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Faculty Research Seminar – Universität Innsbruck

Faculty Research Seminar

Information for the host

Generally, the research seminar takes place on Thursdays from 11:30 to 12:45. You find all dates for the semester on our homepage. Concerning the hotel, our guests are directly contacted by us. We will handle everything from booking a roomto settling the hotel bill. The expenses ofthe journey to Innsbruck (train ticket, economy class) are also covered by us. In order to do so we need the guests´ signature as well as the original receipts of the journey. A lump sum of 120 EUR for research meals is available for each given lecture. It is up to the host to decide for howmanypersons and how many meals (lunch, dinner, etc.) the sum will be used. However, the sum of 40 EUR per person mustnot be exceeded. Hand in the original receipt (as well as the corresponding credit card statement, if not paid in cash) together with the filled out form ”Refundierungsantrag”, which is available on the homepage of the university’s financial department.
Everything else is up to the host, which includes making reservations at restaurants, welcoming your guest, introducing your guest before the seminarstarts, showing your guest around the university orinforming interested people about how to get in contact with and/or meet your guest etc.

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