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Publications of the year 2015 – Universität Innsbruck

Publications of the year 2015

» Reviewed publications
» Books, Conference Proceedings, Reports, Book Reviews, Abstracts, Others
» Diploma & Masters Theses
» Dissertations

Reviewed publications

  • Dion-Cote A.-M., Symonova R., Rab P., Bernatchez L. (2015). Reproductive isolation in a nascent species pair is associated with aneuploidy in hybrid offspring. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. Biological Sciences 282(1802): 20142862. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2862
  • Dokulil, M.T. (2015). Climate impacts on ecohydrological processes in aquatic systems. Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol.

  • Dunthorn, M.; Lipps, J.H.; Dolan, J.R.; Abboud-Abi Saab, M.; Aescht, E.; Bachy, C.; Barría de Cao, M.S.; Berger, H.; Bourland, W.A.; Ki Choi, J.; Clamp, J.; Doherty, M.; Gao, F.; Gentekaki, E.; Gong, J.; Hu, X.; Huang, J.; Kamiyama, T.; Johnson, M.D.; Kammerlander, B.; Young Kim, S.; Kim, Y.-O.; la Terza, A.; Laval-Peuto, M.; Lipscomb, D.; Lobban, C.S.; Long, H.; Luporini, P.; Lynn, D.H.; Macek, M.; Mansergh, R.I.; Martín-Cereceda, M.; McManus, G.G.; Montagnes, D.J.S.; Ong'ondo, G.O.; Patterson, D.J.; Pérez-Uz, B.; Quintela-Alonso, P.; Safi, L.S.L.; Santoferrara, L.F.; Sonntag, B.; Song, W.; Stoeck, T.; Stoecker, D.K.; Strüder-Kypke, M.C.; Trautmann, I.; Utz, L.R.P.; Vallesi, A.; Vd'ačný, P.; Warren, A.; Weisse, T.; Wickham, S.A.; Yi, Z.; Zhang, W.; Zhan, Z.; Zufall, R.; Agatha, S. (2015). Ciliates – protists with complex morphologies and ambiguous early fossil. Marine Micropaleontology 119:1-6.

  • Hahn M.W., Koll U., Jezberova J. and A. Camacho (2015). Global phylogeography of pelagic Polynucleobacter bacteria: Restricted geographic distribution of subgroups, isolation by distance, and influence of climate. Environ. Microbiol. 17(3), 829–840. PDF

  • Kaljunen H., Schiefelbein S. H. H., Stummer D., Kozak S., Meijers R., Christiansen G., Rentmeister A., (2015). Structural Elucidation of the Bispecificity of A Domains as a Basis for Activating Non-natural Amino Acids. Angewandte Chemie International Edition:n/a-n/a doi:10.1002/anie.201503275.
  • Kammerlander B., Breiner H.-W., Filker S., Sommaruga R., Sonntag B., Stoeck T. (2015). High diversity of protistan plankton communities in remote high mountain lakes in the European Alps and the Himalaya mountains. FEMS Microbiology Ecology doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiv010  PDF
  • Kämpf L., Mueller P., Höllerer H., Plessen B., Naumann R., Thoss H., Güntner A., Merz B., Brauer A. (2015). Hydrological and sedimentological processes of flood layer formation in Lake Mondsee. The Depositional Record, 1-20. doi. 10.1002/dep2.2.

  • Keffer J.L., Hahn, M.W., Maresca J.A. (2015). Characterization of an unconventional rhodopsin from the freshwater Actinobacterium Rhodoluna lacicola. J. Bacteriol. 197(16) 2704-2712 doi:10.1128/JB.00386-15

  • Keffer J. L., Sabanayagam C. R., Lee M. E., DeLong E. F., Hahn M. W., Maresca, J. A. (2015). Identifying rhodopsin-containing cells using TIRF microscopy. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 81:10 3442-3450.
  • Kurmayer R., Blom J.F., Deng L., Pernthaler J. (2015). Integrating phylogeny, geographic niche partitioning and secondary metabolite synthesis in bloom-forming Planktothrix. ISME J. 9(4):909-921. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2014.189.

  • Lamatsch D.K., Adolfsson S., Senior A.M., Christiansen G., Pichler M., Ozaki Y., Smeds L., Schartl M., Nakagawa S. (2015). A transcriptome derived sex –specific marker in the invasive Western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis. PLoSOne 2015 Feb 23;10(2):e0118214. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118214.
  • Leithner S., Wanzenböck J. (2015). Rearing larvae of different strains of Coregonus lavaretus under cold water conditions: comparison of a special cold-water line with a standard agglomerated microdiet. Journal of Agricultural Science 7(5):doi:10.5539/jas.v7n5p28. PDF
  • Mbonde A., Sitoki L., Kurmayer R. (2015). Phytoplankton composition and microcystin concentrations in open and closed bays of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18(2):212-220, DOI:10.1080/14634988.2015.101103. PDF

  • Nevalainen L., Luoto T. P., Manca M., Weisse T. (2015). A paleolimnological perspective on aquatic biodiversity in Austrian mountain lakes. Aquatic Sciences, 77: 59-69. doi: 10.1007/s00027-014-0363-6

  • O’Reilly, C. M., et al. (2015), Rapid and highly variable warming of lake surface waters around the globe, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 10,773–10,781, doi:10.1002/2015GL066235.

