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BA English and American Studies – University of Innsbruck

BA Program English and American Studies

Program Information ♦ Exam Dates: Introduction to American Literary StudiesVO American Literature and CultureBA Thesis Guidelines


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Program Information

The students of the Bachelor’s Program in English and American Studies enhance their proficiency of English and study English linguistics as well as British and American literature and culture. They also acquire soft skills needed to work in diverse professional fields. For general information about the program, please click here: BA English and American Studies

One important aspect of the BA English and American Studies is the newly implemented Buddy-/Mentoring-Program. More information can be found here: Buddy-/Mentoring-Program

Exam Dates

VO Introduction to American Literary Studies
Prof. Mario Klarer (SS 2024)

The exams takes place in lecture hall 6 and you have to be there in person. You have to use your own laptop, because the exams will be held on OLAT. We’ll send you further information via E-Mail.

3rd exam date Winter Term 2023/24 and 1st exam date Summer Term 2024
Monday, June 24, 2024, time will be announced.
Registration: 01.06.2024 - 19.06.2024 via LFU online. You will receive further information via email.

2nd exam date Summer Term 2024 
Monday, September 9, 2024, time will be announced.
Registration: 05.08.2024 - 23.08.2024 via LFU online. You will receive further information via email.

3rd exam date Summer Term 2024 
Monday, September 30, 2024, time will be announced. 
Registration: 01.09.2024 - 25.09.2024 via LFU online. You will receive further information via email.

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VO Introduction to American Literary Studies
Dr. Matthias Klestil (WS 2024/2025)

Exam type: written exam (without materials), 90 min., on campus. Please register for the exam via LFU:online. More information will be provided in class, via email and in OLAT.

1st exam date
Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 3.30-5 p.m., HS 7
Registration: January 10-24, 2025 (via LFU:online)

2nd exam date 
Thursday, March 6, 2025, time & room tba
Registration: February 17-March 3, 2025 (via LFU:online)

3rd exam date
Thursday, May 22, 2025, time & room tba
Registration: May 5-19, 2025 (via LFU:online)

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VO American Literature and Culture

A central part of this lecture is this reading list.

VO "American Literature and Culture: Survey of American Literature after 1900"
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mag. Christian Quendler (WS 2024/2025)

1st exam date (WS 2024/2025): 31st January 2025
Please register for the exam by submitting the form below by e-mail to and cc to along with your reading list, specifying which optional texts you choose.
Send your registration e-mail between January, 22nd , 2025 to January 29th, 2025 till 12 o'clock am.

2nd exam date (WS 2024/2025) March 7th, 2025
Please register for the exam by submitting the form below by e-mail to and cc to along with your reading list, specifying which optional texts you choose.
Send your registration e-mail between February 28th, 2025 to March 5th, 2025 till 12 o'clock am.

3rd exam date (WS 2024/2025): May 23rd, 2025
Please register for the exam by submitting the form below by e-mail to and cc to along with your reading list, specifying which optional texts you choose.
Send your registration e-mail between May 14th, 2025 and May 21st, 2025 till 12 o'clock am.

Registration form

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VO "American Literature and Culture: "What Was American Literature?"
Michael Docherty, PhD, Summer Semester 2024

Further information on exam registration and format will be provided in person, via email, and on the course OLAT page.

1st exam dates: 26.06.24 and 27.06.24
Registration period: 05.06.24 – 19.06.24 (via LFU:online)


The second and third exam dates will be taken over by Prof. Christian Quendler.

Please sign up via LFU:online. You will be assigned a timeslot, which will be communicated to you by email after the deadline. If you have another exam that day, please provide the title of the course, the exact time, and the room of this exam in the comments section when you sign up. If possible, this will be taken into account when assigning the timeslot. Exam collisions communi­cated after the fact will not be considered.

2nd exam date (SS 2024): October 4th, 2024
Registration period: 18.09.24 – 25.09.24 (via LFU:online).
After your registration via LFU:online you will receive a email with further information.

3rd exam dates (SS 2024): November 15th, 2024
Registration period: 06.11.24 – 13.11.24 (via LFU:online)
After your registration via LFU:online you will receive a email with further information. 

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BA Thesis Guidelines and Prerequisites

In order to complete  your BA in English and American Studies, you need to submit two BA theses. For both theses, you need a thesis supervisor, who can be any faculty member in the Departments of English and American Studies.


In order to submit your theses, you need to attend the courses VU Bachelor's Thesis I (Compulsory Module 19: Bachelor's Thesis I) and VU Bachelor's Thesis II (Compulsory Module 20: Bachelor's Thesis II). Your thesis supervisors will forward the grades of your theses to the instructors of these courses.


Depending on the area of your Bachelor's thesis, the following compulsory modules (see also the curriculum with a description of all modules) have to be completed successfully:

Literary Studies
  • 10 Introduction: Literary Studies
  • 11 Advanced: British and Postcolonial Literary Studies
  • 12 Advanced: American Literary Studies
  • 5 Introduction: English Linguistic
  • 6 Survey of English Linguistics
  • 7 Focus on Special Fields of English Linguistics) or 8 Focus on Method and Innovation in English
Cultural Studies
  • 14 Introduction: Cultural Studies
  • and either the elective module 4 Critical Area Studies 1, 5 Critical Area Studies II, 6 Cultural Studies I, or 7 Cultural Studies II
Language Skills
  • 1 Language System I: Focus on Language Constituents
  • 2 Language System II: Focus on Language in Context
  • 3 Focus on Language Usage I


The length of a BA thesis is 30 to 40 pages (double-spaced, from "Introduction" to "Conclusion") and is equivalent to 7.5 ECTS-credits. They must be written in English and include the "Declaration of Academic Integrity" ("Eidesstattliche Erklärung)." 

The thesis supervisor will assess your thesis according to the official criteria. Make sure to submit the filled-in form "Proof of BA thesis" ("Nachweis über die BA-Arbeit") along with your thesis. Your thesis supervisor will forward the form as well as the grade to the relevant course instructor. 

The theses have to have a cover page that includes the following information: student name, student registration number, name of the course instructor, course title, semester of course attendance, name of the thesis advisor, date of submission.

For information regarding citation style, formatting, submission deadlines, etc., contact your thesis supervisor and follow their instructions precisely. 


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