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ACM – Universität Innsbruck

Open Access publishing with ACM

Articles from FWF-funded projects published in journals that are part of this agreement can be published open access free of charge until the end of 2027 at the latest.

Please note that the criteria listed below must be met. In addition, the following FWF requirements must be complied with:

  • the article must be published with a CC BY licence
  • the acknowledgement must contain the following text:
    This research was funded in whole / in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [grant DOI]. For open access purposes, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright license to any author accepted manuscript version arising from this submission.
    or for German-language publications:
    Diese Forschung wurde gänzlich / teilweise durch den Wissenschaftsfonds FWF finanziert [Grant-DOI]. Zum Zweck des freien Zugangs hat der:die Autor:in für jedwede akzeptierte Manuskriptversion, die sich aus dieser Einreichung ergibt, eine „Creative Commons Attribution CC BY“-Lizenz vergeben.
    Please make sure to enter the grant DOI instead of the project number.

Since May 2022, a new offer allows university members with active employment contracts or students of the University of Innsbruck to publish open access in open access journals of ACM free of charge. Members of the University of Innsbruck can publish open access in journals and conference proceedings of ACM free of charge.

Which journals can researchers of the university publish in?

You can publish open access in journals and conference proceedings of ACM. A list of all participating journals is available here. Please note that conference proceedings are not part of this list.

Who can publish open access?

Eligible are authors, who

  • are corresponding authors of the articles
  • are university members with active employment contracts or students of the University of Innsbruck
  • whose article was accepted in a journal or conference proceeding of ACM
  • are publishing an article of the type research article, review article, and conference or proceeding papers (and any other article type in the licensed materials for which ACM would otherwise charge an APC)

ATTENTION: It is not permitted to retrospectively change the corresponding author after peer review.

Procedure/Verification Process:

Please indicate your affiliation to the University of Innsbruck when submitting the article. The verification of the authors' affiliation with the university is done through the indication of the institution and the use of the institutional email domain.
After the authorization through the university library, a license agreement is sent to the authors by ACM, which must be signed and returned to the publisher - via the author dashboard - together with the selection of the CC license.
ACM does not charge any additional publication fees (e.g. color, publication, page or submission fees). 


If you have any questions, please contact
University and State Library of Tyrol | Electronic Resources Department
Lisa Hofer, tel: +43 (0) 512 507 / 25073
Erika Pörnbacher, tel: +43 (0) 512 507 / 25070

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