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Diploma theses/MA theses: 2011 to today – University of Innsbruck

Diploma theses/MA theses
2011 to today

(this list is not exhaustive)


Kieber, Daniel: "You Know, I've Learned Something Today!" The Portrayal of Libertarian Concepts and Ideas in South Park and a Didactic Approach to the Topic (Grabher)

Büttner, Maximilian: The Stage of the Mountains. A Transnational and Historical Survey of the Mountains as a Stage in 100 Years of Mountain Cinema. (Quendler)

Deiser, Sarah: Finding Oneself While Losing Oneself. The Impact of Cancer on the Developmental Tasks in Adolescence as Portrayed in John Green's The Fault in Our Stars and Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper. (Grabher)

Dür, Verena: Anti-Puritanism in Mary Rowlandson's Narrative and a Didactic Approach to the Use of Captivitiy Narratives. (Klarer, Spindler)

Jungl, Claudia: The Face and Physical Beauty in Women: Romanticism v.s. Modernism in Nathanial Hawthorne´s "The Birthmark" and Willa Cathers´s "The Profile" and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Lennington, Rebecca Lee. Mother May I (Die)? An Analysis of Motherhood in Horror Films. (Quendler)

Lukovic, Dejan. "Gotta Go Fast" - Zur Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion im Speedrunning. (Quendler)

Neurauter, Dominik Daniel: Fight the Power: Hip Hop as a Hidden Transcript for Black Nationalist Sentiment with a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Klarer)

Pinzer, Bernadette: Lies and Lying in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter and Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Preis, Rosina. An American Lamentation-Elegies in American Literature and Their Application in the English Classroom. (Grabher)

Thanei, Katrin. Lying and Homosexuality in Lillian Hellman's The Children's Hour and Tennessee Williams' Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Vith, Johannes. School Shootings in the United States: The Presentation of the Columbine High School Shooting in News Coverage and Film. (Quendler)


Abfalterer, Nora. The Phantom of Happy Objects in Khaled Hoseini's Novel The Kite Runner and And the Mountains Echoed. (Quendler)

Brandstätter, Linda. Politics ans Religion in French and American Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives from Tripoli and its Implementation in the Austrian School Context (Klarer, Spindler)

Fussenegger, Lukas. The Pursuit of Happiness in Ernest Hemingway's Short Fiction and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Huter, Marie-Christin. The Motif of the Bird in Sarah Orne Jewett's "A White Heron" and Richard Bach's Jonathan Livingston Seagull and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Ludescher, Simon. The De-composition of the American Short Story Narrative and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Lukasser, Miriam. Oral Sources to Translation: William Okeley´s Captivity Narrative Ebenezer (1675) in Johann Frisch´s Der Schauplatz Barbarischer Schlaverey (1666 and 1694) and its Teaching Perspectives. (Klarer, Spindler)

Rüdisser, Theresa. Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremelx Loud and Incredibly Close & Don DeLillo's Falling Man as a Representation of the American Mind after 9/11. (Grabher)

Salchner, Sven. Learning Through Living And Suffering: The Role Of Music in Paula Huston's Daugthers of Song and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Standhartinger, Kilian. Relationship Dynamics and Sexuality in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita and Lana Del Rey's Lyrics and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Rüdisser, Theresa. Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close & Don DeLillo's Falling Man as a Representation of the American Mind after 9/11. (Grabher)

Weiss, Lisa. Hearts Torn Apart: Being a Slave and a Mother as Portrayed in Harriet Ann Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Toni Morrison's Beloved and Margaret Walker's Jubilee, and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)


Regner, Denise. Women in Early American Film. The Concept of Womanhood in the Silent Film Era during the 1910s and 1920s. (Quendler)

Bortot, Sara. Silence in Emily Dickinson's Poetry. And a Didactic Adaptation of the Topic for the English Class Room. (Grabher)

Eßl, Christina. powHERful poetry. The Poetry of Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni, and Audre Lorde as Reassessment of the African-American Female Voice; And a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Figl, Julia. Editing Religion in Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives: A Comparison of the French, English and German Version of Emanuel D'Aranda's Algiers and it's Slavery. (Klarer, Auböck)

Fischer, Sara. For Better, for Worse … Until Death Do Us Part? - Marriage and Infidelity in The Scarlet Letter, The Awakening and The Great Gatsby. (Grabher)

