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Publications 2015 – Universität Innsbruck
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SFB-F44 - cell signaling in chronic CNS disorders

SFB Publications



Aldecoa I, Navarro-Otano J, Stefanova N, Sprenger FS, Seppi K, Poewe W, Cuatrecasas M, Valldeoriola F, Gelpi E, Tolosa E
Alpha-synuclein immunoreactivity patterns in the enteric nervous system
Neurosci Lett. 2015 Aug 18;602:145-9. PMID:26163460,DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2015.07.005

Ayzenberg I, Schlevogt S, Metzdorf J, Stahlke S, Pedreitturia X, Hunfeld A, Couillard-Despres S, Kleiter I (2015)
Analysis of neurogenesis during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis reveals pitfalls of bioluminescence imaging
PLoS One 2015 Mar 17;10(3):e0118550. PMID:25780928,PMCID: PMC4363373, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118550

Benedetti B, Tuluc P, Mastrolia V, Dlaska C, Flucher BE (2015)
Physiological and pharmacological Modulation of the embryonic skeletal muscle calcium channel splice variant Cav1.1e
Biophys. J. 2015 Mar 10;108(5):1072-80. PMID:25762319,PMCID: PMC4375451, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2015.01.026

Botta P, Demmou L, Kasugai Y, Markovic M, Xu C, Fadok JP, Lu T, Poe MM, Xu L, Cook JM, Rudolph U, Sah P, Ferraguti F, Lüthi A
Regulating anxiety with extrasynaptic inhibition
Nat Neurosci. 2015 Oct;18(10):1493-500. PMID:26322928,PMCID: PMC4607767,DOI: 10.1038/nn.4102

Bazelot M., Bocchio M., Kasugai Y., Fischer D., Dodson P.D., Ferraguti F., Capogna M
Hippocampal theta input to the amygdala shapes feedforward inhibition to gate heterosynaptic plasticity
Neuron. 2015 Sep 23;87(6):1290-303. PMID:26402610,PMCID:PMC4590554, DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2015.08.024

Daschil N, Kniewallner KM, Obermair GJ, Hutter-Paier B, Windisch M, Marksteiner J, Humpel C (2015)
L-type calcium channel blockers and substance P induce angiogenesis of cortical vessels associated with beta-amyloid plaques in an Alzheimer mouse model
Neurobiol Aging. 2015 Mar;36(3):1333-41. PMID:25619662,PMCID:PMC4347662, DOI:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2014.12.027

Dragicevic E, Schiemann J, Liss B
Dopamine midbrain neurons in health and Parkinson's disease: emerging roles of voltage-gated calcium channels and ATP-sensitive potassium channels
Neuroscience. 2015 Jan 22;284:798-814. PMID:25450964,DOI:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.10.037

Eschbach J, von Einem B, Müller K, Bayer H, Scheffold A, Morrison BE, Rudolph KL, Thal DR, Witting A, Weydt P, Otto M, Fauler M, Liss B, McLean PJ, Spada AR, Ludolph AC, Weishaupt JH, Danzer KM
Mutual exacerbation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α deregulation and α-synuclein oligomerization.
Ann Neurol. 2015 Jan;77(1):15-32. PMID:25363075,PMCID:PMC4293280, DOI:10.1002/ana.24294

Fanciulli A, Wenning GK
Multiple-system atrophy
N Engl J Med. 2015 Jan 15;372(3):249-63. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1311488. Review. PubMed PMID: 25587949

Geisler S, Schöpf CL, Obermair GJ (2015)
Emerging evidence for specific neuronal functions of auxiliary calcium channel α₂δ subunits
Gen Physiol Biophys. 2015 Apr;34(2):105-18. PMID:25504062,PMCID:PMC4487825,DOI:10.4149/gpb_2014037

Hoernes T, Clementi N, Faserl K, Glasner H, Breuker K, Lindner H, Hüttenhofer A, Erlacher M (2015)
Nucleotide modifications within bacterial messenger RNAs regulate their translation and are able to rewire the genetic code
Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 29;44(2):852-62. PMID:26578598,PMCID:PMC4737146,DOI:10.1093/nar/gkv1182

Kandasamy M, Rosskopf M, Wagner K, Klein B, Couillard-Despres S, Reitsamer HA, Stephan M, Nguyen HP, Riess O, Bogdahn U, Winkler J, von Horsten S, Aigner L (2015)
Reduction in subventricular zone-derived olfactory bulb neurogenesis in a rat model of Huntington's disease is accompanied by striatal invasion of neuroblasts
PLoS One 2015 Feb 26;10(2):e0116069. PMID:25719447,PMCID:PMC4342015,DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0116069

