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completed theses – University of Innsbruck


completed theses

PhD theses

Name Year Thema
Gstir, Sebastian 2023

Waveguide Interferometers for Fundamental Investigations of Quantum Mechanics

Czopak, Ulrich 2023

Nonlinear Interactions of Confined Microcavity Polaritons

Münzberg, Julian 2023

Many-particle interference experiments with probabilistic and deterministic photon sources

Schlager, Alexander 2021

Towards a fully integrated source of photon pairs in Bragg-reflection waveguides

Dittel, Christoph 2019

About the interference of many particles

Kauten, Thomas

2017 Optical Quantum Interferometry: Testing the foundations of quantum mechanics and creating three-photon entanglement

Pressl, Benedikt


Achieving precision in characterization and design of quantum optics experiments

Sassermann, Mathias 2017

Quantum statistics of polariton parametric scattering 

Huber, Tobias 2016 Quantum dots as photon sources 
Jayakumar, Harishankar 2013 Coherent Creation of Photon Pairs and Generation of Time-Bin Entangled Photons from a Quantum Dot
Günthner, Thomas 2019

Classical and Nonclassical Optical Characterization of Bragg-Reflection Waveguides

Mai, Patrick 2016  Polariton parametric scattering in planar microcavities 

MSc theses

Name Datum Thema
Schlosser, Michael 2024

Investigation of spectral and spatial properties of four-photon spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources

Weinreich, Michael 2024

Boosting the Photon Collection Efficiency of GaAs Quantum Dots with Circular Bragg Gratings

Kruska, Moritz 2023

Characterization of Monolithically Integrated 2.5 GHz Mode-Locked Lasers

Wachweger, Till 2023

Optimising the Design and Fabrication of AIGaAs Bragg-Reflection Photon Sources

Mark, Patrick 2023

Detector nonlinearity characterisation Characterisation of a superconducting single-photon detector regarding nonlinearity

Graschi, Tamara 2023

Topographische Vermessung von Solarmodulen

Matheis, Luis 2023

A Franson interferometer for broadband frequency-entangled photon pairs

Loitzl, Johannes 2022

Transmision spectroscopy of polaritonic micropillars

Nardi, Bianca 2022

Characterisation of aluminium gallium arsenide waveguides for quantum rangefinding

Draxl, Franz 2022

Single-photon temporal-to-spatial mode conversion

Unterlechner, Bernhard 2021

Simulation of photonic components in AlGaAs Bragg reflection
waveguides : Multimode interferometers, ring resonators and grating

Götsch, Maximilian 2020

Optical and Electrical Characterization of Active Bragg-Reflection Waveguides

Rahim, Stefan 2020

Indistinguishable Single Photons at Telecom Wavelength

Außerlechner, Sandra 2019

Verschränkte Photonenpaare im Schulunterricht 

Außerlechner, Sandra 2019

Maximum Violation of Bell´s Inequality: A Sagnac Source of Polarisation-Entangled Photon Pairs

Thiel, Hannah 2019

Testing Optically and Electrically Pumped Bragg-Reflection Waveguides 

Beiser, Maximilian 2018

Monolithic Frequency Combs in the Mid-Infrared Using Interband Cascade Lasers (TU Vienna)

Kirchner, Lukas


Time-bin entangled photons from a quantum dot embedded in a nanowire

Gstir, Sebastian 2017

Testing Quantum Mechanics with a Three-Path Waveguide Interferometer 

Schlager, Alexander 2017

Preparing adjustable polarization entangled photon pairs from a Bragg-reflection waveguide

Auchter, Silke 2017

 Investigating the operating parameters and fluorescence of semiconductor Bragg-reflection waveguides 

Czopak, Ulrich 2016 Spectroscopy of Coupled Micropillars 
Sehner, Michael 2016

Hong-Ou-Mandel effect between photons from a quantum dot and spontaneous parametric down conversion 

Prilmüller, Maximilian 2016

Coherent control of semiconductor quantum dots 

Thöni, Nicole 2015

UV-Photodetection with ZnO Nanowire Arrays and SnO2 Thin Films on Silicon Chips (MCL Leoben)

Kaufmann, Thomas 2015  

Messung von Interferenz höherer Ordnung mit einem Drei-Pfad-Wellenleiter Interferometer

Butschek, Lorenz 2014  

Hong-Ou-Mandel interference of two independent ppKTP based pulsed Sagnac sources

Wörle, Judith 2014

Multicolor Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of Exciton-Polaritons 

Covi, Matthias 2014

Realisierung und Charakterisierung eines freilaufenden Einzelphotonendetektors für Telekom- Wellenlängen

Dittel, Christoph 2014

Spin Manipulation of Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Centers in Diamond

Einkemmer, Lukas 2013  Parametric scattering in microcavities
Gschösser, Benjamin 2012 Testing Born's rule by searching for higher oder interference using a three path interferometer
Pressl, Benedikt 2012 Computational Photonics: FDTD-Simulation Concepts for Nonlinear Optics of Integrated Semiconductor Devices and Fast Holography on the GPU
Sassermann, Mathias 2012

Spatial light modulator based spectroscopy of microcavity polaritons 

Kauten, Tomas 2012

Towards time-bin entangled photons from quantum dots 

Grabher, Stephanie 2012

Pulsed Sagnac Source of Polarisation - Entangled Photon Pairs 

Huber, Tobias 2011

Measurement and Modification of Biexciton-Exciton Time Correlation from an InAs Quantum Dot 

Cristofolini, Peter 2010 Towards entangled photon pairs in a planar microcavitiy 
Söllner, Immo 2010

Pulsed, Sagnac-interferometer-based source of polarization entangled photons 


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