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Publikationen – Universität Innsbruck


Alan, S.; Corekcioglu, G.; Sutter, M. (2023): Improving workplace climate in large corporations: A clustered randomized intervention. In: Quarterly Journal of Economics 138/1, S. 151 - 203. (DOI) (Weblink)

Angerer, Siliva; Bolvashenkova, Jana; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela; Lergetporer, Philipp; Sutter, Matthias (2023): Children’s patience and school-track choices several years later: Linking experimental and field data. In: Journal of Public Economics 220, Nr. 104837. (DOI) (Weblink)

Angerer, Silvia; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela; Lergetporer, Philipp; Rittmannsberger, Thomas (forthcoming): How does the vaccine approval procedure affect COVID-19 vaccination intentions? In: European Economic Review. (DOI) (Weblink)

Angerer, Silvia; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela; Waibel, Christian (forthcoming): Framing and Subject Pool Effects in Healthcare Credence Goods. In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. (DOI) (Weblink)

Baier, Alexandra; Balafoutas, Loukas; Jaber-Lopez, Tarek (2023): Ostracism and theft in heterogeneous groups. In: Experimental Economics 26, S. 193 - 222. (DOI) (Weblink)

Balafoutas, Loukas; Batsaikhan, Mongoljin; Sutter, Matthias (forthcoming): Competitiveness of Entrepreneurs and Salaried Workers. In: Management Science.

Blanco, E.; Moros, L.; Pfaff, A.; Steimanis, I; Velez, M.A.; Vollan, B. (forthcoming): No crowding out among those terminated from an ongoing PES program in Colombia. In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 120. (DOI) (Weblink)

Butschek, Sebastian; Sauermann, Jan (online first): The effect of employment protection on firms' worker selection. In: The Journal of Human Resources. (DOI) (Weblink)

Feess, Eberhard; Kerzenmacher, Florian (2023): Sorting of trustees: the good and the bad stay in the game. In: Economic Theory. (DOI) (Weblink)

Feess, Eberhard; Kerzenmacher, Florian; Muehlheusser, Gerd (2023): Morally questionable decisions by groups: Guilt sharing and its underlying motives.
In: Games and Economic Behavior 140, S. 380 - 400. (DOI) (Weblink)

Fernández-Amador, Octavio; Francois, Joseph F.; Oberdabernig, Doris A.; Tomberger, Patrick (2023): Energy footprints and the international trade network: A new dataset. Is the European Union doing it better?In: Ecological Economics 204/Part A, Nr. 107635. (DOI) (Weblink)

Fontana, V.; Ebner, M.; Schirpke, U.; Ohndorf, M.; Pritsch, H.; Tappeiner, U.; Kurmayer, R. (2023): An integrative approach to evaluate ecosystem services of mountain lakes using multi-criteria decision analysis. In: Ecological Economics 204/Part A, No. 107678. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Gill, Andrej; Heinz, Matthias; Schumacher, Heiner; Sutter, Matthias (2023): Social Preferences of Young Professionals and the Financial Industry. In: Management Science 69/7, S. 3905 - 3919. (DOI) (Weblink)

Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela: Wie kann die Impfbereitschaft gegen COVID-19 erhöht werden? In: Die Presse vom 06.03.2023.

Gössling, Stefan; Neger, Christoph; Steiger, Robert; Bell, Rainer (2023): Weather, climate change, and transport: a review. In: Natural Hazards. (DOI) (Weblink)

Hangartner, D.; Spirig, J.; Steinmayr, A. (2023): Was wir aus dem großen Flüchtlingsjahr 2015 lernen können. In: Karas, Othmar; Kohlenberger, Judith: So schaffen wir das. Wie wir das Thema Asyl & Migration dem linken und rechten Rand abnehmen und die Krise überwinden. Wien: edition a., ISBN 978-3-99001-640-4, S. 271 - 282. (Weblink)

