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Neuerscheinungen – Universität Innsbruck


Du Toit, Meir, Noort, Palaver: Nonviolence and Religion // Prüller-Jagenteufel, Mendoza, Ladner: In Service of a Servant Church // Regensburger, Wandinger: Imagining the Other // Augustin, Rees: Ehe und Familie

Louise Du Toit, Ephraim Meir, Ed Noort, Wolfgang Palaver (Hg.):

Nonviolence and Religion. 
Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Wilhelm Guggenberger, Michaela Quast-Neulinger und Wolfgang Palaver

MDPI Books Basel 2023, 250 S.
ISBN 978-3-0365-7172-0

Buchcover Nonviolence and Religion

This book discusses the relation between nonviolence and religion by taking Mohandas K. Gandhi’s concept of satyagraha as a starting point and by discussing also nonviolent hermeneutics of holy scriptures with a special emphasis on interpretations of the Qur’an. The first part consists of chapters that deal directly with Gandhi’s concept of nonviolence and how it influenced later faith-based peace activists. By reading Gandhi’s active nonviolence through the lens of Judith Butler’s recent work on nonviolence this book engages with contemporary discussions about violence and nonviolence and reflects on how nonviolence relates to gender. It also looks at how Gandhi related to different religions and furthermore broadens the usual focus on physical violence by addressing economic violence and environmental degradation. Gandhi’s view of Judaism and Zionism is critically discussed in one chapter. The second part comprises contributions that study the use of holy scriptures in relation to (non)violence, its problems, its boundaries, and its inspiration. Religious authoritative texts play a major role in continuation and legitimation of connected belief systems. Again, Gandhi’s own nonviolent hermeneutics of holy scriptures is investigated and his interpretation of the biblical figure of Daniel is especially discussed. Three contributions of this part of the book deal with the interpretation of the Qur’an and its potential for nonviolence. A concluding chapter provide a range of hermeneutic guidelines for an Islamic theology of nonviolence.

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Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel, Ruben C. Mendoza, Gertraud Ladner (Hg.):

In Service of a Servant Church. Outlines and Challenges for Catholic Theology Today. Documentation of the INSeCT Conferences in Manila 2019 and Vienna 2020 (Religion and transformation in Contemporary European Society 22).

Schöningh Verlag Paderborn u.a. 2023, 262 S.
ISBN 978-3-506-79023-1

Buchcover In Service of a Servant Church

Dieser Band dokumentiert zwei internationale Konferenzen, die im Rahmen des globalen theologischen Forschungsprogramms „A Kairos for Catholic Theology: Serving the Church – Serving the World“ des Internationalen Netzwerks der Gesellschaften für Katholische Theologie (INSeCT) stattfanden. Die interkontinentale Konferenz 2019 in Manila war dem europäisch-asiatischen Dialog gewidmet und versammelte Beiträge zu Frieden, Gerechtigkeit, Demokratie und politischer Kultur, Ökologie, Familie und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit. Die Europäische Konferenz 2020 in Wien war dem Beitrag des multikulturellen und multireligiösen Europas zur Lösung der aktuellen globalen Herausforderungen in Kirche und Gesellschaft gewidmet.

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Dietmar Regensburger, Nikolaus Wandinger (Ed.):

Imagining the Other: Mimetic Theory, Migration, Exclusionary Politics, and the Ambiguous Other

innsbruck university press 2023, 392 S.
ISBN 978-3-99106-100-7 (print)
DOI 10.15203/99106-100-7 (open access eBook)

Buchcover Imagining the Other

In July 2019, the Colloquium on Violence and Religion (COV&R) held its annual conference at the University of Innsbruck dealing with the challenges of global migration. Experts from many fields gathered to discuss the problem of migration, and to elucidate it with the help of mimetic theory. However, the migration theme can be read as part of a larger challenge: how do we perceive the other – the other who migrates from a foreign land, the other who thinks and behaves differently than „we“ do, or the other who transcends this world altogether, and whom the religions call „God“? Aware that imagination is a mimetic process, the contributors to this volume try to illuminate different aspects of this complex entanglement, asking whom or what we mean by „the other“: the stranger and migrant, the brother or sister, nature that envelops or defies us, the transcendent other. The three parts of this book employ mimetic theory to analyze the imagination of the other and the challenges of migration, to illustrate the politics of migration, looking at particular problems and case studies, and to probe the imagination of the other between exclusion and adoration.

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Bernhard Augustin,  Wilhelm Rees (Hg.):

Ehe und Familie. Orientierung in bewegter Zeit

innsbruck university press 2023, 388 S.
ISBN 978-3-99106-099-4

Buchcover Ehe und Familie

Der Band möchte in der gegenwärtigen Zeit, in der gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen und staatliche Regelungen – wie die Ehe für alle und das „Dritte Geschlecht“ – das traditionelle Bild von Ehe und Familie weithin in Frage stellen und Ehepaare und Familien unter einem großen gesellschaftlichen Druck stehen, auf die Bedeutung von Ehe und Familie hinweisen und aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven Hilfestellung und Orientierung geben.

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