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Atomic Force Microscope
Atomic Force Microscope
  • Modell: Veeco Dimension 3100
  • Company: Veeco 
  • Year of manufacture: 2000

operated in air, contact, tapping und non-contact mode, electric force microscopy (EFM), Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM), Surface Potential Microscopy/Kelvin Probe Microscopy (SPM/KPFM), Conductive AFM (c-AFM), pneuamtiv vibration isolation system, acoustic hood

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Catalytic Fixed Bed Flow Reactor
  • Home built

Fixed Bed Flow Reactor setup with mass spectrometry detection (Prisma), pre-oxidation, pre-reduction and catalytic treatments (e.g., NO reduction, methane oxidation, methane dry reforming) between 25 °C and 1100 °C are possible, includes LINN furnace

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Catalytic Re-circulation batch reactor
  • Home built

Lab-VIEW controlled re-circulating quartz batch reactor with mass spetcrometry/gas chromatography detection, gas inlets for various oxidizing and reducing pretreatment gases, as well as alcohol and hydrocarbon reforming mixtures, accessible temperature range: room temperature to 1200 °C (Linn High-Therm FRV-25/150/1100 furnace with PID control)

Contact for further information and cooperation:

  • Modell: Ruby 2000
  • Company: Horiba Jobin Yvon
  • Year of manufacture: 2004

Single-wavelength 532 nm (He-Ne-Laser), incident angle adjustable to 55° or 70°

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Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
  • Modell: Cary 670
  • Company: Agilent 

MIR range 4000-600 cm-1, in situ reaction cell for spectroscopy at temperatures up to 1000 °C, FT-IR/mass spectrometry coupling (High Cube Eco Pumping stage+Pfeiffer Prism), portable glove box for quasi in situ measurements

Contact for further information and cooperation:

2-Zone  Furnace
2-Zone Furnace
  • Modell: FRHT-2/700/1250
  • Company: Linn High-Therm
  • Year of manufacture: 2010

temperature range 25 °C to 1250 °C

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Near-Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
  • Modell: Customized
  • Company: SPECS 
  • Year of manufacture: 2019

can be backfilled with gas atmosphere up to 30 mbar, PHOIBOS 150 NAP hermispherical energy analyzer with 1D-DLD detector, µFOCUS 600 NAPP monochromatic small spot X-ray source (Al Kalpha), Flood gun FG 22/35, 4-axes manipulator adapted for laser heating, 4-axes kryo maipulator (96 K), 4-axes manipulator for in situ electrochemical measurements, mass spectrometer for aoperando measurements

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Near-AmbientIn situ Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
In situ Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
  • Modell: Zennium XC
  • Company: Zahner
  • Year of manufacture: 2023

DC Voltage range: +/- 5V and +/-14V, current up to +/- 2A over 12 current ranges, EIS frequency range from 10 µHz to 5 MHz, AC amplitude of 0-6 V or 0-2 A for EIS, switchable floating/grounded mode; Linn furnace

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Muffle furnace
Muffle furnace
  • Modell: MO 51/3R
  • Company: Nabertherm
  • Year of manufacture: 2000

Calcination in air possible up to 1100 °C

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Near-AmbientIn situ Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Student Laboratory: Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
  • Modell: Easyscan
  • Company: Nanosurf
  • Year of manufacture: 2011

operated in air with Pt-Ir tips; including HOPG, au, TaS2 and MoS2 samples

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Surface Area and Pore Size analysis
Surface Area and Pore Size analysis
  • Modell: Quantachrome 2000
  • Company: Quantachrome
  • Year of manufacture: 2011

surface area and pore size determination of powder materials; static and dynamic BET/BJH methods possible

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Surface Tension measurements
Surface Tension measurements
  • Modell: TCD1
  • Company: Krüss
  • Year of manufacture: 2011

surface tension measurements including Peltier element, 25°C-80 °C; measurements exploiting the using a tensile force after DeNouy ring or Wilhelmy plate method possible

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Thermogravimetric analysis
Thermogravimetric analysis
  • Modell: STA 449 F3 Jupiter
  • Company: Netzsch
  • Year of manufacture: 2015

thermal analysis, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) possible; temperature range: -180 °C to 500 °C using a Cu furnace, 30 °C to 1600 °C using a SiC furnace; in situ and operando measurements possible (High Cube Eco pumping stage including Pfeiffer Prism mass spectrometer). Gases: Ar, N2, O2, H2(5%)/Ar, CO2, CH4 and mixtures