Karle, Heiko; Schumacher, Heiner; Volund, Rune (forthcoming): Consumer Loss Aversion and Scale-Dependent Psychological Switching Costs. In: Games and Economic Behavior. (Weblink)

Kerschbamer, Rudolf; Neururer, Daniel; Sutter, Matthias (2023): Credence goods markets, online information and repair prices: A natural field experiment. In: Journal of Public Economics 222, Nr. 104891. (DOI) (Weblink)

Knowles, Natalie; Scott, Daniel; Steiger, Robert (online first): Sustainability of snowmaking as climate change (mal)adaptation: an assessment of water, energy, and emissions in Canada’s ski industry, In: Current Issues in Tourism. (DOI) (Weblink)

Konrad, Kai A.; Morath, Florian (online first): Collective action and intra-group conflict with fixed budgets. In: Defence and Peace Economics. (DOI) (Weblink)

Konrad, Kai A.; Morath, Florian (2023): How to preempt attacks in multi-front conflict with limited resources. In: European Journal of Operational Research 305/1, S. 493 - 500. (DOI) (Weblink)

Momsen, Katharina; Ohndorf, Markus (2023): Expressive voting versus information avoidance: experimental evidence in the context of climate change mitigation. In: Public Choice 194, S. 45 - 74. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Pritsch, H.; Schirpke, U.; Jersabek, C.D.; Kurmayer, R. (2023): Plankton community composition in mountain lakes and consequences for ecosystem services.
In: Ecological Indicators 154, No. 110532. (DOI) (Weblink)

Protopappas, Konstantinos (2023): Consumer Loss Aversion and Dynamic Optimal Pricing. (DOI) (Weblink)

Protopappas, Konstantinos; Rietzke, David (2023): Innovation Contest Design with Product and Supplier Diversity. (DOI) (Weblink)

Protopappas, Konstantinos (forthcoming): Manipulation of moves in sequential contests. In: Social Choice and Welfare. (DOI) (Weblink)

Rimbaud, C.; Soldà, A. (forthcoming): Avoiding the Cost of your Conscience: Belief-Dependent Preferences and Information Acquisition. In: Experimental Economics.

Schirpke, U.; Ebner, M.; Fontana, V.; Ohndorf, M.; Enigl, K.; Pritsch, H.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Ilyashuk, B.; Kurmayer, R. (2023): Climate response of alpine lakes: Resistance variability and management consequences for ecosystem services. Final Report. (DOI) (Weblink)

Schirpke, U.; Ebner, M.; Fontana, V.; Enigl, K.; Ohndorf, M.; Pritsch, H.; Kurmayer, R. (2023): Climate response of alpine lakes and impacts on ecosystem services.
In: Landscape online 98, No. 1109. (DOI) (Weblink)

Scott, Daniel; Knowles, Natalie L. B.; Ma, Siyao; Rutty, Michelle; Steiger, Robert (2023): Climate change and the future of the Olympic Winter Games: athlete and coach perspectives. In: Current Issues in Tourism 26/3, S. 480 - 495. (DOI) (Weblink)

Scott, Daniel; Knowles, Natalie; Steiger, Robert (forthcoming): Is snowmaking climate change maladaptation?In: Journal of Sustainable Tourism. (DOI) (Weblink)

Seebauer, S.; Thaler, T.; Mitter., H.; Steiger, R.; Dreisiebner-Lanz, S.; Ellmer, H.P.; Winkler, C.; Friesenecker, M.; Kropf, B.; Gorbach, T.; Posch, E. (2023): Designing policies for transformative recovery and adaptigation after systemic shocks.In: Tagungsband 23. Österreichischer Klimatag. Ressourcen im Wandel. Wien: Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA)., S. 134 - 135. (Weblink)

Stefan, Matthias; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Sutter, Matthias; Walzl, Markus (2023): Monetary and Social Incentives in Multi-Tasking: The Ranking Substitution Effect. In: European Economic Review 156, No. 104458. (DOI) (Weblink)

