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“Integrating Insights from Science and Philosophy into Theology”

End of the project:
August 31, 2018

Contact us:

Georg Gasser
Program Administrator

+43 (0)512 507 8644

+43 (0)512 507 2736

Institut für Christliche Philosophie
Universität Innsbruck
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

Logo of the University Innsbruck
Supported by a grant from the
Logo of the Templeton Foundation



September 12-14, 2018: International Conference "Analytic Theology and the Tri Personal God: the Trinitarian Renewal in Analytic Tradition", at UCL - Louvain-la-Neuve.

September 4-5, 2018: Workshop "Sinlessness and Human Perfection in Islam and Christianity", with Jeffrey Siker, Mohammed Legenhausen and Mohammed Ansaripur at the Katholische Akademie Schwerte.

August 6-8, 2018: Conference "The Nature of God: Personal and a-personal concepts of the divine" in Innsbruck.

July 26 - August 4, 2018: Summer School 2018: "The Nature of God: Personal and a-personal concepts of the divine" in Innsbruck.

June 20-23, 2018: Summer School for pupils: "'Der echte Ring / vermutlich ging verloren' (G.E. Lessing) – Zum spannungsreichen Verhältnis von Religion und Wahrheit" in Mainz.

June 6, 2018: Workshop "The Human and Divine Nature(s) of Christ" with Timothy Pawl (St. Thomas University) at the University of Paderborn.

June 5-7, 2018: International Conference "God, Creation and Time". Catholic University in Ruzomberok/Slovakia.

June 1-2, 2018: International Conference "Inkarnation als Revision des klassischen Theismus? / Incarnation: Confirmation or Transformation of Classical Theism?" in Augsburg.

May 29-31, 2018: Workshop "Philosophical Interpretations of the Book of Job and the Problem of Evil: Jewish and Christian Perspectives" in Munich.

March 12 / 13, 2018: Conference "Zeit - Sprache - Gott" in Munich. (Call for papers)

March 7, 2018: Panel Discussion "Is the Christian understanding of the personhood of God too anthropomorphic? An Eastern Orthodox contribution". First conference of the European Academy of Religion in Bologna.


August 8 - 11, 2017: Conferenz "Advancing and Challenging Classical Theism" in Munic (Conference Folder).

July 27 - August 6, 2017: Summer School "Advancing and Challenging Classical Theism" in Regensburg.

June 21 - 24, 2017: Summer School for pupils in Brixen (newspaper article).

May 25-27, 2017: Conference "Trinitätstheologie als Revision des klassischen Theismus?" in Augsburg.

May 12-13 and October 13-14, 2017: Workshops "Analytic Christology" in Schwerte.

April 3-4, 2017: Conference "Zeit - Sprache - Gott" in Munich. (call for papers)

January 10 - March 7, 2017: Workshop "Quantenphysik und Theologie" in cooperation with the KPH Edith Stein. Dates: January 10, February 21 and March 7, 2017 in Innsbruck.


June 9, 2016: Guest lecture by Holm Tetens (Berlin): "Schöpfergott oder Lückenbüßer? - Zur kosmologischen Dimension der Rede von Gott" in Munich.

May 12, 2016: Guest lecture by Volker Gerhardt (Berlin): "Glaube und Wissen" in Munich.

May 4, 2016: Guest lecture by Eleonore Stump (Saint Louis, MO): "The God of the Bible and the God of the Philosophers" in Munich.

April 27, 2016: Conferenc and workshops "Dies facultatis und Diözesantag 'Und ... bewegt sich doch!?' Personale Beziehung und Veränderlichkeit bzw. Zeitlichkeit Gottes" in Innsbruck.

April 14, 2016: Guest lecture by Lorenz B. Puntel (München): "Heute von Gott reden angesichts der innerphilosophischen Pluralität von Theorierahmen" in Munich.

March 14-15, 2016: Kick-off event of the international research project on "Religious Diversity" in St. Georgen/Frankfurt.

