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Research Information Database

Research information database

The Research information database is the research information system (FIS/CRIS) of the University of Innsbruck. It includes research-relevant achievements such as publications and lectures, but also many other forms of research contributions by academic staff (e.g. research-related contributions in social or other electronic media, audiovisual media contributions, research data, etc.). The Research information database data is also supplemented with research-relevant information from other internal databases (e.g. project database, patent database).

By integrating the Research information database data into a university portal or into the homepages of the institutes, research and its results are made accessible to a broader public.

The core tasks of the Office for Research Information and Intellectual Capital Reporting include database maintenance and quality assurance for the services recorded in the database. The database forms the basis for the reporting system required by UG 2002. Various key figures and reports are created from the data, which are used both internally (e.g. evaluations, target agreements, development agreement) and externally (e.g. intellectual capital statement).

To be able to enter data into the Research information database, you need your own access authorisation. We offer training courses for correct data entry via internal training programme.

Research information database

In the publicly accessible internet portal of the FLD you can inform yourself about the broad spectrum of research activities (limited to publications and lectures) of the University of Innsbruck.

VIS:online "My research"

In "My Research", all data stored in the Research information database and in the project database of the University of Innsbruck are available for the individual scientist(s). With the help of the application, all members of the University of Innsbruck for whom data has been recorded in the Research information database or the project database can access, filter and export their data in various formats.

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