Steiger, R; Graiff, L; Peters, M; Schnitzer, M (2023): The COVID-19 pandemic and leisure providers—Challenges, opportunities and adaptation strategies for ski area operators in Austria. In: Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism 2, No. 1136163. (DOI) (Weblink)

Steiger, Robert; Demiroglu, O. Cenk; Pons, Marc; Salim, Emmanuel (2023): Climate and carbon risk of tourism in Europe. In: Journal of Sustainable Tourism. (DOI) (Weblink)

Steiger, Robert; Posch, Eva; Tappeiner, Gottfried; Walde, Janette (2023): Seasonality matters: simulating the impacts of climate change on winter tourism demand.In: Current Issues in Tourism 26/17, S. 2777 - 2793. (DOI) (Weblink)

Steinmayr, Andreas: Member of the editorial board - Empirical Economics - a quarterly journal of the Institute for Advanced Studies, 01.12.2022 lfd.

Steinmayr, Andreas: Keine Lust auf Arbeit.

Steinmayr, Andreas: Karriere? Nein danke! (Interview zu Chancen und Karriere).
In: Tiroler Tageszeitung vom 15.04.2023.

Steinmayr, Andreas: Arbeitszeitverkürzung (Interview).
In: Kronen Zeitung vom 04.04.2023. (Weblink)

Steinmayr, Andreas: Integration am Arbeitsmarkt: Die entscheidenden ersten Monate.
In: Die Presse vom 20.02.2023. (Weblink)

Struwe, N.; Blanco, E.; Walker, J. M. (online first): Competition among public good providers for donor rewards.
In: Experimental Economics. (DOI) (Weblink)

Struwe, Natalie; Blanco, Esther; Walker, James M. (2023): Donations to increase productivity in public good production: experimental evidence. In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck. (Weblink)

Struwe, Natalie; Blanco, Esther; Walker, James M. (2023): No response to changes in marginal incentives in one-shot public good experiments. In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2023-08. (Weblink)

Struwe, Natalie; Bogner, Kristina; Blanco, Esther (2023 in press): Why do outsiders make donations to public good providers.
In: Bucciol, Alessandro; Tavoni, Alessandro; Veronesi, Marcella: Behavioural Economics and the Environment. A Research Companion. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge (= Routledge Research Companions in Business and Economics)., ISBN 9781032003535. (Weblink)

Sutter, M.: Associate Editor - Journal of the European Economic Association, 01.01.2017 lfd.

Sutter, M.: Editorial Board Member - Journal of the Economic Science Association, 01.01.2015 lfd. (Weblink)

Sutter, M.: Associate Editor - Economics Letters, 01.06.2014 lfd.

Sutter, Matthias: Associate Editor - European Economic Review, 01.01.2012 lfd.

Sutter, Matthias: Associate Editor - Management Science, 01.01.2011 lfd.

Sutter, Matthias: Member im Editorial Board - Experimental Economics, 30.06.2009 lfd.

Vorkauf, Maria; Steiger, Robert; Abegg, Bruno; Hiltbrunner, Erika (online first): Snowmaking in a warmer climate: an in-depth analysis of future water demands for the ski resort Andermatt-Sedrun-Disentis (Switzerland) in the twenty-first century.
In: International Journal Of Biometeorology. (DOI) (Weblink)

Angerer, Silvia; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela; Lergetporer, Philipp; Rittmannsberger, Thomas (2022): Beliefs about social norms and (the polarization of) COVID-19 vaccination readiness. In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022-20. (Weblink)

Angerer, Silvia; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela; Lergetporer, Philipp; Rittmannsberger, Thomas (2022): How does the vaccine approval procedure affect COVID-19 vaccination intentions? In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022 - 04. (Weblink)

Balafoutas, Loukas; Henning, Karla; Vollan, Björn (2022): Religious worship and discrimination.
In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 197, S. 91 - 102. (DOI) (Weblink)

Barsbai, Toman; Bartoš, Vojtech; Licuanan, Victoria; Steinmayr, Andreas; Tiongson, Erwin; Yang, Dean (2022): Picture This: Social Distance and the Mistreatment of Migrant Workers. In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022-17. (Weblink)

