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Other relevant publications of Bernhard Flucher
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Other relevant publications of Bernhard Flucher

2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004


Campiglio, M., Di Biase, V., Tuluc, P., and Flucher, B.E. (2013)
Stable incorporation vs. dynamic exchange of b subunits in a native calcium channel complex.
J. cell Sci., 126:2092-2101.


Nakada,T., Flucher, B.E., Kashihara, T., Sheng, X., Shibazaki, T., Horiuchi-Hirose, M., Gomi, S., Hirose, M., and Yamada, M. (2012)
Proximal C-terminus of a1C subunits is necessary for junctional membrane-targeting of cardiac L-type calcium channels.
Biochem. J. 448:221-231Sep 22.


Tuluc, P. and Flucher, B.E. (2011).
Divergent biophysical properties and functions of the two skeletal muscle CaV1.1 calcium channel splice variants
J. Muscel Res. cell Motil., 32:249-256. Review Article

Flucher, B.E. and Tuluc, P. (2011)
A new L-type calcium channel isoform required for normal patterning of the developing neuromuscular junction.
Channels. 5:518-524. Review Article

Di Biase, V., Tuluc, P., Campiglio, M., Obermair, G.J., Heine, M. and Flucher, B.E. (2011)
Surface traffic of dendritic CaV1.2 calcium channels in hippocampal neurons.
J. Neurosci., 31:13682–13694.


Pirone A, Schredelseker J, Tuluc P, Gravino E, Fortunato G, Flucher BE, Carsana A, Salvatore F, Grabner M. (2010)
Identification and functional characterization of malignant hyperthermia mutation T1354S in the outer pore of the Cavalpha1S-subunit.
Am J Physiol cell Physiol. 2010 Dec;299(6):C1345-54. Epub 2010 Sep 22.

Flucher BE. (2010)
Rem-induced inhibition of Ca2+ channels--a three-pronged assault.
J Physiol. 2010 Jun 1;588(Pt 11):1801-2. No abstract available.

Obermair GJ, Schlick B, DiBiase V, Subramanyam P, Gebhart M, Baumgartner S, and Flucher BE (2010)
Reciprocal interactions regulate targeting of calcium channel b subunits and membrane expression of a1 subunit in cultured hippocampal neurons.
J. Biol. Chem. 285:5776-5791.

Schlick B, Flucher BE, and Obermair GJ (2010)
Voltage-activated calcium channel (CaV) expression profiles in mouse brain and cultured hippocampal neurons.
Neuroscience 167:786–798.

Flucher BE (2010)
Rem-induced inhibition of Ca2+ channels – a three-pronged

J. Physiol. 588:1801–1802. Perspective Article


Di Biase V, Obermair GJ, and Flucher BE (2009)
Resolving sub-synaptic compartments with double immunofluorescence labeling in hippocampal neurons.
J. Neurosci. Methods 176:78-84.

Tuluc P, Molenda N, Schlick B, Obermair GJ, Flucher BE, and Jurkat-Rott K (2009)
A CaV1.1 channel splice variant with high conductance and voltage-sensitivity alters EC-coupling in developing skeletal muscle.
Biophys. J.96:35-44.

Mackrill JJ, England K, Flucher BE, and McCarthy TV (2009)
„Shotgun immunological” approach for analysis of a complex subcellular system.
Int. J. Mol. Med. 23:399-405.

Subramanyam P, Obermair GJ, Baumgartner S, Gebhart M, Striessnig J, Kaufmann WA, Geley S, and Flucher BE (2009)
Activity and calcium regulate nuclear targeting of the calcium channel b4b subunit in nerve and muscle cells.
Channels 5:343-355.


Obermair GJ, Tuluc P, and Flucher BE (2008)
Auxiliary Ca2+ channel subunits: Lessons learned from muscle.
Curr. Opin. Pharmacol.8:311-318. Review Article

Di Biase V, Obermair GJ, Szabo Z, Altier C, Sanguesa J, Bourinet E and Flucher BE (2008)
Stable membrane expression of postsynaptic CaV1.2 calcium channel clusters is independent of interactions with AKAP79/150 and PDZ proteins.
J. Neurosci. 28:13845-13855.


Tuluc P, Kern G, Obermair GJ, Kugler G, and Flucher BE (2007)
Depletion of the a2d-1 subunit from L-type Ca2+ channel alters cardiac action potential duration and myoplasmic Ca2+ transients.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA104:11091-11096.

Bleunven C, Treves S, Leo E, Ronjat M, De Waard M, Kern G, Flucher BE, and Zorzato F (2007)
SRP-27 is a novel component of the supramolecular signaling complex involved in skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling.
Biochemical J. 411:343-349.


Szabo Z, Obermair GJ, Cooper CB, Zamponi GW, and Flucher BE (2006)
Role of the synprint site in presynaptic targeting of the calcium channel CaV2.2 in hippocampal neurons.
Eur.  J. Neurosci.24:709-718.


Kern G and Flucher BE (2005)
Localization of transgenes and genotyping of H-2Kb-tsA58 transgenic mice.

Obermair GJ, Kugler G, Baumgartner S, Tuluc P, Grabner M, and Flucher BE (2005)
The Ca2+ channel a2d-1 subunit determines Ca2+ current kinetics in skeletal muscle but not targeting of a1S or excitation-contraction coupling.
J. Biol. Chem. 280:2229-2237. (Epub 2004 Nov 9).

Schuhmeier RP, Gouadon E, Ursu D, Kasielke N, Flucher BE, Grabner M, and Melzer W (2005)
Functional interaction of Cav channel isoforms with ryanodine receptors studied in dysgenic myotubes.
Biophys. J.88:1765-1777. [Epub 2004 Dec 30.]

Flucher BE, Obermair GJ, Tuluc P, Kern G, Schredelseker J, and Grabner M (2005)
The role of auxiliary dihydropyridine receptor subunits in muscle.
J. Muscle Res. cell Motil. 26:1-6 [Epub 2005 Aug 9] Review Article

Schredelseker J, Di Biase V, Obermair GJ, Felder ET, Flucher BE, Franzini-Armstrong C, and Grabner M (2005)
The β1a subunit is essential for the assembly of dihydropyridine-receptor arrays in skeletal muscle.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:17219-17224.


Obermair GJ, Szabo Z, Bourinet E, and Flucher BE (2004)
Differential targeting of the L-type Ca2+ channel 1C (CaV1.2) to synaptic and extrasynaptic compartments in hippocampal neurons.
Eur.  J. Neurosci. 19, 2109-2122.