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EPoS Winter Summit – Universität Innsbruck
Invitation to the biannual meeting

EPoS Winter Summit

Friday, 16th December 2022

9 am – 1 pm

Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck

9.00 Welcome

9.15 Keynote – Natalie Sebanz
Professor in Cognitive Science at Central European University

The social nature of human minds: Fostering pro-sociality through joint action?

Knowing what people are like may help with designing interventions that facilitate societal transitions towards inclusive and sustainable ways of living together. In this talk, I will review psychological research that has focused on humans’ tendency to cooperate and coordinate. In particular, I will discuss how the motivation to act together, the existence of joint goals, and the experience of commitment shape human social interactions. I will also consider effects of acting in synchrony, experiences of joint agency, and the role of diversity in groups. The talk will show how an interactive and embodied perspective on social interaction can serve to identify processes and dispositions involved in cooperation and coordination. These, in turn, may inform interventions aimed at promoting pro-social and pro-environmental behavior.

10.15 - 10.45h Coffee Break

10.45 – 11.15h Poster Session

11.15 – 12.45h “Quo vadis?” 2 years EPoS – Panel discussion about the next stage

Followed by lunch (optional with registration)

Natalie Sebanz

Portrait Natalie Sebanz

Natalie Sebanz is a Professor in Cognitive Science at Central European University. Her research interests revolve around the cognitive and neural basis of social interaction, with a special focus on how we coordinate our actions with others. Currently her main interest is how we learn by participating in joint actions and by observing others acting together (funded by an ERC Consolidator grant). Having obtained her PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research, Munich, she has held appointments at Rutgers University (US), the University of Birmingham (UK), and Radboud University (NL). Natalie is a recipient of the European Science Foundation`s Young Investigator Award and the Young Mind and Brain Prize.

Research Area EPoS – Economy, Politics & Society
Universität Innsbruck

Eva Zipperle-Mirwald

Room o.1.3
Universitätsstraße 15
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507-39870

Data protection notice

Photographs (or screenshots) and/or films may be taken during this event. By attending the event, you acknowledge that photographs and video footage of you may be used for press coverage and published in various (social) media, publications and on websites of the University of Innsbruck. For further information on data protection, please see our privacy policy at:

We ask you to travel in an environmentally friendly way! By public transport, on foot or by bicycle. There are sufficient bicycle parking spaces available. Information on public transport can be found at

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