February 23, 2016: Study day "Glücklicher Zufall oder gelenkte Fügung? Die menschliche Existenz aus der Perspektive von Evolution und Schöpfung" in Mainz.

January 29-30, 2016: Conference "Handelt Gott? Das Wirken Gottes vor der menschlichen Vernunft" in Mainz.

January 20, 2016: Guest lecture by Holm Tetens (Berlin): "Warum Gott von uns definiert werden muss" in Innsbruck.

Events of the previous project Analytic Theology: The Convergence of Philosophy and Theology


August 4 - August 6, 2014:  International Conference “Divine Action in the World: Philosophical and Theological Inquiries” in Innsbruck.

July 24 - August 2, 2014:  Summer School “Divine Action in the World: Philosophical and Theological Inquiries” in Innsbruck.

June 5 - 7, 2014: Workshop "Divine Motivation vs. Human Autonomy. Meta-Ethics Between Autonomy and Heteronomy" in Munich.

May 20 - 21, 2014: Workshop "The Problem of Evil in the Contemporary Debate" in Innsbruck.

February 27 - March 1, 2014: Conference: "Den personalen Gott denken." Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutschsprachiger Philosophiedozentinnen und -dozenten im Studium der katholischen Theologie an wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen in Mainz.


October 25 - 26, 2013: Interdisciplinary Workshop Religious Feelings: The importance of feelings for Religious beliefs in Tübingen.

September 19 - 20, 2013: Conference “Faith, Knowledge and the Trinity” in Prague.

September 9 - 11, 2013: Analytic Theology Conference: Philosophical Perspectives on Theological Realism in Mainz.

September 6 - 7, 2013: International Conference Persons and Embodiment. A Contribution to the Metaphysics of Human Persons from a Dualistic Perspective in Frankfurt a. Main/St. Georgen.

August 26 - September 6, 2013: Summer School Philosophical Perspectives on Theological Realism in Mainz.

July 29 - August 1 2013: Workshop: The Problem of Evil in Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences in Munich.

July 25 - 28, 2013: International Conference Divine Attributes – A Dialogue between Analytic Philosophy and Systematic Theology in Augsburg.

June 5, 2013: Guest lecture on Omnisubjectivity by Linda Zagzebski (University of Oklahoma, USA) in Innbruck.

June 4, 2013: Workshop with Linda Zagzebski (University of Oklahoma, USA) in Innsbruck.

May/June 2013: 1st Research Seminar on the Nature of the Divine Mind organized by the Analytic Theology Group Innsbruck together with the Cluster-Group Augsburg (May 16 – 18, 2013 in Innsbruck and June 13 – 14, 2013 in Augsburg).

April 10 - 13, 2013: Workshop with Prof. Brian Leftow (Oxford) on "The temptations of Christ: How a God who cannot sin could be tempted" in Prague, Institute of Philosophy.

April 10 - 11, 2013: Workshop on "Contemporary Epistemology" with PostDoc-Fellows of the Templeton Project "New Insights and Directions for Religious Epistemology" (Oxford) in Innsbruck.

March 21, 2013: Workshop on Divine Foreknowledge with Mike Rota (St. Thomas University, USA) in Innsbruck.

March 14 - 16, 2013: Workshop „Reasoning from different religious perspectives”, Katholische Akademie Berlin.

January 17, 2013: Guestlecture by Thomas Marschler: "Diskussionen über die Allmacht Gottes in der Jesuitenscholastik des 17. Jahrhunderts" as part of the lecture series on "Divine Omnipotence: Theological and Philosophical Issues", Munich.


December 18, 2012: Guestlecture by Klaus von Stosch: "Modelle des Handelns Gottes" as part of the lecture series on "Divine Omnipotence: Theological and Philosophical Issues", Munich.

December 6, 2012: Guestlecture by Christian Tapp: "Allmacht und Unendlichkeit" as part of the lecture series on "Divine Omnipotence: Theological and Philosophical Issues", Munich.

November 29, 2012: Workshop with John Martin Fischer on Foreknowledge and Human Freedom, Innsbruck.