Barsbai, Toman; Steinmayr, Andreas; Winter, Christoph (2022): Immigrating into a Recession: Evidence from Family Migrants to the U.S. In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022, No. 01. (Weblink)

Bindra, Parampreet Christopher; Pearce, Graeme (2022): The effect of priming on fraud: Evidence from a natural field experiment. In: Economic Inquiry 60/4, S. 1854 - 1874. (DOI) (Weblink)

Blanco, Esther; Baier, Alexandra; Holzmeister, Felix; Jaber-Lopez, Tarek; Struwe, Natalie (2022): Substitution of social sustainability concerns under the Covid-19 pandemic.In: Ecological Economics 192, No. 107259. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Butschek, Sebastian (2022): Raising the bar: minimum wages and employers’ hiring standards. In: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 14/2, S. 91 - 124. (DOI) (Weblink)

Butschek, Sebastian; González Amor, Roberto; Kampkötter, Patrick; Sliwka, Dirk (2022): Motivating Gig Workers - Evidence from a Field Experiment. In: Labour Economics 75, Nr. 102105. (DOI) (Weblink)

Chowdhury, S.; Sutter, M.; Zimmermann, K. F. (2022): Economic Preferences across Generations and Family Clusters: A Large-Scale Experiment in a Developing Country.In: Journal of Political Economy 130/9, S. 2361 - 2410. (DOI) (Weblink)

Diederich, Johannes; Eckel, Catherine C.; Epperson, Raphael; Goeschl, Timo; Grossmann, Philip (2022): Subsidizing unit donations: matches, rebates, and discounts compared.In: Experimental Economics 25, S. 734 - 758. (DOI) (Weblink)

Epperson, Raphael; Diederich, Johannes; Goeschl, Timo (2022): How to Design the Ask? Funding Units vs. Giving Money.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022-18. (Weblink) Epperson, Raphael (2022): Does Lobbying Discourage Individuals from Fighting Climate Change? (DOI) (Weblink)

Feess, Eberhard; Kerzenmacher, Florian; Timofeyev, Yuriy (2022): Utilitarian or deontological models of moral behavior—What predicts morally questionable decisions? In: European Economic Review 149, No. 104264. (DOI) (Weblink)

Fernández-Amador, Octavio; Oberdabernig, Doris. A.; Tomberger, Patrick (2022): Do methane emissions converge? Evidence from global panel data on production- and consumption-based emissions. In: Empirical Economics 63/2, S. 877 - 900. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Friedrichsen, Jana; Momsen, Katharina; Piasenti, Stefano (2022): Ignorance, intention and stochastic outcomes. In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 100, No. 101913. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Fumagalli, E.; Rezaei, S.; Salomons, A. (2022): OK computer: Worker perceptions of algorithmic recruitment. In: Research Policy 51/2, No. 104420. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Gsottbauer, Elisabeth; Müller, Daniel; Müller, Samuel; Trautmann, Stefan T.; Zudenkova, Galina (2022): Social Class and (Un)Ethical Behavior: Causal and Correlational Evidence.In: Economic Journal 132/647, S. 2392 - 2411. (DOI) (Weblink)

Gsottbauer, Elisabeth; Schumacher, Heiner: Sinnstiftende Arbeit oder höheres Gehalt: Was ist Arbeitnehmern wichtiger? In: vom 01.08.2022. (Weblink)

Ke, Changxia; Morath, Florian; Newell, Anthony; Page, Lionel (2022): Too big to prevail: The paradox of power in coalition formation. In: Games and Economic Behavior 135, S. 394 - 410. (DOI) (Weblink)

Kesternich, Iris; Schumacher, Heiner; Siflinger, Bettina; Valder, Franziska (2022): Reservation wages and labor supply. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 194, S. 583 - 607. (DOI) (Weblink)