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UHV apparatus for model catalyst preparation and characterization
  • Home Built
  • Year of manufacture: 1995

Thermo-Fisher Alpha Analyzer for low-energy ion scattering, Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements, high-pressure circulating quartz reactor cell ( 1 bar, 1000 °C) including gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis, load lock for multiple substrates, oxide and metal evaporators

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UV-VIS spectroscopy
UV-VIS spectroscopy
  • Modell: Cary 60
  • Company: Agilent
  • Year of manufacture: 2011

wavelength range 290 - 1100 cm-1

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Volumetric adsorption
  • Home built

temperature range: 25 °C - 1100 °C, static or flow conditions possible, High Cube Eco pumping stage including Pfeiffer Prism mass spectrometer, suitable for temperature-programmed oxidation, -reduction, -reaction measurements and thermal desorption spectroscopy

Contact for further information and cooperation:

X-ray diffraction
X-ray diffraction
  • Modell: Rigaku SmartLab
  • Company: Rigaku
  • Year of manufacture: 2019

Cu target (3 kW), selection of divergent (K-beta filter or CBO-alpha) and parallel beam alignment (cross beam optic), high-resolution theta/theta closed loop goniometer, 2-D HyPix3000 high-energy resolution semiconductor detector; ReactorX reactor chamber up to 1000 °C (oxidative and reductive gases, gas mixtures), Rigaku high-temperarure chamber up to 1500 °C, Anton Paar high-temperature chamber up to 1200 °C; operando measurements possible with a High Cube Eco pumping stage including Pfeiffer Prism mass spectrometer

Contact for further information and cooperation:

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
  • Modell: Multilab2000
  • Company: Thermo Fisher
  • Year of manufacture: 2004

Al/Mg twin anode; monochromated Al Kalpha X-ray source; (angle resolved) XPS, UPS, ISS and AES measurements possible; ion gun for sputter-depth profiling, charge compensation via flood gun

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High temperature tube furnace
High temperature tube furnace
  • Modell: HTRV 16/40/250
  • Company: Carbolite
  • Year of manufacture: 2023

vertical high-temperature tube furnace up to 1600 °C; 250 mm heated length; PID control; work under protective gas possible; O2 sensor for fugacity control

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Scanning Tunnelling/Atomic Force Microscope
  • Modell: Infinity
  • Company: Scienta Omicron
  • Year of manufacture: 2019

Based on the qPlus sensor design, the microscope allows for high-resolution STM/AFM and extensive spectroscopy experiments. A pulse tube cooler is employed to cool the microscope to a temperature of about 8.5 K. An additional UHV chamber, equipped with several evaporators and a low energy electron diffraction (LEED) setup, is dedicated to sample preparation.

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Laboratory for synthetic preparation of materials and catalysts
  • impregnation, sol-gel, solid state synthesis; preparation of powder, metallic, intermetallic and ceramic catalyst materials

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Thin Film preparation laboratory
  • Deposition of thin films in ranges from nm- to µm thickness; deposition of thin films by thermal evaporation, quartz crystal microbalance; Lesker Torus magnetron sputter source (2" target diameter, 300 W RF power supplies for conducting and insulating targets), home-built ion beam sputter gun for metallic and oxidic targets; 3 single electron-beam evaporators for metallic targets; 2 triple electron-beam evaporators for metallic and multimetallic targets, templeta holders for electron microscopy and catalytic samples, preparation of intermetallic phases by co-melting

Contact for further information and cooperation: and

Scanning Tunnelling/Atomic Force Microscope
  • Modell: LT-STM/AFM
  • Company: Createc
  • Year of manufacture: 2023

Based on the qPlus sensor design, the microscope allows for high-resolution STM/AFM and extensive spectroscopy experiments. The microscope is cooled by a bath cryostat, which can be cooled down to liquid helium temperature, which is about 4.2K. The STM head is additionally equiped with a lense system, which allows to couple a laser into the STM. Supplementary another UHV chamber, equipped with several evaporators and a quartz micro balance, is dedicated to sample preparation.

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