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20-020 Members management – Universität Innsbruck

20-020 Members management


In the Members management of a course you can

  • View and manage the list of course members

  • Add, remove and set roles to members (see HelpCard 20-030)

  • Create, edit and remove groups as well as assign course-related rights

  • If you use a Booking method for your course (see HelpCard 10-070), you can see a list of bookings in the Booking tab.

Important steps

Open your course via Authoring. Go into Administration and choose Members management. The Members management view opens. In the menu to the left you can view and manage the Members, Groups, Booking and Rights of the course (for Rights, Groups and Member roles see HelpCard 20-040).


Tab Members


A list of all members is displayed. Above the list you can choose which member roles (All, Owner, Coach, Participant or the Waiting list) to be displayed and search for individual members. For more information on member roles see HelpCard 20-030.

Adding members:

  1. To add new members, click on Add member. The Add member window opens

  2. If you want to add individual members, click on User search and if you want to add several members at once, click on Bulk search.

    • In the User search, write the name of the person you would like to add or their c-identifier (their OpenOlat user name). Click on the desired person and confirm by clicking Next.

    • For Bulk search, enter several user names (c-identifiers), e-mail addresses ( or matriculation numbers. Check the selected persons and click Next.

  3. Select at least one member right (Owner, Coach, Participant) that the members in the course should have. Additionally, you can assign rights for groups associated with the course. Click on Next to confirm your choices.

  4. Optionally, you can deactivate the e-mail notification before you click Finish. The selected members have now been added to your course.

With the checkboxes in the members list you can edit, remove or send an e-mail to individual or all members in the list (see HelpCard 20-050).


Tab Groups

Here you can view and edit all groups linked to the course, as well as create new groups or import them from other courses.

Create new group:

  1. Click on the Create Group button. A new window opens.
  2. Give the group a name and optionally a description. Then click on Finish. The group has been created and you are now in the members management of the group. More information about possible settings in the group can be found in HelpCard 20-010.
  3. If you want course participants to enroll themselves in the group, use the course element Enrolment (see HelpCard 30-010).

Import group from another course:

Variant (1): Only for manually created groups

  1. Click on the button Add group from another course. A new window opens.
  2. Search here for groups that you coach yourself or for courses in which you yourself are Coach or Owner.
  3. Select single or multiple groups by checking the box to the left of the group name. Then click on the Select button.
  4. The group with its members has now been added to the course.

Variant (2): For VIS synchronized groups

  1. Go to the group administration of the group you want to add. (Please note: You only have access to VIS synchronized groups in which you are registered in VIS as a lecturer or supervisor).
  2. Switch to the Courses tab.
  3. Click on Add course.
  4. Select the course you want to connect to the group. Please note: If you are adding VIS synchronized groups, they CANNOT BE REMOVED.

Edit or remove groups:

The Edit and Remove buttons allow you to edit the group, add members to the group or remove the group from the course.


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