419
  • SZUKICS U., GRIGULIS K., LEGAY N., KASTL E.-M., BAXENDALE C., BARDGETT R.D., CLÉMENT J.-C., LAVOREL S., SCHLOTER M. & BAHN M. (2019): Management versus site effects on the abundance of nitrifiers and denitrifiers in European mountain grasslands. Science of The Total Environment 648: 745–753
  • THOMAS H.J.D., MYERS-SMITH I.H., BJORKMAN A.D., ELMENDORF S.C., […], BAHN M. et al. (2019): Traditional plant functional groups explain variation in economic but not size‐related traits across the tundra biome. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 78–95
  • TRATTER KINZNER M., KINZNER M.-C., KAUFMANN R., HOFFMANN A.A., ARTHOFER W., SCHLICK-STEINER B.C. & STEINER F.M. (2019): Is temperature preference in the laboratory ecologically relevant for the field? The case of Drosophila nigrosparsa. Global Ecology and Conservation 18,
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