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2012W – Universität Innsbruck

Doctoral Programme in Law

Curriculum (2012W)

Doktorin/Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften (Dr. iur.)

Duration/ ECTS-Credits
6 semesters / 180 ECTS-Credits

Mode of Study


Admission Requirements 
Relevant diploma or master's degree or equivalent and Language Certificates

Faculty of Law

0421 Law

Study Code
UC 796 200 xxx

Information on the Curriculum (2012W)

The complete version of the curriculum reflects the currently valid version of the curriculum. It is for informational purposes only and is not legally binding. The legally binding version of the curriculum, including any amendments, may be found in the University of Innsbruck Bulletins.

In order to determine which version of the curriculum is applicable in your case, see the Catalogue of Studies,
 available at:
Section: Current Curriculum version.


Relevant bachelor's or diploma degrees at the University of Innsbruck:

Proof of general university entrance qualification:

With the exception of § 64 par. 5 UG 2002, the general university entrance qualification for admission to a doctoral programme shall be demonstrated by the completion of a relevant diploma programme or master's programme or another relevant programme of at least the same level of higher education at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution. To compensate for substantial subject-related differences, supplementary examinations may be prescribed, which must be taken by the end of the second semester of the doctoral degree programme.

The rectorate may determine which of these supplementary examinations are prerequisites for taking examinations provided for in the curriculum of the doctoral degree programme.

Modules and Dissertation

Compulsory Modules 40 ECTS-CreditsDissertation 140 ECTS-Credits
Research and Theoretical Core Competences 10 ECTS-Credits Core Competences for the Legal Profession 5 ECTS-Credits Research and Core Competences in Fields Other Than the Field of Thesis Topic 10 ECTS-Credits Scientific Fundamentals and Core Skills in the Field of Thesis Topic 10 ECTS-Credits Thesis Defense (“Rigorosum”) 5 ECTS-Credits The dissertation is a scientific piece of work which – in contrast to a diploma or master‘s thesis – serves to prove the student's ability to cope with scientific questions in an independent way (§ 51 Para 2 No 13 Universities Act 2002). Contents will be updated shortly! The student has to propose a team of supervisors, consisting of at least two people (dissertation committee) and to nominate one of them as the supervisor mainly responsible. It is permissible to propose supervisors (with the exception of the main supervisor) from subject-related fields. In justifiable exceptional cases it is possible for students to propose only one supervisor. The student has to communicate the dissertation topic and names of the supervisors in writing to the Director of Studies prior to beginning the work. Topic and supervisors are considered as accepted, if the Director of Studies does not veto them by means of a decree within one month after the receipt of the proposal.

Qualification Profile and Skills

The Doctoral Programme in Law is grouped among the legal sciences. It serves to train academic researchers and professionals for high-level legal positions. The goal of the programme is to enable graduates to conduct original and methodologically sound scientific work independently, demonstrated by the achievement of the dissertation. The programme also serves as training for aspiring academic researchers, building on the foundations of diploma and master's studies. In addition to the acquisition and further development of scientific knowledge, the doctoral programme helps students acquire key qualifications, such as theoretical reflection, independent learning, scientific discourse, interdisciplinary and international dialogue, the presentation of research findings, and the tranfer of knowledge. Graduates acquire an awareness of legally and ethically problematic areas and their effects on society and its development. They are also able to present scientific findings and to discuss and critically analyze their own and others' findings, concepts and projects with colleagues, lay people and scientifically-aware audiences. The Doctoral Programme in Law meets international standards.

Expected Learning Outcomes for the Doctorate

Graduates are qualified junior academics. They have mastered the methods applied in research in their area and are capable of critically discussing, analyzing, and further developing theories. Junior academics possess the competence to develop and conduct substantial research projects with scientific integrity, and they are qualified to reflect on these processes scientifically and theoretically. They are also aware of issues and questions in gender research.

Future Prospects: Occupational Profiles and Career Opportunities

Occupational fields include the classic legal professions as well as other highly-qualified careers at universities, in research and educational institutions, in diplomatic service, in European and international organizations, in national and international companies, and in key political positions.

Information about the Programme (in German only)

Forms (in German only)

Recognitions (in German only)

Contact and Information

Examination Office
Standort Innrain 52d

Piktogramm barrierefreier Zugang

Dean of Studies
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Alexander Koch, LL.M.

Information for students with disabilities

Information about examination regulations, assessment and grading

Examination regulations

The examination regulation is an integral part of the curriculum, detailed information can be found under the paragraph examination regulations.

The grade distribution table is a statistical representation of the distribution of all successfully completed examinations in a given programme of study or subject (based on all registered students for the programme or subject). The grade distribution table is updated in regular intervals.

Austrian grading  scheme Definition  %-age
 1 EXCELLENT:  Outstanding performance 59.9= 100%
 2  GOOD:  Generally good, but with some errors 26.6
 3 SATISFACTORY:  Generally sound work with a number of substantial errors 11.9
 4 SUFFICIENT:  Performance meets the minimum criteria 4.6
 5 INSUFFICIENT:  Substantial improvement necessary; requirement of further work

December 2021

Overall classification of the qualification

Not applicable
Explanation: An overall classification (mit Auszeichnung bestanden/pass with distinction, bestanden/pass, nicht bestanden/fail) – is awarded only for examinations that conclude a programme of study and consist of more than one subject (an examination of this type is not specified in the curriculum of this programme of study).

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