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Fellowships - PhD Fellowships

Fellowships - PhD Fellowships


“Integrating Insights from Science and Philosophy into Theology”

End of the project:
August 31, 2018

Contact us:

Georg Gasser
Program Administrator

+43 (0)512 507 8644

+43 (0)512 507 2736

Institut für Christliche Philosophie
Universität Innsbruck
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

Logo of the University Innsbruck
Supported by a grant from the
Logo of the Templeton Foundation

PhD-Positions in Analytic Theology

The Theology Faculty at Innsbruck University is pleased to announce one PhD positions, starting ideally on September 1, 2016, with the Project “The Nature of God”. This project is generously supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

The purpose of the fellowship is to enable scholars to use the methods of contemporary analytic philosophy to pursue independent research in one of the following fields:

  • Classical Theism: Justification, Strengths and Limits
  • Personal and A-Personal Concepts of God

Here are a few sample questions which might be addressed in the PhD project:

  • What motivates classical theism? Is this motivation justified given recent developments in philosophy, theology, and science?
  • Are we entitled to think of God as active, even interacting, and in any case sovereign over the world, if we adopt a worldview informed by elements of modern science such as cosmology and evolutionary theory?
  • If classical theism can be retained in the light of recent philosophy, theology, and science, do these fields motivate reformulations of any of its components?
  • What reasons (epistemic, practical, or theological) across the disciplines, favor a-personal conceptions of the divine?
  • Can a non-personal God plausibly be considered a subject worthy of obedience, devotion, adoration, and prayer?
  • How could a non-personal God be active, present, or efficacious as an eschatological force for the world?

Projects ought to be systematic in character. The Analytic Theology Project is thus not seeking to support projects which are purely of historical, exegetical or pastoral/practical interest. Projects with implications for these areas will be considered, but only as long as they retain a clear systematic focus.

PhD fellows are deliberately given wide thematic scope. The fellowships should enable young scholars from various fields of philosophy and theology to conduct systematic, cutting-edge doctoral research at the intersection of analytic philosophy and theology. Project proposals advocating complementary philosophical approaches (e. g. existential philosophy, pragmatism, phenomenology, dialogue philosophy etc.) are also welcome, as long as the candidate engages appropriately with analytic philosophy.

The fellowship is awarded for two years at 10.780,- €/year gross income (approx. 9.100,- € net). The coverage of an additional year of funding depends on available financial means but is likely. Project-related travel funds are provided by the project (up to 1.200€/year).

Please be aware that PhD fellows are regular employees of Innsbruck University, and as such belong to the staff of the Theological Faculty. Candidates are encouraged to look for further funding opportunities (e. g. stipends and scholarships of the university or other funding agencies) and are actively supported by the project directors in doing so.

PhD fellows must enroll for one of the accredited PhD programs of the Theology Faculty and fulfill the required coursework here. Innsbruck University provides all necessary infrastructure for carrying out the PhD project.

PhD fellows will find themselves surrounded by an exciting blend of research seminars, conferences, and regular guest lectures dedicated to the topics they are working on themselves. Furthermore, the departments of Christian Philosophy and Systematic Theology, which are parts of the Theology Faculty, provide the opportunity to interact regularly with faculty members in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

Conditions for Eligibility:

  • Masters degree in theology and/or philosophy, ranked above average
  • A planned PhD topic of interest to the Analytic Theology Project
  • Proficiency in oral and written English
  • social and communication skills

In addition, candidates are expected to be willing to

  • participate in seminars and conferences put on by the Analytic Theology Project in Innsbruck,
  • help organize small workshops and guest lectures,
  • work in collaboration with a research group,
  • disseminate the research results through publications and conference presentations.

Further inquiries about project eligibility or about the application should be directed to

The Application material should contain

  • Your statement of interest (approx. 300 words)
  • Your CV
  • A copy of your MA diploma
  • A letter of recommendation from one of your university professors (ideally your MA thesis director)
  • Your research proposal (1.500-2.500 words) outlining the dissertation project as well as how it relates and contributes to the overall perspective of the Analytic Theology Project
  • A timetable of your work plan

The applicant need not speak German at the time of application, but should be willing to learn conversational German (German courses are provided by the university). Applicants are not expected to complete their PhD within the secured funding period of 24 months.

Application materials must be submitted electronically (in PDF format) on or before August 11, 2016 to:

All candidates will hear about the selection committee’s final decision no later than August 16, 2016.