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Physics Colloquium and DK-ALM – University of Innsbruck

Physics Colloquium and DK-ALM

The Innsbruck Physics Colloquium is a forum for a broad range of topics from all physics disciplines with a focus on modern and innovative research. Students, young researchers, and professors all listen to the talks given by esteemed guest researchers. The Doctoral Programme DK-ALM joins this tradition and contributes with Pre-Talks of DK-students.

The Pre-Talks of DK-ALM students are scheduled for the following days of the Innsbruck Physics Colloquium:

There will be 3 DK AM Phyiscs lectures during the next semester.


Dec 3rd 2024, 04.30 & 05.15 pm, HS C
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Niek van Hulst, ICFO, Barcelona
pretalk by Elena Poli, group Francesca Ferlaino
January 28th 2025, 04.30 & 05.15 pm, HS C
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Christiane Helling, ÖAW
pretalk by Sruthi M. Purushu, group Roland Wester

Previous talks:
June 11th 2024, 04.30 & 05.15 pm, HS C
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Lutz Schweikhard
MR-ToF devices in nuclear physics and cluster research
pretalk by Shan Jin, group Martin Beyer
Spectroscopy of ionic iron compounds with astrochemical relevance
May 15th 2024, 04.30 & 05.15 pm, HS C
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Ilja Gerhardt, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Single Molecules for Quantum Optics
pretalk by Alexander Ebenbichler, group Norbert Przybilla
Alignment of diffuse interstellar bands
January 16th 2024
Physic Colloquium will be given by Alec M. Wodtke, MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences
Low-temperature adsorbate quantum dynamics observed using a mid-ir superconducting nanowire single photon detector
pre-talk: Thomas Gstir, group Roland Wester
The influence of fluorination on the dynamics of the F+CH3CH2 I reaction
November 11th 2023
Physic Colloquium will be given by Alexander Pawlis, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Modern Device Concepts based on novel aspects in the MBE of classic wide gap II/VI semiconductors
pre-talk: Tommaso Faleo, group Gregor Weihs
Entanglement-induced collective multiparticle interference
June 27th 2023
Physic Colloquium will be given by Yiwen Chu, ETH Zürich
Schrödinger cat states of a 16-microgram mechanical oscillator
pre-talk: Florian Goschin, group Tracy E. Northup
Optomechanics with levitated particles in ultra-high vacuum
April 18th 2023
Physic Colloquium will be given by Jeffrey Hangst, University of Aarhus, DK, Spokesperson, the ALPHA Collaboration at CERN
Spectroscopic and Gravitational studies of antimatter: the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment at CERN
pre-talk: Siegfried Kollotzek, group Paul Scheier
How to dope multiply charged superfluid helium nanodroplets
January 10th 2023
16:30 pre-talk by Lukas Deeg, group Gerhard Kirchmair
Nonlinear Magnetomechanics
17:15 Colloquium talk by Albert Schliesser, University of Copenhagen, NL
Phononic quantum sensors and transducers

December 13th 2022
pre-talk by Yusuf Karli, group Gregor Weihs
Red‐detuned Excitation of a Quantum Emitter
17:15 Colloquium talk by Frank Stienkemeier, University of Freiburg, DE
Time-resolved coherent spectroscopy of dilute samples​

May 10th 2022
16:30 pre-talk by Artem Rakcheev, group Andreas Läuchli
Dynamics of a pair of magnetic dipoles with non‐reciprocal interactions due to a moving conductor
17:15 Colloquium talk by Christiane Koch, FU Berlin, DE
Quantum control of atoms, molecules and their interaction
Location: HS A
April 26th 2022
16:30 pre-talk by Raphael Holzinger, group Helmut Ritsch
Collective Effects in Molecules
17:15 Colloquium talk by Mete Atatüre, University of Cambridge, The Cavendish Laboratory, Dep. of Physics
Nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum dot: through the looking-glass, and what we found there
Location: HS A
April 5th 2022
16:30 pre-talk by Matthias Englbrecht, group Barbara Kraus
Party-local Clifford transformations of stabilizer states
17:15 Colloquium talk by Martin Schultze, TU Graz, Institut für Experimentalphysik
Light-wave driven charge- and spin dynamics
Location: HS A & video-conference:
April 27th 2021
16:30 pre-talk by Franziska Dahlmann, group Roland Wester
Hyperfine effects in the vibrational spectroscopy of Cl-H2 and Cl-D2 complexes
17:15 Colloquium talk by Lai-Shang Wang, Brown University, US, Dep. of Chemistry
Resonant Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Cryogenically-Cooled Anions via Dipole-Bound Excited States
Location: CoV precautions -> video-conference:

March 23rd 2021
16:30 pre-talk by Jakob Heller, group Martin Beyer
Hydrated Metal IonsUnravelling the H2 Formation Mechanism
17:15 Colloquium talk by Jun Ye, University of Colorado Boulder, AMO Physics & Presicion Measurements
A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules with tunable interactions
Location: CoV precautions -> video-conference:
December 15th 2020
16:30 pre-talk by Colella Elvia
Dynamical gauge fields for ultracold atoms in opitcal resonators
17:15 Colloquium talk by Eric Herbst, University of Virginia, Departments of Chemistry, Astronomy and Physics
What molecules tell us about the formation of stars and planets
Location: CoV precautions -> video-conference:
October 14th 2020
16:30 pre-talk by Christian Schneider
Superconducting Quantum Magnetomechanics
17:15 Colloquium talk by Wolfgang Tittel, Delft University of Technology
How to catch a photon
Location: lecture hall A, Technikerstraße 25, 6020 Innsbruck
March 17th 2020 - cancelled because of CoV
16:30 pre-talk by Christian Schneider
Superconducting Quantum Magnetomechanics
17:15 Colloquium talk by Wolfgang Tittel, Delft University of Technology
How to catch a photon
 January 14th 2020
16:30 pre-talk by Matthias Kondrak
Quantitative Spectroscopy of Red Supergiants
17:15 Colloquium talk by David E. Manolopoulos
master equations for spin dynamics
December 10th 2019 - cancelled
16:30 pre-talk by Christian Schneider
Superconducting Quantum Magnetomechanics
17:15 Colloquium talk by Wolfgang Tittel, Delft University of Technology
How to catch a photon
June 4th 2019
16:30 Pre-talk by Maximillian Sohmen
Dipolar Quantum Gases of Erbium and Dysprosium
17:15 Colloquium talk by Bernd von Issendorff, Universität Freiburg:
Small is beautiful: structure and dynamics of atomic and molecular clusters
March 19th 2019
16:30 Pre-talk by Govind Unnikrishnan
Towards quantum gas microscopy of tunable quantum matter 
17:15 Colloquium talk by Vahid Sandoghdar, MPI Erlangen
Organic Molecules Coming of Age in Quantum Optics
January 15th 2019
16:30 Pre-talk by Michael Rader
Finite Correlation Length Scaling in Lorentz-Invariant Gapless iPEPS Wave Functions
17:15 Colloquium talk by Manfred Kappes, KIT
Structure and spectroscopy of metal containing cluster ions
December 11th 2018
16:30 Pre-talk by Arthur Jungkind
Cavity cooling and trapping with blue detuned light 
17:15 Colloquium talk by Simon Trebst, Universität Köln
Quantum Machine Learning
November 27th 2018
16:30 Pre-talk by Lorenz Ballauf
Molecules formed in ion-surface collisions 
17:15 Colloquium talk by Jochen Küpper, DESY
Simple games with molecules for advanced imaging
June 5th 2018
16:30 Pre-talk by Lorenz Kranabetter
Photo fragmentation of charged cluster complexes 
17:15 Colloquium talk by Fernando Brandao, Caltech
New Directions in Quantum Algorithms: Thermalization meets Convex Optimization
May 8th 2018
16:30 Pre-talk by David Plankensteiner
Cavity antiresonance spectroscopy of dipole coupled subradiant arrays
17:15 Colloquium talk by Andreas Hemmerich, University Hamburg
At the interface between quantum optics and quantum many-body physics
April 17th 2018
16:30 Pre-talk Maximilian Prilmüller
Quantum Dots as sources of nonclassical light 
17:15 Colloquium talk by Rudolf Bratschitsch, WWU Münster
Single-photon emitters in atomically thin materials
January 16th 2018
16:30 Pre-talk given by Ulrich Czopak
The unconventional Polariton Blockade
17:15 Colloquium talk by Prof. Lorenz Cederbaum, Univ. Heidelberg:
On systems with and without excess energy in environment  ICD and other interatomic mechanisms
November 7th 2017
16:30 Pre-talk given by Martin Hebenstreit
The entanglement Hierarchy of 2 x m x n systems
17:15 Colloquium talk by Prof. Jean-Sebastien Caux, Univ. Amsterdam
Dynamics in one dimension: a treasure trove of theoretical and experimental many-body quantum physics
October 24th 2017
16:30 Pre-talk given by Gianmaria Durastante
Quantum mixture of highly magnetic atoms
17:15 Colloquium talk by Prof. Carlo CallegariElettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Atoms, Light, and Molecules at FERMI, the Italian Free Electron Laser
June 13th 2017
16:30 Pre-talk given by Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup
Topological code switching in two dimensions
17:15 Colloquium talk by Prof.a Paola Caselli, MPI Garching
The first steps toward chemical complexity during star and planet formation
May 30th 2017
16:30 Pre-talk given by Davide Orsucci
Flexible resources for quantum metrology
17:15 Colloquium talk by Prof.a Stephanie Wehner, TU Delft
Quantum internet - the certifiable road ahead 
May 16th 2017
16:30 Pre-talk given by Malcolm Simpson
Photodetachment spectroscopy of molecular anions in a 22-pole ion trap
17:15 Colloquium talk by Prof. Gabriel Ferrari, Univ. Trento
Spontaneous creation, dynamics and interaction of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates
December 6th 2016
16:30 Pre-talk given by David Sauerwein
Transforming multipartite entangled quantum states
17:15 Colloquium talk by Prof. Piet Schmidt
November 8th 2016
16:30 Pre-talk given by Nina Bersenkowitsch
Photodissociation of doped sodium chloride clusters
17:15 Colloquium talk by Prof. Paola Caselli, MPI Garching
The first steps toward chemical complexity during star and planet formation
January 10th 2016
16:30 Pre-talk given by Isabella Fritsche
Ultrafast many-body interferometry of impurities coupled to a Fermi sea
17:15 Colloquium talk by Prof. Stefan Willitsch, Universität Basel
Cold Molecular Ions in Traps: From Precision Spectroscopy to Controlled Collisions  

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