November 22, 2012: Guestlecture by Thomas Schärtl: "Kann man Gott irritieren? Anfragen aus der Sicht des Non-Interventionismus" as part of the lecture series on "Divine Omnipotence: Theological and Philosophical Issues", Munich.

November 8 - 10, 2012: Conference "Weltanschauung": Konturierungen eines umstrittenen Themas organized by the Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Religionsphilosophie together with the Department for Christian Philosophy at Innsbruck University, Innsbruck.

Winter term 2012/13: Lecture Series on Divine Omnipotence: Theological and Philosophical Issues, Munich.

October 3 - 5, 2012: Conference Alvin Plantingas "Warranted Christian Belief" in der Diskussion, Berlin.

September 27 - 29, 2012: Workshop Religious Feelings, Tübingen.

September 13 - 15 2012: Conference SOPhiA 2012 with symposium on Analytic Philosophy of Religion, Salzburg.

August 6 - 9, 2012: Conference Minds: Human and Divine – Explorations at the Interface Between Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Religion, Munich.
Interviews with speakers on questions discussed on the conference.

July 26 - August 4, 2012: Summer School Minds: Human and Divine – Explorations at the Interface Between Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Religion, Munich.

June 17 - July 6, 2012: J. Grössl and R. Schneider participate at the St. Thomas Summer Seminar on Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology.

May 22  – 25, 2012: Visit of E. Stump (St. Louis University): Workshop on "Wandering in Darkness" and public talk on "Natural Law, Metaphysics, and the Creator".

May 3 – 5, 2012: Logos Workshop, University of Notre Dame.

May – July 2012: Lecture series on the Evil, Munich.

April 26, 2012: Dies Academicus: Workshop on E. Stump’s “Wandering in Darkness”.

April 18, 2012: Andrew Pinsent (Oxford) on “Aquinas's Copernican Revolution of the Moral Life: From First-Person to Second-Person Virtue Ethics”.

March 13, 2012: Meeting of all Analytic Theology Fellows in Innsbruck.

February 16 - 19, 2012: Master-class "Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom" in Munich.
(Photo from the event)

February 4, 2012: Doctoral Colloquium Fundamental Theology in Munich with Prof. Klaas Kraay.

January 13 - 14, 2012: 2nd Research Seminar on the Trinity organized by the Cluster-Group Augsburg together with the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule der Salesianer Don Boscos Benediktbeuern.


October 28 - 29, 2011: 1st Research Seminar on the Trinity organized by the Cluster-Group Augsburg together with the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule der Salesianer Don Boscos Benediktbeuern.

June 27 - 29, 2011: International Conference in Philosophy of Religion: 'Philosophy of Religion in the 21st Century' at the Dominican Monastery (Stolarska Street 12), Crakow.

June 2 - 4, 2011: Logos 2011 at the McKenna Center Auditorium, University of Notre Dame.

April 15 - 16, 2011: Symposium "Seele oder Hirn? Vom Leben und Überleben der Personen nach dem Tod"
At the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt a. M.

March 16, 2011, 16:30: Opening Event Analytic Theology at the Kaiser-Leopold-Saal, Theology Faculty Innsbruck.
Guest speakers: Prof. Dr. Godehard Brüntrup SJ (Munich) and Prof. DDr. Thomas Schärtl (Augsburg)
Photos from the event

December 2, 2010, 11:00: Lecture by DDr. Winfried Löffler: Conceptual frameworks and ontological priority: An analytic approach to transcendental metaphysics. (Ramy pojęciowe i ontologiczny priorytet: analityczne podejście do metafizyki transcendentalnej.) at the Konferenzraum 120, Franciszkańska Str. 1, Pontifical University of John Paul II. in Cracow.

December 2, 2010, 10:15:  Lecture by Dr. Otto Muck SJ: Beitrag der transzendentalen Metaphysik zum Verständnis der Rationalität von Weltanschauung. (Wkład metafizyki transcendentalnej do rozumienia racjonalności świątopoglądu.) at the Konferenzraum 120, Franciszkańska Str. 1, Pontifical University of John Paul II. in Cracow.