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Calendar – Universität Innsbruck



Fabienne Fontana

27.09.2024 @ 9:00, Meeting Room of the Faculties

1 examiner: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Mike Peters
2 examiner: Joachim Nigg, PhD
head: Univ.-Ass. Dr. Robert Schorn

Topic of the master's thesis:

"Image and sound quality in advertising videos: Influence on sustainable products” (“Bild- und Tonqualität in Werbevideos: Einfluss auf nachhaltige Produkte")


Valerie Günther

27.09.2024 @ 10:00, Meeting Room of the Faculties

1 examiner: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Tappeiner
2 examiner: Joachim Nigg, PhD
head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mike Peters

Topic of the master's thesis:

"The importance of sustainability aspects when choosing a destination: A best-worst scaling approach" (“Die Bedeutung von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten bei der Destinationswahl: Ein Best-Worst-Scaling Ansatz”)--------

Ekaterina Ukhaneva

27.09.2024 @ 11:00, Meeting Room of the Faculties

1 examiner: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Mike Peters
2 examiner: Joachim Nigg, PhD
head: Assoc.-Prof. PD Marco Haid, PhD

Topic of the master's thesis:

“The role of satisfaction with tourism vocational education and training in the career decisions of prospective professionals. The case of vocational tourism schools in Tyrol”



 18.10.2024 @ 14:00, SR 6 SoWi

Examiner: ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Mag. Dr. Veronika Eberharter

Topic of the master's thesis:

"Micro Finance as a Tool for Women Economic Empowerment - Empirical Evidence from Tanzania 2000 - 2020"

Interested colleagues are very welcome! 

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