Lohmann, Paul; Gsottbauer, Elisabeth; Doherty, Anya; Kontoleon, Andreas (2022): Do carbon footprint labels promote climatarian diets? Evidence from a large-scale field experiment. In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 114, No. 102693. (DOI) (Weblink)

McEvoy, David; Haller, Tobias; Blanco, Esther (2022): The Role of Non-Binding Pledges in Social Dilemmas with Mitigation and Adaptation. In: Environmental & Resource Economics 81/4, S. 685 - 710. (DOI) (Weblink)

Momsen, Katharina; Ohndorf, Markus (2022): Information avoidance, selective exposure, and fake (?) news: Theory and experimental evidence on green consumption. In: Journal of Economic Psychology 88, No. 102457. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Momsen, Katharina; Schneider, Sebastian O. (2022): Motivated Reasoning, Information Avoidance, and Default Bias. In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022 - 05. (Weblink)

Morath, Florian; Dang, Tri Vi; Liu, Xiaoxi (2022): Taxation, Information Acquisition, and Trade in Decentralized Markets: Theory and Test.In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022 - 08. (Weblink)

Ohndorf, Markus; Momsen, Katharina (2022): Seller Opportunism in Credence Good Markets – The Role of Market Conditions. In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022 _ 10. (Weblink)

Price, Martin F.; Gurgiser, Wolfgang; Juen, Irmgard; Adler, Carolina; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Kaser, Georg; Mayr, Stefan; Bahn, Michael; Björnsen Gurung, Astrid; Dax, Thomas; Duglio, Stefano; Fischer, Jan-Thomas; Füreder, Leopold; Kurmayer, Rainer; Machold, Ingrid; mailer, Markus; Marke, Thomas; Marzeion, Ben; McDowell, Graham Matthew; Meyer, Michael; Neuburger, Martina; Nicholson, Lindsey; Nicolussi, Kurt; Oedl-Wieser, Theresia; Peters, Mike; Richter, Kristin; Rotach, Mathias; Rüdisser, Johannes; Ruiz Peyré, Fernando; Rutzinger, Martin; Schermer, Markus; Schirpke, Ute; Schneiderbauer, Stefan; Steiger, Robert; Stotten, Rike; Szarzynski, Joerg; Tappeiner, Ulrike; Ueno, Kenichi; Wohlfahrt, Georg (2022): The International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 2019 (IMC2019): A Synthesis with Recommendations for Research.
In: Mountain Research And Development 42/1, S. A1 - A16. (DOI) (Weblink)

Protopappas, Konstantinos (2022): Optimal lobbying pricing. In: Social Choice and Welfare 59/1, S. 37 - 61. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Rice, Harld; Cohen, Scott; Scott, Daniel; Steiger, Robert (2022): Climate change risk in the Swedish ski industry.
In: Current Issues in Tourism 25/17, S. 2805 - 2820. (DOI) (Weblink)

Schumacher, Heiner; Thysen, Heidi Christina (2022): Equilibrium contracts and boundedly rational expectations.
In: Theoretical Economics 17/1, S. 371 - 414. (DOI) (Weblink)

Steiger, Robert: What about - Wintersports (Link zum Interview).

Steiger, Robert: Die Alpen - Wenn die Berge glühen 

Steiger, Robert: Armes, reiches Kitzbühel (2/2): Der schmelzende Reichtum, Podcast Inside Austria. (Weblink)

Steiger, Robert: Kitzbühels Skitourismus: Auf Schnee gebaut. (Weblink

Steiger, Robert: Wie nachhaltig ist mein Skiurlaub? (Weblink

Steiger, Robert: Die Saison beginnt: Wird Wintersport trotz Klimawandel noch möglich sein? (Weblink

Steiger, Robert: Austria’s ski resorts feel the heat on climate change. (Weblink

Steiger, Robert: Haben die heimischen Skigebiete ein Ablaufdatum?

