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Group History – University of Innsbruck

The Kräutler Research Group


Our main research interests have concerned the ‘Pigments of Life’, such as heme, chlorophyll and vitamin B12: their discovery, their chemical and biological synthesis, their biologically important structure and chemical reactivity, as well as their biological functions, based on which, applications in the life sciences and in medicine are investigated. 


The Kräutler group has been a founding member of the ‘Center for Molecular Biosciences Innsbruck’ (CMBI). 

 Recent Group History and key publications


Markus Wiedemair, Christoph Kieninger, Klaus Wurst, Maren Podewitz, Evelyne Deery, Martin J. Warren & Bernhard Kräutler
Solution, Crystal and in-Silico Structures of the OrganometallicVitamin B12-Derivative Acetylcobalamin and of its Novel Rhodium- Analogue Acetylrhodibalamin   
Helv. Chim. Acta 106, e202200158 (2023)


Florian J.Widner, C. Kieninger, K. Wurst, Evelyne Deery, Andrew D. Lawrence, Martin J. Warren and Bernhard Kräutler
Synthesis, Spectral Characterization and Crystal Structure of Chloro-Rhodibalamin – A Synthesis Platform for Rhodium Analogues of Vitamin B12 and for Rh-Based Antivitamins B12 
Synthesis 53, 332-337 (2021)

Markus Wiedemair, B.K. Anjani Pandey
Christoph Kieninger, Theresia Erhart, B.K.

Simone Moser, Theresia Erhart and Bernhard Kräutler
Phyllobilins from senescence associated chlorophyll breakdown in leaves of basil (Ocimum basilicum) show increased abundance upon herbivore attack
J. Agr. Food Chem68, 7132-7142 (2020)

Christoph Kieninger, Klaus Wurst, Maren Podewitz, Maria Stanley, Evelyne Deery, Andrew Lawrence, Klaus R. Liedl, Martin J Warren and Bernhard Kräutler  
Replacement of the Cobalt-Center of Vitamin B12 by Nickel - Nibalamin and Nibyric Acid Prepared from Metal-Free B12-Ligands Hydrogenobalamin and Hydrogenobyric Acid
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed59, 20129-20136 (2020)

Christoph Kieninger, Evelyne Deery, Andrew D. Lawrence, Maren Podewitz, Klaus Wurst, Emi Nemoto-Smith, Florian J. Widner, Joseph A. Baker, Steffen Jockusch, Christoph R. Kreutz, Klaus R. Liedl, Karl Gruber, Martin J. Warren & Bernhard Kräutler
The Hydrogenobyric Acid Structure Reveals the Corrin Ligand as an Entatic State Module Empowering B12-Cofactors for Catalysis
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 10756-10760 (2019)

Theresia Erhart, Stefan Vergeiner, Bernhard Kräutler and Thomas Müller
Chlorophyll Breakdown in a Fern – Discovery of Carbon-Skeleton Rearranged Phyllobilin Isomers
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57, 14937-14941 (2018); Angew. Chem 130, 15153-15157 (2018)

F. J. Widner, A. D. Lawrence, E. Deery, D. Heldt, S. Frank, K. Gruber, K. Wurst, M. J. Warren, B. Kräutler  
Total Synthesis, Structure and Biological Activity of Adenosylrhodibalamin - 
the Nonnatural Rhodium Homologue of Coenzyme B12

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 11281-11289, (2016)

  front:    Clemens Vergeiner, B.K., Simone Moser,
                 Christopher Brenig, Theresia Erhart;

  back:     Gerhard Scherzer, Thomas Müller,
                 Florian Widner, Christoph Kieninger

front: Clemens Vergeiner, Mathias Roiser, Miriam Hunger, B.K., 
           Florian Widner, Mathias Scherl
back: Thomas Müller, Theresia Erhart, Markus Ruetz, Iris Süssenbacher,
 Fechtel. Gerhard Scherzer, Chengjie Li, Xiujun Liu

