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Job Postings – Universität Innsbruck

Job postings

In the FWF research project of 'Exploring value-based modes of production and consumption in the corporate food regime', the Working Group on Agricultural and Regional Sociology investigates how different niche approaches to the food system affect the food regime. A project description can be found here.

So-called Alternative Food Networks such as Solidarity Farming, Food Cooperatives (Food-Coops) or Community Fields are largely found in (peri-)urban spaces. They emerge as an association of producers and consumers, and values such as fairness, trust, solidarity in a long-term cooperation are in the foreground. Agricultural production in general, however, takes place mainly in rural areas. It is still unexplored how alternative food networks and associations of producers and consumers can establish themselves in rural areas. In the context of this master thesis, we want to investigate which approaches of Alternative Food Networks exist in the rural areas of Switzerland, how they came into being and what is decisive for their continued existence. In addition to a document analysis, qualitative empirical social research approaches are planned as a methodological approach.

Interested master students are welcome to contact Ass.-Prof. Dr. Rike Stotten for further information.

Start of the master thesis by arrangement.

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