Frick, Agnes Magdalena. The Effects of Western Beauty Ideals on Black Adolescents in The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, Coffee Will Make You Black by April Sinclair, and The Girl Who Fell from the Sky by Heidi W. Durrow and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Gasser, Birgit. The Role of Religion Enabling Escape: Three Barbary Captivity Narratives and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Klarer, Spindler)

Gosch, Thomas. Emanuel D'Aranda's History of Algiers: Transcription and its School Use. (Klarer, Spindler)

Grossgasteiger, Daniela.The Struggle for Liberation of Black Women in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and Alice Walker's The Color Purple. (Quendler)

Holztrattner, Julia-Magdalena. Marvel's First Feminist Heroine? Misogyny and Sexism in Gendered Visual and Narrative Patterns and Their Implications for Feminism in Marvel's Jessica Jones. (Klecker)

Niedermaier, Josefa Antonie. Body and Relationship Politics in Game of Thrones. (Quendler)

Novkovic, Natasa. One Story, Three Modes of Presentation: The Example of Game of Thrones and Its Use for the Classroom. (Klarer)

Pescolderungg, Irene. The Concept of the Self in E. E. Cummings and its application in the English Classroom. (Grabher)

Schmid, Theresa Allegra. Male and Female Self-Reliance in Dead Poets Society and Mona Lisa Smile and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Tiefenthaler, Sarah. A Comparative Analysis of John Davie's The History of Algiers and It's Slavery and Johann Frisch's Der Schauplatz Barbarischer Schlaverey and the Relevance and Usage of Slave Narratives in the English language classroom. (Klarer)

Verdross, Cornelia. The Pusuit of Happiness - by All Means? An Anlaysis of Susanna Rowson's Charlote Temple. A Tale of Truth (1791/94), Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence (1920) and Eugene O'Neill's Strange Interlude (1928) with a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Wright, Natasha Patricia.The Southern Belle in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, Summer and Smoke and Spring Storm and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)


Demanega, Bettina. Beyond the Obvious: The Flow Lifestyle of Adventure Sports Athletes. (Quendler)

Fischer, Sara. For Better, for Worse … Until Death Do Us Part? - Marriage and Infidelity in The Scarlet Letter, The Awakening and The Great Gatsby. (Grabher)

Hellmayr Barbara. Louisiana's Civil Rights Struggle: An Analysis of the Role of Ruby Bridges in the Civil Rights Movement and its Use in the Classroom. (Klarer, Bahn)

Gründhammer, Hannes. Faith and Religious Relations of the Barbary Coast Islam, Christianity and Renegade. (Klarer)

Gstrein, Sarah. Genre, Gender and Cultural Stereotypes: Mario Puzo's The Fortunate Pilgrim (1965) and The Godfather (1969). (Quendler)

Kapplmüller Andrea.The Death of a Beautiful Young Woman in Nineteenth Century Short Stories and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Katz, Michelle Joan: The Unbearable Death. American Women´s Child Elegies and an Adaptation of the Topic for the Classroom. (Grabher)

Polland, Karin. Poe's Menagerie of the Sublime. The Metamorphosis of a Black Cat, a Fiery-Colored Horse, and a Death's-Head Hawkmoth into Animals of the Sublime. (Grabher)
Van Zyl, Christine. South Africa's Post-Apartheid As Reflected in Film. (Quendler)


Breitenlechner, Hannes. The Art of the Arc: The Development of Character Arcs in Narratively Complex Television Series. (Klarer, Klecker)

Filzer, Katharina. It's A Bird … It's A Plane … It's A Woman! The Roles and the Portrayal of Female Characters in Superhero Comic Books of 1940s and 1950s. (Quendler)

Frick, Hanna."Motivation in American Crime Fiction: Four Literary Examples."(Grabher)

Goss, Rebecca. How I Met Your Mother: A Complex Love Story Told Backwards. (Klarer, Klecker)

Lechner, Karin. The Failure of the Pursuit of Happiness in Edith Wharton's Works "Bunner Sisters", Twilight Sleep, and "The Pretext". (Grabher)

Maaß, Clemens. The Tao of Steinbeck: Looking for Taoist Principles in The Pearl and Cannery Row. (Grabher)

Miggitsch, Isabella. The Narratives of Felice Caronni and Eliza Bradley: Two Barbary Coast Captivity Accounts. (Klarer, Auböck)

