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Current Projects – Universität Innsbruck

Current Projects

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HORIZON-CL3-2021-DRS-01 (Disaster-Resilient Society 2021): 

Title: Orchestrating next-generation mobile modular laboratories for pandemic monitoring preparedness (ONELAB)

Link to ONELAB Project

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FFG IKT der Zukunft- Resilienz und Distancing: Detection of Viral Infection by Chemical Evaluation

Title: Screening of Infection by Chemical Evaluation of Breath Volatiles for Rapid Deployment during Viral Outbreaks (DEVICE)

Link to DEVICE Project

FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds.

FWF P 35312:

Title: Towards Personalised Medicine: use of volatile metabolites (PREDICT)

Link to PREDICT Project

  1. Washout characteristics of food supplements (peppermint) using PTR-MS, Prof Wolfgang Lederer

  2. Washout characteristics of drugs (anaesthetics); Prof Wolfgang Lederer, Prof. Judith Martini

  3. VOC analysis during the women`s menstruation- cyclus using GC-MS, Prof Wolfgang Lederer

  4. Daniel Swarovski Lab, Medical University of Innsbruck (Prof. Troppmair), overall support in cell biology necessary to the project: prediction of drug tolerance using non-invasive CYP2C9 breath tests

  5. Neuro-ICU, Tirolkliniken, Prof. Ronny Beer, project “Detektion von ventillatorassoziierten Pneumonie mittels Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie“, Project Nr. db-Nr: 278984, Diagnosis of pneumonia in critically ill patients using point-of-care breath analysis with ion mobility spectrometry

  1. Microbiological Department of the University of Innsbruck in the topic Headspace analysis of fungi cultures.

  2. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Prof Günter Bonn and Prof Matthias Rainer;

  3. supervision of the Master thesis of Eva Ladstätter “ Massenspektrometrische Untersuchung von Limonen und seinen Metaboliten Carveol und Perillylalkohol ” in 2019

  4. supervision of the Master thesis of Florentin Weiss “Method optimization for detection of selected exhaled breath metabolites using thermal-desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry (TD-GCMS)

  5. Institute of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry of Analytical Chemistry, Prof. Klaus Liedl in the project: DB-Nr. 257953, Prediction of drug tolerance using non-invasive CYP2C9 breath tests.

  6. Institute of Pharmacy - Pharmaceutical Technology, Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch in the project: DB-Nr. 257953, Prediction of drug tolerance using non-invasive CYP2C9 breath tests

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