Steiger, Robert: Flucht in die Berge: Klimawandel bringt Gäste, aber auch Konfliktpotenzial. 
In: Tiroler Tageszeitung vom 14.09.2022. (Weblink)

Steiger, Robert: Klimawandel: Der Skisport in der Zwickmühle.
In: Der Standard vom 24.08.2022. (Weblink)

Steinmayr, Andreas: Lassen wir die Russen mit ihren Füßen abstimmen.
In: vom 09.05.2022. (Weblink)

Steiger, Robert: Wo werden Winterspiele künftig überhaupt noch möglich sein?
In: Tagesanzeiger vom 03.02.2022. (Weblink)

Steiger, Robert: Rising temperatures threaten future of Winter Olympics, say experts.
In: The Guardian vom 25.01.2022. (Weblink)

Steiger, Robert: Klimawandel: Traum von Olympia schmilzt.
In: ORF Tirol Online vom 22.01.2022. (Weblink)

Steinmayr, Andreas; Rossi, Manuel (2022): Vaccine-skeptic physicians and COVID-19 vaccination rates.
In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022-16. (Weblink)

Sutter, M.: Associate Editor - Journal of the European Economic Association, 01.01.2017 lfd.

Sutter, M.: Editorial Board Member - Journal of the Economic Science Association, 01.01.2015 lfd. (Weblink)

Sutter, M.: Associate Editor - Economics Letters, 01.06.2014 lfd.

Sutter, Matthias: Associate Editor - European Economic Review, 01.01.2012 lfd.

Sutter, Matthias: Associate Editor - Management Science, 01.01.2011 lfd.

Sutter, Matthias: Member im Editorial Board - Experimental Economics, 30.06.2009 lfd.

Angerer, S., Glätzle-Rützler, D., & Waibel, C. (2021). Monitoring institutions in health care markets: Experimental evidence. Health Economics, 30, 951-971. (Weblink)

Balafoutas, L., Libman, A., Selamis, V., & Vollan, B. (2021). Exposure to conspiracy theories in the lab. Economic and Political Studies, 1-23.  (Link zur Publikation) (Link zum Interview (

Blanco, E., Baier, A., Holzmeister, F., Japer-Lopez, T. (2021). Substitution of social sustainability concerns under the Covid-19 pandemic. Ecological Economics. (Weblink)

Blanco, E., Baier, A., Holzmeister, F., Jaber-Lopez, T., and Struwe, N. Accepted. Long term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on social concerns. Frontiers in Psychology.

Blanco, E., Struwe, N., Walker, J. M. (2021). Experimental evidence on sharing rules and additionality in transfer payments. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 188, 1221-1247. (Weblink)

Kassis, M., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D., Sutter, M. (2021). Psychological pressure and the right to determine the moves in dynamic tournaments - Evidence from a natural field experiment. Games and Economic Behavior 126: 278-287. (Weblink)

Martin Huber & Andreas Steinmayr (2021). A Framework for Separating Individual-Level Treatment Effects From Spillover Effects, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 39:2, 422-436, (Weblink)

McEvoy, D., Haller, T., Blanco, E. (2021). The Role of Non-Binding Pledges in Social Dilemmas with Mitigation and Adaptation. Environmental and Resource Economics.

Momsen, K. (2021). Recommendations in credence goods markets with horizontal product differentiation. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 183, 19-38. (Weblink)

Posch, E.L., Höferl, K.M., Steiger, R., Bell, R. (2021). Chapter 4.2 - Another take on reframing resilience as agency: The agency toward resilience (ATR) model, in: Santos, P.P., Chmutina, K., Meding, J. von, Raju, E. (Eds.), Understanding Disaster Risk. Elsevier, pp. 239–255. (Weblink)

Pröbstl-Haider, U., Mostegl, N., Damm, A., Prettenthaler, F., Lund-Durlacher, D., Gühnemann, A., Steiger, R., Olefs, M., Formayer, H., Hödl, C., Neger, C. (2021). Ableitung von Handlungsoptionen, in: Pröbstl, U., Lund-Durlacher, D., Olefs, M. (Eds.), Tourismus und Klimawandel. Österreichischer Special Report Tourismus und Klimawandel (SR19),Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 225–251. (Weblink)