Mosser, Eva-Maria. The "Bagnio Society" in Barbary Captivitiy - A Descriptive Analysis of its Social Organization and Interaction and a Didactic Analysis of its Applicabiltiy in Class. (Klarer, Auböck)

Oberkalmsteiner, Martina. The Father-Daughter Relationship with a Special Focus on the Absent Father Figure in American Modern Drama and a Didactic Approach to the Topic. (Grabher)

Preglau, Fabian. Divorce in Edith Wharton's Short Stories. (Grabher)

Rainer, Verena. "True Blood": The Transformation of the Gothic Horror Genre and the Vampire in Contemporary Television. (Quendler)

Rass, Theresa. Generations of Outsiders: Marginality in Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises, Jack Kerouac's On the Road, and Douglas Coupland's Generation X. (Grabher)

Sparer, Almut. Emily Dickinson's Poems on Pain: Metaphorical Mediation of Pain Experience in Selected Poems. (Grabher)

Stenico, Christian. Storytellers: Narrative Voices in Recent American Television Series. (Klarer)

Stifter, Katharina. "Forever - is composed of Nows". The Perception and Appreciation of Time in Mitch Albom's the Time Keeper and Thornton Wilder's Our Town. (Grabher)

Zwerger, Martina. Who am I? Identity Crisis and the Search for a "New" Cultural Identity in Three Chicano Novels. (Grabher)


Auböck, Tobias. Easier Imagined Than Described: Femininity and Fictionality in American Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives. (Klarer)

Berchtold, Caroline. The Effects of Anthropomorphizing Dogs on the Human-Dog Relationship: An Analysis of Mark Twain's "A Dog's Tale," Paul Auster's Timbuktu and Jack London's The Call of the Wild. (Grabher)

Burger, Deborah. Between Imagination, Illusion and Reality: The Representation of Near-Death Experience in American Short Stories. (Klarer)

Ebenkofler, Jasmin. The Unquiet Mind: Madness as the Ultimate Weapon of the Voiceless Other. (Grabher)

Giacomozzi, David. Overcoming Nada: The Quest for Immortality in Hemingway's the Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and the Old Man and the Sea. (Grabher)

Hagleitner, Karin. The Exploitation of Immigrants in the United States at the Beginning of the 20th Cenutry as Represented in Upton Sinclair's Novel The Jungle. (Grabher)

Haslinger, Verena. The Civil Rights Movement in The United States as Reflected in Film. (Klarer, Bahn)

Herzog, Simone. Obsessed with Sucess: Autobiographies by Famous American Athletes. (Grabher)

Hinteregger, Isabelle. Overcoming the "No Name"-Issue-The Development of Female Identity in Selected 20th -Century Chinese-American Novels. (Grabher)

Hofer, Roberta. "… controlled by the world's greatest puppeteer". Human Marionettes on the Borders of Fiction in Film, Literature, and Live Performance. (Klarer)

Kratky, David. Reviewing Exploitation Cinema: Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's Grindhouse. (Quendler)

Martinelli, Evelyn. A Didactic Approach to the Theses American Dream or American Nightmare? The Corruption of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, and Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. (Grabher)

Meller, Valerie. "What Did I Do to Be So Black and Blue?". Blues and Jazz as a Second Language in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues", and Toni Morrison's Jazz. (Grabher)

Rauch, Anna. The Surgeon's Stories of Pain: The Impact of Pain on Doctor-Patient Relationships as exemplified in Richard Selzer's Short Stories "Raccoon," "Brute," and "Mercy". (Grabher)

Zwicknagl Celina. Female Role Models in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction. (Quendler)


Auer Katharina. American narratives on identity change in Alzheimer's patients. (Grabher)
Gießler Ulrike. The impact of education on the formation of identity in two Native American autobiographies. (Grabher)

Kahler Daniela. "I wish I were in hell with a broken back": evil, suffering, and transgression in Billy Wilder's films. (Klarer)

Kruger, Martin. The Psychologic and Social Changes of the Great Depression and Their Impact on the American Horror Film of the 1930s. (Klarer, Klecker)

Kvasznicza, Natasha. Women and AIDS in the U.S. (Grabher)

Pfattner, Elisbeth. One body, multiple logics: rethinking cultural identity by looking at contemporary Native American fiction and a didactic approach to the topic. (Grabher)

