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DOCC.EU HOME – Universität Innsbruck

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MSCA COFUND Doctoral Programme
DOCC: Dynamics of Complex Continua

DOCC is an interdisciplinary Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND doctoral programme at the University of Innsbruck that is training 15 PhD research fellows for 3 years on modelling and simulation of complex dynamical continuum systems in research fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, atmospheric sciences, material and engineering sciences, and computer science.

Training Europe's next top modellers

DOCC provides training in both research-relevant and professional skills, by building expertise in the seminal fields of computational material, fluid and gas dynamics, which procure multiple topical technological, societal and medical applications relevant to climate, energy, safety, or nano and life sciences.

All of these areas require a capability for predictive modelling and in-depth understanding of structural and dynamical properties of matter and materials, which often show a high level of dynamic complexity.

DOCC prepares Europe's next top modellers to link simulations and the real world within a multi-disciplinary environment, by providing beyond essential technical expertise also the training in key abilities to communicate and transfer methods and results.

Dynamic environment and excellent outlooks

Located in the heLFU Hauptgebaeude 405x104art of the Alps, the University of Innsbruck is the largest research and education institution in western Austria, with more than 28'000 students and 4'800 staff and faculty members, and provides an inspiring multidisciplinary atmosphere and excellent facilities for research and learning in a spectacular environment.

The future career perspectives of PhD researchers in our DOCC programme will be enhanced by a global network of 23 contributing academic, industrial and public-sector organisations.



Dr. Irmgard Juen

Universität Innsbruck
Technikerstrasse 25
6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA / EUROPE

Tel.:  +43 512 507 - 52725

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847476.

Co-funded by the European Union


next Defense:
7th PhD defense: Margot Boughhelilba
13.05.2024, 15:30, room 8/18, Victor Franz Hess building
6th PhD defense: Thi Tam Dang
05.04.2024, 10:00, HS B9, Technik
5th PhD defense: Miriam Chillemi
22.03.2024, 11:00, HS B6, Technik
4th PhD defense: Simon Göppel
08.03.2024, 14:30, HS 11, Technik

3rd PhD defense: Alexander Moriggl
16.11.2023, 10:00, SR Mathematik, 7th floor

2nd PhD defense:  Nancy Pomarici
03.11.2023, 12:00, L.01.220 at the CCB

1st PhD defense: Shokirbek Shermukhamedov
09.03.2023, 10:00, SR 3/36



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