Romano, A., Bortolotti, S., Hofmann, W., Praxmarer, M., Sutter, M. (2021). Generosity and cooperation across the life span: A lab-in-the-field study. Psychology and Aging 36(1), 108–118. (Weblink)

Romano, A., Sutter, M., Liu, J., Balliet, D. (2021). Political ideology, cooperation, and national parochialism across 42 nations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376: 20200146. (Weblink)

Schumacher, H., & Thysen, H. C. (2021). Equilibrium Contracts and Boundedly Rational Expectations, Theoretical Economics, forthcoming. (Weblink)

Steiger, R., Pröbstl-Haider, U., Prettenthaler, F., (2021). Outdooraktivitäten und damit zusammenhängende Einrichtungen im Winter, in: Pröbstl-Haider, U., Lund-Durlacher, D., Olefs, M., Prettenthaler, F. (Eds.), Tourismus und Klimawandel. Österreichischer Special Report Tourismus und Klimawandel (SR19). Springer, Wiesbaden, pp. 109–122. (Weblink)

Balafoutas, L., & Kerschbamer, R. (2020). Credence goods in the literature: What the past fifteen years have taught us about fraud, incentives, and the role of institutions. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 26, 100285. (Weblink)

Balafoutas, L., Czermak, S., Eulerich, M., & Fornwagner, H. (2020). Incentives for dishonesty: An experimental study with internal auditors. Economic Inquiry, 58(2), 764-779. (Weblink)

Balafoutas, L., García-Gallego, A., Georgantzis, N., Jaber-Lopez, T., & Mitrokostas, E. (2020). Rehabilitation and social behavior: Experiments in prison. Games and Economic Behavior, 119, 148-171.  (Link zur Publikation)(Link zum Blog)

Bindra, P. C., Glätzle-Rützler, D., & Lergetporer, P. (2020). Discrimination at young age: Experimental evidence from preschool children. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 175, 55-70. (Weblink)

Blanco, E., Dutcher E.G, and Haller T. (2020). Social dilemmas with public and private insurance against losses. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 180, pp. 924-937. (Weblink)

Dannevig, H., Gildestad, I.M., Steiger, R., Scott, D., (2020). Adaptive capacity of ski resorts in Western Norway to projected changes in snow conditions. Current Issues in Tourism, 1–16. 10.1080/13683500.2020.1865286. (Weblink)

Dertwinkel-Kalt, Köster, M., Sutter, M. (2020). To buy or not to buy? Price salience in an online shopping field experiment. European Economic Review 130: 103593. (Weblink)

Edo, A., Ragot, L., Rapoport, H., Sardoschau, S., Steinmayr, A. and Sweetman, A. (2020). An introduction to the economics of immigration in OECD countries. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, 53: 1365-1403.( Weblink)

Fang, Y., Scott, D., Steiger, R., Wu, B. & Jiang, Y. (2020). Impact of snow-making technology improvement on ski season length in China under climate change. Resources Science, 42 (6), 1210-1222. (in chinese).  (Weblink)

Grant, I., Kesternich, I., Schumacher, H., & Van Biesebroeck, J. (2020). Market size and competition: A „hump-shaped“ result. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 70, 102605. (Weblink)

Heinz, M., Jeworrek, S., Mertins, V., Schumacher, H., & Sutter, M. (2020). Measuring the indirect effects of adverse employer behavior on worker productivity – A field experiment. Economic Journal, 130, 2546-2568. (Weblink)

Heinz, M., Jeworrek, S., Mertins, V., Schumacher, H., Sutter, M. (2020). Measuring indirect effects of unfair employer behavior on worker productivity – A field experiment. Economic Journal 130(632): 2546-2568. (Weblink)

Herbold, D., & Schumacher, H. (2020). Relational retention. Managerial and Decision Economics, 41, 490-502. (Weblink)

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