Pomaroli Bernadette. Accepting death as a teacher: women's ways of coping with terminal illness as portrayed in Gail Godwin's The good husband, Margaret Edsons's Wit and Carol Dine's Places in the bone. (Grabher)

Rainer Verena. Alcohol, the leveller of all things? Drinking and gender roles in four American short stories: "Big Blonde" (1929) by Dorothy Parker, "May Day" (1920) by F. Scott Fitzgerald, "A Domestic Dilemmna" (1951) by Carson McCullers, and "The Sorrows of Gin" (1953) by John Cheever. (Grabher)

Sailer Juliane. A Life of "Elegant Sufficiency": The depiction of female self-determination in the three early American novels The Power of Sympathy (1789 ) by William Hill Brown, Charlotte Temple (1794) by Susanna Rowson and The Coquette (1797) by Hannah Webster Foster. (Grabher)

Schaffenrath Bianca. The eternal return of the SAME in expressionist plays: Elmer Rice's The Adding Machine, Eugene O'Neill's The Emperor Jones and The Hary Ape. (Grabher)

Sturn Christina. (In-)between men: race relations, triangles, and manhood in Ernest J. Gaines' Catherine Carmier and Of love and dust. (Klarer)
Wengler Angelika. The Indian woman's quest for identity in two Native American novels: Paula Gunn Allen's Woman Who Owned the Shadows and Betty Louise Bell's Faces in the Moon, 2013. (Grabher)

Troger Lukas. The hard knock life: hip hop's fight against African American post-civil rights issues. (Grabher)

Wolters Piet. The making of Turtle Island. A sense of place in the poetry of Gary Snyder. (Grabher)

Zangerle Astrid. Surviving the body and mind split in Margaret Atwood's novles The Edible Woman, Surfacing, Bodily Harm and Oryx and Crake. (Grabher)


Adrigan Michaela. Vampires in contemporary American gothic literature, film and television. (Grabher)

Hölzl Romana. Color symbolism and identity in Beloved, The Color Purple and For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf. (Grabher)
Kirnbauer Stephen. American transcendentalism and Dead Poets Society. (Grabher)

Kleinlercher Elisabeth Katharina. The "Feminine mystique" in Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar & Mary McCarthy's The Group. (Grabher)

Mayr, Bernhard. "Let Photography be Literary". (Klarer)
Möseneder, Julia Pamina. Shame and failure, fame and gold. The journey of the Anti-hero in Lost Generation literature.(Grabher)
Mulser, Maria. Angels of happiness: In search of their footsteps in three American short stories with a didactic approach to the topic.(Grabher)

Pole, Rachel Sara. Making the case, telling the story in The Wire. (Klarer) - Masterarbeit

Simeoni, Nadja. Law of Man or Lady justice? Sexual politics in the U.S. legal system as represented in selected examples of American film and literature. (Grabher)

Steidl, Manuela. Love, suffering and the appreciation of the moment. Concepts of the meaning of life in Thornton Wilder's "The Bridge of San Luis Rey", "The Woman of Anderson" and "Our Town". Including a didactic approach. (Grabher)
Stolz Christina. A visible mark. Strategies of coping with the stigma of disfigurement in Natalie Kusz's Road Song, Jothy Rosenberg's Who Says I Can't and Tennessee Wiliiams' The Glass Menagerie. (Grabher)

Vaclavicek, Maria. Framing invisibility in the visible. (Klarer)

Verdorfer, Kathrin. Outcasts and Anti-heroes in Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find," William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily," and Kahterine Anne Porter's "He"; and a didaktic approach to the topic. (Grabher)
Zwerger, Martina. Identity crisis and the search for a "new" cultural identity in three Chicano novels. (Grabher)


Adrigan, Manuela. When the woman dares to look: from an active female gaze to evil objects, 2011. (Klarer)
Kolb, Andrea. Communication, characters and conflicts, 2011. (Klarer)

Moresche, Carola. Close-ups, 2011. (Klarer)

Netzer, Martina. Traumatic brain injury and the narrative and dialogic self, 2011. (Grabher)

Popescu, Raluca. Hyphenated Identities, 2011. (Klarer)

Rahm, Bettina. The Third Man - A vision of fragmentation and ambiguitiy, 2011. (Grabher)

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