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Projects – University of Innsbruck

Current Research/Projects


Title: Mathematics and Algorithms for Gyrokinetic and Kinetic Models
Project leader: Lukas Einkemmer (Funding body: EU - Eurofusion - Horizon 2020)

Designing fusion reactors (i.e. ITER) relies on a multitude of computer simulation in order to understand everything from equilibrium physics to plasma stability. In this project we are developing mathematical and numerical methods to enable the next generation of fusion codes.


Title: PRACE-6IP - PRACE 6th Implementation Phase Project
Sub-project leader: Alexander Ostermann (Funding body: EU - Horizon 2020)

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing is the permanent pan-European High Performance Computing service providing world-class systems for world-class science. Systems at the highest performance level (Tier-0) are deployed by Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland, providing researchers with more than 17 billion core hours of compute time. read more



Title: Exponential Integrators for Problems in magnetohydrodynamics
Project leader: Lukas Einkemmer (Funding body: FWF)

Solving the magnetohydrodynamics equations (a combination of the Navier-Stokes and Maxwell's equations) is challenging but extremely important for many plasma physics applications. In this project we study exponential integrators to efficiently solve such problems. This includes implementing them on modern computer hardware such as GPUs.


Title: Dynamics of Complex Continua - DOCC
Principal investigators: Lukas Einkemmer, Alexander Ostermann (Funding body: EU - Horizon 2020)

DOCC is an interdisciplinary doctoral program for international early-stage researchers on modelling and simulation in physics, chemistry, atmospheric sciences, material and engineering sciences, mathematics and computer science. It prepares Europe's next top modelers to link simulations and the real world within a multi-disciplinary environment.




Former Research/Projects (since 1996)


  • Digital Pro Bootcamp Data Science Tirol, FFG (T. Hell)
  • Computational Immediacy with K. Schinegger (PI) and S. Rutzinger (Co-PI), Subproject of the Special Research Programme (SFB), FWF (T. Hell)
  • Prognosemodelle für Verbrauch und Wartung beim Traktorenwerk Lindner GmbH (T. Hell)
  • HEATWEX - Heatwave Extremes, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik - ZAMG (T. Hell)
  • Neue Methoden zur Lösung der inhomogenen Vlasov-Gleichung, TWF (M. Gasteiger)
  • Exponentielle Integratoren für Probleme der Magnetohydrodynamik (L. Einkemmer)
  • Neue Methoden zur Lösung der inhomogenen Vlasov-Gleichung, Schiedel-Stiftung (M. Gasteiger)
  • Modulares und interaktives Online-Skript (T. Hell)
  • Solution of large-scale Lyapunov differential equations (H. Mena)
  • GIS-based model for simulation of avalanche and debris flows (A. Ostermann, W. Fellin)
  • Dimension splitting methods for hyperbolic problems (T. Hell)
  • High-resolution numerical schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws, and their performance on modern HPC architectures (A. Ostermann, M. Prugger)
  • Splitting methods for the Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Maxwell equations (A. Ostermann, L. Einkemmer)
  • Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling (Sabine Schindler; Christoph Adam; Thomas Fahringer; Günter Hofstetter; Alexander Kendl; Stefan Kimeswenger; Michael Oberguggenberger; Alexander Ostermann; Michael Probst; Olaf Reimer)
  • Numerical methods in Simulation and Optimal Control (H. Mena)
  • Räumliche Modellierung von Windextremwerten in Österreich (T. Hell)
  • Exponential integrators for modern many-core architectures (P. Kandolf, L. Einkemmer)
  • Computationally efficient exponential integrators (P. Kandolf)
  • Nowcasting und Warnung auf Basis von räumlichen Extremwerten - Grundlagen (T. Hell)
  • Kontrollierbarkeit der linearisierten Flachwassergleichungen (H. Mena)
  • Splitting-Verfahren für Evolutionsgleichungen. Operator splitting methods for evolution equations (A. Ostermann)
  • Splitting-Verfahren für Evolutionsgleichungen (A. Ostermann)
  • High-Order Exponential Integrators for Stiff Evolution Equations (Vu Thai Luan)
  • Splitting Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps (T. Hell)
  • Freiformflächen für ausgedehnte Lichtquellen (A. Ostermann)
  • Turns in alpine Skiing (A. Ostermann with P. Kaps)
  • Untersuchung von Operatorsplitting-Verfahren (A. Ostermann)
  • Webbasierende Prüfungsaufgabendatenbank zur studentischen Vorbereitung auf Mulitple-Choice-Tests (T. Hell)
  • Gitterfreie exponentielle Integratoren (S. Rainer)
  • Splitting-Verfahren auf allgemeinen Gebieten (K. Schratz)
  • ACOSTA - Advanced COncept for STructure Analysis of large lightweight structures (A. Ostermann with M. Oberguggenberger)
  • Webbasierende Aufgabendatenbank für Studierende, E-Learning (A. Ostermann)
  • E-Learning Applets Mathematik - englische Version (A. Ostermann with M. Oberguggenberger)
  • Java-Applets MIP, E-Learning (A. Ostermann)
  • Java-Applets als didaktisches Anreicherungskonzept (A. Ostermann with M. Oberguggenberger; J. Walde)
  • Discretizations of nonlinear parabolic equations (A. Ostermann with E. Hansen)
  • Innovative COncept for Nonlinear Analysis of lightweight structures (A. Ostermann with M. Oberguggenberger)
  • E-Learning der Mathemtiklehre der MIP (A. Ostermann)
  • Mathematisches Verfahren beim Brückenmonitoring zur Schadensfrüherkennung (A. Ostermann with M. Oberguggenberger)
  • Internal differentiation of nonlinear inelastic material models (A. Ostermann with W. Fellin)
  • Teilprojekt Sommerschulen in Toblach (A. Ostermann)
  • Numerical analysis of deterministic systems through stochastic techniques (A. Ostermann)
  • Wissenschaftliches Rechnen - Aufbau eines Bildungs- und Forschungsnetzwerkes zwischen den Universitäten Bozen, Innsbruck, Triest und Udine (InterregIII-A) (A. Ostermann)
  • Neue Medien in der Mathematik-Ausbildung - Teilprojekt Innsbruck (A. Ostermann with M. Oberguggenberger)
  • Dynamical systems (A. Ostermann)
  • Time discretization of parabolic evolution equations (A. Ostermann)
  • The long-time behaviour of discretizations of parabolic evolution equations (A. Ostermann)
  • Discretization of parabolic evolution equations by one-step methods (A. Ostermann)


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