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Research Groups – University of Innsbruck

Research Groups

Currently there are eleven research groups at the Department of Computer Science:

Computational Logic

The computational logic group is concerned with the logical foundations of computer science and their application to the analysis and verification of complex systems.

Modern engineering applications have reached a level of complexity where humans cannot ensure their correctness or safety.

Besides fundamental research in automated reasoning we are developing tools for automatically proving properties of rewrite systems such as termination, confluence, and resource consumption.

Verification is another research theme, in which we employ interactive theorem provers to rigorously check the correctness of large computer systems.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Aaart Middeldorp

assoz. Prof. Dr. René Thiemann

Administrative Assistant:
Martina Ingenhaeff-Falkner
Tel. +43 512 507 53229

Databases and Information Systems

The DBIS group conducts research in several key areas, including core database development, recommender systems, information retrieval, and writing style analysis.

In core database development, we focus on innovating advanced index structures optimized for in-memory databases. Our research in recommender systems spans psychology-informed recommendations, sequential recommender systems, and the development of methods for explaining these recommendations. In the field of writing style analysis, we explore topics such as multi-author writing style analysis, intrinsic plagiarism detection, and the identification of machine-generated texts.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Specht

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Eva Zangerle

Administrative Assistant:
Imren Karsli
Tel. +43 512 507 53464

Data Science

Data Science (DS) group focuses on novel approaches towards analyzing, extracting and understanding information from text. We develop methods for automatic knowledge discovery from large document collections and novel means for effective information access in these collections. The group also applies natural language processing and understanding techniques for applications in different fields including media, education, finance, cultural heritage and law.


Univ.-Prof. Adamt Jatowt, PhD
(endowed professorship)

Administrative Assistant:
Maija Fedotova
Tel. +43 512 507 39768

Distributed and Parallel Systems

Our goal is to support users, application developers and scientists in solving complex computation- and data-intensive problems in industry, business and research.

As part of the research and teaching activities of the Distributed and Parallel Systems group, program development systems, compiler, runtime systems as well as software tools (e.g. performance tools, debugger) for modern parallel computing systems, high performance computers and cloud infrastructures have been researched and developed enabling optimization of programs towards several parameters like e.g. runtime, energy consumption, resource usage and cost.


Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Fahringer

Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Thoman

Administrative Assistant:
Silvia Bosetti-Haid
Tel. +43 512 507 53226

Intelligent and Interactive Systems

The activity of the IIS group focuses on visual perception and on the inference of adequate action parameters. This interdiscplinary research combines elements of computer vision, machine learning, robotics, neuroscience, psychology, and more.

The IIS group works with systems that interact with their physical environment in complex ways. Much of their research is driven by requirements of autonomous robots with applications in household, service, and scientific and humanitarian missions. Such robots must act in unstructured environments, sometimes in collaboration with humans.


Univ.-Prof. Justus Piater, PhD

assoz. Prof. Antonio Rodriguez-Sanchez, PhD

Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Samuele Tosatto

Administrative Assistant:
Nurten Akin
Tel. +43 512 507 53211

Interactive Graphics and Simulation

Examples of recent research are data-driven acquisition and rendering of visual and haptic object properties, the extension of the augmented reality paradigm to the haptic domain, as well as new approaches in surgical simulation, including aspects of physical modeling, computational stability, and cutting procedures.

The Interactive Graphics and Simulation group focuses on research in medical simulation and visualization, virtual and augmented reality, as well as haptic interaction.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Harders

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Pascal Knierim

Administrative Assistant:
Lisa Binderlehner
Tel. +43 512 507 53346

Networked Embedded Sensing Center 

The Networked Embedded Systems Group works on architectures, protocols, tools, methodology of networked embedded systems: Wireless Sensor Networks, the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems as well as their application in real-​world applications. To this extent we entertain a number of interdisciplinary collaborations, primarily with basic research in environmental and geo sciences as well as natural hazard mitigation.


Univ.-Prof. Jan Beutel, PhD

Administrative Assistant:
Tatiana Elmakova
Tel. +43 512 507 53491

Fürstenweg 176, Campus Sport

Quality Engineering

The Quality Engineering group develops innovative methods and tools to increase quality and efficiency in management, design and operation of software systems. Emphasis is placed on requirements engineering, quality assurance, IT asset management, security engineering and programming education.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ruth Breu

assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Felderer

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sashko Ristov

Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Sauerwein, PhD

Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Vierhauser

Ass.-Prof. Philipp Zech, PhD

Administrative Assistant:
Melanie Seebacher
Tel. +43 512 507 53203

Security and Privacy Lab

Concrete examples include systems that process multilaterally secure payments, detect forgeries in media data, model cyber-risk for insurance companies, or measure privacy properties in cloud computing. A common thread in the group’s scientific work is an interdisciplinary approach to solving exigent problems in IT security and privacy.

Modern information systems mediate the actions of people with many different interests. The Security and Privacy Lab group (Sec) is committed to develop and evaluate technical components for future information infrastructures that facilitate transparent and fair resolution of potential conflicts, or avoids them altogether.


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Böhme

Administrative Assistant:
Mitra-Yolanda Naderi
Tel. +43 512 507 53494

Semantic Technology Innsbruck

Given the economic importance of tourisms a major focus of our practical work is around eTourisms which is also reflected by some of its start ups such as Seekda or Onlim.

Computers are changing from single isolated devices to entry points in a world wide network of information exchange and business transactions.Scalable support in data, information, and knowledge exchange based on this global and heterogeneous network becomes a key issue in current computer technology. The major objective of STI Innsbruck is to apply Artificial Intelligence to provide such a scalable support by using semantic technologies for processing user input, content, and their matchmaking.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Fensel

Administrative Assistant:
Abfalterer Claudia
Tel. +43 512 507 53442

Theoretical Computer Science

The theory of computability as developed at the beginning of the last century lies at the very heart of computer science. Computations, where the resources are limited, can be investigated within computational complexity theory. On the other hand computations with bounded resources have also been intensively studied in the area of program analysis, as program analysis offers techniques for predicting the behaviour of programs. While traditionally these two conceptions of computation with limited resources are studied in quite separate communities, our research aims to unify the approaches to get the best of both worlds. The methodology used for this are investigations into the logical foundations of the nature of computation (with bounded resources) and (automated) resource analysis of programs.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Moser

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