Kaindlstorfer C, Sommer P, Georgievska B, Mather RJ, Kugler AR, Poewe W, Wenning GK, Stefanova N
Failure of Neuroprotection Despite Microglial Suppression by Delayed-Start Myeloperoxidase Inhibition in a Model of Advanced Multiple System Atrophy: Clinical Implications
Neurotox Res. 2015 Oct;28(3):185-94. PMID:26194617,PMCID:PMC4556742,DOI:10.1007/s12640-015-9547-7

Kaur G, Pinggera A, Ortner NJ, Lieb A, Sinnegger-Brauns MJ, Yarov-Yarovoy V, Obermair GJ, Flucher BE, Striessnig J
A Polybasic Plasma Membrane Binding Motif in the I-II Linker Stabilizes Voltage-Gated Cav1.2 Calcium Channel Function
J Biol Chem. 2015 2015 Aug 21;290(34):21086-100. PMID:26100638,PMCID:PMC4543666 ,DOI:10.1074/jbc.M115.645671

Kazanis I, Feichtner M, Lange S, Rotheneichner P, Hainzl S, Oller M, Schallmoser K, Rohde E, Reitsamer HA, Couillard-Despres S, Bauer HC, Franklin RJ, Aigner L, Rivera FJ (2015)
Lesion-induced accumulation of platelets promotes survival of adult neural stem / progenitor cells
Exp Neurol 2015 Jul;269:75-89. PMID:25819103,DOI:10.1016/j.expneurol.2015.03.018

Krabbe S, Duda J, Schiemann J, Poetschke C, Schneider G, Kandel ER, Liss B, Roeper J, Simpson EH (2015):
Increased dopamine D2 receptor activity in the striatum alters the firing pattern of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area
PNAS; 2015 Mar 24;112(12):E1498-506. PMID:25675529,PMCID:PMC4378386,DOI:10.1073/pnas.1500450112

Kramer ER, Liss B (2015)
GDNF-Ret signaling in midbrain dopaminergic neurons and its implication for Parkinson disease
FEBS Lett. 2015 Dec 21;589(24 Pt A):3760-72. PMID:26555190,DOI:10.1016/j.febslet.2015.11.006

Krismer F, Wenning GK
Multiple system atrophy in the USA: another piece in the jigsaw
Lancet Neurol. 2015 Jul;14(7):672-4. PMID:26025782,DOI:10.1016/S1474-4422(15)00090-3

Kugler M, Schlecht A, Fuchshofer R, Kleiter I, Aigner L, Tamm ER, Braunger BM (2015)
Heterozygous modulation of TGF-beta signaling does not influence Muller glia cell reactivity or proliferation following NMDA-induced damage
Histochem cell Biol 2015 Nov;144(5):443-55. PMID:26215132,DOI:10.1007/s00418-015-1354-y

Kuzdas-Wood D, Fellner L, Premstaller M, Borm C, Bloem B, Kirik D, Wenning GK, Stefanova N
Overexpression of alpha-Synuclein in oligodendrocytes does not increase susceptibility to focal striatal excitotoxicity
BMC Neurosci. 2015 Dec 2;16:86. PMID:26627686,PMCID: PMC4667489,DOI: 10.1186/s12868-015-0227-6

Kuzdas-Wood D, Irschick R, Theuer M, Malsch P, Mair N, Mantinger C, Wanscjitz J, Klimaschewski L, Poewe W, Stefanova N, Wenning GK
Involvement of peripheral nerves in the transgenic PLP-α-syn model of multiple system atrophy: extending the phenotype
Plos One. 2015 Oct 23;10(10):e0136575. PMID:26496712,PMCID:PMC4619736, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0136575

Marschallinger J, Schäffner I, Klein B, Gelfert R, Rivera FJ, Illes S, Grassner L, Janssen M, Rotheneichner P, Schmuckermair C, Coras R, Boccazzi M, Chishty M, Lagler FB, Renic M, Bauer HC, Singewald N, Blümcke I, Bogdahn U, Couillard-Despres S, Lie DC, Abbracchio MP, Aigner L (2015)
Structural and functional rejuvenation of the aged brain by an approved antiasthmatic drug
NATURE COMM.2015 Oct 27;6:8466. PMID:26506265,PMCID:PMC4639806, DOI:10.1038/ncomms9466