Chengjie Li, Klaus Wurst, Steffen Jockusch, Karl Gruber, Maren Podewitz, Klaus R. Liedl, Bernhard Kräutler
Chlorophyll-Derived Yellow Phyllobilins of Higher Plants are Medium-Responsive, Chiral Photoswitches
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 15760-15765, (2016)

M. Scherl, T. Müller, C. R. Kreutz, R. G. Huber, E. Zass, K. R. Liedl, B. Kräutler
Chlorophyll Catabolites in Fall Leaves of the Wych Elm Tree Present a Novel Glycosylation Motif, Chem. Eur. J. 22, 9498-9503 (2016)

I. Süssenbacher, S. Hörtensteiner, B. Kräutler
A Dioxobililn-Type Fluorescent Chlorophyll Catabolite as a Transient Early Intermediate of the Dioxobilin-Branch of Chlorophyll Breakdown in Arabidopsis thaliana, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 54, 13777-13781(2015)

C. Vergeiner, M. Ulrich, C. Li, X. Liu, T. Müller, B. Kräutler
Stereo- and Regioselective Phyllobilane Oxidation in Leaf Homogenates of the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii) – Hypothetical Endogenous Path to Yellow Chlorophyll Catabolites, Chem. Eur. J., 21, 136-149 (2015)

M. Hunger, E. Mutti, A. Rieder, B. Enders, E. Nexo, B. Kräutler
An Organometallic B12-DNA-Conjugate-Synthesis, Structure Analysis & 
Studies of Binding to Human B12-Transporter Proteins

Chem. Eur. J., 20, 13103-13107 (2014)

M. Ruetz, C. Gherasim, K. Gruber, S. Fedosov, R. Banerjee, B. Kräutler 
Radical Synthesis Opens Access to Organometallic Aryl-Cobaltcorrins: 4-Ethylphenylcobalamin,
a Potential “Antivitamin B12

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 52, 2606-2610 (2013)

M. Ruetz, S. Fedosov, B. Kräutler
Reconstitution of the B12-Macrocycle by Radical Ring Closure of a Blue Secocorrin  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 6780-6784 (2012)

S. Banala, R. Huber, T. Müller, M. Fechtel, K. Liedl, B. Kräutler
Porphyrin-LEGO: Synthesis of a Hexafullereno-Diporphyrin Using Porphyrins Programmed for [4+2]-Cycloaddition
ChemmComm, 48, 4359-4361 (2012)

T. Müller, M. Rafelsberger, C. Vergeiner, B. Kräutler
A Dioxobilane as Product of a Divergent Path of Chlorophyll Breakdown in Norway Maple
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 10463-10733 (2011)

B. Kräutler, B. Puffer
More Radical Magic with B12: B12-catalyzed, Light-induced Cleavage of DNA  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 9791-9792 (2011)

Kräutler Group 2011
    Srinivas Banala, Mathias Scherl, Florian Widner, Thomas Müller, Gerhard Scherzer,
    Markus Ruetz, Barbara Enders (né Puffer), Martin Fechtel, B.K., Clemens Vergeiner,
    Iris Süssenbacher, Silke Ruck (from left to right) 

Kräutler group 2007

 M. Ulrich, S. Moser, T. Müller, B. Kräutler
How the Colourless ‚Nonfluorescent’ Chlorophyll Catabolites Rust
Chemistry – A Europ. J., 17, 2330 – 2334 (2011)

S. Moser, T. Müller, A. Holzinger, C. Lütz, S. Jokusch, N. J. Turro & B. Kräutler
Fluorescent chlorophyll catabolites in bananas light up blue halos of cell death   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 106, 15538-15542 (2009)

S. Banala, T. Rühl, K. Wurst, B. Kräutler
Blackening Porphyrins by Conjugating with Quinones
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 48, 599-603 (2009)

S. Moser, T. Müller, M.-O. Ebert, S. Jockusch, N. J. Turro & B. Kräutler
Blue Luminescence of Ripening Bananas.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 47, 8954-8957 (2008)

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