  • Říha M., Ricard D., Vašek M., Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Jůza T. Čech M., Draštík V., Muška M., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Tušer M., Seďa J., Blabolil P., Bláha M., Wanzenböck J., Kubečka J. (2015). Patterns in diel habitat use of fish covering the littoral and pelagic zones in a reservoir. Hydrobiologia 747:111-131. doi:  10.1007/s10750-014-2124-x PDF

  • Sember A., Bohlen J., Šlechtová V., Altmanová M., Symonová R., Ráb P. (2015). Karyotype differentiation in 19 species of river loach fishes (Nemacheilidae, Teleostei): Extensive variability associated with rDNA and heterochromatin distribution and its phylogenetic and ecological interpretation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:251 DOI 10.1186/s12862-015-0532-9 PDF

  • Sharma, S. et al. (2015). A global database of lake surface temperatures collected by in situ and satellite methods from 1985-2009. Scientific Data 2:150008. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2015.8

  • Sichrowsky U., Schabetsberger R., Pall K., Sonntag B., Stoyneva M., Kalfatak D., Økland F., Scheck A., Tambets M. (2015). Limnological characterization of the largest freshwater lake in remote Oceania (Lake Letas, Gaua Island, Vanuatu). Pacific Science 69(2): 165-180, doi:10.2984/69.2.3

  • Stelzer C.-P. (2015). Does the avoidance of sexual costs increase fitness in asexual invaders? Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1501726112 PDF

  • Taipale, S.J., Peltomaa, E., Hiltunen, M., Jones, R.I., Hahn, M.W., Biasi, C., Brett, M.T. (2015). Inferring phytoplankton, terrestrial plant and bacteria bulk delta C-13 values from compound specific analyses of lipids and fatty acids. PLOS ONE  10(7) e0133974



Books, Conference Proceedings, Reports, Book Reviews, Abstracts, Others

  • Mirtl M., Bahn M., Battin T., Borsdorf A., Dirnböck T., Englisch M., Erschbamer B., Fuchsberger J., Gaube V., Grabherr G., Gratzer G., Haberl H., Klug H., Kreiner D., Mayer R., Peterseil J., Richter A., Schindler S., Stocker-Kiss A., Tappeiner U., Weisse T., Winiwarter V., Wohlfahrt G., Zink R. (2015). Forschung für die Zukunft-LTER-Austria White Paper 2015 zur Lage und Ausrichtung von prozessorientierter Ökosystemforschung, Biodiversitäts- und Naturschutzforschung sowie sozio-ökologischer Forschung in Österreich. LTER-Austria Schriftenreihe, Vol. 2, 74 pp. ISBN 978-3-9503986-0-1. 

  • Mirtl, M., Bahn, M., Battin, T., Borsdorf, A., Dirnböck, T., Englisch, M., Erschbamer, B., Fuchsberger, J., Gaube, V., Grabherr, G., Gratzer, G., Haberl, H., Klug, H., Kreiner, D., Mayer, R., Peterseil, J., Richter, A., Schindler, S., Stocker-Kiss, A., Tappeiner, U., Weisse, T., Winiwarter, V., Wohlfahrt, G., Zink, R. (2015). Research for the future: LTER-Austria White Paper 2015. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ökologische Langzeitforschung, 2nd edition, ISBN 9783950398618, 108 pp. PDF

  • Symonová R., Sember A., Majtánová Z., Ráb P. (2015). Characterization of fish genomes by GISH and CGH. in: C. Ozouf-Costaz, E. Pisano, F. Foresti, L. Foresti de Almeida Toledo: Fish Cytogenetic techniques (Teleosts and Chondrichthyans). CRC Press, pp. 118-131.

  • Wanzenböck J., Jäger P. (2015): Veränderung des Brutfischaufkommens im Wallersee durch Reoligotrophierung und Seespiegelanhebung. Untersuchungsperiode 1997-2010. – in: Land Salzburg, Reihe Gewässerschutz, 17: 235-258 (2015).

  • Jäger P., Wanzenböck J. (2003): Das meinen die Fische zur Sanierung des Wallersees. – Reprint aus: NaturLand Salzburg, 10.
    Jg, 2/2003: 35-38. - in: Land Salzburg, Reihe Gewässerschutz, 17: 259-262 (2015).

  • Weisse, T. (2015). Editorial. European Journal of Protistology 51(2):A1-A2. PDF


Diploma & Masters Theses



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