Marschallinger J, Sah A, Schmuckermair C, Unger M, Rotheneichner P, Kharitonova M, Waclawiczek A, Gerner P., Jaksch-Bogensperger H., Berger S., Striessnig J., Singewald N., Couillard-Despres S., Aigner L (2015)
The L-type calcium channel Cav1.3 is required for proper hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive functions
cell Calcium 2015 Dec;58(6):606-16. PMID:26459417,DOI: 10.1016/j.ceca.2015.09.007

Pinggera A, Lieb A, Benedetti B, Lampert M, Monteleone S, Liedl KR, Tuluc P, Striessnig J
CACNA1D de novo mutations in autism spectrum disorders activate Cav1.3 L-type calcium channels
Biol Psychiatry 2015 May 1;77(9):816-22. PMID:25620733,PMCID:PMC4401440, DOI:10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.11.020

Poetschke C, Dragicevic E, Duda J, Benkert J, Snutch TP, Striessnig J, Liss B
Compensatory Cav3.1 T-type calcium channel activity alters dopamine D2-autoreceptor responses of Substantia nigra dopamine neurons from juvenile Cav1.3 L-type calcium channel KO mice
Sci Rep. 2015 Sep 18;5:13688. PMID:26381090,PMCID:PMC4585382, DOI:10.1038/srep13688

Schafferer S, Khurana R, Refolo V, Venezia S, Sturm E, Piatti P, Hechenberger C, Hackl H, Kessler R, Willi M, Gstir R, Krogsdam A, Lusser A, Poewe W, Wenning GK, Hüttenhofer A, Stefanova N (2015)
Changes in the miRNA-mRNA regulatory network precede motor symptoms in a mouse model of multiple system atrophy: clinical implications
PLOS One.2016 Mar 10;11(3):e0150705. PMID:26962858,PMCID:PMC4786272, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0150705

Scharinger A, Eckrich S, Vandael DH, Schönig K, Koschak A, Hecker D, Kaur G, Lee A, Sah A, Bartsch D, Benedetti B, Lieb A, Schick B, Singewald N, Sinnegger-Brauns MJ, Carbone E, Engel J, Striessnig J
cell-type-specific tuning of Cav1.3 Ca(2+)-channels by a C-terminal automodulatory domain
Front cell Neurosci. 2015 Aug 24;9:309. PMID:26379493,PMCID:PMC4547004, DOI:10.3389/fncel.2015.00309

Sprenger F*, Stefanova N*, Gelpi E, Seppi K; Navarro-Otano J, Offner F, Vilas D, Valldeoriola F, Pont-Sunyer C, Aldecoa I, Gaig C, Gines A, Cuatrecasas M, Högl B, Frauscher B, Iranzo A, Wenning GK, Vogel W, Tolosa E, Poewe W
Enteric nervous system α-synuclein immunoreactivity in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder
Neurology. 2015 Nov 17;85(20):1761-8. PMID:26475692,PMCID:PMC4653104, DOI:10.1212/WNL.0000000000002126

Stanika RI, Flucher BE, Obermair GJ (2015)
Regulation of Postsynaptic Stability by the L-type Calcium Channel CaV1.3 and its Interaction with PDZ Proteins
Curr Mol Pharmacol. 2015;8(1):95-101. PMID: 25966696

Stefanova N, Wenning GK
Animal models of multiple system atrophy
Clin Auton Res. 2015 Feb;25(1):9-17. PMID:25585910,PMCID:PMC4412689,DOI:10.1007/s10286-014-0266-6

Striessnig J, Ortner NJ, Pinggera A 2015
Pharmacology of L-type calcium channels: novel drugs for old targets?
Curr Mol Pharmacol 8, 110-122. PMID: 25966690

Trost A, Motloch K, Bruckner D, Schroedl F, Bogner B, Kaser-Eichberger A, Runge C, Strohmaier C, Klein B, Aigner L, Reitsamer HA (2015)
Time-dependent retinal ganglion cell loss, microglial activation and blood-retina-barrier tightness in an acute model of ocular hypertension
Exp Eye Res. 2015 Jul;136:59-71. PMID:26001526,DOI:10.1016/j.exer.2015.05.010

Urmann C, Oberbauer E, Couillard-Despres S, Aigner L, Riepl H (2015)
Neurodifferentiating potential of 8-prenylnaringenin and related compounds in neural precursor cells and correlation with estrogen-like activity
Planta Med. 2015 Mar;81(4):305-11. PMID:25714726,DOI:10.1055/s-0034-1396243

Zamponi GW, Striessnig J, Koschak A, Dolphin AC
The Physiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology of Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels and Their Future Therapeutic Potential
Pharmacol. Rev. 2015 Oct;67(4):821-70. PMID:26362469,PMCID:PMC4630564, DOI:10.1124/pr.114.009654

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