Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Cavity Quantum E-Dyn.

CQED Theory


Besides research, one of our main interests is teaching and providing a suitable environment for young scientists. Various lectures, seminars, practice courses and tutorial classes are held by our group. In addition, routinely new students join us for their Bachelor, master or PhD thesis.

Current and Past Courses

  • Theoretische Physik 2 (Quantentheorie)
  • Theoretische Quantenoptik
  • Seminar mit Bachelorarbeit: Vertiefung Theoretische Physik
  • Seminar Hohlraum-QED
  • Theoriekolloquium
  • Quantenoptik mit ultrakalten Quantengasen


Oral exams can be taken within one year after the lecture. Please register for an oral exam via email.

Theses Collection

Former PhD, master and Bachelor theses can be found in our theses collection.